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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 232 KB, 2133x1385, FGDetbXWYAEq01P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14359138 No.14359138 [Reply] [Original]

>Next stream - OneShot Pt. 2

>Beatani ch.

>Who is Beatani?



>Streamlabs, because superchats are for low IQ dads who like giving Youtube 30% of the cut:

>Lore Summarized:

>Last thread

>> No.14359265
File: 23 KB, 400x400, FEET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would drag my balls across a mile of broken glass just to lick up a piece of dust that was on the bottom of her feet

>> No.14359266
File: 394 KB, 896x866, Screenshot 2021-11-05 122505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to nade nade this bear!

>> No.14359365

6am JST is the "official" start of your neglectful father reps. 48 hours of no interaction with Beatani. Hard mode is also skipping any streams she may do in the mean time.

>> No.14359369
File: 123 KB, 690x1024, 1623502545165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love this fucking bear

>> No.14359429

>48 hours
the last time it was 24

>> No.14359439

Not posting in stream chat is the most important part, that is the one thing that would actually hurt her, don't be a little bitch dad

>> No.14359462

Yeah but that was already done twice and she's probably used to it, dads need to up the ante a little bit.

>> No.14359472

I need an actual apology you slut

>> No.14359492

What is this website? All of my posts are in there and all of Beatani's are too. Maybe it's useful for ignoring reps.

>> No.14359507

bea antis are the most pathetic people ever. kys

>> No.14359577

The anti thread is over here

>> No.14359584

you forgot the steam group stalker chama, wouldn't want to miss out on bear's mishima reps would you?

>> No.14359592

She will not notice and she will not apologize.
Either you enjoy the cuckoldry like a good dad or you get out.

>> No.14359617

apologize for what?

>> No.14359651

she teased dads about her potentially getting a boyfriend and some of them had a bit of a cry over it

>> No.14359674

absolutely nothing, dads should learn a sense of humor

>> No.14359680

It's that and this thread. This shithole thread is a literal Kiwifaggot tier thread.

>> No.14359710

>dads should learn a sense of humor
I laughed at the tweets, but Beatani was just trying to hurt dads

>> No.14359766

I had another dad dream last night. Canna, Max and I were at a lake in the summer discussing who had to go on the next beer run. Max was the most sober so he went. Nothing sexual about it just dads being dads.

>> No.14359773

>Hurting dads
That tweets made me laugh and the thread was funny too

>> No.14359796

Why does she suddenly hate Dads again?

>> No.14359809

What's wrong with this thread? It's only got ritualposts and organizing for the neglectful dad project (3rd).

>> No.14359844

What's right with it?

>> No.14359857

Think of it as a break from Bea that you can use to finish that thing you've been putting off or check out other entertainment. Maybe catch up on a show.

>> No.14359862

She loves dads more than ever, but she also got unironically too cocky and likes teasing them until they are about to break

>> No.14359881

dads deserve to be broken, they've gone soft again.

>> No.14359911

Bea, dads have been always weak

>> No.14359912

It's a good time to check out more of holox. beatan was shilling them too

>> No.14359924

yeah I know... also not bea

>> No.14359936

What will be the breaking point? What will actually make people leave?

>> No.14359942

why are we supposed to ignore the bear

>> No.14359990

punishment. for what? late to stream, missed a stream, cocky tweets, anything you want to point to really.

>> No.14359992

For fun

>> No.14360046

she's getting too cocky. if we don't do any punishment she's only going to get cockier and cockier, so it's better to nip this in the bud

>> No.14360050

Paws are baiting for (you)s in this thread RIGHT NOW! Don't reply to her

>> No.14360061

>Risuna Christmas Album
Organizer here. This is the format I would like your submissions in. They are due 07:00 JST December 16th and I will do my best to get it put together by the 21st. The earlier I get submissions the earlier I can start but I understand how it is.

[Risuna Chrismas Album] (this is so I can search the archives easier)
Title: Christmas Song
Language: English
Tranlated Title: N/A
Audio: catbox link
Lyrics: catbox link
Trivia: one or two lines, optional

Please post your submissions in the thread. If you include the bracketed header it will be much easier for me to find them. Each submission should be capable of standing on its own with no further mixing or adjustment.
Whatever you like. Please provide lyrics with translation if you are not submitting in English.
>Max length
As of now, there is no max length for submissions but please use your discretion.
>Multiple submissions
It's ok, the more the merrier
A poll in a previous thread showed a large majority would prefer to keep submissions holiday themed so I will honor that. Keep it to Christmas, Hanukkah, Festivus etc. or winter songs please. It doesn't have to be religious but it should fit with the winter theme. I will include a spreadsheet so you can see what anons are interested in but don't let the fact that someone is already doing a song prevent you from singing it if you really want to.
If you have questions put them in the thread, because others may have the same ones. That said, if you need to reach me here's an email address.
risunachristmas *at* gmail.com

>> No.14360128

yeah this totally not bear paws post makes a good point, she'll try to bait for (you)s in the threads along with twitter and discord and if she gets any she'll probably brag about it like the kusogaki she is

>> No.14360163

Because some people find it fun. They also find it fun to get weak dads to go along with them out of peer pressure

>> No.14360227

a twist:
Bea doesn't tweet, write in discord, DM or talk in stream during the next 24h

>> No.14360255

that'd be pretty based of her but it's clear that she's too weak to go through with it

>> No.14360312
File: 2.84 MB, 1872x1861, 1638847358785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love fucking this bear!

>> No.14360314

>Bea takes the bait
>Starts ignoring us
>Realizes that she is happier without us
>She never comes back

>> No.14360346

This is accurate. I haven't been seriously drunk for over ten years and I never mind DDing.

>> No.14360393

Maybe we all need a break from each other. Dads will become stronger too if they have to deal with a total bea blackout.

She won't abandon me I believe in her

>> No.14360394

She did that last week

>> No.14360395

I hope she realizes that she's more than capable of finding someone she enjoys being together with if this happens.

>> No.14360403

Sounds like fun I'm down for a lake trip.

>> No.14360410

You're just setting yourselves up to being cucked for 48 hours by those who ignore the blackout...

>> No.14360417

She seems a lot happier too

>> No.14360434

It would be the best for everyone but I still don't want that

>> No.14360477

Trust me the dads that ignore the black out aren't exactly high up on her dad tier list.

>> No.14360495

That would be the best for everyone involved.

>> No.14360551

They will be after having 48 hours of private time with her

>> No.14360601

I like your optimism, or is it pessimism? Either way I don't believe it.

>> No.14360711

I want to talk about dads!

>> No.14360716

How do I become a popular dad that people namedrop?

>> No.14360740

Be a faggot

>> No.14360753

literally who?

>> No.14360756

Write gay fanfic about yourself with some popular dad

>> No.14360813

Ship me with you! I'm here dado chama

>> No.14360867

make meaningful contributions to the community or piss enough people off that you live rent free in their head

>> No.14360887
File: 205 KB, 525x557, dadxdadlove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jannies bonked me for spamming so here's today's fic in a bin are you happy now faggots?
Some dads complained about how little gay sex there was so I added more! Though this one's a bit too spicy and I almost felt bad writing it

>> No.14361149

Can't read this right now but I look forward to it

>> No.14361300

It was good but you mentioned beatani too many times and it kept killing my erection 8/10

>> No.14361304

I literally don't understand what the fuck jannies want sometimes. Now community fiction isn't on topic? Oh but hanabi general that's just fine.

>> No.14361309

Dumb bear posted the "ignore bea" idea herself to hurt dads. She's going to wake up and say the stream that wasn't going to happen anyway is cancelled because dads were planning to ignore her. Don't fall for her tricks.

>> No.14361320

Fucking anti. The fic definitely belongs in the thread but one fucking autist is mad at having to scroll past 3 whole posts to get to the other suuuper valuable content in the thread.

>> No.14361370

I'm still baffled that the hanabi general was allowed to be up.
the man needed to see the timeloops and ritual posts unimpeded please understand

>> No.14361435

That tweet was made before the ignoring Beatani was suggested

>> No.14361764

Will never change anything

>> No.14361878

Lake Winnipesaukee offpako when

>> No.14361926

Hanabi general?

>> No.14361935

we’ve done this so many times it’s just stupid
How about just voicing what makes you unhappy instead
it probably won’t change anything even if she knows she’s in the wrong but it’s better to let it out

>> No.14361965

This my first time reading /yah/ and it sounds pretty unhinged in here. Why are we playing hard to get with the streamer

>> No.14361974

some faggot made a thread about hanabi, a well known menhera dad that people liked to bully and seethe about, and it was allowed to stay up for... reasons?

>> No.14362000

It's just a couple faggots upset. It happens literally every single thread.
If they killed themselves these threads would actually be okay. Just okay.

>> No.14362013

I can only assume it was meidos sleeping on the job and just figured it was about that one girl from tsunderia despite half a second of looking at the thread proving otherwise

>> No.14362035

This is for fun you autistic retard. Anyone who's actually upset can freely yell at her and hope for change, or simply leave.
Again this is for fun, Bea herself will play along with these, some delusional dads may believe this is actual punishment but no one should actually believe this.

>> No.14362040

>implying they'd check the thread at all
They only care about reports.

>> No.14362062

>seething about a menhera
kinda pathetic desu

>> No.14362088

he was getting (you)s from bear please understand

>> No.14362166

autistic retardation is repeating the same thing like 3 times ,we’ve already done this twice

>> No.14362171


>> No.14362175

The thread was reported multiple times and stayed up for 3 days but nice try

>> No.14362223

So you're the fucking reporter. Go to xp hill faggot.

>> No.14362286

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnDlaBKKgA8 Ina is streaming

>> No.14362317

Now you remember the bear paws game

>> No.14362651

Maybe she only came up with it to avoid answering all the questions from the q&a she didn't want to answer.

>> No.14362883

did the bear paws game happen? I don't remember it happening

>> No.14362886

Get this HoloEN garbage out of here

>> No.14362894

We're playing it right now

>> No.14362963

Oh no they won't be high on the anon tierlist, I feel so bad for them after they squirmed their way into DMs for 48 hours like the last time.

>> No.14363149

This isn't bear paws, it's a shitposter playing you stupid fucks.

>> No.14363175

Nice work.

>> No.14363444

we need this 7th timeloop, please understand

>> No.14363620

Can you faggots come get your schizo? He's been samefagging 30 posts in a row for days now.

>> No.14363636

We don't want him either, go back.

>> No.14363644

no, if he's busy there that means he isn't busy here

>> No.14363894

whoever is orchestrating this is just going to use the time to talk with her while retards ignore her for some random reason

>> No.14364021

Spoilers for tinder stream
Are there really people posting there faces on the beatinder tag or are they using deep lore memes that I don't know

>> No.14364027

Bea will talk with herself? is she that far gone?

>> No.14364483

Is the stream today happening?

>> No.14364670

bea's ugly voice makes my 18cm hard


>> No.14366075
File: 21 KB, 239x180, SomeoneSaidTheWordSex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14366078

Every month I check this thread and it's always funny how your oshi does things to cause you all to melt down. It's always a joy to research whatever drama that just happened and laugh at you all retards. Most of the times it seems she is just trying to hurt you and you are all still here. Truly the most pathetic and abused vtuber fambase i have seen.

>> No.14366328


>> No.14366417

Glad I'm not alone. Never forget that the only people who can save these poor retards are themselves.

>> No.14366695

Samefag I think. They are probably pics ripped off the internet somewhere.

>> No.14366793

bea's ass belongs on my face

>> No.14366862

Every dad still here is genuinely in love with her and can't leave. I'm still convinced or this.

>> No.14366910

strong rrat

>> No.14366923
File: 110 KB, 1200x1138, 1638973610707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is true because it is good and it is good because it is true.

>> No.14367003

Don't give her yous

>> No.14367006

I know I should but I can't. Some people can handle it better than others.

>> No.14367179

It's wrong to abandon your daughter, dads. Do the right thing.

>> No.14367422

The right thing is to marry another dad so your daughter doesn't grow up in a broken home

>> No.14367513 [SPOILER] 
File: 111 KB, 850x850, ae255ea4c6e30cb8a258674159ab74a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't love her just can't leave
Because goodbyes are too sad
And this weird family isn't terrible

>> No.14367596

Part of why I like her is her being a shitposting bear, why would I get upset?

>> No.14367998

she gives her discord one thousand times more (you)s than she ever gave him.

>> No.14368181

I love her, sure. But I am not in love with her romantically.

>> No.14368410

I hate this timing, she just had her best moments irecently and I'm supposed to do an effort "punish" her? Feels backward

>> No.14368432

>her best moments recently
What were those?

>> No.14368451

He included DMs, so no.

>> No.14368463

>she just had her best moments irecently

>> No.14368506

Eh, I usually don't bother with threads in days with no streams, it's a stroke of luck I checked this one, plenty of people just won't know.

>> No.14368560

Once you hit 5000 occurrences when ego searching you realize it might not be so great.

>> No.14368623

Right, that would never occur to a boring dad like me.

>> No.14368794

>it's this fucking saturday
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH between the song with a very short deadline, all the annoying chrisams preps, overload of work before the year ends, and soe many others stuff, I never thought it was announced so little in advance, fuck me....

>> No.14368958

She's much MUCH better as a friend or fwb than romance, not even close. Did you see her "ideal bf"? Literally someone who don't speak, don't buy stuff for himself, is always busy and get money. And she said not being attracted to males physically. So basically you're just a slave and shut up.
Who would even love such a sociopath? I'd gladly go moshing with her at some local unkwnon punk concert however.

>> No.14369000

>And she said not being attracted to males physically

>> No.14369020

>Shota AR
Haa... Rape correction onegai haa... Haa..

>> No.14369087

no she didn't nigger

>> No.14369158

it takes like five minutes to make a meme tinder profile retardchama

>> No.14369190

Less than 48 hours left until memeball starts.

>> No.14369208

Literally fuck anyone that fucking cracks. This whore needs to learn and whoever doesn't go along with us should be ostracized and publicly shamed

>> No.14369223

Who will be the first dad to do his handreps to a fanfic about him?

>> No.14369254

I'll stay strong in memory of Ernesto.

>> No.14369425

I... Already did it... to both of them...

>> No.14369457

I salute you sir.

>> No.14369638

This one did me in but the EkoTachi one almost got me first.

>> No.14370085
File: 3 KB, 654x115, 1619338672997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry gomen I slightly mixed up the steps. Now is the part when the customs clearance happens.

>> No.14370212
File: 17 KB, 1029x649, 1637918220817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe this is the canonical map for relationships at the dad meetup party so far. Arrows indicate penetration.

>> No.14370312

this map needs to grow

>> No.14370554

This is could be useful.

>> No.14370606
File: 19 KB, 1092x649, 1635593876898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just realized I forgot Ekotachi!

>> No.14370887

So, Andrew fucks himself in this chart?

>> No.14370930

I'm just going by the stories as written.

>> No.14370938

We tell him to go fuck himself and he does it, the absolute madman.

>> No.14370982

MS got turned into a separate character and was scrunched into the fanfic that's in this very thread.

>> No.14371168

where does come the rrat about AR being a schizo talker and also MS?

>> No.14371239

Megane really turning into the dads onahole with these stories huh

>> No.14371321
File: 1007 KB, 1078x1079, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am glad we ditched that bear

>> No.14371342

This is what happens when the male to female ratio is 100:1

>> No.14371390

>Did you see her "ideal bf"? Literally someone who don't speak, don't buy stuff for himself, is always busy and get money. And she said not being attracted to males physically. So basically you're just a slave and shut up.
>This will never be you

>> No.14371455

Bea is a bitter lesbian who seethes at the thought she has to be a singing, dancing monkey and entertain dirty m*les for money.

>> No.14371562
File: 163 KB, 640x960, 1609852136204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did you see her "ideal bf"?
>Literally someone who don't speak
if you can't say something in 2 sentences tops, don't speak at all
>don't buy stuff for himself, is always busy and get money.
I still have the same clothes I bought 5 to 10 years ago and have a job
>And she said not being attracted to males physically.
too bad, since I am minimum 4/3 her size she has no say in this

>> No.14371759

I want to be Bea's paypig husband who works hard all day while she has sex with younger women.

>> No.14372032

You sure love the idea of Bea being a lesbian when she herself says she isnt. Keep your fantasies separated from reality.

>> No.14372161

He said talking about a polar bear that lives in a computer

>> No.14372562

Wasn't bea supposed to stream

>> No.14372670

She said she might do a gorilla because she got confused and thought there was a stream scheduled today but there wasn't. But lazy bear never had a chance.

>> No.14372718

Doing her ignoring dad reps.

>> No.14374189

I miss her

>> No.14374227
File: 354 KB, 516x518, 1621367963747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14374247

I miss Beatani

>> No.14374302

I wish C*by was around to talk to Takeshi in the chat. They would have so much fun together.

>> No.14374323

C*by is gone give it up already he's not coming back to honor you with his JSL

>> No.14375518

I don't think coby was a bad guy but his japanese reps were kind of cringe and he was maybe a bit of a weak dad. I hope he finds a new oshi he can be happy with. If you're reading this kiki is a few threads over and will treat you well, but tabun you're too weeb for her.

>> No.14375930

bear paws

>> No.14377067

I want to put Shaymin in a blender and give the paste to Bea to do her handreps with.

>> No.14377377

WTF Coby is a turbo normie. Spending his birthday with his GF, having barbecues, and going to the beach with his friends. Why is such a person here? Get out for your own good and mine too.

>> No.14377442
File: 155 KB, 508x491, 1635375783128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when she herself says she isnt
uhhh sauce?

>> No.14377448

he looked like a groomer to me

>> No.14377459

Bea would trade all of her autistic viewers for normies in a second if she could.

>> No.14377519

>I'm not lesu
>I'm not yuri
Just go back to the moments she talked about these things.

>> No.14377576

spoonfeed me

>> No.14377587

she would never lie. bea's not in denial about anything

>> No.14377620

It looked like he wanted to groom Bea at times.

>> No.14378409

Well all be normies once Beatan pairs us all up before the end of the year.

>> No.14378504

Bea will help you find a girlfriend (male)

>> No.14378516
File: 551 KB, 685x2072, mochi is not fishless sushi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14378648


>> No.14378958

Japanese """"cuisine"""" is literally just rice and fish, get off your high horse you fucking bear

>> No.14380024

This poisonous fish is significant since they are a secluded island and were forced to eat raw fish and rice only!

>> No.14380242


>> No.14380423


>> No.14380445

Fuck beatani and fuck her cunny

>> No.14380466


>> No.14380541

I'm going to wake up to everything gone back to normal, I just know it.

>> No.14380565

she will start chatting on trash as usual

>> No.14380618

Of course trashposters aren't going to be able to resist.

>> No.14380650

groomercord gonna groom

>> No.14380656

she must be thankful for the heads up

>> No.14380661

trash was created because non twitter dads were jealous
now she uses it to make non trash using dads jealous

>> No.14380662

We should keep a list of who replies or likes her tweets so we can shun them from the yah community

>> No.14380665

fuckyou don’t give her ideas to get attention

>> No.14380778

Dads you've been doing good. Our lines have held strong and noone dropped a reply yet. Unfortunately a few stray likes have landed. Be careful and check your fire.

>> No.14380835

She's busy on her personal account chatting with her favorite dads anyway

>> No.14380924

I already blocked you for that reason

>> No.14380978
File: 30 KB, 327x528, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14381336

what the fuck is she talking about

>> No.14381359

Bea is baiting

>> No.14381363

making shit up to try and make dads feel left out

>> No.14381412

We should also keep a list of who posts in trash, replies to what she says during a stream, and contributes to events. No one is allowed to interact with her without express community approval.

>> No.14381413

This is the most involved parasocial relationship I have ever seen

>> No.14381443

This but unironically.

>> No.14381445

dads don't let her mess with your brains

>> No.14381468

I am going to sleep for the next 30 hours
don't wake me up

>> No.14381577

It's truly a real parasocial relationship once it encompasses the full scope of human emotion and understanding.

>> No.14381670
File: 192 KB, 658x426, naughty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the naughty list

>> No.14381693

gyro rarely replies but always makes sure to during the "blackout" periods

>> No.14381762
File: 18 KB, 597x234, vr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14381853

We're not using chat at all during the stream right?

>> No.14381897

Might as well. Dads are too weak.

>> No.14381972

No. We just watch as she talks with whatever out of the loop viewers are there

>> No.14382000

You can use it if you want to, but try to hold back. Certainly don't throw unless you really want to.

defeatism AWAY

>> No.14382002

Those dads know exactly what's going on.

>> No.14382037

right now: replydads being cocky

>> No.14382097

no doubt it was all bea's plan and some of her favorite dads.

>> No.14382177


>> No.14382283

I don't remember which stream but it was when she was telling the story about her friend's friend pushing her down on the bed. Chat started asking "yuri bear?" and she said she wasn't yuri
She's talked before about how she feels like a freak for not liking people at all and instead liking kemono

>> No.14382469

She did the same recently, I'm sure it was when she said only kemono and anime girl were good.

>> No.14382951

It's funny because the vrchat thing isn't even a joke

>> No.14383077

She did say she would rely on him for vrchat things.

>> No.14383113

of course it's not a joke he is her trusty guy who always helps her in everything no matter if we like it or not she will always turn to him for everything

>> No.14383116

literally laughing at dads

>> No.14383202

also who is doing the 3d reps is him not bea

>> No.14383514

I would never accept such bad behavior from any woman in real life. Why would I accept it from some e-girl?

>> No.14383585

Confession: the only reason I'm still a member is minecraft

>> No.14383757


>> No.14383840

cute and funny

>> No.14384022

Honestly I'd accept some pretty abusive behavior from a 3d girl as long as she isn't a landwhale and doesn't cheat or steal.

>> No.14385412


>> No.14385420

if bea was a landwhale would you still watch her

>> No.14385469

She would sing better
fat people tone is real

>> No.14385542

It was already proven she got fat from the stress she got from streaming

>> No.14385558

wrong one

>> No.14385564

Beatani will cheat on you

>> No.14385752

What kind of retarded question is that
I don't watch streamers because I think I'm gonna fuck them
and even if I did I'm not that shallow

>> No.14385855


>> No.14385894

I'm only attracted to personality and beatani has a horrible personality. So no i would not fuck

>> No.14386735
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>> No.14389092

Japanese e-girl.

>> No.14389937

Needs sped up music

>> No.14390543


>> No.14390577

hey gimme Bea tinder form, is it too late?

>> No.14390620

Check the community tab. There are 26 hours left

>> No.14390640
File: 528 KB, 2039x2894, tinder_template.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have a day

>> No.14391342

I would. There was a girl I liked in school that was like this and I was obsessed with her. My brother fucking hated her.
Long story short, she ended up becoming a disgusting smoker so I noped out of there instantly. I can tolerate a lot, but I don't want everything stinking and yellow, fuck that.

>> No.14391797

>stinking and yellow
Hey! That's bea

>> No.14391899

Wow, Bea is Mexican?

>> No.14392039

Never met a Mexican in my life so I can't tell you. I did meet stinky asians, those sucked

>> No.14392410

followed shirara, probably for boyfriend tips

>> No.14392443


>> No.14392575

That one always takes very long breaks randomly. Bea wants advises as to how to stream less while keeping some audience!

>> No.14392586

>Beatani is a whore
You don't say? Scrap the 3D and the marathon streams, beatani should just quit streaming and fuck off

>> No.14392782

I know they have nearly identical models but you're thinking of Ayame.

>> No.14392831

You should quit life and do a flip.

>> No.14392850

shirara is just as menhera!maybe even more!
always on hiatus!

>> No.14393237

what is radio taiosu?

>> No.14393391
File: 418 KB, 599x503, twitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14393433

I don't know, bea please tell us

>> No.14393464

only exercise streams on twitch?
I guess that’s what that is we will see

>> No.14393468


>> No.14393524

The beginning of the end

>> No.14393676

Actually both takes breaks. I guess it's an oni thing.

>> No.14393698

It's meant to be additional streams, she put the least interesting content on twitch, to separate prepared stuff from casual streaming. I really don't see how anyone lose anything in that.

>> No.14393720

When she gets a taste of those numbers we'll see.

>> No.14393758

Why put it on Twitch at all? Does Youtube ban exercise? It's extra effort to maintain two platforms.

>> No.14393822

doesn't want vods

>> No.14393863

That's how it always starts. Just uninteresting streams...then just gaming streams and then just zatsudan. in the end the youtube channel will be just vods. Bea is not special in the sense that she's the exception to the rule, it's only a matter of time and you know it

>> No.14394094

>in the end the youtube channel will be just vods.
That would be great, each site used for what it's best for! I'm getting hopeful.

>> No.14394132

Yeah that's been the format of many streamers actually. Chibidoki use that making her own clips for her youtube and it just perfectly complements each other.

>> No.14394188

>in this year
Bea there is only 3 weeks left, you can say this month

>> No.14394201

Going to Twitch means she can network.
t. you, probably

>> No.14394219

Hopefully footsteps professionals are on the case and ready to archive.

>> No.14394258

Different casual viewers. Regulars will watch any content on any plateform. But more casual viewers are more interested in the type of content made specifically, so would be put off by some streams. It's better separated;
Similar to how some big names have a "_gaming" separate channel.

>> No.14394272

Do you think bea is even groomalbe?
I just prefer youtube because streams can load easier with my bad internet.
With twitch i’d be watching the same stream in 144p when it would be at 480p on youtube.
that’s if jeff beaks decides to give beatani or any other twitch streamer transcoding even .

>> No.14394294

>Why put it on Twitch at all?
So she can raid people to do ez network reps

>> No.14394298

>Do you think bea is even groomalbe?
She has already been groomed, that's why she's bound to /yah/.

>> No.14394323

As a long time viewer of youtube this is unacceptable. I've always proudly worn my youtube sweater and it just feels wrong to wear it while watching another site. It's like Bea wasn't even a fan of youtube in the first place and lied to us.

>> No.14394341

I dropped my last oshi when she moved to Twitch. It's too bad I might have to do it again. I really hate using that website and the mobile experience is even worse.

>> No.14394347

Good ancedote, personally when internet is bad I only can watch Twitch, it just loads better for me, and doesn't have that annoying delay youtube give you wher eyou have to use x2 constantly to get back to live.

>> No.14394388

It's the first thing I check when people suggest my a vtuber, where is their channel. If the content is interesting it's a nice bonus

>> No.14394400

Are you american?
maybe you have more amazon servers in your region.
Most people around the world can watch youtube as they have googles servers and support everywhere unlike twitch.
It’s more anecdotal to claim that twitch loads better when that’s usually not the case even for people with good internet.

>> No.14394432

I'm already using twitter youtube and 4chan I don't want to have to learn a 4th site to use internet. Maybe I could replace twitter with Twitch? It's a hard choice.

>> No.14394431

>As a long time viewer of ______ this is unacceptable. I've always proudly worn my _______sweater and it just feels wrong to wear it while watching another site. It's like _____wasn't even a fan of _______ in the first place and lied to us.

>> No.14394442

If Twitch wasn't such a pain in the ass I wouldn't mind. I don't care how good a restaurant is I won't eat there if it's in the nigger ghetto.

>> No.14394506

how long until bea becomes full numbear and tries to get rid of us?

>> No.14394521

I was so happy when I got to meet Susan 2 years ago, it was like I had reached a big milestone in my life. They even gave free YT mug to visitors, can you believe how nice they are? Man do I love youtube.

>> No.14394531

stop being black

>> No.14394535

About 4 months ago

>> No.14394554

Twitch somehow has a worse interface than Dwarf Fortress does.
It's one of the most inconsistent sites I've seen from any large group. Now that everything is on one page, it's a fucking nightmare to do anything custom to it. Autoplaying is also cancer.
I pop things out if I ever "need" to use that shithole site, interacting with any of its interface sickens me.

>> No.14394563

Except Twitch does have a delay and it's unfixable because it lacks the 2x.

>> No.14394627

WA kys

>> No.14394652


>> No.14394666

New York

>> No.14394687

It doesn't though, it's especially known for its instantaneity and used to interactions because of that

>> No.14394738


>> No.14394758

I wish there was an "Youtube indies" general honestly, content is nice but what really matter to me is where I watch.

>> No.14394760
File: 173 KB, 760x692, 1634392165948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really believed this tweet time will tell wether it''s true or just another one of her lies

>> No.14394778
File: 33 KB, 1516x872, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fault for thinking she'd be streaming.

>> No.14394783

So far it's been the truest of her statements.

>> No.14394806

Then why do I have a constant 2 to 3 second delay?

>> No.14394820

So is she going to just disappear one day after saying that she wants to take a short break?

>> No.14394829

I really wish you'd choke yourself.

>> No.14394850

she is not lying she only cares about numbers

>> No.14394859

probably going to disappear

>> No.14394864

Not much but i found this link before, https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=(バーチャルyoutuber+|+vtuber+|+vsinger)+-restream&sp=EgJAAQ%253D%253D
Bunch of unknown jp 2views to groom here

>> No.14394879
File: 283 KB, 491x512, 1616116154789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Beatani isn't special. A shitty website is enough for me to not really care about watching her anymore, there are plenty of vtubers I could be watching instead. I'll still watch the occasional stream though.

>> No.14394886

>especially known for its instantaneity
This is a site that enabled peer-to-peer on everyones connections by default to lower their bandwidth costs and to allow such functionality every single stream had 30 odd seconds of delay minimum.
Luckily they disabled that shit after Amazon bought them, but it still has noticeable lag.

>> No.14394904

shut up bea

>> No.14394908


>> No.14394923

Based nasty yukari

>> No.14394944

Have Susan as your oshi

>> No.14394969
File: 490 KB, 720x710, 1634091024365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no susan vtuber

>> No.14394972

Better than some shitty bear

>> No.14394979

Dont give her numbers and don't watch the twitch stream. If the vods dont get sent to yt we should archive and reup them

>> No.14394990

why was this linked then ?

>> No.14395016

listening to oneself proclaimed resistance leader faggot making the calls is the stupidest thing to do

>> No.14395026

Imagine the shitposting if Susan made a vtuber next year to celebrate the "metaverse".

>> No.14395035

I didn't expect Christmas month to be such a shitty one for dads

>> No.14395048
File: 120 KB, 256x400, 1610220024379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Beatani isn't special. A shitty joke is enough for me to not really care about watching her anymore, there are plenty of vtubers I could be watching instead. I'll still watch the occasional stream though.

>> No.14395088

Probably that faggot on Discord trying to "rally the troops" in to doing things. He shits up there and here equally.

>> No.14395104

Name him you pussy

>> No.14395118
File: 1.62 MB, 1280x1280, 1635688299852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well yeah, a shitty Chrismas month is enough for me to not really care about watching her anymore, there are plenty of vtubers I could be watching instead who respect such important moments. I'll still watch the occasional stream though.

>> No.14395125

name or you're a faggot

>> No.14395144


>> No.14395155

Twitch and Discord, name a more iconic duo.

>> No.14395160

You really fucking love twitch don't you. Go to xp hill.

>> No.14395161

No, you can read it yourself. You don't even need to use it.
He even posted recently.

>> No.14395166

I'm thinking based.

>> No.14395182

She's having too much fun shitting up the thread to start exercising

>> No.14395190

I despise Twitch. (top)
You're still a faggot.

>> No.14395191

Fake and gay you just want to shill Discord.

>> No.14395196

Yeah you are a faggot, kek

>> No.14395204

No I just don’t like one person making the calls like a faggot
Oh lets stop interacting with beatani,it’s already been done atleast three times!
oh lets not watch this stream!
oh lets not comment on the stream!
what are you fucking children?

>> No.14395211

why shitty?

>> No.14395218

Unironically they are, because they fall for his shitposting every time.

>> No.14395236

>Check out this guy's posts on discord. No I won't post a screenshot. Go look yourself. Who is he? It's a secret. Why don't you sign up for Discord and find out?

>> No.14395235


>> No.14395248

Oh no no no he did it.
Lurk more, retard, you can check them without using Discord.

>> No.14395258

he was posting twitch anti stuff unrelated to the ignoring evenr retard

>> No.14395285

it still works the same and I hate it regardless

>> No.14395290

Not interacting with beatani for 1 day is the most pathetic shit. She doesn't fucking care because the next day you are all already trying to groom the bitch. If you see me interacting with her on discord or twitter and feel the need to say something then fucking dm so i shut your sorry ass down

>> No.14395295

Yeah, you're not special. Your shitty joke is enough for me to not really care about watching you anymore, there are plenty of vtubers I could be watching instead. I'll still watch the occasional stream though.

>> No.14395338

interacting with a vtuber you like isn’t grooming please go back to where you came from

>> No.14395359

time to ignore the samefag

>> No.14395364

Don't talk to beatani like this, beatani.

>> No.14395378

Not interacting with her ever again would be the based option.

>> No.14395388

>He didn't use the correct word so now his whole post is invalid
Nigger kys

>> No.14395395

That's what everyone as has been doing for one day already

>> No.14395419
File: 10 KB, 234x193, 2021-12-10-053232_234x193_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Radio taisou Vtuber arc

>> No.14395432

does yt dl work on twitch?

>> No.14395439
File: 340 KB, 1359x768, 1624662085688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le samefag boogeyman

>> No.14395449


>> No.14395525
File: 391 KB, 1432x392, Screen Shot 2021-12-10 at 5.36.51 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Discord antis this is your chance

>> No.14395583

Beatani has been impersonating me on a constant basis in this very thread.
I don't really care anymore, but it speaks volumes about her priorities as a Japanese Vtuber.

>> No.14395609

WA... why are you even here then?

>> No.14395623

Is there going to be a stream?

>> No.14395642

You're replying to Beatani. I don't post here anymore.
I still watch the occasional stream though.

>> No.14395644
File: 90 KB, 770x962, 1638866686602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm confused now

>> No.14395652

You should just expose her then

>> No.14395666

A stream of piss from her rotten cunny straight down my throat

>> No.14395676


>> No.14395689

Bea just fucking start the stream fuck

>> No.14395695

Not here
It's just Bea samefagging

>> No.14395700

shut up menheryan

>> No.14395726

Why would AR want to lose all those footsteps?

>> No.14395736

Hilarious. But making fun of her disheartened fans like this is precisely why all the good dads left.
I still open the occasional thread though.

>> No.14395762


>> No.14395763

timezone is wrong fwiw

>> No.14395778

Isn't he in Seattle?

>> No.14395805


>> No.14395837

No thanks

>> No.14395849

I'm retard

>> No.14395856
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>> No.14395900

if she unironically moves to twitch i will drop her for good

>> No.14395919

me too dude

>> No.14395927


>> No.14395929

I will not fail
I will not stop ignoring her

>> No.14395946

she’s making cute noises!

>> No.14396007

Hm youtube is pretty good at getting rid of spammers, but twitch is definitely pretty shit about it. Isn't it pretty common for 2views to get their chats just overflowed with shit?

>> No.14396015

No, it's actually the opposite.

>> No.14396040

i’ll still open the occasional stream regardless of platform

>> No.14396043

go to xp hill

>> No.14396052

You can configure your chat rules extremely precisely to prevent anything you don't want to happen.

>> No.14396144
File: 106 KB, 936x1028, 1634674600594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youtube is pretty weak on that sadly, but Youtube gives you advanced customization, if the regular builtin anti-spam isn't enough hand you're the target of someone.
Each part can be further customized if needed.

>> No.14396160

>I think you are incel too

>> No.14396171

predict how long the stream will be

>> No.14396188

3 hours, she will get a beer any moment now

>> No.14396240

5 more minutes

>> No.14396292

25 more minutes

>> No.14396357

>This is first step for me
first step for moving to twitch permanently.

>> No.14396404

Beatani is a fat ass cow

>> No.14396633
File: 77 KB, 195x592, radio corner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14396679
File: 1.42 MB, 1908x3538, 20211210_231119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chu-hai dad just posting to say I love all dads and wish you a great weekend...I guess I wish Bea a great weekend too.

>> No.14396684

wow so much exercise!I sweat watching her!

>> No.14396701

I didn't look, what was her CCV at?

>> No.14396738

a hair under 60

>> No.14396782

Damn good photo.

Not bad for euro hours.

>> No.14396807

pretty bad for twitch numbers but it was also gorilla

>> No.14396841

0 / 59kg
twitch not so bad with emote spam block

>> No.14396855


>> No.14396961

She rarely reaches that number on youtube anymore. Even if 20% of those views are twitch bots this will probably make Beatani consider moving to that zoomoid platform, SAD!

>> No.14397022

I like that more unhinged bear.

>> No.14397052

You already know this but views are counted differently there

>> No.14397094

Hey frog

>> No.14397184

She said she's going to sleep after the stream, but she's going to spend a few hours staying up late chatting on discord.

>> No.14397216

hey bea

>> No.14397426

More dad sex onegai

>> No.14397471

Yes, 20%+ bots and the rest real viewers or simply people who happened to scroll through the thumbnail when searching the stream list page. That view last for 5 minutes

>> No.14397544

fake paws and also kys

>> No.14397624

I'm dreading for the day when Bea isn't just joking around

>> No.14397684

that day everyone will think it's a joke

>> No.14397707

She's not...

>> No.14397711

She never is. You just take things that are inconvenient for you as a joke

>> No.14397717

wonder how long it'll take for this twitch arc to involve random raids by people she's never met before just looking to clout chase

>> No.14397767

She loves clout chasing though. It seems to be fun for her.

>> No.14397808

Bea is unbelievably cute today!

>> No.14397831

Twitch is for cool gamers and Beatani is not a cool gamer

>> No.14397833

What's wrong with more people learning about Bea and becoming a viewer.
Stop gate keeping the community.

>> No.14397905

when is she joking around?

>> No.14397947

I don't think she's been joking around

>> No.14397958

I don't want the kind of people who watch Twitch streams watching Bea. Current dads included.

>> No.14397960


>> No.14397973

as long as beatani remains free and virginal I will support her and let her play with my feelings all day long

>> No.14397986

Joking about what?

>> No.14398074

Raids are 90% of the time a positive event and mostly from people she already know. That kind of retarded fear of raid is such a typical vt circlejerk it's just insane.

>> No.14398131

*Nade didn't have any issue with raids, quite the opposite, Eira and Lumi raided her for example, and she kept more than 100 viewers from moonjelly(lumi friend) for her whole stream, most people stayed.

>> No.14398135

Bea has to go to a date and she's still connected to discord. Why is she like this?

>> No.14398173

Can't believe that kind of insufferable holobrained faggot is still around to this day.

>> No.14398181
File: 418 KB, 600x800, 1609992431781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14398227

The date is happening trough discord, at this very moment.

>> No.14398267

discord VC date

>> No.14398323

she keeps calling me, but I promised I'd ignore her

>> No.14398338

Post some goddamn feet Bea I'm sick of waiting
