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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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14505597 No.14505597 [Reply] [Original]

For the ケイソン組 and 桐生会

>> No.14505885


Sounds like she's back to normal. Sounds like she really wanted to do Minecraft, and there should be Matrix Reloaded member watchalong tonight if she sticks to her usual schedule.

>> No.14506106

>there should be Matrix Reloaded member watchalong tonight
I missed the first one, did she like it?

>> No.14506130

she was really into it

>> No.14506467

Yea, which is why it's unfortunate she's continuing the series. Maybe she'll enjoy how terrible the sequels are.

>> No.14506727

Anon you're forgetting this is the Kusoge queen

>> No.14508619

From my understanding a lot of people still liked Reloaded despite the lower quality. Now her watching Animatrix would be cool as hell. Though with the 4th movie on the horizon she might just stick with the films.

>> No.14508875

I have wandered into your oshi’s thread to share my matrix opinions. I picked up the 4K rereleases and rewatched them earlier this year and I honestly think I like Reloaded just a smidge more than the first one. Revolutions is far and away the dumbest of the three but I still enjoyed the whole thing.

>> No.14509242

Holy shit she's gonna play Minecraft

>> No.14509436

The hate for Reloaded is overblown but the original has the best script and the better choreographed fights by far. Reloaded is like michael bay shlock by comparison though Persephone's rack does a lot to make up for it.

>> No.14509462

Will there be anyone else on the server?

>> No.14509700

Eh it’s schlock, but it’s high quality Wachowski schlock. I also liked Speed Racer a lot

>> No.14509872

Maybe, nobody has any scheduled streams up so it will be a surprise. I assume a couple will probably log in.

>> No.14510189

I hope they do.
Need not be on call or even have to constantly be with them, but just having someone else also on the server that you can check things with by chat ("where can I find sand" etc.) would be nice.

>> No.14510499

Yeah, I don't think anyone "hates" reloaded.
It just didn't live up to expectations in terms of concepts/story and it got confusing for most people at the end. It's definitely the superior movie in terms of cinematography and visual effects (that look dated now, but were pretty good back in 2002)
Revolutions was a disappointment because they tried exploring new concepts but not really, and leaned in too heavily on a very linear plot that didn't have much scope to begin with. It's still a good movie, just not great.

I'm sure she will absolutely enjoy reloaded. It's cool, sexy, and can be enjoyed the most with 0 understanding of any of the concepts about the program world. Plus there's some romance and emotional moments thrown in as well. She'll definitely like it.

>> No.14510698

All I remember about Revolations is that the big climax looked worse than video games I was playing at the time.

>> No.14511514

is she avoiding the americans?
minecraft is gonna be at 4 in the morning

>> No.14511904

>18:00 minecraft
>22:00 watchalong
I guess she wants to play more than 2 hours on the server + the usual superchat reading.

>> No.14514358
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>> No.14515033

I've started to randomly fall into imagining my life with Souchou. I'm getting in too deep. Help me.

>> No.14516200

>astro-projecting into のぞむ

>> No.14516575

Starting in a moment!

>> No.14516766

Jesus that background, just put the game in fullscreen...

>> No.14517085

I missed this.
I really fucking missed this.

>> No.14517275

>You guys will never be parents
please stop...

>> No.14518456

Memes with Pikamee again next week.

>> No.14518629


>> No.14518746

>Koheita is putting all his torches on the same side of the mine to avoid getting lost, Kson just walks through throwing them up on both sides randomly

>> No.14518794

Taishi you fucking adorable cute simp lol

>> No.14518847

>are we gonna see a certain ANGEL VTUBER in this server?
Why are these EOP superchats so fucking obnoxious?

>> No.14518980

Minecraft not in the Hololive server. Sad reminder.

>> No.14519034

This bitch is dead to me.

>> No.14519053

They can't 空気読み

>> No.14519919

Everything EOPs do is obnoxious

>> No.14520028

To spice things up and distinguish her server in plethora of other vtuber Minecraft servers she should have add some mods.
I like chaos

>> No.14520576

She's talking about this thread...

>> No.14520670

> Isareal

What should we do?

>> No.14520785

Well risu, mori and kiara has been going to this site for ages and most likely gura knows this place

Not surprised kson does too

you can practically google this place

>> No.14520805

Please take your medication

>> No.14520820

She's just talking about antis in general, not this thread.

>> No.14520864

Oh looooooool

>> No.14521235

Just another person to gain success out of spite I suppose

>> No.14521279

18go is a cute stalker

>> No.14521305

Not in general, but about the new kind she noticed, the "pretending to be a fan"
>I'm a fan/i don't mind it, but everyone else think....

>> No.14521574

Ahh not the torches, my OCD...

>> No.14521579

That friend whose 'worries she absorbed' was Rushia, right?

>> No.14521605

>Played far cry and mist off stream
I suppose, only Minecraft and kusogames for us.

>> No.14521611


>> No.14521672
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I'm glad she's always helping others but if it's starting to affect her then maybe she should get some distance.

>> No.14521757


>> No.14521769

Thank god she doesn't visit this place.
Imagine a fan suggesting shit like this >>14521672 to you.

>> No.14521806

as expected, she absorbed Rushia's negativity... i hope holomens visits her when they don't need advices too, if not this would be insanely sad.

>> No.14521939

Well Rushia is a true friend and they do hang-out just for fun.
However, maybe Cover should assume mental health is an actual thing (i know, shocking) and hire some therapists instead of relying on an indie.

>> No.14521961

From what I understand she visited her after a really long time. Friends shouldn't just be there for tough times - she needs to be a part of the fun times too.
Although with rushia it's been pretty rough.

>> No.14521960

yeah... I remembered this now

>> No.14522025

The get-together was with a bunch of people. Not just her. And it had nothing to do with cover.

>> No.14522027

But you listed Kusogames?

>> No.14522072


I vaguely remember Senzawa making it pretty clear at least twice that she visited this site.

>> No.14522144

Anon made a valid suggestion. I constantly suffer anxiety with forming friendships simply out of worry that when they need someone to talk out their problems with I'll say the worst thing imaginable or not know what to say.

>> No.14522355


Holy fuck, faggot. A friend is not a psychiatrist.

>> No.14522386

Let's be honest, most people in here has zero capability of keeping up friendships.
This is the last place to look for relationship advice.

>> No.14523381

there is no proof that that friend was rushia

>> No.14523558

It could be Lamy, i know she had a problem with anti SCs and i do know Lamy is very close to Kanata and they seem to have bonded in the couple of monhun collabs they did.
Or could it could be another random holo that hasn't even talked about her worries and just asked for kson's advise.
At the end of the day who it was is irrelevant, the real problem is her becoming a sponge for the problems and negativity of others.

>> No.14523561

Talking to friends about your problems is okay, talking about something literally so depressing that your friend doesn't want to work because she doesn't want to talk about anything funny for a week is something that you should leave to the professionals instead.

>> No.14523708

Japan has no professionals, they only NOW have started to even believe mental health exists (possibly purposefully stagnated as proper mental health would kill Black Companies) and even if they adopted it they would probably be the type who go 'Yup, Depressed, take these emotion killing pills' that the west has and still suffers from

>> No.14523927


>> No.14524129

I wonder what surprise she was talking about, a new outfit maybe?

>> No.14524297

Souchou cosplay, calling it

>> No.14524564

She went drinking with choco and mel after than collab right and got home around 8am

Wont be surprised if rushia lamy and the others all met up and got drunk with em too

>> No.14524753

Meeting that friend happened the day before the gurison stream.

>> No.14524792

She suffers this well known condition that introverts have,
>When you come to me i will listen to you and help you with all my might.
>When i have a problem, i won't even consider taking your time, i can handle it myself.

>> No.14524915

That is when her friends should "annoy" her until she tell what's on her mind

>> No.14524946

I don't know what you think i said, my point is that Cover has the money to hire therapists to help the only people that actually matter and makes them successful instead of ignoring the problem and relying on an indie for the mental health of some of their talents.
They make more than enough money with all the merch, ticket sales and SCs to hire a couple of professionals, wouldn't you agree?

>> No.14525007

Her roommate implied it was her, but the timeline doesn't match exactly what Kson said about it. Kson might have hung out with Rushia and then someone else later, or they might be deliberately misleading for privacy reasons. We will never know for sure so there isn't much point to speculating.

>> No.14525035

>mental health problems don't exist in Japan.
t. executive over 50yo

>> No.14525146

How is therapy relevant you stupid faggot. They talk to kson as a friend.

>> No.14525254

>How is therapy relevant
How about you read the thread instead of replying without even attempting to understand the problem?

>> No.14525284

So you can't explain? Thought so you stupid nigger.

>> No.14525372

Here, open wide since apparently you're too dumb to even read the thread you are posting in and need to be spoonfed like a baby >>14523561

>> No.14525405

You don't know what they talked about you faggot. Stop bringing unrelated topics like cover and health therapists in here you dumb piece of shit.

>> No.14525436

Pretty sure this retard is underage, he certainly posts like one.

>> No.14525521

Kson needs to stop being so empathic especially since it impacts her own working habits. Whatever he friend told her put out for a week and lost about a week worth an revenue and was under emotional distress.

>> No.14525668

>kson should be a selfish asshole like me

>> No.14525708

She said that was the reason? according to her twits she had problems thinking about new contents or maybe her friend had the same problem...

>> No.14525742

Your chink oshi is gone and erased, coming here to act like a retard will not bring her back.

>> No.14525793

What do chinks have to do with talking to your friends. The only one needing a therapist here is you you fucking schizo.

>> No.14525955

I am now realizing that every scene that I remembered from Matrix 3 is actually in Matrix 2. What the fuck even happens in the third one?

>> No.14526008

Isn't 3 the one where the city gets invaded by those machines?

>> No.14526015

>cover is relying on an indie for mental health
Again, like I said, this has nothing to do with cover
And it wasn't an indie, it was a group of friends.
Stop being so retarded

>> No.14526044

>it was a group of friends.
Kson consoled her friend alone. The big party was the day after with different people.

>> No.14526049

Yeah me too lol

>> No.14526083

>this has nothing to do with cover
Hololive talents havening mental problems has nothing to do with Cover? You realize how ridiculous you sound, right?
>And it wasn't an indie, it was a group of friends.
You don't even know which friend is talking about or when it happened, what affected kson was clearly not in a group setting, stop assuming things.
>Stop being so retarded
You're in no position to be calling anyone retarded.

>> No.14526134

Watch her member stream on Mildom before you say bullshit.

>> No.14526142

can you make a new thread to talk about cover health coverage, thanks.

>> No.14526192

The only thing this thread needs is for retards that don't even watch kson to get the fuck out and go back to whatever shithole they came from.

>> No.14526221

Neo is put in the recycle bin (the train station) and "learns what he needs to do". His powers start extending to the real world somehow.
He meets the oracle 2.0 who tells about smith overwriting himself into all programs and hosts.
Neo and trinity go up to the surface, but agent smith downloads himself into a guy who blinds neo and hurts trinity
Meanwhile zion is invaded by the machines and it's just a continuous battle scene.
Finally neo and trinity crashland on the surface (trinity dies). Neo makes a deal with the cpu of the machines - he stops smith and the machines leave zion alone.
Neo fights smith dbz style, and allows smith to write his code into him.
However at this point as neo is plugged into the mainframe, they get a sample of smith's malicious code, and the machines just do a ctrl+h to get rid of him.
The world is reset.

>> No.14526228

I dunno. The only thing that I'm fairly certain about is that Neo goes blind. Or maybe that's in 2 also.

>> No.14526233

you first nigger

>> No.14526527

Wait, so you took that as "felt really bad for my friend = slump for a week"?
Fucking eop's again
How fucking hard is it to do basic listening comprehension

>> No.14526627

That is literally what she said. Do your reps and take your meds.

>> No.14526630

Other anon. How did you buy the subscripton? I can't even with VPNs...

>> No.14526662


>> No.14526664

Mobile app so it goes through Google/Apple's payment system instead.

>> No.14527179
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>103 post
>only 3 images

>> No.14527213

Too busy watching matrix lol

>> No.14527282

well, Kson/Souchou fanart amount is abysmal, and more than half of it it's shitty, artists will make fanart for those who get them clout, she is not one of them.

>> No.14527332
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>> No.14527377

Uh, you need to look at her art tags more often, she gets great fanart all the time.

>> No.14527654
File: 445 KB, 1423x2214, FGaRFrmVcAAYp9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she gets some, but compare it to Coco, then you know what my post meant.

>> No.14527870
File: 123 KB, 750x750, cringe_chisato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retard who can't draw comlaining about "bad" art

>> No.14528212

you seem irritated, is it possibly yours?

>> No.14528232

Is there spoiler after the post-credits scene in the Amazon version too?

>> No.14528589

I think The Animatrix would only confuse her even more.

>> No.14528630

it's just the matrix but no neo

>> No.14528998
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Did Rika mention anything about when they're planning to do those collabs?

>> No.14529015
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>> No.14529208

Fuck no mildom in my country. I guess I'll change the country of my google account

>> No.14529235

just download the apk from somewhere

>> No.14529450
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>> No.14529548

I think cicadas life a really long time under the ground

>> No.14529650

Does Tatsunokoojisan have another twitter account? Weird how he completely stopped interacting with Kson's after doing it for months.

>> No.14529753

He's either dead or has a new oshi now, like most tatsunokos.

>> No.14529802

Uh, most tatsunokos are watching kson.

>> No.14529805

They're not really your friend if they can't handle you telling them about how your dad molested you and it really messed you up cause now that he's dead you aren't getting any action.

>> No.14529813

Unless it's an imposter, he started showing up after Souchou's debut. Don't know if he has a new twitter or not though.

>> No.14529902

Reminder that this tweet about figuring out what she wanted to do on her own - https://twitter.com/ksononair/status/1469559159377264646
And this tweet about being in a creative slump - https://twitter.com/ksononair/status/1469563444865429504
Cancelling the collabs with her jp friends - https://twitter.com/ksononair/status/1468502761696538625
And making videos with scum like nux - https://twitter.com/ksononair/status/1469158280769716227

all these things happened because cover is a black company forcing their employees to only talk to indie streamers after killing their cats.

>> No.14529922 [SPOILER] 
File: 796 KB, 1280x720, Euphemia_Death[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*looks at the vod stats* that's right, sweetie.. .the tatsunokos... are all here... everything's great... in tatsunoko world...

>> No.14529963

She really struggles to convey her though in english

>> No.14529974

Yes. 17 years.
Numberphile did a video on it with Steve Mould.

>> No.14530017
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Uh, i don't know what "vod stats" are you looking at because her view numbers continue to be great, and let's not even talk about her superchat numbers.

>> No.14530106

Damm it interesting to hear her takes on nux vs vshojo stuff.

>> No.14530112
File: 308 KB, 1920x2160, cwg53mgk7t971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korone was probably the one who shone the most in her asacoco segments
such a shame there was never a Sega Girls collab
i was also waiting for an OkaKoroKanaCoco collab

>> No.14530132

She has around the same amount of members and regular viewers on chillax non event streams

So she still has mostly all of her fans that matter anyways

As you know even as coco she gets low viewership on kusoge, zatsudans and barcoco but spikes up during special streams (hair removal/meme review asacoco) or collabs

Kson just has less tourists now and grey comments due to not being associated with hololive anymore

>> No.14530173

She talking about it now. She just note that we should judge stuff without knowing the full story. Even she doesn't know about the drama

>> No.14530210


>> No.14530287

Please nobody be a spurg and tell her about all the stupid details she dosent need that right now

>> No.14530401

Do you guys think the friend she talking about is melody. It would make a lot of sense.

>> No.14530402

She doesn't need/want to know your bias "facts" anon

>> No.14530429

>Korone was probably the one who shone the most in her asacoco segments
Oh, definitely. Easily the highlight of that prisoner meeting segment at least. The recurring Korone corner was just her reading the script Coco wrote for her but the delivery was good, and the aeiou segment was Korone's idea. Always thought it was a bummer the aeiou segment just suddenly ended with Towa.

>> No.14530444

There's zero chance it isn't about Nux.

>> No.14530505

Why are you replying to yourself?

>> No.14530557
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>> No.14530587

You're trying too hard, put on a trip already.

>> No.14530593

He's called Shineitaiojisan now

>> No.14530614

Nah mel isnt the type and she kinda hates to involve random people into that shit

Not a great look for vshojo in general and im sure they want it to erase from history and forgotten as soon as possible

Inb4nuxbait responses dont bother

>> No.14530646


>> No.14530688

>This account doesn’t exist

>> No.14530700

We never got OkaKoro/KanaCoco but at least we got kanalamy shikoshiko, those MH streams are gold

>> No.14530742

I don't know about Twitter, but he's using that name on Youtube.

>> No.14530772

I don't have membership. Can someone give me a short summary of what she talked about?

>> No.14530779

Yea I know, I'm specifically asking about twitter. He used to just interact with Kson on his Coco account but he stopped completely, so I'm wondering if he has a new one.

>> No.14530789

No, get her membership or fuck off.

>> No.14530809

I would if I didn't lose my job.

>> No.14530818

She said don't be a cringe faggot online

>> No.14531103

This seems like anon is joking but yea

Dont be a dramafaggot online and make your oshi sad kids

>> No.14531135

shouldn't she start doing something to attract a new audience to add onto her hardcore fanbase then?

>> No.14531165

I love this bitch and her big round butt

>> No.14531173


>> No.14531187

Shielding yourself from criticism while demanding unconditional love and trust is also another point she made, unintentionally

>> No.14531281
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He’s still there, he just doesn't give her that much money anymore.

>> No.14531306 [DELETED] 

Seems shes a small bit protective with her fans.

>> No.14531570
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>> No.14531703
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I am eagerly awaiting that Lego Adidas show stream.

>> No.14531767

>Lego Adidas shoe
I completely forgot about that.

>> No.14531775

I'm honestly starting to thinks kson is starting to have an parasocial relationship with her fans. She seems pretty protective about her fanbase.

>> No.14531933

Starting to? She's been like that for a while.

>> No.14531935

You can't judge a conflict online because you can never see the entire picture of it. only the people implicated know, that's why she doesn't care to know about those dramas. Also, you're free to dislike people, just don't go to tell them to they face you hate them.

>> No.14531937

She's always been like this, she tries to hide it with jokes and stuff but she cares deeply about her fans, she wouldn't be asking us what to do in life-altering decisions and then doing exactly what we told her if she didn't, it's not just that she asks us (which is alrady huge), she also listened to us.

>> No.14531944

>She seems pretty protective about her fanbase.
They are her biggest source of income

>> No.14531978

It's not about money but of course you don't watch her streams nor can you understand what she says so you wouldn't know about it.

>> No.14531993

>I'm honestly starting to thinks kson is starting to have an parasocial relationship with her fans
Anon, she's been like this ever since she was Coco. That's why she's at the top of SC rankings. She remembers the names of at least one or two thousands of her fans that regularly donate to her.

>> No.14532088

She remembers the names of everyone that's a regular and that includes gray names.

>> No.14532107

You seem to not understand what I said. She needs to cultivate a good relationship with her fans, because that's how they return to her. She knows her popularity was achived because of their loyalty.

>> No.14532108


>> No.14532123

This is true. She even remembers me even though I haven't donated a single fucking cent to her.

>> No.14532348

Yes but you make it sound like it's something calculated when she treats people who only send her green supas the same way than those who akasupa her all the time, she even plays games gray names suggest, i remember once a gray asked her to play a certain horror game back when she was Coco and she said "okay" and streamed it the next day.

>> No.14532374

Yep shes a bit protective of her fans even before. I remember her saying in asacoco that seeing fans argue over her on twitter/yt comments and seeing her fans insulted really gets to her

>> No.14532496

I'm also a gray name and I was the one who suggested her to play Squid Game when I typed it in her free chat, which she replied to me instantly. I didn't expect her to be in free chat when I posted that message lmao

>> No.14532501

>Yes but you make it sound like it's something calculated when she treats people who only send her green supas
No that's you and your cynical imagination. She is doing basically what Iron Maiden does. She is protective because she's grateful towards them. And she is genuine about them, she knows loyalty is her biggest asset.

>> No.14532526

I meant Crab Game* not Squid Game.

>> No.14532640

She's always lurking in her free chat

>> No.14532859
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>> No.14532958

She still has a "vtuber mentality" in my opinion. Yes she's a vtuber, but even if we know a lot about her real life she stills apply that unspoken rule: "don't address your real issue directly to you audience", at least in some degree. Even in membership only stream (the few a have seen at least), she is vague as possible and she always mask her emotions and feelings to avoid making her fans worried/sad (sometimes it has the exact oppisite though). She reallly tries to "spread positiveness" among her fans... that's why she needs friends who can really listen to her problems, because won't tell them to us...

>> No.14532995

>Even in membership only stream (the few a have seen at least)
You should get her mildom membership then

>> No.14533130

anon I'm really trying to but Mildom it's a bitch who won't take my money because I'm a loser. But I won't give up!

>> No.14533292
File: 165 KB, 512x512, 60dfb9770f583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when Kson was good?

>> No.14533364


Mildom won't allow me to add a payment method normally, but it will allow me to add a card specifically for membership, for what it's worth.

>> No.14533679

She has tenshi

But i think even with her shes a bit hesitant to share all of her emotions in one go

>> No.14533813

Worst timing for bait there tourists
We just had an amazing stream with her lol

Go away dont ruin my high lol

>> No.14535140

I can't even find the option... thanks though I'll keep searching

>> No.14535255

should I un-member pikamee and beatani and use the money to join her mildom membership?

>> No.14535391

The streams are mostly onsen talk and one stream with valuable backlore don't join if you expect as much content as her youtube membership, it's mostly for the hardcore and when she needs to talk about serious stuff.

>> No.14535425

Not really, she rarely makes member streams on Mildom, although she decided to make one every month, "onsen membership streams on Mildom" those inside Ryokan short streams, if you are gachi go for it, if not, i wouldn't bother.

>> No.14535608

I thinks it's cheaper that those two memberships combined...

>> No.14536035

It's hard to share some stuff with Kanata because not only she will worry too much, she also has her own hands full with her own problems, on top of helping other members with theirs.

>> No.14537528


I found it by trying to use one of the membership emoji, IIRC.

>> No.14540209
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>> No.14540305
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>> No.14546639
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>> No.14552616

I still wonder whether that pocket is an intentional allusion. Feels like a bit of a stretch but you never know.

>> No.14554661
File: 297 KB, 500x1080, c8a172dfe3ecb916d07681323e1b263f9daea853cc15dd201b84873297ad3f5f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean it's Kanata's secondary (inner) colors on the heart, and the star pins are the exact same as on Kanata's costumes (though the pins are silver on the 2nd costume). With the two items side-by-side, its basically just a short leap away from simply embroidering "I LOVE KANATAN" on the pocket.

>> No.14555791

I'd be more convinced if it wasn't for it being a heart because the two of them never actually pushed for that kind of vibe with their dynamic. On the other hand I can see it being Yaman's idea.

>> No.14556046
File: 707 KB, 1119x822, 1638759470807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd be more convinced if it wasn't for it being a heart because the two of them never actually pushed for that kind of vibe with their dynamic.

>> No.14560268
File: 122 KB, 275x268, k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14560619


>> No.14561372

That image makes it look like a lighter shade of blue than it actually is.
The lighter blue on the fan art matches ppt's color more than the original color. So it may not be a reference to her, and might just be a reference the that shade of blue she dyed her hair with.

>> No.14562671
File: 1.00 MB, 1003x1602, FB0dS0YUUAI44i3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never thought about it but you made me get off the meds and put my goggles on. The color fits, in my opinion, and that circled star pattern inside the heart is interesting. Looks like several different symbols that are mostly hidden. The original sketch that yaman posted on twitter didn't have this heart embroidery design anywhere.

>> No.14563084

Heart Reminds me jojo tbqh

>> No.14564717
File: 39 KB, 500x500, 1625786871455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesterday she mentioned wanting to do a zatsudan, so that will probably be happening today. She also hit 1.05M subscribers this morning, so maybe there will be something celebratory instead like a karaoke stream finally.
She also has a scheduled Mildom stream at 1am JST, which she accidentally set up one week ago. Maybe she'll actually stream something there for the memes, like when Coco's first free chat ran out.

>> No.14565526
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>> No.14567317
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>> No.14568383


>> No.14568646

>The original sketch that yaman posted on twitter didn't have this heart embroidery design anywhere.
This is what makes it a Kanata ref to me because it means Kson specifically requested it to be changed and when has Kson used hearts ever before for anything? And a blue heart specifically in an outfit that doesn’t otherwise use blue?

>> No.14571904

>she’s planning on actually making schedule
Slowly but surely it seems, the slump is trailing further behind her.

>> No.14571979


>> No.14573638
File: 1.10 MB, 1920x1080, FGeG1dZUcAMBvUX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14573702


>> No.14573719

So she can build for 10 hours straight

>> No.14575184

Taishi will live translate

>> No.14575311

Looks like there's a big collab on the MC server tonight also. Taishi, 18go, Kourin, Pikamee, and Koheita are gonna kidnap villagers.

>> No.14577467
File: 103 KB, 512x512, yWs5YIzvJY7Z-QPSzL24BA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting in just a few minutes now!

>> No.14577836

Papa dragon being autistic as always

>> No.14577845

So her dad is basically your typical 4channer.

>> No.14577986

I remember that story she already told this as coco

He called her friend fat when she came over. Im willing to be that was fbk

>> No.14578013

Nah this was during her college

>> No.14578090

It was me, I am extremely fat.

>> No.14578734

So papa dragon now has become the hero of the neighborhood

>> No.14579175

Hard to think arranged marriages still exist today

Feel bad for these asians

>> No.14579861

Collab tomorrow with someone

>> No.14579924


>> No.14579934

It's not a stream, so who is it i wonder.

>> No.14580047

Which anituber this time...

>> No.14580075

I hope it's koe i really like that guy

>> No.14580251

she followed gigguk so it's him.

>> No.14580283

No, it's Nozomi Sato.

>> No.14580317

even worse

>> No.14580357

No, it's actually Miyuki

>> No.14580585

I wonder what the point of all these EN collabs with random people are for. From a business perspective, it doesn't benefit her to branch out to attract EOPs when there is basically zero English content on her channel. At best she'll just get dead subs out of it. From a fan-pleasing perspective, there is much higher demand for an occasional English stream, but she doesn't seem that interested in doing those.

>> No.14580606

Koe isn't an anituber. I think he's a fighting games streamer or something. But yeah, I don't mind him. Simple guy.

There's a non-zero chance of it being nux. On her channel.

I wouldn't mind. As long as it's not about vtubing. I want to hear her talk about anime. I bet she knows more than him about most shows that are from 2015 or older.


>> No.14580666

This started by the way, also DMJ joined too.

>> No.14580668

If youtube sees her channel growth declining then it'll stop recommending her content much.
At this point she needs to numberfag.

>> No.14580717

So the voms members have two servers they play regularly on?
Wouldn't that get annoying for them to keep track of?

>> No.14580938

Can't wait for that utawaku collab with Rika

>> No.14580961

>I wonder what the point of all these EN collabs with random people are for
To make friends?

>> No.14581004

>it doesn't benefit her
Anon, she's been introducing 2views in her channel, I doubt she cares about benefitting from someone at this point.

>> No.14581078

Why do you think many other JP vtubers try to attract EOPs when they can barely speak English? Same reason.

>> No.14581085

Lol i would not be surprised in the slightest

>> No.14581145

She said it's a guy.

>> No.14581149
File: 87 KB, 960x720, D7Dr4iAWsAAHkhr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14581190

If the goal was nothing but making friends, they would just chat and hang out or whatever, not produce videos together. That's work.
Having collab partners who speak her primary language that she can hang out with on her streams does actually benefit her though.

>> No.14581209

Ummmm maybe Noizumi has a penis >_<

>> No.14581251

>Pikmaee's pinned message
Poor girl, souchou save her!

>> No.14581255

Cant be gigguk hes busy right now with the marriage paperwork with sydney

>> No.14581293

Didn't mean to quote

>> No.14581300

>Having collab partners who speak her primary language that she can hang out with on her streams does actually benefit her though.
That's not even it, she benefits from making unique content just like her collab with Choueki Tarou and the SC discussion the other week.

>> No.14581488

I haven't been paying attention, but has she responded to any of Nozomi's tweets about her or her streams since July? It feels like the attention has been one-way.

>> No.14581663

Anon, they don't need to do it on twitter. They have lines and discord for communication.

>> No.14581966

You made me look

Why is she having anxiety isnt she close with dmj and the other 2 are harmless nice people lol

I dont get introverts at all lol

>> No.14581992

You can be close to everyone in a group setting and still shut down, just look at most big Coco collabs she was a part of.

>> No.14582023

It's Mr.Beast

>> No.14582038

Is that common for inka? Yo That really sucks

>> No.14582043

Coco isn't really a great example. Kanata or Pekora would've been better.

>> No.14582079

Is that what english clips made you believe?

>> No.14582094

No, that's literally watching all the ARK collabs in early 2020.

>> No.14582111

Ah yes, when she was the only one that knew the game and was teaching them.
Now go watch her Minecraft collabs

>> No.14582173

I wish clip schizo would leave.

>> No.14582191

They're better examples but Coco did have her share of inkya moments.

Eh, only one that comes to mind as an example there is undoukai and there was another very specific reason she was so quiet that time.

>> No.14582199

Anon, you're assuming that clippers even clip them being quiet. You're literally the clueless one in here if you think clippers even know what we're talking about. I'm just telling you Coco isn't a great example because she's not always quiet around the big collabs. Kanata and Pekora were literally like that in all of their big collabs in 2020 and you should really stop projecting everytime someone disagrees with your stupid ass.

>> No.14582223

I don't know how you can say with a straight face that Pekora shuts down in big collabs, have you ever seen a single Minecraft festival?

>> No.14582250

bitch are you for real

>> No.14582279

Reading comprehension...

>> No.14582280

Are you? Surprise surprise, when a holo is playing a game they actually know about they're more engaged and have a bigger precense in collabs.

>> No.14582286

I don't know how you can say with a straight face that Pekora doesn't shut down in big collabs. Have you even seen her 2020 collabs? Oh wait you, probably haven't considering all you watch is her minecraft content who she collabs with people she's already close with. One big collab where she's with people she's not typically close with makes her brain shut off like Kanata.

>> No.14582323

It's fucking hilarious how you're even posting this when you don't even know how Pekora works.

>> No.14582331



>> No.14582373

Coco was the most quiet one in the Among Us collab Marine organized for her

>> No.14582385

Gee I wonder why?

>> No.14582400

Because she was dead most of the time lol

>> No.14582433

She barely spoke when they had to vote and she was alive

>> No.14582471

She spoke more than Kanata or Pekora do in collabs though, hence the point that those two are better examples.

>> No.14582474

Anon, she wasn't even being accused of nor does she even have any info on who the impostor is. Do you even know how to play Among Us?

>> No.14582520

This is some nice mental gymnastics, apparently you're only supposed to say something if others accuse you, lol.

>> No.14582542

Guys, stop replying to the schizo who think Coco is more of an inkya than Pekora or Kanata. With all these mental gymnastics I'm seeing, probably retard doesn't even understand japanese and probably doesn't even watch Coco.

>> No.14582560

You should learn some english.

>> No.14582573

I accept your concession.

>> No.14582645

From Coco clips, ideally.

>> No.14582679

There's nothing to accept because i never said Coco is "more inkya" than Pekora or Kanata, i just explained to you how you can't use her ARK collabs when she was in a position of power and even had Pekora & Miko calling her a senpai to meassure her performance in big collabs.
The 2020 Summer Festival is there for everyone to see, she barely said anything the entire time, just like in all her big non-ARK collabs.

>> No.14582742

You should learn some english and get some reading comprehension as well because you missed the point already.

>> No.14582755

what's with the trickle of low quality EN comments from grey names in the chat?

>> No.14582808

Wait, what 2020 Summer Festival? There was going to be one in ARK but it got postponed because of Miko's absence and never ended up happening.

>> No.14582843

from the low quality of this thread, it's probably all you poor niggers

>> No.14582850

You're the one arguing than "x" or "x" holo are better examples when both of them have big collabs where they go quiet and others where they talk a lot, the game and situation matters.

>> No.14583080

You're really fucking retarded and dense as a fucking rock it seems. You're literally comparing a situation where Coco is attending the festival where a millions of fucking chinks are trying to spam Haachama's chatroom to some people who are just chilling in a big collab, huh? Where the fuck did you all of your common sense go? Actually, I don't even need to know where, because I'm obviously dealing with a fucking retard who has zero EQ.

This is going to be your last reply, you absolute baboon.

>> No.14583167

I regret asking why pikamee has anxiety lol

Jeezus it became jerry springer over here suddenly

>> No.14583306

>She didn’t talk because she was always dead
>She didn’t talk because of chinks
Must be hard having to use excuses instead of facing reality, that anon is right, Coco has never been good with big groups of people, her forte is 2-3 person collabs, even 4 person collabs are too much for her unless it’s with close friends.

I don’t know why you want to force this when she herself admits she has no social skills.

>> No.14583352

It's because she's an introvert and this is a big 6 person collab with multiple people she hasn't talked to yet.

>> No.14583354

>she herself admits she has no social skills
Didn't she say the exact opposite as Coco?

>> No.14583690

>she herself admits she has no social skills.
Not that guy but she only admitted to having no social skills in real life. Her online persona is entirely different and it looks like you're just reaching just so you can fit your delusions into your own narrative.

>> No.14583741

Stop replying to the EOP.

>> No.14583752

The member stream tomorrow is Kumichou opening presents. Also Mildom mahjong in 10 minutes.

>> No.14583763

She very considerate so some people don’t recognize how introverted she truly is, she just tries really hard.
I mean even Kanata has mocked her for being awkward when they go out.

>> No.14583834

To be precise she called herself the type of komyusho who can talk but does feel tired afterwards.

>> No.14583885

You should stop projecting and post some non-Ark multi-person collabs where Coco isn’t quiet the entire time, i’ll wait.
You already used chinks and being dead in Among Us as excuses but remember you still have the fact she’s a JSL so maybe you could use that one next.

>> No.14583904
File: 70 KB, 1170x1461, EtQsQKQVcAAlNQO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I think present opening is interesting enough stuff to not be mengen.

>> No.14584175
File: 118 KB, 243x355, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks fun.

>> No.14584243

watching from Pika pov is painful...

>> No.14584250

Who is the bottom most one?

>> No.14585076


>> No.14585297
File: 97 KB, 1280x1280, E74exHJUcAIUkgQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone forgot about him.

>> No.14585529

Koheita ...

Huge respect to him, though, that he keeps doing what he does.

>> No.14585539
File: 698 KB, 889x872, Exk9DfaVoAAQtAm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a box full of Kanata merch

>> No.14585622

every box is screened by the manager and probably Kson herself.

>> No.14585866
File: 86 KB, 1034x829, FEPT8h4VUAI7ZwX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was quick.

>> No.14586270
File: 753 KB, 2508x3541, FGemFs7UYAg1hHL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14587842


>> No.14588584

She got rekt

>> No.14589216 [SPOILER] 
File: 114 KB, 850x684, __kiryu_coco_hololive_drawn_by_night_old__sample-8a46e46f21b0f56c846b69547b015546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14589294


>> No.14589300

I can dig it.

>> No.14590489

Second phase in the boss fight, when it comes out.

>> No.14591362

I knew she was shy, but it really shocked me. I really didn't expect that the most successful out of the bunch was the most timid.

>> No.14591794

That's why they love Pika
