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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 137 KB, 465x715, kuzuhanendo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1376922 No.1376922 [Reply] [Original]

When did you realize Kuzuha is the king of vtubers?

>> No.1376981

When he decided to stream over Roberu.

>> No.1377138
File: 117 KB, 765x251, kingdoingkingsthing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when he crushes Roberu's skull by beating 3D debut with an SD figure commercial

>> No.1377201

Rent free

>> No.1377252


>> No.1378564

When he passed Mito, now the fujo vampire is the face of Nijisanji.

>> No.1378988

He finally did it, huh
Now waiting for Kanae to get past her as well.

>> No.1385149

When he killed Matuli in Apex.

>> No.1386306

Mito don't look...

>> No.1386335

When he started dating warawa

>> No.1386948

I just want those nendo mp5s

>> No.1389188

when he cucked his entire fanbase

>> No.1389211


>> No.1389261

when he started fucking his coworkers

>> No.1389330

When he passed Mito and does better numbers than 90% of holobitches

>> No.1389355


>> No.1389372

When he
>Killed Matsuri, TWICE (in Apex)
>Trolled and shit on NOSE (Towa's wife)
>Killed Apex players during a ranked match while an earthquake was happening. (Enemy players stopped moving when it happened so he took advantage of the situation)
>Lives with and probably bangs his coworkers (hot oni)
>Doesn't think he's special at all and thinks his singing is bad
This guy is too based.

>> No.1389650

Hope he doesn't get cancelled by the idolpurists.

>> No.1389715

why would he

>> No.1389760

I mean it's gonna be pretty hard for him and Rindou to justify that audio clip and like it or not, the purists are always the loudest when it comes to relationships

>> No.1389849

I mean, I see your point but it is relatively well known that Nijisanji is far from being an idol company, and the Nijifags seem more okay with knowing their oshi is getting filled like a fucking turkey on Christmas eve

>> No.1389887

>that audio clip
Spoonfeed me please I can't find anything on youtube

>> No.1389962

I guess that's true

I think the nijisanji thread has it
You ain't getting much out of it though, use headphones

>> No.1390005

he surely needs those superchats now that he effectively killed the lolibaba oni vtuber career

>> No.1390027

This one here? Too bad I can't read moonrunes

>> No.1390045


>> No.1390121

is this the reason he is getting 1k dislikes now?

>> No.1390336
File: 24 KB, 1095x216, 6349368734786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its over fujos....

>> No.1391124

Doesn't this nigger just stream Apex 99% of the time? I'm not gonna watch that shit. Happy for you though or whatever.

>> No.1391704

Based. For real though, I'm impressed that this guy made it so far even though he plays Apex a lot, like a fucking lot

>> No.1391810

It's his personality you numbshitters.

>> No.1392076

30k, that audioclip sure is hurting him

>> No.1392859

After he fucked Rindou. What a lad.

>> No.1393366

I love when matome sites use literal sockpuppets as "sns reactions".


Nice "actual fans" you have there.

>> No.1393589


>> No.1394250

Even watching a single clip would make you realise his success has little to do with apex. That man is genuinely so funny, it's a shame people see apex and look away. Apex is nothing more than just watered down zatsudans for him anyways

>> No.1395126

i wish he would go back to LOL sometimes, he really was one of the best. i'm glad he's still open to playing it for members though, even if it's really little.

>> No.1395237

Kuzuha is great. I wish that they'd still do more project winter streams, they were pure kino.

>> No.1395255

I'd like to see more Tarkov out of both him and Kanae. They seemed to enjoy the game, and it's thrilling to watch too.

>> No.1395480

Tarkov is so enjoyable, I think it's just not as popular with the Japanese audience though. I saw some anon in the niji general thread mention Kuzuha "rewarding" himself with a tarkov stream after doing several apex streams a couple days ago.

>> No.1395549

I think he recently said he got tired of Tarkov because the daily tasks were too troublesome to complete. I wouldn't expect another one anytime soon anyways, because of the upcoming cr cup and ark

>> No.1395917

Kuzuha's fucking this? What a chad.

Jokes aside she was probably just watching his stream on the side and his voice leaked through her headphones.

>> No.1396081

Ah, that's a shame. I'm familiar with that feeling in regards to other games though. Is he playing on the Ark server when it opens up to veterans? I haven't been keeping up with the current streams but after finding out some of the shenanigans they did last year I might follow his or Kanae's PoV if either play on it.

>> No.1396244

He's hilarious when he's trash talking to friends

>> No.1396282

Watching a stream during a steam of their own, sounds like cope to me

>> No.1396290

Both of them are in CR cup, so they'll most likely be joining on 3/16 instead of with veterans on 3/12.

>> No.1396642

I just looked at the CR cup point system, do they really give -2 to female players? kek

Also I'm assuming they're playing with Soraru correct? I avoid all apex streams so I have no clue if those 3 even meet the 24 point requirement.

>> No.1396785

Its fine blue oni never sold herself as an idol unlike red oni.
As for people that say Kuzuha is a male idol, them be delusional fucks.

>> No.1396800

They're playing as KCK this time, not very likely to win when your team is the only one with 18 points. Yes, all female players are -2 to encourage more people to pick them up basically, I think there's a requirement to have at least 1 female player per team this time because of White day also? Also Bora is the only one who doesn't get the -2 because the organizer saw her 5k damage game and said eh she might as well be a dude/is obviously playing at a higher level than her rank.

>> No.1396882

Bora is the 2nd highest kill count on current CR cup skirmish and the first Nijisanji who manage to get into Masters.

>> No.1397111

People are meming that Kuzuha is a chad but regardless if it's true or not I feel bad for him and Rindou. Antis are going to use this as fuel for a while. Everybody wants to delight in the most popular male Vtuber's downfall.

>> No.1397391

I doubt this would have any lasting impact, it's just a repeat of last year. If he can get past his pre-debut controversy, he's pretty much unbreakable.

>> No.1397671

honestly it just sound all distorted and shite, like its coming out of a cheap headphone.

>> No.1397739

You're confused by this having that much discussion on this board. It's like 1k dislikes, less than even Chigusa got for the moronic VtL shit. The most popular video on it has 30k views.

You're definitely right on the last sentence though. It's disturbing how much matome sites/certain twitter users pick up on it. I can understand the former wanting to farm clicks, but some of these twitters are full of just hating on Kuzuha.

>> No.1400467

it's not like this is Kuzuha's first dislike bomb (earliest I can remember is him apex rank stacking with PUBG pros smurfing in gold), though this controversy is in a league of its own. Shiina got shit on for visiting the stream of his alleged bf around last year and that shit calmed down after 2 weeks or so.

>> No.1401071

lol, the rumor is fucking oldnew, it already was floating around 2018, you EOPs are too slowpoke on this lmao

>> No.1402391

Warning: Load Screaming] Kureiji Ollie Simps for Eren Yeager | Attack on Titan


>> No.1407022


>> No.1408295

Idk about that, unless you're talking about the Nips.

>> No.1408447

Rather than idolpurists, wouldn't he get cancelled by his own fem gachikois?

>> No.1409739

this is why Nose was iffy about joking with the teetee shit during the after party, Honhima got shit on during the Ark wars for riding behind kuzuha

>> No.1413862

What the fuck
Before or after Clown got a turn with her?
I think Joe is married but he for sure banged Rindou.

>> No.1414525

Basically their roommates were known to be very close before joining Nijisanji

Then people heard Kuzuha shouting in the background of Mikoto's stream (same sound, occurred at the same time) -> they are cohabiting

He's definitely fucking her every day

>> No.1415675

Joe is just a singing buddy,
Kuzuha was a thing from before Vtubing.
