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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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1290054 No.1290054 [Reply] [Original]

>Kills your viewership by 2/3rd

>> No.1290065


>> No.1290130

Lol no. Apex streams are massive boosts for some chuubas.

>> No.1290163

Aqua and Ayame APEX streams are their highest, viewer wise.

>> No.1290291

Give me proof

>> No.1290478
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>> No.1290524

Tokyo ghoul is an apex streamer and gets fuckall views whenever playing anything else, that's not an enviable position to be in. For most other vtubers, apex tanks your viewership because it is a boring kusoge

>> No.1290581

off the top of my head? I can give you holo-only numbers
Aqua 15-20K
Ayame 11-15K
Fubuki 5-8K
Towa 4-6K
Roboco 2-3K
Astel 0.8-1K
those are pretty healthy and usual numbers, the only holo that got her viewership significantly decreased is only Matsuri, maybe Fubuki also

>> No.1290601


>> No.1290609

Just because you don't like something and spam it on this board, means that most people agree on your view. There is an upcoming tournament and even if the game is shit, most people will cheer for their oshis like its the superbowl.

>> No.1290625

You seem to be a little slow, so I've outlined them in red to help you out, Anon.

>> No.1290626

Becuz FBK and Matuli are both terrible players. Aqua and Niji males got a ton of viewership becuz theyre decent

>> No.1290635
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Also this is just 2 Chuubas. Ayame is similar.

>> No.1290652

Astel is better than all of them and he still gets 3 digit viewers.

>> No.1290666

>i don't watch it so that means their viewership is tanking

>> No.1290669

Thats because no one watches Holostars. Blame Cover for shitty promotions.

>> No.1290680


>> No.1290681
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>> No.1290685

Imagine how better it would be if instead of Apex it was CSGO

>> No.1290686

He’s holostar

>> No.1290698

Give me active viewer numbers not total viewer numbers you fucking imbecil

>> No.1290723

>Streamer randomly dies from a headshot through a wall.
>Streamer gets oneshotted by a grenade from across the map
>Streamer gets in a shootout and empties their entire mag but dies to a single headshot because le bullet spray
Please no. Ame's CSGO streams were bad enough.

>> No.1290737


>> No.1290769
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>do the work for me

>no that doesn't count

>Nooo noo noo, I meant the total live viewers not the VOD views

>> No.1290781

Funny thing is that viewer numbers dont really mean shit, especially if they make bank. Gura has the most concurrent but her superchat on par with Inas dspite doing supareadings while Ina doesn’t give a fuck. Rushia is still top two and the dragon is on top and nether of them get more than half of the EN’s viewers.. Astel actually makes the most Superchats among all the Holo, either him or Izuru and both hate EOPs with a passion that they make rules that don’t allow translation and even JP only streams. The afterwords viewers don’t mean jackshit since live view is when they make money and everything else is just extra pennies from Youtube but even then they din’t get anything since everyone just adblocks.

>> No.1290840

>Has membership open.
What does he have to entice people when he gives them more Apex than they could possibly watch? Hidden Apex streams for those who want more Apex streams?

>> No.1290856

If your audience is primarily JP it's a buff game.
If your audience is primarily EN it's a debuff game.

>> No.1290860

Solo queue sucks dick in CSGO

>> No.1290892

Astel hates JOPs m8. He doesn't PA Der to his EOP viewers much but he doesn't hate them. Izuru absolutely does

>> No.1290895

Doesn’t he sing too?

>> No.1290942

>Izuru absolutely does
I don’t blame him. From what I see, the EOPs in his streams are absolute cancer.
I thought that Astel hates his viewers in general since they always try to concernfag him to the point where he just ignore chat most of the time.

>> No.1290948

>Astel actually makes the most Superchats among all the Holo, either him or Izuru and both hate EOPs with a passion
Is this true? I thought Astel had some sort of agenda towards the japanese language, to extent where he thinks it's full blown retarded.

>> No.1290975
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*Destroys your oshi*

>> No.1290988

Astel hates JOPs he loves EOPs. He doesn't pander to EOPs but he's done "Japanese learning" streams and interacts in English from time to time or if he receives English superchats.

Astel has gone on long ass rants about how the Japanese language is dying and "modern Japanese" only use like 3 words to describe all their emotions etc because he's a boomer.

>> No.1290991

Its because Matsuri and FBK are not "APEX" streamers like Aqua/Ayame/Towa/some of VSPO/Bora from NijiKR/etc.
Maybe you should try get people to view CSGO streams then? Always feel bad seeing the Sumire's sister (I think it was?) want to play CSGO or Valorant but gets shit views. She gets more on APEX but it doesn't feel like she enjoys it.

>> No.1291025

Dunno he was getting 20-40k regularly on Ark when it was last a thing on Nijisanji.

>> No.1291078

They already play Valorant. Please don't make it any worse

>> No.1291120

Most anons don't watch Niji. Kuzuha can get big views on more than APEX, its just that he can't transfer his APEX fanbase to Tarkov.

>> No.1291130

they played valorant and botan plays siege, shits trash

>> No.1291148

Botan's rare in that she's a JP Xboxfag

>> No.1291169

Nazuna. It's because CS is really boring to watch compared to Apex unless you are an avid CS fan, Apex's movement, gunplay, and other in-game mechanics are livelier. Yeah, hitting AWP is nice but it's not as hype as watching someone hit with a kraber

>> No.1291215

>Strawmanning this hard


>> No.1291245

If you say so.

>> No.1291705

It's more that tarkov is a pretty boring game to watch. It's exciting to play because it's high risk and high reward, but most of the time you're just laying low and managing your inventory.

>> No.1292384

Not much downtime for banter and fun talk. Bad streaming game, along with most of what /v/ suggest. I'm curious to hear why you think it's better.

>> No.1292476

The game never really matters. If you are a beast at it people will watch the play through even if the person doesn't talk. If you are not good at the game then being entertaining is what matters. If you are neither, your views will be bust.

>> No.1292536

Depends on who you are really.

>> No.1292549

Also isn't his Tarkov stream was usually over midnight after APEX?

>> No.1292743

Yeah they do tend to be really late when most sane people go to bed.

>> No.1292904

Because Aqua and Ayame are actually constantly talking about random topics during the game, others just make "oisho" sounds or stay silent for the most of the game.

>> No.1293062

I'm so fucking tired of all this FPS crap. Even superchat readings seem more interesting to me.

>> No.1293103

It used to be fortnite. Soon apex will pass.

>> No.1293118

So was I. Then I actually started playing Apex and now I enjoy the streams a bit more because I understand them Note: I'm immensely shit at Apex

>> No.1293152

I know you don't like APEX, but you don't have to be an ignorant moron claiming shit from your ass.

>> No.1293175

>calling your goal post moving a strawman

>> No.1293207

That's no longer the case after Ollie's collab.

>> No.1293224

Astel is at the 1-2k range now.

>> No.1293327

I actually enjoyed Ame's csgo stream...
>no walking around picking ammo or shit
>straight to shooting
>everyone knows and has played cs
>could play with members or something like that to avoid hackers and shit maybe
>can make chitchat while dead
maybe you have a point with it not being good for streaming tho. But it's a better game for sure

>> No.1293429

Game itself is fine, the issue is with stream snipers and cheaters. It's also just not that popular anymore compared to Apex for example, so unless you really love it like Nazuna there's not much reason to stream it.

>> No.1293505

Only if they suck/has EOPs as their main audience/holostars. Qu, Reid, Bora, Met are the four get massive boost recently. Apex has multiple tourneys for vtuber too, for indies/new vtubers those are their platform to reach larger audience.

>> No.1293897

Say, did Holo APEX actually got clipped?
Because i actually see lot's of Nijisanji, Big Stars, and Indie clip of their APEX play.
And not necessarily about gameplay, as in just their conversation with each other or shenanigans.

>> No.1294032

Only if you stream casual APEX. Competitive APEX is where the fun is, that's why Shibuya Hal can get as big as he is right now, by joining and organing APEX tourneys

>> No.1294100

Yeah he has to beat this viewers with a stick sometimes, but that's across all languages. It varies from concernfagging to shipping to backseating.

>> No.1294403

Just search Aqua Apex, theres a ton of clips of her plays

>> No.1294556

Cho maji yabette

>> No.1294692

Ayame only plays fucking apex. Aqua's minecraft stream also got a pretty high views.

>> No.1294799

Why active viewers?

Total views/1000 views=$$

>> No.1294888

So, uh, TF2 never ever, right

>> No.1294919

lol did you forget that /jp/ was given a shootout in game chat less than an hour in

>> No.1295110

There are some, mostly from Matsuri and Aqua nowadays. They don't collab often like nijis apex/indies, so there are less interesting clips out there. TMS has some good ones

>> No.1295158

>both hate EOPs with a passion that they make rules that don’t allow translation and even JP only streams

Nice rrat. It's just Izu that does for good reason.

>> No.1295274

i never watch that shit games streams/videos. most fps streams are garbage, especially multiplayer, unless the player is super good at it like botan

>> No.1300655

This whole post is bullshit kek

>> No.1300837

So how good is Aqua and Tokyo Ghoul compared to the rest of the world and the best of the best in Apex?

>> No.1301036
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i like it, i think is neat

>> No.1301135

Aqua is top tier compared to other holo's (unless you count the stars...then It's Astel that is the best in the company).

Niji has better players than Tokyo Ghoul (but Niji overall is better than hololive players when talking about the girls...except Aqua.). He's good. Probably in the top 5 if you want to compare all of Niji.

Now when talking about the BEST of THE BEST? They're on a whole other damn level and would wipe the floor with all of them 1v3 in some cases.

>> No.1301339

It's not even that matuli is a terrible player, in fact she's pretty decent nowadays. It's more that her old gachikois got fed up with apex and left so her apex debuff is bigger than usually.
Also during tournaments where she plays with other people she doesn't interact with her chat means there's a much bigger cut in views. If she streams solo the cut isn't even that big since she got a small viewerbase from apex mains too

>> No.1301380

HEY! Friend has improved so much since the last tournament!

>> No.1303933
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>Cho maji yabette

>> No.1306542

she's a mirage player, and all mirage players are retarded at the game with little to no hope at the game with little to no exceptions. people who are good at mirage are just good at fps games and main a different character. imagine that - the best people at a character are people who don't even main it.

>> No.1311143
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Hope they can stream Battlefield 3/4 somewhere in the future

>> No.1313763

lol spotted the shitter, mirage isn't even strong u fucklord

>> No.1313908

Ayame hardly streams at all.

>> No.1314091

Amelia had a 10k viewer apex stream a few days ago.

>> No.1314546

No shit. That's why no competent player mains him, and why the only people who are actually good with him are people who are good at FPS games in general. They're good despite playing as Mirage, not because of him.

>> No.1314922

Botan streams Battlefield all the time.

>> No.1314990

average like if you compare it to csgo they are lower MG at best.

>> No.1317800

Astels subcount has almost doubled the past couple of months streaming virtually only apex for hours on end. He went from a bottom tier holostar to one of the most average viewed even though it's mostly EOPs.

>> No.1318518
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I rike it. I even downloaded and played it once, so far.

>> No.1318645

Well we know that while FBK wants to win and tries to, she's not a full on tryhard and goes husbando>meta. So she's a shitter by choice.
Kuzuha and Aqua aren't that good compared to the best of course. If they were, they would be pro players. I think Kanae is better than them. He at least seems to play smart compared to Kuzuha and Aqua who seem like typical coinflip Wraith. Not sure if Kuzuha still plays Wraith but I know Aqua like many others have changed their mains due to the nerf. In Vtuber cup/CR Cup you can see the split among Diamond players. Those who can reach and are fine with being Diamond and those that reach Diamond and try and can actually make some progress towards Masters.
Aqua's clip of playing with that rando streamer that didn't know who she was has over 1mn views already.
JP youtubers, not just vtubers, who invested in APEX early are now getting the return on that investment due to the boom in Japan.
APEX also has issues with cheaters. Just recently one of the pro players complained about it and a bunch of streams only streamed normals instead of ranked. Matsuri had also tweeted about it before. Stream snipers seem to be mainly an issue with Holos. Remember that now privated stream with FBK/Matsuri and Luna.

>> No.1318728

same, got my first win today.

>> No.1318852

Matsuri only got really into APEX like last year right? Compared to Ayame/Aqua who already play it a bunch, even offstream, before that. So Matsuri has not cultivated a fanbase for her APEX streams to the point that she has to make community posts asking for support during tourney/scrim days. She likes the game and wants to get good at it for some reason. I recall her saying last year that she had a reason but I don't remember if she revealed what it was.

>> No.1318877

>I recall her saying last year that she had a reason but I don't remember if she revealed what it was.
she was shittalked during CR cup for being passive, cried on stream and vowed to get better
and she did

>> No.1318889

it's just last time I played FPS seriously was 2010 TF2
I don't fucking remember what you got to do with mouse sensitivity etc.

>> No.1319248

Yea but didn't she suddenly start going hard on APEX before that CR Cup with Pakael? The 1st vubter cup was before CR Cup 2.

>> No.1319352

The best niji player is a girl

>> No.1319392
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ok, I'm gonna give it a try

>> No.1319526

Astel used to pull 300 viewers 6 months back, Apex boosted his viewers.

>> No.1319647

If only some hologirls would bond and form a unit. Like a BotanxAyamexAqua, but Botan ain't biting this shit

>> No.1320259

Pred/Master ranked chuubas if anyone's interested:
Shibuya Hal
Virtual Gorilla
Shirayuki Reid
Kurumi Noah
Tachibana Hinano
Kaminari Qpi
Qualia Qu
Nun Bora

>> No.1320352

Just look at chuuba Shibuya Hal. That guy is ranked predator. Aqua and Kuzuha is nothing compared to this guy.

I just wish Aqua will participate on CR Cup in the future.

>> No.1320373

That would be a hololive dream team. Don't bring this up anon, we know this won't happen. ;_;

>> No.1320439

Shibuharu vs Kuzuha

>> No.1320524

lmao those banters

>> No.1320621

It's funny because Hal is god amongst vtubers but he routinely gets shit on by pros

>> No.1320665

Botan knows her shit. This shit game is just garbage.

>> No.1320832

KuzuHal banter has been top notch since the tourney. Yesterday scrim they BMed each other again.
Tbh 99% pros will get shit on by a RasSelly party. They are two of the best players in the world

>> No.1320864

>Japanese players
>Best apex players in the world

>> No.1320891

Matsuri and Fubuki are both garbage at Apex
Also Roboco is also trash but everybody knows that and watch her anyways

>> No.1320904

matsuri got much better

>> No.1320971

They are Koreans. Ras actually played on NA server a lot

>> No.1321049

So?Changes nothing.His best result on LAN - 9th place

>> No.1321085

out of how many?

>> No.1321192

>Fubuki is not a full tryhard
Lol no

>> No.1321343

You're embarrassing yourself

>> No.1321513

I'm okay with chill apex but somehow I can't watch chuubas in tournaments
is it the stakes I wonder?
they don't seem to be enjoying it and are focused on result

>> No.1321594

You're a fucking imbecile and waste of time.

>> No.1321651

Out of 80, which is not 0.1% btw

>> No.1321652

It actually boosted a small indie I follow, so as to get 1,500 subscribers this past month. Do I like her new EOP audience? Absolutely not, but I will deal with it as she now has a way to support her NEET lifestyle.

>> No.1321728
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I promise not to type anything in chat.

>> No.1321816

>Matsuri didn't even reach 1k viewers until 30 minutes into her current stream.
Please...Matuli...stop playing Apex onegai...you're awful and no one wants to watch...

>> No.1322190

Bruh, if she was a full tryhard then she'd follow the meta. If she isn't then she's not a full tryhard. If you play a low tier in an FG, even if you win, you're not a full tryhard because you aren't trying your best.
Asia Pacific is the weaker region for APEX. Ras could be argued as the best Wraith player, maybe, at least last time I checked.
Matsuri needs to work on not tilting so hard.
And Korean. Those fucking KRs and esports man. I've read rumours that she's Captain's girlfriend but those probably aren't true.
EOPs actually actively seek out APEX chuubas? I doubt that.

>> No.1322318

FBK spammed a ton of Apex streams after the vtuber tourney because she felt bad for her bad performance, and even practiced a ton before the tourney.
>but she doesnt follow meta!
She probably dont even know theres meta, she is low in rank and if I'm not wrong she never play any competitive fps before

>> No.1322395

kys ESL

>> No.1322581

>EOPs actually actively seek out APEX chuubas? I doubt that.
It's an algorithm thing. What is happening is that the streams where they play Apex are the ones that are recommended because tons of other popular people also play it.
It's why Amogus got so incredibly popular despite being a dead game for two years.

>> No.1322650

So what are the holo's skill level actually?
Aqua is definitely above average.
Ayame maybe above average but her skill has seen a decline
Amelia maybe above average
Towa maybe average
Fubuki, Matsuri, Roboco are definitely below average
Ollie is a noob carried hard by good teammates

>> No.1322675

I'm better than all of them

>> No.1322741

I'm worse than all of them. yes, even Ina.

>> No.1322804

But are you better than Astel?

>> No.1322975

So she's not a full on tryhard.
What is your average? I'd say most Diamond holos are average Diamonds like most chuuba Diamonds.

>> No.1322988

All below average for Vtuber Apex streamers

>> No.1323278

Probably underrating Aqua, solo climb is pretty suffering (e.g. see Chihiro getting to dia1 when stacking with a pro and then deranking all the way back to dia4 when playing solo).

>> No.1323485

Ame solo climbed to diamond, so I would put her in Aqua tier too. We don't know what she is now thoughh since she now uses her Hololive account when streaming.

>> No.1323520

Solo to master is different matter to solo to diamond, there are a shitload of Vtuber solo to diamond, even Chihiro can solo to diamond fine

>> No.1324340

anyone below dia1 you can't truly judge because they could easily just be carried in groups or bruteforce it if willing to hard rat through most gold games in groups.
below dia1 they are often bad, new and/or dont play much.
most likely below avg play.
dia1+'s I would think are almost all "good" far better than almost all but hardcore players.
just judge how often they manage to laser their clips with 301, volt, 99 etc.

>> No.1324425

Yeah, Astel gave up on his grind to Master due to cheaters

>> No.1324546

Reminder that Botan no-lifed her way to Master before debut

>> No.1324659

>chink games

>> No.1324785

Too lazy too make proper tier list Current vtuber Apex tier

S+ (High Predator) Hal

S (low Predator) Gorilla

A+ (Master level): Bora, Noah, Reid, TanukinTV, Pakael, Qu, Kanae, Chihiro, Putit, Astel, Sumire, Qpi, Hinano, Uge

A (High diamond level): Kuzuha, Uruha, Leona, Met, Aqua, Meika, Inui, Asahi, Hachiten, Ibrahim, Sena, Risa, Izuru

B (Low diamond): Matsuri, Towa, Ayame, Naraka, Miyako, Watt, Anko, Albio, Fuwa, Kanda, Odanobu

C: Fubuki, Robocco, Hoshikawa, Mirei, Shion, Roberu, Aruran, Chigusa, Ran, Kuku, Ars, Yorumi, Shiina, Ritsuki, Elu, Mahiro, Nagao.

>> No.1324794

Apex is the best BR on the market right now

>> No.1325288

Naraka in terms of mechanics is on par with Puti

>> No.1325387

fuck off to /v/, shitstain

>> No.1325612

I know she is good, but def not proven as putit. Putit won vtuber tournament, performed well in every CR cup. Naraka until recently has motivation to practice, so I hesistated putting her higher. But seeing how she clutched a champion in today's scrim, I regret not putting Hime higher.

>> No.1326523

They are all equally garbage so who cares

>> No.1327569

Accurate. Fubuki and Matsuri suck at FPS that's why they lose viewers.

>> No.1327632

Anon, Aqua viewers come not only from her skill but from her cute autism too.

>> No.1327795

Ina's Apex stream the other day had like 12k steady viewers and peaked at 13k I think. Then again Ina could be doing literally nothing on stream and still have 10k+

>> No.1328064

she streams only 5 and it's a shit tier game when you aren't driving tank

>> No.1328860

Aqua is good. There are viewers that go for the autism and others for gameplay.

>> No.1329168

I'd argue Inui is low dia.

>> No.1329256
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Matsuri APEX views are average with the rest of the channel.

Also matsuri doesnt play that much APEX as anons here claim to be.

>> No.1332645

Matsuri's Apex arc happened after her performance in the first vtuber Apex tournament. They're mostly archived now so there is little trace of them.

>> No.1336877


Idk. I watched some of the former DetonatioN pros like StylishNoob and Shaka. They're good but really not that much better than the Top Vtubers.

Those Koreans from CR on the other hand would be able to actually 1v3 all the diamond and master VTuber teams.

>> No.1337000


Is Sumomo-X not a VTuber too? I know he doesn't play in VTubers tourney but he was an actual pro.

>> No.1337073

i hate apex but you should kill yourself

>> No.1339772

He will never do a singing stream. His membership had only one league stream, but he finally did another yesterday. You pay 500yen just to see what he ate that day or what he's planning to eat. Pretty sure he still has the most members despite that though. Also, he's sick of apex, he's just forced to practice for the CR cup. Well, he will probably be playing ARK soon anyways.

>> No.1339898

Didn't she host a bunch of Holo servers across several BF games?

>> No.1341252

He's Vtuber but only stream on openrec, he is around level of Hal or maybe a bit better

>> No.1343548

>cultivate a fanbase around Apex
You can't do that when you are garbage at Apex.

>> No.1343598

this gay game isnt even popular in japan. its just a trend among jp streamers. the trend should die asap.

>> No.1343603

Poor Towa, those numbers are pretty bad.

>> No.1343634

She needs to get better to have an apex fanbase.
During the last tournament they were one of the first to die each round except for the last(?) one where they managed to live to the final fight.
Not to mention she fucking died to ring after looting the whole game.

>> No.1344045

You can mix most of your high diamond level with your low diamonds. Most of the now-former Wraith mains in diamond are too unga bunga.

>> No.1344692
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she never came back after that day

>> No.1344824

I really want to see her run through all the Halo and Gears games if she hasn't already played them before.

>> No.1345687


She wants to play with her friends and hang out with other VTubers who could actually speak her language. I don't think that's too unreasonable. It's not like she's abandoning her singing and dancing session to play Apex.

>> No.1345716


It's actually pretty sad that Kuzuha and Kanae are still outdamaging her in scrims when those two just play Tarkov and Valheim while she still plays this game 24/7

>> No.1346074

I think it's pretty decent considering this is the first ever FPS she has played. Chronoir came from PUBG so it's not strange. Though experience can only go so far before you are limited by your natural skills

>> No.1346195
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>> No.1349767

Kanae snipes so he almost always gets more damage.

>> No.1349947
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Doesn't seem to be the case to me
