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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.83 MB, 2000x1125, Buttons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13994853 No.13994853 [Reply] [Original]

In front of you there are 3 buttons. Each one with a tremendous power, enough to change reality and fate.
The first one, if pressed, would suddenly make you stand out from your oshi's community. She will slowly get interested in you, form a friendship and eventually fall in love. She will deeply love all your qualities and understand your flaws. But as true as it is, it will still be a destiny forced upon her, she will have no choice but unconsciously accept it. Unfortunate in this universe she will not be able to stream as much and will have to give up on her idol dream so she can be with you.

The second one would be the opposite of the first. Your oshi will find a man or woman who definitely loves, appreciates and understands her. She will marry him and they'll live a happy and joyful life together. She will achieve her dreams in this universe, but will never know who you are and what you did for her.

The third one is about the need of one person versus the need of many. Every /vt/ anon whose oshi is the same as yours will, over the next few years, meet a woman who's not exactly their oshi but really similar and will eventually marry them. In this universe nothing really changes to you or your oshi. The anons will never know what you did for them.

You will always retain the memory of your choice and you can only choose one button.

So what is it, /vt/? A, B or C?

>> No.13994986

i press A a dozen times

>> No.13995028

The homies come first brother

>> No.13995150
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B, how can I really say I love Suityan if I steal her dream from her?

>> No.13995190

I don't want anything to change and all marriages end in divorce so none of them.

>> No.13995261

B. I am that man.

>> No.13995426


>> No.13995573

C. even if the chances are low, i can still find my own girl like my oshi, i just want to assist my brothers in arms

>> No.13995637
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B, how would I say she's my oshi if I don't want her happiness and well being over everything else.

>> No.13995701

I've read this a few times and I've noticed that unlike the first 2 buttons, C doesn't have a clause that it would be a happy or successful marriage. While I imagine the intention is for them to find happiness dating an oshi-adjacent women I doubt many would actually be up for having a depressed wife who breaks shit when shes angry and can't eat gluten

>> No.13995770

I write an angry letter to Bioware letting them know that I played their triology for over 100 hours and I'm fucking pissed that my choice of ending comes from pressing one of 3 buttons.

>> No.13995814

I put all 3 of the buttons in my ass OP

>> No.13995910

A. My oshi doesn't have an idol dream and probably would manage to make her dreams come true without streaming

>> No.13996235
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all buttons have the consequences of the first. i will determine my own future.

>> No.13996268

B. I want Suisei to accomplish her goals.

>> No.13996463

B because even though she will never know me, I believe nevertheless that I shall get her, in virtue, that is, of the absurd, in virtue of the fact that with God all things are possible, and I know that I will be that man she will marries and give her true happiness.

>> No.13996492

The Hoshiyomi putting Suisei's happiness above everything else, as always. You guys are cute

>> No.13996550

I'm a greedy fuck sorry

>> No.13996597

C is statistically the best way to spread the most happiness

>> No.13996604

I cleanse all three buttons with holy fire. Option A is already true for me so I don't need your foul sorcery.

>> No.13996700

A. I'm beyond the point of helping others find love.

>> No.13996713

C because I'm married
literal bikekuck logic

>> No.13996820

A, unless a fellow Pomudachi presses C, that way I can press C for him too so we can all be happy.

>> No.13996884

Cuckfags are so pathetic they can't think about other people being married without inserting themselves into the equation to push their fetish.

>> No.13997602
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i'd press C because it'd make the LGBTQ community seethe, rage, dilate, and die.

to see this many soibois converted into husbands? yes.
i don't care what color you are, as long as you are a man and not a faggot.
>Every /vt/ anon whose oshi is the same as yours will, over the next few years, meet a woman who's not exactly their oshi but really similar and will eventually marry them.
i can't misread that: that's trad'wife as hell. it specifies woman, so only lesbians who share my Oshi win.

I mash C for my Holo-Oshi, my indie Oshi, and once for all the Pikamee bros out there

> then once for lily

>> No.13998070
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i press all 3 at once

>> No.13999101

I press C and them I rape all of the semi-oshis. I'm 6'2" 350 lbs of pure fat btw.

>> No.13999844

I press c becuase its more of a curse than a blessing

>> No.14000204

I press no buttons. Nobody deserves to be happy.

>> No.14001497

But are you bald?

>> No.14001625

press C with a fellow anon and that way both of you will be happy

>> No.14001715

C. What a dumb question.

>> No.14001860

if I press C, there's probably at least 20 mousey-like girls that will all just die as soon as they go outdoors
i'll go A

>> No.14002114

Top kek
I haven't finished ME3, I hope it's not as bad as everyone says

>> No.14002197

C is a disaster. I wouldn't wish you fucks upon any girl, and wouldn't that make my oshi lose fans anyway? Surely if you all fuck off with a real waifu, you won't love our oshi anymore.

>> No.14004227

99% of Mass Effect 3 is great, the ending is pretty bad though.

>> No.14006388


>> No.14007972
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>you can only choose one button
Who decided that? I choose all 3!

>> No.14008036

I refuse to push any of the buttons; my oshi is Rushia.
Rushia is everyone's wife. Pressing A would force her to only have me, which is a downgrade from having everyone.
The second one would force Rushia to have only one person as well. Unless "Fandeads" in general as a concept counts, in which case I'll press it, even if it cucks myself.
The third one would force other fandeads to marry and no longer be dedicated to Rushia, which would be a negative impact on Rushia as she wants everyone to love her.
Therefore, I refuse to press any of the buttons.

>> No.14008039
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I'm 10 billion percent certain that C is the logical choice. I'll achieve my dreams in my own way.

>> No.14008182

>these faggots will never get to be with their oshi
>no such statement that prevents me to be with my oshi or for her not to achieve her dreams
I win. My oshi wins. All you retards lose. Clearly the best option.

>> No.14008822

Ill shoot myself

>> No.14008986

B. Even if every anon in /vt/ gets to marry a woman who resembles his oshi if i press C nothing guarantee they are gonna be happy, while pressing B would make my oshi very happy for sure

>> No.14009498

B. She's too young for me and will be happy if she'll be happy. I have a real wife though..

>> No.14009865
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C, everyone else gets someone close to my oshi which automatically means I get my oshi

>> No.14011003

It's all forced destinies anyway, so may as well press A.
If it's an abuse of power, then perhaps pressing none of them is best.

>> No.14011787

C. I got rich off crypto and options gambling, and have made it. You guys need all the help you can get.

>> No.14011967

B. My oshi's roommate is hideous and fat, so A is not an option. C doesn't benefit me at all, so that's not an option too. B means my oshi continues to produce content for me, and there is one less fat and ugly on the market, so a win-win.

>> No.14012834

>My oshi's roommate is hideous and fat

>> No.14014163

>option C only specifies that they get married, not that they stay married
>a bunch of women similar to my oshi out in the wild ripe for cucking
checkmate bros

>> No.14014505

C, bros before hoes.

>> No.14014609
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There's only one way out of this and that is B

>> No.14015096

While all you fags are busy getting married with fakes, I'll take this opportunity to get the real deal.

>> No.14015120
File: 11 KB, 480x640, chad 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will rest my fat stomach on your oshi's head while she sucks off my 4 inch cock. And she will love every second of it.

>> No.14015195
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None of those sound that great.
My oshi is probably used goods so i don't want her to fall for me since used goods are gross.
I'd much prefer to have a girl that's similar to my oshi like in option C.
But if i can't do that i'll sacrifice myself and pick option 3 so my fellow fans can be happy.

>> No.14015363

I would turn 360 rads and walk away

>> No.14015432

I believe strongly in ‘what they don’t know won’t hurt them.’

Choosing A, my Oshi would never know what I did to her, and I would carry the guilt for my whole life.

Similarly, choosing B is a cuck move. I’m a lot more familiar with my Oshi as a concept compared to anons. Knowing that I forced her destiny to change will hurt, since she’s someone I look up to. And we all lose her.

C, on the other hand. None of you guys will ever know what I did. And because I don’t know you, and don’t have anything more than the nebulous concept of ‘anon’ in my head, I’ll feel no guilt. So I’d press this button and do you all a solid, whether you want it or not, because you have no way of getting hurt from the knowledge of it.

>> No.14017165

I wanna press C but I'm sorry bros. As a poorfag this is my only chance to save her. B all the way.

>> No.14017326
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C all the way, the more people I force to interact with some flavour of canuckistani "tomboy" apex sweatlord diaperfur the better.

>> No.14020203

>I got rich off crypto and options gambling
God I wish that was me, would easily choose getting rich over my oshi

>> No.14021553

Option c is the only one that causes no harm to me, so it’s the obvious choice. I get to be guilt free since I didn’t choose a selfish action, and I don’t see my Oshi drift away from us by finding a partner I gave her. I’m also a /vt/ anon with an Oshi the same as mine, so I’ll get the same kind of happiness as everyone else.

>> No.14023878

>all buttons have the consequences of the first.
what about C?

>> No.14024086

what if I like traps and cute trans girls? Would you still go for C, assuming the botton description isn't strictly literal?

>> No.14024186

yacht anon? is that you?

>> No.14026422

Selen would never

>> No.14026566

C. It's what she would choose, and she doesn't need my help to achieve B herself.

>> No.14026688
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I press B to make miComet happen, fuck you guys

>> No.14026894

I kneel

>> No.14027659

don't you mean miko pekora?

>> No.14027876

no i want my two oshis to become one

>> No.14030336

Why would Pekora marry a rapist?

>> No.14030402

My bros deserve it more than me.

>> No.14030407
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I press D.
>You will stop having an interest about vtubers and eventually forget about your oshi. The status quo remains, but you leave this system.

>> No.14030819

Make my oshi exactly as miserable as I am for the rest of our lives. If I end up happy and successful, so too will she. If I end up lonely and miserable then she WILL share in my misery.

>> No.14030899

C, I'm already happily married and I want y'all to get on my level

>> No.14031053

E: everyone on /vt/ ends up lonely and depressed and their oshis all publicly state that they have boyfriends because I hate all of you.

>> No.14031467


>> No.14031564

I won't push any button that won't kill chinks and jews

>> No.14031868

C, because everyone deserves to find someone. And I do believe that this will still allow everyone to still support their oshi, and would make their oshi very happy too.

>> No.14031935

B, she's not going to stay eternally 18 forever and I need Hoshimachi siblings to entertain me in my old age also.

>> No.14032506

B, anons don't deserve happiness

>> No.14033087

Holy based

>> No.14034241

B because i know she's so busy at entertaining people that she risks her health most of the time and gets sick. i just want someone to take care of her.

C would mean /vt/ is not capable of doing that which is wrong because we are all chads here.

>> No.14034579

My oshi is happy the way she is and pursuing what she wants to do as a vtuber, and I don't want the power to directly influence a single person's happiness. But I wish I could extend it to her JP viewers since her fans on /vt/ (the ones who actively follow her anyway) are a minority.

>> No.14037493

A, is that even a question
B and C are for cucks

>> No.14037945
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>> No.14041631

me on the left

>> No.14042895

It's a win-win.
I'm watching my oishi because seeing her be happy and having fun makes me happier as well.
Don't give a shit about roommates anyway, were the whole world to be anime-beamed and "Chuubas were Real™" this talk could possibly be different though.

>> No.14043584
File: 151 KB, 1132x1079, hololive fauna love 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A. Thank God my oshi is really unpopular.

>> No.14043976

Based, I'd do the same

>> No.14044437

