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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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1348881 No.1348881 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1348946

gta online collab with miko when

>> No.1350384

When miko learn english

>> No.1350496

nice thumbnail

>> No.1353963
File: 96 KB, 440x412, EiWfwEUVoAAPPtS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mun thread ...
Comfy mun thread ...

>> No.1354017

remember report and ignore schizoposters

>> No.1355668

lads i love moona but she's as dumb as bricks cute though

>> No.1355696

That's okay. I don't watch her because she's smart but because she's a cute

>> No.1355929

>I don't watch her
fuck off anti

>> No.1356377

she's not horrible at driving compared to other holos

>> No.1356539

Anon, your english reps...

>> No.1356670

i think she's played it off steam

>> No.1359780
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Is this the Mooner thread?

>> No.1362858

Nooooo. I like the other thread more.. Why is it deadddd

>> No.1362904

Do yall EOP munafics still tune in when she speak indo? Just want to know

>> No.1364958

Can't wait for HoloID Mario Kart, or better yet, CTR tournament

>> No.1368041

I hate mario kart

>> No.1370001

she's too much of an airhead it's kinda concerning. she sounds she can be easly manipulated.

>> No.1370660

H-hot, hypno doujin when?

>> No.1373796

Gorilla onegai!

>> No.1374748

Thats what I wonder about her collabs with small indies, like there is no way she knew them before so Im curious how many of them reached out to her knowing she most likely wont turn them down to profit from her audience and not just because they like her.

>> No.1374855

I forgot to add, also it looks like her audience has a huge infuence on her and since she was flooded with people that discovered her due to pekomoon interactions, there is a huge part of her viewers that push this ship way too hard and because of that she pushes it too much too and it just becomes another yuri bait imo

>> No.1375549

This concerns me as well. I just hope none of the supposedly glorychaser hurt her feelings in the future.

>> No.1375699

Don't forget about her manager. I'm worried that she's probably the one who most likely talking moona into doing these collabs

>> No.1377081


>> No.1377100

Terima kasih moona.

>> No.1377934

moona seems comfortable around them so they proly had some interaction offstream that we dont know. anyway, it's also a learning opportunity and experience for moona to be a better talent, like that Overcooked 2 collab with her indie friends, she should initiate collabs like that more. so in the end of the day it's not big of a deal really, it's all good for moona and her friends.

>> No.1378122

>giving moona chance to break out of her shell and gain more experience by interacting with more people
her manager sounds based to me

>> No.1380348

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSW_kaMHU1Q Gorilla!

>> No.1382978

I just hope that she's doing that genuinely to help mooner, and i don't want her to overdo it either.
Just look at pekomoon second collab, how many times moona make marriage proposal joke, you never know if it just her autism or someone recent influence.
I am concerned.

>> No.1383593
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pecker is different case. moona's defo gay for for her.

>> No.1384249

you might probably right


>> No.1387420

im surprised this dumbo actually knows the concept of countersteering

>> No.1389812

Any cute moments last night in Pecker's stream? I know Mooner appeared in chat asking what she's building. I watched until the Pecker giving Cocker her first Usadaken salary part and then fell asleep

>> No.1389877
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Bunch of translated clips went up for that stream. Apparently the new Peko build should leave room for her employees to build stuff, so that should be something to look forward to at least.

>> No.1390007

She drives her own car iirc.

>> No.1390322
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>> No.1390404

Nah, moona said it clearly that they dont have that kind of relationship because she already have iofi

>> No.1390465

Yeah i wish moona amd peko could just stay as friends that like playing together, not that yuri bait shit and i believe pekora arent comfortable with that kind of thing but moona keep persistent about that marriage and tease jokes, luckily pekora doesnt give a shit to any of that

>> No.1392353
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>> No.1392534

why is you posting my wife

>> No.1392586

You're not pekora

>> No.1394190
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>> No.1397024

Fucking hell its almost 1 year she debuted ...

>> No.1397477


didn't they already do a GTA collab?

>> No.1398146

What timeline did you came from? Maybe you remember Suisei instead.

>> No.1398956

think your thinking of flare anon which is a bit hard cause she's a ni......g......gg....

>> No.1401066

it's been quite a journey...

>> No.1401096

t-time travel anon?!?!

>> No.1401146
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>> No.1402018

Imagine if covid never happen, i probably will never know who she is

>> No.1402826

Driving on a keyboard is far different from actually driving.

>> No.1403112

It's so stupid that I have to watch a clip of Moona seeing Trevor's dick to remember Scatman's World

>> No.1403844

there's a clip of Moona getting "NO!"d by Pekora and she cracked up and said "I knew she would say that". It's clearly just a joke to her. Unless that counts as yuribait? Iofi as husband is way more yuri than PekoMoon

>> No.1404044

i said the CONCEPT. your reading comprehension reps. now.

>> No.1404290


>> No.1404942
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>Pekora doesn't give a shit
>He doesn't know


>> No.1405653

I know she said it, its just that their interactions used to be normal and now we cant get a single normal one without yuri baiting

>> No.1406419
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fuck normal interaction, go full banter and yuribaiting lets fucking ikuzooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

seriously tho, you cant really blame her for liking pekora that much. also it's not like they interact with each other that often, so saying like "i miss you" and little bit of flirting should be fine/ besides, the audience like the tee tee energy they emitting. so no big of a problem really.

>> No.1407247

True true, I wasnt talking about the i miss you part, it was really sweet and I really understand why she likes her a lot, maybe I complain a bit to much. It just gets a little repetitive when everytime they talk kissing/marriage is brought up. Its fun to see it sometimes but not everytime. But again im just biased since im just not a fan of shipping, I just like some good sweet comfy tete.

>> No.1407353

Moona is a very cute autist and I don't really get why she's doing what she's doing.
She even stopped by in Mana's chat yesterday for no reason.

>> No.1407938

She easily gets bored.

>> No.1410462
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>> No.1411224

Post Moona face

>> No.1411249
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I can't delete background, forgive me.

>> No.1411645 [DELETED] 

Real face retard

>> No.1412003
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this one?

>> No.1412043
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But anon that's her face though?

>> No.1412635
File: 311 KB, 429x850, moon wink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't delete background, forgive me.
Give me image with background.

>> No.1413439 [SPOILER] 
File: 24 KB, 400x400, 1615481030948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay i'll tank it special for that anon. here's moona's face. abayo.

>> No.1414152

I lost it ...
Its from a thumbnail on member straem

>> No.1414898

Shame, if you have any other ones crop let me know. If I find time I'll crop them.

>> No.1415856

reine collab soon bros...we're going to make it

>> No.1416168
File: 68 KB, 424x600, 1608295588670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the best girls of their respective gen

>> No.1416207

Sorry Pochi but Reine's outfit looks like trash

>> No.1418543

I'm sad that's she finally get bored with minecraft. But that's understandable since she's been playing for soo long and pekora also didn't play that much lately. So I guess there is not much incentive to play.

>> No.1421513

>I'm sad that's she finally get bored with minecraft.

>> No.1421711

She said it in the previous gta stream that's she got bored playing minecraft

>> No.1421849

But but pekoland

>> No.1421951

She got bored playing anything, its her autism
She'll get back playing Minecraft again anytime soon
