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13656892 No.13656892 [Reply] [Original]

Has any Chuuba ever gotten anywhere near as close to having a rant as good as Ollie's against the ESLs in her chat?

>> No.13656941

did she call them incels? that isnt based :/

>> No.13656966

it was a rant against indog viewers who cant english.
and the funny thing is that after that rant she started speaking a lot more indog language on stream so she was kind of defeated by the chatters really.

>> No.13656990

imagine if was a jp chuuba shitting on eops

>> No.13657025

Anya does that everyday to her listeners.

>> No.13657037

I'm surprised more burgers aren't sympathetic considering they usually only know one language. Its like if they had a EN gen 3 holo speak mostly french with some english on the side

>> No.13657047

>the ESLs
it wasn't even the ESLs, it was the faggots who wouldn't even put in the effort to be ESL. just "wah I can't into english so only speak my language instead" faggotry. the retards that just sit and whine at her about their own laze and ineptitude.

>> No.13657078

>imagine if was a jp chuuba shitting on eops
That comparison doesn't work
It would be like a JP shitted on JOPs because they were mad she likes to speak english

>> No.13657198

Miyu from NijiID also had a similar rant, even earlier before Ollie. Hers can be basically summed as, "God has seen fit to hide that deficiency of yours, but you flaunt it anyway on the internet for everyone to see." or somewhere along those lines.

>> No.13657234

Antichama's wet dream

>> No.13657280

Except Ollie is holoID, not HoloEN. If Ollie were in EN burgers would have complained already about using indog

>> No.13657347

I want her to step on me with her rotten putrid sweaty smelly feet while berating me

>> No.13657395

Imagine a shortstack fluffly haired girl gripping your shirt tightly as she talks into your chest about her chat stressing her everyday

>> No.13657464

>I'm surprised more burgers aren't sympathetic considering they usually only know one language.
But the one language we know is English. We're totally different from indogs.

>> No.13657467

Literally who?
This is /vt not /3rdratevt

>> No.13657535


>> No.13657669

>posting a pic completely out of context
OP is a SEAnig

>> No.13657753

>Speak less Japanese and more English!
>Speak less Indonesian and more English!
>Speak only English!
I think I've discovered who the real selfish assholes are

>> No.13657881

Oh, gee I wonder what made you think that. Is it the transatlantic slave trade? Or perhaps the opium wars? Or maybe the fact that the legacy of the GBR resulted into 1.35 billion English speakers in which majority of whom are not even native?

>> No.13657934

that's how America became the most powerful country

>> No.13657984

Yeah I really don't blame them, ID was sort of hijacked as knockoff EN just due to there being so many more English speakers with so so many more views (and like 10x the money) than Indos. If you expected them to actually cater to the country they said they were supposed to and get yelled at for it that has got to feel like their colonization never ended basically. Some of the IDs basically went 'sorry I'm gonna do what I was designed to' and mostly speak bahasa but Ollie in specific tries real hard to be an EN. I would imagine indos must feel bad seeing one of their girls get soaking waterfall wet for a white dude and go out ulkf her way to collab with him, while yelling at her fans who don't know English.

>> No.13658114

It's still weird to me that IN exists at all as a separate branch though. Sure they have a big population, but it's still a 3rd world country. All the whales in ID speak English or Japanese.

>> No.13658122

Should've just marketed it as SEA rather than Indonesia and just pooled a bunch of SEA talents together that can speak English. Hololive ID right now is in such a weird spot because the idea objectively doesn't sound interesting outside of ID

>> No.13658138

So uhhh is anyone actually gonna post Ollie's rant?

>> No.13658163

Rng for which country you're born in is unfair

>> No.13658210

Ahn yes, the sound of Kureiji deepthroating white chode

>> No.13658240

nice, time to jack off to indogs being humiliated
t. burger

>> No.13658283

That's like watching bdsm porn and jerking off to the guy's ass being rimmed. Fucking faggot

>> No.13658321

It's dumberican. They invented faggotry. kek

>> No.13658689

now combine with this

>> No.13658822

I personally think they might have been trying to copy AKB's expansion into Indonesia with JKT48, which legitimately took off in the country and became a cultural force there in its own right and almost entirely separate from the rest of AKB fandom. EN's presence and the influx of EOPs ultimately put them in a weird position I think.

>> No.13659201

I'm pro-internationalization.
I'm envious of neighboring countries like Malaysia, Singapore, and the Philippines for their English fluency. Why TF these people are so proud of not knowing English? It's an international language and we learned it at school. Why do Indonesians applaud this sort of behavior when laziness is celebrated and dubbed as "patriotic"? For fucks sake, Indonesia is the fourth most populous country, but it's not as recognizable as India, Brazil, Pakistan, and China. Despite its large size, it's a forgettable country.

>> No.13659458


>> No.13659842

Imagine having your identity based on that you speak Tea language instead of Burger language, it is just stupid dude no one thinks like this, sure there are some patriotic bitches but having your whole identity based on that you speak certain shit is just sad.

>> No.13659901

Precisely this.
Being known for 2 languages is good and all but it doesn't foster a national identity the same way as having your own exclusive language widespread on a national level.
One of the problems with SouthEast Asia is their diversity and lack of connectivity. Unlike European nations who has had thousands of years to cultivate their own strong identity and borders, SEA had to traverse the sea just to get a chance to pillage or conquer.
And if we add the fact that they added English as the preferred language in both industrial and professional setting in their roster, it's hard to not feel so bad for them.

>> No.13660013

Language is not entirely identity but it plays a significant role in it. No matter how cringe you think that fact is, that's just what national identity is.

>> No.13660063


>> No.13660346

The fuck you're talking about, it's literally on our sumpah pemuda and shiet, riddle me this, language divides and unites empires, cultures and people throughout the ages you fucking zoomer.

>> No.13660659

so ID:entity theme song was a lie?

>> No.13660679

>Imagine having your identity based on that you speak Tea language instead of Burger language
that's how identity works you ret

>> No.13660826

Culture isn't the same as language, language is part of it but no the whole, the guy only said language so I interpreted that way.

>> No.13660839

SEAspergs should've really just focused on being their own thing but they went full autist as soon as they got independence and kept on sucking white man dick like the niggers of old

>> No.13660860

As a Spanish I can tell you that language is more important than you think even inside your own country. Same with the pther 25 countries that speak my idiom, they have their own identity and don't want to be related to us

>> No.13660861

We're talking about the language aspect of culture because the conversation was about language in the first place you retard

>> No.13660876

I forgot to put entirely on the text, but making the only thing about you your language instead of taste and how you feel is weird for me.

>> No.13660897

No shit. You can justify annexing a neighbor by force purely based on language alone

>> No.13660920

The problem is that i thought the dude was only talking about the language and not identity.

>> No.13660965

That's what the US did with texas

>> No.13661109

You will never be white no matter how much you try to use this word in a derogatory way, sorry muttbro.

>> No.13661165

Speaking English to communicate to others who don't know Bahasa Indonesia doesn't suddenly make you less Indonesian. Hell, Indonesia has thousands of tribes with languages of their own, and Bahasa Indonesia was first composed to facilitate understanding between all those tribes.

English is that, just scaled up internationally. There's a reason it's know as lingua franca in the majority of the world. You can't lose your identity just because you recognize that Bahasa Indonesia isn't spoken internationally, and thus use English because that's what the majority of your audience can understand.

>> No.13661190

This doesn't justify the hate for the English language among Indonesians internet "Patriots".
I feel sorry for zoomers. The government should bring English back into the primary school curriculum.
That's like saying Japanese-Americans are no longer Japanese because some of them can't speak Japanese. It's narrow-minded. Do Javanese people who can't speak Javanese and can only speak Bahasa Indonesia is no longer Javanese?

>> No.13661202

Sounds like a comprehension problem on your part

>> No.13661332

most of the money in the vtubing industry comes from japan though, in comparison the english speaking world is irrelevant

>> No.13661337

Kiara likes to shit on EOPs for not speaking japanese from time to time, i mean is not a rant but it's something, remember the time she somewhat got angry at chat for calling her out on speaking only japanese on Coco's Holotalk?

>> No.13661370

Why is English international and not Russian or Chinese, more people already speak Chinese, or Spanish that has the same number of speakers as English speakers, or a new language easy to learn like Esperanto? I know I’m sounding like a Twitter Trannie but fuck it

>> No.13661412

It's kinda simple. Learn English. It's not that hard, remember the vocabularies and ignore the grammar.

>> No.13661426

>That's like saying Japanese-Americans are no longer Japanese because some of them can't speak Japanese.
Right. If they were born in America, raised in America and can't speak a hint of Japanese, they're not Japanese, they're American, of Japanese descent.
And don't play dumb and say there's no difference. You and I both know how looking Japanese=/=culturally Japanese.
Every predominantly white nation would've long been united if you can unite them based on looks alone

>> No.13661464

I know it's (You) indogchama...

>> No.13661470

It doesn't, but almost exclusively speaking english while also representing your country feels like selling out.
ironically, ollie is actually one of the id that constantly switch to bahasa more than the others so i applaud her for that.

>> No.13661473

yeah but unfortunately these chicks aren't idols. They're just regular streamers that occasionally do idol stuff

>> No.13661511

Not sure what your point here is or how it's relevant to what you're replying to

>> No.13661552

Languange is included in culture retard

>> No.13661556

Because Great Britain and the United States speaks English.
When a global language was being adopted, no one gave a shit about China, India, or African countries.

>> No.13661564

Can't change the fact they're Idols by profession

>> No.13661574

I think some of you, "Oh the poor indogs are victims of history" posters are missing the most important context here: Ollie knows most of the people saying this are full of shit. They can understand English perfectly well but are being whiny bitches because they aren't getting their way and spamming chat about it. Telling indogs to stop acting like helpless children is pretty based really.

>> No.13661598

Yes but it's not the ultimate defining factor
Case in point: Russophone ukrainians

>> No.13661625

Because unlike evil English-speaking nations, China didn't colonize half of the world for their own interest even at their peak

>> No.13661655

Literally all of ID.
Iofi on a "you're low views" comment
Moona on a spammer
Risu on the NNN spammers last year is the closest to Ollie's in intensity but it's all in Basa.

>> No.13661679

Right. And official business agreement, formal documents, etc. is using Bahasa Indonesia anyway. English language is just a tool, it doesn't sacrifice nationality whatsoever.

>> No.13661694

Spanish is mostly contained in South America unlike English that was spread in Africa, Central Asia, SEA and even in the far east

>> No.13661713

You look at the third world and think it is a shithole because of muh evil colonizers, I look at the third world and realize they were always destined to live in shitholes because the people are low IQ subhumans. The colonizers mistakenly believed they could change them, they were wrong to even try I will give you that.

>> No.13661749

Not true, some people do legitimately get put off by them speaking mainly english, if they want to cater to their country (like in their name) then it'd be better for them to speak indon. Will it get them less money? Ofc it will.

>> No.13661784

Because it's her job as streamer, which is to entertain her audience. Despite what weebs tell you, normal viewers can really get entertained by someone whose speech they can't even understand. And when the majority of her audience can speak English, then it's only normal that she uses English the most.

Also, most examples are like Ollie above, whose English isn't even that advanced. You literally only need highschool level of English comprehension to understand what she's saying., and that REALLY isn't that hard to achieve.

>> No.13661785

we're talking about ID here piss off

>> No.13661819

>can't really get entertained

>> No.13661884

Because english dominates the commercial diplomatics over the world, maybe if the Spanish side of the US would have won against the english side people would be learning spanish. Now the english sphere won that battle, spanish got the second position and french took the third (being the commercial language centuries ago). Chinese is too way difficult to reach out of their country and not even being the 2nd superpower will change that

>> No.13661891

*The worst country

>> No.13661908

>Literally who?
This is /vt not /3rdratevt

>> No.13662022

You're retarded. Japan was a 3rd world country. China was a 3rd world country. Korea was a 3rd world country. You've already been proven wrong countless of times and you're still here spouting bs.
Your argument only sounds plausible because in your head, you're referencing current 3rd world countries which is a 'no shit, you autistic fuck' moment.
And even then, the US still had a huge part to play in most of them when they toppled competent leadership purely based on their ideologies alone.

>> No.13662082

They're still Idols by profession, retard. Just because they don't have opportunities and exposure doesn't change what's in their contract

>> No.13662113
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>> No.13662156

You know that some 3rd world countries were stupidly rich before right? Some bad presidents (Or dictators) or the wrong ideology (Communism) can destroy everything you built before. It has nothing to do with race

>> No.13662311

You misunderstood
When I said "Japanese" it refers to ethnicity, not nationality. Adding a few things:
More Indonesian city zoomers other than Malays can't speak their local language (Sudanese, Japanese, etc), it still doesn't make them excluded from their ethnicity.

>> No.13662363

*sundanese, Javanese*

>> No.13662567

Do Americans who happen to have Japanese parents have the same national or cultural tradition as Japanese people despite thinking, speaking and living the American way?
They're not ethnically Japanese.

>> No.13662683

Idk anon, ask Coco

>> No.13662738

What does coco have to do with me being objectively correct?

>> No.13662836

That was only because some indnog FB fags that don't even watch hololive or vtubers at all jumped on the bandwagon of complaining that HoloID spoke english instead of their useless language.
So they spammed cover's ID contact with calls for the talents to speak more indo (even though every indonesian worth anything speaks english and 99% of their revenue comes from those that speak basically any other language) so orders from on high to the girls to "speak more bahasa".
Reine doesn't give a fuck lmao and ignores these indnog plebs for what they are: trolls.
Ollie tries to please all and will only end up pissing off all.

>> No.13662934

She fits your example as being an american with japanese parents, so ask her if she feels japanese or american

>> No.13662979

Coco is ethnically American

>> No.13662986

Jesus Christ I never realized her rant was so popular. Not sure why JOPs love the rant that much though.

>> No.13663019

>got to feel like their colonization never ended basically
that doesn't work though moron since it was the dutch that colonized the indos
dutch don't speak english retard

>> No.13663028

>Japan was a 3rd world country. China was a 3rd world country. Korea was a 3rd world country.
All of those support his argument, though. They all developed very rapidly once they got foreign investment and guidance, most 3rd world shitholes are still shitholes despite decades or even centuries of foreign investment.

>> No.13663114

Is she an American disconnected from Japanese society? No? So does she actually fit my example?

>> No.13663256

it should be noted that apparently from what ive been told bahasa indonesian is one of the main thing keeping the country together, considering how different the languages are, not having a common tongue/identity would mean the country would likely fall apart as people wouldnt communicate and work together as much.
now yeah english could also act as the cultural glue and it seems it sorta is but english isnt a local cultural creation, limiting its unity potential

>> No.13663300

Think about why she doesn't fit your example anon.

>> No.13663421

The only thing holding it together is an artificial language? That just sounds like a complete shitfest.
At that point, just let it collapse into nation states that can develop independent according to their own culture and convictions.

>> No.13663514

Holy based

>> No.13663516

>ethnically American
no, she's ethnically japanese

>> No.13663533

Except they weren't. SEA has had kingdoms that flourished at some point in time via trade, piracy and conquest. They weren't as established because of the connectivity issues between islands but regardless, they did what they can with what they had.
Then we westerners came, established colonies and tried to erase the culture they had instead of helping them solidify their identity in the region.
And don't act like we didn't extort them in the process. These people had their own language, education and culture. The only new thing we had to provide was the key to globalism. Besides that, it was just butchering of their identity and constant inhumane treatment.
Even now, it's still happening with how uneducated westerners treat less economically developed countries. Imagine being called subhuman by those morons.
Europe, contrary to most westerners think, wasn't always the forefront of technology and advancement. SEA, Central Asia and the Middle East all had their kingdoms with golden eras that were more advanced than European societies.
Just because the western world is on top now doesn't mean that will always be the case. So educate yourself before you get humbled.

>> No.13663637

Wait till you learn how they get their various religions to compromise and worship as one.
I've attended an Indonesian college worship (or whatever it's called) before and seeing all these people worship one "god" is sure a sight to see.

>> No.13663695

She doesn't. That's the fucking point, retard. She's not even relevant to what I'm saying because she's sooooooooo clearly not ethnically American.

>> No.13663700

all languages are artificial at some point in its development.
didnt say it was the only, just that it was a main reason and apparently its working.
i have no clue about the history of the language, most of what im saying is hearsay and assuming but considering how indonesia has over 700 languages, having a main cultural language is a given otherwise there would be like 700 countries if each language spawned a country

>> No.13663772

You are forgetting that Indonesia is a muslim country right? You are also forgetting that Philippines were doing fine with spanish until Yankees came? Is not everything about being colonized or not, most european countries were invaded in some moments of our history. I'm not with the people who thinks that being white is the superior race but also I'm not with their version about that the only ones to blame are the boogeyman Europe

>> No.13663837 [DELETED] 

She's just as ESL as the rest of them. I wish she'd speak more indo so she'd feel obligated to speak it and be pulled away from Myth and Council. Indo should be a containment branch and it's annoying how much they collab with HoloEN with their fucking annoying accents.

>> No.13664026

None of that matters.
Europe was the first continent where nations industrialized which made all other nations obsolete. The rest of the world then gradually divided into those that adopted industrialization into their own cultures, those that converted to an industrialized culture that they then gradually developed into their own, and those too dumb to do either or even dumber to backtrack into a worse position than they started out from.
You can we wuz kangz all you want, that doesn't change the fact that your once oh so great cultures couldn't compete with Europe despite Europe having to play catch-up while you were having your oh so golden ages.
The Europeans capitalized on their golden age and now they own the world while you're all irrelevant.

>> No.13664042

You're retarded if you think the Philippinos were doing fine under Spanish rule. There's a reason why they had to create new systems of writing or were fighting for their independence for hundreds of years.
Not to mention they would've eventually won if not for the Spaniards selling them to the Americans just so they would "lose" to Westerners and not the inferior Philippinos.
The Americans didn't even let the Philippinos fight to monopolize the victory even though they're the ones who weakened the Spaniards in the first place.
That's doing "fine" to you? Are you also doing fine by living in your mom's basement, with your hobby and life completely dependent on what she provides you?

>> No.13664065

She's just as ESL as the rest of them. I wish she'd speak more indo so she'd feel obligated to speak it and be pulled away from Myth and Council. Indo should be a containment branch.

>> No.13664082

American is an ethnicity (????) What a retard

>> No.13664111

No, Indonesia is NOT a muslim country. Despite the fact that majority of us are muslim, the nation motto is and has never changed from 'Bhinneka Tunggal Ika', which is something that celebrates diversity, bet it culturally or religiously.

That means, by law and international recognition, Indonesia is NOT a muslim country. And unless you upend the entire ideology that made Indonesia as Indonesia in the first place, that will never change.

>> No.13664131

That's a funny way to spell China.

>> No.13664132

"iT'S oNlY iNdUstRiAlIsM tHaT mAtTerS"
Read, moron. The guy called third worlders subhumans with low iq simply because of the situation they are in now.
I don't think you understand the genetic implications of that statement nor do you have the intellectual capacity to process underlying meanings in statements in general.

>> No.13664191

>all languages are artificial at some point in its development
No? Practically all languages develop naturally from earlier languages.
Do you mean the point when languages standardize? Cause that's generally just picking one dialect, usually the one spoken wherever the center of power lies, and saying that's the correct way to speak the language.

>> No.13664192

You know I'm talking about American culture when I say ethnicity. Don't be a retard by calling me a retard when you're the one deliberately acting retarded just to force a point, retard.

>> No.13664224

Retard. kek

>> No.13664359

>The rest of the world then gradually divided into those that adopted industrialization into their own cultures, those that converted to an industrialized culture that they then gradually developed into their own, and those too dumb to do either or even dumber to backtrack into a worse position than they started out from.
Read, moron.
The only third worlders left are those that belong to the dumb or even dumber category. The smart nations all belong to one of the first two categories.
They're not "sub-humans" because of their current state, they're in their current state because they're "sub-humans" who couldn't develop despite literally having it handed to them for free. No amount of we wuzing will change that.

>> No.13664388

Precisely why the cycle will continue. Western powers will fall while others rise. Looking down on third world countries calling their people stupid when they can essentially recover within one generation of great leadership is ironically a stupid thing to do.

>> No.13664416

There are no good members in HoloIN and they know it. I'd rather they stick to themselves speaking their awful language. They're the soft, retarded, language-butchering third world HoloEN.

>> No.13664419
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>just ignore the radicalized protests every other month, look at the motto
Best Korea is a democratic people's republic too I guess.

>> No.13664437

I want to fuck ollie and have her scream obscenities in English right in front of any Indonesian boys who had a crush on her in school.

>> No.13664457

Wow, it's almost as if you genuinely don't know how global politics and economy comes into play when considering a nation's progress.
Bravo for nailing the role of a moron.

>> No.13664469

It's bad enough HoloEN has just about as many ESL than members that have it as a first language. I wish we could deport some members like Bae because she clearly snuck in and got caught being some Chinese ESL.
>muh colonization guilt
They just want views and money.

>> No.13664498

You will hate me for this for this example but China was one of the poorest countries just 40 years ago, raising a good economy is possible, but won't happen until they have a good management and an oportunity is oppened, another example is Arabia

>> No.13664516

What's the context with bae being a chink sympathizer?
Is that rrat or genuine?

>> No.13664527

You mean the small vocal minority who's insignificant to the rest of the country? The one that makes loud noises once in a while, but will literally get forgotten the next day, if not the next hour by the rest of us? That one?

>> No.13664573

That was for real, but was Cantonese the language she was speaking, not Mandarin

>> No.13664600

The idiot knows his argument is bs. He's obviously just desperate to make it a matter of inferiority no matter how implausible and stupid it sounds.

>> No.13664642

Wait, why does that make her a sympathizer? Am I missing something? Does speaking Chinese make someone a chink sympathizer now?

>> No.13664651

I'd actually rather listen to her speak Cantonese than Japanese. The market's flooded with Japanese chubas and I can't understand it anyway. Novelty is the only reason I'd ever listen to someone speak a language I can't understand.

>> No.13664740

She spoke Cantonese at like a 3rd grade level and anons started calling her Chinese for it. Its funny because when you went on Chinese sites after that happened you could seen them talking about how she sounded like a second language learner for it with a foreign accent and began speculating on where her family is from and when she left. Itt she speaks the language like any other first generation immigrant who's family brought them over when they were a baby and are more comfortable not speaking their parents language.

>> No.13664749

Not sure about that rrat, but for sure she's one of the Chinese invaders buying up land in Australia. She wouldn't even be in the English branch and probably would've been thrown to the terrible Chinese branch if it were still around. This will be a problem with the EN branch getting ESL scum and breaching containment as long as people view it as lucrative and popular.

For Bae, at least everyone hates her and she's aware of it.

>> No.13664761

No, but you know how vt reacts to the slightest glimpse of chinese

>> No.13664765

I know exactly how it works, which is why I wrote what I did.
Protip: Only 2 nations ever domestically developed into industrialized nations, all others were industrialized by outside influence.
A nation's progress is directly proportional to how attractive it is to foreign investment, and how well it can capitalize on said investment to develop a domestic economy.
That's literally my point. They were smart enough to accept foreign development, and smart enough to capitalize on it, making them develop rapidly.
Any nation can at any point do the same, there's more than enough venture capitalists in the world just waiting to sink their teeth into a developing economy, only the dumb ones choose not to and only the even dumber ones backtrack even after doing so.

>> No.13664785

>SEA, Central Asia and the Middle East all had their kingdoms with golden eras that were more advanced than European societies

>> No.13664783

cry about it

>> No.13664833

Sure you do, little guy. Just be sure to wear your helmet, elbow and knee pads on your way out.

>> No.13664836

Oh and for reference Cantonese is distinct because the people who speak it are primarily from either Hong Kong or Malaysia so she's either from that city or her family left the region before the ccp took over.

>> No.13664840

>Bae in HoloEN
It's a shame she can't be pushed to another branch because I'd put her in HoloIN if possible. Her and Ollie can be annoying HoloEN wannabes together.

>> No.13664856

That's just how schizos roll, anon. You can be the whitest man that ever white, but if you don't state how much you hate China in every other thread, then you're just a chink sympathizer, or worse, a zhang.

>> No.13664874

Holo special branch for the girls who are in the spectrum

>> No.13664906

Not the SEA or central asia, but Middle east with the Umayyad caliphate had a really advanced society and nearly conquered Spain and France

>> No.13664922


>> No.13664955

jesas what are you talking about

>> No.13664973

Never mind that speaking Cantonese is much more regarded as a symbol of being against China, not the other way around. If this board was full of Chinese sympathizers it would assuredly be an attack point.


>> No.13664988

>they can essentially recover within one generation of great leadership is ironically a stupid thing to do.

>> No.13665000

The Chinese are sneaking into Hololive after the closing of their branch. Remember that the worst harassment of your chuubas come from the Chinese.

>> No.13665003

There's India who were at some point, more advanced than France and Spain

>> No.13665035

For intelligent people, yes. For the schizos that infested this board? Speaking Cantonese might as well be proof that she's sucking Mao's dick.

>> No.13665045

China did that, retard. Now it's the boogeyman us Westerners are making it out to be. Keep laughing.

>> No.13665059

>For intelligent people, yes. For the schizos that infested this board? Speaking Cantonese might as well be proof that she's sucking Mao's dick.

>> No.13665082

>The Chinese are sneaking into Hololive after the closing of their branch. Remember that the worst harassment of your chuubas come from the Chinese.

>> No.13665105

Lmao my ass faggot, explain me how Hitler arrived to a ruined Germany with hyperinflation and transformed it into the third reich in the span of 5 years

>> No.13665113

>jesas what are you talking about

>> No.13665119

>nearly conquered Spain and France
they were wiped
advanced at shitting

>> No.13665125

It's not an ethnicity it's a nationality. American census always refers to people's ethnic origins or race. It's a country built by immigrants for immigrants. Anyone can be American regardless of their culture. It's a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and multi-racial country.

>> No.13665134

Kiara's rant against horror games during her Outlast stream was really something.

>> No.13665135

>Lmao my ass faggot, explain me how Hitler arrived to a ruined Germany with hyperinflation and transformed it into the third reich in the span of 5 years

>> No.13665136

I love how Bae, a well-off Chinese, invaded Australia by buying up land making it hard for your average white Aussies to get houses or farm land. What a hero.

>> No.13665147

What are you even quoting retard?

>> No.13665192

Nah, not entirely, French managed to push them back and the north of the Iberian peninsula resisted

>> No.13665213

If you know that the US is made up of people from multiple ethnicities then surely, you understand what I'm referring to when I say American culture.

>> No.13665217

i thought all indogs know english

>> No.13665269

He LMAO'ed once and got humiliated so he's trying to pass it off as a troll.
Anon is too insecure.

>> No.13665276

Because the Germans were already a great industrial society that was in ruins due to losing a war, having to pay reparations for that war, being governed by a hostile government, and being the origin of the worst economic recession ever recorded?
What Hitler and his staff achieved was nothing short of an miracle, but you can't apply the same concept to currently undeveloped nations.

>> No.13665279

That's very interesting, but what does it have to do with Bae?

>> No.13665282

Indogs in chat are always bad

>> No.13665328

No. It's the Filipinos and Singaporeans that can speak English

>> No.13665506

Bae is one of those Chinese buying up Australian land, hurting white Australians. We know she's rich by being able to learn expensive English lessons fluently, getting a huge house on Australian soil, and comfortably living above Australians. We don't know that she's not apart of the CCP.

It's not right to portray her as a freedom fighter when she's part of the problem. She's also one of the worst candidates to be in HoloEN and should've been in a Chinese branch.

>> No.13665513

Singapore was already made up of migrants who were verse in English, it's the Philippinos that are the true dark horse with their shadow invasion of the US through Californian shores and other superpowers via their massive service industry. Not to mention they breed like rats. You all heard it here first, that Philippinos will conquer the world not through blood shed but through service once the Japanese, Chinese and Western European population inevitably dies off.
My neighbor if Philippino. Neighborhood diner is Philippino. The streets talk Philippinese.
And they're loud, angry Philippinese. The type that drowns out the timid European atmosphere.

>> No.13665585

>reduced to shit-flinging once an actual argument is presented
How appropriate

>> No.13665671

You're not my mom and what is the helmet for, subhuman esl?

>> No.13665675

I'm sympathetic as far as I realize I got pretty lucky having the global lingua franca as my first language. However, I also know Indonesians are heavily taught English in school growing up, and their country is pretty high up there for English competency among Asian countries.

So most of them probably know enough English to easily follow Ollie's stream, regardless of which language she's speaking. But then again, why would they want to watch this Zombie whore in the first place?

>> No.13665736

ITT: butthurt indogs seething

>> No.13665778

>affording expensive English Lessons

Her first language is English, dumbass.

>> No.13665783

And that's precisely why you need to wear a helmet. You just don't get anything, do you?

>> No.13665791

Because they find her entertaining, anon. Might be they have shit taste, but taste is subjective so whatever floats their boat.

>> No.13665838

Izuru's was pretty good


>> No.13665882

If it wasn't clear, that question was rhetorical. I was making fun of the zomcucks.

>> No.13665895

Ollie gives the disgusting, slutty, energetic woman vibe and considering I also sometimes get in moods where women with cesspool personalities and styles turns me on, I can imagine there are some who are into that full time.

>> No.13665907

There's no "American" ethnicity in the US census. People are grouped by race (example:asian) and ethnicity (example:japanese, Korean, Chinese)

>> No.13665944

But do you or do you not understand what I mean when I say American culture? Shove the US census down your throat and use your logic.

>> No.13665980

people here complain plenty when EN vtubers speak a lot of Japanese on stream though or do streams pandering to JOPs

>> No.13665991

cringe ass dumb motherfucker
Indon bagus
Bicara Indon
Paksa T*ai dan V*et untuk belajar Indon
Bahasa ASEAN 2030 lets goooo

>> No.13666077

Anon, he's only addressing the fact that you called it an ethnicity when it's not an ethnicity.
You're trying to further your general point while he's just stuck on that one semantic detail of it.

>> No.13666095

im pretty sure she only got upset because they do know english but refuse to speak it out of stubbornness so shes upset at people being proud of their stubbornness and feigned ignorance

>> No.13666153
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>defending the dignity of shitskins

>> No.13666189

I trust the census more than you unless you give me the evidence to support your claims.

>> No.13666199

How is anything about her English first language? She constantly doesn't get jokes in English. Someone like Gura has English as her first language.

>> No.13666269

And I'm desperately trying to figure out if he understood me, anon.
Look at it from my perspective,
>you lay down your argument
>some guy comes saying something irrelevant as if they misunderstood what you said.
>you try to clear it up
>they ignore it only to continue digging their hole deeper

>> No.13666276

they were white

>> No.13666288

she's an immature bitch who doesn't know how to solve things with diplomacy, always with brute forces

>> No.13666304

Good point

>> No.13666312

then the spanish wiped the floor with them

>> No.13666337

I like strong women

>> No.13666359

She's from Indonesia, a country that constantly switches from one US-backed dictator to another. She doesn't even know what democracy is.
Genocide, on the other hand-

>> No.13666424

I want to lick the collected sweat on the bottom of her feet while tracing along its folds with the tip of my pig tongue

>> No.13666443

that's pretty gross anon

>> No.13666468

Whether he understood you or not is rather irrelevant given that he's only addressing your semantic slip and not your core argument in any capacity.
If he did understand you, he's not interested in arguing your point and further discussion is moot
If he didn't understand you, he did not take issue with your argument in the first place - only your mistake - and further discussion is moot

>> No.13666490

anon if you already know english like this then you shouldnt get this upset that she yelled at about this in chat

>> No.13666565

>"God has seen fit to hide that deficiency of yours, but you flaunt it anyway on the internet for everyone to see."
A line straight outta JihadiTV

>> No.13666610

you know after reading this thread i wonder if you guys even watched the video

>> No.13666665

She said English was her native language. She went to school and grew up in Australia. These are all things she's talked about.
Could you give an example of a joke she didn't get in English?

Also, keep in mind that because at least one if not both her parents speak Cantonese, she probably grew up speaking English in school and something else at home, although she also said her Cantonese was not very good at all, so I;m not sure.

>> No.13666731

I see. I'm glad there was no misunderstanding.
It's just sad that it took this long for me to realize they were just pointing out something that's objectively wrong, since American ethnicity exists if we go purely by common nationality. Ofc, the US census is applicable only in the US. Not sure what that guy (and by extension, you) was on about.

>> No.13666827

hes talking about how she doesnt get meme jokes every now and then but thats more evident of her being a normalfag than anything else, im not sure why hes saying its the result of being esl

>> No.13666861

>/vt/ sisters watching clip/stream
No they just want to throw shit at zoombie

>> No.13666875

That makes sense. Bae's awkwardness with jokes etc. seems more like her social approach being fundamentally different from her fellow EN.
She always seems to do her own thing or is mostly just on a different wave length.
Might be the most anti-social out of the bunch or maybe she just functions better in a different environment seeing how she acts around the JP crew.

>> No.13667110

>itt we see a bunch of kids LARPing as /pol/trannies with training wheels

>> No.13667464

Why is it so hard to accept that Japanese -Americans are ethnically Japanese? It's not like the US government enforcing one culture one ethnic ideology like many countries.

>> No.13667884

Japanese-americans not being Japanese was never my point. It was Americans who are disconnected with their Japanese roots and are only genetically Japanese. They are, in terms of ethnicity, not Japanese.
Now let me ask you this, what the fuck about that is soooooooooo hard to understand, faggot?
Inb4 you just never comprehended the argument

>> No.13669019

>It was Americans who are disconnected with their Japanese roots and are only genetically Japanese. They are, in terms of ethnicity, not Japanese.
Said who? Just you? This is subjective and also another semantic debate. However, the US census never denies their Japanese heritage and includes the Japanese ethnicity in the census whether you like it or not.

>> No.13670489

Said the English language, retard. No one cares about your US census that's only applicable in your country.

>> No.13671038

Seriously, you guys need to figure out how to not get stuck in semantic arguments by defining your terms when you realize you're using them in the same way.
The issue here is that one of you is using ethnicity and nationality interchangeably whereas the other is using ethnicity as a subset of race.
An unrooted Japanese-American is racially Japanese but nationally not Japanese.
Nation in this context referring to a large group of people with a shared language, history, ethnicity, culture, religion, and/or territory, generally forming a socio-political entity.
Whether or not they are ethnically Japanese depends on if you define culture as a primary trait for ethnicity.

>> No.13672709

I already defined my terms with my previous statements and I'm not obliged to cater to faggots who can't even understand what they read.
It's the job of the newfag who scoots into the argument to brief himself on what he's getting into.

>> No.13673632

what I think or what that person thinks about "ethnicity" or "nationality" is irrelevant. Our semantic arguments and subjective opinions don't matter. The only thing that matters is whether it's applicable and useful in real life. Japanese ethnicity is recognized as one of the ethnicities in America, this is indisputable. Census is just one example. As for what constitutes an "ethnicity" in America and the world, I've never argued about it. Because I know such arguments are pointless and will lead to xenophobic discussions. It's easier to just grab a pre-existing usage of those terms and present it as a "public consensus". so it's just one anon who denied it vs academics, institutions, and the government that used it.

>> No.13674126

If the US census is applicable or useful on finding out whether coco acts like a Japanese or an American?
You're trying real hard to bullshit your way out of this, anon.
Crawl faster you worm.

>> No.13674396

I'm not the one who brought coco and her behaviors, anon. That's another anon.
But according to the american census, yes she's ethnically Japanese regardless of her behaviors

>> No.13674437

The worm already dune'd the conversation, swallowed it whole and derailed it entirely. You might as well start talking about the survival of racism under the US constitution

>> No.13674491 [DELETED] 
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>The worm already dune'd the conversation, swallowed it whole and derailed it entirely. You might as well start talking about the survival of racism under the US constitution

>> No.13674574

I'll pass. These dumbericans seem to think everything revolves around them that they just start jumping into arguments, citing their census then start acting like their definition of a word is universal.

>> No.13675956

>japanese-american are not ethnically Japanese
I can't defend this statement because it serves no purpose.
You are the one who thinks that your definition is universal. Who are you to define who's ethnically Japanese and who's not? And who gave you the right to do so? You are not a Japanese prime minister. You are not Emperor Naruhito. You are not of any significant importance. Even the imperial family visited Japanese schools and Japanese immigrants in Peru are still recognized by them.

>> No.13676120
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>> No.13677288

Learning one language does not mean forgetting the others you already speak.

>> No.13677989

no op. the delivery, the speed, and the passion of the repeated hammer blows rained down on the indonesian retards that this rant is directed at are, to date, unrivalled in vtubing history

>> No.13679082

Ollie is such a stacy. She's pretty cool ngl.

>> No.13679304

Because Mandarin is a hideous fucking language.

>> No.13683291


>> No.13683323

I want to have sex with angry Ollie! I want her to slap me! I want her to berate me for cumming too fast

>> No.13683358

Female streamer tries to respect her viewers (IMPOSSIBLE)

>> No.13683387

>ID branch
>EN speaking vtubers
>viewers can't speak ID
what is the point lmao

>> No.13683529

I'm almost surprised that Ollie hasn't just moved to NA and become part of EN in all but in name.

>> No.13684159

I wish she would charge rifle piss on me

>> No.13684449

get a dictionary retard lmao

>> No.13685919

"We" nor you did any of the you insufferable white guilt fag.

>> No.13687460

Based Ollie

>> No.13689820

What's wrong with you?

>> No.13690227

not a chubba but rpr bitching someone out in his chat while he was watching towa was pretty good

>> No.13690809

>like their colonization never ended basically
The VOC would like a word with you.

this guy gets it

Although most Dutch people are rather well-versed in English, it sure as hell ain't the native language.

>> No.13692915

