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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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13937917 No.13937917 [Reply] [Original]

There is a recent scandal with Projek Hikayat which I think will interest vt
>two talents debut 3 months apart, Duroppu Charming and Manika Kuramu

Duroppu Charming
>first to debut 3 months ago
>referred to as gen 0 among fans
>company hired manika to be in her gen but Duro has admitted she did not know about her and hadn't even spoken to her
>is treated as the solo talent of the company and their whole image revolves around her
>works herself as hard as possible
>eventually says she has brain disease
> lets slip she is on chemotherapy
>loves her fans
>always genuine and sweet to her fans, takes interest in their lives and treats (you) like she loves you
>shows respect to everyone
>not a numberfag and streams because she says she loves it
>500 sub special was giving away
>decent singing and gameplay
>has seemed off since she mentioned she had a meeting with Project Hikayat
>been saying she is stressed
>stopped mentioning her company and gets uncomfortable when people mention manika

Manika Kuramu
>debut 3 weeks ago
>in debut said she did not need to respect duro because they are the same gen
>made duro cry in discord call with fans, got very smug about it when duro left
>this happened because she wouldn't let Duro talk for an hour, derailed everything she said and made every conversation lead back to trying to make Duro's fan's subscribe to her.
>tried to take over the discord server the next day
>never apologized
>only viewers are some of duro's fanbase but most actively avoid her because above
>very insincere, asks people to sub and is generally unlikeable

>manika collabs with nick nitro, who has 361k subs
>doesn't get subs or numbers because she's unlikeable
>nick nitro makes a community post saying if his audience see his post and sub to her, he will give them unrelated content
>first 500 and then later says it has to be 1000
>manika sub bots 700 subs from this, hasn't earned a single one
>spends all day on twitter liking and retweeting
>she collab streams on twitch
>no word
>she sits at 500 milestone for hours
>doesn't say anything until her sub number is exactly on duroppu's sub count
>smug tweet with passive aggressive line directed at duro
>duro announces she has been in hospital
>projek hikayat retweet
>people explode and there is outright hate for manika
>projek hikayat are silent
>drama ensues on fan server as people talk
>projek hikayat are silent
>nick nitro gets into arguments in his comments, starts saying all backlash is duro on a sockpuppet
>projek hikayat are silent
>duroppu does all damage control from hospital with a brain disease that she says gets triggered from stress
>projek hikayat are still silent

>This is after a series of passive aggressive memes where the company made fun of duro, comparing manika as the more likeable streamer
>it also appears from manika's tweets about her artist/rigger pricelists and duro's studio that that they splashed manika a lot more cash

Projek Hikayat have not made one comment and seem to be perfectly happy with Manika sub botting, being underhanded and passive aggressive towards Duroppu who is in hospital.
Nick has yet to retract what he has said, has protected Projek Hikayat and attacked Duro in his comments.
Duro is doing all the damage control for Projek Hikayat and also appears to be being used as a shield for this scandal

>> No.13938104

this is fucked lol what kind of management is this

>> No.13938130

What is it? Another failing SEAchuuba company?

>> No.13938195
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>> No.13938215
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what the fuck

>> No.13938246

>no links
At least shill the girl who's getting abused by her company

>> No.13938291

me on the right

>> No.13938327

amberglow sea edition

>> No.13938335

Don't care about failing SEA Vtuber company but
>Nick Nitro
I know this name because he has collabed with Prism Project's Rita Kamishiro. I hope whatever bullshit he has with haters and antis doesn't bleed into Rita, because my bread angel doesn't deserve that.

>> No.13938472
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I'm gonna save Duroppu

>> No.13938575
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This situation is so fucked
What were they thinking? This is on the same level as sub botting.
picrel Nick is such a faggot, he's typing this when the girl he's talking about is in a hospital bed probably on suicide watch

>> No.13938718

what a nice girl

>> No.13938723

let's be real they just see numbers and think it's winning

>> No.13938777

Who the hell is Nick nitro anyway?

>> No.13938927

Got a link to that discord call with fans?

>> No.13938992


>> No.13939001
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Imagine being so nice after essentially getting spat on from everyone involved including your own company

>> No.13939026

Sounds like a porn star name

>> No.13939185

there's been no recording pop up but multiple anons have talked about it a few times
this was the last link she gave out

this was in the sea board explaining what happened after

>> No.13939561

>debuts three weeks ago
>undoes all of the work of the girl who got her company known to the public
lol the level of disrespect

>> No.13939640


>> No.13939684

>Sea company is black
What a surprise!

>> No.13939972

every single vtuber agency I know prides themself on hard work wtf are they thinking

>> No.13940194

They have auditions open..

>> No.13940458 [SPOILER] 
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Lmao this is one of the few messages Manika has sent on that serve

>> No.13940572

Screenshots would be appreciated

>> No.13940653 [SPOILER] 
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Good god, you made me check, on the suggestions channel you can see where the kouhai tried to impose herself, and Duroppu giving off a proper response, but if you keep scrolling down you'll see that some other users have come out to support Duroppu.
Would they have done it if they were none the wiser?

>> No.13940683

Good luck with that attempt with this management style.

>> No.13940730

is this really a "company" or just one of those shitty indie collab groups?

>> No.13940890

So much for an agency that "aims to expand limits of creating content and livestreams"

>> No.13941198

I guess they try to be real agency, but have no idea how to run one.

>> No.13941347

this is horrible

>> No.13941409

they say they're a company, not some shitty indie group

>> No.13942164

Any news when Duroppu is going to stream again?

>> No.13942222


>> No.13942613

she's announced a week break but after all of this I wouldn't be surprised if we see her graduate soon.
I know in her shoes, I'd be in a bad place.

>> No.13942830

Stay strong, Duro.

>> No.13942990

So much fuss for mere 500 subs
Just quit now rumao

>> No.13944111

there's way more to this than subs, there's company abuse and Manika trying to infight with Duro going on here, all whilst it's falling on her head

if we don't support our chuubas when they're going through this kind of thing, what kind of fans even are we? Think about if it was your oshi

>> No.13944574

my oshi isn't in some shitty black SEA company rumao

>> No.13945260

what a disgusting company

>> No.13945414

Imagine your claim to fame being a talent who pretty much bought subs LOL they do realize this destroys any achievements she could ever achieve?

>> No.13946850

Imagine being that talent who got smoked out of agency when you didn't do anything wrong.

>> No.13947338

Has Manika told her to duroppu dead to her face

>> No.13947529

the things I'd do to see duroppu being dead fr

>> No.13947681

Never heard of this hikayat

>> No.13947988

Wonder how long until manika starts posting here.
She kind of types like this, looking at her twitter. Abbreviating words kind of like how for real is abbreviated into fr here.
check it out for yourself. I'm just schizo posting though.

>> No.13948047

Where did all the defenders come from? Discord?

>> No.13948178

It's always discord. Half the reason /vt/ is so shit is because there's many groups whose only purpose is to incite drama by playing both sides in discussions and randomly raiding threads spouting nonsense they read here. I've read two posts from them saying they don't even watch vtubers, they're just here to shitpost

>> No.13948572
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i dont understand
why would you bully your senior for no reason

>> No.13948839

Why's the difference in treatment? Is it because manika is a meleis and Duro isn't?

>> No.13949119

I will literally support her if she's here
Even if she's in the wrong lol

>> No.13949415

I know you fuckers are getting into a proxy bitchfight. Can you give me a tl;dr?

>> No.13949484

Manika is a flip. A flippity floppity flip flop.

>> No.13951123

how stupid can a company be to bury themselves this badly with bad PR when your whole audience is not even 4 digits big,

not sure if i rather hope that Duroppu just graduates right now and try again as an indie then getting bullied by a shitty company that is not even able to offer a paycheck to justify anything

>> No.13951260

>Duroppu Charming
Dark skin but not black dark
>Manika Kuramu
Full blown nigga avatar

>> No.13951320

>getting this power hungry
>for a small company
I don't know who this bitch Manika but this is not the way to go for a small literal who company.

>> No.13951368

Lead water in SEA showing it's work once again

>> No.13951396

who cares with 2view, fuck off

>> No.13951529

Shit sucks, looking into it right now and this post seems fairly accurate. And even in the case both sides were not angels, Nick Nitro is a massive faggot for withholding content from his audience and sub botting for a girl he clearly simps for.

Will definitely check Duroppu's channel out.

>> No.13951556

I know right? Me doing shitty acapella cover on youtube once per month has more subs than that.

>> No.13951594

>I will only care for content if it's popular!
Literal NPC behavior.

>> No.13951679

hoping that lead water turns into an actual bullet and go straight through your brain, seanig

>> No.13951712

Do you know that sugar taste sweet?

>> No.13951815

Honestly I hope Duroppu leaves her black company, I can save her.

>> No.13951923

Why infight like this for a company this small? There's literally only two people. Is she trying to bring the entire thing down? Even if the management is in over their heads they need to step in and do SOMETHING, having the first girl try to settle things and defend them isn't supposed to be her job.

>> No.13951967

Management is joining along in the infighting actually. They're making fun of her nonstop on their social media.

>> No.13952194

I can understand Manika's behaviour: she's completely mentally ill. She's literally a schizo, there's no point in trying to find reason in what she does or says.
But Duroppu, why don't you just leave? Are they threatening you? Just leave and stay an indie.

>> No.13952321

I figured the shithead was just underage really. Anons tend to like it when younger girls are picked up by groups but this is the baggage they bring, extreme attentionwhoring.

>> No.13952417

No clue if this was OPs plan but I followed Duroppu

>> No.13952602
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irken empire ass looking logo

>> No.13952612
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>> No.13953527

Damn this is fucked

>> No.13954168

I will save this chick!

>> No.13954274

kek, like pottery

>> No.13954349

Unless management is stealing money from their talents or sexually harassing them or forcing them to work a ridiculous amount of hours, they don't meet the criteria for a black company. This sounds like the type of petty e-drama being spread around by fanboys like you that the gossip sisters of /vt/ love to join in on.

>> No.13954682


>> No.13954823

>same country as Myholotv
Wth is wrong with Malasyia? It is scammer central or something? I've never ever heard of anything good about this country

>> No.13954870

What kind of company acts like this? Publicly showing what a shit company they are is such bad PR that it's laughable. I'd expect no less from a SEA company.

Beyond that, why doesn't Duroppu just leave the company? Manika's been bullying her from the moment she debuted and even management is joining in. Even making fun of her when she's in the hospital. She has literally no reason to remain with this company. She should just quit and go indie or try to apply for another agency/company that doesn't treat their talents like garbage. I watched a few of her VODs and she seems hard-working, wholesome, very nice and genuinely seems to like what she's doing.

>> No.13956133

What do you expect from a country where racism is written in their fucking law. They are an apartheid state.


>> No.13957464

But both of those companies are owned by chinks, run by chinks and don't even hire malays who is the reason the law is written.

>> No.13958356

what the fuck

>> No.13958696

>logo is basically Tenryuubito slave brand
well no shit they are a black company

>> No.13959018
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She can tweet this out and be smug about her new sub bots but can't issue a single response or even like her seniors posts defending her.

She's live right now and hasn't even so much wished Duro a good recovery.

>> No.13959236

it's not so shocking from a company that engages in bullying their senior employee

>> No.13959351

This "drama" sounds manufactured as shit. Literally no one but irrelevant 2views involved and their orbiting simps would care about it. Maybe spend your time putting out quality content instead of telling your shills to push irrelevant drama on 4chan or just graduate already.

>> No.13959518

You didn't mention the promise cover
She said had no choice or control over her debut cover and that even the art was even picked for her.
It's over autotuned and sounds like she's underwater which is a joke because she sung better live on her debut

>> No.13959676

Yeah right, Duroppu is posting on 4chan from the hospital lel
There's a whole thread here why this is whole situation so bad

>> No.13960054

>owned by chinks
>run by chinks
That explains it.

>> No.13960210

You are incorrectly using the term sub botting. According to your story that Nick Nitro faggot asked his fans to sub to her, they are, presumably, living people and not automated bots.

>> No.13960314

It's a whole cycle of misunderstandings, I bet. Tiny communities have the most dedicated fans, emotions run high and things are bound to be interpreted and read into far worse than anyone could fathom. They could have settled this in private for all we know, whatever this is, this shouldn't have blown up.

>> No.13960322

holy based

>> No.13960331

Hello Projek Hikayat lol

>> No.13960391

omg >>13960331 is right
"a whole cycle of misunderstandings" "read into it far worse than anyone could fathom"
it is the management

>> No.13960453

Did you guys really come here to try and set the thread against Duroppu? The way you worded these posts is pretty clearly someone from management

>> No.13960875

get the fuck out of here and go manage the company you've let Manika burn down around you
the posts about this thread being Duro just before this are also probably you fucking chinks so I'm going to lay this out straight for (you)

1 YOU and Manika tanked your reputation by doing all these little things that made a "whole cycle of misunderstandings"
2 YOU and Manika set your company on fire by allowing Manika to sub bot
3 The only thing YOU and Manika didn't contribute was try and do any damage control, and have left all the PR up to the girl who is very UNSUBJECTIVELY a victim here

YOU let the company sit on her shoulders for months and have clearly no respect for who you have hired, and it shows in how you have publicly treated Duroppu
There's your "cycle of misunderstandings" and "incorrect terms", you cross-eyed retards, go fix your company and go release a statement instead of shitposting on 4chan against your own employee

>> No.13960895

2view drama are always something, hope duroppu jump to bigger group in SEA like maha 5 or some shit

>> No.13960979

Sorry 'bout that, didn't think it'd come off that way. It won't discount the fact that I also think this is a PR disaster though. Considering the stance most anons here have, I don't think anyone would dare to even try to flip things against Duroppu (and it's in pretty bad taste). I hope this doesn't add to her stress if I'll be really honest, I saw her more recent posts and I'm just trying to grasp what happened.

>> No.13961085

Go fuck yourselves, you don't deserve Duroppu in your roster.
She's a much better girl than that flip you retards hired.

>> No.13961249

Jeez she's too self-centered. Sucks to be Hikayat since she is probably the type that would immediately drop her current job the moment she got a better offer

>> No.13961314
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Projek Hikayat leave

>> No.13961395

It kinda feels like she forgot she was part of a company. That's a likely possibility if it ever comes.

>> No.13961399
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He's the guy who got thrown in the garbage disposal in Small Soldiers

>> No.13961470

no one would hire her she's so unlikeable her streams are very close to unwatchable because of the smug vibe she radiates
I don't even know why project hikayat hired her

>> No.13961525

Yeah she comes across to me like a 2view, there's nothing enjoyable about watching her.

>> No.13961728

>outed in three minutes
>damage controlling this hard

Probably a literal nepotism hire. Poor Duroppu. She may be trapped in SEA, but she deserves better.

>> No.13961881

Don't care, I'm still right, what you posted to did not include anything to indicate the subs were bots.

>> No.13961945

lmao based

>> No.13961973

>what you posted to did not include anything to indicate the subs were bots
Literally both you and OP are ESLs but his meaning is obvious. OP was talking about how Manika got her subs by whoring herself to a big (lel) youtuber.

>> No.13962020

It's nuts how opposite these two are and how Duroppu is just all around the better of the two.
Manika is extremely unlikeable compared to Duroppu.
Manika's design is bad compared to Duroppu.
Manika is also offensive to Malaysians or something, Duroppu thanks her viewers and makes an effort to learn their language despite being from Australia.
Even their work ethics and how they talk to their chats.
Duroppu gets distracted easily and plays shit games but she is very cute and sweet to everyone and her streams are enjoyable to watch.
This isn't a good girl vs bad girl aesthetic going on, the only redeeming factor to Manika is now she has more subs than Duroppu which she didn't even earn herself.

>> No.13962023

which isn't botting

>> No.13962032

thank you but i dont want to know about any of this miserable shit

>> No.13962126

And they aren't earned. Also, how about you type like a real human being? You're in a hellhole, but retards are still not welcomed.

>> No.13962286

Anon, please stop embarrassing yourself. There's no reason to get all defensive about it at this point lol.

>> No.13962314

Neither are earned and both result in the same thing. People value commitment and working hard to earn things in vTubing, you can look on any company thread and see people complaining about laziness. Manika and her company isn't above that standard.

>> No.13962484

>literally who
>google projek hikayat
lol no wonder go die on fire with your shitty logo

>> No.13962507

See >>13957464. Not even an actual Malaysian company.

>> No.13962834

I wanna call Manika a shitskin with an acasupa
Thanks for the rundown OP.

>> No.13963985

poor durochan

>> No.13965263

What can I draw for duro to make her feel better?

>> No.13965316

Just draw her being happy.

>> No.13965346

draw her eating hamburger

>> No.13966654

man well i subbed to Duro . hopefully she can get more subs than the other bitch again

>> No.13966795

I came her to rag on seanigs but reading through I actually ended feeling really bad about the Duro situation. I hope she gets well soon.

>> No.13966864

Duro is australian anon...

>> No.13967027

You can tell manika is a bitch just by looking at her avatar.

>> No.13967886

While also getting into a fight with a cancer patient that's a co-worker.

>> No.13968473

a one-sided fight where said coworker only says nice things about her rumao

>> No.13968798

Not sure if this thread actually has managers lurking or whatever but if so then they need to try and make sure stuff like this screenshot doesn't happen again. It looks like the comments are no longer there (which is good) but you can't let third parties that are associating with your group pull this kind of stuff.

>> No.13968832

Eh haram fitnah itu dosa dipanggil defamation.

>> No.13969004

Lol what a complete faggot

>> No.13969024

this is why you never support corpo chuubas
no matter how nice they might be, their company is as black as the whitest argentinan

>> No.13969230

Hello there, Nick!

>> No.13969282

now you're trying to make vt look like we flag anyone as someone else
fuck off projek hikayat

>> No.13969441

Jfc this actually reads like it's someone from Hikayat management damage controlling. The blatant ESL makes it that much more convincing.
I don't know if it actually is but just in case it actually is I need to get this shit off my chest; shut the fuck up, you piece of shit. You SEAnigs don't fucking deserve Duroppu. She's far, far too good for the likes of you. Manika is a shameless, talentless, evil cunt who wishes she was half as charismatic and entertaining as Duroppu. Yet you little brown imps treat Manika like a fucking queen and treat Duroppu like she's some kind of sandbag that you can just beat the shit out of for your own twisted entertainment. Go fuck yourselves. Either treat Duroppu with the respect and care she deserves, or let her go. You've abused her enough.

>> No.13969462

>now you're trying to make vt look like we flag anyone as someone else
but that's true tho, holobronies here, nijiniggers there, falseflagging is a proud part of our board tho

>> No.13969478

Man, that's fucked.

>> No.13969522

The amount of bullshit from this company in this thread show their true colours.
It wasn't a false-flag that PH were posting here, and it was very obvious from how they worded their posts.

Now they're false-flagging within the thread to take away credibility from being caught >>13969230
And guilt tripping Malaysians who would see this by threatening it is against their religion >>13968832

Some other anons said it and I'll say it again:
Get the fuck out of this thread.

>> No.13969709

Go back to facebook SEAnig you have no power here. I have no horse in this race but I'm sure not watching some irrelevant 2view corpo that can't even amass 1k subs after 3 months of streaming and yet has somehow cultivated so many schizos shitting up the board with nothingburger drama.

>> No.13969858

I wish this drama ends quickly with Duro's graduation.

>> No.13969950

>Get the fuck out of this thread.
More like fuck you baitfag, GTFO from the board, if you care about duro so much why don't you do it in the front of their fans in fb?

>> No.13970167

yes, suddenly an anon comes out who knows they have a facebook page as people say they want her to graduate right after the company are accused of falseflagging

>> No.13972008

Myholo gets actually more trashed than they should.
Yes, they fucked up with their gen2.
But said former gen2 seems to be in good terms with gen3 people and definetly are with Liliana, except for Baez who is under Omegatranny iron fist so can't really show up in public with them as much as Jelly or Mio.

>> No.13973032

If I were her I'd bail and try to get into NijiID or Maha 5. She could have an actual supportive family there.

>> No.13973421

This but unironically, she's much better off in as an indie than being stuck with this black company.

>> No.13974031

Pretty sure even just retiring would be a better option at this point of time.

>> No.13974811

Baelz still pops in to her old genmates streams from time to time. You just don't know what account she uses

>> No.13976614

I don't like the fact that she's getting bullied by her mate and the company. Maybe goes indie or jump ship.

>> No.13977150

That would be best. Best case would be for her to somehow blow that disgusting flip out of the water in subs before jumping ship

>> No.13978258

I think her best bet would be going on to another company, are there any other companies aside VShojo that let already established vtubers join in?

>> No.13978382

U know that the former myholotv, the brown haired one. I forget her name. She changed company while keeping her avatar. Of course, she had to pay a lot of money for it.

>> No.13979202


>> No.13979893

I don't think there's drama anymore from myholo tv to any company. looks like the gen 3 is friends with other EN companies already

>> No.13979956

Western vtube companies are wild. Can Japan even compete?

>> No.13980402

Projek hikayat is from sea.

>> No.13980518

Ah. It is Miori. She jumped ship from myholo to Tsunderia while keeping her avatar.

>> No.13980998

Damn SEA vtuber groups are wild

>> No.13981231

Duroppu is Australian

>> No.13981326
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Sad to hear this koala has to suffer so much. She actually looks kinda cute.

>> No.13981643

she's adorable

>> No.13982546

Seeing this is making me even more mad now. Has Duroppu mentioned how long she will stay in hospital?

>> No.13984991

No idea, it was said to be a week.

>> No.13985967

Yuuna, also from Tsunderia, kept her existing model from when she was indie, but they just debuted a new generation so I don't think they'll be holding auditions any time soon

>> No.13988590

After looking into both duro and manika, yeah even manika's model makes her look like a total bitch while duro's is very wholesome and cute.

Though i kinda wish duro would figure out a way to get rid of the background fan noise, otherwise she seems very nice.

>> No.13988838

I was gonna support duroppu over this but I don't find her content appealing

>> No.13989095

Thanks for the heads up Bae. I'll pay attention to Miori and Vampira's responses more often.

>> No.13989203

It's ok anon, not necessary to support her, just posting and acknowledging the situation that's going on is enough support.

>> No.13990188

i came here to post this

>> No.13991305

I don't know about that, I'm not sure how good Aussie healthcare is but she's got literal brain cancer. Very good chance that dropping the company right now could quite literally lead to her death just due to not being able to afford treatment. She is likely trapped there and both management and the shithead know it.

>> No.13991765

Pretty sure she doesn't make enough money from the black company to pay for her treatment if she's that desperate.

>> No.13992065

its so jarring to see them being called a company/management, i wouldnt be surprised if it was just one person who wanted to “manage” vtubers. hell i was surprised to find out it wasnt just two underage flips calling themselves a company

>> No.13992197

>ethnically chinese "malay"
>named literally Joshua and Jonathan
I wouldn't be surprised if they were kikes too.

>> No.13992232

Shouldn't that be something management would help with?

>> No.13992576

Yeah you would think but she had to find out about voicemeeter by herself from fans on discord
She also talked about having to figure out how to set her stream up and do all that by her own
t. discord fag that pays attention

>> No.13997018

jesas thats crazy

>> No.13998644


>> No.14000532

well then what's the point of calling themselves a corpo if they knew jackshit then?

>> No.14002454

so.... any updates

>> No.14002697

I'm Malaysian and even I don't care about these assholes.

>> No.14002761

you don't understand. The situation is like the average board posters schizo narrative but in real life. some people here live for this shit

>> No.14002806

>you can't let third parties that are associating with your group pull this kind of stuff
the vshojo lesson
3rd party males should Away!

>> No.14003375

You are ching chong that only watch hololive.

>> No.14003490

only the sweatiest chinks/ kelings watch vtubers.

>> No.14004598

Are Maha5 and that one Thai one the only non-black SEA agencies?

>> No.14005556

She's from Australia? What the fuck is her problem, she can literally do better

>> No.14005604

no you're not. fuck off chink

>> No.14005899

Unrelated but Baelz as in Hakos Baelz of holoEN? What's with Aussies being in Malaysian corp? I thought they'd survive just fine with going indie.

>> No.14006076

apsal marah bro?

>> No.14006161

if anything the ones giving a shit about this literal whos are mostly likely chinks since this is a chink company and chinks tend to stick to their own
>Projek Hikayat
it's Ariff Cafe all over again.

>> No.14006242

Nice. Gonna sub to this Manika girl because I love bitchy cunt types.

>> No.14007210

>Cant detect sarcasm

>> No.14007327

yes you do and I hope you stay out of my main boards.

>> No.14007711

On what? All I know is that Projek Hikayat is now in damage control mode and Duro is still in the hospital.

>> No.14007930

Australia is close to Mayalasia so it makes sense.

>> No.14009106

Any SEA based agencies should learn from MAHA5. They can succeed where the others can't and even able to become the first non-Japanese agency to open a branch in Japan. All of that without pandering to EN fanbase like all of those shitty new agencies these days.

>> No.14011333


>> No.14011643

>2view A fighting 2view B, all while hololivers get away with 100k views through company name alone

Capitalism is wonderful

>> No.14012155

More like bullied.

>> No.14012186

your post lacks cohesiveness

>> No.14013334

poor duro wtf

>> No.14013479
File: 523 KB, 2251x2250, FFqZmuFVQAESPbN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More promotional work that depicts Manika infront of Duroppu

>> No.14013924

why the fuck are they doing this

>> No.14013974

Unironically, I'm seeing red right now.

>> No.14014215

they did all of this.. and now are releasing those promo pictures..
does this company even know what they're doing?

>> No.14014285

I bet they're going to make her release a statement instead of doing it themselves

>> No.14014304

I think we should contact all of the people in that picture and link them to the thread.

>> No.14014559

Built on the back of Sora's hard work and a lot of luck

>> No.14014762

They certainly don't blame themselves, and if they're passing blame to Manika or Duroppu, who do you think are they going to pass it on to?
Can you imagine being so below bar as a company, you lose integrity over some subs and some shit sack flip who can't even amass 200 views after being given 600 subs?
I'm willing to bet this is all put on Duroppu, evidence is it has been blame by omission from the start due to her being the only one making statements and acting like a professional.

>> No.14014845

God Manika's avatar is so fucking hideous. Rarely have I seen an avatar that reflects the personality of the girl so well since Manika is vile and cruel. Imagine going all in on her when you have Duroppu and treating Duroppu like shit to boot, what a bunch of retards.

>> No.14015110

I've never seen Manika before but seeing her.... WHAT THE SHIT
Everything to do with Manika is unlikeable, same with the avatar.

>> No.14015257

I had no idea Amber Glow was a US company until this post

>> No.14015954

somehow the amber glow fiasco looks better than this dumpster fire

>> No.14017932
File: 49 KB, 1828x359, 1629541628807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doroppu's case makes me think of pic related, although pic related is a bit more spiteful than Doroppu seems to be.

>> No.14019224

>I don't even get half of what I make
This sounds like someone with much bigger numbers and has membership

And also, >colleagues meaning more than another one
It still sounds like someone else from a bigger agency.. It's a good rrat though.

>> No.14019444

my heart just dropped
this almost sounds to me like it could be gura, all her health issues lately.. chemotherapy would line up up to her symptoms..
what board is this from?

>> No.14019468

Good rrat but I really doubt it's her. Seems like the person who posted that is bigger than Duroppu. Although the chemotherapy is an interesting, albeit awful, coincidence.
>although pic related is a bit more spiteful
This is true, but when you think about it no one knows what Duroppu's really feeling. Considering the shit she's gone through with Hikayat, and is still going through, and having no other choice but to bottle up all those negative feelings I could absolutely see her sperg out anonymously at some point, and it'd be understandable.

>> No.14019950

>like it could be gura
What? How can you read
>The managers make me work the hardest but are always the ones who make take the blame for everything.
>An audio engineer fucks up a mix? It's my mic.
>My co-worker makes an ass of herself? My fault.
>Co-workers don't get my subs? I'm not collaborating with them enough
>We don't even have HR in the company
and think it's Gura? Also Gura was just sick. People get sick sometimes. It's normal.

>> No.14020041

kek the absolute state of chumcucks

>> No.14020125

I don't buy this coming from the girl who cries to her followers because she's so thankful over every little milestone and wants to play with them at every opportunity at she gets.

>> No.14021626

>what board is this from?
It's from another chan site that's for women, it got posted in a venting thread.

Yeah I checked one of Duroppu's streams and she responded to a guy in chat saying she hadn't seen him in a while. So she definetly cares about her viewers.

>> No.14022394

Do you know what this other Chan is actually called?

>> No.14024344

I thought amberglow is a leaf corpo

>> No.14026047

yeah I think it was

>> No.14027483
File: 691 KB, 531x848, leech.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now Manika is trying to slither her way into the phase connect girls

>> No.14027736

The filename says it all.
There is nothing redeeming about this leech at all and projek hikayat are stupid to back her instead of duroppu. I really hope they all stay away from her.

>> No.14027818

phaseconnect, interesting choice ngl

>> No.14028005

Isn't that company is known for being /here/?
Good luck sucking that company's blood Manika!

>> No.14029547

Holy shameless leech. The boost she got from Nick has run its course I guess so now she's set her eyes on the next target to leech from. Does she actually think this is gonna work out for her in the end? She's talentless and not entertaining in the slightest. Leeching can only get her so far.

>> No.14029753

at this point I think the only way to save their rep is to graduate Manika, but they won't and I imagine Duro will be being thrown under the bus for this and graduating soon

>> No.14029987

Didn't she say on Duro's discord she was going to do art for vtubers to get attention and chase their fanbase?

>> No.14030130

yes and her first stream ever was a drawing duro she only ever showed on stream and never finished lol

>> No.14030540

.. You're joking right?

>> No.14030694

>Isn't that company is known for being /here/?
I think that's cyberlive tho but cmiiw, still tho you'd be in better luck leeching out of zoombie than phaseconnect imo since usually zoombie's too clueless about this shit

>> No.14030829

lel, what the actual fuck
I know this hellhole always jokes about "she's a leech", but this one really looks like a leech.

>> No.14030843

Invader Zim chuuba when

>> No.14034306

i feel so bad for duroppu

>> No.14035349


Oh wow, so cool, so edgy, please marry me

>> No.14035960

I wonder how Duro felt about getting 1/2 her avatar covered by Manika..

>> No.14036156
File: 106 KB, 1206x676, what the fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is it, I'm done.

>> No.14036428


>> No.14036570

HoloID 3 is also open for auditions, but if it is like HoloEN 2 then she might start working around 1 year after she enters.

>> No.14036662

If she's Australian, does she even qualify?

>> No.14036783

this is beyond a joke now

>> No.14036842

This sound like a company siding with nigger and abuse white employee be cause Manika sound like a niggress

>> No.14037159

Wow those are awful designs.

>> No.14037162

It's a screen I think

>> No.14037229

The Koala is cute? That other thing though..

>> No.14037359

I don't think the Koala is that great of a design, although I feel awful for her.

>> No.14038735

Phase and CL are both 100% /here/. Phase got caught bitching about their subs getting purged in one of their generals by posting a screenshot of a tweet from their official Twitter that had the analytics option available. That pretty well narrows it down to someone who has control of the official Twitter that posted it

>> No.14040172

I don't even know what to say about this anymore

>> No.14042760

Fucking hell. They're really doing this shit.

>> No.14043849

Fucking hell..

>> No.14043880

>Ngmi SEAnigger chuubas
Please stop making low quality threads about irrelevant topics

>> No.14044161

This, people should be making threads discussing important topics like another Vshoujo/nux drama thread.

>> No.14044210

fuck off back to your holo threads

>> No.14044565

That's her design? Looks like some shitty early 2000's edgy girl's doll

>> No.14045554
File: 103 KB, 1150x515, E-5LUx2UcBAXmoN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14046237


>> No.14046474

This is 100% a Gura larper. Fake as fuck

>> No.14047476 [DELETED] 

Lmao no. Just the fact that she says her colleagues are students should be enough to steer you away from that thought.
>One of the few online footage of Ina's roommate is literally a video from her college graduation
>Calli has been writing and performing her music since forever
>Not sure about the others, but Ame was already a regular streamer and Kiara did professional cosplay, so college seems unlikely

>> No.14047717

Lmao no. Just the fact that she says her colleagues are students should be enough to steer you away from that thought.
>One of the few online footage of Ina's roommate is literally a video from her college graduation
>Calli has been writing and performing her music since forever
>Not sure about the others, but Ame was already a regular streamer and Kiara did professional cosplay, so college seems unlikely

>> No.14047909

>nick nitro
gay asf name

>> No.14048934

What the actual fuck. Are they seriously treating Duroppu like she doesn't even exist? How many people at Hikayat did Manika fuck to get this kind of treatment?

>> No.14050756

I’m going to protect sweet duro
If I see those chinks I will fuck them up

>> No.14051808

I feel pretty bad for Duroppu. But realistically, I probably won't remember this drama in a couple days. Entertaining thread though, I look forward to scrolling through it further.

>> No.14052014

The stupid maniko woman has no respect

Shes a bossy retard from what ive seen

>> No.14052193

Retarded shit company

I know duroppu isnt perfect but shes way more well behaved that that bitch maniko

>> No.14054255

Look at this. Look at how nice Duro is. She feels so grateful. I didn't know you guys actually subbed to her.

>> No.14054995

the tightknit indog vtuber scene looking set to adopt duro, I hope their support will help her getting more motivated to get well soon

>> No.14055883

It's nice to see people taking her under their wing

>> No.14057420

Oh nice. Yume Reality guys are pretty nice with them.

>> No.14057623

Nice nice.

>> No.14060653

Wow the absolute audacity of this bitch

>> No.14061284

heh, cannot wait for the seethe when stupid one realizes once duro overtook her again because people wanna support duroppu, after she basicly sucked cock for a few hundred subs

>> No.14063689

rumao, can't wait

>> No.14063883
File: 398 KB, 598x1105, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14064137

Manika sweating bullets right now watching that Duro counter slowly creep up on her. I really hope Duro overtakes her.

>> No.14064160

Well hopefully pippa sees this thread and can warn the others away

>> No.14064460

Why did the Australian girl join a SEA company anyway? Come home to PriPro or KawaiiPro.

>> No.14064759

well at least the threads leading to a sort of happy ending

>> No.14064904

Damn, Nick seemed like an alright dude but this is too weird. I don’t think I’ll interact with him when he drops into Rita’s chat, he doesn’t add much anyway and just talks about himself.

I doubt it blows back on an innocent (and very lovely) third party, but unlike this company Prism will step in and fix it if it does.

No dog in this hunt but duroppu seems nice and manika seems kind of rude and unprofessional at best. Company is fucking useless.

>> No.14065490

Malaysian "companies" are always like this. They barely hire malaysian as "malaysian" companies and it makes my head overheat for even processing what they do.

>> No.14065571

Link? I'm into this lately

>> No.14065653

Gorgonites should be gassed.

>> No.14066447

>Manika and Nick gaylord collab

>Manika the whore shitalks Duroppu and tells Nick that Duroppu has created accounts to shittalk them

>Nick buys into this and openly believes it as a fact so he starts calling every "anti" Duroppu in second accounts

Jesus fucking christ what a shitshow

>> No.14066540

There was obvious tension between Duroppu and Manika because Manika has 0 respect, literally 0 for Manika who came before her and talks over her and acts childish

Acts like a bossy bitch and fake(not even exaggerating OP was right) personality

On addition Duroppu has some kind of illness, not gonna lie Manika seems like the kind of person that would hope for both Duroppu died and her leeching behavior to take her far

>> No.14066573

>literally 0 for Manika
For Duroppu i meant* Im not SEA i swear im from a different shithole

>> No.14066603

For a board that claims to hate SEA this thread sure is active.

>> No.14066935

Regardless of boards, anons always loves a good incoming trainwreck

>> No.14067454

what did the Herman guy originally say? I can't find the comment chain on any of nickfag's community posts, I guess it has been deleted

>> No.14067949

basicly gave him the same info we got about manaka, was very factual about it too, not really insulting or anything

>> No.14069024

Indon company?

>> No.14069104

This tho, they're the most outward looking out of all SEA corpos

>> No.14070535

Northern Indog

>> No.14071206
File: 72 KB, 508x623, EpK_UO2U8AI6tJ-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I threw a few subs her way. I hope she can reincarnate into a better company in the future.

>> No.14072542

Duroppu is so sweet, it's a shame she is stuck with such a person for her coworker

>> No.14072999
File: 498 KB, 2185x4096, FDJmBfzVcAkeArX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn Duroppu is kinda UOOOOOH. she even has her own R18 fanart hashtag

>> No.14073914

I'm not a tanline guy but that does something to my dick

>> No.14074471
File: 21 KB, 346x574, 1638632053446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why tho
I do not understand
Why is this Manika bitch like this

>> No.14074970

Flip shitskin

>> No.14074975

Some people are just poison anon
Manika said she was watching Duroppu before Duroppu knew who she was. I took it as she has been waiting to make it a competition and premeditating how she can undermine Duroppu. it's been 3 weeks since her debut. She speedrun burned the company down to try and satiate her ego and be better and management seem to be in on it too
if they make a statement (likely not) it will be about them defending themselves and manika. also try to say duroppu as much as possible so they can somehow indirectly blame her

>> No.14075108

she said she was watching duro? yeah she was definitely planning to do shady stuff from the start but didn't expect it to blow up in her face because management fluffed her ego
I wonder how much management encouraged this

>> No.14075855

if they really do that then holy fuck they have a really tainted definition of success

>> No.14076118
File: 175 KB, 673x868, FFxps5cVQAIm4Fj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They just posted this on Twitter.
They're trying to say it all originated at Duroppu and her fans.
>blaming Duro
You've hit bingo

>> No.14076174

I thought this is an edited shitpost but holyfuckery

>> No.14076180

>2 mentions of manika
>4 mentions of duro
are you fucking kidding me?

>> No.14076272

not even the twittards are happy with this shit, they really doubled down for more PR nightmare

>> No.14076370

Was there any discussion about this anywhere else besides here? A couple of youtube comments and tweets? Is that really it?

>> No.14076371

Why are they blaming Duro and bringing her into this? All she's done is post nice things and they attempt to throw her under the bus. Also I don't know but
>The accusations seem to be that Manika acted in malicious ways and has actively worked to her (Duroppu's) downfall
The wording here is making my blood boil

>> No.14076653

They posted this whilst it's 4am in Australia.
Duroppu is going to wake up and probably is going to have a nervous breakdown over this statement, based on how her statements have been compared to theirs, I doubt they talked to her about this post.

>> No.14076725

this reads to me like they're bitter over her gaining and are attacking people who are supporting her

>> No.14076773

Jesus Christ this statement sucks. Is Manika fucking somebody at project hikayat? Why are they trying so hard to protect this girl?

>> No.14076817
File: 46 KB, 444x472, 7645365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course manika was the first one to share it

>> No.14076851

They're hiding tweets now.
The guy who posted the screenshots had his post removed.

>> No.14076943

And r/virtualyoutubers, they were the weekly featured vtuber group.

>> No.14077214

They're deleting all replies against them.

>> No.14077360

I posted it on a facebook group a couple of hours ago and gotten some traction, at this rate Duroppu should outsub Manika soon

this one is my fault desu because I convinced the guy not to draw too much public attention on the drama cause they'll just use it as an excuse to say that Manika is getting harrassed by Duroppu fans and he ended up deleting the tweet. also if the nick nitro fag ends up making a video defending Manika even further due to the public drama, that would just drive his 360k-strong autistic fanbase to harrass Duroppu

>> No.14077429
File: 91 KB, 1200x448, Hikayat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We know you're reading this, Projek Hikayat. You can hide the replies, but you can't delete our screenshots

>> No.14077464

Nice, snake is probably in panic now.

>> No.14077508

They could have even pinned this whole thing on Nick if they'd had the brains to do so.

>> No.14077571

I know it sounds dumb but maybe the company wanted a rival-type of kayfabe? Like Blue from Pokemon, but the execution ended up beyond terrible.

>> No.14077591

for a company so used to deflecting blame, they are hilariously bad at it

>> No.14077643

Nah, that's giving them too much credit. More likely they're just retarded wannabe business bros

>> No.14077709

>this one is my fault desu because I convinced the guy not to draw too much public attention on the drama cause they'll just use it as an excuse to say that Manika is getting harrassed by Duroppu fans and he ended up deleting the tweet. also if the nick nitro fag ends up making a video defending Manika even further due to the public drama, that would just drive his 360k-strong autistic fanbase to harrass Duroppu
That's wise ngl, if Nick attacked duro, omg poor girl..

>> No.14077860

I wonder how Duroppu will react to being thrown under the bus.

>> No.14077939
File: 105 KB, 585x605, JI9o86b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14078145

>Joined December 2021
>not following either Manika or Duroppu
Ummm... I think the guy is actually management.

>> No.14078161
File: 45 KB, 635x600, t manika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14078199

Willing to wager she's made to retweet it

wasn't this the account only following manika and only posts arguing to defend twitter? created in december, on december 1st or whatever? only one post before all this?


Speaking of sockpuppet accounts, that's also how PH types

>> No.14078222
File: 179 KB, 1192x1012, superidol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nick accuses people of using sockpuppets
>people complain about nick and manika on twitter
>brand new account pops up same day, insulting anyone who goes against mani

>> No.14078234

>Only following Hololive talent
>And BBC

>> No.14078364
File: 31 KB, 424x358, 78767423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is actually a sockpuppet

>> No.14078497
File: 126 KB, 586x416, sg7x8H2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twittard arguing with sockpuppet is in here

>> No.14078526

funny how this guy "knows" so much about the discord stuff and how it was resolved. it was pretty much a shitshow. Also some 12k vtuber came and shat all over Manika lmao

>> No.14078550
File: 46 KB, 410x410, tdPhfBb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's gonna do it!

>> No.14078623


>> No.14078624


>> No.14078758
File: 163 KB, 800x800, 5800_thumbnail_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw a sockpuppet has more braincells than this whole thread, just stfu and let it slide sis, just let it slide

>> No.14078819

Fuck off, dirty flip

>> No.14078934

New thread?

>> No.14078939

so scummy

>> No.14078972
File: 82 KB, 1194x338, superid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mani stan suddenly cares about Duro when defending Mani becomes too hard lmao. Hi Project Hikayat

>> No.14079052

We should make one

>> No.14079109

If he cares bout duro then why don't you, time to let it go lad

>> No.14079121

Holy shit. Imagine actually doubling down and pinning it on Duroppu and her fanbase. How fucking low can these SEAnigs sink?
Found the sockpuppet

>> No.14079198

lmao, fuck off, Hikayat
