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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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14132727 No.14132727 [Reply] [Original]

They're not inferior to male irl stramers at all, so why are they not as successful? Does having anime avatar turns people off from watching them that much? If that's the case then does that mean the concept of male vtuber itself is a mistake?

>> No.14133048

They do fine in Japan, it's just in the west where it's a niche since it's seen as weeb shit. Doesn't help that people sperged at Pewdiepie and Pokimane for "disrespecting" it when they threw on avatars.

>> No.14133582
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I'd say wait on NijiEN 4 first before the success of male EN vtubers can be accurately gauged. Hololive is still very hesitant to bite the male pill on their EN branch considering they have attracted a base that, at best is not used at all to male vtubers, and at worst hostile.

>> No.14133891

It's a flop, look at Tsunderia. Males unironically killed the company. I'd advise Niji to axe the auditions.

>> No.14133974
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The market for male vtubers are female vtubers. All you need to do is tap into the kpop market and convert from kpop stans for a fresh female viewerbase.

>> No.14134015

Shut up, Nen. I will never have a cock like this *unzips*

>> No.14134048

I hope LSD Hoshiyomi makes it… He’s a hero.

>> No.14134292

Too much APEX

>> No.14135029
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its impossible for males like the homos to be idols, it would be better for my oshi if Cover graduated them

>> No.14136370

Don't expect anything out of that wave, AC was too hesitant about adding them and now it's pretty late for them in the game and they will surely play hyper safe and stale.

>> No.14139151

Anycolor has been frustratingly cautious with their EN branch, so I don't expect anything either.

>> No.14139213

Is this a picrew

>> No.14139220

The success of male EN vtubers will be defined by them properly understanding that their target audience is still men, and not women.
Don't make bishonen pretty boys, make badass looking anime characters.

>> No.14139743
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No, it's some cute boy(girl?) from Tsunderia.
This is also valid, but men don't watch badass anime characters. They watch literal paperbags. The future to male vtubers is in two directions; Literally just male streamers with avatars, or cornering a new female-centric market. They should not compete with the same audience as female vtubers because they will surely lose.

>> No.14140655

All the good male talents aren't going to feel the need to become a vtuber. They can easily just stream by themselves and take the proven path. The ones that become vtubers are rejects from the previously mentioned pool.

>> No.14141844

>All the good male talents aren't going to feel the need to become a vtuber
Sometimes people like things (vtubers) and want to try them (vtubing).
>They can easily just stream by themselves and take the proven path
Iirc recently inclined male indie twitch.tv/kenji was a 2view regular streamer before becoming a vtuber.
>Literally just male streamers with avatars
This is already how many people would describe many of Nijisanji's existing male vtubers.
>cornering a new female-centric market
Already exists to an extent. It's not going to get as big as streamers with majority male audiences if all you're doing is gaming desu.

>> No.14142645

>so why are they not as successful?
holostars only, they're boring

>> No.14143089

You guys see ikemen vtubers and assume only women watch them when that isn't even the case, men still watch them. Western men are just very insecure. And that's why they won't do well in the West, because men think everything to do with anime that doesn't have tits is gay, because weebs are a dying breed and are being replaced with zoomers from TikTok.

>> No.14145395
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Not making the same thread every day would be a good start.

>> No.14146732

>we save

>> No.14150734

they already work

>> No.14150977

But they are super successful. In Japan.

>> No.14151368

Nah, "real" men don't watch them.

>> No.14151414

The only ones that need saving are Holostars... even indie males do better.

>> No.14151488

>nah, I'm delusional and ignorant

>> No.14152097

Male vtubers don't work in the west because the gimmick does fuck all for males since people don't go to male streamers because they look good.
Anyone already streaming and finding sucess won't debuff themselves with a shitty avatar, and anyone who is a 2view while being a normal streamer won't suddenly find themselves getting an audience that would have passed them over if they go virtual.
Honestly I think >>14133974 has the right idea at this point. Male vtubers need to find an unconventional streaming audience. Since trying to compete with normal streamers is doomed to failure.

>> No.14153976

All the male vtuber avatars are too pretty and cute. I guess it's good for fujos, but it makes me uncomfortable watching them as a guy. I want a normal bro I can hang out with, maybe someone with a beard or some fat. Not some bishonen Twink.

>> No.14154177

I'd like to try beeing a male vtuber but I know that there's no realistic way for me to make it. I'm just too retarded

>> No.14154216

>Normal bro
>gross beard
Maybe the fujos are right after all, I'd rather be surrounded by pretty anime boys than ugly burgers.

>> No.14154337

Force collabs no one wants. Just ruin the goodwill of the company. Then the company can go under and they can get real careers.

>> No.14154374

Why on earth would you want to hang out with a fat person. Do you get intimidated by seeing non-ugly men out in public?

>> No.14154535

Not super fat, just a little bit of chub.like a lot of regular gamer streamers have.

Why do you want to hang out with a man designed to be sexually attractive to gays and teenage girls?

>> No.14154597

Honestly, market them towards boys instead of pandering to fujos, 99% of what they simp for is targeted towards males anyways (stuff like MHA, Haikyuu) thing about them is, they only bandwagon on popular things, so first market them as homies to chill with and the fujos will come with time as popularity grows.

Pandering to fujos from the beginning just puts off everyone else, and kill your growth.

>> No.14154717

That just sounds like you're afraid of turning gay if you look at a man who isn't a fat burger. The fact that you use the word "chub" makes me think you're a /trash/faggot anyway

>> No.14154745

Hot people are good, anon. It is a net benefit to promote attractive chuubas even if you aren't personally attracted to them, for the good of society. Less ugliness in the world can never be wrong.

>> No.14154857

The paypigs are gonna be fujos. They will not be a large part of the audience but fangirls always bring the most money. Unless /vt/ is lying about the power of parasocialfags that is.

>> No.14154879

How would you even sell merch or promote yourself if you were an ugly fat slob anyway? If you want to watch fat people go to the top section of Twitch. No one points at anime and says "I wish this was more realistic" other than Twitter sjws who want everyone to be black and fat because "muh realism"

>> No.14155003

I thought the exact same thing. It's a Twitterfag mindset to be offended that beautiful people exist and you can't relate to them.

>> No.14155045

For whatever reason females in the west don't typically watch vtubers. I know multiple female weebs and none of them watch vtubers (and some are bisexual).

>> No.14155258

actual cum suckling faggots will cope about it but it really isn't complicated. Most successful male streamers look like neets and even some faggot coming in just with ironed shirts and clean jeans looks scuffed next to them.
Black streamers, male vtubers, handsome streamers, those are for literal homosexuals. 1% of the population and probably much lower than 1% for people who like a very male orientated thing like technology i.e. gaming.

>> No.14155402

woman =/= fujo
fujo = fujoshi = woman who's into BL, so she likes fictional romantic/sexual relationships between men
yumejo = imagine a female gosling
please use these terms responsibly going forward

>> No.14155440

>Handsome streamers are for homosexuals
Eugenics now onegai

>> No.14155450

>If you want to watch fat people go to the top section of Twitch.
I'm not offended or bringing politics into it at all, I'm just saying to follow the proven formula. Bishonen male vtubers get very low views. Fat (ish) twitch streamers get massive views. Do the math. Or continue to be a 2 view forever I guess, hoping that some crazy rich menhera fujo will bankroll you.

>> No.14155477

Genderbend them.

>> No.14155523

? I think 4ft5 nip women are more attractive than 6ft blonde netherland women.
So sure, eugenics but the way I want it.

>> No.14155542

>a niche type of streaming gets less views than a non-niche type of streaming
What are you going to tell me next, water is wet?
>Bishonen male vtubers get very low views
Do you know any male vtubers that aren't Holostars or Twitchfags?

>> No.14155601

Retardchama the question is about male chuubas, not normal male streamers. Do you think a male chuuba with an ugly model would be more successful? Good luck getting any oil barons that way.

>> No.14155702

By his logic all vtubers should become hand-washing ABC singing PNGs since those perform crazy well on Youtube.

>> No.14155828

>Do you know any male vtubers that aren't Holostars or Twitchfags
Guess I missed all those male vtubers racking up numbers. Then again, everyone else must have missed them too, since we have these constant threads on "why are male vtubers so unsuccessful".
Whatever, enjoy your twinks.

>> No.14156034

From now on I will imagine everyone who uses twink/bishonen/etc as a derogatory term as a landwhale with poor facial hair

>> No.14156132

Oh, really. If so many real men watch them, then why fuck are they so irrelevant that they need schizos begging for them to be saved, huh? Only fujos and faggots watch them, that's it.

>> No.14156136
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We have these threads because they're made by retards who don't watch male vtubers but want to discuss them apparently failing because they're like you who are intimidated by anything not ugly and thus can't do research.
Definitely a twitter troon

>> No.14156203

>hen why fuck are they so irrelevant that they need schizos begging for them to be saved, huh?
Who exactly said this needed to be done? The voices in your head?

>> No.14156250

Here's Nijisanji's most subbed vtuber with over a million subscribers.
I believe his audience is 70-80% male, and that's with him having a side channel for fujobait basically. Second most subbed has a prettier design and iirc a 60% male audience with being the other person on the bait side channel.
It's not about design. It's about entertainment value and the content the vtuber provides.

>> No.14156311

>They're not inferior to male irl stramers at all
Disagree. Even if you have a PERFECT rigging and software, you are going to be way less expressive than a real person. Male streamers don't rely on being cute or handsome, so the avatar doesn't convey any advantage (and does come with disadvantages).

>> No.14156347

Because this thread exists, you retard.

>> No.14156357

>saying that fat people are ugly is Twitter troonery now

>> No.14156425

Males are inferior by design. Deal with it.

>> No.14156454

How about Yashiro who's the 3rd most subbed male in Niji and has an 85% male watchbase while doing 0 specific pandering towards women.
So this thread is the authority on the state of male vtubers instead of actual facts, got it.
I'm calling the fag who wants "realistic" vtubers a twitter troon

>> No.14156469
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The top Niji males are out there pulling easy 30k+ viewers. It's just holostars and Western males that are failures.

>> No.14156540

Exactly, we have the formula right here.
>be attractive enough for fangirls but also be enough of a chill guy to not alienate male fans
>be a competent gamer
>stream constantly to push the algorithm in your favor
>have charisma

>> No.14156607

Thanks for clearing up the confusion anon

>> No.14156669

Yes paypigs are fujos, but they wont come unless the content is popular and draws their eyes, the trick is to pander enough as to bait supas while making sure you dont alienate the casual/normies.

>> No.14156719
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>> No.14156785

Do you apply this same logic to regular male streamers that get a lot of donations as well? I doubt their donators are exclusively female.

>> No.14156837

Plus fangirls work differently, you don't always have to actively pander to them to get them to gosling for you. You could so much as breath into the mic a certain way and half of them will be diamonds. If you have a nice voice that will take care of it.

>> No.14156857

What is with your insistance to bring up regular male streamers, no one does this for female vtubers. Thots are sleeping on beds and printing money in donations, doesn't mean female vtubers need to do this.

>> No.14156881

>So this thread is the authority on the state of male vtubers instead of actual facts, got it.
From my point of view it is. Pathetic threads like this is the only place I hear about these losers. My male chuubas don't get enough love blah blah blah.

>> No.14157012

Reddit seems more your style, they love begging about underrated males.

>> No.14157014

>from my point of view
Actual retardation on full display

>> No.14157473

To a certain extent yes, the bulk of their donations do indeed come from males however those are 99% of the time, 2-5 dollar donations to get the TTS and get the streamers attention, their dedicated fanbase however usually is the one that drops the big reds that push them to the top of the charts, and those usually tend to be the yumejo/fujo crowd. If you were to head onto the places they hand out (tumblr, twitter) you can see their autism on full display. I don't deny that the bulk of their donations come from normies, but the big ones are almost always the fangirls I mentioned.

>> No.14157499

>How about Yashiro who's the 3rd most subbed male in Niji and has an 85% male watchbase while doing 0 specific pandering towards women.
I always forget how big he is. His design still isn't unappealing, just a plain adult, so different from uohhh fat ugly twitch men. Being bishonen isn't a requirement for sure, not being offensive to look at is.
Don't fanboys do the exact same thing?
In that case you can hear more when NijiEN male bait inevitably fills the catalog.

>> No.14157688

He isn't bishonen, you're correct. He looks like a mob character in a bara rape doujin which coincidentally, his mama draws.

>> No.14157883

Shut up Petra, Idolish7 is trash btw

>> No.14158260

Petra has me watching the A3 story on Youtube now to see what the fuss is all about and it's basically a telenovela but you self insert as the girlfriend. No wonder women love this stuff.

>> No.14158856

Is there even a big demographic waiting for male EN vtubers? I know Japanese males are very popular, but I can't even think of a popular male EN indie of the top of my head to be honest.

>> No.14159313

No good thread has been made with the words "How do we save __"
>How do we save Council? >>14118949 <- most popular now and guaranteed to farm (You)s
>How do we save Pekora >>14050923
>How do we save Sana
>Saving Matsuri
They're all made with the purpose to bait

>> No.14159501

Lmao what’s that pic?

>> No.14160100

>Granblue has a Love Live collab
>LLfags get mad their 2D waifus will be cheating on them with the male MC so GBF lets you switch to a female
>this isn't enough because there are males in the GBF universe, to which the LL girls got teleported to
>Twitter squabbles ensued

>> No.14161258

Lmao, isn't the MC just you as a self insert?
Wtf is wrong with the average GFEschizo?

>> No.14161699

Not GFEschizos, idolschizos. IIRC the Love Live girls don't even care about a main character or anything they just exist. At least everything I see about the main character is moreso the girls using it as an audience self insert but it has no emotions.
The GBF main character is (You) essentially and is a major driving force in plenty of stories as well as getting a shit ton of pandering GFE/BFE art. I guess LLfags felt cucked because the more chad MC would be talking to the girls. Not like it matters seeing as they're fucking 2D. The meltdowns over boy and girl collabs here is the same way they acted with that event.

>> No.14162075

Are /vt/ anons the male version of those ugly fat tumblr diaspora women who complained about "too much fanservice" and drew ugly fat stubbly versions of fictional characters? Normal people are okay with pretty anime people designed not for their sexual orientation you know.

>> No.14162481

They are exactly like those people kek

>> No.14162742

The real question should be how to react este K-POP type of crazy frangirs in Vtubers

>> No.14162892

Yes, they are. It's ironic that /vt/ hates Twittertroons when they are just reverse Twittertroons themselves, complaining about anything that doesn't cater to them and attempting (and usually failing) targeted harassment efforts after not being catered to
