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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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13398407 No.13398407 [Reply] [Original]

>Mori associated with the highest SC earner of holoJP and also the top holoJP singer/idol
>Gura is associated with the most popular HoloJPs in Aqua and Marine
>Ina is pretty much honorary gen 5 at this point

>Ame just stuck with literal who JPs like Roboco and Towa
Really shows which ENs are the only relevant members doesn't it

>> No.13398460

Why are deadbeat like this?

>> No.13398467

I thought Deadbeats were the cool. I guess not

>> No.13398493

More like Deadbraps amirite?

>> No.13398536

Why Deadbeats hate Kiara so much?

>> No.13398557

>most popular

>> No.13398565


>> No.13398631

>>Gura is associated with the most popular HoloJPs in Aqua and Marine
Of neither she can understand a word coming out of their mouths, and vice versa. Excellent association.

>> No.13398658

Not to mention it was literally forced via scripted corpo collabs lmao

>> No.13398779

>the best Hololive streamer and the queen of /#/, Usada Pekora, called Ame 'mabudachi', and is watching her on a regular basis
>Deadkeks are coping with some imaginary associations

>> No.13399071
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Oh hey, you actually seething so much in global, you made a dedicated split?

>Mori leeched with the highest SC earner of holoJP and also the top holoJP singer/idol & TT.
>Gura tried to stay relevant with the most popular HoloJPs in Aqua and Marine
>Ina is pretty much honorary flop gen 5 at this point

>Ame had to carry Roboco, Mel & Towa, & her family is more popular than even Gura's. To the point, other companies start blatantly copying her.
Really shows which EN is the only relevant member doesn't it?

There, now you can call teamates tribalist or something.

>> No.13399113


>> No.13399142
File: 2.07 MB, 2000x2000, E0jQXPBVcAI6ufO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori associated with the...top holoJP singer/idol
She sure did

>> No.13399828

I'm a real deadbeat who love Calliope mori, and I despise that whoire Amelia Watson, like all deadbeats.

>> No.13400626
File: 977 KB, 1185x663, playapex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, i remember when Ame collabed with Roboco and Towa.

>> No.13400988

most popular anti cocksleeve, of course

>> No.13401444


>> No.13401934

holy shit what a play

>> No.13402748

>teacucks actually believe this

>> No.13402938
File: 491 KB, 592x493, justliketears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>love Ame's design, thought her new outfit was the best, think she's funny and cute on her normal moods
>can't stomach her toxic mood swings and lacking capacity of critical thought
Why does it have to be like this

>> No.13403074

You know there’s other Chuubas out there.

>“If you don’t like my streams just go watch someone else.”

She said that because she doesn’t count on you actually leaving. Maybe it’s time to prove her wrong and find a chuuba that actually makes you happy?

>> No.13403475

>>Mori associated with the trashtaste

>> No.13403562


>> No.13403567


>> No.13403568

>being associated with a universally loved podcast with millions of viewers
And that's a bad thing how?

>> No.13403620

Cuckbeats everyone

>> No.13403657

Get out of this board

>> No.13403668

>Associating with faggots that shit talk hololive and her coworkers.
I expected nothing less from 5% whori

>> No.13403684

Man I wish Towa would sit on my face while she played APEX

>> No.13403742

Anon, you must know if you ever watched a stream is that Ame is a turbo autist, at this point I think she is avoiding big collabs considering her self-sabotaging behavior, either this or she is a saviorfag going with the least popular holos

>> No.13403776

You're not doing deadbraps any favor with that statement.

>> No.13403939

didnt read lol
ame and roboco VR collab

>> No.13403960
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L-la creatividad...

>> No.13404326
File: 131 KB, 780x1200, E7hOgQ-VIAA8DE_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this much of a faggot AND dodging Kiara because she's arguably the closest with the JP branch in general and you hate her so you can' say nice things. Instead you take all your frustration out on Ame because you're a disgrace to the human race who doesn't seem to get that numbers aren't everything when you're already bringing home a decent chunk of change. Neck yourself faggot.

>> No.13405183


>> No.13406114

Based Ametorichad.

>> No.13406941

>be a gen5 fan, all fans are best bros
>be EN fan, all fans shitting on each others and joining dick measuring contests

Why are you like this anons?

>> No.13407058

If you cant spot obvious falseflagging you arent a real fan of anything

>> No.13408234

I'm a real deadbeat (True) and I distance myself from his shitpost. Teamates are pioneers within the field of Goslinging, and this fandom, no matter the girl, wouldn't be the same without their influence

>> No.13408280

Why can't you love all the girls?

>> No.13408556

Not him, but I unironically did that, found a new oshi, and basically stopped watching Hololive in general. Mission accomplished?

>> No.13409272

at first glance i assumed this is fasleflagging, but then again your oshi's that much cringe so must be a real deadbeat i guess

>> No.13410083

Because Mother Nature theme is something that caused instinctual cold hatred from me.
Rat underdelivered the hype in her debut stream
There's obvious reasons regarding the chicken.
Also Flare has shit streaming hours for western audience so she's stuck on a limbo where I don't care enough to look for her clips to see if I like her or not.

>> No.13410306

I love all the holos except Mori. I stopped caring about her after the first TT collab and never looked back.

>> No.13410375
File: 168 KB, 1445x1020, 1633477109862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop using pictures of my wife to try and stir up drama

>> No.13413736

Mori love

>> No.13413851

Did Ame even do anything in that?

>> No.13413990

Deadbeats are so desperate to shit on Ame and Kiara that they bump threads that are about to die

>> No.13414131

yeah she did 339 damage

>> No.13414141

Ame has:
>Repeatedly snubbed Gura via the "i'm not her +1" , willing to torpedo an entire collab idea (e3) because she thought Gura would be hosting it, half-assing a lot of collabs with her in it
>Opted out of collabs with Myth in general, or offered to be lame-duck cameraman
>Cancelled multiple day's worth of collabs or even weeks on a whim (muh gluten) and not apologize or even acknowledge it might be seen as unproffesional
>Taunt her chat on a direct level vs as a joke

It's weird seeing the one person who was originally so grateful for everything, now act like she's immune from any criticism

>> No.13414630
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The skeleton fears the firebird.

>> No.13415754

Once the initial gratitude where's off, the jealousy starts winning.

Many such cases.

>> No.13416484

I'm actually a little sad and annoyed that she reacts so strongly to very light jabs from the chat

>> No.13421663

I love those moments

>> No.13424468

Please don't use my wife (Calliope Mori [my wife]) to shitpost.

>> No.13424776

complete headcanon from a mentally ill deadbeat. many such cases.

>> No.13427894
File: 193 KB, 726x919, 10r0ax3dr3g71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Deadbraps at it again

>> No.13433403

terrible bait but appreciate novelty

>> No.13433741

Who's the one on the left

>> No.13433938

>your oshi's that much cringe
come back when you've learned english, seanigchama

>> No.13437225

I fucking love Mori

>> No.13441423

What about Kiara?

>> No.13442186
File: 279 KB, 600x600, 6856758D-DB97-4E2A-83BA-7D9C8621B8E2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deadbeats are so powerful that falseflagging as a one lends peak credibility to bait

>> No.13445867


>> No.13446033

How such obvious low quality bait has managed to upset not only teamates but also deadbeats and for some fucking reason kfp as well is a testament to how braindead this board is

>> No.13446117

It's not just them.
Kiara is attention seeking whore running to early retirement

>> No.13447501

Deadbeats more like Braindeads

>> No.13450429

why are you like this
