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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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1386815 No.1386815[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


What went wrong guys????!!??!!

>> No.1386859

>no source

>> No.1386869

What's sad about that?

>> No.1386882

is that the one kuzuha raped?

>> No.1386907


>> No.1386914

Hope they're happy together

>> No.1386946

Oh cool, it would be weird if someone as hot as mikoto is still single. Good for kuzuha too, he's the most successful male vtuber. Hope they can stream as a couple next time.

>> No.1387012

I thought he had the hots for setomiya

>> No.1387037

If it's real it's a pretty hot pairing I can get behind it.

>> No.1387158

So this was Kuzuha's "yab", huh? It'll be fun to see if this effects the most popular male Vtuber in any meaningful way.

>> No.1387177

who hates it more - the fujos or the homos?

>> No.1387188

>ywn be Kuzuha
why even live

>> No.1387238

>recommended article claims Pekora has a boyfriend because of her period app
And into the trash it goes

>> No.1387348

Tokyo Ghoul's yab has audio proof, though. And his latest member's stream wracked up a ton of dislikes.

>> No.1387373
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>1k dislikes
Yumejoshi are seething.

>> No.1387378

Literally nothing wrong with this. Stay seething Holocucks

>> No.1387411

>he doesn't know
Don't worry newfag. Jun is a Chad. Peko did right.

>> No.1387434

Shit like this needs to happen more. Just hope it doesn't fuck over Rindou.

>> No.1387435

I think it's nice when people get into relationships.

>> No.1387474

that's generous

>> No.1387484

Obsessed and rent free

>> No.1387495

Kuzuha's got it worse if his dislikes are any indication.

>> No.1387550

You're not taking the 30% viewership decline since November well aren't you, Holocuck? Enjoy the copium, bitch.

>> No.1387581

Literally who?
>Cucks accepting this
A shame whatever shitty career they had is about to go down the shitter

>> No.1387595

Holocel cope

>> No.1387601

So that's why Pekora had more live viewers than him some hours ago.
It will be funny if the top dog of Niji falls due his fandom acting like idolfags when Holos were supposed to have the idolfags.

>> No.1387605

>he thinks some hikki bunny is fucking nip pewdiepie
That rrat is what finally got me to realize that 5ch is just making shit up 99% of the time

>> No.1387607
File: 79 KB, 1079x446, Screenshot_20210310-141251_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from rindou's comment section lmao

>> No.1387631

He's not wrong though.

>> No.1387632

Kuzuha is the most viewed VTuber in the world dumb newfag. Averages 50-60K per stream.

>> No.1387659

It's true newfag. Do your reps.

Not my fault Holocucks can't tolerate the sight of male VTubers that in their own hugbox on /jp/ they seethe whenever Holostars are posted.

>> No.1387664

Fuck off, falseflagger

>> No.1387680

>Peko and Marine Alone had more views than 90% of nijis
>Ollie alone had more subs and views than Niji ID and Niji KR combined

Instead go to worry how ichikara is handling their official plebbit sub.

>> No.1387681

Biggest male VTuber in the world retarded peace of shit

>> No.1387703

5ch knows more than you newfag. You will never be Japanese.

>> No.1387716

>she's 130cm
>he's 178cm

>> No.1387724

dont give a shit about them but the site literally fabricates stories, is beyond garbage.

> 自分がただの絵だと認め「絵と雑談」という開き直ったタイトルで放送したところファンが大激怒。スパチャを貢いできた人達は咽び泣いている模様

never happened and the japanese is logically broken.

>> No.1387730

Can't take the banter, Holopussy?
>Holocel calling others Redditors

>> No.1387757

>Imagine being a kuzufag

>> No.1387773

King of average views per stream. Cope Holoturd

>> No.1387779

a broken clock is right twice a day. listen to the audio and you tell me that they're not in the same house lol. the top comment on rindou's most recent stream is even mentioning it >>1387607

>> No.1387783

I liked Mikoto. Shame.

>> No.1387799
File: 46 KB, 976x322, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Antis are being pretty cruel in the comment section of her latest video at the moment.

>Ahh, and here I wanted you to be happy with Rikiichi. Poor thing lol
>It's too funny how people show up to dream and yet are forced back into reality^^ It's do-or-die from this point on! You sure are good at deceiving people

>> No.1387806

Literally no one cares but gachi faggots on this newfag-ridden shithole.

>> No.1387817

Kek so he really is a cuck magnet. Nice to see that this is what Indiefags are proud of

>> No.1387832

Nice to see idolfags show their true colors again. Kuzuha stays winning and incels stay seething.

>> No.1387840

ITT: obsessed nijiniggers seeing holofags in every shadow

>> No.1387841

>You will never be Japanese
>takes everything Japanese reddit says at face value

>> No.1387857

for anyone that doesn't want to click the article. here's a side by side sound comparison. the first audio clip is from kuzuha and the second is from rindou

>> No.1387860

Holocel cope

>> No.1387872


Why you lie.
Kuzuha tops at 30k alone, and only when he plays Apex.
When is collabing with other MALE NIJI he reach and surpass those numbers, otherwise his numbers are the same as Peko or Marine.

>> No.1387886

>Japanese Reddit
LOL, 5ch is this website on steroids. At least TRY doing your reps, newfag.

They're the only people seething in here. Just go to their hugbox thread for proof they can't tolerate the Holostars.

>> No.1387887

Kuzuha keeps winning

>> No.1387894

The anti threads are this website on steroids. The general discussion threads are Reddit.

>> No.1387901

Still more than them. Vampchads stay winning.

>> No.1387909

fujous on suicide watch

>> No.1387925

because every rrat this site comes up with is real right? just because they're japanese doesn't mean they're not pulling shit out of their asses you dumbfuck

>> No.1387929

>All those comments empathizing with the gachikois
Here people would just call them crybaby faggots

>> No.1387931

>anti threads
Why are Holotards so sheltered they think any mild criticism is an "anti thread?"

>> No.1387933

Don't you falseflaggers have some self-portraits to-
Sorry, "wojaks", to be spamming on /qa/?

>> No.1387934

So, do they have sex?

>> No.1387939

>Holocel cope
How is this a cope? Holofags at least have standards for their talents yet these Indies will cuck their viewers without a second thought all for a bit of fame and get praised for it.

>> No.1387948

what hugbox thread? the entire /vt/ is infested with holofags. Or are you just frustrated that you are the homosexual minority who has a male as your oshi?

>> No.1387950

Are you pretending to be retarded? They literally refer to the threads as the anti threads within the anti threads themselves.

>> No.1387953

This. Holocels gonna Holocel.
You will never be Japanese, bitch. Do your 5ch reps or lurk at least 4 years before opening your mouth.

>> No.1387955

Your dump company took the effort to acquire a fan section of plebbit yet they didn't post shit about Gibara's graduation nor regulate their posters there.
But with this news, it explain why today they are silent.

>> No.1387964

I hope they just acknowledge it

>> No.1387977

Wait what? It's true?

>> No.1387979

>Holofags at least have standards for their talents yet these Indies will cuck their viewers without a second thought all for a bit of fame and get praised for it.
>defending idol culture
LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I knew Holocels were this cucked

>> No.1387986

Tokyo Ghoul's yab is true. Pekor's is an anti meme.

>> No.1387997

so what's not-kaneki's appeal? I get the oni, she's absolute IMAGINE tier, but not him

>> No.1388004

>the entire /vt/ is infested with holofags
This is true and they need their own board already. Oh wait nvm they'll start seething at Holostars again, LMAO!
But they aren't faggot.
Boo hoo nigga I don't care

>> No.1388021

out of curiosity i skimmed comments, but this shit doesnt prove anything

i never watched either of them, so whatever. afaik watame has a bf but it didnt go viral.

>> No.1388023



>> No.1388025

>literally the top topic on 5ch's streaming section
roru rumao

>> No.1388029

prime example of a falseflagger tranny responding to himself. Write it down, newfags.

>> No.1388030

And litterally 90% of Nijis overall viewers base...which it seems was based on delusional female unicorns.
Tokyo Ghoul has a lot to lose if it is true...

>> No.1388049

>But they aren't faggot
What do you think people are referring to when they refer to themselves as ホロアン in those threads retardchama? They haven't put "anti" in the titles since the Aloe situation because of Cover's statement but they're still the anti threads. You can tell because the threads don't have post IDs compared to the usual threads. Lurk for 100 years.

>> No.1388051
File: 1.25 MB, 1200x675, mermaidGirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just so we're clear, people here are being ironically anti-idol culture? No one is actually against idol culture.

>> No.1388062
File: 13 KB, 1243x141, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck are you gonna do about it when you're wrong, puzzy?

>> No.1388081

I thought Niji fans wouldn't give a shit about something like this considering they're not supposed to be an idol company.

>> No.1388082

>but this shit doesnt prove anything
you can literally hear one of them yelling in the background of the other's stream lol

>> No.1388086

>they need their own board
this IS their own board

>> No.1388088

Stop samefagging, your sperg bouts are giving all the other nijiniggers a bad rep.

>> No.1388097

It's only a problem when purityfags set the board on fire when some high-profile talent gets caught with a man between her legs

>> No.1388098

>Following JP branch
>And being anti idol culture

This why vtubers should had stayed niche

>> No.1388109

idol culture is based and basically keeps whole Japanese entertainment economy afloat for the last thirty years. They don't know this

>> No.1388116

Who gives a shit?

>> No.1388118

They should name their child Kuzunoha Raidou.

>> No.1388121

You are so retarded and delusional in your 5ch worshipping that it hurts a little

>> No.1388124

uga buga, japanese never lie uga buga

>> No.1388126

Mito, Himawari, and Kanae all get more than Aqua and Korone regularly. You don't know shit newfag

>> No.1388139

5channers are antis, news at 11.

>> No.1388143

they wouldn't if it was a female ironically

>> No.1388145

makoto is a GFE streamer

>> No.1388156

We don't faggot. It's just Holocels and gachikoi seething about shit they don't have a horse in.

>> No.1388157
File: 9 KB, 565x125, retard - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look, I can to use ms paint too!

>> No.1388160

I can see why people call them nijiniggers.

>> No.1388161

To save you any future shocks.
Nijisanji's management is as restrictive as Hololive. They are just targeting different audiences and are better at getting permissions, but they are just as willing to restrain their talent.
Nijisanji keyfabes as hard as Hololive. They're not actually "twitch streamers with 2D avatars".

>> No.1388171

>5channers are based and know more than your non-Japanese ass and you're just a weeaboo faggot

>> No.1388187

>Worshipping the Japanese
>Calling others weeaboos
Pick one and only one.

>> No.1388192

Okey guys, let me explain all to EOPs, sorry for my English cause, you can take clear im not native English.

This was an old rumour from 2018, the linked webpage is made of bunch of clowns making statements from rumous.

They were a couple even before Nijisnji, that's what all JP community knows. Adding to this, we have a variety of audios and clips really sus making us think this is actually real.

>> No.1388193

This thread is 1 deranged nijinigger replying to everyone.

>> No.1388198

This is Holocel cope

>> No.1388200

barely has 100k on her MGS4 archives lmao, I know you're lying now so I'm not going to bother checking the rest

>> No.1388203

Riiiight, every single fan whining in these threads, in both of their comments sections and twitters, on 5ch, and all the other dogshit sites are ALL holofags? You're fucking out of your mind. Nijifags have their own "purity" problem, not as bad as holofags of course, they don't seperate the genders, but actually thinking it's all falseflagging or whatever is fucking delusional.

>> No.1388210

So... Mikoto's graduating soon?

>> No.1388226

>This one schizo is letting Hololive live rent free in his head and he cannot stop seething
These Niji threads are hilarious

>> No.1388236

And EOPs are in an uproar over this because they don't understand most of 5ch doesn't care about this shit and in fact thinks this is just something gaijin weebs would get triggered over.

>> No.1388239

holofags are the trannies of this board, living rent free in everyone's head

>> No.1388247

kek, you can tell by their wide vocabulary

>> No.1388252


>> No.1388257

He's finished. The Fujos will make Coco's chinks look tame.

>> No.1388269

I mean, couldn't it be that she just had his stream open on her phone or tablet or something ? Why the immediate conclusion that they are living together ?

>> No.1388268

you can stop samefagging at any time

>> No.1388273

Incel hands typed this post.

>> No.1388275


>> No.1388281

>self awareness set to 0

>> No.1388290

Kuzuha, you became a very successful vtuber around the world. Now, it's time to save japan's birth-rate. ABE LOVE

>> No.1388291

Y'know what an incel is, right?

>> No.1388296

>Holofags will commit 41%
Based. Nijichads stay winning.

>> No.1388303

but what will the 41 be?

>> No.1388305


>> No.1388310


>> No.1388312

kek, they do it for free. Holofags are a special breed of cucked.

>> No.1388317

The thing is that fans seething over their oshi dating and fucking is something you would expect from holofags since Holos are the idol ones while Niji were supposed to be the more "carefree" ones.
If this actually blows up it will just show Niji isn't any different from Hololive.

>> No.1388318

you heard that but otherwise all is a speculation at this point. rrat shit.

when it comes to niji i only watch one unpopular girl sometimes, dont even know who the fuck these are so wont research it further.

>> No.1388333

>nijinigger talking about samefagging

>> No.1388335

how do you watch nijisanji and not know who the most popular streamer in it is

>> No.1388350

Are you saying there is more to idol culture than that?

>> No.1388354
File: 6 KB, 430x147, Capture7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it upset you Nijicuck?
