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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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1449680 No.1449680 [Reply] [Original]

Who will reach 1 million next?

>> No.1449737


>> No.1449752

I'm bad at numbers, how many months will Mori need to surpass Fubuki?

>> No.1449753


>> No.1449762

Okayu, Miko if she gets a boost, or Noel if she gets a big boost from the EOPs and her English streams.

>> No.1449766


>> No.1449767

Okayu, Miko then Noel

>> No.1449779

Hard to tell since after 1 mill they only count growth in 10k increments.

>> No.1449786

What do the nips think about Gura mogging everyone else so hard in terms of numbers?

>> No.1449792

>chickenfags really think this

>> No.1449794

Four or five months, assuming trends continue.

>> No.1449799

Hololives monthly numbers are dropping hard

>> No.1449817
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>implying it's not true

>> No.1449820

by that time Pekora will surpass Korone

>> No.1449848
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>Last 7 Days
Well, well, well...

>> No.1449887

Looks like 7-8 months for Pekora to pass Korone, assuming trends continue.

>> No.1449944

Just scroll down? Okayu, Miko, Noel, Matsuri, Kiara, Ina.

>> No.1449968

The hype train is over. Now HoloEn actutally has to be interesting now. No more stale content

>> No.1449970

Damn didn't realize the Shark had that power gap. Is this the power of the cunny?
She doesn't really have any meme power behind her like Korone (or Fubuki did), and her personality is far from the best of the bunch. She's disassociated from [redacted] so I can't imagine that playing a big enough part in it.
Damn we really are living in a cute and funny world.

>> No.1449990

I mean, she's still gaining faster than the others, it's just not the explosive growth that she had when she debuted. Which is to be expected.

>> No.1450005

im sure its the power of spics and such casual ESLs. same as garbage rap videos on youtube

>> No.1450089
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>Now HoloEn actutally has to be interesting now
We're fucked, aren't we?

>> No.1450191

Kiara will carry EN

>> No.1450198
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How long until Pekora overtakes Gura? I don’t watch much of either of them but watching someone having fun in a language I barely understand is much more entertaining than watching someone be bored in a language I do.

>> No.1450345
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Either Okayu or Noel? Seems like Okayu, MIko, and Noel could hit 1m within the same week.

>> No.1450382

>kiara carrying anything when she cant even carry herself even after two faux re-debuts

>> No.1450417

Kiara is the only one actually putting effort into streaming

>> No.1450472

Never by current trends. Pekora had 60k sub growth in the last 30 days compared to Gura's 140k, so she'd never overtake Gura unless something changes. Of course, people have noted that Gura has been slowing down a bit, but whether it's enough for Pekora to catch up remains to be seen.

>> No.1450490

Unfortunately the only shit she streams is debuff JRPGs.

>> No.1450510

Isn't Gura working on several original songs? Expect her popularity to explode when she decides to release them one-per-week.

>> No.1450512

>How long until Pekora overtakes Gura?
Next Year. Pekora actually treats vtubing like a craft and legit tries to improve at selling her persona. Also, Pekora doesn't downplay her own achievements unlike Gura. Humility is one thing she does it to the point she basically telling the audience not to care.

>> No.1450526

Noel has been getting big boosts. If she continues I think she can pass Okayu. She will probably pass miko.

>> No.1450557

naturally bigger entertainment pool, so it doesn't really count/matter. Korone passing fubuki was bigger news.

>> No.1450567

Shrug. I'm just extrapolating based on the data provided my dude. I'm not qualified to make judgements on anything more than that.

>> No.1450695

depends if they are widely shared. I think its very sad how her viewer base has essentially left her, but its not surprising when there simply isn't much good content, and she doesn't do many karaoke's considering how big a selling point that is. Doesn't help that she doesn't really play rhythm games either, I though she had some available.

She basically hasn't shown ambition yet, but even if she does, will the viewer base come back, or is she old news for good?

>> No.1451196

her viewership has not left her in any way, her videos regularly get over 500k and even 700k views.
When the first song drops, it will gain millions of views with in a couple of weeks

>> No.1451312

Shubau will be there in the next 3.5 months. Her manager's already asked her what she wants to do for her big 1mill.

>> No.1451322

How come Okayu, Subaru, and Mio streaming JRPGs was considered good and original content back in the day but now when Kiara does it people shit on her for it? I'm pretty sure people will shit on her for anything

>> No.1451335

Mori does not belong there

>> No.1451393

People unanimously and spontaneously decided after watching those streams that jrpgs are actually fucking trash and lame ass turn based combat in the same generic anime looking fantasy world for the 100th time is actually rather boring.
>muh grinding
Sorry, xhixkin missed the window.

>> No.1451500

Why are chumcocks like this?

>> No.1451553

>he says this while praising little miss 2 japs and a chink, theVtuber who's been stale since the year after she debuted.
Good one, but Kizuna is old and busted.

>> No.1451607

>Kizuniggers are also KFPajeets
Why am.I not supprised.

>> No.1451642

Okay faggot.
>Implying chumbuds hate big sis Mori and not jealous KFPfaggots still seething that their yuribait leeching still failed.

>> No.1451780

Probably cat. Otherwise it's Danchou.

>> No.1451991

next is Mokochi

>> No.1452634

Her VODs do well. Her viewerbase is english speakers around the world, not japanese speakers in a single timezone. Not everyone can watch her live.

>> No.1452922

she's old news for /vt/ until some new drama comes out
which means pretty much nothing when it comes to actual popularity and support, which is still going strong

>> No.1453695

Seethe, cope, dilate

>> No.1453752
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The chicken train is unstoppable.

>> No.1453791
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>No streams for last 10 days
>Still +10k subs in last 7 days
Haachama's still the strongest. And soon she will come back stronger than she's ever been before! That -4mil on views though...

>> No.1457587

Going by that, it looks like the cute cat will hit a million next

>> No.1457898

>Noel gets more subs a month than Kiara now
Chicken train has been stopped to a dead halt

>> No.1458091

Easily, the ENs girls' momentum has totally gone and anyone who isn't already in the KFP cult is much less likely to join now

>> No.1458161

I hope so. I don't really have an oishii, but she's one of my three favourites.

>> No.1458195

Noel's growth is stupid good right now, she will over take Miko and Okayu

Kiara or Ina

in that order unless something random happens

>> No.1458614

That's just from her joining leddit and starting english duolingo, it's not sustainable at all. She'll beat Miko to it but not Okayu

>> No.1459480

Their growth seems to slam into a brick wall after 1 million regardless of how the subs are counted

>> No.1459668

Nobody really cares about milestones after a million until 2 mil which will take a while for everyone (except the shark obviously), the only endurance stream for a million plus milestone was Korone's jumprope

>> No.1459669

How many do you think will be 1 million + at the end of this year?

>> No.1460742

>Kiara or Ina
I hope they collab for the 1 million mark!

>> No.1466918

Why not? She's a talented musician and hard working.

>> No.1469514

mori honedtly doesnt deserve it
Shes carried by her amazing design, colourful personality, insane work ethic and willingness to try whats never been done before.

>> No.1469616

Probably Okayu. And she deserves it!

>> No.1469851

I think at the very least Gen 3, Myth, and Gamers will all hit a million by the end of the year assuming nothing bad happens. Ollie or Moona might break through as well.

>> No.1470462

My bets are on Okayu, been following her since shortly after her debut, I'd be really happy seeing her make it. Noel is going strong too with her English learning stream buff, I won't mind if she passed it before the catto.
