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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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1353513 No.1353513 [Reply] [Original]

Chinks cant handle anything international, and were naturally deported from the global vtuber scene. Now Indonesia is the new big Asian player there, aside from Japan. What do you think about it? Honestly I didnt give a single fuck about Indos until I started to watch vtubers. They suddenly appeared and have gotten attention from the world.

>> No.1354041

>They suddenly appeared
Indonesian vtuber has existed ever since the four heavenly kings era cause Kizuna AI exploded in popularity here in early 2017. I don't think they will ever become big on the global scene (unless it's Hololive) since the relevancy of Indonesia in the world is small, but at least we're capable to sustain the industry.

>> No.1354226 [DELETED] 


Shut up indogs

>> No.1354268

indonesia can sink for all I care but I'm glad the girls are making some money

>> No.1354271

chinks can never join the scene and gooks are too autistic and insular to do vtubing. so indonesia matters now.

>> No.1354284

Is it maya putri? Yeah in terms of views it was actually quite big and similiar to kizuna ai

Maybe cover see that potential like her exist so they start investing here

>> No.1354287

gooks created mukbangs, who says they can't do vtubing?

>> No.1354315

Just like AKB48 timeline.

>> No.1354333

As a chink i can confirm that chinks and chink-like are too autistic about their cultural superiority that even they enjoy vtubers, they cannot admit it, hence the pitiful situation happened

>> No.1354347

The hell mukbang, a person eating on stream or videos arent nothing new

>> No.1354373

Gooks copied mukbang.

>> No.1354408

Literally no one cares about Indonesians. Maybe if Koreans did it I would watch but I would never watch any South East Asian streamer

>> No.1354446

It's only Hololive.
Nijisanji's VirtualReal is thriving and they just added a new batch after ELEVEN gens

>> No.1354456

Btw is vtubing and vwhoring haram?
Always love Indogs bro and their food, just not the islam shit

>> No.1354461

Do you watch nijisanji KR?

>> No.1354496

I'm expecting you to watch NijiKR then, anon

>> No.1354502

I still don't care.

Also it's hilarious China is missing so much money world wide because of their politics it's crazy.

>> No.1354516

It doesn't matter. Why would your average weeb care about whether their anime-esque is haram or not.

>> No.1354517 [DELETED] 

Islam in indonesia and middle east are different anon, we dont haram this one or haram that one for a bit shit

This country arent just for islam but 4 other religion as well

>> No.1354590

gooks dont watch vtubers. they are desperate to simp for gook gamers like saddummy

>> No.1355034

>who says they can't do vtubing?
ever heard nijisanji KR? no? uh huh.

>> No.1355058

back to your KPOP shit then.
or at least, watch Niji. they have KR branch. save them, anon.

>> No.1355097

Indonesian vtubers will never be popular because everyone knows there's no chance of a cute girl being behind the avatar

>> No.1355104

Is Niji KR really doing that bad compared to Niji ID?

>> No.1355137

did you know that arabian oil baron's children watch anime and other pop culture?
anon, indonesia is not even a muslim country. they are the most muslim populated country, but that doesn't mean they are using sharia law for all of their citizen.

>> No.1355160

they are though at least on youtube. holo jp and id are the only popular nationality based branches.

en isnt the american branch.

>> No.1355179

This is indonesian breed


>> No.1355227

Hijabs are almost as ugly as buzzcuts on girls

>> No.1355237

>their most subbed member is at 100k, their 2nd at 80k, and others averaged at 15-20k
>meanwhile hana macchirat is at 200k and her genmates and kouhais are in between 15-60k

>> No.1355270

i'm not sure if you are a LARPer or a self hating prick.

>> No.1355397

IDbros seem cool, so sure. Dump China adopt Indonesia.
A while ago, some lesbian wrote an article about how Bali was the perfect place for everyone to come queer gentrify. She was swiftly deported.

>> No.1355454

i know that. they were typical mutt sjws who believed americans were privileged and entitled in every country

>> No.1355474

i believe it was because she has been evading and/or abusing the coof regulation to get herself to bali. good riddance though.

>> No.1355499
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This one is my favourite Indo vtuber

>> No.1355543

hot seaniggettes are the best anon

>> No.1355648

So around the same level of success then?

>> No.1355665

Indonesians are cool as long as they don't speak their dog language and their accent isn't too greasily thick (Anya).

>> No.1355705

Yeah, I'm impressed ID tossed her out like trash. I think the official reason is that she was offering advice to people to evade the restrictions to get into the country.

>> No.1355707
File: 414 KB, 1920x886, 5O-h3AVGE_w1920_h886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op's imagination
>this minecraft stream #23892 is the pinnacle of vtubing. i'm defeating china by watching an indog with 2000 other peopl! china wishes they had me!!!! we're doing it reddit!!!
meanwhile back in reality
>it's another bili sponsored concert/vtubing event and there's no hololive because reddit eop/esl don't matter. their superchats are peanuts and they've got zero corporate backers/sponsors

as for china's international impact? try genshin impact. it's at nearly 1 billion now. seethe and cope.

>> No.1355727

Fuck off, I like it.

>> No.1355768

>a tryhard chink joins this thread

>> No.1355774

Why should I cope when I always cheer for China?

>> No.1355814

I have nothing against that, anon. Dogs are man's best friend after all.

>> No.1355816


>> No.1355823

i'm not chinese so me poking you in the eye is extra symbolic of you losing.

>> No.1355831

>I'm not chinese
He lied as naturally as his antennae twitched.

>> No.1355851

it depends. nijiIDs always got their donos through local platform, and the only member with a lot of EOP is hana and rupiah is cheap as fuck, so the donos are filled with 1-2$ each person.
for KR, i think their main audience are nips and koreans, so they have the advantage of getting more dono through superchat.

>> No.1355855

Pray that Reine would use her connection to do something similar.

>> No.1355882

to be honest their language sounds a lot better than chink or gook language. its probably because it doesnt have the fugly chinky -ng sounds.

im trying to watch one of their mc videos but it isnt some loud shit. its just working as a bgm.

>> No.1355923

>i'm not chinese

>> No.1355925
File: 386 KB, 755x735, d8c71cad733a4afe66730634a5ae001fb5603677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO you can't heckin like chinese stuff unless you're chiang zhang chinese shill!!! reddit says they're evvilllllll!!!! you don't exist!!!! YOU DON'T EXIST!!!
i can like japanese vtuber without being japanese. i can even like indogs vtuber without being one, but i gotta be chinese if i like chinese vtuber? cope cope cope

>> No.1355947

is this thread hurts you a lot anon?
i'm sorry for that...

>> No.1355952

So still around the same amount of success then. I've seen a lot of nips donated a bunch of 100-200 JPY too in Hololive streams so it's not really that different except maybe the guaranteed red superchat on every stream.

>> No.1355963

wow, chink gets mad with their classic "another bili sponsored concert" argument... LMAOO

>> No.1355984

back to your minecraft stream. minecraft slave.

>> No.1356006

like i said, it depends on what are your measurement. if its audience, the IDs are much larger than you think. but if we talk money, i'm 100% sure KR livers got a lot of akasupa more than hana.

>> No.1356038

What about viewership then?

>> No.1356062

Local donos are not doing that bad, it's probably sufficient for them. Not to mention that most of Niji ID have their own loyal fans. I remember how Bonni is asking people to donate like 400 dollars for a new cover. His fujo fans did so in less than 30 minutes. They proceeded to send 400 dollars more to him.

>> No.1356109
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>Chinese shitters are attacking Indonesia now
What level of cope is this?

>> No.1356148
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>try and flex your minecraft stream as defeating chinese vtubers cause you're a redditor
>get btfo
>y-you c-can't just t-tell me r-reality is otherwise!

>> No.1356189

China is a world power, Indonesia isn't. If chinks wanted they could buy all your shitty islands

>> No.1356192

cringe. go back to your chink home

>> No.1356203
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>> No.1356244

Why are Indonesians so cringe? Everyone sees you ugly ass seaniggers as the same as chinks anyway so stop arguing and learn to live in peace

>> No.1356283

chinks are irrelevant in the global or international vtube scene. go back.

>> No.1356307

hmm its hard to say. hana's viewership is kinda good, on par with anya or iofi, but with more inconsistency. the other is just... idk, indie level? the same as KR, bora nun's are really great, but other than her, they are inconsistent.
on indonesian level, yeah their income is not bad. but that yellow to red supa is not always there each stream. i checked his channel, and he only got 9$ each superchat of total 1.6k$ given in about 8 months of vtubing. that's... not ideal. im sure he got more than that, but there are indies that does better than him.

>> No.1356328

China itself is bleeding their talent and entrepreneur as CCP is doing the textbook move whenever a country economy moving towards the shitter. They start explicitly gaslighting their own billionaires and tightening their political power and influence on the rich Chinese. They have been enjoying economic prosperity since 2007 when everyone move their production factories to the mainland.
These new generation of Chinese millennials are enjoying the increased salary and quality of life, so is the cost of living. Their salary has remain stagnant for a while now, and honestly most company are moving out to SEA and India. While the Chinese tech companies are moving their production to India, Africa and Thailand.

So what do they do to "smokescreen" this issue? By creating artificial "goals" of military domination and dumb issues. as what happened with Italy, Argentina, and American's War on Terror. Anyone with an iota of IQ will know China is now stunted in middle income growth, and will haul ass to Indonesia or India for explosive growth of the decade. Indians have good English proficiency, so you better start doing Bahasa Indonesia reps.

>> No.1356339

Damn how will they ever live with themselves? I'm talking about real life, you stupid mud skinned, pug nosed faggot

>> No.1356375

chinese are the international vtube scene. that's where all the events and things happen. your minecraft stream #2283 isn't the center of the world you retard dipshit. you reddit mongoloids can't even get an event going with all you losers put together. you aren't shit.

literal schizo.

>> No.1356378

chinks are still fucking irrelevant culturally. nobody enjoys chink shit. now go back.

>> No.1356387

>chinese are the international vtube scen

what kind of delusion is this, chink.

>> No.1356405

tell me when you reddit subhumans do anything besides trade upvotes and karma, kid. your 2000 vtuber indog stream isn't worth shit compared to a single live event.

did hololive ever perform at some reddit concert somewhere??? they did in china though.

>> No.1356407

No one gives a fuck about Indonesians either and chink shit is more relevant because I actually hear about those insectoids daily yet I never hear about you third world peasants ever. Plus everyone lumps you retards in with chinks anyway so it doesn't matter

>> No.1356432

>china is world power
>indonesia tell them to fuck off
>absolutely shitting their pants and never do it again since


>> No.1356462

>the wumao sperg has been triggered again

>> No.1356507

is this a routine or what? i usually lurks on the drawthread, but haven't seen this shit flinging fest.

>> No.1356533

>mommmy!!!! the bad internet zhang chang shill are telling me my minecraft stream isn't the best in the world! mommy my indog minecraft is #1 in the world, right?!?!?!
don't talk shit if you don't want to get hit, little reddit boi. put your little minecraft stream away and don't try to flex in front of the big kids with that little limp thing.

>> No.1356561

At first I thought it was some guy larping as a Zhang but it turns out they actually visit here for some reason.

>> No.1356596

I heard the Inbros have larger penises than the Chinese. Is this true?

>> No.1356599

>the big kids
>globally unknown
>only exclusively available in china
why bother make an arguement?

>> No.1356604

im not a mutt, chink subhuman. shill for your commie shit there. redditors love chinks and your commie values except when virtue signalling.

im not an indo poster either. indonesia is popular in the vtuber scene and their popularity is getting higher among weebs or geeks internationally. they are the "new big player". this thread is for it. chinks were already kicked out from the scene and will never be able to come back. so literally nobody will ever give a fuck about you chinks while indo vtubers can get more attention and keep growing

>> No.1356638

even the nips are bigger than chinks.

>> No.1356645

delusional at its best

>> No.1356653

indog damage control is pathetic.

you try and flex indogs are the most popular internationally besides japanese vtuber so i come slap you straight as an international cn vtuber fan and this all you got?

international chinese fans > indogs "fans"
as proven by this thread.

>> No.1356749

Did the chinks think their own kind is considered as international people now?

>> No.1356760

NijisanjiKR’s, you know the branch made for gooks, top livers are Bora and Yuya who pander exclusively to JOPs. The rest of the branch who focus on their Korean audience are performing really bad, go check out Korean Fubuki for reference. It’s pretty funny, Bora gets more Japanese viewers than most Nijisanji lovers from the main branch.

Insect hands wrote this post. No one cares about chink vtubers, Artia/Hecatia only gets 400 viewers on twitch now kek

>> No.1356775

yours even worse.
>indog damage control is pathetic, chinese fans > indogs fans
thats it? did my post hurts you so much you can't think of anything else more objective?
hell even our local fans are not as delusional as you, chinks.

>> No.1356810

kek i forgot about korean fubuki.

>> No.1356816

bora is a genuine weeb. she isnt pandering. shes willing to use japanse and collab with the jp niji.

>> No.1356915
File: 210 KB, 1027x1500, 1615064390936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mentally retarded sea trash project too much. just cause you always lie and act in bad faith cause you're low iq doesn't mean everybody else does.

you're so pathetic and retarded you try and deny anybody besides chinese like chinese stuff? what's chinese food, kungfu, and all the oriental fetishism?

your only argument is "NOOO YOU HAVE TO BE ZHANG CAUSE I'M A SCHIZO!!!!!". here's a chinese game that has more fans than any indog or seashit whatever.

>> No.1356955

calm down, zhang

>> No.1356987

uh huh, still doesn't add up to the chinese vtuber thingy you talked about, but you do you, zhang.

>> No.1357040


>> No.1357097

it doesn't add up cause you're mentally retarded and don't have the east asian iq to do math well.

i'll do the math for you

>be american
>learn japanese
>learn chinese
>watch japanese and chinese vtuber
there it is, sea trash.

>> No.1357196

Bora Nun has less subs than Hana but she has much more live viewers, same for Yuya.

>> No.1357473

then good for (YOU), zhang.
make your own thread of your beloved chinese corporate reject, because you are shooting blanks at no one here.
>raging mad because you got called chink subhuman
>"b-but muh vtuber! best vtuber! genshin impact too!"
what a thin skinned you are. even the SEAnig have much thicker skin even if they only shitpost on hlg or hlgg.

>> No.1357633

>t. salty retard esl/eop faggot mad cause he's never learning japanese while people who do half learn chinese and vice-versa.
you're never gonna make it. go earn some karma and watch a minecraft.

>> No.1357722

>but that doesn't mean they are using sharia law for all of their citizen.
Say that to those girl that got lashed in public because her teacher touch her in aceh.

>> No.1357733

Chinks are so retarded they can't forget about Coco everytime they try (and fail miserably) to insult anyone who doesn't give two fucks about their shitty ass country. Hey, spoiler alert: every country falls one day, and one that's build on some of the worst structures in the world won't survive for long. You can keep beating your dick for your bugman "superiority" but the clock is ticking fast, and China will soon start declining like every single major power did in the history of mankind.

>> No.1357768

i did say sharia law isn't for everybody, i didn't say it's not applicable to certain area.

>> No.1357998

Since this is a thread about indonesia, I have a question about the country. I read in wikipedia that it has about 300 million people, but adjusting the demographics to 20-35 yrs old males it ends up with 30 million people, assuming that is the ideal target for vtubers.
¿What reasons would there be for holoID to be so small? I really want to see some domestic ideas as why it happens
you like the ¿

>> No.1358021

Aceh is special cause they keep throwing tantrum if the government don't let them.

>> No.1358053

I think the gook brand of Confucianist autism relies on sculpting and promoting your physical self too much to go for vtubing. Chinks might be a bunch of self-centered backstabbers, but gook social ambition and obsession with perfection is even scarier in its own way.

>> No.1358106

>but gook social ambition and obsession with perfection is even scarier in its own way.
When plastic surgery is the most wanted gift for 18yo birthday, you know that it's a fuck up society.

>> No.1358191

That's 30 million including the normalfags. I don't think we even have 3 million weebs here in Indonesia. Much less those who are willing to spend money for streamer with anime avatar. You also gotta keep in mind that a lot of those would still prefer to watch Japanese vtuber than the local one.

>> No.1358231

It isnt like they will still wear it when sex, anon

>> No.1358261

>topic:in vs cn vtuber
>inside everybodies head:
just go back to your thread schizo. so bored of you retards trying to shoehorn her into everything. just take your schizo pills.

>> No.1358267

Youtube trending in Indonesia is either Kpop or political dispute. Anything related to anime is relatively niche among the younger generation.

>> No.1358285

Better than english

>> No.1358301

Dog meat delicious

>> No.1358337 [DELETED] 

Whoops sorry, meant for>>1357998

>> No.1358348

The topic is actually the rise of Indonesian vtuber, not ID vs CN.

>> No.1358366
File: 280 KB, 687x458, meds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry I don't live in a shitty country that can't stop shitting itself whenever some random Japanese girl utters the name of a country that triggers you more than the word nigger does for americans. You chinks who can't talking about reddit anytime this type of discussion starts, and don't you dare say you don't have the orange dragon in your heads because if you didn't then reddit wouldn't even be mentioned, you fucking vermin.

>> No.1358397

Whoops sorry, meant for>>1357998

>> No.1358399

we barely even know livestreaming. not all of the young adult likes pop culture. most of them are in straight-forward work, eat, pray, sex, sleep cycle. that is why there are a high risk of developing schizo in indonesia. our concept of fun is limited here, not by the gov but by choices.

>> No.1358415

it was fairly peaceful until the assblasted chink posted this garbage >>1355707

>> No.1358478
File: 208 KB, 900x1440, Eb1EJXqUMAEBbhd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looks like her Apex binge is finally over... she was pulling a third of her normal viewers in the last stream I watched

>> No.1358495

yes, great image. now take your pills you schizo retard fuck. coco isn't here posting, schizo. you, the retard schizo redditor are however. i know you're mentally ill but you aren't coco even if you're some kinda weird tranny who thinks they are.

>> No.1358617

Why are you chinks so retarded? Always trying to deny you don't have Coco on your minds 24/7 because she dared say the name of a country you guys are forever mad for not being able to conquer. Stop lying, you worm. Just admit how you can't sleep without think about the orange dragon. If you didn't want people talking about her then shut up about reddit. But we all know you can't, since you've been doing it this entire thread. You're incapable to stop thinking about that one website that almost triggers you worse than Taiwan, right? Do everyone a favor and overdose on your meds.

>> No.1358821

you're that schizo (probably taiwanese) who constantly goes into the /tia/ thread to talk about coco and post pictures of her aren't you? you get so angry cause we actually don't give a fuck about coco at all.

i don't think about or pay attention to coco. i don't like you the subhuman schizophrenic redditor. i know you redditors simply use coco as excuse to spam chink. your actions don't represent her. you're a schizo redditor who does it for free while she's a japanese vtuber who earns lots of $$$.

>> No.1358865

its funny that chinks actually had to be deported lmao its one of the big achievements

>> No.1359058

You're such a fucking schizo that you truly believe I'm another anon. Dude, I don't give two fucks about your chink whore. I actually like she has her own threads so you disgusting bugs can stay there and not pollute the other threads, but unfortunately that doesn't happen. And stop lying, you statist dicksucker. You chinks who brought reddit in this discussion. Nobody talked about it until one of you fuckers came here just to call anyone who doesn't care about you retarded country a redditor. And it's obvious why you keep spamming about another site that nobody here cares about other than you freaks.

>> No.1359159

>be a schizo who thinks only chinese in this world of 8 billion people can like chinese stuff
>be a schizo who randomly tells other people unprompted they're totally obsessed with coco and it's rent free!!!
>get told "no, wrong"
for making me suffer through your schizophrenic posts i'm glad you're suffering a lot.

btw, schizo. i was posting on /hlg/ on /jp/ last year during hololive cn debut insulting you retard trash redditors who were foaming at the mouth before anything with coco happened. i know what kind of garbage you are.

>> No.1359206
File: 380 KB, 2048x1536, nene arcade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the cultural environment makes it so it is not attractive for the male youth to check out domestic vtubing. How is the japanese influence in indonesia's entertainment? I read here and there that indonesia lacks local sources of entertainment (like half the world, duh) and relies on stuff like fútbol. Even though I see so little of the country, it resonates with me, from south america. Minus the language issues they suffer there. From what I know it seems language is another reason to explain holoID lack of success and why they might resort speaking in english so often. Another reason might be that this 20-35 yrs old male pop is worried in stuff like fatherhood, work, interpersonal relationships... and will find this childish. And if the average dude is worried in healthy stuff, they probably lack the defects that makes a good portion of us get drawn into vtubers.

>> No.1359210

Why do chinks like bringing up genchink impact so much? It's about as relevant to vtubers as the new pokemon game

>> No.1359240

Because it's the only way this chink can cope with getting assblasted for months on end by the SC charts. Incidentally if you see someone implying that anyone who hates china is somehow from reddit, you're talking to that same chink.

>> No.1359321

i did it to rub salt into the wound. i know it makes you really unhappy that it's popular and well received.

>It's about as relevant to vtubers as the new pokemon game
and wrong. genshen impact is relevant to vtubers. the voice actress for the main character is a vtuber
seething schizo really hates when his home is mentioned... you'll never be a real 4channeler.

>> No.1359386

Nobody gives a shit about genchink impact except for you who keeps bringing it up my dear chinkoid

>> No.1359396

>you'll never be a real 4channeler
I'm not following this conversation but this is the fakest and gayest sentence you could possibly write.

>> No.1359408

>and wrong. genshen impact is relevant to vtubers. the voice actress for the main character is a vtuber
And so is Neptunia, you don't see it getting brought up every other thread

>> No.1359432

lurk for fifty years

>> No.1359449

no vtuber is playing neptunia, retard. vtubers are playing genshin impact. just cause cover can't doesn't mean i need to become a schizo coping like you guys.
cope, schizo.

>> No.1359463

Seethe chink

>> No.1359472

I'd say they have a pretty big influence but not big enough to compete with the K-Pop craze that is going on right now. Literally everyone loves Japan though. About language, you could be a vtuber that only speaks Indonesian but that won't give you over 500 views. That's because of the reasons that I already stated here >>1358191.

>> No.1359513

Licking mihoyo's boots it's not going to make you chinese my lad

>> No.1359538

>apex? okay
>minecraft? okay
>whatever flavor of month game? okay
when you look at the definition of seethe there's a picture of you coping.

>> No.1359542

>you'll never be a real 4channeler
jesus christ.

>> No.1359559
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>you'll never be a real 4channeler.

>> No.1359595
File: 1.88 MB, 1642x922, unamused squat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nene is disgusted at your way of speak

>> No.1359602

genshit isnt popular among vtubers. it couldve been but chinks just shot themselves in the foot. everything chinks do these days is counterproductive. seems theyve boosted their ego too much.

>> No.1359619

So are you actually retarded or just pretending?

>> No.1359692

I mean you've got to be shot in the head to enjoy drinking bat soup this much

>> No.1359725

why do you retard indogs like to do this so much? holy shit it's cringe.
every vtuber i watch has played it. just cause cover can't get permission doesn't mean you need to turn schizo and ignore reality.

>> No.1359751

>you'll never be a real 4channeler.
The absolute state of 4chan

>> No.1359753

Anon, what are you doing bypassing the Great Firewall? What's going to happen to your social credit???

>> No.1359773

japanese influence in indonesia is great.
even in the 90s, we have big ass urge need of anime, manga, and tokusatsu.
but like i said, technology isn't the greatest perk of indonesian. we barely know what the fuck is twitch, what the hell is a vtuber. but in another aspect of technology, like games, web-comic, or anime platform, they are well received. livestream is still considered to be a new genre of fun for us.

>> No.1359778

because hiding behind an avatar makes all their surgery pointless

>> No.1359786

>every vtuber i watch has played it.
ofc because you are a zhang who only watches chink vtubers and ones playing it who look pro chink to you but im not

>> No.1359859


at some point you need to move onto acceptance in the stages of grief and deal with reality.

>> No.1360024 [SPOILER] 
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What's behind her is also cute with some great singing vids

>> No.1360075

did you think i didnt know it. they are just a few of the niji members and the videos dont get any views.

blame the genshit company who jumped on the anti japan/taiwan bandwagon. basically western vtubers and japanese indie vtubers are always going after what holo members do. so you chinks lost too many vtubers as potential customers or "influencers" for casual geeks all over the world. the chink company will never unban cover so this shit will last forever. they just made an ass out of themselves.

>> No.1360162

Most of them seem to be able to speak English, which is a huge boon for them. They also don't have an ugly, ear grating accent like Chinese and Korean, so they'll probably remain at #2 for a while. India will probably overtake them at some point.

>> No.1360166

>one country is world's largest economy, other is so irrelevant that majority of people don't even know it exists
enough said

>> No.1360293

>i'm glad you're suffering a lot
Oh yeah, woe is me for not living in a police state where I can't say anything that might get some faggot politician mad, like calling my president Winnie-the-Pooh. Dude, you're might not even be a Chink but you keep sucking their dicks. You're probably the actual tranny commie here who can't stop fighting to defend your glorious utopic nation of shit. Also I don't care if you're here longer than anyone, you're a bigger schizo than people who live on rrat threads. And I got some new for ya: nobody on reddit gives a fuck about this place, and the people who use both sites are most likely schizos from here who can't ignore the existence on another place where people discuss stuff that they like. Like I said before, overdose on your meds and die. It would make the world a better place.

>> No.1360314

>From what I know it seems language is another reason to explain holoID lack of success and why they might resort speaking in english so often.
As an indo, i found it excruciating to watch id vtubers talk in indonesian.
Yeah, i believe i'm not the only one.
That's why i never give indonesian cartoon a chance. Because for the love of God, it is really that bad.

>> No.1360625

i can relate. i prefer the holoID girls speak english.
occasional indonesian is alright, but since Reine speak english almost all the time, it's a blessing for me.

>> No.1360759
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Reminder that there are only 5% of chinks and SEAnigs on this board and NA/EU are just fighting each other like monkeys while roleplaying

>> No.1362145

wait, I was assuming that the four dialects you have make it hard to understand the vtuber. I can understand the cringe tho, when I hear something entertainment related in spanish, in youtube, I CRIIIIIINGE

>> No.1362655

what dialects? four?

>> No.1362982

Funny, so you cringe everytime someone speak indog? or just because they are vtuber?

Actually ive read similiar things on japan forum where they talked about this, they said they cringe as well hearing the people talking all cute

It just a matter from your native language because you understand them more than other language, you got accustomed too much and no matter what it wont sound cute at all

>> No.1364007

I guess that's how it is in every language. I watched a clip of PDP talking about it as well, he thinks it's kinda cringe cause they tried to be cute like the Japanese does. I think even the Japanese are cringing about it as well cause I've seen a lot of comments on NND saying きつい whenever the person in video/stream is talks in that way.

>> No.1364035

why does indonesian sound so gross?

>> No.1364187
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I don't care as long as SEA wins

>> No.1364949
File: 955 KB, 1000x1214, nene panik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hm, I must be confusing it with something else I read. I just browsed wikipedia about it, well constructed article tho. I re-read the page and I am now wondering how did I got the idea that not everyone speaks bahasa indonesia or that there are four major ethnic groups with their own language

>> No.1365134

Why chink always bring false information about Reddit ?

I said as Burger Redditor

>> No.1365154

He's from East Timor...

>> No.1365258

Different anon here

I'm from a neighboring country and is sharing the same borneo island with Indonesia.

I know 4 local languages (yes language, not dialects) alone (100% fluent) and our national language is 60% similar to Indonesian so I can understand them. English is my 5th language.

HoloID is such a blessing because they speak both ID and EN. It's time to learn Japanese though.

>> No.1365479
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>HoloID is such a blessing because they speak both ID and EN. It's time to learn Japanese though.
Yes, good luck you will be just like Iofi one day

>> No.1365694

Take your prescription please, bigger dosage and leave. Other threads suit your discussion.

>> No.1366103

He said the global scene. Chinks are behind the firewall, and virtualreal is pretty cut off from the rest of the company.

>> No.1366340

can you sauce me

>> No.1366498

Indonesian don't have good internet to watch livestreaming too, right?

>> No.1366721

please don't learn Bahasa, use your time to do your Japanese reps instead
t. Indonesian

>> No.1366768
File: 2.94 MB, 1280x720, LEEMAO.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'll never be a real 4channeler
more than 12 fucking years my newfag-ass been lurking on this site, pretty sure this is the first time I see such term being used
you really shot yourself in the foot lol

>> No.1366830

Weeb culture exists in Indonesia but most weeb sticks to animes or mangas. Livestreaming culture hasn't developed here and most livestreamer panders to normies.

>> No.1366927

Before Hololive, the only Indonesian I knew of on Youtube or in general was Rainych Ran. I feel like Vtubing is putting them on the map finally.

>> No.1366974

as of late it's actually common to watch livestreaming on various normalfag platform, although not stellar by any mean the connection is adequate to say the least (you can even get business grade connection if you can justify the cost)
Internet penetration for the last decade is actually really good, penetrating rural area and reaching both boomer and zoomer generation

>> No.1367001

>like Chinese and Korean
>and Korean
Anon, we all know there a HUGE power gap between the annoyance of spoken Mandarin and Korean. IMO, Korean is nicer to listen to than Indonesian. Cantonese is also much easier on the ears than Mandarin.

>> No.1367013

Imagine Rainych joining ID gen 3


But she's already bigger than all of HoloID combined so its not gonna happen

>> No.1367098
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I prefer holo ID than holo PH. They are the most angsty, uncivilised, subhuman and vengeful bunch of monkeys out of all the SEAnigs.

>> No.1367292

korean sounds like they're constantly complaining due to their intonations

>> No.1367449

Cantonese and gook sound like they wanna fight and rude. Which is true since both gooks and hongkies have no common courtesy nor empathy whatsoever, just like mainland chinks.

>> No.1367491

eastern indonesian vtuber when

>> No.1367593

I think I hate the tonal changes in Mandarin and the mixing of Indo and English when Indonesians speak. Reminds me of second gen beaners and their Spanglish.

>> No.1368304

Reminder there were 8,000 seaniggers in the doxx discords that used to regularly raid hlgg when their discord got banned. SEA hours are always shit, everyone in jp and vt knows this, no matter how much you try to deflect.

>> No.1368605

I seriously can't stand Korean. They sound like so fucking whiney it just makes me angry.

>> No.1369116
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>> No.1370578

Put me in the screenshot

>> No.1370897

>Anon, we all know there a HUGE power gap between the annoyance of spoken Mandarin and Korean
Fair enough, but the Korean accent is still pretty bad.

>> No.1370984

Why do japs even play that horse game? Gameplay looks fucking boring.

>> No.1371013

Chink and Korean languages share a lot of fugly and loud -ng sounds. Korean language is just a relative of Chinky -ng language. It can never be calm. Indonesian does not have that fugly and loud ass -ng intonations and rhymes at least like Japanese doesn't have, so it's obviously much easier on the ears.

>> No.1371074

You are absolutely delusional if you think that nip sounds any better than gook or chink. They all sound bad. Just like how frenchies sound horrible yet somehow people can stand that shit. They are only able to because they are used to it.

>> No.1371138

there are actually pretty good choices when it come to internet, but the cheaper ones are not worth to buy and almost all of them are based on data, rather than based on time usage.

>> No.1371200

It's just a fact that many people feel obnoxious about the -ng sounds, even Chinks and Koreans do. Be honest, you also don't really like the -ng sounds. It can't be liked. It only makes a language sound vulgar and loud.

>> No.1371278

Why do you think anyone plays GI? Cute girls.

>> No.1371281

oh yeah, you are kinda right.
they all are pain in the ass though.
sometimes you got people that only wanna talk with certain language rather than using the main language.

>> No.1371305

Some of them only started because it was BOTW clone for free.

>> No.1371320

That sounds a lot like Singapore.

>> No.1371444

japs play it because one sole reason.
they wanted to see Haru Urara win the arima kinen. thats it.

>> No.1371774

I can't remember anyone says vtubing is haram. State your sources, anon.

>> No.1373895

>never give indonesian cartoon a chance
Indon spongebob was kino though.

>> No.1373930


The western audience doesn't complain about Japanese being unpleasant to listen to, all they do is bitch about how hard it is to learn. Korean is pretty hard to listen to, especially when they're angry/upset. Chinese is the worst bar none, they might have some good vtubers but fuck if I'm ever going to be able to stand listening to them for more than 5 mins.

>> No.1374174

>cultural superiority

>> No.1374195

NOBODY who's not chinese would ever simp for china. Suck off cpp's micro cock and die in a pit

>> No.1374209

Japanese sounds pleasant to me due to it being a syllabic language. Chink and gook speak sound like retarded noises in comparison. They sound like they're constantly annoyed.

Insane how whenever one of the doxfags manages to selfdox it's always a fucker from there.

>> No.1374373

>cultural superiority
which is hilarious because there is nothing superior about their bugmen culture and mentality.

>> No.1374413

How is Indonesia compared to chink in term of throwing money for their oshii?

>> No.1374426

they really want the loser weebs data so and send it to CCP so much so they need to shill it to no end.

>> No.1374528

Indogs don't participate in idol culture. Maybe some of them but most of them prefer to buy merchs, throw occasional donations, and member them.

>> No.1375496

Chinks are the same poor third worlders, you motherfucking dumb Chinky Amerimutt. They don't sc. Hollywood happened to fit their poor peasants norm like going watch a movie with family.

>> No.1375782

wow is this chink thread?

>> No.1377372
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But I am a Channeller.

>> No.1385035


Bug posting

>> No.1385322

as long as it's not porn stuff, it's not haram

>> No.1385484

Based Zhang

>> No.1385630

Honest question, wow are Chinese vtubers "kicked out from the scene"? And don't say "hurr coco Taiwan issue durr" because Hololive isn't the only vtuber agency at all.

>> No.1385781

honest answer: he's a schizo that doesn't care about reality at all

>> No.1385821

> the videos dont get any views.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOneO8KGQ6g: 491k views
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qr-17KXN4dI: 326k views
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ku36amB7k0: 280k views
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_rheF_mey4: 269k views


>> No.1385915

You must only know about hololive if you think China was deported from the scene. There's still tons of Chinese vtubers and even Japanese vtubers who stream on bili

>> No.1389476

Jesus, he's really got you jumping through hoops wumao-kun.

>> No.1389616

>you'll never be a real 4channeler.
This should not be a title that you're proud of wearing. Pathetic.

>> No.1389733

It's not because of genshit you chink monkey. Just because of her popularity and fanbase. The views aren't different from her other ones. Pathetic that you have to be cherry pick.

>> No.1389987

