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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.14679836

>those subs
>those views
jesus christ. do you think they regret investing on these?

>> No.14679868
File: 17 KB, 812x92, itsuki....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what went so wrong... RFA is usually a buff game.

>> No.14680033

Snoy happened

>> No.14681388
File: 1.71 MB, 1920x1080, FGmJyItUUAELmcI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uno in 45 minutes!

>> No.14682544

Glad to see Uno getting some money.

>> No.14682558

The hag sounds so happy to share her hobby, I love her already

>> No.14682587

oh nice a versen thread

>> No.14683467

She’s very enthusiastic

>> No.14684273

Uno keeps choosing the same wrong door every time.

>> No.14684323

Wasted potential thanks to shitty management and shitty company
I'm watching sheep play pokemon.

>> No.14684368

The girls should regret joining SNOY, the company is surviving thanks to their FGO quick bucks, and there's no talent handling the company right now. Its basically a failed corporation.

>> No.14684382

They clearly didn't. People don't even know that this group debuted.

>> No.14684461

They are just repeating the disaster that happened in 22/7. They will just blame everything on their vtubers and call it a failed investment and sweep everything under the rug.

>> No.14684575

>I heard this game takes 3 hours to beat on average
>I bet I can beat faster because I'm really good at puzzles!
>*immediately dies*

>> No.14685186

That brat...

>> No.14686858

Alright, looks like it's a man's job to come in and drop the hammer on why they're currently absolute failures relative to what you'd expect from Sony vtubers:

First off, orange woman is the most pleasant to listen to out of the whole bunch. However, none of them strike me as stellar performers.

Secondly, they're streaming in Japanese for a company people don't like, which will hard filter EOPs. Meanwhile, lack of brand recognition will filter slanty eyed bugs because eastern culture values status and belonging most of all.

Thirdly, I'd have to question how much training and investment Sony even puts into their vtubers. Hololive holds a gun to their head and glares angrily at them until they do their singing, dancing and dicksucking reps. If these are just random ascended indies with no polish they're gonna have a tough time competing if Sony's not willing to overshadow the rest of the playing field by dumping tons of money into production values, promotional material, tie ins, and all the other bells and whistles that go into building a multimedia franchise.

This is probably why they get shit numbers. You can't just shove milktoast randos into cartoon avatars and expect them to wreck face. A chuba needs to be a professional (You) farmer, and neither Sony nor their chubas seem prepared to take the current market by the nads.

>> No.14687261

How do I save all of them?

>> No.14687821

is hiker chuuba a good niche?

>> No.14687972

Get off your fucking high horse. I hate how little effort Sony put into promoting their brand and I'm not going to invest any money into VERSEn but the vtubers themselves are fine. Not everyone has to be some kind of hard-trained idol to be an entertaining streamer. Also I saw a few streams of Laplus and she gives off similar vibes to Uno, just with more roleplaying.

>> No.14688584

I haven't seen any of the members except Uno (and don't plan to watch the others as well) but was pleasantly surprised to be as entertained by her as I am. I didn't initially expect to watch a Basedny chuuba but clips convinced me to give her a try. Hate the company, love the vtuber. As long as I see them seperately I can enjoy her

>> No.14688802

Latest News:
Uno hit her face with her mic stand.

>> No.14689106

Fuck. Didn't know typing that would turn automatically turn it into "Based". Some BS

>> No.14690782
File: 770 KB, 1705x958, firefox_mZ0IMZSNhZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She beat it in less than 3 hours. Good job, Uno.

>> No.14691189

>Uno hasn't peed at all during the stream
Do these people just dehydrate themselves before streaming? That's not healthy.

>> No.14691252

Uno's pee retention endurance stream when?

>> No.14691406
File: 284 KB, 433x442, cute (and funny).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I were her toilet right now

>> No.14694573

Can someone here help me figure out what this section is about? My nihongo reps aren't quite good yet...
https://youtu.be/33pZ9z107y4?t=8043 (if timestamp fails, it's at 2:14:00)
She was recording something yesterday and after she was able to listen to Oto-chan while she was recording? It was her first time in a recording studio so she was excited/nervous. She really like Oto-chan's singing, thinks she's like a pro? Uno doesn't handle parting (of meetups) well and felt lonely, then requested "something selfish" and they all went to karaoke together? Uno was happy and had a lot of fun.
I hope I got it all correct...

>> No.14697378
File: 91 KB, 1024x675, FEkD1SeVcAA6Bi6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14697581

I want to have sex with Itsuki.

>> No.14697917
File: 763 KB, 728x663, winku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but 2012 Uno.

>> No.14699795

>Uno doesn't handle parting (of meetups) well and felt lonely, then requested "something selfish" and they all went to karaoke together?
This part I'm not sure about.
I think she said they had lunch together, then they went to karaoke once all the recording was done.
And yes, Uno thinks Oto-chan is a pro considering how well she sings, and how good her original song is. And she was happy and-JESUS CHTRIST WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT BLUE GUY

>> No.14705628

Yeah that was my weakest part of the entire thing. Seems like I got the gist of it though, nice. The timing of the oni was perfect^^

>> No.14709685

>got the gist of it
Yeah you got like 90% of it so it's fine.
And yeah the oni really cut her mid-sentence, she even complained about it haha.
I don't like "horror" games because of the jumpscares, otherwise I would've watched her live.

>> No.14710040

welcome newfriend anomalous never forget
