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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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1412785 No.1412785 [Reply] [Original]

Will her roommate be part of HoloEN gen 2?

>> No.1412851

No bugs allowed. Get out

>> No.1412902

don't be too hard with them, anon.
or they will go schizo mode and shitting on threads.

>> No.1412906

You wish

>> No.1413072
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But was she a bug or a victim of the bugs? Simply speaking chink doesn't make you bad. She could just be in some random US Chinatown girl.

>> No.1413113

I'd be surprised if all of the ex-CNs aren't blacklisted by Cover (and probably Nijisanji too). Maybe not Yogurt but that's just because there's no evidence of her being a wumao cunt like the rest of them.

>> No.1413138

You got the EN part right but she'll be a NijisanjiEN and not be let back into Hololive
>t. Dum Dum Knight

>> No.1413140


She was a bug. Her and her pals all chose to backstab their coworkers. Fuck them, and fuck their reincarnations - I wish them nothing but continued failure.

>> No.1413170

She's already reincarnated and streaming again as an indie. go watch her if you want.
English clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV17N411Q7Qz
newish song cover: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1VK4y1J7Zw
live room: https://live.bilibili.com/22608112
Archive: https://space.bilibili.com/576172207/video

feel free to talk about her streams in the /tia/ thread.

>> No.1413259

yeah no, she did fuckall in hololive and chose to eat bug shit with the rest of her ilk

>> No.1413321

They're victims of Coco. Fuck that reddit queen

>> No.1413353

Haha, nope. She was friends with several of the NGA admins, had many of them as channel mods in bilibili and kept them even after they started their spam campaign.

She was complicit at the very least.

>> No.1413362

Nice joke

>> No.1413375
File: 31 KB, 537x571, 384C518A-DA34-44B5-93FC-722B4A9D091F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I want her to have a collabo with Coco.

>> No.1413377

No (you)s for you pretend (I hope) zhang

>> No.1413556

why are you reddit schizo so addicted to making bait threads so you can spam about china?

>check catalog for coco thread
>it's about chinks
>it's dead as fuck
yeah, this is a cocofag bait thread cause spamming about chinks in the coco thread barely gets replies.

when are you faggots going to either make normal coco threads or fuck off to reddit with your crusade against china?

>> No.1413588
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>> No.1413598

When you fuck off to your discord hugbox.

>> No.1413632

the moderation is stepping up and deleting your bait threads so now you're trying even harder. you're a pathetic fucking retard.

>> No.1413738
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Actually I was just kinda curious...I never got a bad vibe from her. Is that too hard to mentally handle?

>> No.1413769

Who cares faggot? They're VTubers just like your own precious Japanese ones. All nationalities are allowed.

>> No.1413812

there's a /tia/ thread up to discuss her and her reincarnation has been posted on here for weeks.

you're getting more desperate to make bait threads is all where you can spam about zhang and chinks is all.

>> No.1413843


>> No.1413938

I wish, she was a great talent and it's a shame she got caught up in everything when she just wanted to play games and entertain her dumdum knights. But since she's streaming on bilibili I doubt she'll be back, I hope her luck over there but I personally don't want anything to do with that site so I'll probably never be able to catch her livestreams again.

>> No.1414158
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Wait is her roommate still streaming?

>> No.1414282
File: 1.41 MB, 480x360, READ NIGGA READ[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fgt13j1.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1414713

I loved watching her while she was still part of holo, but rehiring a previously graduated holo under a separate identity would be incredibly risky, and that's ignoring the wolf warrior shit she pulled during The Great Youtube Analytics Yab of 2020.

If any CN would be rehired it would be Spade, since her and Yogiri were the only two in CN who didn't pull anything, and Yogiri said she's unlikely to "re-incarnate" for personal reasons.

>> No.1414776
File: 127 KB, 1074x1281, kuririsilhouetteshoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yogiri said she's unlikely to "re-incarnate" for personal reasons.
debut later this month

>> No.1414808

Is it confirmed it's her yet?

>> No.1414809

spade didn't even bother to do a graduation stream cause she gave so little fuck about hololive. she was instantly on her own account and not giving a shit about cover or hololive. she's the last one who would go back to hololive.

>> No.1414824

People also forget that she was caught reposting pro-CCP propaganda on her Weibo prior to her debut. The only thing you can really say in her "defense" is that she's a massive retard unaware of her surroundings and friends' views despite all of the evidence piling up but then you'd be no better than a tiafag.

>> No.1414950

The alternative being allowing the chinks to believe they are actually welcome anywhere beyond their firewall? No thanks.
