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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 269 KB, 1920x1268, gerrome-tantay-gura-anego.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14362710 No.14362710 [Reply] [Original]

I love gura, a lot, like any chum should. And yeah her child like wonder is part of it. But she's a legal shark. Despite this any women I tell about gura calls me weird and thinks I'm a pedophile. I can't just not mention gura, as she's such a big part of my entertainment she's gonna have to come up. Genuinely what the fuck do I do? How do I explain this shit?

>> No.14362753

Get better taste in vtubers

>> No.14362800
File: 240 KB, 1381x2048, A44496D3-B681-4E1A-BEDF-9A07EBE546FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no need to pursue 3DPD, Gura is all you need

>> No.14362803


>> No.14362816

stop acting like a pedophile

>> No.14362826

you need to learn how to contain your power levels

>> No.14362863

Nice Gura anti bait thread faggot

>> No.14362893

>I can't just not mention gura, as she's such a big part of my entertainment she's gonna have to come up

Don't worry anon, if you literally can't avoid talking about how you watch an anime shark puppet play games on the internet, people will understand you're just autistic and not press the issue.

>> No.14363102

>talking about a vtuber to women
Anon, just, why ?

>> No.14363114

>talking with females irl

>> No.14363115

i don't bring up any vtubers when talking with people at all. it's a hobby for losers or degenerates so you should be ashamed

>> No.14363182

Just admit you are one Anon you fucking weirdo.

>> No.14363251
File: 125 KB, 660x957, 16372929478392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you this guy?

>> No.14363388

Why would you talk to a woman?
Are you retarded?

>> No.14363424

Sharpedos... not like this...

>> No.14363474

I'm trying to find a real life gura to touch and stuff. But I can't not mention the more important women in my life.

>> No.14363526

Every child? Christ, they have high standards of pedo sex drive. Do adult rapists rape entire neighborhoods?

>> No.14363646

These moralfags are retards.
Guys who fap to non-loli aren't raping every woman they see either.

>> No.14363663

Women are jealous creatures.
So, you shouldn't be talking to them about Gura, any vtuber, or any women really unless they bring it up first.
And lastly, you shouldn't need to prove anything to anyone. Now move on with your life. And that's on the house.

>> No.14363788

Anon... you can stop it. Admit that you are a schizo loner. Accept that no women would never, ever, want to talk to you more than five seconds without disgust in their eyes.

>> No.14363842

They are women, you can convince them that Gura is a tranny midget with good voice training, they wont dare to say anything bad to you anymore, problem solve.

>> No.14363848

Focus on her cynical nature. While her model looks like it could be a bit young, Gura doesn't act like a child at all. Her dbd streams (where it's clear the game frustrates her like it does all but the most deranged minds) and parts of the GTA streams (such as when she talks about disciplining children) are your ally here.
If you typically have her on in the background while you do other things instead of giving her full attention, call her a podcaster instead of a vtuber to downplay the visual aspect, which is the only aspect in which she seems childish.

>> No.14363851

>Despite this any women I tell about gura calls me weird
>I can't just not mention gura
Inability to NOT DO something is weird
you're a weirdo anon, embrace it

>> No.14363878

why he gotta diss that dude. The person in the picture is winning

>> No.14363893

>Hiding your power level
Enjoy sifting through women you're not compatible with.

>> No.14363909

demonstrate your ability to stay hard for adult pussy

>> No.14364064

Just look around weeb cons. I dobut girls that like Megumeme ans Gura like you do could judge.
If you just date normalfags, you'll get normalfag responses.

>> No.14364080

Gura is a drawing, 2D, pixels on a screen. Not flesh and blood.

>> No.14364176

>No women would never ever

Well thanks for the compliment.

>> No.14364208 [DELETED] 

Gura is a 30 yo adult. Her meme knowledge, her vocabulary and her sass is from an adult prospective. Argument over, model and flat chest notwithstanding

>> No.14364234 [DELETED] 

Okay can you fuckers shut up, all this talk about adult gura is ruining her.

>> No.14364924

You actually can avoid mentioning her. How did this even come up?

>> No.14365169

Bitch, don't you know how to test the waters first before throwing yourself head first? Even among people you believe to be fellow autists you don't start yelling about your most niche interests without prompting.

>> No.14365213
File: 186 KB, 480x480, 1624666900519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a better question: how do you get a lolicon girlfriend?

>> No.14365330

Train a bitch. Smack her anytime she doesn't act like a child. Beat her into Loli submission.

>> No.14365447

Just stop being a pedo, it's really that simple. The mass delusion of you lolicon faggots is insane.

>> No.14365582
File: 759 KB, 1000x1137, 1639045197683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you considered finding people that would accept that you like certain things without putting a label on you?

>> No.14365851

t. pedo

>> No.14366979

Liking things that look and sound like a child doesn't make you a pedo.

>> No.14367165

It’s a losing battle. I’ve debated with a lot of dudes because genuinely I don’t see Gura as a loli. She’s short and flat sure, but she never acts, talks or gives off loli vibes. She’s literally a grown woman and acts like it. Luna is a loli. Gura is not.

>> No.14367181
File: 117 KB, 350x386, 1632964645296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop lying to yourselves

>> No.14369849
File: 59 KB, 750x488, C915E68C-401B-4600-880A-DEDB81E10BF9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14371027

You don't. Your culture doesnt allow you to. Not being able to express who you are out of risk of ostracization is part of not being a normalfag.

>> No.14372213


>> No.14372254

Ask them when girls are biologically able to reproduce.

>> No.14373679

You admit to loving how childlike she looks and expect me to believe you’re not a pedophile?

>> No.14373821

make it super fucking clear you aren't sexually attracted to her. You just like her for the games she play

>> No.14373822

itt: people falling for obvious bait

>> No.14373896

what are you new to this board

>> No.14374020

Step 1. Don't be weird.
It's that easy.

>> No.14374522

Step 0: Don't post on 4chan

>> No.14374574

There's no saving you. Maybe try not being pedo

>> No.14374578

You shouldn't be talking about vtubers to the uninitiated in the first place.

>> No.14374981

Parental instincts.
Most if no all men have an instinct to protect children.
It's literally programmed and hard wired on you from birth.

>> No.14377507

I hate loli
I only like Gura

>> No.14380560

Stop acting as a creep, be a hardcore otaku. Cover yourself in Gura merch, tell people you like blue anime girl, use her jokes and meme and they will understand

>> No.14380670
File: 881 KB, 868x1228, 1638303101729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Gura's little girl cun. How can you not like a bald, wet, tight little cun that has never had a penis in it?

>> No.14380795

>tight little cun that has never had a penis in it?
sure lol

>> No.14383682

Don't give off the impression that a big part of your life is a fucking loli streamer. If by some weird miracle I ended up talking to a girl again I wouldn't lead with the shit that makes me weird, you ease people into that once they get to know you not go full sperg on the first date for fear of them rejecting you later

>> No.14383805

>child like wonder
What? She uses a bunch of old ass memes that aren't relevant anymore.

>> No.14384047

He’s braver than any of you faggot dissing him. He love the shark and not afraid to show it.

>> No.14384134

>Just stop being a faggot, it's really that simple. The mass delusion of you cock loving faggots is insane.

>> No.14384179

lies, if you ever actually told a girl about her she'd call you based and suck your cock

>> No.14384231

accept what you are you fucking coward. this is no way to live.

>> No.14384250

Tell them you're into dwarfism or midgets. They won't call you pedo for that.

>> No.14384454

So are people that date girls smaller than 5' Pedos? Twitter person is anticapitalist troon.

>> No.14385840
File: 460 KB, 523x683, zxdfzdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14385985

So you’re a pedophile and retarded.

>> No.14386216

The problem is that I don't like the shark and I honestly don't know how people can like her, I get it, cunny with a cute voice, but still, I can't get it at all

>> No.14386264

>what other people think is important to me
this is what public school does to people

>> No.14386546
File: 3.90 MB, 1725x1886, 1637564536892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to do with the official historical 1776 USA arbitrary age of consent and not The Globalist NWO of lethal injection genocide.
You were never in on the psyopping of the 60's era Rockefeller Foundation law put in only to social engineer her around bad enough to one day harm her organism gone with Agenda 21 depopulation lethal injection.
Endgame: Blueprint For Global Enslavement (2007) - https://banned.video/watch?id=5ebae309244ac5001d21656a
Covidland: The Lockdown (2021) - https://banned.video/watch?id=615f96b3aa816336dbd21792
White-with-spiritual-light Americans get her all the money, humanity and justice in the real world as he lifts her into eternal life.
Face it, centuries of skullfucked headspace from just a handful of divided, insane criminals cleared up by 20 years of modern internet.
No young lady chooses the lethal injection genociding and inferior gene rape-in of globalism.

>> No.14386635

take your time Bro. If you really aren't a pedo, what they call "weird" will become the norm for your friends

>> No.14386728

Just tell her it isn't pedophilia to watch cute anime girls. It isn't pedophilia to like other cute cartoons, now is it? Her personality is there. If she still sees you as a pedo just stop caring. This can't harm you in any way unless you legitimately have cp like a retard

>> No.14386882

Gura is a virgin. No one has had her little cun juice on their dick

>> No.14387058


>> No.14387246

Make them feel inferior to motivate them to learn assuming this isn't irresolvable. Remember that there once was a time where using the internet unironically was the weird thing to do. You know what you're about and they clearly don't. Ya feel me?

>> No.14392101

Y'all will hang

>> No.14394184

>I'm trying to find a real life gura to touch
maybe you are a pedophile

>> No.14394259

Just find better fr-
you don't need friend you need a high rise building to jump off of

>> No.14394263

Question is, why are you attracted to a woman who has a child-like figure?

>> No.14397181

why contain it

>> No.14397228

Anon, I have some news for you that you might not like...

>> No.14397997

being sexually attracted to things that look, sound, and act like a child does make you a pedo

if there's any argument to be made it's that people are using loli to mean different things. that only benefits pedos (because it lets them obscure/deflect what they're talking about). but if you tried to use different words, pedos would adopt them just the same. so lolicons can't win either way and should just neck themselves along with their pedo brethren.

>> No.14399519
File: 952 KB, 2000x2000, IMG_20210728_064517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell them that the real her is of legal age and that you don't watch her for her child like avatar. You watch her because she has a great personality that's easy to watch.

>> No.14401907

If you're worried about being considered a pedophile you don't belong here

>> No.14402186

I met my best friend by asking him which girl of monster musume he wanted to fuck and he was a complete stranger

>> No.14404748

>he talked about 4chan to his friends and family
>he explained the uooooohhhh meme
I'm 100% sure this is what actually happened. Stop talking about the internet in real life.

>> No.14405628

Bro I swear thats Daniel from The Undatables

>> No.14405672

>you don't watch her for her child like avatar
so, lie?

>> No.14405732

Males aren't allowed to like cute things past the age of 12. Thats just life.

>> No.14405749

? boys don't like cute things, men do

>> No.14407574
File: 412 KB, 732x1000, 6378646891395465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, yes, I see. And in the Petersonion sense, you're clearly trying to elevate alternate sexual archetypes in the marketplace.

>> No.14407681

My "Not a pedophile" T-shirt has people asking a lot of questions already answered by my shirt.

>> No.14407823

>talking to women
This is the problem. Women don't exist to be talked to. They won't understand or accept what men say anyway because they're inherently solipsistic. Their purpose is to be ignored, fucked, hit and/or stoned, at least when they're not entertaining and amusing men. Board related, of course.

With that said, imagine baitposting as if there's any remaining trust between men and women in western Marxist-Feminist society. OP's shitposting game is so old fashioned, she might as well have just titled the thread "I'm salty as fuck that Gura's popular so now I'm attacking her fans because I'm too much of a cowardly bitch to aim for the queen herself."

Not even a chumcuck and I'm still laughing at such a pathetic and dull attempt. Honestly, femanons should just save whatever face is left by getting off 4chan and running to join something safer and less challenging like a book club.

>> No.14409414

Impossible task if you wear your Gura merch everywhere

>> No.14409467
File: 467 KB, 1097x1071, 1637888659974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy another antiloli guy. You know what that means.

>> No.14409774

Nah it's a roastie this time

>> No.14410950

If somebody donated to Gura on stream and asked her to publically disavow Pedoscum like that to make her stance clear, do you think she would do it or would she be scared of alienating a huge part of her fandom? Not even a Gura hater just genuinley curious what you guys think

>> No.14411243

>most of if not all men have an instinct to protect children
does this not also apply to women? Maybe even more than men actually

>> No.14413163

This, but unironically.

>> No.14420243

Sheklant heeb, by the time /pol/'s done with you she will be returned to her organic all natural unstunted attractiveness and she will be everywhere and not depopulated. This year.
Europeans never rape their women who get right to it as soon as they feel pulled to eternal life. So perfectly desirable and white with spiritual light.
Jews raped everything.

>> No.14424471

I see Gura as a lolibaba. Liking that character type doesn't make you a pedo. By contrast, if you're into actual young characters who act like kids, there might be an argument there.

But even then who actually gives a shit when it's all 2D. Best to ignore the mouthbreathing retards who complain about loli like it's an actual problem.

tl;dr OP - I wouldn't worry about it, but maybe just don't talk about your love for Gura in polite society because they'll probably get the wrong idea, and you just have to accept that.

>> No.14424540

She would ignore it.

>> No.14424882

I had one and it was hot while it lasted and we roleplayed a lot in bed with her as a loli. But alas, it ended in flames because how mentally ill we both were.

TL;DR: too good to be true

>> No.14424964

Yeah. Don't people regularly tell little lies like this all the time? It's not that hard
