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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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13078511 No.13078511 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?

A thread where we discuss our vtuber aspirations! Whether it's agency-based or independent, let's help each other grow and make it as entertainers. Indies are welcome to join, but shill responsibly. Share what knowledge, insights, what works/doesn't work for you. Remember to do your research before providing personally identifying information to companies online!

Do I need an expensive, fully rigged Live2D model to be a vtuber?
No! You can always start out as a pngtuber!

Where can I learn how to Live2D rig avatars?
Check out Brian Tsui's (of Iron Vertex) YouTube channel!

Where can I find artists/riggers?
Skeb.jp, ArtStation, DeviantArt, Twitter, Reddit, etc.

Where can I learn how to digital market myself?

Where can I find some good games to stream?

Twitch or Youtube?
Multistream to both.

General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
OpSec Guide: https://pastebin.com/2mkc8x9P
"avoid doing this shit": https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
List of Assets and other resources: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQHyRDZ3nxlIINfZz_wWCbgQ9gR4OgbTFhyGwq45DseUixkJJKbUmhPjnkWcmh7dOCDdxObAZXv_zti/pubhtml

Stay grounded, stay hopeful. Don't kill yourself yet.

Previous Thread: >>12911094

>> No.13080261

pareto principle
80% of the outcomes come from 20% of the causes
focus on the ones that matter, ignore the ones that don't
if you're a hobbyist, stop asking questions and just do it because no one cares anyway

>> No.13081491

I want to try streaming, I've been working on my model almost all year, but I'm just too scared to commit to it & start

>> No.13081520

don't feel pressured to start before you feel ready, anon.

>> No.13081574

but if I keep waiting then it'll never happen

>> No.13081584

yes. that is true.

>> No.13081588

Is it possible to have disposable avatars if I'm just doing it for fun?

>> No.13081600

I don't know what to tell you anon, the answer is literally to start. Why're you scared about it though?

If you're too scared, I can recommend something. Stream, but without your voice or model for practice on another account. Nobody will watch you, but it's good practice if you watch through it later and see what you can fix. Might even get over your fear that way.

>> No.13081645

sure, anon. nothing's stopping you.

>> No.13081688

Do one or two recorded practice streams to build up some comfort with talking into the void and then just dive in. You’re never gonna feel 100% ready and you won’t get rid of the nerves for good until after you go live.

>> No.13082529

>tell friend that i'm thinking of streaming
>ask him whether it's viable for me to do it for a local audience, SA basically, since my sense of humor is all fucked and /here/d
>he, being closer to the local internet vernacular, tells me not to do it and try streaming in english
Is being an ESL that doesn't live on the Anglosphere yet streams for it a debuff?
Looking around, taco indies seem to be more capable of building a decent audience around them than the regular EN newbie and I'd like to take advantage of that but I've always been the kind of autist that instinctively tends to reject the more lowbrow aspects of spic culture.
wat do?

>> No.13083281

Eres latino

>> No.13083387


>> No.13084372

Give it a shot, could double as english reps
i'm in a similar situation except i used to be an active SDLG member until 2018, all i remember are pre-2019 SDLG memes

>> No.13084540

God, I hate those niggers and their memes. They might be THE main reason I avoid the spanish-speaking web.

>> No.13085192 [DELETED] 

>get followed by a new chuuba on twitter
>no followers, all follows are /here/

>> No.13085218

If I were to stream with a physical puppet rather than using a png, live2D, or 3D model would it still be considered VTubing?

>> No.13085245

that's a /here/viewer
sure. there are furries who stream in their fursuit. any avatar that's not your real face is enough to qualify.

>> No.13085787

It's not exactly virtual, but you'd likely get counted as one.

>> No.13085792

working on my scuffed rig! I finished the mouth, now working on the deformer hierarchy.
It will include Z angle, maybe XY I feel adventurous.
my first donation goal will be a rigger

>> No.13086201

I cringe remembering i used to be a member but what's already done is already done

>> No.13087980
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I'm not making it bros.

>> No.13088040

how long has it been anon?

>> No.13088100

A few months.
Also I'm mostly just joking, I really just use twitter to like a bunch of art I see retweeted and dump fanart I draw.

>> No.13088539

Would it be too risky to make my character's background and current life analogous to my IRL self?
I think I have came up with a pretty decent gimmick/framing device for my character but sometimes I wonder if it's too close to me to get me doxxed.

>"just talk about u're roommate lmao"
I don't have an interesting life and I'm not interested in talking about my life, but I think that talking about how I'm trying to improve myself to turn it around could be interesting.

>> No.13088745

I've been told this before so I'll repeat it to you. As a low-view, nobody is going to care enough to connect the dots. Unless you go out and say that your background is the same as IRL, it'll also be much harder to connect the dots.

>> No.13088966

>background and current life analogous to my IRL self?
i don't think anyone would even know who you are irl to give a shit.

>> No.13090747

Thanks, anons.

>> No.13090758

Before bed bump

>> No.13091366

This is what I did and although I'm still a nobody 2view m*le, I at least don't really get nervous starting up a stream.
Give it a shot. It took me about 2 weeks of practice streams and then I just decided to go live. I took me about another month or 2 for the nervousness to generally disappear.

>> No.13092831

oh god oh fuck dont get archived bump

>> No.13092902

/asp/ is dead until Niji males come out and we get a tiny bump of activity. let the thread die its own death. it'll come back next year in January when HololiveEN3 opens up and we repeat the same timeloops all over again.

>> No.13093057

I hope Niji males are successful. I want to see corpo males succeed.

>> No.13093669

I dont know if I'm a bad streamer or not because I just literally get 0 views.
When someone does come by to chat they generally stick around for a good while, so I think my back and forth is decent. But I have a hard time getting those 1 persons in the first place.

>> No.13093724

you're shit at advertising.

1 chatter when you're a 0view means nothing because there are freaks who go dumpster diving when they're bored to chat with 0view streamers. it says nothing about your streaming talent.

>> No.13093802

>youre shit at advertising
I'm boomer please help.

>> No.13093822

where are you advertising?

>> No.13093941

would they open up auditions for en3 that early? weren't last en auditions like around april/may?

>> No.13093954

I put a paper tab on the bulletin board at a local college.

>> No.13094234

I mean it works. But there's better ways like posting on twitter, discords, different groups related to the games and such you play etc.

>> No.13094272

opened mid feb

>> No.13096181


>> No.13096527

wow was it that early? jesus
oh well, m*le anyways so it's irrelevant

>> No.13097469

I have a feeling that if NijiEN males succeed, Cover may consider HolostarsEN, have faith anon

>> No.13097503

wont be till next year but until then I'll give it all I got, thanks. if you apply I hope we become genmates

>> No.13097823

>Cover may consider HolostarsEN, have faith anon
they wouldn't debut until 2023 and by then the hype will be long over

>> No.13099065

I don't really want to become a corpo since my goal as a chuuba is a small but tightly knit community, i wish you luck in your journey though

>> No.13099140

if we ever cross paths I hope I can pour you a drink while we talk about our journeys. i'll pray for both of our success. good luck and don't die till we both see the stars.

>> No.13099712

Would definitely be down for that, let's hope we both make it

>> No.13101475

One of my chuuba friends makes a new vroid for each game they play. More, they stream making the vroid.

Absolutely possible to do

>> No.13102379

How do you guys start the intros to your streams? I feel like it takes a while for me to get into my groove. My intros are my weakest point because I have no idea what to say.

>> No.13102534

For stream intros, I usually prepare something in my head instead of thinking it on the spot. Usually related to what I'm doing for the stream, explaining stuff, saying helloes etc.

>> No.13104357

Do you do something similar for raids, subs, and ending; or do you adlib it as you go?

>> No.13105509

>commission unknown artist for vtuber art
>their pieces for me do well in terms of traction and they're now constantly getting commissions from other vtubers
>prices go up and will continue going up
I’m happy for them but it also sucks because im a poorfag fuckkkk

>> No.13105878

Is it because I dont have a wiggly they I'm not popular?
Will I ever "make it" if I don't have a wiggly?

>> No.13106430

No. A wiggly is a must.
Wigglyless chuubas are no different from v**wers.

>> No.13106944

do you NEED to have streaming experience to get into holoen?

>> No.13107010

Why do people still aim for holo.

>> No.13107284

Damnit. I guess I need to find someone who'll make me a wiggly

>> No.13107346

i dont care about holo assraping me i just want to be able to be friends with subaru and share my interests with people

>> No.13108895

So here's a question for you.

How has streaming impacted your downtime gameplaying? Do you still play your favourites off-stream, or do you think it's now a 'waste'? Do you try new games off-stream?

>> No.13109994

I play new games off-stream, and a much wider variety than I play on-stream. I don't have a ton of time to play games off-stream (still working through Tales of Arise, lucky to get a few hours of playtime a week). I try out new games before I decide to stream them, though, to see if they'll be a good fit or present any technical issues.

>> No.13110311

I play a bit off stream to get decent and then stream it. One exception is CSGO, which i often play but don't stream because i don't wanna buy a second copy for my chuuba Steam account

>> No.13111118

Pretty sure you can just family share it without buying it again

>> No.13111393

Works for singleplayer games but most multi-player games block the multi-player functions if they allow it at all.
Not sure on CS but every other multi-player game does.

>> No.13111516
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>> No.13111553

I wasn't him, just saying family sharing doesn't work with multiplayer games.

>> No.13111752

Prime is basically essential if you don't want to be guaranteed to have a cheater every match

>> No.13112450

anyone think theres a market for a self aware zhang meme vtuber? chinese memes are blowing up so theres a lot of going viral potential but idk if the vtubing audience is keen on political non PC oriented personalities. i know its on the nose normie shit but it seems fun to have like social credits as a donation goal or shit like that

>> No.13112538

yeah i meant to reply to the other post but my brain decided to fuck off the premises
fair enough

>> No.13112542

Could be fun, but pretending to be a retard etc...
You can do it but either make sure to veer far away from anything that smells like propaganda and stay away from going full /pol/, and make sure everyone is aware it's just a joke in good fun.

>> No.13112566

holy shit i did it again >>13111553

>> No.13112726

Not really

>> No.13113009
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>open stream
>no wiggly in BTTV
>close stream

>> No.13113104

Speaking of Steam family share, besides my chuuba account, i also family share with a friend, if i disable all Steam popups it should prevent the "Hooray! [Friend]'s shared games are now available for you to play" from doxxing him on stream, right?

>> No.13113159

please get your own separate account for Steam

>> No.13113370
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>Wigglyless chuubas are no different from v**wers.

Viewers have wigglies thou

>> No.13114654

guys i think i just found what my desing is going to be any good recommendations for modelers?

>> No.13116689

What's a wiggly?

>> No.13117621


>> No.13118087

Wigglies are the backbone of the vtubing world

>> No.13118548

Maybe but this is the first time I hear the term being used.
I might have seen a lot of wigglies but I had no idea that they were called that.

>> No.13120397

Adlibbed mostly.

>> No.13122573

>no link to a live 2d crack
this is my first time on this board and im already disapointed in all of you

>> No.13122658

I've been doing my streaming reps and started my social media / networking reps, and I've got no problem talking to myself at length. Is there anything more I can do to give myself a better chance of exposure, or do I just need to plug away and do the thing?

>> No.13122697

Likely you need to plug away and do the thing. It sounds like you've got most bases covered, so good luck anon.

>> No.13122715

Plug away and do the thing! Drop your links, hit "go live" and start your journey!

>> No.13122753


>> No.13123233

I see, I'm just starting out and I've been checking with the occasional post, so I'll keep at it! Thanks!
In the sense of using hashtags on social media and all? What else can I do, if not that?

>> No.13123261

>What else can I do, if not that?
create passive discovery by posting short discoverable content on youtube and longer duration bingeable content as well. short eye catching stuff on tiktok.

>> No.13124387

Gotcha, that's what I'm gonna try and do later today. Tiktok I heard almost requires 2x a day for a week, so I was going to save a few as I go and then roll them out once I've got a bunch

>> No.13125165

You can make a decent vtuber model using the free version anyway

>> No.13126763

Question for the male vtubers :
What did make you decide to become a vtuber and not a normal streamer? Since the succes rate between both isnt that diferent or sometimes its better to go with being a normal streamer. Of course if you have any great talent like singing being a vtuber with an attractive design would help you. Just askin

>> No.13126913

Self conscious and I hate my face.
Also I like anime designs, so why not use it as my avatar?

The first part is a bigger issue, I have basically no pictures of myself because I fucking hate how I look.

>> No.13126965


>> No.13127072

I'm okay with my face, but I find playing a character more fun. I like the artstyle, and there's a big tight-knit community around it too, so I found it more interesting than just streaming with my mug.

>> No.13127095

Anonimity, i actually don't mind my appearance

>> No.13127319

its fun. thats about it. made a lot of friends too which wasnt the goal but definitely glad about that. people like to point out the whole "males dont need an anime avatar!" but there's plenty of webcam males at the bottom who have been there for years. a lot of guys who streamed for a while pointed out they didnt have any real viewers until AFTER they became a vtuber. even now, if you can get your name out there it's still much more of a "default audience" than just streaming to no one. "normal streamers" have no niche, no audience specifically looking for them, nothing. SunKenji is a popular male that just blew up recently, he had maybe 20-30 viewers before he became a vtuber with the same exact personality. He becomes a vtuber and suddenly people care, because it has a much easier audience to advertise to since there are people actively seeking out vtubers. imo it's not any better to go with being a normal streamer, if your content is what people want, people will watch.

>> No.13128023

i used to facecam stream irregularly but as i got a job i realized it would be better to not have my face directly linked to streaming
becoming a vtuber got me into streaming regularly instead of just when the mood strikes which has been nice too; its been a long time since i've committed to something like this for as long as I have

>> No.13128904
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i like anime really and i want a cute anime avatar to stream also this make me play my backlog

>> No.13129555

you only need to encrypt 3 lines of code. you got this anonchama

>> No.13129637

I'm a huge weeb and lolicon. I sound young so I can pull it off. I don't care about making it I just want fanart or enough donations to get commissions

>> No.13130858
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>consider getting into vtubing because i'm unemployed and can't find the motivation to commit to bigger personal projects which need a lot more investment
>search for vtubers on rumble and odysee because i don't trust youtube and twitch
>most videos are archives from youtube or literal 1 view streams
I guess I should start building something on youtube until odysee and rumble are viable platforms for entertainment-oriented content creators. Bummer.
Kind of crazy to think that every video-hosting site was built on edgy videos until now.

Actual question, though, how does multi-streaming audio-only to youtube while streaming a lewd game sound?

>> No.13130961

*while streaming a lewd game somewhere else sound?
im dumb

>> No.13132433

just from this post alone I can tell youre ngmi. stream on youtube or twitch to the void forever til you realize its a waste of time, no one cares or will ever care about another "muh freedom" streaming site

>> No.13132820

MUH freedom will eventually be YOUR freedom, migrantchama.

>> No.13132895

one day, /asp/ies will stop taking /pol/tard bait

>> No.13133208

Unless you count this place and youtube comments, I'm not really a social media user so I have no idea how spontaneous I can be until I get banned.
Maybe I don't need to blogpost but I have to ask some of these things.

Besides, that guy always reacts like that every time someone even suggests the possibility that Twitch might not be for them.

>> No.13134437

Where can I ask about VRoid Studio?
I want to measure the model I'm working on to be sure about its proportions but I have no idea if there's such a thing in the program.

>> No.13135949

I think there's a Vroid discord you can find. It's an official one, should find it from a google search. I don't have the link though, sorry anon.

>> No.13136179

Avatars can be more interesting things than just bog standard humans. Like that other anon said, the characters are fun, and whether you go facecam or avatar, you've got a pretty good chance of not getting anywhere, so you might as well enjoy it.

>> No.13138932

So, what's something positive you've had happen related to your streaming recently? Any small victories you want to share?

>> No.13139245

No viewers.
But I'm figuring I can double art practice as streaming so it's letting me hit both birds with the same stone. So motivating me to git gud again at least.

Gonna start trying to do weekly fanart of various chuubas too. Figure it might be good advertisement.
I do wonder if having viewers would make streaming harder. It's so easy to hit record when you know nobody will see anything you do anyways.

>> No.13139634

It's liberating, in a way. If you can have fun with no viewers, you'll only have more fun once you have them. I think the fanart streams are a good idea, anon.

>> No.13141640


>> No.13141814

>learning vroid
>trying to get a somewhat specific but a bit generic outfit for my model
>basically a windbreaker with a tight fitting turtleneck sweater
>have to mix one of the dresses with a hoodie
>doing fine except for the neck where the hood and dress meet
>carefully erase parts of the dress until it looks as if it's under the hoodie
>test it with animations
>the dress layer exposes the chest/neck area in most animations and separates like a beak in the more extreme ones
Man, wasn't VRoid supposed to be easy to use?

>> No.13144169

had my first stream today! it was mostly friends but had some strangers pop in here and there and even got two worthwhile clips that i found pretty funny. i didn't even cringe that bad.

>> No.13146641

You don’t have to post twice a day if your TikToks are good quality and use popular sounds. Don’t hesitate, start now!

>> No.13146689

I am fulfilling my dream of being a rock star and hiding the fact that I’m an old boomer. Also if it all goes south my real face will be dissociated from the cringe I posted.
Also I think social media is fake and this is kind of a statement on that.

>> No.13148022

I personally wouldn't recommend popular sounds. You want content that's representative of you and either skills, humor, etc. That's why I think clips on your content are a lot better, provided you're able to find enough and edit them down.

>> No.13148203

I never wanted to post irl stuff about me online, always since the start I never posted stuff about me online so when I found out about vtubers and since I was a weeb I just decided to do it, besides it's kinda cute to know my avatar basically looks like one of the characters I made when I was in middle school. It's nice to know that part of my life was still in my mind

>> No.13149749

any of you guys got tips for mic sync offset for karaoke?

>> No.13150813

Use the record function of obs to test, but usually it’s around -100ms

>> No.13150986

I have a medical condition, and it looks absolutely disgusting. Covering it up with makeup is possible, but makes it worse over time.

>> No.13154851


if anyone wants a case study on how someone handles going viral, pay attention to this girl. this is one of the most creative and funny dubs i've seen and btfo most of the stupid uwu shit that other girls like doing and her sub count is exponentially rising. the vid was 20k when i saw it last week and im curious how she handles the influx of subs and if she can retain them and keep growing

>> No.13156903

Good for her but isn’t that just what tiktokers do?

>> No.13159279

I watch streams all day and I've never even heard of rumble or odysee

>> No.13159308

I do not want my face to be known by people. Most of my socmed profiles is scrubbed clean of any recent photos. Vtubing allows me to stream without anyone seeing my face.

Also, I'm a fucking weeb

>> No.13161432

I've just started trying to do TikTok content but I absolutely don't understand how the platform works. Been reading up on it. I figure it can't hurt much to give it a shot.

>> No.13162665

I would say that that's because those are mostly refugee camps for >"extremist" content, there's really no point in posting there unless you are already banned or will soon get banned on a mainstream site like youtube or twitch, and streaming is a recent feature to both sites.
Also, people who go there don't go to be entertained but to follow news commentators they can't find anywhere else so any stream you can find there is all about current events and news.

I like the idea of opposing evil silicon valley and all but a small indie that's just beginning doesn't really have the means to do that.
Even if I tried, I would still be a hypocrite about it because there are still plenty of good channels on youtube that are worth anyone's time that I still watch on youtube.
Allsup was right, people won't quit the biggest video platform on the planet just for you. I'll have to pocket this idea until later.

>"why not be a current events chubba then, /pol/tard?"
I'm not cultured or mature enough to pull it off, I'm afraid.

>> No.13163589

Anyone know how to add image masking to the StreamElements widgets? Their overlay is super massive because they want you to do a whole screen, rather than just the size it needs to be like the Streamlabs widgets. It's much nice for the font on chat, but I can't figure how to make it fit a wonky size

>> No.13163800

As a /g/entooman, i follow the free software community fairly closely, and most of it still uses YouTube, if you can't get the type of person that libreboots a Thinkpad to stop using YT, there's not much hope in convincing your average Joe

>> No.13164664

I'm still thinking of using those to archive my streams, though.
I don't know how DMCA happy they are compared to twitch and youtube but I hate that silencing entire sections of your stream shit that twitch does just because there was a copyrighted song or they thought there was one. Hopefully these are better about that.

Copyright free music doesn't help me much because I hate most of it. Just a bunch of weird, unlistenable zoomercore EDM.

>> No.13164812

I'd highly advise you to use both mainstream and alternatives if you're doing that, you can actually use it as promo, if YT deletes one of your videos you can say "YT deleted this VOD, but it's still on [Platform] if you still wanna watch it"

>> No.13165135

Is streaming emulators illegal? Will you get in trouble if you're caught using one?

>> No.13165229

Only if you are a Holo...

>> No.13165324

Emulators themselves are not illegal, downloading roms is, and there's no way to tell if someone downloaded a rom or did their own dump just from a stream, you'll be fine

>> No.13167073


>> No.13167878

How do I train my voice? I’m trying to be able to sing like opera but also with a deep voice, like Freddie Mercury

>> No.13168160

Go back in time to when you were like 15 and start practicing, or take a class now and hope it isnt too late.

>> No.13169051

>How do I train my voice?
if you're talking about giving speeches and enunciation, you can do so pretty easily with a local Toastmaster's chapter, or any other speech-oriented group.

for singing, you're gonna want a proper singing coach to help you with your vocals. you don't want to mess around and accidentally hurt or strain your vocal cords and damage them without knowing. check your local yelp page to find singing coaches who specialize in your desired technique. for example, opera singing teachers will teach different fundaments from pop singing teachers.

>> No.13171427


>> No.13172127

I know multistreaming to Twitch and Youtube is the go-to advice around here, but restream has an awful watermark. Do I just have to live with it, or is there a better way?

>> No.13172299

What was that meme webcam from Logitech everyone recommended?

>> No.13174700


>> No.13174719
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>> No.13174786

Has anyone ever used a Shure Microphone? Is it difficult to EQ it?

>> No.13176904

The highly recommended one? Probably the Logitech c920, seems like it’s always the recommended.

>> No.13177025

c920 and c922 are the ones that get recommended the most

>> No.13181685

lil bump

>> No.13185743

How important are visual elements? I just realized that when i'm a viewer i either mostly listen to just the audio or focus on chat, is this common?

>> No.13185810

>is this common?
yes. the overwhelming majority of your viewers will be lurkers. visual elements are nice but there's no need to make them the focus.

>> No.13188936

Anybody got any tips for singing specifically in Japanese? I’m having trouble making it sound natural.
(The song I chose may just be in a bad key for me, I’m not sure)

>> No.13189323

Is there a benefit for connecting headphones to the audio interface instead of plugging them directly in the PC?

>> No.13189453

less delay, but for streaming there's basically no difference at all. we're talking miliseconds so short you wouldn't even notice it.

>> No.13189705

what's the song?

>> No.13191186

Is 18 too late to pick up skills to show on stream? I've thought of picking up old interests like art and music to show off on stream to have fun. But I feel like now that I'm getting older, I'll have less time to get good enough for it cause of university. Have any similar experiences /asp/? Am I still some dumb teenager who doesn't realize I have a ton of time?

>> No.13191250

git out my website zoomer

>> No.13191290

>am I a dumb teenager who doesn't realize I have a ton of time
Yes. People pick up skills after retirement and are able to become extremely proficient at it. You have plenty of time.

Also you're a loser so your college years will be spent jacking off in a dorm so you have plenty of free time

>> No.13191309

>Am I still some dumb teenager who doesn't realize I have a ton of time?

>> No.13191397

good to know anons, I'll get to work

>> No.13193989

OK, zoomer. Wait till Gen Beta (aren't they calling current pre-teens Generation Alpha?) appears. Then Gen Gamma. Then start complaining how are you too old and don't have much time. Until that, you're relatively young.

>> No.13194273

C920 user here, yeah its not even really a meme at this point, even from just an availability standpoint the C920 is a easy pick

Tech Support Anon here, Which one? I have a few bargain bin shures and a SM7B that I use daily, both are pretty eq friendly but in much different ways

As a viewer, I need visuals mainly during the first few minutes of checking out a new stream, its an easy check to see if the person I'm watching sort of knows what they're doing - after a few minutes I go into lurking audio only mode

Unless you have headphones that need a lot of power you wont really notice a difference, for example my DT 990's would be very quiet running from my motherboard jacks, but plugged into my mixer they're powered appropriately, also the physical dial to change my volume that my specific setup has is such a delight to use.

It is never too late! Ganbare!!!

>> No.13194637

what's the point of starting now when the top performing holos have over 300,000 subs on their previous lives youtube channels? if you didn't start 5 years ago then there's no way to have any chance at auditions unless you have lottery tier luck.

>> No.13195384

what kind of specs do you REALLY need for vtubing with decent quality. i feel like i should be fine but every once in a while i come across some redditor saying "oh its nothing much youll probably just need *some bullshit specs that are far out of my reach*" and it makes me panic inside
my gaming pc is about 6-7 years old at this point and theres no chance ill have the money to upgrade any time remotely soon unless my Vtuber Career just fucking takes off meteorically so itd kinda suck if im fucked before i can even start.
im not the type whos out here playing the "latest and greatest games" most of the time either so what i play will generally be as old or older than my pc or indie stuff if its more recent. i should be fine right? some people are out here vtubing on their shitbooks and doing alright so i shouldnt have to worry right? right?

>> No.13195486

you're better off giving up now if you want big numbers and the big spots for corpos. Just do it for fun and be satisfied you actually get regular viewers, being big is impossible solo unless you're the next Gura or Kuzuha

>> No.13195494

There are so many variables its hard to say what the specs actually are, what program are you using? Does your webcam play friendly with it? Is the game you're playing cpu or gpu intensive? Are you able to use specific feature sets to make streaming easier?

All I can say is that we know for a fact people are doing this on potatoes, however how to find the same golden potato nugget they are using? No idea

>> No.13195591

PNGtubing is always a low-spec option if you want. The games really depend on you, but for the power needed to run streams/Vtuber models, PNGtubing is the least intensive option.

>> No.13195656

thank you tech support anon

>> No.13196338

what if i want to get in on the newest trend after vtubers

>> No.13196792

Then you've got a decade+ seeing as it took this long to even get to vtubers despite "Anime persona" people like Nyanners or Leaflit or Lilypichu existing for well over a decade. Get a relevant PC or bite the bullet and PNGTube low-spec indie games.

>> No.13197623
File: 306 KB, 512x512, pain peko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My debut was planned for next month, but my PC just died.

>> No.13197966

Nigger just use voice meter banana to isolate your music audio from the VOD recording.

>> No.13198699


>> No.13199660

latenight bump

>> No.13199703

Anyone know how to get a 3ds capture card set up, or is it a case of going and buying one with it already installed/using an emulator? I've been wanting to play through the more recent pokemon games on stream, but my 3ds only has headphone out sockets.

Similarly for PSP, as I thought we could do a from start Monster Hunter 1.

>> No.13200285

People who say “do it for fun” are just cunts that are scared of failure. If you are doing it for fun, why ask questions? Why improve? In fact, why stream at all, just show your avatar to friends and put it in the box.
Shoot for the stars, anons. The big players may have the tech and the connections, but they don’t have you and what makes you special and what will bring people around to support you.

>> No.13200307

I can't find a rigger... looks like I'll have to so it myself.. sigh

>> No.13201478

The point is more that if you don't have motivations or desires outside "making it" you're not going to make it.
The grind is rough and honestly not worth it. You can stream daily for a year and have shit for viewers, and even if you make it to the top you're making less money than you would just like getting a programming degree.

That's why people say do it for "fun" or some other reason. Because if you're not having fun then you'll just burn yourself out and give up.

>> No.13201780

I posted last thread about the friend doing his subathon over ten days. His five sub 'reward' was him saying "thank you" to everyone who'd done one.

He finished the three days... With five subs. He didn't even hit six.

It's weird, seeing how someone without any simps kinda needs to build hype early, and he just... didn't. It's a great learning experience to see. Even if I kind of feel sorry for how badly it flopped

>> No.13201863

were you the idiot that posted chuubas and how many total subs they got from their subathons? and told me that your "friend" will get at least double digit subs?

Fucking told you it won't happen and it won't be worth it. What did he play

>> No.13202004

I was thinking it was going to crash and burn. Someone else posted the others that had managed triple digit subs when in the dubs themselves.
He did a load of 'just chatting'... Which doesn't work when you've got a CCV of 5.

>> No.13202802

just because youre doing it for fun doesnt mean you dont put in effort or improve. im doing it for fun and for my own personal fulfillment and for me that means making a project that im proud of and that meets my own standards of what i would love to watch. you can "shoot for the stars" (and i certainly am) but if your main motivation and only metric for personal success is "making it big" then youre in for a hard crash in the, frankly, quite likely event that does not happen, or takes longer than you have the patience for. i think i have the talent and potential to be very successful but i need something to ground myself so i dont have a mental breakdown if i dont quite make it there.
its for you, not them, that you come to make this stream.

>> No.13204595

do you need to stream to make it? because i say nigger alot so proably shouldn't do streaming

>> No.13204626


>> No.13204647

takes one step

>> No.13205509

I don't care about making it in the entertainment industry. I'm currently back in education and streaming helped me get out of my comfort zone and go back to school after living as a neet loser. my goal is getting a stable career and streaming as a hobby. I like my audience and I want to keep the connection I have with them, but my priority is school first, streaming next.

>> No.13206081

The grind is a lie and those who do it are fools. Research topics, make content and promote yourself instead of wasting time streaming to no one.
I agree with your mindset. It’s like making music really. If you like improving for your own satisfaction, that’s fine too.
Good for you, man. My only problem is with people who justify their lack of effort by saying they do it for fun.

>> No.13206379

>just be popular instantly lmao
This is why you're going to quit the moment you start.

No matter what you do in life, be it streaming, art, programming, singing, etc. You're going to need to grind because you'll always be shit at it at the start. And even if you're good at it, people have no reason to consume what you're putting out until word of mouth confirms that you're good.

>> No.13206429

For the 3DS you need to buy one with the card already installed, iirc the guy who made them stopped so you are gonna have to buy a 2nd hand one. As for PSP, i think it was only the 3000 with component cables that could output games, but i could be wrong

>> No.13206505

Thanks anon. Guess I'm going down the emulator route.

>> No.13206985

nta but i think "the grind" in this case is the mindset some people have of "if i just stream every day and for as many hours as i can then surely i will just pick up viewers by doing that and nothing else since im working as hard as i can." basically working harder instead of smarter

>> No.13207351

You will have to do that either way though. And the grind more importantly gets you used to streaming and picks you up streaming skills.

Of course you need to critically apply yourself and improve but that grind is going to be there either way. Anyone who focuses more of "working smart" instead of hard is the type person who spends all their time prepping and ends up 10 months later still being in "debut tba!" Stages.

>> No.13207401

This is something I accidentally fell into, and am taking active steps to improve. I was playing games, providing commentary, and maybe chatting about my day... But I wasn't exactly adding much value. I was watching someone who's been going just as long as me, but has been sitting as a literal 3 view, whereas I've just about averaged 9.

So what I'm doing is making changes to my game choice for now, so that I can expound on the information I know for them (I went into a huge diversion on a recent playthough that got a huge discussion going, whilst the game sat on a pause screen for about 50 minutes), whilst spending extra time doing research into stuff.

Like, I love some aspects of evolution - convergent evolution in bird feet for zygodactyly and heterodactyly are visibly identical, but have different musculature, carcinization, and so on. It's all so cool! Last time I played wingspan on stream, had reams of pages of bird facts to give to people, and that sort of thing's super interesting to me, made it a lot easier to actually talk through stuff.

>> No.13208384

I hope it sucks and you stay a 2view nobody.

>> No.13208586

my current average is 25, which granted isn't a huge number but I'd say not bad for a png streamer with 0 assets

>> No.13209067

No problem, glad i could help

>> No.13210450

>The point is more that if you don't have motivations or desires outside "making it" you're not going to make it.
it seems like the chuubas who have motivations and desires to "make it" are doing the best. not desperate faggots who are looking for a get rich quick, but the ones who are taking the steps necessary to grow. one of the big points being using tiktok to market yourself which for some reason, many /asp/ies and /here/chuubas flatout refuse for the dumbest of reasons.

>> No.13210662

Naturally everyone wants to make it, but its about if that's their primary goal or if they also have other motivations and desires.
Most of those also have other motivations beyond just making it. Obviously nobody wants to be a failure hut it doesn't mean that their only goal is being famous.
>tiktok shilling

>> No.13210697

>voice meter banana
explain pls

>> No.13210749

>rejecting the best platform for discovery on the planet for no good reason
seethe, 2view /asp/iefag. you only talk about "fun" and "making friends" so much because you know you're never going to make it.

>> No.13210779

it's chinese spyware however

>> No.13210846

>implying you're important enough for the chinese to give a shit
delusional retard.

>> No.13210849

>the best
It worked in a very niche case.
And even then it's not like it dethroned hololive or even nijisanji. Even your top tiktokkers are shit compared to them.

For every tiktokker you shill there's 1000 others who failed. And 10 others who got popular off YouTube videos or Twitter posting.

Fuck off with your Chinese shilling

>> No.13210853

It's a free program. Download it and look up some tutorials.

>> No.13210980

>It worked in a very niche case.
>And even then it's not like it dethroned hololive or even nijisanji
if you have to move goalposts to literally the two largest vtuber corporations on earth and say "well the tiktok algorithm didn't help someone beat gura" you're desperately reaching for nonexistent straws. cope more, you're not going to make it.

>For every tiktokker you shill there's 1000 others who failed. And 10 others who got popular off YouTube videos or Twitter posting.
>provides no examples
>muh american social media is superior because burgers
and when asked why so many /here/chuubas don't make it despite using those two, you're just gonna victim blame and say that the chuubas aren't doing their clip reps or their vod editing reps.

no wonder /asp/ies are all stagnating. you're still telling them all of the wrong ways to grow as a chuuba.

>> No.13211059

Literally none of the biggest got big off tiktok your claims of it being a necessity is fucking retarded.
Even that male that gets posted immediately reclined after like a week.

Nobody watches a tiktok and thinks to themselves they'll go watch a twitch stream, the audience is entirely different.

Hell, just compare kizuna ais views on your YouTube vs her tiktoks which are objectively far more famous than anyone here will ever be. Her vids get shit for views despite having millions of tiktok followers.

>> No.13211195
File: 850 KB, 1242x2063, BD86E65E-6E2B-409C-9CDF-AB266F993C42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sunkenji reclined
Why you lie like that, negro.

>> No.13211320

>not even 1k
All his tiktokking and he can't even match up with a French slut.

>> No.13211337

never said that /asp/ie but nice attempt at strawmanning the argument because you don't have any actual response.

>Nobody watches a tiktok and thinks to themselves they'll go watch a twitch stream, the audience is entirely different.
you are wrong.

>Her vids get shit for views despite having millions of tiktok followers.
again, you're being retarded because you're an outdated millennial who doesn't know how social media works. you know Kizuna AI makes close to $300 per tiktok video that hits 300k views? you're still being a retard and looking at tiktok as a marketing tool to funnel people to your streams which continues to show how little you know about social media today.

>when a chuuba gets raided and retains only a small percentage it's fine and expected
>but when a chuuba explodes in popularity from tiktok and retains only a small percentage it's just objective proof that using tiktok leads nowhere

>racial slur
you really have no idea what you're talking about and just looking for little gotcha moments, right? i know you'd kill to have even 500 CCV /asp/iefag. this crabs in the bucket mentality is why all of you will never make it.

>> No.13211445

arguing aside, what're some generally good things to even post on tiktok? just your usual twitch clips/highlights or is there something a bit more to it?

>> No.13211466

>he can't even match up with a French slut.
>someone just starting out can't compete against a professional freelance artist who has 5 years headstart on him
this is supposed to show that tiktok is bad? why aren't you looking at it from the other side and be impressed that it helped someone incline rapidly to achieve well beyond twitch partner numbers. especially a male who just started this year.

exactly how fucked up are you /asp/ies in the head that you can't see how impressive this is and constantly have a need to frame everything in a negative light against literal exceptions in the vtubing industry? comparing tiktok viral chuubas to Gura? to Saruei? where the fuck your twitter and youtube shorts chuubas beating out Gura and Saruei then?

>> No.13211522

No, I meant to ask what did you mean with
>isolate your music audio from the VOD recording

>> No.13211567

>no tiktok makes money we should all be tiktokkers instead!
Fuck off Zhang.
>calling someone French is a racial slur
Oh you're actually a Zhang

>> No.13211634

anon, I'm pretty sure >>13211195 was agreeing with you and that that chart shows that Kenji isn't reclining
at this point I'm pretty sure people are baiting you though

>> No.13211763

>>calling someone French is a racial slur
>Oh you're actually a Zhang
pretty sure anon meant you throwing on the n word

>> No.13211768

Stop being a self hating fucker and embrace both being a cringe latino and knowing english. Why do you gain by bending to burgers? Your autistic personality would blend well for other eng speaking latinos who also think they are so unique and above "those other latinos". Otherwise both audiences will reject you.

>> No.13211770

I hate tiktok shills because theyre just the latest in a get rich quick scheme.

Literally any platform works, advertisement is advertisement. Tiktok hasn't really done anything new and if anything the audience is worse. But it requires crafting specific content for that isn't what you'd normally be doing.
There's no reason to go to tiktok unless you already go there and want that specific audience.

>> No.13211794

>if anything the audience is worse.
t. someone who doesn't know how tiktok works

>> No.13211812

>no really there's good part!
Hypothetically maybe. In practice no.
Especially when you look at all the content people are advising you post there.

>> No.13211843

Where do I stream and in what language then?
Streaming in spanish unironically feels more free because facebook, youtube, and fucking trovo are viable. In english is only twitch with all the asterisks that come with it.

>> No.13211916

just wait until one of you /asp/ies start a tiktok and incline rapidly. you're gonna start praising it as hard as you praise twitch for streaming.

>> No.13212214

what's your TikTok, anon
how much has it helped you incline so far
maybe seeing a /here/ example would convince others

>> No.13212253

kaori lupine, overezeggs, sunkenji

>> No.13212287

post a banana on twitter for confirmation

>> No.13212363

nta, but streaming the audio from the song without having it remain saved on the VOD

>> No.13212404

Huh, I had no idea that that could be done. Doesn't Tw*tch take whatever was streamed and turn that into the VOD?

>> No.13212712

You can select audio channels in OBS to specifically not go in the VOD

>> No.13212843

I see vtubing it as another branch to explore creativity and new possible market to make commissions

>> No.13214224

Can someone give me examples on what would be considered good audio and bad audio for vtubers. I hear people complain about X's audioand mic is bad but I can't hear an issue.

>> No.13214351

Background noise is the big one. A lot of newer streamers don't have a suppressor so you can hear static and aid conditioners and similar shit. It's an easy filter fix in obs too.

>> No.13215544

Voicemeter was too complicated for my pea brain. Use Obs plugin called win-capture-audio instead, don’t have to worry about audio cables/ routing stuffs.

>> No.13215892

I was watching Snuffy & she showed a tiktok that was about a free PNGtuber software that looks more versatile than using Discord, thought some people here might be interested:

>> No.13215922

Pretty sure that's what Woozle and some others use.

>> No.13217286

I can't for the life of me find a decent 3d modeler for a chuuba model. Does anyone have any recs for 3d modelers that are cheap and decent? VRoids are ok, but they need to not be obvious Vroids. big ups if they also do nsfw models

>> No.13218525

>cheap and decent?
doesn't exist, just pick a png and stream while looking for a modeler you can afford

>> No.13218948

I use the term "cheap" very loosely in this context

>> No.13219033

Like something around the $400-600 USD range, unless that's also not feasible. I already fell for the L2D meme and I wanna do some VR/RFA content sometime soon

>> No.13219503

>audio cables/ routing stuffs
What? I thought it was possible to do everything from inside the PC.
What do you mean audio cables? Can't I just configure things so my MPC player is heard along with my voice and games and then I choose to mute it on the VOD?

>> No.13219893

$400 would be that starting price for a generic "character in a t-shirt" but you can look on twitter or the live2d community discord's marketplace. there's also several discussion channels you can ask around for people who might know more artists they can recommend you to.

>> No.13220376

My fault for not being clearer. Too make good use of voicemeter you more or less need to download virtual audio cables that you’ll be designating for the different audio sources.

If all you want is removing your music from twitch vods I’d really recommend checking out the plug-in if you use obs. Voicemeter was annoying to learn.

>> No.13220651

Because it's the most successful agency right now. Also the "being a fan" factor it's usually a thing.

>> No.13220903

because you won't even make the equivalent of minimum wage in any other corpo or as an indie.

>> No.13222937

that range for a 3D model is near impossible for anything quality, especially if you're hoping for a nude base. Most full models will run you 800+

>> No.13223023

nta, but what are some good resources for learning how to make 3D characters?

>> No.13223083

That's hardly true, there's indies who started a year ago or less that are making some good money, even just ones like Lumi or Takahata who already had some prior fame. It takes more work, but so does even having the qualifications to make it into Hololive to begin with.

>> No.13223131

No clue, you're pretty much just stuck learning from Youtube and slowly getting experience creating like most people did.

>> No.13223190

>there's indies who started a year ago or less that are making some good money,
as an affiliate with twitch's 50/50 split, you need 1,000 tier 1 subscribers on your channel to hit minimum wage.

>> No.13223752

No problem, do you think streaming myself learning/practicing 3D would make for good content?

>> No.13223770

Your min wage is twice mine since i live in a poorfag state, but I've hit half of my states min wage except with less than half the time "worked" and all it involved was sitting around playing videogames and talking to chat instead of pushing baskets at walmart or scrubbing bathrooms.

>> No.13223815

Probably not, even experienced modelers barely even get views unless they're streaming someone popular's model. I've watched someone go for 400 viewers working on an outfit for Zentreya to back down to their normal 30. Zero carry over.

>> No.13223986

cute. post numbers. anyone can make shit up.
unless you already have a community that gives a shit to watch you, no.

>> No.13226241

i've asked you to post your numbers but you never do...

>> No.13227526

>claim he makes half his state's min wage
>post number
>no u
is this really the best you /asp/iefags can do?

>> No.13228044

i'm not even that anon but you've ducked the question multiple times

>> No.13228062
File: 48 KB, 738x583, Screenshot (913).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small tip, if you family share with friends, make sure this box is unchecked

>> No.13228664

what does it do if it's checked?

>> No.13229432

Whenever your friend stops playing a game, it will throw a notification saying "Hooray! [Friend]'s shared games are now available for you to play!"

>> No.13229602

You'd only see that if you're using Screen Capture though, which would already be weird to do while gaming.

>> No.13229770

nta but isn't there an option in OBS that you can accidentally hit that allows overlays like Steam pops to show through?

>> No.13229870

I've played a few games on steam that required me to do screen capture because game capture wasn't working properly so I can see why it would be good to keep checked.

>> No.13231285

Who is Zylphie and why can't I find her anywhere?
People ITT keep saying Zylphie's "career" was everything you shouldn't do to make it but I can't find anything. I might have a disorder that makes it easier for me to learn from watching others' mistakes so this would be nice to see.

>> No.13231495

you mean Zylphe?
idk that much, haven't been on the threads for long, biggest issue seems to be he paywalls his voice

>> No.13231705

I think so, yeah.

>he paywalls his voice

>> No.13231746

he used to do this thing where he tells his viewers that unless they dono to him or enough people sub, he refuses to turn on his mic for streams

>> No.13231887

Why would anyone ever do that?

>> No.13231918

he was one of the biggest whiners about the "male debuff" and the thread shit on him
he posted some really stupid stuff in /wvt/ that got him banned and it was really funny to see all the posts of his that got deleted

>> No.13232197


>> No.13232282

because he's delusional and doesn't understand his role as a streamer

>> No.13232550

>google zylphe
>model has literally no way of conveying expressions
>ACKSHUALLY it's a helmet and underneath it there's a head made of fire that could theoretically be really expressive if used well
>it's just bursting plasma not even forming a face however
I'm baffled.

>> No.13232793

I think I just found him in the archive.
Now I'm kind of scared that I am of a similar age as him.

>> No.13232916

a good chunk of chuubas are that age. most have functional brains and understand that a mute and expressionless chuuba is not a good idea.

>> No.13232966

Oh is he the faggot that often make rounds in the chuuba twitter sphere for tweeting stupid shit? I vaguely remember his name.

>> No.13233038

>mute and expressionless chuuba
A streamer's job is essentially an entertainer, how in the FUCK do you entertain an audience without sound and emotion

>> No.13233134

>without expression
that's just general png tubing.

>> No.13233194

difference being that even /asp/ie pngchuubas know that dead air should be avoided. zylphe makes it a point to remain mute until someone pays him for the honor of listening to his voice.

>> No.13233285

yes the mute part is dumb.
but the expressionless part can be worked with both in pngtubing and with a vtuber model (there's more than a few with very inexpressive models)

>> No.13233302

No because PNG tubers still use their fucking voice to express emotion.
Muting his fucking mic while png tubing is just shooting yourself in the dick.
Alexa, pull up that clip of entitled twitch thots asking for subs and dono.

>> No.13233634

Here's an idea: Chess chuuba.

>> No.13233672

There was actually a spic chubba that did a mute character because he was pretending to be a mute girl and was decently successful, but he mainly streamed VR Chat and his model was really expressive anyway.

>> No.13233991

Expression is more than a moving anime girl, it's in your voice as well. No voice, no physical movement, etc. You're essentially a silent Let's Play, which is one of the tells of Zylph posting here. He'll complain about streamers talking and how they should all just play the game like him.

>> No.13234213

His channel art is pretty uninspired too, guy is a huge Megaman Zero fanboy it seems. Honestly ruins the series for me just watching the dude. Male debuff my ass, it looks like the guy puts in zero work, plays old niche games all day and then cries on twitter about some fake and stupid "male debuff". Who in the fuck would want to pay him to use his voice?

>> No.13234298

there's more chuubas like him than you'd think. this made the rounds on twitter last week https://twitter.com/MikeyNyaa/status/1459308962956951557

>> No.13234400

I'll pay him to shut the fuck up

>> No.13234417

don't be a faggot.
they said "mute AND expressionless" if you're talking about voice expression that's covered by mute, expressionless was in reference to the model considering they explicitly mentioned it not having a face.

>inb4 y-you must be him
no you're just being retards and i'm tired of this retard being brought up every other thread as if anyone gives half a fuck about him.

>> No.13234450

Holy fuck how can you be so entitled? Those two are literally case studies on what not to do, my god.

>> No.13234617

what the FUCK does this even mean
just end the stream if you're getting tired of streaming. I usually end after an hour or so because I find it difficult to talk for a long period of time. Not cause I run out of shit to talk about but cause I find my voice gets kinda raspy after talking that much.
I'm working on that with some water but I don't know what else to do. Maybe vocal training? Or is it really just getting used to talking for long periods of time?

>> No.13234778

This reads like something out of those great reset/ancap copypastas lmao.

>> No.13235451

i have a desing and money where i go next!?

>> No.13235624

commission an artist if 2d and start your search for a live2d rigger or a modeler if 3d

>> No.13235644

Choose your content and the character you want to play.

>> No.13237176

i mean i have the desing in mind but i need someone to help me to draw a character sheet

>> No.13237222

then find an artist?

>> No.13237276


>> No.13237338

Go commission an artist, Twitter has tons of starving artists who will pounce on you if you just mention the word "commission"

>> No.13237733

NTA, but any specific tags or places I should be looking for there? It seems like every artist I come across is entirely booked.
You don't need to draw a character sheet. A free option is to make a reference sheet with a bunch of pictures that match with what you think your character looks like.

>> No.13238100

Are there many people here with designs in mind but no drawings of it?
I'm not like an artist that's worth commissioning but I could doodle some ideas on stream for people if they're interested. At least give some frame of reference to work with when you actually commission it.

>> No.13240501

i will commission you if you can i have something in mind but i can't draw it my self i have a lot of reference of what i want

>> No.13240588

i don't mind if you give me your info i will comission you

>> No.13240641
File: 1.74 MB, 400x279, sad slot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a design i like a plenty and i've been fiddling with vroid studio to make it happen through it
>remember that i've been using that same design to make edgy comments on youtube for years

>> No.13242768

before bed bump

>> No.13243059

you think if i post piccrew as referencee is enough?

>> No.13244441

for the face maybe. but what about your body and outfits?

>> No.13246536

latenight bump
