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1444703 No.1444703 [Reply] [Original]

Ichikara 3D vs Cover 3D

>> No.1444736

Cunny has to be treated with dignity and respect

>> No.1444749

Roberu keeps having cursed debuts.

>> No.1444766

My dick vs Rin's tits

>> No.1444783

You make me remember that I have to report that to YT, thanks anon

>> No.1444823

Holotards mad.

>> No.1444827

My son... Not like this...

>> No.1444857

Better back up that video anon

>> No.1444953

I want to see the dude rail the loli hard in 3D

>> No.1445085

Cunny should be given the highest quality as opposed to maleshit, I don't see an issue here.

>> No.1445149

>clips through shoulder pads
>none existent cape physics
Still better than Roberu though

>> No.1445184

>thinking anybody cares about homostars
if anything, they should have spent even less on it

>> No.1445214
File: 2.02 MB, 1920x1080, 【3Dお披露目配信】ばちこーん★ うごく魔王を見てくれたまえ!【 #えまおう3D_ _にじさんじ】 44-19 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The seethe radiating off of this comment is palpable.

>> No.1445220
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>> No.1445273

How come Nijisanji can get away with more risque stuff? Mel shows one tit and the yt ai goes apeshit.

>> No.1445311

Hololive still actually has some old swimsuits streams up contrary to popular belief, YouTube doesn't target them as much as they'd have you believe, they're just really paranoid. Nijisanji streams actually periodically get removed, but YouTube-kun puts them back up later. Hololive could do the same but they don't want to risk it.

>> No.1445335

Ah, gotcha. Thanks for clarifying.

>> No.1445346

the niggerbrain who made his 3d model just pressed e from a pnj in blender and called it quit

>> No.1445657

>the dude
His name is Robert.

>> No.1446123

Stay mad, there is nothing you can do ;)

>> No.1446378

Roberu's 3D debut was fucking shit, coming from a holofag.

>> No.1446573

He says it'll get fixed, but it fucking pisses me off that they ruined his time to shine.

>> No.1449232

Is that Rikka's brother in the middle?

>> No.1449453
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VShojo 3D and Indie 3D

>> No.1450311

even worse that they knew about it well before his debut

>> No.1452173

Nobody cares about these disgusting western whores. Plus they're using consumer-grade service tech. Nothing any anon couldn't rent or even use the free trial of (just need an iPhone X or higher).

>> No.1452372

It actually seems like Roberu's actor has broader shoulders than the the Roberu model, since the tracking balls on his shoulders are broadcasting data to that pulls the shoulders of the model away like that.

>> No.1452491

Cover should be fucking embarrassed. Nijisanji 3D is way better, and that’s not even including cunny

>> No.1452586
File: 210 KB, 957x476, indie3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correction, VShojo 3D and Indie 3D

>> No.1452627

Roberu agreed to continue instead of delay even after knowing how janky it was.
If anything it made it a lot more memorable and showed that Roberu could roll with Cover's shitty tech.

>> No.1452692

I have never seen a nigger coping so damn harder than you.
Stroke your little penis knowing that you can't do shit and your attempts at reporting the video are as insignificant as your life and achievements.

>> No.1452757
File: 81 KB, 335x105, 1593835508701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, don't you have some niji whore to watch who will get caught fucking one of her coworkers inevitably instead of shitposting on a hololive board?

>> No.1452763

>He says while posting the Holo that worked at a a literal cabaret club

>> No.1452834

Meanwhile 'fake' indie 3D

>> No.1452926

Its amazing isn't it? Hololive has worst models than even some indies, worst tracking that they can't modify since its proprietary and a shitty management style and even then they have managed to beat Ichikara in the global stage only through the personalities of their talents.
The biggest strength at Cover is their casting department.

>> No.1452967

Why nijifans always so butthurt at hololive?
They barely interact with each other

>> No.1452992

It's just the cunts on this website who are still mad they got dunked on hard after the /vyt/ days where they would numberfag holofans. Normal people don't give a shit about any of this.

>> No.1454370

Who's the girl on the left?

>> No.1454392

Yes, same parent

>> No.1454489

Holoniggers will defend this.

Admit it holotards, Cover is shit tech company with even more shit management witch only succeeded because of pure luck.

>> No.1454588

isnt that what it is about at the end of the day?
personality, and hard work as an entertainer,dancer and singer?

>> No.1459874

They beat in everything except making money, which Ichikara does more with their merchandise alone.

>> No.1460030
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>> No.1460219

Not really, the whole point of this thread is that Ichikara beats Cover in almost everything, included money. The only thing Cover does better is their casting.

>> No.1462138


>> No.1465917

I feel like Cover is more considerate, and maybe even a little insidious, about their picks. Smaller generations of girls with behavioural oddities and deficiencies, to not only make them more relatable and pitiable, but also more likely to remain dependent on the company. Pretty much any Holo right now could ride their current success into a nice career as an indie, but with the exception of Suisei, I don't think they could keep proper schedules or maintain their momentum without contractual obligations and management. They'd end up crashing and burning in the long run, they're all at least a little menhera that way.

Ichikara also employs interesting personalities, but probably prioritizes hires with a demonstrable knack for entertainment. As a result, while they employ a greater variety of skilled talent, and more readily allow them to display their abilities on streams, the freedom Nijis are given means the unstable ones are at a risk of falling by the wayside, while the proactive ones may begin to see vtubing as a springboard to jobs elsewhere, and not a career in itself. They incubate driven people like Chitose and Gibara, who come to recognize their own potential outside the vtubing scene.

The motivations are probably very different for the companies. Cover relies heavily on superchat revenue from Hololive, while Ichikara wants to show off their AR/VR/3D tech through Nijisanji and can afford to lose a few stars. For the fans, it's down to your priorities; Hololive does GFE and the "one big happy family" feeling better, while Nijisanji provides entertainment in the form of superior dancers, singers, gamers, comedians and so on.

>> No.1466744

It's weird that some ordinary bitch like Snuffy can just save up money to commission a model and use basic software and get results that are 100 times better than Cover or Ichikara. I know Cover likes to pretend they're a tech company but I'm not really sure what Ichikara's excuse is.

>> No.1466835

With everything you said Ichikara should be MOGGING Cover on the west. I really don't believe its the power of the GFE, if anything you would think that would appeal more to the jps right? If anything, the amount of members Niji has should have secured their place among a western audience. Hololive just defies all expectations, also all of this keeping in mind that Hololive has become a power name now on the west among vtubers and the weebs so by now just the name is enough to give them publicity but i'm thinking more about a couple years back when Nijisanji was beating Hololive both in Japan and overseas.

>> No.1467102

Being independent gives them the ability to hire whoever the fuck they want paying with whatever they agree with the designer/modeler. Which can give you amazing shit like Snuffy or fuck you in a couple years like with Melody.

Japanese companies would rather make business with a washed out national with years of experience and contacts in the industry but doesn't really care about anything but getting paid than an immensely talented but unknown foreigner.

>> No.1467146

I doubt anyone could name more nijis than holos, at least on the spot.

>> No.1467247

Even my non weeb friends can recognize "the dog" "the bunny" and "the nigga one"

>> No.1468281

>With everything you said Ichikara should be MOGGING Cover on the west
Variety and entertainment value might as well mean nothing if you can't get visibility. Hololive had memes and the Youtube algorithm pushing awareness in the west, and the west is just as responsive to parasocial relationships as the japanese. Cover cornered the west and holds it tight by means of brand recognition, and Ichikara is way late to the party. Even so, Nijisanji has plenty of things to offer that Hololive doesn't. The actual topic of this thread, 3D tech, is one. Nijisanji does 3D collabs and live events better, and much more frequently.

I'd say the problem is a matter of a high entry treshold. I myself started out watching Hololive exclusively, and still follow Fubuki and Aki quite regularly. Hololive was fed to me, all I had to do was get curious about "Aqua's neighbor" one day. Getting into Nijisanji required actively seeking them out, upping my efforts at learning japanese (which I still suck at), and figuring which of their many talents catered to my interest (still not done with this part, really). I didn't find inferiority, just a different take on the medium, and in certain ways one that I prefer. For example, Chaika's penchant for physical comedy in 3D collabs is something I can't expect from Hololive.

>> No.1469050

in a way it also creates talking points

>> No.1469233

Roberu and rocky debuts just go hand in hand. I have faith that he'll recover from this.

>> No.1469290
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Stop replying to obvious tribalist bait and instead discuss Cover's shitty technology or Ichikara's supreme technology

>> No.1472340

No direct YT contact.
Cover is incompetent.

>> No.1472430
File: 2.65 MB, 934x938, 1614020992751.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ichikara has some pretty impressive stage tec and tracking for other stuff.

>> No.1472880

I wish Holos have real shitpost queen like Mito but instead we have Coco. Not that I hate her, but I hate how japs thinks whatever shit Coco showed in her streams is what Western thinks as funny. Even Artia, Marine and Fubuki has better understanding of shitpost, its too bad Artia is Chinese.

>> No.1472949

Aren't they owned by a Sony subsidiary or something?
They've always been super impressive

>> No.1473263

Sony Music Japan invested in Ichikara and they've signed on a couple members as singers. That's about it.

>> No.1473299

Ichikara's a private company. If they were owned by traditional suits there's no way they'll be able to do even a quarter of the stuff they do.

>> No.1473717

>Variety and entertainment value might as well mean nothing if you can't get visibility
i never understood this point when people brag about nijisanji, the variety they offer doesnt seems have a wide range appeal.
The 3d tech is btter but their content isnt that different from hololive.

>> No.1475035

>can't get visibility

People forget Coco got the ball rolling with her little marketing blitz.

>> No.1475134

>Artia is Chinese.

The sad part is she's never going to break her programming

>> No.1475189

How about we talk about getting Suisei the collabs she wants?

>> No.1475230

i dont think is only cocos work. but the girls themselves have a more open relationship to overseas viewers. Botan is the most recent example with how ruskies got atracted to hher and even tries communicating with them.
At the end of the day is the personality what makes or breaks, and the work they put entertaining and trying to get more people.

>> No.1475362

what the fuck?

>> No.1475526

Cover fucked up the rigging, not the first time it has happened (Marine/Luna), embarrassing but not something that's hard to fix.

>> No.1478001

Cover subscriptions vs Ichikara subscriptions

>> No.1478481

>Sony subsidiary
Holofag narratives are like a game of chinese telephone

>> No.1478520

All these girls are disgusting buck teeth bitches, fuck off

>> No.1484228

You mean EOP subs versus no EOP subs.

>> No.1484819

You say that like it matters

>> No.1489414

Zombiko had interaction like this three years ago.

>> No.1490947

reddit is the worst site for memesharing, there's not a single meme subreddit that isn't just people karmawhoring off stale templates that were beaten dead months if not years ago.

>> No.1492699

Cover is a business. They exist to make money. They will only spend the amount of money their financial people have determined is the optimal amount. Indies also do it for the money but because they are a single person they more likely to self invest and improve their model.
Cover also is adamant on developing their own in house software. This software can't utilize the iPhoneX's FaceID which despite what people say is the cheapest IR face cam on the market.

>> No.1492891

Will anyone even remember her stream in a week?
Meanwhile Roberu's stream has already given us some funny memes and will do for a long time.

>> No.1498057

>Will anyone even remember her stream in a week?

I bet you said the same shit about Metal CEO.

>> No.1498126


>> No.1498993

to be honest unless something spectactuallry happens most 3ds streams are forgotten.
Wile i feel bad for roberu this worked in his favor for the long run.
i still dont understando te appeal of 3d debuts and outift. Seems more like wankery from the fans just to gather in one chuba stream to increase the numbers and then fuck off forever to never be seeing again.

>> No.1499718

>Metal CEO.
That stream was remembered because it's breaking records while her stream isn't.

>> No.1513918

pure copium

>> No.1514599

People still remember Moruna lockjaw to this day

>> No.1514692

I see he has his arms twisted. So that would be why the rigging failed so hard.

>> No.1514749

>forgetting a stream in which a loli gets whipped
Obviously it will be forgotten when the judge asks me about it

>> No.1520719

>souless vs soul
