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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.38 MB, 1158x650, christmouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13923731 No.13923731 [Reply] [Original]

I don't think it's physically possible for someone to hate ironmouse. But if it is, it should be punishable by death.

>> No.13923779

Given her roomates' condition. She is probably the most liked in Vshojo imo.

>> No.13923886

Only after ironmouse dies and I haven't seen signs of that happening soon.

>> No.13923900

Mel is really liked too, just for the fact that most women in chaturbate outright seethe at her making bank using some anime avatar.

>> No.13924061

Needs to stop having that faggot bandwagon jumper Connor around so much.

>> No.13924117

She's obviously in love with him, give her a break.

>> No.13924118
File: 133 KB, 316x242, 1619191234847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why people find that model soulless. It's a cute ogey face.

>> No.13924201 [DELETED] 

Anon she wants a bf and he's the closest thing that she will ever get (even if he doesn't like her in that sense) let her enjoy her fantasy

>> No.13924286 [DELETED] 

Nope. Hate posers like Connor with a passion, simple as.
Ironmouse needs higher standards for her fantasy then.

>> No.13924354

This chicks situation is the exact use case vtubing was created for.

>> No.13924431

This. I may not watch any of vshojo but I’m glad this is a successful endeavor for her.

>> No.13924502

Anon, Ironmouse constantly dreams about having a boyfriend and Connor is the closest thing she has to it. And to be fair, Connor is a very respectable guy, and at least it's not Nux.

>> No.13924520 [DELETED] 


He makes her happy and gives her energy, anon. Gotta live with it

>> No.13924569

Her current model is fine, it's just that the previous one was amazing in comparison.

>> No.13924626

I don't like Connor, but they get along well and their interactions are genuine

>> No.13924635 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 1400x700, anon....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bedeidden malnourished girl that can't even sit in a chair... Perhaps it's out time to shine

>> No.13924852
File: 144 KB, 498x410, mouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mouse cute

>> No.13924906

>associated with vshojo
>which nyanners is part of

It would be better for Mousey to cut ties with them before pink cunt delivers the final yab.

>> No.13924936

Mouse is adorable, I just wish she didn’t have such TERRIBLE friends

>> No.13924970

She's the only one in VShoujo I find worthy to semi trust.

>> No.13925732 [DELETED] 

>lacking the critical information

>> No.13925807 [DELETED] 

>closest she'll ever get
She got closer to the father of her child.

>> No.13926031

why can't mouse be my girlfriend? fuck

>> No.13926112

What's she going to do? Say no? Defend herself?

>> No.13926280

She'll die

>> No.13926360

WTF man what's the point if she doesn't love me

>> No.13926372

So, no evidence or attachments?

>> No.13926449 [DELETED] 

Ah yes her child that totally is on stream all the time and is real.

>> No.13926577 [DELETED] 

Dont be jealous anonchama, someday you'll get a gf.

>> No.13926608 [DELETED] 

try asking her about him and see what happens. whats the worst that can happen?

>> No.13926687 [DELETED] 

Then why did she in archived tweets say she has a child ?
Either way she lies.

>> No.13926800 [DELETED] 

What tweet? Show me

>> No.13926837
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>> No.13926951 [DELETED] 

Maybe it died, anon. Mouse's condition is genetic. Or maybe it's just being taken care of by more capable people. Mouse can't do it herself and her parents are old and have their hands full with Mouse.

>> No.13927107

>he doesn't know about the backstabbing campaign she joined and then cried about on stream when the bullshit was discovered, insisting she and Nyanners the true victims

>> No.13927180 [DELETED] 

Anon that's pretty typical for Latinas/latinos/light niggers, they tend to call their friends from the opposite sex that are younger than them their offsprings, don't ask me why, probably some adaptation of the online game days where you role-play adopting other users. (Note than men do it less, but the amount of times men (trannies included) call some random minor girl their daughters is pretty concerning)

>> No.13927209 [DELETED] 
File: 115 KB, 579x553, 1619276530551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jannies she posted this herself it isn't dox.

>> No.13927256

desu if she doesn't die within the next decade I'm going to assume she lies about her condition for clout

>> No.13927296 [DELETED] 

Jannies get this guy, they're dated pre-vtubing

>> No.13927341

Connor this, Nux that, I want to be that fat ugly NTR bull known as arcadium that has nudes of vei, nyanners and snuffy. Ironically this board has more in common with him than incel nux or Chad connor.

>> No.13927345 [DELETED] 

Holy shit ironmilf

>> No.13927393

Ok, anon, how fat is snuffy? I need to know that

>> No.13927458

i liked ironmouse at first but i lost interest when she started collaborating with anitubers. i find them extremely boring. i don't think i've even watched an ironmouse clip since april

>> No.13927534 [DELETED] 

It is dox, idiot. That's why she deleted it.

>> No.13927574 [DELETED] 

Look how the faggots cry for mods when there whore is exposed as a liar.
She put it publically online, I shared nothing hidden.

>> No.13927607

Fat neckbeards of this board have to stick together with their own.

>> No.13927672 [DELETED] 

I mean, why would she post that? It doesn't make any sense

>> No.13927673

Her voice is annoying as fuck.

>> No.13927831

Having a bigmouth like she does I wouldn't be surprised, but it does seem to be damning for a career v-tuber.

>> No.13927903

I like mouse but I don't follow vshoujo at all. Your lucky to have her.

>> No.13927920

why doesn't it make sense?

>> No.13927988

When did she sent it? She's never even brought it up. The point is she doesn't want it out there and you should respect that.

>> No.13928106

ironmouse is literally the biggest nyanners simp to exist

>> No.13928189


I see Roxxy's been here. That bitch acts fast

>> No.13928206

Why would her tweet real life shit with ironmouse's account?

>> No.13928295

There's no point in hating someone that close to death.

>> No.13928302

It was a tweet from 2010, ten years ago anon.

>> No.13928303


>> No.13928304

Because people didn't care before holoshit idol acting became the norm.

>> No.13928314

This was like a decade before she became Vtuber

>> No.13928367

i've been here for a year but it still amazes me that people here can call a vtuber a worthless nigger and proceed to describe in detail the method by which they should commit suicide, and that's cool. but post a screencap of something they tweeted on their main account and later deleted, and suddenly you're The Fugitive and every janny is Tommy Lee Jones

>> No.13928430

I assume she was already doing online stuff if the account name was "ironmouse"? What was she doing at that time?

>> No.13928466

Is there a reason why you have be there in person?

>> No.13928484

because her 'ironmouse' account *was* her real life account back in 2010 when the tweets were sent

>> No.13928563

So daughter chooses brown skin Disney women, spics are based, there was a doll test and every African kid stated the blonde doll was the prettiest over the black ones.

>> No.13928646

It's something she doesn't want out there, and people should respect that. Why is This a hard concept to grasp?

>> No.13928647


Better than vei being offended when people mention her being a polak.

>> No.13928648

Mel never apologized for jumping into the cancel bandwagon. In fact, she contradicted herself by saying that she was AFK during the entire meeting with Nux, then said that everything she said was completely justifiable. Which is total bullshit when compared to her (now deleted) tweet.

This is almost opposite of Zentraya, where he made a full statement where he fucked up by rallying his simps without context of the situation, then publicly apologized profusely to both Nux and the VTuber community. Hell, even Ironmouse apologized on stream for using her simps to cancel Nux.

>> No.13928683

So how has the grand wizard been lately? Meetings going okay?

>> No.13928713

That make less sense even. Why would she re-use her real life account when she started vtubing?

>> No.13928776

I think faking a life threatening illness for financial gain should be punishable by death, and IronMouse does it. It's nice that she's highly supportive of her vshojo friends, but she exposed herself by literally saying she'd leave her house to visit them if they lived nearby. This is something that genuiney pisses me off, because I've had a family member know someone who died of immune system diseases(leukemia), and Mousey only wants a payday.

>> No.13928819

Hate? No.
Dislike for always hanging out with that shitfaggot Connor? Yeah.

>> No.13928826

When did this happen?

>> No.13928829

I am completely neutral about ironmouse. I don't care about her for better or worse. It is the fans I hate

>> No.13928874

She fucked up but it's forgivable, especially when it comes to someone like Nux

I still love her and always will because she got me through this year

>> No.13928971

People have varying degrees of illness you tard. And also Ironmouse has to drink ensure like an old person, that's pretty fucking sick

Also source

>> No.13929145

>respect her
Why should I respect a liar ?
You certainly shouldn't trust one.

>> No.13929171

One of the Spanish anons was saying that it’s common to refer to your young relatives as son/daughters, especially among younger girls. Assuming that those tweets are from 2011…
End of the day, who gives a shit? Privacy is a thing.
Anyone doubting her illness needs to take meds and clearly does not watch her

>> No.13929176

>cares about her fans
what a very un-neutral thing to say. you sure you know what the word means?

>> No.13929183

When did she lie?

>> No.13929194

I think you're a huge faggot. I don't have proof, but i'm pretty sure of it.

>> No.13929228

there's literally a pic of her roommate with a feeding tube in

>> No.13929247

aren't all v-tubers inherently liars anyway?

>> No.13929293


>> No.13929295

Noo Anon you don't get it, she made the passing comment of: if her friends lived nearby, she would visit them that's totally proof? It is what this anon is saying, at least >>13928776

>> No.13929317

That's what's really depressing, Mouse genuinely sees pink cat as a friend, but everyone knows pink cat sees Mouse as a stepping stone and well throw her under the bus if it means the slightest benefit towards pink cat. For example, pink cat throwing a sperg fit and getting mouse to jump in.

>> No.13929330

I don't feel like I need to obey her.

>> No.13929392

Are you a Thermian?

>> No.13929399

She used to leave house before pandemic, what’s your point?

>> No.13929430

In fairness to jannies I wasn't banned, there's some reasonability.

That she can't be with somebody.
Perhaps i'm wrong or things changed, my focus wasn't on her, merely others that gave her sympathy for the supposed inability to have what she claimed she already had.
Regardless I think ignoring that aspect (if true) makes her largely disingenuous.
And if false, that's self explanatory.

>> No.13929433

That's an oxygen tube, dude.

>> No.13929485

Wasn't Mori on there?

>> No.13929525

My friend strongly recommended her singing and I reflexively closed the window due to how bad her singing voice was.

>> No.13929531

i'm a dumbass but the point still stands

>> No.13929533

Mori and her manager were physically there.

>> No.13929535

>>I didn't watch the video.

>> No.13929591

Ironmouse is vshojos kiara.

>> No.13929594

anon, you do realize shes saying that as if she doesnt have the illness because she doesnt want to think about her illness when shes having fun with others.
bringing up someones illness can easily kill the mood and i think its implied that if she didnt have the illness she would, not that she can.

>> No.13929604

>I really want (You)s please !!!

>> No.13929613

she's pretty open about the fact that she could leave her house before the pandemic

>> No.13929653


>> No.13929669

Really? https://youtu.be/X00kczM-y5k

>> No.13929678

fine fine
here you go jeez
beg more why don't you?

>> No.13929683

all fans of all things are garbage anon, no need to say you hate the fans when the default for most fanbases is to hate the fanbases

>> No.13929692

trust me bro

>> No.13929744


>> No.13930085

Not my problem. Mel's character is fun and I enjoy the adorkableness. Drama is for twitterfags and jewtubers.

>> No.13930143
File: 964 KB, 4096x2730, FFfzcmdagAAT7Av.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just wants some of that bussy

>> No.13930160

Mouse would be so happy if she knows so many thinks she's not sick haha

>> No.13930213

This is what being a retard looks like

>> No.13930397

She has an illness. But where is the proof that she can't even walk outside or that her condition has not improved? I'm not doubting yet but I need proof.

>> No.13930518

My man increasing the hapa population in japan.

>> No.13930547

She has mentioned it many times. She celebrated being able to walk to her window to see the sunset a while ago and also said she got kind of depressed because the worldwide plasma shortage was forcing her to do shit that she had stopped doing ages ago like taking meds that knock her out.
If you mean actual proof beyond her word then there is none. How do you even prove that?

>> No.13930546

i don't know how much is worth but when she takes"business calls" you can see her model leaning down to the side and come back from below, i assume it's because she gets on a wheelchair or some assisting device

>> No.13930570

Anime characters can't be cosplayed by western men, at all (Good looking trannies are the exception, but also really rare)

>> No.13930655

bros my waifu melody is so heccin' kyuterino and wholesome

she pumped and dumped some anituber retard for viewers and her entire company acts like they're the victims, idc if nuxtaku's a giant faggot but she's probably the worst person in this whole mess, and that's saying something considering nyanners is involved

>> No.13930708
File: 1.04 MB, 2731x4096, FFfzn0laMAAKlgl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was all an excuse to get close to JAV actress milkies

>> No.13930778

Didn't she go on stream to cry about how she was forced to make an apology?

>> No.13930857

Do your reps or actually watch the vod

>> No.13930931

>I want to be that fat ugly NTR bull known as arcadium that has nudes of vei, nyanners and snuffy.

I might dislike their personality, but I really wanna see Snuffy's Muffy.

Can't be that fat given how thin her hands are.

>> No.13930975

She's the only girl (>Zen) that apologized to nux both publically and privately without Management telling her so, as a matter of fact management forbid them talking to nux.

>> No.13931128

She CAN'T be with somebody, CURRENTLY.
She COULD be with somebody, IN THE PAST.

Putting aside the whole COVID thing, which would fuck her over immensely even without her current lung condition, Ironmouse's CVID wasn't as much as a problem in her youth. That's typical for CVID.

>> No.13931452

i love mouse. i just hate connor.

>> No.13931453

>it’s common to refer to your young relatives as son/daughters, especially among younger girls
Can any Spanish speakers confirm or deny this?

>> No.13931455

>Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) is an immune disorder characterized by recurrent infections and low antibody levels, specifically in immunoglobulin (Ig) types IgG, IgM and IgA.[1] Generally symptoms include high susceptibility to foreign invaders, chronic lung disease, and inflammation and infection of the gastrointestinal tract.[1] It affects males and females equally. The condition can be found in kids or teens but is generally not diagnosed or recognized until adulthood. The average age of diagnosis is between 20-50. However, symptoms vary greatly between people. "Variable" refers to the heterogeneous clinical manifestations of this disorder, which include recurrent bacterial infections, increased risk for autoimmune disease and lymphoma, as well as gastrointestinal disease.[2] CVID is a lifelong disease.

>According to a European registry study, the mean age at onset of symptoms was 26.3 years old.[16]

We know that she knows what she's had for a while. We also know it was less severe when she was younger, given her stories about eyeball jizz and going to the beach with friends, but not being able to join them in the water.

>> No.13931543


>Guys If I have sex I'll die
>Lol guys Connor wants to kill me
>If I was going to die tomorrow I'd rather have sex and die right now ha ha

>Connor godammit some visit me and fuck me to death already
>No way fag

>> No.13931591

I like mouse but the way she's constantly apologizing and seeking sympathy gets kind of annoying

>> No.13931605

nigga, nyan constantly worries about mouse and supports her. Nyan even stops her stream and does secret streams to 400 people when Mouse starts her streams, to not overlap and mog her. You know nothing

>> No.13931627

>Connor is hard friend zoning her
I hate NTR but at the same time I feel so bad for her

>> No.13931661

I don't know any spanish-speaking country where that's a thing. If anything we tend to call them "cousins".

>> No.13931668

That's nice, dear. Bless your heart.

>> No.13931727

It's okay, I'm white and 6' 1" tall, I'll gladly fuck the mouse to death in his stead

>> No.13931801

nyanners you are not welcome here

>> No.13931910

Mija/mijo= Mi hijo/Mi hija=My son/My daughter but it's most commonly used between close friends kinda of like bro.

>> No.13931940

I welcome Nyanners here.

>> No.13932018

I only hear grandmas using it

>> No.13932039

Come and get me then asshole, can't stand this bitch.

>> No.13932054

Nyanners is welcome to suck my balls.

>> No.13932450

Meds, unironically

>> No.13932556

Based and same. I'd let her rim me and then drink my piss when she's done to clean her mouth.

>> No.13932910

she's not going to fuck you unless you're female

>> No.13933241

>Believing women who claim to be gay over the internet to deter simps from flooding them with proposals
>Heck believing women in anything, anytime, anywhere ever

>> No.13933452 [DELETED] 

People on Kiwifarms think that's her. There's no proof that it actually is IronMouse, but on the offset chance it is, it doesn't prove she has CVID. She could have a sleep condition or bad asthma, and she only needs a pump & a mask to go outside if she has asthma. Of course, she wouldn't be able to walk outside if she had CVID, but here she is saying she'd...do so anyway?

>> No.13933954

>Of course, she wouldn't be able to walk outside if she had CVID
Anon, the entire reason why Ironmouse gets plasma is to use donor's antibodies. People with CVID aren't automatically confined inside. Mouse herself has told stories of her being in public in a wheelchair.

>> No.13935205

She's bi.

>> No.13935678

Look, I will give her the benefit of the doubt that she's unlucky & gets Guillain-Barre frequently, but a combination of IronMouse alluding to on Twitter that she actually can walk & Guillain-Barre only causes paralysis for a maximum of 2 months, leads me to believe she's fine.

>> No.13936256

She can walk, it's just that her body is weak as fuck and she can barely move or do anything that requires effort.

>> No.13936441

In other words she's gay unless she likes the dude flirting with her, like all women who mess around. Then again to be fair I'd also claim to be bi if I had to run into constant landwhales and she-beasts harrassing me while being popular enough to bang 6/10 pootang routinely.

>> No.13936881

Mouse's problem is that she considers everyone she meets a "friend" and puts way too much trust in people way too quickly. I get that her situation means she's probably very starved for social interaction, but at the same time it blinds her to some huge red flags and she never realizes what she's gotten into until she's forced to issue a public apology because she got wrapped up in shit that she really shouldn't have and wouldn't have if she had read the signs earlier.

>> No.13937348

That's understandable, but if she's getting enough plasma to last her a full week, then she should be fine - all she'd need is physical therapy & strong prescription cold & flu medicine whenever she gets sick. I don't know how Puerto Rico's healthcare is, but if her parents can supposedly afford all of her equipment, then why can't they afford this also?

>> No.13937508

It's due to covid. If she gets the rona she's fucked.

>> No.13937589

How the fuck do you know if that's enough? If you have CVID then you are at risk of getting pretty much any contagious disease. We don't really knows what shit she caught so far, IIRC she only mentioned MAC lung disease.

>> No.13937773

Even before the pandemic she was basically confined to her bedroom. Nowadays even her parents can't safely be near her long enough to do things like help her build her new computer. She's had the parts for months now, but can't do shit with them herself because she's bedridden 99% of her day.

>> No.13937813

>I don't know how Puerto Rico's healthcare is
As bad if not worse than the U.S.'s with the addition of worse doctors, worse hospitals, worse supply lines and lower income for starters.

>> No.13938030

If she has MAC Lung Disease, then I guess she really is sick. I had honestly never heard of it before & didn't remember her mentioning it, but it fits everything she's said.

Anons, sorry for being an autistic faggot about all of this. Hopefully her condition improves in the future, so she can have a somewhat normal life. A lot of things didn't make sense to me for a while, and I took it as suspicious in error, but I'll admit that I was wrong.

>> No.13938070 [SPOILER] 
File: 710 KB, 1242x1020, back to normal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corona=Common Flu, the most common disease in the world in all of history, but yes that would probably be enough for someone without an immune system.

>> No.13938351

>I had honestly never heard of it before & didn't remember her mentioning it
Ignore the bathtub.

>> No.13938418

Hey that's really respectable.

>> No.13938620

I love Mousey. She seems like a good person. Isn't quick to judge. Supports and gives exposure to indie vtubers and artists. I know the recent Nux shit can seem to contradict that, but I think she was just trying to be there for a friend in a very convoluted situation.

>> No.13938658

I can count the times I've seen someone on this board who is obviously wrong admit it on one severely mutilated hand so kudos to you.
regardless of that you can literally hear her oxygen tank in some streams. You might want to check out a few clips focused on her condition since she's probably the most inspiring vtuber I've ever seen outside of my own oshi

>> No.13938717

>she pumped and dumped some anituber
And this concerns me exactly why?
>For viewers
Mel eclipses Nux. He was doing 'notice me melody-senpai' videos well before there was any talk of Collab. Regardless of right or wrong people need to stop acting like nux was doing Vshojo any favors.

>> No.13938822


She's probably too good for this board and the people in it. Myself included.

>> No.13938877

she is objectively too good for this board.

>> No.13939027

They produce really good entertainment together and, as we should all know, if you watch them for anything else other than entertainment you are a fucking idiot

>> No.13939035

>27 death threats to someone dying
why are nuxfags like this

>> No.13939067

What the fuck lol

>> No.13939230

I honestly think Mousey will inspire some positive change for Pink cat. Mousey is a saint of acceptance. Even when she was getting death threats she basically said please don't do that but you're free to feel that way. She even got Nyan to be more accepting of the fact that fans make lewds, saying you don't need to like the art, but you should appreciate that someone put the effort in creating something based on you. And Nyan mirrored that months later when I know she didn't initially feel that way. Mousey is for the people.

>> No.13939253

What a fucking retard
Trump lost btw

>> No.13939291

>It's something she doesn't want out there
I'm pretty sure they wouldn't want to be called all the shit that >>13928367 mentioned yet this place is still filled with those kinds of posts.
That's his point I think, that it makes little sense to allow all that filth but the moment it's about that particular topic now THAT is crossing the line.

>> No.13939304

Does mouse take Vitamin D? No seriously.

>> No.13939360

Most people don't hate her, just the company she happens to associates with.

>> No.13939391

back to pol schizo

>> No.13939463

Yes, actually. She said so.

>> No.13939507


>> No.13939536

Good. Vitamin D had a huge influence on the immune system.

>> No.13939613

jesus fucking christ just look at mr expert in medicine over here

>> No.13939618

I'm realizing lately watching karaoke of other people's oshis that it's very difficult to be objective about it. I'm sure I'm the same way about mine.

>> No.13939624
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But you still need to take it though.

>> No.13939625

Anon, Mouse can't walk because her lungs are fucked and her muscles are weak from disuse.

>> No.13939689
File: 320 KB, 1080x1678, 1635089639392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't bring up the faux bipartisan system, regardless 1930's depression is going to happen soon with the consent of dimwits like you that worship a box. Not gonna write anything else concerning the matter so trannyfags don't cry off topic so fuck off.

>> No.13939723

All right nvm I just read >>13938030 and at least you accepted you were wrong but man doesn't matter how suspicious you are acting as an expert and doubting someone with an illness like that is a major fucking dick move like christ that's kinda low even for this hellhole

>> No.13939728

>pink cat sees Mouse as a stepping stone
know the new fag by his mark.
Nyanners is at least the 2nd most popular girl in vshojo and that's not even taking into account how many people recognize her from her older works. She is also the one most other agencies have their eyes on for collabs since unlike Melody, she doesn't present herself as a lewd tuber and has a pretty successful track in making music. She does not need a stepping stone.

>> No.13939828

Aw sweet a schizo

>> No.13939868
File: 112 KB, 764x1200, 1621907825830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen mother fucker. I don't give a single gay fuck what you think of Mouse as an entertainer or Connor based on what he's said about Hololive, but they have more realistic chemistry that Ame and Gura ever had in literally any fucking stream.
This isn't a debate. This is a fact. They're BFFs. Connor is a more honorary member of Vshojo than Nux is. A better friend than he is. And he's an actually tolerable anituber.

>> No.13940021


>> No.13940101

All vshojos are hated now for backstabbing Nux

>> No.13940105

and you will never be safe schizo-kun
There were only facts in this post. Simple, undeniable facts.

>> No.13940121

And you will never be anything but a pathetic and insane internet loser, no amount of pride over the pale skin that you got thanks to never going outside will change that

>> No.13940198

I think she's just a generally likable person who has been doing this a lot longer than most. She was incredibly supportive of my oshi (Mori) in their collab and didn't stop caring afterwards, she genuinely loves her stuff

>> No.13940311

I have looked around and I genuinely don't see it anywhere besides here where I'm pretty sure it's 10 Nuxfags roleplaying as 50 and drama comment sections which Nuxfags were almost certainly already subscribed to.

>> No.13940881
File: 892 KB, 900x900, Venom_Snake_TTP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Connor is only tolerable at best while he's with her, but when he's in trash taste spouting his insufferable, holier-than-thou, poorly researched dictations he is just almost bad as the indian guy and fagliott rimjobber. Always remembering everyone about how virtuous they are while taking part in the same actions they condemn.

Just the other day the brought Geno to interview him about his Chris Chan documentary. Immediately he took over the stream and started condemning everyone who has ever trolled Chris or made money making videos about him (despite them doing that exact same thing at that exact same moment, poorly) and blaming them for his condition (disregarding the fact Chris was like this before trolls ever found out about him). The other two fags couldn't even let Geno finish a single sentence before interrupting him to let the audience know how offended they were, calling anyone who informed on Chris' antics a creep in front of Geno, low key calling him a creep and an opportunist. So Geno just sat there quietly with these three turbo faggots virtue signaling non-stop while poorly narrating Christory. I dare you try to watch that video fully without raging at their rudeness, hypocrisy and stupidity.

>> No.13940975

Why would you even want to watch him outside of Mouse collabs?

>> No.13941107

If she's so great she should leave her absolutely shitfest of an agency and go indie.

>> No.13941453


>> No.13941459
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, yellowteeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why would you even want to watch him outside of Mouse collabs?
>Why would you even want to watch him?
>Why would you even?

I only watch highlights of anything I'm not sitting for 100+ hour playthroughs to listen to vtubers vapid commentary and boring gameplay with very few exceptions of course. Only time I watched full playthroughs was when Best Friends Play uploaded, and they "died" a few years ago.

>> No.13942391

Yeah, when you're in an intimate relationship ofcourse you're gonna have better chemistry, Ame and Gura aren't a couple and don't pretend to be most of the time.

Vshofags are really the worst since they'll give other chuubas shit for having boyfriends and call their fans cucks while willingly going "YAAAS CONNOR, LET ME EAT YOUR CUM OUT OF MOUSEY'S PUSS PLS"

>> No.13942400
File: 75 KB, 768x768, 20211120_140917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mouse is so lovable but her fans are fucking cucks. When I started watching her streams months ago every stream there'd be this loud minority of faggots that take or invent every opportunity they can to bring up Connor. When she joined sykunno for Mario Kart she met one his friends for the first time and that friend immediately brought up Connor. Shit is unbearably annoying and now he is in her streams at least once a week. Everything great has to has downsides and Connor is the single hugest downside to Mouse's streams

>> No.13942450

Well the whole shitshow we just had is one good example

>> No.13942594

Not sure about that. I thought it was funny.

>> No.13942669

calm down. you're typing so angrily you're messing up your post.
I've never seen a vshojofag do that. Holofags on the other hand...

>> No.13942762

Type Nux in twitter and you can see many people are still seething

>> No.13942823


>> No.13942831

Nigger, one of the girls' roommate is literally married. I doubt a vshojofag would give two shits about other chuubas' boyfriends.

>> No.13943111


>> No.13943232

Oh. I thought we were talking a chronic condition.

>> No.13943255


>> No.13943306

CVID, not Covid

>> No.13943388


>> No.13943424

Veibae is chronically polish, truly a miserable condition.

>> No.13943441


>> No.13943517


>> No.13943553

Hime and before some fag tries to give me a vacation, even she jokes about how everyone knows who her roomate is.

>> No.13943578

>Connor defenders
Vshojofags are pathetic

>> No.13943588

Of course I won't, I fail to see your point schizo-kun.
Hime I believe.

>> No.13943641

Get your 5th booster shot NOW

>> No.13943682

he's just stating facts anon, there was no defense of anything, unless you feel that there's something to contest there.

>> No.13943722

Let's Go Brandon

>> No.13943746

Imagine simping for Connor and vshojo, 41% yourself.

>> No.13943750

You mean the barely existent member whose obviously more invested in her YouTube career and was only let in because her husband is big anituber man?

>> No.13943753

I drink the hose water, I don't need shots.

>> No.13943836

Vshojo threads are the only threads in this board where you can discuss TT.

>> No.13943916

see there's a common line of someone asking you a clear and precise question and it being evaded and while I'm not going to insinuate it's because these people are deeply uncomfortable about the implications of answering them, I do find it suspicious that they they and not he for the benefit of doubt does everything except answer them.

>> No.13943927

You people should be removed from the board

>> No.13943980

Post Shibuya Kaho jav links lads, i need a quick fap.

>> No.13944000

Yeah, clearly a tranny

>> No.13944003

Do you need a TTxHolostars collab to finally admit they're fine and not like other anitubers?

>> No.13944051

Kill yourself and all anitubers are terrible

>> No.13944075

That's not schizo, that's genuine fact. You literally cannot deny the massive inflation going on right now.

>> No.13944150

Even /a/ hates anitubers and I hate /a/

>> No.13944344

I listened to TT once because Mori was on and I thought "Fuck it, I'm bored and need something to listen to". One of the worst podcasts I have listened to, everyone on that show is so self righteous and obnoxious. They're worse than that fag moist critikals podcast, and that's saying a lot because they at least have some level of self awareness with how retarded they sound.

>> No.13944641

anitubers have no place on this board, even if they try to put an avatar on an masquerade as a vtuber.

>> No.13944720

I will take them over the retards trying to be political in a Chinese cartoon board.

>> No.13944751

They're the epitome of "normies who watch anime"

>> No.13945225

just because you have cancer doesn't mean you should ignore the fact that you also have aids.
