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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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13690555 No.13690555 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13690597

Selen is a bug

>> No.13690659

How many times must it be said that NijiJP is far more invested in the Chinese market than NijiEN with many of their talents regularly streaming on Bilibili as a second home and yet HoloJP collabs occur regularly where Coco was from in the first place so this logic makes no sense
+ The Chinks like HoloEN

>> No.13690667

Not like this Nijibros....

>> No.13690698

NijiJP still collabs with Hololive, so does NijiID https://youtu.be/-wMARha4rlA

>> No.13690714

>The Chinks like HoloEN

>> No.13690746
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>> No.13690804

thats great, so why werent they invited ?

>> No.13690807

Chinkisanji bros...

>> No.13690850

ask Bilibili, not fan video uploaders

>> No.13690852

Because officially Hololive has exited the Chinese market even if members still have their fans there

>> No.13690883

hololive is blacklisted in China because Chinese companies don't want to deal with antis.

>> No.13690891

those seem pretty big numbers for chink clips

>> No.13690900

Why is brony so obsessed with nijisanji? Don't you have a vtuber to watch instead of having us rent free in your head?

>> No.13690903

So, in other words, the actual relevant party in the discussion? Why does it matter if they have some fans there if the investors themselves don't want Holo anything touching their site or events? Even Coco had fans.

>> No.13690919

I may be remembering wrong but I think after HoloCN got sacked bilibili cut all ties with Hololive? It's really too bad how corporate politics can ruin a cool big collab

>> No.13690922

I love the chinese communist party.

>> No.13691015

Because if simply interacting with Holomems got you blacklisted from Bilibili NijiJP wouldn't do it on the regular, and it makes even less sense that interacting with the most well-liked Hololive branch over there would do it,

>> No.13691040

holoen don't want to get involved with nijien also
kiara and ame liked coco and they don't to be involved with chinks

>> No.13691090

so which of those NijiJP in the picture collabed with HoloEN?

>> No.13691132

Bilibili only cares about its own interests, which meant cutting out hololive and focusing on VirtuaReal and Asoul. They'll listen to their audience as little as YouTube listens to their community about the dislike button.

>> No.13691229

Sister Claire has done a few HoloJP collabs which is again the branch that's controversial in the first place... I'm saying this notion that HoloEN would be more controversial to collab with than HoloJP when they aren't even the place where the conflict originated from is silly and nonsensical. And the NijiID members there have collabed with HoloID many a time.

>> No.13691287

Make 10 threads at the same time and you'll finally convince people that NijiEN blocks the collabs.
Make a stink about it on Twitter and you might even be able to get Anykara to make an official statement.

>> No.13691320
File: 445 KB, 899x713, cocobat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that chinks see the whole of HoloEN as Coco`s brainchild/minions

>> No.13691365

So who cancelled the Ollie/Selen collab?

>> No.13691398


>> No.13691555

They never announced it, but it seems pretty clear that they did. Nowadays they pretty much try to remove any trace of Hololive from official stuffs even if those didn't come directly from Hololive (i.e: anime)
Whether it was because Hololive cut off HoloCN, or if it was their intention all along (and they helped the TW incident to blow up) is debatable. Depends on whether you'd like believe in rrat, I guess

>> No.13693378

and what do they gain from it? just the ccp credit points?

>> No.13693458

Everyone likes Gura. Do they like Mori and Kiara?

>> No.13693561

The same management who was preventing the Pomu/Kiara collab from happening.

>> No.13693602

They just did it out of spite and seethe, they gained nothing from it. They actually lost a lot because of their decision. I don't know about chink social politics though so maybe they were also avoiding possible future public backlash, but idk

>> No.13694116

Who else

>> No.13694283

You have to understand most big companies are literally arms of the state there that can be coerced into doing whatever their gov wants, and if their gov doesn't like something they can make Bili censor the shit out of it.

>> No.13694621

As much as i hate that useless faggot he has no control over the ID branch

>> No.13694948

Doesn't mean he doesn't have influence.

>> No.13695008

Wait so let me get this straight you guys are mad because they didn’t invite people who barely even interact with them in the first place? Like I don’t understand why you guys are so obsessed. These bitches don’t even interact outside of Hololive who the duck would invite them to anything?

>> No.13695723

>who the duck

>> No.13696577
File: 172 KB, 687x648, 1636614781091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>China hates America but also loves America

Why are they so tsundere?

>> No.13696633

They're not. America is in debt to China lol, debt collectors won't leave you alone.

>> No.13696706

>Utako is nowhere on OP's picture
>Literally all the Nijis there have not collabed with any Holo in months
>Rea is there
Well, everything makes sense now

>> No.13696779

Liking cunny=/=Liking Hololive
Literally there are some zhangs willing to buy Gooruh (TToTT) out of Hololive.

>> No.13696833

Holofags desperate to gaslight people as usual.

>> No.13696871

90% of America's debt is owned by the FED and other banks incorporated in America. Japan also literally owns as much American debt as China. What are you, an underaged idiot from 2009?

>> No.13697182

I can't wait until one day Gura gets kidnapped by the CCP and forced to marry some fat bald oji-san politician and then her next stream is her fucking the oji-san with a big pregnant belly with the CCP emblem tattooed on her belly and she renounces her American citizenship so she can be the politician's personal baby factory and the official vtuber ambassador of china.

>> No.13697296

It couldn't have possibly been the fairy casually dropping private information about idol friends in a stream.

>> No.13697325

Like they tried to buy Aqua out of Hololive kek

>> No.13697354

Dola collabed with Ollie a while back

>> No.13697367

Ollie’s manager couldn’t pay the collab fee

>> No.13697606

stop, get some help

>> No.13697734

If Niji/Holo JP are still allowed to collab, why can't their EN branches collab then. Is it really just because of Zhang shit lol, starting to believe that Omega troon is actually blocking the collabs.

>> No.13699922

NijiEN is the one who keeps having collabs fall through, so if you had to guess I'd start with them.

>> No.13700362

Only collabs that fall through are the ones with Holo. NijiEN had a collab with like 20 other vtubers and random outsiders earlier today.

>> No.13700468

Because Bilibili and Pooh bear, despite their increased insistence that they do, do not represent the tastes of their audience. Who largely don't give a fuck about the Coco Nothingburger and subsequent government-perpetrated raids that happened afterwards and vanished when the funding dried up.

>> No.13700599

>Why does it matter if they have some fans there
Because that's the actual audience of Bilibili and determine which videos get views and are uploaded and shared everywhere
> if the investors themselves
Because they are the Chinese communist party. They only think they can control trends on the platform.

Any questions?

>> No.13701282

America is declining seethe

>> No.13704786

>No Petra


>> No.13704951

Bilibili tried to snatch HoloCN like they did with niji and capitalized on the popular holo franchise but yagoo flip them over and dismembered HoloCN instead.

>> No.13704975

holy mother of chinksanji

>> No.13705055

Not an argument scrub

>> No.13705214

Why Petra would be in there when this clearly was made before obsydia?

>> No.13705232

Why do they need to collab with NijiEN again?

>> No.13705345

They dont need to but its different when some of them want to and arent allowed to.

>> No.13705527

>Hololive is officially banned in China
>still more popular than VirtuaReal in China

>> No.13705530

Because Kiara wants to, and I think doing a one-off idolfag talk collab with Pomu would be fun.

>> No.13705640

At least try to make a rebuttal Jesus
