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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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13971240 No.13971240 [Reply] [Original]

A thread dedicated to the male members of all branches of Nijisanji.
Talk about your favorite livers, ask for stream recommendations, post cute images, keep it friendly.
Post what your oshi has planned or is currently up to, what events you're looking forward to, or what/who brought you to the Nijisanji males in the first place.

Previous Thread: >>13709920

>> No.13971532

damn, this thread has gone far

>> No.13971612
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>> No.13972360


>> No.13974300
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>> No.13977628
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>> No.13979934
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>> No.13980892

Genzuki twitcasting

>> No.13980986

It's crazy, but I'm really happy it it's still around. My favourite thread around. Just always comfy, good art, ask questions, support other anons like Akina's husband who's struggling with withdrawls. Just overall nice.
I still have the first threads saved because I thought this would have died and I wanted to remember the fun memories.

>> No.13982104
File: 617 KB, 1748x2269, IMG_20211203_065911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today is exactly one year since Shellin 3D's first appearance in Levergacha event. Will they finally announce his 3D this month? He seems get busy again lately, but he was also busy with various projects around this time last year, so who knows?
Meanwhile, you can watch above event for free:

>> No.13983020
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>> No.13983238

Kuzuha tried to play Re 8 today, I'm still really new to learning Japanese so I don't know why the video is so short, did he crash? or is it just for members, anyways I found it cute

>> No.13983459

It's "stream ends when I scream" challenge. His manager originally didn't allow him to play RE8 because he has recording today, but then allowed him to play only if Kuzuha don't scream.

>> No.13983643
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He did an "end stream if I scream" challenge and got farther than I thought.
Speaking of screams, music to my ears
With the anniversary live I assume he's busy but, it will be funny getting to see his idol outfit before he actually does his damn debut. One day in the future, they'll have fan-accessible AR stations so you can actually chill with the livers 'in person', he'll be there, 3D debut still in the works...

>> No.13983729
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Haha i actually just looked up the kanji on jisho and kind of guessed lol, still super cute though, do you guys know Japanease? I'm just beginning to, its fun but so difficult

>> No.13984749
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>> No.13985263

Only spoken and kana, can't read kanji beyond N6 ones. This is what happens when your nihongo self-study is optimized to understand your oshi...

>> No.13987160

I'm N6, but my kanji knowledge is improving really quickly.

>> No.13987760
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i'm n2 but following dumbasses like akina and fuwa forced me to learn a while new level of japanese i hadn't expected kek.
i'm glad i got into them though because my listening comprehension has increased significantly. my job only requires me to read so vtubers have bizarrely improved my in-person japanese skills.

>> No.13988207

When I took Japanese classes finally, it made me realize I maybe shouldn't have listened to almost exclusively kansai ben vtubers beforehand

>> No.13988286
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I got N2, was about to take N1 test if it didn't get cancelled here thanks to the coof. But I wouldn't say I'm good at Japanese, I still struggle with listening and is pretty shit a holding a conversation.

>> No.13989768

>manager says cool it on the horror games due to upcoming recordings
>he screams all day in non-horror streams anyway
Being the person in charge of his vocal chords must be stressful.

>> No.13990459

unsurprisingly a lot of the speech i pick up from them is masculine speech so sometimes when i parrot it in conversation with friends they're like "where did you learn that..."
i guess be careful what language you pick up from vtubers kek

>> No.13992298
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>> No.13995687
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>> No.13997498
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>> No.13999000
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>> No.13999178
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My wife is so cute when he's embarrassed!

>> No.14001381 [DELETED] 


>> No.14003398
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>> No.14003404
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Nice double trips

>> No.14004254

Shellin 3D still elude us, but he's marikaing right now.

>> No.14004566

Kanae surgery is coming up apparently judging on him fucking around on subtwitter, I trust the doctors to take care of him but I'm hoping he will actually rest after it since too much activity can fuck up healing, he keeps going to dance practice so often and complains of muscle pain...

>> No.14004642

blessed mocihmochi collab tonight

>> No.14005189

I don’t follow Kanae. What surgery does he need? Wishing him well

>> No.14005288

ICL surgery, for his eyes

>> No.14005699

I'm worried about it but I can do nothing but wish him luck and hope for the best.
Warning: doomer rant
Honestly, if I could talk to him about it and if I have a say in his decision, I'd definitely dissuade him. Because of the risk of complications (post surgery glaucoma or early cataract development, etc, not to mention the possible intrasurgical complications. And considering how important clear vision is in his line of work, I wouldn't want to risk it.) But it's his body and his decision so I will respect that.

>> No.14005941

Yeah, I read some of the discussion here and looked it up myself, but he got a second opinion from another doctor, and it made me feel better about it. But then the dumbass said he wanted to stream the day of the surgery i.e. afterwards. Maybe it isn't a big deal or not but I hope he doesn't since after his bad tonsillitis he now gets the importance of resting when sick/recovering (I hope). But that's why I keep my concernfagging away from him since I know he gets annoyed at it

>> No.14006192

Yeah I would never express my concern publicly since that's just annoying. So this is just my chance to vent my concern for a bit.

>> No.14007108
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i can't believe the chronoir animate cafe is only for two days (on the weekend no less) per location. there's no way it's because the rof*mao one flopped, because i couldn't even get into that one either and any time i walked by there was a huge crowd around it.
the totes are really cute. godspeed to anyone who's able to get in.

>> No.14007265

Kuzuha's uploading shorts in December now (and the company in the description has finally been changed from ichikara to anycolor)
I saw screenshots of Rofmao cafe having sold out goods so it shouldn't be that but it's such a small window for Chronoir.

>> No.14007511

Mayuyu taking a break due to depression. But will still show up in official things. I hope he can get better.

>> No.14007572

Glad he’s taking a break. Please rest well Mayu

>> No.14007599

Poor Mayuyu. I hope he feels better soon.
As a Meschers fan this is turning into a pretty depressing end of the year, but I hope both he and Akina are able to come back feeling renewed and excited to stream again.

>> No.14007773


>> No.14007810

I tabbed away for a bit and it's saying offline, did he add any additional details?

>> No.14007826

It's back, technical difficulties

>> No.14007856
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sorry to say this when he's discussing something so heavy but god he's beautiful

>> No.14007895

I can get that all the tech difficulties added to his stress, being unable to fulfil collabs with ease...

>> No.14008054

Glad that he isn't struggling with enjoying streaming as I got that feeling from when he went on break early this year. But I hope he can come back better. Tough end of the year for a bunch with work and stress.

>> No.14008484

Mayu going on break is sad but he handled it in a way that will prevent his fans from feeling uneasy, which I appreciate. Especially since Japan is a country that's still not so great about recognizing mental illness, it was brave of him to be so upfront about being depressed.
I know he didn't mean it to but Akina's "don't worry, I'll definitely be back!" had the opposite effect on me since the way it was phrased made me wonder if there's was somehow any question to him returning in the first place... Either way, I hope he recovers from whatever happened in his life as well and look forward to 2022 when all this has hopefully passed.

>> No.14008895

Thankfully it is not total radio silence but it's better to take a break instead of pushing when you have low energy. Otherwise it's a surefire way to make a person hate their job
I won't say that I don't miss them both but it's better to step away when things are rough

>> No.14011188
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>> No.14011493


>> No.14012992

Kuzuha RE8, he can scream now.

>> No.14012996

I love this child

>> No.14013092

Ending my day with his beautiful screams...

>> No.14013395

Kuzuha is nervous about his fan name now that he's getting tons of articles. Trying to come up with "family friendly" alternatives like kuzufam

>> No.14013606

Chat's suggestions includes:
Hi no kami Kagura
Blood pack

>> No.14014335

i thought they're naming his fanbase not him

>> No.14016138

Play this at max volume for authentic experience

>> No.14016240

Perfect, I don't need my eardrums anyway.

>> No.14016343

Puwacchi is very cute with Niji3D today

>> No.14017322

To me I feel like it’s kind of stupid to worry about that but… to be honest the name might look a little weird to people not familiar
I still hope he doesn’t change it in the end or at least makes the new one just an alternative

>> No.14018654

It can be pretty cringy and a bit derogatory to onlookers. I recall there's a clip of Shiina complaining about the kachiku name when she found out her mother become a kachiku.

>> No.14020009

>Shiishii's mom
What's with Kuzuha and hags...

>> No.14020455

He's meant for spoiling

>> No.14024123
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>> No.14026312
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>> No.14030386
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>> No.14032973
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>> No.14033438
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all our boys are topping the charts for the vtuber music awards

>> No.14037202

i love geminids a lot it's a really nice song

>> No.14037212
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>> No.14038847

He's meant for grooming

>> No.14038895

My dad!

>> No.14040682

Le Jouet's Viking MV should have been #1 in MV ranking, it's way too cool

>> No.14043491

Saw this retweeted even by someone who's not into vtubers. For some reason, this fanart got really popular.

>> No.14043679

Looks like an average salaryman living an otaku double life. I tend to see Yashiro art once a blue moon on non-vtuber fan accounts, he's got a universally pleasant/plain design

>> No.14044536
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>> No.14048689
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Leos is so soft and innocent in his Passpartout and Big Brain academy streams, completely out of touch with the younger audiences because of generation gaps, and making funny sond effect all the time, such an adorable grandpa...

>> No.14049715

I hope Nijisanji continues to add more old men to the roster

>> No.14051381
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>> No.14054562

Kaida getting more and more yumejo game sponsors is funny to me for some reason. But for anons who missed him he's streaming later tonight.

>> No.14057576
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>> No.14057642
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Lauren wants more stamps especially penlight ones but he hides his singing in mengen...

>> No.14057959
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>> No.14058726

Leos is so cute and his personality and design are 100% my type it's crazy everything about him is perfect. The contrast between his soft quiet side and his loud arrogant side is so good.

>> No.14060553 [DELETED] 

who's this cute cat boy?

>> No.14060822

Aza from Virtuareal

>> No.14062996
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>> No.14063311

Ago stream tonight, finally Marika announcement?

>> No.14063495

Seems like it, looking forwards to it warmly

>> No.14063747

Shellin reuploaded his Potato ni naretteiku cover as shorts, with new video and mix.

I wonder if he'll use Yab's mix for his shorts now instead of his own like his twitter uploads?

>> No.14064199
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>> No.14064333

Cute audio meter

>> No.14066202
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>> No.14067086

Grooming sex with this vampire!

>> No.14068473
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>> No.14068478 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14069927
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>> No.14069996

Kuzuha is convinced that Ethan is a homewrecker and is continuing Biohazard week

>> No.14071332
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>> No.14071460
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>> No.14071507
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>> No.14071604
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man LOVES his clam soup

>> No.14072448
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>> No.14072492

Man after my own heart. Can't get enough of green onion.

>> No.14073423

Mochiken time

>> No.14073975

His mic's volume keep fluctuating

>> No.14074301

>80 participant marika
Wew lad
I thought he did it on purpose kek

>> No.14074337
File: 1.06 MB, 1809x1077, 1638631822217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Marika announcement

>> No.14074424

Sex is on the horizon as his outfit from the contest is still in the works sorting thru everything...

>> No.14074447
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Now take off the entire thing.

>> No.14074456

It's been like that for the last few streams.

>> No.14074569

Seeing Twitter reaction and chat reaction difference is funny.

>> No.14074838


>> No.14075028

I'm distracted by blazer-off Ago so now that I already jacked it off away,
>80 participants
Can I hope for overseas participants here or is it wishful thinking

>> No.14075166

Oversea branch participants would be really nice, but isn't Nintendo's netcode pretty shit?
How many participants were there last year btw

>> No.14075224


>> No.14075355
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I guess the addition is just from Edengumi then... thanks anon.

>> No.14075749

I guess its Lauren, Leos and Oliver.

>> No.14075846

anon, there are people who can choose not to participate

>> No.14076408

I know, but if I had to guess just 3 extra participants means it's more likely for this to be a JP-only event. Not to mention EN already had their marika event. Not that I'm complaining because it has always been a JP event, I was just wondering whether they can get overseas this time.
But well there's probably no use in speculating, we'd know by 12/10 anyway.

>> No.14077074
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Shellin sounds really excited about the tournament compared to last year. Also he's currently has the highest rate among all Nijisanji (the rate don't mean much though, most of the finalists don't really grind a whole lot). His Christmas Eve epiphany truly transformed him into Marika ojisan.

>> No.14078713
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>> No.14080391
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>> No.14082208
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>> No.14082285

I like listening to Axia talk about random stuff makes for nice background noise too while I'm doing work

>> No.14085021

Ibu finally defeated Cynthia but not without a sad sacrifice
Grenade-kun finally did what the entire chat wanted him to do, fucking die

>> No.14085929
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I tune in and he's talking about sweets

>> No.14087747
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>> No.14089765
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>> No.14094103
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>> No.14097949

oh.. i think axia talked about buying an alexa just to talk to it because he's lonely?

>> No.14098894
File: 1.01 MB, 2048x1536, 1638666812082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love him...

>> No.14099060

Did he move out of his family's place?

>> No.14101192

Axia is still fishing for Feebas? This might actually take longer than his shiny hunting...
He talked about it last month. I hope he can get a cat of his own soon

>> No.14103129

i'm not surprised. he seemed really close to his parents, and living on your own for the first time is already kind of a jarring experience. getting a pet or something will definitely help.

>> No.14104763

YES!! i always put axia vods on when i'm studying his voice is perfect

>> No.14104994

I think he's lived alone before, but yea still pretty lonely. My japanese isn't good enough so I can't tell if he talked about his place not allowing pets or something in the stream? I might be completely wrong.

>> No.14105462

Axia finally found a feebas

>> No.14107456
File: 556 KB, 1500x2048, gagashi_-1455593050667827201-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for my monthly "browsing Twitter for Leos fanart" session.

>> No.14108990

No more fish head...
What shit luck he has though.

>> No.14109316

I didn't watch the stream but when I checked the duration, it's almost 12 hours
How can one man be so unlucky

>> No.14111961

He also spent a couple hours in the last stream trying to find a feebas too

>> No.14115382
File: 335 KB, 1920x1080, stdin_snapshot_53.14_[2021.12.04_23.00.53].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genzuki in Petra's birthday totsumachi

>> No.14115902

Cute bonding over knowing piano. And he did a masterful happy bday on the flute

>> No.14118237

kaida hisashiburi zatsudan

>> No.14119150
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Baby Mameneko

>> No.14120336
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kaida mentioned both akina and mayu in his stream and discussed the importance of properly taking breaks, even as a streamer. it was nice to just hear akina mentioned, since it's been almost two weeks. i miss him so much, bros.

>> No.14120354

My ojisan wife is a great mother as long as the baby is capable of holding a spear.

>> No.14120751

I'm starting to miss waking up to seeing his retarded deleted tweets replaced by even worse ones....

>> No.14122013
File: 168 KB, 1500x1000, FF03MODUYAEMSDs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the timestamp for idaharu discussing mayu and akina
i hope he's getting lots of rest like the sweet little nyanko he is

>> No.14123101

Kuzuha getting bullied is my fetish.

>> No.14123723

That's a good fetish, Anon

>> No.14125793
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>> No.14126694
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>> No.14126919

I wish he didn't cut off the part where he actually caught it off the livestream. I know he put it on twitter, but now I can't see chat losing their shit when he caught it at the last moment anymore.

>> No.14128015
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>> No.14128924
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Akina's gonna miss three of his songs hitting 1mil all around the same time. Congrats, beautiful wife.

>> No.14128960
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Someone made compilation of Shellin's dad jokes, and now this clip live rent free in my head.

>> No.14130106

Kuzuha Bio8, probably the last one since he's at Heisenberg's place right now.

>> No.14132543

He's sure enjoying the Heisenberg fight.

>> No.14134327
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>> No.14135018

I cant imagine kuzuha being a dad

>> No.14135060
File: 207 KB, 988x1550, E-w3OqnVgAM0iOM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay strong Akina anon

>> No.14135074

>fps player
>older brother
How do we save EN male gen?

>> No.14135974
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>> No.14136006

That's just Edengumi.

>> No.14136842


>> No.14136859
File: 233 KB, 1200x1234, IMG_20211205_235225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not liking clowns

>> No.14137209

No EN Nijimales have debuted so your post makes no sense in this thread.
Also, this is the first time I've seen you here but I've seen you on other threads so I don't even know if you do watch Nijimales or if you're just here to shitpost about saving nonexistent livers.

>> No.14137640
File: 76 KB, 964x602, fc2f3d56cf8358231f287ccf2e925ce2326d3e24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are some nice cat noises. What a calming voice. https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Xg411G7Pd?share_source=copy_web

>> No.14140298

It's some schizo shitposter usually found in EN vtuber threads this week, board can't go a day without generating a new namefag

>> No.14140847

I notice a lot of VR vtubers cover Stay, is there any reason why? Feel like I can find a cover of that from every guy

>> No.14143118

I just thought it's one of those western pop songs that are popular in China, especially since the Bieber has pretty good global market presence and one of his albums was pretty big there, so I just assumed it's popular there and didn't think much else of it.

>> No.14145623
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>> No.14147328
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>> No.14149210
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Ouji has hit 90k subs, I wonder how fanservicey his 3D would be...

>> No.14150202

Man, last year I wouldn't even thought Naru and Air gonna hit 100k in 2021-2022.

>> No.14150831

With Air's work schedule and Naru not posting as much in 2020 I thought it'd take longer but I'm happy to see them grow and stream more.

>> No.14152860
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>> No.14155492
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>> No.14157717
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>> No.14160650
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>> No.14162683
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pixiv factory goods are up
my fav is definitely this pattern with the boys on it
but there's a lot of really beautiful chronoir and kanae illustrations in particular.

>> No.14163252

The Kanae one and Chaika one are great but I really like the 1st and 2nd gen one.

>> No.14166003
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>> No.14166071
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>> No.14166550

i love the way this artist portrays meschers
so dumb but so cute

>> No.14166659

so cute. i love meschers

>> No.14167231

Kuzuha sang a lyric to wotaku’s Shanti earlier. That song would suit him really well, he should cover it

>> No.14167377
File: 141 KB, 1920x1080, FDV6FOsaMAAGPNy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That artist and this one are my favorites for stupid cute expressions

>> No.14167551

Me too... He's also been apparently singing Inferno by Mrs.GREEN APPLE every time he's been to Karaoke lately. I want to hear a Kuzuha vers.
And then I just remembered he's releasing a whole damn album. I never thought we'd see this much singing from him last year.

>> No.14167569
File: 205 KB, 1920x1080, FEZP3PaaAAI6Ye1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her animated meschers clips have always been my favorite
i love the dopey look she always gives fuwacchi--it really captures him perfectly kek

>> No.14169811
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>> No.14172431
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Ha Yun being bullied by two cute girls

>> No.14174608
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>> No.14175709
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>> No.14176569

Kanae's going to have the ICL? surgery tomorrow, hope everything goes well.

>> No.14176683
File: 1.20 MB, 1200x1920, E_s2JMIVgAERWJh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Praying hard for his eyes.

>> No.14176968
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Wife playing with FPSwives... a dream come true

>> No.14177052

Holy.... this might be too much sex for me to handle...

>> No.14177077

We're now 1 miniscule, molecular step closer to a Reid Lauren guitar playing collab.

>> No.14177296
File: 280 KB, 2048x2048, FEd57DbacAIz3gU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wishing the best for my wife so that everything goes well and that he won't need glasses anymore

>> No.14177327

Shibuharu mentioning the 7 days to die collab Lauren had with Kanae

>> No.14177384

Everyone he collabs with in FPS world makes fun of him (in good nature) for singing

>> No.14177671

Is it just me or is Lauren's stream dropping frames? Feels like it's lagging a lot compared to Hal and Reid's but nobody else is commenting on it so I don't know if it's just my internet.

>> No.14177966

No it is lagging, his model is also freezing quite a bit. He also kept hitting discord mute/unmute immediately, not sure what's up with his PC

>> No.14178828

Fuwa will finally stream playing with his present to Mafumafu along with Soraru and Zuha, on the 8th.

>> No.14180432

I would kill to see a Shanti cover by him. Genius idea

>> No.14180991

Kanae's Mafia and Kuzuha's Shanti cover when...

>> No.14182748
File: 161 KB, 1080x1741, IMG_20211206_194059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool Yashiro

>> No.14183438

so many fanarts making him look cool/mysterious i always have to remind myself this is the same man that struggled with the shooting gallery in ocarina of time so hard it took him thirty attempts to succeed.

>> No.14184445
File: 258 KB, 2229x1499, 20211205_221752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14185979

My wageslave dad can't be this cool!

>> No.14186174
File: 487 KB, 1300x1198, 1638804121364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plenty of hot Ago fanarts lately thanks to the surprise summer outfit reveal

>> No.14188357

southern hemisphere chads can't stop winning

>> No.14188597

>kanae streaming
shouldn't he be resting his eyes or something

>> No.14189014

Why didn't shachou buy more healing items before heading to E4 and Cynthia....

>> No.14191706
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>> No.14194533

The surgery is tomorrow. By the way does anyone know what time he said he’ll have the surgery?

>> No.14196700

I'm assuming he'll tweet but don't most surgeries happen in the morning

>> No.14197130

What do surgeons do in the afternoon?

>> No.14197198


>> No.14199264
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>> No.14201888
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>> No.14203547
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>> No.14205389
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>> No.14207893
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>> No.14209148
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>> No.14209253


>> No.14209571
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My poor wife... I want to hold and comfort him

>> No.14210314

hopefully he doesn't freak out too much and can take it easy.
for now he's playing ARK But Scifi and sounds a little sleepy. cute!

>> No.14212060

delicious ebi

>> No.14215169
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Love him so much.

>> No.14219031
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>> No.14220950
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>> No.14222726
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Page 9 already, it's only been 30 minutes..

>> No.14222835

Apparently, Nagao only learned that 88888888 was clapping during Happy Hour with Chigusa. Sasuga my grandpa

>> No.14224650
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>> No.14225504

He's off to it now

>> No.14227171
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>> No.14227473

Already over wtf

>> No.14227940

I think it got moved to another day or something

>> No.14227996

I see, I just checked the follow up tweet. Idk how eye surgery works but still hoping it goes ok.

>> No.14229371

sex NOW!

>> No.14229477
File: 129 KB, 1181x1748, FB0s4hpVEAU2xOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cutest grandpa

>> No.14230435
File: 658 KB, 870x756, Screen Shot 2021-12-07 at 19.05.19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's odeko time

>> No.14230781

made for kiss

>> No.14232491
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>> No.14232851
File: 174 KB, 768x768, IMG_20211206_173908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shellin is busy with various projects this month, busy enough that he hardly have time to practice marika. He goes out nearly every day now (he usually does his work and recordings from home). He's thinking on buying more clothes (not high branded ones) to make himself more presentable.

>> No.14234585

I hope he's keeping warm. Well, he was joking about buying another expensive as fuck coat if he won... his poor wallet

>> No.14236215

He just need to do his 3d debut, and he can easily buy the 770k one. I know a higisha who plan to throw 150k for his 3d debut.

>> No.14236360

Jesus... I believe it, they have been waiting for so long. Shellin better hurry

>> No.14238167
File: 327 KB, 1448x2048, FGAU0puaIAAkxdA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rest well, beautiful wife

>> No.14238367
File: 181 KB, 1611x1080, FF08OpnakAAV2nK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon i miss this silly wife so much

>> No.14238595
File: 231 KB, 1780x2048, FF_9MzsakAAMEn3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been rewatching his vods starting from debut and it's just a reminder of how much i love and miss him. i hope he's able to come back soon.

>> No.14239149
File: 377 KB, 800x1500, FDl5hkfagAAbYpR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i also figured it would be a good time to go back through his archives. felt a bit emoi watching his older zatsudan, he's grown a lot. it's also nice to relive some of the random weird shit he did lol. while this is kind of making me miss him more i wish he is well right now and that he takes his time to sort things out as he needs.
also to anons who might have not seen it before his chrono trigger playthrough is nice if you're up for watching something long. i myself was going to rewatch it some time soon.

>> No.14239557
File: 1.34 MB, 2343x2756, FFwGKSbVQAA9WpR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imaginary dog made an appearance

>> No.14240218

Hope we can get the name, at least

>> No.14240258

yeah imaginary dog

>> No.14242216
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>> No.14243315

He wouldn't... right?

>> No.14245647
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>> No.14247496
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>> No.14250317
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>> No.14251703

super cute style

>> No.14253442
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>> No.14256209
File: 2.16 MB, 3600x2600, cute Korean wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14258407
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I didn't watch Axia's unpacking stream because I want to wait to play the game myself, but it sounds like Fuwa's was really fun and cute so I might have to cave.

>> No.14261365
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>> No.14262654


>> No.14265562
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>> No.14268396
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Kurerai perfume anken tonight, with batsu game.

>> No.14268428
File: 302 KB, 1660x2048, IMG_20211208_092549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of nice art of drama audio version Axia lately

>> No.14271887
File: 1.42 MB, 1300x1658, 20211207_215807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14275540

Happy holidays

>> No.14276858

yea all the art makes me want to buy the voice drama

>> No.14276958

That plus Lauren singing praises for Yumeoi's professional voice acting. I felt like skipping it but he's mentioned it 3 times ever since it was revealed that now I feel like I need to hear him...

>> No.14279547
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Shellin and his lolis

>> No.14279884
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Kaida 3.0 on the 10th. Perfection

>> No.14279929
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The professor has been added to Tamaki's harem officially...

>> No.14280585
File: 1.59 MB, 2150x3035, 1638948225039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute lovemaking with my long sleeve-less wife

>> No.14282310
File: 413 KB, 1456x2048, IMG_20211208_092528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14283938

Onegai... my oshi...

>> No.14284000
File: 89 KB, 1024x751, FFcXB79aIAImcvY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if Masaru will get to use his new equipment to the fullest.

>> No.14284468

If Kanae's in this I will kneel

>> No.14285663


>> No.14285799

Thank you Kuzuha Management team for highlighting how cute he is. And reminder to use his damn hairstyles.

>> No.14286223

FuwaZuhaSoraMafu splatoon

>> No.14286283

Shellin and Luis' perfume anken start!

>> No.14287951

Shellin almost forgot to turn off the stream...

>> No.14290069

Don't make me hope anon

>> No.14290117
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>> No.14292662
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is imaginary dog a nijimale?

>> No.14294243
File: 343 KB, 1164x1813, IMG_20211207_121932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish Shellin would cover slower and more emotional song sometime, kayoukyoku and enka doesn't count.

>> No.14294656

Leos and Lauren are off-collab twitcasting https://twitcasting.tv/leos_vincent

>> No.14294815

Leos has the best taste in music. Thank you for teaching this zoomer.

>> No.14295026

I hope he leaves the archive because I can't listen right now.

>> No.14295459

Yes same as tiffany.

>> No.14296429
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>> No.14297952
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>> No.14298538

>archive stayed
Based. There is some Leos singing for a bit. And maybe they'll try the hell that is Jump King. I'd like to see it.

>> No.14301038
File: 1.08 MB, 1816x2877, FGGFYw2UUAQuN1I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14303652
File: 1.78 MB, 364x640, Joyful.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14306842
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>> No.14310460
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>> No.14312132
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>> No.14313928

My wallet... My wallet will kneel.

>> No.14314761

Does anyone here watch Kou? What's he like? I only got into Nijisanji this year but out of the guys I've checked out I don't hear much from him, and he's in the 4th anniversary concert.

>> No.14314969
File: 2.12 MB, 2595x3600, monyue33-1423324134310694916-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss that one anon who would translate small portions of whatever happened in some of Leos' streams.

>> No.14318894
File: 103 KB, 822x960, FF8S91sVgAQM9fT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To page 11

>> No.14319630

See you in the next thread anons

>> No.14319892
File: 711 KB, 1272x2039, mikinonon-1420408545476964354-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

