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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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13895651 No.13895651 [Reply] [Original]

it literally says, right there that she just has the flu
why is everyone freaking out?

>> No.13895664

Because this board spreads rrats.

>> No.13895672

Over the last month the antiposting against Gura has intensified by an order of magnitude.

>> No.13895682

It's probably the coof.
She has gone on record with her circulatory issues.
She's not gonna make it, anons.

>> No.13895683

I think children are on winter break or something

>> No.13895760

You better go find the dragon balls sharpedos, your oshi is gonna need em. Mori becoming the most subbed chuuba is inevitable chumkeks

>> No.13895881

>it literally says, right there
Ah, yes, just because a chuuba wrote something down on twitter, it immediately makes it true.

>> No.13895887

Based off of Gura's high resting heart rate and fast food eating habits, we can extrapolate that she is extremely obese and safely assume that the covid has claimed her life. Sad!

>> No.13895895

I don't have twitter, I assume some others here are the same?

>> No.13895915

Flus are nothing to sneeze at, they can kill

>> No.13895949

People lie you know

>> No.13896082



>> No.13896106


Like yourself

>> No.13896856

There's literally one seanigger spamming the catalogue.

>> No.13897745

It's the flu from Wuhan, not just normal flu, and she's frail and weak

>> No.13897802

She's pregnos with the bebbahs from my seeed.

>> No.13897840

People here are superhuman that never gets sick and don't understand that it could take a week or more to feel ok.
But it's true that the lack of com from Gura on break is always a bit frustrating

>> No.13897855

Nijiniggers doomposting again.

>> No.13897915

The board is having rrat infestation.

>> No.13897921

>why is everyone freaking out?
5 days of no communication

>> No.13897955

Gura doesn't like twitter activity. She forgot the password when she was cleaning her cookies

>> No.13898389

Since coof came it got literally wiped out, she got Rona.

>> No.13898421

Chumkeks on flu panik control

>> No.13898460

Gura lied, she was obviously already dead at this point and just used the flu thing as an excuse

>> No.13898469

yeah, me

>> No.13898478
File: 77 KB, 290x290, 1625058866977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the most panicked chumbud here.

>> No.13898482

Still better than rrats from anons, who know nothing about why she took a break

>> No.13898498

Read the average holobronie posts, and tell me you are surprised by that.

>> No.13898541

No such flu will take you out for a whole week. It's either a really bad flu or corona. Don't expect her to stream for the whole week.

>> No.13898543

Gura Derangement Syndrome is very real.

>> No.13898586

she's having sex with her boyfriend (me)

>> No.13898587 [DELETED] 

Can we kill her ?
So she don't need to suffer anymore

>> No.13899452

anons are retarded, whats new

>> No.13900353

ame hands posted this

>> No.13901342

i killed a rat today
used the cruel gluetrap because this rat was massive and broke out of the cage trap that worked twice previously.

>> No.13904107

>It's either a really bad flu
>i have the flu real bad
good lord

>> No.13904342

>it literally says, right there that she just has the flu
>why is everyone freaking out?
Chumbies are actual, literal children.

>> No.13904745

>wiped out
The flu isn't "gone", while it's true 20-21 flu season was basically nonexistent, that doesn't mean it went away and will infact re-emerge sometime the end of this year.

>> No.13907732

I don't think she's the one who posted that tweet.

>> No.13909924

Are you niggers for real? Corona is the flu and flu is corona. This new "virus" doesn't exist, never has. They just renamed the flu or the cold to "corona".

>> No.13910026

People have speculated that she's had it like 3 different times, especially the instance where her voice was fucked up for like a month afterwards. I think she's just sickly and unhealthy in general and even normal illnesses really fuck her up.

>> No.13910130

I'm out of shape but I don't get sick for weeks at a time. One or two days maybe. if you're sick for a whole week it's time to go to the hospital.

>> No.13910183

>american education

>> No.13910539

Thank god i'm not from that hell hole. How about you think for yourself and stop listening to faggots in suits and white jackets?

>> No.13910579
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>Corona is the flu and flu is corona
And Corona is human, and human is turtle, and turtle is Corona

>> No.13911702

Yes, she SELF diagnosed that she had the flu.

>> No.13911844


>> No.13914200

based hobophilosopher

>> No.13916092

>He needs a doctor to tell him he has flu

>> No.13916716

I feel like most people would try to keep their fans informed at least a little so they know you’re okay. The flu kills people. If it’s COVID, COVID kills people.

>> No.13916953

The flu sucks. I had to pull a double shift the last time I had the flu back in 2018. Haven't been that exhausted again since

>> No.13917031

>Geez if a chuuba needs to take time off just say you have a cold or a flu or are working on a project
also /vt/:
>She has a flu? I smell a rrat

>> No.13918172

Sure, that’s why over 5 million people died from it in just the last two years since it emerged. Americans are retards and that’s why you dumbasses have the highest death ratio of any country.

>> No.13918206

Are you actually asking that to rratland?

>> No.13918795

There is literally nothing more misogynistic and self-centered than thinking women think of sex 24/7. God I'm glad I was born gay.

>> No.13918995


>> No.13919032

Yes. And?

>> No.13919114

Maybe she'll get the long covid. Too tired to stream, lungs can't keep up with singing...

>> No.13919177

likely chance, the end times are coming for top shark

>> No.13924578

Has anyone who wished death upon the shark apologized yet? You fuckers are sick in the head. Take those meds already.

>> No.13924858

nobody who actually follows her is confused
if you are a mark you think she's got flu and will be back next week
if you are a smark you think she's either got the flu or got the coof, doesn't matter is not like she's homeless living in Siberia
even if she's completely healthy and just decided to use a mild cold as an excuse for a larger break, who cares? let her disconnect for a while and do something else with your life

>> No.13925942

Most retarded post on /vt/

>> No.13928056

Not everyone is a 150kg orc like you faggot. Flu hits worse on skinny people like gura.
