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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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1378357 No.1378357 [Reply] [Original]

As usual, the English fans have ruined things for everyone again. Everyone's been having a good time with Noel's English learning streams but today the English viewers really got out of hand trying to get her to say various porn quotes. Now she's not going to be reading English superchats out loud anymore because there are concerns that they'll trick her into saying something that could get her in serious trouble. It's not as if Noel is some prude either, she plays nice and steps on people when they ask her to. But these people always go too far.

Why are the English fans so awful? It's been going on for a long time even before this, every time I watch a stream these days there's ALWAYS some moron in chat saying something completely impertinent to what is going on in the stream.

>> No.1378420
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This is your brain on holoturd

>> No.1378442

Go cry about it in reddit

>> No.1378531

There is already 2 post about this on reddit and honestly posting here won't do shit.

Let's face it, people are immature dicks, might be better in the long run if JP branch cut out the english faggots and the streamers just banning every one of the fuckers.

If they aren't dicks they're anti's, just ban them all, that way they can focus on the communist next

>> No.1378539

reps and come to Niji.

>> No.1378580
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Nijisanji keeps winning

>> No.1378622

>accidentally say something bad
>apologize and move on
Problem solved.

>> No.1378630
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>it's another holomongoloid vs niji "nihon culture floodgate" sanji console war

>> No.1378631

I remember saying on reddit that something like this would happen since western fans will always be retarded and they permabanned me for it.

>> No.1378639

no one cares about you indiefagg

>> No.1378697

If only that's how YouTube worked.

>> No.1378753

>degenerate autists
Who could have seen this coming?

>> No.1378769

Please remind me of the time Miko got banned for saying nigga or Coco got banned for saying faggot or Haato got banned for showing hentai, etc...

>> No.1378771

Noel was literally built for BBC

>> No.1378772


>> No.1378801

Haato literally did get demonetized on multiple occasions.

>> No.1378816

Yup. Well, being right isn't a pleasure, I suppose.

>> No.1378828

>English fans
it was the SEAniggers retard

>> No.1378846

All of the girls have had problems with YouTube. All of them. Over silly shit.

>> No.1378849

I blame american exceptionalism

>> No.1378856

Not for accidentally showing hentai. She got demonetized for things she did on purpose (sexual noises in her ASMR streams).

>> No.1378858


>> No.1378862

when in doubt, blame America.

>> No.1378884

That's what she gets for advertising on reddit

>> No.1378905
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>> No.1378940

oh no the girl that is doing porn saying porn quotes

>> No.1378955

You will never be Japanese. Just how Noel will never be English.

>> No.1378985

Shit, really?
I was enjoying the English reps.

>> No.1379029


Do JP Bros not do this kind of thing (toxic chat)? Or is the distinction here just because Noel doesn't understand the English messages, so she doesn't know when it's bad?

I always just assumed that JP chat had its own retards, and I just looked it over cause I can't read moon runes.

Another assumption I've always made is that the people shitting up chat are kids.

>> No.1379080

Japanese people are very respectful in general. They don't shit up chatrooms, they don't shit talk teammates in video games, and they even wore masks to avoid spreading sickness to others long before the pandemic made it a more common trend.

>> No.1379105

>and they even wore masks to avoid spreading sickness to others long before the pandemic made it a more common trend.

>> No.1379112

I'm guessing the Japanese side of the chat is much more heavily moderated.

>> No.1379116

They don't donate money.

>> No.1379119

That doesnt go for all japanese anon. They have their incels and batshit insane idiots too

>> No.1379135
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>> No.1379164

Isn't she learning english because of Gura? You should be blaming numberfags not EOPs. Shit even Coco is better off taking blame than EOPs

>> No.1379171

oh i thought the masks were so their faces couldnt be recognized in porn

>> No.1379186

We should blame Gura.

>> No.1379232

Gura. Ruined. Everything. Everything was going so good until Gura came along. I can't stand it. I wake up screaming Gura's name in agony in the middle of the night.

>> No.1379245

Yeah but JOPs are a bunch of numberfags their knees buckle and they bow down when they see Gura has such big numbers.

>> No.1379258

Nothing wrong with learning English or streaming yourself doing it. The problem is the EN viewers trying to get her to say porn quotes and things that might get her banned because she doesn't know the language.

>> No.1379292

I shat myself one day because of Gura. I can't take it anymore.

>> No.1379303

I'm pretty sure Matsuri introduced her to "love juices" not the EN viewers.

>> No.1379316

Ye because that clearly was an issue when every Vtuber that played GTA5 said Nigga

>> No.1379320

Haha big titty one san goes porn quote

>> No.1379373

JP viewers send her horny superchats every now and then, she just filters through them as she reads.

>> No.1379389

>The nijinigger cries as another talent graduates

>> No.1379456

Mask wearing was something JP did way before covid.

>> No.1379463

Report Block Ignore
Sperging out like this only encourages people to do it more.

>> No.1379466

Which is what the original post was saying.

>> No.1379478

It's Noel fault for pander to reddit

>> No.1379480

>game is fine to play?
>quote the game BANNED
I don't fucking get YouTube sometimes.

>> No.1379505


>> No.1379517

It's not just porn quotes, and it's not just about being banned. You surely understand how sensitive the Taiwan situation is and how it has resulted in Coco having to endure literal months of targeted harassment. If Hololive is tricked into saying the wrong words by English speakers with an agenda, it could start a political crisis.

>> No.1379533

Imagine learning our language to try and police us. How many military bases do we have in your country?

>> No.1379584

Imagine needing policing in an anime stream.

>> No.1379637

Blame 12 y/o SEAcoomers

>> No.1379712
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This is the average american viewer

>> No.1379760

English speakers aren't fanatical nationalists like the chinks

>> No.1379775

Ye, you go tell him! Can't wait to tell Aloe and the chiniggers how niji vtuber graduations are way worse than theirs!

>> No.1379780

That's just because there are always flu and coronavirus epidemics in east asia.

>> No.1379792

One solution is only read out high donation English SCs. Quickly run them through a translator first before reading them out loud.

>> No.1379795
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As usual the solution is simple

Thermonucleonuke the us of a

>> No.1379809

They dont speak english retard and dont have access to internet retard unlike burger kids retard

>> No.1379891

Noel seems to be the main butthurt of this thread and she doesn't even acknowledge EOPs though?

>> No.1379907

The point is that there is a danger that English speakers could inadvertently or intentionally stir up shit with another country by tricking Noel into saying something that she shouldn't.

>> No.1379913

Are you just forgetting about the eggshells the holos have to walk on when playing GTA V?

>> No.1379946

Have you literally not watched any of her streams the last couple days. I don't understand people like you who speak so confidently while knowing jack shit.

>> No.1379962

They are fanatically obssessed with race in either way and it's not much better

>> No.1379964

>I don't understand people like you who speak so confidently while knowing jack shit.
i don't think you're gonna like /vt/

>> No.1379985

Implying it isn't SEA causing this

>> No.1379991

They always walk on eggshells to satisfy the yurifags and idolfags.

>> No.1379998
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that's seems something quite evitable just by doing a quick deepl translation. Maybe send an Aka to Noel saying this instead of complaining in a brazilian shadow puppet tabloid like a massive faggot

>> No.1380006

You can't spell SEA without USA.

>> No.1380022

Bluntly speaking, though, other countries getting this riled up over an ASRM anime girl is ridiculous.

>> No.1380040

Lay blame on those shitty clippers
Retards are enabled when they have a clip they can reference and endlessly spam in chat.

>> No.1380059

They got riled up over an anime dragon that sounds like Mickey Mouse.

>> No.1380066


>> No.1380093

Yeah, they're fucking stupid.

>> No.1380141

Wonder how that Lyger dude feels knowing he unleashed a sea of retards onto his oshi.

>> No.1380190

He has a massive ego trip if you haven't been following him. Also the usual stalker attitude of him towards matsuri or her roommate

>> No.1380199

also Moona had to apologize for tweeting the words "Jesus" and "Buddha". Western fans can be annoying but they're not worse than chinks and sand nigs

>> No.1380311

Not enough time in the world for me to follow the drama of someone like that, but it seemed apparent from the start.

>> No.1380379

I wouldn't recommend you following them but i just find it hilarious how some think they are some sort of elite because they shit on other TLers that missed 2 commas in their TL. Or how lyger says not to mix up roomates and HL persona but then spam comments on matsuris alt acc. It's comedy to me if anything

>> No.1380517

She will scrap this series regardless of EOP spammers bc learning a foreign language is actually so hard it can't be a vtuber content. Its good that EOPs make her quit it ASAP

>> No.1381126
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>Japanese people are very respectful in general
I'm amazed that after all this time you idiots still believe this shit. Weeaboism is one hell of a drug.

>> No.1381171

>Openly admits to using Reddit
>Not a single reply telling him to go back
The absolute state of this board.

>> No.1381202

Self-hatred is not healthy, anon.

>> No.1381209

This. We're not the ones seething over Pekora's fucking period tracking app.
Looks like the hivemind isn't very active today.

>> No.1381261

Pekora has a period tracking app simply to fuck her tier 3 japanese simps, stay mad EOP

>> No.1381345

yeah, didn't they fucking buy out pastels that rushia wanted just to fuck with her? Tired of this "japanese viewers are all good only EOPs cause harm" Everyone fucking trolls, and only self-hating EOPs think that there's some kind of massive cultural difference and japs are supreme gentelmen.

>> No.1381375

Eat your meds.

>> No.1381419

that's reddit for ya

>> No.1381423

Have you ever met a woman anon?

>> No.1381435


>> No.1381446

You will never be Japanese.

>> No.1381480

>How YouTube worked
I doubt even the devs knows how it works

>> No.1381515

i met your mom, [she was a nice lady, you're a lucky guy/spoiler]

>> No.1381528

Well, they won't even explain their own TOS, so you're probably right.

>> No.1381571

>be me
>normal healthy 20 year old
>wake up one morning
>take a massive liquid shit
>blood in the toilet
>go to hospital
>have scans and xrays done
>doctor comes in
>he looks at me solemnly
>”I-is the news bad, doc?”
>”It’s worse than we thought, we found this on the scan”
>I brace myself
>Its a picture of gura
Fucking shark

>> No.1381574

It's not that Jap schizos don't exist (5ch is evidence of this) but rather how and where and to what extent they display this behavior is totally different. When Monoe graduated for example, EOPs flocked to Roberu's collab with her to pay their respects. Japanese viewers did not do this and felt that it was wrong to use a video hosted on Roberu's channel as a memorial for another Youtuber, and the only Jap comment related to it chastised the behavior. Tatamae is a hell of a drug. Even searching for it, it's very rare that you see open Japanese Holo antis on Twitter for example. They stick to 5ch. I guess what I'm saying is the group consciousness is embedded in Jap psyche to the extent that they're typically only schizos in places dedicated to such behavior (this is why you can separate anti threads on 5ch to begin with while here anti comments would leak into general discussion threads) while EOPs are far more individualistic and feel free to act the way they like anywhere, anytime, to a far greater degree.

>> No.1381591

I can't go back. I'm banned afterall. besides you should tell that to the cocofags.

>> No.1381604

Kill yourself, JOP concernfag. Your oshi, as with every other v-tuber, WILL continue to learn English and grow their EOP audiences.

>> No.1381605

I can imagine her giggling on stream while you bleed to death from the rectum, and you deserve to die this way.

>> No.1381611

Yeah, instead they are nigger and Jew worshippers.
>oh no, you can't say that, Japanese woman from a family that never owned a negro slave! How could you!

>> No.1381620

>they even wore masks to avoid spreading sickness to others long before the pandemic made it a more common trend.
They were doing that long before Rona hit. Even though masks do nothing to inhibit the spread of the virus. Healthy people wearing face masks in public because they MIGHT have the virus is full retard.

>> No.1381703

Block, report and ignore. Stop arguing with fucking kids on the internet. Stop talking about them. Stop giving them attention.
For every troll and backseater there is at least five people complaining about them in the chat. You're part of the problem, so just stop.

>> No.1381709

>honestly posting here won't do shit.
It's probably more useful than posting on reddit since the kinda people that would do something so retarded just to be edgy are exactly the type that post here.

>> No.1381770
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>Japanese people are very respectful in general.

>> No.1381795

You know, Japanese women universally hate weaboos

>> No.1381813

It was a Nijinigger for sure.

>> No.1381827
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I mean blue boards are basically Reddit anon. You can even get banned for racism here no real reason to be stuck up

>> No.1381841

i bet most of the people complaining in that thread were the ones doing it

>> No.1381852

Most people told her not to say these words though? Let's see, did you even watch the said stream?

>> No.1381864

All women hate white guys

>> No.1381888

they are more respectful in general, but their schizos are more extreme. so it balances out.

>> No.1381903
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>> No.1381904

I mean if you're comparing it to America then any country will be more respectful in general.

>> No.1381911

The day I open my arms and agreeably let Redditors pozz me with their moralfag spiel is the day I die. Of AIDS, probably.

>> No.1381916

Only white women who exclusively date white guys hate white guys.

>> No.1381924

Don’t worry hololive chuubas are not little girl

>> No.1381935

Got any data that isn't over a decade old?

>> No.1381950 [DELETED] 
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nigger bad

>> No.1381985

Latinos being the biggest self-hating racists. Why am I not suprised

>> No.1381986

yeah, in 2014 they liked white men even more

>> No.1381993

>they don't know about *****
She have to deal with a lot of japanese schizos so she knows how to handle it . It's literally nothing important and if something ever happens it will be because of youtube's retarded policies

>> No.1382010

What about 2021

>> No.1382029

EOPs are as unclvilised and subhuman as Chinks. She will realise learning English isnt productive very soon.

>> No.1382039

you really think women suddenly all hate white guys even though being white is universally accepted even in nonwhite cultures? how desperate are you

>> No.1382043

Even the ENs won't touch a white guy.

>> No.1382069

I was banned for three days for saying that anon...

>> No.1382070

>you really think women suddenly all hate white guys
Yes. Mori provides some very good insight into your average zoomer white girls sexual preferences.

>> No.1382082
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>> No.1382083

These people look for any excuse to fuel their persecution complex rather than take responsibility for their failures.
Imagine being unable to get laid as a white guy and blaming women for not being attracted to white guys rather than just not being attracted to you lmao.

>> No.1382087

It's 6 years old. Don't think it changed much

>> No.1382093

at least japanese schizos don't spam her roomate streams with noel shit

>> No.1382098

>white is universally accepted even in nonwhite cultures
I take it you have never been to Brazil, or South Africa, or Canada or the US.

>> No.1382125

>mori likes short guys
>vast majority of western women dont consider men under 5'11" as men
lol ok

>> No.1382133

You're right, but also posts like this just make people want to do it more

>> No.1382137

They spam her twitter and write ridiculous rrats instead

>> No.1382141

im white and in Canada what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.1382148
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>> No.1382155

He drank the "muh sjw ruined everything" kool-aid and hasn't left the house to see it's bullshit

>> No.1382160

>vast majority of western women dont consider men under 5'11" as men
Not sure who you are quoting but pretty much every zoomer girl is obsessed with more often niggers and less often Asains

>> No.1382180

>what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.1382194

You really need to get offline and go experience real life for a while.
Twitter isn't the majority; most people couldn't care less.

>> No.1382204

i live in Toronto...

>> No.1382211

no you fucking dumb eop faggot liar.

holos japanese twitter accounts are always very moderate.

>> No.1382223
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>anon gets baited so hard he doxxes himself

>> No.1382234

Did you somehow miss all the race riots last summer?

>> No.1382242

holy shit you're actually retarded

>> No.1382243

Reminder EOPs are basically western Chinks.

>> No.1382265

I'm talking about IRL. I challenge you to find me even a single zoomer girl who doesn't listen to rap and/or K-pop

>> No.1382269

>he doesn't remember her tarantum over a tier list

>> No.1382275

white rappers exist

>> No.1382276

He's just an incel that women actively avoid and think of as creepy due to the fact he's hideous and socially awkward and obliviously stares at women any time he sees them in public.
Through years or decades of women being disgusted by the sight of him he's convinced himself it's due to the color of his skin and not the fact he acts like a creepy weirdo. This way he can continue to act like a creepy weirdo and blame society or rap music or Obama for his failure at being a human being.

>> No.1382288

They literally take the English term TPO(Time Place Occasion) as gospel. You can't find a Westerner under 30 that even knows what that acronym means.

>> No.1382290

wow he knows what city i live in, now to sift through 4 million people to find out who i am so he can do absolutely nothing about it

>> No.1382305

Damn I fucking nailed it.
Blaming your virginity on rap music is the funniest shit lmfao.

>> No.1382320

And extreme miniorty. Also how many of them are actually white and not Jewish? Eminem is the only one I can think of

>> No.1382322

are you actually from a different dimension or something wtf

>> No.1382337

I'm not even a virgin ROFLAMO XD

>> No.1382344

logic is white too
point is rap isn't automatically a red flag, for a lot of people eminem is the ONLY rap they listen to

>> No.1382361

She's been hanging around Marine too much.

>> No.1382371

Seriously, get help.
I'm not trying to be patronizing, but you need to grow up, get out of your own head and just start living your own life.
If this is a 'girls don't like me' thing, it isn't because you are short, white, or overweight, it's because you are pathetic. Stop putting your problems on others and start being happy.
Go for a walk or something.

>> No.1382376 [DELETED] 
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No are you?

>> No.1382391

>vast majority of western women dont consider men under 5'11" as men
Dude, women are really fucking stupid. I've seen 5'6 guys get away with claiming they are 5'10. 6 feet just means they want a guy taller than them. Height is a meme anyways, facial structure and hairline are infinitely more important.

>> No.1382392

Did you finally understand that EOPs are nothing but vermin?

>> No.1382397

What does this have to do with white people? Are white people all cops or something?

>> No.1382437

women in general just prefer man taller then them, they don't care about a specific height, but there are exceptions.
generally people that cry about being to short to find a girl are just lazy bastards that refuse to hit the gym and shower daily.

>> No.1382444

That is like saying country western isn't a white genre because of lil nas. Sure there outliers but the music is racial

>> No.1382456

The majority of western mindsets is completely antithetical to the Japanese mindset. We don't do courtesy or polite anymore, haven't in quite literally centuries. Humbleness and modesty is no longer known. If you want Hololive to preserve its Japanese roots then they would have to completely disband EN, discourage ID from speaking English, and completely ban any form of English chats whatsoever.

>> No.1382471

Only if your entire worldview is race-based. Says a lot more about you than it does the music anon.

>> No.1382475

we had protests like every city but not race riots. there were no nigger death squads roaming the streets

>> No.1382494

These cringe jokes... it can only be ESLs who just discovered reddit and think that swearing is cool.
High chance SEAniggers.

>> No.1382498

EN was a mistake.

>> No.1382501

>Only if your entire worldview is race-based
Not him but it's impossible to see the world any other way.

>> No.1382542

No it's not. Stop browsing /pol/ and go outside anon. Maybe visit a big city and interact with people of other races for a change. It's for your own good.

>> No.1382550


>> No.1382573

sure ill give you that, but to say Mori's preference of cute men who are shorter than her being the normal preference for women her age is hilarious

>> No.1382574
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worthless fucking board

>> No.1382575

The only races I can interact with here in Sweden are whites and arabs. Guess which ones I prefer.

>> No.1382592

But then you'd have to think for yourself instead of doing what your superiors tell you to do

>> No.1382593

stay mad retard

>> No.1382636

>Miko got banned for saying nigga or Coco got banned for saying faggot

nothing wrong with that. fuck the niggers, fuck the faggots and fuck the libtards

>> No.1382676
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>keeps winning
>graduated one of their actual big names
>actively employs an actual whore and a masochist who abuses their members
>kept afloat by fujoshitter tokyo ghoul gaypex (who can’t even win)
you keep winning in the same way a yinzer thinks they’re the best people in america (they aren’t)

>> No.1382683

do you have the jav codes?

>> No.1382699

Imagine being so triggered by the word "mask" that you highlight that part of the post only to say EXACTLY what the post says.
What flavor is the kool aid, anyway?

>> No.1382702

Yeah don't they just stalk and harass girls and do more insane shit in general

>> No.1382730

idolfags be notorious

>> No.1382735

And it’s not like EOP’s force the girls to sing and dance for their bastardized versions by dumbing down what they do and forcing them to say retarded shit.

>> No.1382747

>sensitive the Taiwan situation

sounds like clown cult fragility

>> No.1382760

If you don't want American opinions and American insights then STOP USING AMERICAN WEBSITES

>> No.1382766

>on reddit

go back libtard faggot

>> No.1382783

>Even though masks do nothing to inhibit the spread of the virus.
>Healthy people wearing face masks in public because they MIGHT have the virus is full retard.
Asymptomatic is not healthy.

>> No.1382789

>>Openly admits to using Reddit
>>Not a single reply telling him to go back

thanks for pointing that out. i told him to go back to his gay sex orgy on red dit.

>> No.1382794


>> No.1382802

And it got derailed from one comment saying Japanese women hate Wapanese

>> No.1382808

Americans are not capable of insight and should get out of my internet. I don't know what their moronic nationality does all day. Shooting the least fat schoolchildren or something like that.

>> No.1382838

We should be angry at SEA but the thread is once again angry at north america

4chan has an obsession with my nation that it’s fucking hilarious

>> No.1382846

>Self-hatred is not healthy, anon.

libtards do it all the time. are you saying they are sick people?

>> No.1382854

We made the internet, it's ours. That's why our companies (Youtube, Amazon, Ebay) can tax you. I'd say that you could make your own internet if you want but you're far too stupid to.

>> No.1382863

What's the issue with that? Did they assume she had the app to track safe days for sex?

>> No.1382873

EOPs are a horde of dumb Amerimutts, immigrants living in Anglo countries, and Spics, and every kind of third world monkey

The horrendous ugly globohomo nu-world citizens cant share certain cultural common sense and civilised manners. "Cultural exchange" is just an outdated fantasy. She has yet to know it but it wont take too long until she does.

>> No.1382876

your meds

>> No.1382890

Who are these "we"? Are you dumb enough to claim credit for something you had no part in?

>> No.1382897

Yes. It was even trending on twitter for a while. However half of that was laughing at the virgins who believed their r18 mangas were real life.

>> No.1382908

Like how you claimed to own the internet?

>> No.1382912

i'm not here to spoonfeed you my man. Her videos are literally getting recommended on YT itself

>> No.1382913

*dumb SEAmonkeys

>> No.1382920

Do the Japs not have access to birth control, day after pills and condoms or something?

>> No.1382944

That’s provably untrue. No one here really supported the ‘mike tyson’s ass’ comment. Reddit yukked it up for weeks because they are morons who didn’t understand that ‘tricking streamers into yab’ is a good way for eops to ban themselves.

>> No.1382960

No, because Japan is a theocracy ruled by the Catholics all types of contraceptive is banned. So is abortion.

>> No.1382975

Based Japs, state mandated rawdogging

>> No.1382986

>mutts try to get Noel to say iconic quotes from their porn cult classics

seriously you guys

>> No.1382991

It was funny for korone the first time: the next few times after that its been so bad that I’m sick of it. Ayame and Luna ignore that shit and rightfully so

>> No.1382993

>There will never be a Mano Aloe English stream

Worst timeline.

>> No.1383001

It really was never funny.

>> No.1383013

>Cover takes some of the 30% cut they get for doing fuck all and hire someone to moderate the EN SCs
>Problem solved

>> No.1383024

>finding a japanese person with functional english skills who agrees work for minimum wage

>> No.1383035


>> No.1383051
File: 132 KB, 1500x1500, kys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now she's not going to be reading English superchats out loud anymore
If you dislike western fans, why is that a problem?

>> No.1383062

Absolutely based, holy shit.

>> No.1383064

what the fuck did you faggots doing in this thread

>> No.1383069

>Why are the English fans so awful?
because most of them are either underaged kids or manchildren from reddit

>> No.1383100

"Jack off" and "oh no step bro what are you doing" are dumb and not that bad. They are mostly cringe af. Granted her roommate does more sexual stuff, can't have her be too sexual as "noel." Plus we don't need some of them fearing that they might say something that will cause another CN incident. Unless we are a whole bunch of schizo false flagging autists with hate boners as well.

>> No.1383122

Parasocial relationships, they do it for free

>> No.1383148

Because we should be better.

>> No.1383169 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 165 KB, 1920x1080, 1615394303003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he doesnt want to, i will. She does ero ASMR and porn images under the name "Canan8181".

>> No.1383182

Go back to /pol/

>> No.1383197

this is what you get when you pander to reddit

you get what you fucking deserve

>> No.1383200
File: 3.02 MB, 320x288, 1593677407249.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nipples never ever

>> No.1383225

i dont mind that too much, i'm mostly into the ASMR part. Also she had a nip slip way before HL on nnd but with shitty video quality.

>> No.1383226

english niggers need to behave thats all

>> No.1383251

Hardly porn. Her roommate does sexual asmr, shows her tits and ass, and rubs her hand up and down the stand that supports her KU100. Oh and sometimes she puts lotion or a small item like chapsticks between her tits

>> No.1383252
File: 747 KB, 2160x2560, gra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger are you serious? Brazilian women literally import semen from white countries.

>> No.1383260

>Mostly peaceful race riots

>> No.1383273

Same race informs culture and culture is everything. You would have to be a mutt to believe otherwise

>> No.1383278

Doing a handbra and motioning paizuri isnt porn?

>> No.1383288

Why do normal fags ruin everything we enjoy? Why can't these fucking faggots just be happy that they are getting streams in there own language. I fucking hate everyone in this stupid fucking clown country

>> No.1383299

eop pandering only causes a problem. or if jp vtubers pander to eops they should only talk to eops in english and practically ban lewd talk like pikamee. westerners cant handle shimomenta = sexual jokes at all for many reasons. they can only treat it as some bitchy joke so they only talk to jp vtubers as if they are bitches.

>> No.1383334

I think he meant not hardcore. It's definitely pornography though

>> No.1383345

I barely consider softcover porn as porn. That's just my opinion.

Maybe I'm just desensitized idk, but lot more needs to be exposed in order for me to call it porn

>> No.1383348

>open thread that isn't /hlgg/
>it's full of /v/-tier garbage comments

>> No.1383362

It's as pornographic as gravure models who never really fully expose themselves

>> No.1383369

for me its Mel

>> No.1383370

It's "porn" in the way link to a public Twitter account with tens of thousands of followers is "doxing"

>> No.1383376

Anon, did you cause this?

>> No.1383385

ah i guess i misunderstood then.

>> No.1383397

Who are you quoting?

>> No.1383405

I'm going to need proof of that

>> No.1383408

It's shimoneta you tard

>> No.1383414

youre thinking of montreal. torontos was actually peaceful

>> No.1383422

My cock, retard.

>> No.1383428

Can you fucking stop? Noel is literally going to get married with Flare and only does that to get enough money for them both since Cover takes much of the SC. Fuck off with calling her out for that.

>> No.1383441
File: 557 KB, 834x1045, 1610557053790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They don't shit up chatrooms, they don't shit talk teammates in video games
Oh no, it's retarded.

>> No.1383455


>> No.1383483

Nah man. they hate ugly, short and fat cunts sitting their ass on 4chan. Stop making excuses.

>> No.1383484

If she needs the money then why are you trying to stop a Noel fan from advertising her livelihood. Fucking antis i swear

>> No.1383487

i know i just typed it too fast. though technically, what they talk about isnt even shimoneta. like marines ero-talk isnt really shimoneta. she wouldnt talk about it with a male tuber whereas matsuri would.

>> No.1383526

>Doesn't know 4chan was copied from 2chan

>> No.1383560

you need to be +18 to post here

>> No.1383565

>source: ass

>> No.1383570
File: 554 KB, 600x531, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back

>> No.1383583

this is a japanese site owned by a japanese man. amerimutts cant run a site like this with the modern woke political climate. 4chan is actually like an extraterritorial jurisdiction zone

>> No.1383584

source: redditors are degenerate virtue signallers

>> No.1383613

By an American, Christopher Pool.

That's fair. Unfortunate, but fair. I can get behind that.

>> No.1383647
File: 126 KB, 241x244, 1612164252431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Christopher Pool

>> No.1383669

oh man i remember that manga, it was depressingly sweet.

>> No.1383681

>Noel said something ''wrong for a 13 year old audience ''
>Viewers instead of explaining why she shouldnt say that in the future they all spam ''NOOOOOOOO DONT SAY THAT NOOO THATS WRONG NOOOOOOOOO''
You scare Noel like she just killed an entire country's population. Chill

>> No.1383682

You *clap* Need *clap* To *clap* Go *clap* Back

>> No.1383697

You niggers are literally responsible for both of those graduations

>> No.1383716

Noel must be a millonaire at this point
if you think about Holomembership+NND membership+Fantai membership +Superchat in both channels

>> No.1383758

its not difficult to earn a million yen anon

>> No.1383776

ye nijiniggers made Aloe braindead to the point she is unable to delete her talking about confidential contracts. And nijiniggers made chinks mad at taiwan right? How does that yagoo cock taste my dude?

>> No.1383791

2 KU100s that she is too stupid to use aren't gonna pay for themselves.

>> No.1383897

Taiwan belongs to the PRC

>> No.1383915

Next meme!

>> No.1384006

Taiwan belongs to the prc as much as Skyrim belongs to the nords

>> No.1384013 [DELETED] 
File: 2.54 MB, 400x361, 1580838934210.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"fuck white people" amirite

>> No.1384045 [DELETED] 

Spics and whites can fuck off. I'm tired of them being pandered to when they shit up every chatroom they enter while being extremely loud in the process. They are both more obnoxious than SEAmonkies

>> No.1384083

You're well on your way to becoming honorary Japanese, anon! :^)
Please return to >>>/jp/ to collect your free passport.

>> No.1384104

every. single. room. Fuck off. Nobody likes you

>> No.1384116

the reddit thread looks hypocritical as fuck as usual. im sure not only these eop subhumans but they are also the eop faggots spamming stupid eop trash in the jp livechats

>> No.1384127

You will never be Japanese.

>> No.1384155

Is there a timestamp of when she said she's not reading english superchats anymore?

>> No.1384170

I I'm sure on some planet your lies are true, but your weak link is: this is Earth.

>> No.1384207
File: 251 KB, 424x455, chinese3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PRC = pretty retarded chinks

>> No.1384227

the EOP menace strikes again, hilarious. She should just overlap her stream with Guras and all of them will be gone

>> No.1384291

Why do EOPs here get so defensive and angry for their incompetence?

>> No.1384314

Hololive's numbers and profits continue to skyrocket, but Cover is still paranoid over non issues like this. This supposed big danger of improper superchat readings only exists in Cover's head. It literally wouldn't harm their profits at all. No one cares.

>> No.1384324

Enjoy the new ironic anime lovers, they'll get filtered anyways

>> No.1384341

nigger go back

>> No.1384347

t. zhang

>> No.1384380

Pretty much the issue is the "w" not the "eeb"

>> No.1384421

It's not just a sc problem, the redditors in chat having a massive overreaction and spamming the chat with NOOO and YAB probably caused this to happen

>> No.1384432
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>> No.1384444


>> No.1384470

Don't use Pikamee to react to booba she would be disgusted by the lack of cunna.

>> No.1384480

You are supposed to redirect him to /pol/ we do it for /r9k/ when an incel insults one of our fair maidens or links to their twitter account.

>> No.1384512

Not him, but you don't have to be a wannabe nip to hate spics. Spic DBZ posting has ruined its fair share of threads

>> No.1384529

The guy who used to admin 4gag in between his main bag-carrying job.

>> No.1384544

thats a nice way of saying it doesnt exist

>> No.1384574

are these the meds libtards take for their self hate

>> No.1384579

Because it doesn't. As far as I know she's never done actual JAV or "real" porn, just ero ASMR and showing her tits gravure style.

>> No.1384583

Fuck off retard its literally been posted in the thread

>> No.1384586

Go look at /a/ if you want to hate spics. I turn off utawakus when Holos sing songs from dragonball or saint seiya because of spics.

>> No.1384626

>and showing her tits
That is still pornography under the dictionary definition.

>> No.1384683

Yeah its horrible seeing a comfy thread get taken over by them but I guess its the price for being a shonenshitter.

>> No.1384689

Is gravure porn to you?

>> No.1384725

>por·nog·ra·phy | \ pȯr-ˈnä-grə-fē
>1 : the depiction of erotic behavior (as in pictures or writing) intended to cause sexual excitement
>2 : material (such as books or a photograph) that depicts erotic behavior and is intended to cause sexual excitement
>3 : the depiction of acts in a sensational manner so as to arouse a quick intense emotional reaction


>> No.1384812

Solution: If you're foreign Kishidan write SC's in DeepL and if you're not confident with it just say you're sorry for imperfect Japanese. Danchou is very understanding of this. I recommend doing Japanese reps but I understand it's probably really hard for around 97% of the userbase here.

>> No.1384861

So Holo swimsuit streams were porn?

>> No.1384894

So 77% of American males aren't men and are Virgin like you. Oh wait, no that can't be it because if all those people were Virgins too, then you wouldn't have your persecution complex. Oh well, better go on LMS to look for more excuses for being a failure. LOL

>> No.1384904
File: 345 KB, 1910x745, 1615223071385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did it make you sexually excited?

>> No.1384920
File: 178 KB, 1590x1504, Dumbass_Incel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Source: https://www.gigacalculator.com/calculators/height-percentile-calculator.php

INB4 the calculator is wrong and what I see outside proves it response.

>> No.1384956

Uhh...western women rate the majority of men as being unattractive so yeah that 77% not being "men" is about right

>> No.1384961

Stop replying to bait

>> No.1384973

The majority of men never even touch a women's hand let alone have sex

>> No.1385004

Matsuri doing that flexibility shit definitely did and Choco in a bikini excites everyone

>> No.1385031

no you are a fucking liar. wtf is your pathetic damage control

>> No.1385040

If you actually believe that.

>> No.1385047
File: 13 KB, 381x313, female-messaging-curve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btw Im 184cm. Looking forward to your seethe.

>> No.1385107

Maybe not in Wimerica but that is true for most of the world

>> No.1385585


Good for you virigin, you found another source to validate yourself.

Like I said before:

>Oh wait, no that can't be it because if all those people were Virgins too, then you wouldn't have your persecution complex. Oh well, better go on LMS to look for more excuses for being a failure.

>> No.1385619

Who are you quoting?

>> No.1385692

go back to red dit soi boi

>> No.1385831

never seen a thread derail this hard by a single poster

>> No.1386010

world is class based.

>> No.1386466

i'm honestly surprised it took this long.

>> No.1386788

>Nobody likes you

i like that guy

>> No.1386810


why bring single mothers into this

>> No.1386845

>As far as I know she's never done actual JAV or "real" porn

i should be doing JAV. i am sure they need a fit Caucasian to bang the girls.

>> No.1386899

>Height is a meme

i cant understand zoomers obession with height. back in my day we bullies niggers, faggots and libtards.

zoomers try to bully based on height and other dumb things. how can they be so lame

>> No.1386927

>there were no nigger death squads roaming the street

there were innocent people that were beat to death so yes those are nigger nazi death squads

>> No.1386957

bfto libtard. you push that race shit in all media, dont be butthurt when people respond to it in a way different fron the clown cult

>> No.1386968

nobody in toronto died during the protests afaik

>> No.1387842

>someone does literally anything
It drives me nuts because they can't even do it themselves. They have to demand someone else do it.

>> No.1388026

Now tell the Cocofags that with their unironic meme threads.

>> No.1388392

goal post moving nigger. no one innocece died during slavery. do you like that goal post?

>> No.1388665

Gibara graduated by herself to purse another career, retards.

>> No.1388827

Typical American brainlet. The post you initially responded to was talking specifically about Toronto's BLM protest

>> No.1388868

No. I'm here to stay.

>> No.1388905

she's flexible dayo

>> No.1389959

Which clipper's Japanese is this bad?

>> No.1390128

>everyone shitting on america as the source of the EOP problem
>not one single mention of how the English speaking audience is dominated by ESL SEA cancer
why is this?

>> No.1390143

people assume every english speaker is a white american

>> No.1390196

because you're ready english posts. why are the SEAniggers going to complain about how awful SEAniggers are? why would they complain about how they're dominating the english speaking audience?

>> No.1390282

All clippers have bad Japanese, but I'll give them credit, at least they're not those "EN translators" in chat whom I've always assumed are people who are just "translating" the few Japanese words they can pick up and that's why they only ever translate a short, simple sentence here and there.

>> No.1390367

Yeah but who the fuck translates erogaki as sexy children?

>> No.1390474

>watch fall guys stream, forget who
>she describes something as yasashii (easy)
>"[EN]: This stage is kind!"
What you described is 100% what happens, yes.
