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File: 610 KB, 900x631, ogey selen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14049349 No.14049349 [Reply] [Original]

She would be more popular than Gura if she was part of hololive

>> No.14049419

My dick would be more popular if it was part of hololive

>> No.14049433

You really think holocucks would let her do regular collabs with people like RPR, iPN, Restya, Templex etc?

>> No.14049449


>> No.14049591

>She would be more popular than Gura
>She would be more popular than Ame

>> No.14049634

Probably not as popular but it would be pretty close

>> No.14049684

She wouldn't be able to openly shit on shovelware games. Fucking Sana was forced to not use Kuso Monday. I'm glad laughter dragon is in nijisanji.

>> No.14049781

An Apex whore with smoker voice? Nah.

>> No.14049830

Nope. She’d become just like Amelia. All depressed because they won’t let her stream what she wants

>> No.14049968

Delusions. Why are nijikeks so obsessed with Hololive? Just go back to your general instead of shitting up the catalog.

>> No.14050085

There's only one Smoka bitch Apex autist who matters.

>> No.14050278

>Sana was forced to not use Kuso Monday
Really? That's depressing.

>> No.14050314
File: 764 KB, 1000x1137, 49271419279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14050652


>> No.14050745

Damn that sucks. Sana collab with Selen on a shitty co-op game when?

>> No.14050763


>> No.14050870

Apex buff only work in Nijisanji

>> No.14050933

Nope. She'd be mediocre EN Botan.

>> No.14051305

If Selen was in HoloLive, she wouldn't be able to do half the stuff she is currently doing in Nijisanji. Like other anons have mentioned, all these collabs wouldn't happen, and she'd be told to rein in all the trash talking she does. I'm glad she's part of Niji personally, it's clear she enjoys herself there, regardless of the numbers.

>> No.14051432

Dragoons is the most delusional fanbase
>en botan
>zero sexual content or bait

>> No.14051573

She'd already be a Holo if she had the stats for it. Sadly she's doomed to be irrelevant 3view garbage.

>> No.14051634
File: 381 KB, 1750x1650, 1631620782145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14051939
File: 37 KB, 585x468, ELIRALOVE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragoons please just let it rest. Your girl cant even top Niji EN... Leave it to the superior sister.

>> No.14052023

For real: she would be as popular or more, if she debuted at the time Gura did.

>> No.14052055

spbp, holocucks would have an absolute meltdown after hearing a male voice that wasn't yagoober

>> No.14052197

This is 100% holobronies finding her, enjoying her content, then having a seizure trying to cope with enjoying something outside of hololive.

>> No.14052373

Is it really that bad over there selen?

>> No.14052500

>let's filter her

yeah, no.

today i will remind the zoomers.

>> No.14052555

I watch Selen and she is no Gura.

>> No.14052929

But she’s not and she couldn’t get in, sorry nijichamp

>> No.14055164

not to pick fights, but i feel selen is far more engaging to her audience than Gura

>> No.14057119

>would let her do regular collabs with people like RPR, iPN, Restya, Templex etc?
Literally WHO? Cover may be a black company but thank god they don't give these 2view tryhards any spotlight.

>> No.14057237

Very nice falseflagging, although not even a holobronie can be this stupid.

>> No.14057325

Well but she isn’t part of Hololive

>> No.14057443

Selen would agree

>> No.14057921

Nijis need to stop coping. Selen will make it without Hololive I believe in her

>> No.14058257

seleniggers literally can't stop whining about not being hololive

>> No.14059033

nice cope

>> No.14059088

I have never seen a good post with a selen image attached.

>> No.14059125

no she wouldn't, do you really think she'd be even half the person she is now with Omegatranny breathing down her neck?

>> No.14059145

Is this another episode of
>Selen is good, I will compare her to others and wonder about what ifs instead of explaining why should be more relevant

>> No.14059954

>that terrible constant and forced laugh
Nah, dont think so.

>> No.14059989

>say HoloKEKS
>when he is the one who wants to watch girls flirting with other men live on stream

>> No.14060117

Quite a shallow person, really. I like her, but she lacks soul.
