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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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14407299 No.14407299 [Reply] [Original]

>A shady group that controls everything behind the scenes
>A shady group that controls everything behind the scenes

Gee I wonder what the theme of the next Hololive generation will be. Perhaps a shady group that controls everything behind the scenes?

>> No.14407952

>A shady guy who sucks dicks behind the scenes
I wonder what OP's theme will be in the next thread?

>> No.14408316

I don't get the Selen one.

>> No.14408364

Nvm I forgot about Lui's head wings.

>> No.14408643
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Messiah Gen

>> No.14409127
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>> No.14409168

Sankisei are the people going on a quest to defeat Laplus the Demon Lord
They saw a bounty on Laplus head and set out to defeat her

>> No.14409239
File: 63 KB, 800x800, 1637436574459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HoloID3 is just random shit

>> No.14409374

>ID3 are more monstergirls like Ollie

>> No.14409681
File: 329 KB, 1600x1000, sinister six.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14410556

Next group is going to be all jewish?

>> No.14411024
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>ID3 are all Reine nepotism hires and they all must service her at least once a week

>> No.14411071


>> No.14412041

fucking kek

>> No.14413724

*cracks knuckles* Welp, time to get into HoloID.

>> No.14415122


>> No.14415235

Film noir

>> No.14417518

But seriously though, I think HoloID could use an American. I think this gives me a leg up on the competition.

>> No.14417563


>> No.14417825


>> No.14417864

/pol/tards, GET THE FUCK OUT!!!!

>> No.14417911

got em

>> No.14420152

comedy gen, cuz yur enterainers and stuff

>> No.14421567

You must be able to speak Indonesian first as fluent as Hana

>> No.14421798
File: 408 KB, 820x723, 1639183159219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gee I wonder whos behind this post

>> No.14422852

fbbp, kek

>> No.14424264

It's okay, saya berbicara bahasa Indonesia.

>> No.14424433

Council was universe creator. HoloX is heavy in the red. We clearly can see who is superior here.

>> No.14424605

Kay' burgger-chan you're hired. Just dont go full autismo like ollie and self sabotage like hana

>> No.14424695

Well Ollie is by far the most successful Indonesian vtuber out there so I have to say she seems like a good model to follow.

>> No.14425082

Unironically would love a superhero themed gen

>> No.14425161

Who's that in the middle when it's supposed to just be Nijsanji's Emma

>> No.14425399

Fuck no, give us Holo warriors from various periods and countries

>> No.14426874


>> No.14427356

ho6s has enough trouble controlling itself in full view, much less "controlling everything behind the scenes".
>when iroha is mirin, de gozaru

>> No.14427419


>> No.14427895
File: 50 KB, 1200x1194, MiB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know too much

>> No.14436024

Zomkek state right now

>> No.14439153

>le success is le bad!
Really Nijicuck?

>> No.14439461

i have pretty much completely ignored gen 2 (haven't even watched the debuts), what's the general consensus? am i missing out?

>> No.14439785

>behind the scenes
But OP is sucking dick in front of all of us.

>> No.14439894

Gen 2 of EN? People are doom and glooming about the low numbers for shitposting material, but generally the people who actually watch them seem to like them. Mumei was the shitposting target at first because her early streams were a little rough and people thought she'd be a pushover they could bully, but turns out she's really confident and doesn't take shit from anyone so she's quickly become the favorite around here. Kronii is doing the best numbers-wise but everyone here seems to hate her. She has the same kind of fanbase as Ame. Sana is the least popular but had a loyal fanbase, people got really mad at her when she took a month off though so I'm not sure how her fanbase is doing anymore. Baelz streams the most of the five so people seem to like her for that, and I guess it makes sense because if you're making that much money for Hololive people expect you to justify it. She's a very clean streamer and she has high Japanese fluency, so she collabs with a lot of JPs. My personal favorite is probably Fauna, who has a soft voice but is actually a very skilled gamer, which makes for a rare juxtaposition that appeals to me greatly.

>> No.14440523


>> No.14440881

Hand-rubbing Merchants

>> No.14444587

I always wanted to walk into a library and say "DANG! What's up with all these books?" But I feel like that would just annoy people.

>> No.14444693


>> No.14444760

i just had a laugh

>> No.14444786

Sana's fanbase might be smaller but they're loyal and pockets deep as she has the most SC so far, also having a readable chat for a holo mem is nice.

>> No.14444830


>> No.14444838

oh that caught me off guard kek

>> No.14446434

No problem.

I do feel like I was underselling Sana a bit there. People like to shit on her for "nepotism" because it's public knowledge that she's a long time friend of Ina's, but she's a legitimate 1000IQ genius so I'm pretty sure she could have gotten in even without that connection. Easily one of the smartest people Cover has ever hired, though it can be hard to tell due to her heavy accent. She's also quite a competent gamer in her own right, the kind you watch if you prefer to see someone in Hololive who can actually finish games instead of bashing her head against an easy game for 10 hours.

And of course all of them are accused of having boyfriends because that is considered to be a "tried and true" tactic even though it has never actually worked. As usual, it's completely false. But everyone knew that.
