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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 11 KB, 278x181, 444594E5-0177-44AE-A83D-1B6F146E95AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1291934 No.1291934 [Reply] [Original]

Let’s be honest, it’s because she doesn’t look or act like an anime girl

>> No.1292068

/vt/ hates her because they don't understand the tech behind vtubing and think she's just a generic e-thot. and you cant post her on /g/ either because those fags hate vtubers in general. it's a dilemma.

>> No.1292088

Literally who

>> No.1292621


>> No.1292703

For me it's because the looks like she is from that shitty Ready Player One movie.

>> No.1292737

The uncanny valley is too strong for me, traveller. I can't handle it.

>> No.1292744


>> No.1292771

uncanny valley and pretty annoying.

>> No.1294109

No difference from regular v-tubers

>> No.1294369

do you even know what uncanny valley is

>> No.1294683

What is that thing

>> No.1294723

Do we really need a pseudo-general for this dumb bitch every day?

>> No.1294734
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>> No.1294935
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Yes, and?

>> No.1295132

yes. theres already a bunch of generic human beings like that generic photorealistic 3d model.

>> No.1295613

i wanna know more about the tech, I legit think that 3d vtubers are inherently better than 2d just because off the body language
what exactly is she doing that's so innovative?

>> No.1295638

She made everything herself, including the code

>> No.1295932

She should code herself a better personality

>> No.1296038

I decided to actually watch a clip from her and the "interviews" are the most boring shit I've ever watched, it's the most gimmicky stuff I've seen in months and she sounds like an old chinese lady on top of the uncanny valley shit

>> No.1297943

Seems to uncanny.
Needs more work.

>> No.1298315

3d is better than any 2d animu bullshit. Dumb weebs will say otherwise but they have zero taste

>> No.1298345

You will never be a 3d

>> No.1299089

The tech is cool, but her personality leaves a lot to be desired. She's kinda dumb (socially) and awkward, and not in a cute way.


>> No.1299245

I don't really have an opinion on her, but it seems a little disrespectful to the vtuber community to show up on regular camera so often.

>> No.1299506

fucking disgusting

>> No.1300027

Yes. 100% yes. Not even anime per se but just at least slightly out of the realm of reality. Besides the tech, there is no point to 'CodeMiko' as a character. The point of a Vtuber is to essentially have a fictional character come to life. CodeMiko is just a real, normal person.
Aside from "Oh, the tech is neat", there is no real discussion to be had about her. She is not part of the shared interest.
She does not exhibit the spirit of Vtubing, and as such invites no interest from the users here.

>> No.1300193

>The point of a Vtuber is to essentially have a fictional character come to life.
Do you actually believe this? Why are you vtuberfags so stupid

>> No.1300339

Not him but are you genuinely retarded?

>> No.1300360

do you actually think their characters? Maybe for the first time but after that, dat shit falls apart

>> No.1300387

I just watch her because she's basically the Eric Andre show if it were written by an AI

>> No.1300389

She seems to have weak conversational skills, and her collabs are awkward but not in a endearing way.

If we get into the specifics, for some reason she doesn't seem to be able to read subtext very well so a lot of situational jokes end up going over her head and not her not following up conversation topics.

I wish her the best, but I can't watch her it's just not fun.

>> No.1301322

Vast majority of the notable ones do keep up a character of some sort consistently. Not 100%, perhaps not even 50. The usage of the roommate personality and experiencees is a fantastic and useful evolution of the formula but the character is still there in some capacity. The altered voices, the referring to themselves as and affirming their back story when asked, it's all part of creating the illusion and separation that, while nobody is actually fooled by, is still appealing.

The ones that don't, well, this thread exists for a reason retard.

>> No.1301527
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The uncanny valley is powerful. It's like if a barbie doll and a human fucked, conceived a child. It's just wrong.
Also get a fucking better pic that isn't a thumbnail.. Fuck phoneposters.

>> No.1301577

Are you a fucking idiot? Yes, yes you are.

>> No.1301616

>think she's just a generic e-thot
she is

>> No.1301669

you dont have to look like an anime to be a vtuber

>> No.1301679

Vtubers are fictional characters based on real people.
It gives them more freedom to put on acts or exaggerate their personalities for entertainment with less pressure of being personally judged or embarrassed.
Risu gave her opinion on the matter, but she doesn't necessarily speak for everyone.

>> No.1301835

>/vt/ hates her because they don't understand the tech behind vtubing
Her tech is not that impressive. I can do pretty much everything she does already in VRChat except for face tracking. It is not as impressive as you make it out to be.

>> No.1301867

>retard doesn't even know why kayfabe is important

>> No.1301904

>constantly streaming with her real face from time to time
not a vtuber

>> No.1301951

>virtual youtuber
Nowhere does it say you have to be an anime girl

>> No.1301964

wrong retard

>> No.1301975

I have no interest in her interview topics. Really cool if she did all the technical stuff herself, the uncanny valley isn't even a real problem to me here. I hope she'll do well with it, but I am not sold on what she does with it.

>> No.1302053

Not a vtuber given she has no problems showing her real identity.
She's not a character, she's just a real girl with some fancy tech. And boring as fuck at that.

>> No.1302074

anonymity isnt a requirement to be a vtuber

>> No.1302158

>she sounds like an old chinese lady
You weren't kidding, holy fuck.

>> No.1302165

A virtual youtuber exists entirely in VR. They are not supposed to be just a puppet played by a real person.

>> No.1302210

you are literally a child, what do you think live2d models are

>> No.1302212

But they aren't wrestlers according to Risu so they don't need kayfabe.

>> No.1302232

Purposedly avoiding breaking kayfabe and separating your character from your real identity is, you utter retard, the fact that vtubers have their info leaked because of some creeps out of their control doesn't change that. Vtubers are fictional characters brought to life, which she is not.

>> No.1302260

>vtubing is just about using rigging technology
You are a massive retard.

>> No.1302386

You didn't understand shit. Risu was talking about the fact her personality isn't faked, but she still does her best to keep her vtubing identity separated from her real identity to maintain the illusion of the character, regardless if the two personalities are the same.
This is not a vtuber, this is a normal streamer with rigging technology.
>inb4 b-b-b-b-but vtubers use rigging technology t-too!!
Rigging technology is not the only requirement to be considered a vtuber by the current conventions, you fucking animal.

>> No.1302400

I feel the same way about her the same way I feel about Snuffy

Neat Model(s), content leaves a lot to be desired.

Not much a fan of Interviews and Pokemon Box Openings.

>> No.1302551

you're basing this off of what? Doujinshi artists that went into vtubing don't roleplay characters

>> No.1302561

nothing you said so far is even consistent. what is doing "her best to keep vtubing identity separate" even mean? couldnt you say that, if one of them had their identities leaked, then they really werent doing "their best" to keep their real identity separated? in that case, most of the vtubers here wouldnt qualify as "real vtubers"
in short, you're a seething imbecile making up your own arbitrary definition so you can say a vtuber you dont like isnt actually a vtuber.

>> No.1302668

The models provide a way for these characters to manifest themselves. If you've played video games you will notice that your appearance changes between games because you are using different models. Live2d models allows a virtual youtuber to have a personalized avatar.

>> No.1302744

>retarded creeps leaking your identity is the same as being completely open about it
Codemiko is not maintaining a character. She's just a normal twitch streamer playing with some rigging tech, she never even tried to separate her real identity and create a virtual persona, which is what every other fucking vtuber does.
It doesn't matter what you want to call her a wrong term, it doesn't change the fact that she's the exact opposite of what the vast majority of people into this genre wants from vtubing.
Keep insulting people all you want, she will never belong here, she's literally the opposite of vtubing.

>> No.1302841
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I'm sorry anon, but someone who openly streams like this does not categorize as a virtual character.
It's ok that your identity is known, it's not ok to purposely break character to the point there's no character at all.

>> No.1302870

Infuriatingfruit and password priestess are both vtubers, sorry

>> No.1303076
File: 27 KB, 480x360, B97905BB-6685-4B85-BADE-785FE931838B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i say it is all okay and we are just getting another step closer to this 2009 classic film

>> No.1303101

first off, we are talking about the meaning of the word vtuber, which means i dont give a flying fuck what the "vast majority of people" think, not even considering the fact you cant possibly speak for them. its a fact that theres a character being played, it doesnt matter if the actress doesnt try to hide it.
again, since you seem slow, your definition of "trying" is your own, so it doesnt really serve any purpose in clearly defining what a vtuber is because everyone will have a different definition.
in that case i can say coco is not really a vtuber, because her roommate still streams while showing her face, and while she doesnt actually admits to being the character, she makes no effort to differentiate her voice or other aspects of her personality from the character.
"hey, you know what? i dont think coco is really "trying her best" to keep her identity separate. i guess shes not really a vtuber!" t. some retard following the same logic as you

>> No.1303145
File: 428 KB, 2921x1946, 0A1F9A82-C477-44FF-B6A7-836FF8070F80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any zoomers who missed “surrogates” should check it out

>> No.1303152

I sure love le vtuber community amirite my fellow zoomers! fuck anime! Except jojo!

>> No.1303188

Does Coco stream while showing both her face and her Live2D model at the same time like in here? >>1302841
You're a disingenuous faggot. Again, Codemiko never separated her real identity from the character.

>> No.1303191

So is she selling this technology? Imagine Codemiko but it's Sakura Miko instead

>> No.1303219

Ah, now I get it!
So, basically, every 12 year old doing Minecraft let's plays was a Vtuber this whole time! Their skins were just their Vtuber models?
Can you guys imagine how we've Vtubers this whole time yet nobody realised it?
It's clear to me now that Kizuna and Melody and Sora and their ilk aren't pioneers that helped shape the landscape in any way whatsoever, but irrelevant footnotes hopping on an already well established bandwagon. SkyDoesMinecraft was in fact the real progenitor of this medium!

>> No.1303273

it makes me wonder why she was camgirling to begin with. With skills like that every game developer and even just general tech companies in that field would want to hire you, especially if you're a girl.

>> No.1303309

good work anon
proud of you

>> No.1303344

Melody wasn't even the first AVtuber, nice try

>> No.1303371

You're wrong anon! According to his logic, voice actors playing characters in TV cartoons where the true first vtubers all along!

>> No.1303398

you're a disingenuous faggot, i already told you many times your definition of what constitutes an acceptable level of separation is arbitrary and not sufficient to define what a vtuber is. how about we use my definition? in which case coco is not a vtuber. sorry!
yes, im sorry if that makes you butthurt

>> No.1303501

>So, basically, every 12 year old doing Minecraft let's plays was a Vtuber this whole time! Their skins were just their Vtuber models?
Unironically yes assuming there was no face cam or IRL stuff. People's minecraft names and skins were a big part of their branding.

>> No.1303519

>"how about we use my definition?"
>admits that his definition would consider minecraft youtubers to be vtubers
Fucking lol, thanks for concessing you have no idea what a vtuber is.

>> No.1303565

Why are you scared of answering a simple question, anon.
Don't worry, I'll repeat it for you: has Coco ever streamed with both her face and her character model showing at the same time in the same stream? And for that matter, has any Hololive or Nijisanji done that?

>> No.1303712

your question is completely irrelevant and the fact you keep repeating it thinking its some kind of gotcha considering all ive said to this point just makes me think youve been lobotomized. anyway, the point is coco is a vtuber. so is codemiko.
feel free to create a new definition that excludes all the vtubers you dont like, if that'll make you feel any better

>> No.1303893

I'm not butthurt, you're both unironically right!
We really should campaign for some sort of rule change on this board. If you've had some sort of custom character, image, or logo displayed in a video format, there's really no reason why you shouldn't be welcomed with open arms on this board.
Hell, I'm even looking into calling anyone with a username online a "text-based vtuber". Sick right? Imagine all the barriers to discussion we can break when we free ourselves from this backward so called "common sense", narrow definition of Vtubers. You guys are awesome.
Great minds truly do think alike.

>> No.1303894

>your question is completely irrelevant
>considering all ive said
Kid, you've said jack shit other than throwing insults around because people don't accept your dumb twitch thot..
What codemiko does by streaming like that is the equivalent of an official "face reveal", which you will never someone from Hololive or Nijisanji ever doing. You're desperate to ignore the question because you know full well it destroys your "measuring how much a vtuber protects their real identity is MUH ARBITRARY". Here's the measure for Codemiko: absolute zero attempt.
She never intended to keep her persona separated from her real identity. She's not a vtuber, sorry.

>> No.1304051

>anyway, the point is coco is a vtuber. so is codemiko.
Coco never showed her face together with her character. Coco keeps her persona separated from her real life id.
Codemiko streamed with a facecam to show the rigging. Codemiko doesn't keep her persona separated from her real life id.
Coco is a vtuber, Codemiko is not.
Sorry that you're failing so hard at understanding pre-schooler logic, but simping for Codemiko is not gonna change what being a vtuber means.

>> No.1304354

Where's the King cover?

>> No.1304523

im tired of going in circles with you butthurt autists so heres my last post on this
feel free to show me where it was decreed vtubers cant intentionally reveal themselves that wasnt in one of your posts. just as you insist vtubers arent allowed to do that (therefore, they are not really vtubers), if someone were to come here and claim, just as fervently as you, that anyone who even hints about their roommates lives on stream (which happens fucking constantly), then they are breaking the illusion and are not REAL vtubers by their own definition, then his view would be just as valid as your. that is to say, not at all.
anyway, ive done a lot more than just insulting you. and honestly, the fact that, even after i made my point crystal clear, you STILL didnt get it just shows that you deserved every single insult. you are truly a low iq drooling retard
your passive aggressive act is so faggy and pathetic it just makes me laugh. you know what, there doesnt need to be a rule change, you can already do all of those things, unless the mods make some sort of personal judgement about what type of vtuber is or isnt allowed. so far, it seems they think they are all allowed, which is why annoying orange threads exist, even considering they're blatant trolls

>> No.1304612

>im tired of going in circles with you butthurt autists so heres my last post on this
No retard-chama, please don't go.
I actually wanted to keep laughing at you more and had a question for you:
What are the requisites necessary to be considered a vtuber according to you?

>> No.1304618

Would that make Technoblade a vtuber? He has 6 million subscribers now and still refuses to show his face (which is one of the reasons I watch his vids)

>> No.1304672
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Let's be honest, it's because she doesn't look or act like an anime girl

>> No.1304728

>blah blah blah blah you don't agree with my bullshit that means you didn't get it
Brainlet cope. I completely get that you're trying to push here, the problem is that by your own logic fucking MumboJumbo would be considered a vtuber. You're fucking retarded, lol.

>> No.1304766

Lmao, annoying orange unironically has more rights to vtubing claims than Codemiko does, considering the first stays in persona at all times and doesn't actually break character.

>> No.1304812

She screams literally everything she says and her arched eyebrows make it look like she's in pain all the time

>> No.1304893

>No theme
>Generic egirl streaming cause she thinks its easy money
She really sums up the average western vtuber

>> No.1304927

way better than codemiko desu.

>> No.1305050 [DELETED] 

>your passive aggressive act
I'm not being passive aggressive, I'm being just plain aggressive. I'm making fun of you, and laughing at you, and am doing it in such a way that you display to me and anyone here your massive, incurable case of Dunning Krueger. I thought that by now you'd have at least left or conceded, but it appears you are simply THAT retarded.
>you can talk about "people with usernames" on this board unless the mods make some sort of personal judgement
Actual dementia. Please let your grandson back onto the computer please.

>> No.1305215

you don't have to be h*lolive to be a vtuber

>> No.1305543

whoring yourself out pays better

>> No.1306366

The company that sells the suits is called xsens and they're really expensive.
RubberRoss just released a video about it
He doesn't really do the vtuber thing, but it makes sense for him to use the tech because he was into VRchat before and this is more like an extension of that for him.
He also did the art himself.

>> No.1308570

She had a tech/animation job but you get more money and attention being a whore on twitch. You'd do it if you could, too.
She's an annoying, loud normie. She is out of our league looks-wise with more tech prowess than most people on this board have AND she is also an autist. The standard /vt/ incel wants a simpering 2D waifu fantasy pretending to be a 12 (9000) year old retard with a widdle baby voice. They are afraid of 3D thots.

>> No.1308757
File: 95 KB, 240x240, mikamichiori-5b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck is an anime girl supposed to act? And who the fuck would dictate such a rule?

>> No.1308816

Am I kawaii uguu ecchi sketchy boys are icky

You know, the hololive playbook.

>> No.1308825

I see her more as a regular YouTuber/Twitch streamer

>> No.1308853
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Ah OK. Like Amelia Watson telling us to shut up or that we suck. Got it.

>> No.1309046

Here's a more accurate litmus test:

Can PewDieDie be considered a vTuber? Why or why not?

The fact that he's a white boy is not a good enough answer

>> No.1309372

Last time i saw him streaming he wasn't using his l2d. Just a regular stream with facecam. No, pewds is not a vtuber. He's just trying it out because it's the new hotness.

>> No.1309767

Ross is more of a Vtuber than other bigger streamers who jumped the bandwagon like Pewdiepie or Pokimane because he has a character with 'lore' that he actually uses for videos and streaming regularly. Pretty on par with Miko. In most cases if there is a non-doxxed face reveal, they can never be considered a true vtuber.

>> No.1310633

>Can PewDieDie be considered a vTuber? Why or why not?
I think a simple test is whether or not the channels is being run by or uploads are being uploaded by a virtual character. In regards to pewdiepie it is clear that it is run by a real person, Felix Kjellberg. If a vtuber ever gets doxxed and it turns out there is a real person, then they are not a vtuber, but rather just a person who is pretending to be one.
>but but they are all actually real people
Someday AI will progress far enough where that is no longer true.

>> No.1310685

>she's just a generic e-thot

she is though

>> No.1310830
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>If a vtuber ever gets doxxed and it turns out there is a real person, then they are not a vtuber

>> No.1310958
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>but but they are all actually real people
>Someday AI will progress far enough where that is no longer true.

>> No.1311038

>pretending this aggressively that anime girls are real
buddy you need to make a friend

>> No.1311464

Damn she's fucking HOT

>> No.1311785

>just a generic e-thot
I've seen like three pictures of her and never read any discussion and yet I can already tell that's all she is.

>> No.1312773

you are overrating what she has actually done, nowadays programming is mainly reusing libraries that smarter people than you made. She should be praised for innovating on how the technology can be integrated with twitch streaming but not for being a good coder, she hasn't really done anything worth praising code wise

>> No.1312922


Everything she has done is already supported by unreal engine, its just a matter of rigging your character model to support it

>> No.1312929 [DELETED] 
File: 495 KB, 959x878, pe45678uyf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's actually funny, though. Maybe you guys are just faggots, sorry.

>> No.1312994

Stop posting this fugly bitch, she sucks. Her content also sucks

>> No.1313069

VT coomers are seething that there's a successful western vtuber with a stacy face who doesnt pander to their degenerate weeaboo fantasies

>> No.1313538

>doesnt pander to their degenerate weeaboo fantasies
yeah because she panders to actual degenerates. I guess you forgot that you can pay her to fart on stream

>> No.1313730

>stacy face
She looks like a fucking muskrat, this is possibly the biggest missed opportunity and also shoes the limits of the supposedly impressive tech; why does she look so similar to irl? Why would you go with this retarded face if you could choose any face? She's basically no more impressive than a million filters stacked on top of each other. Turn the asian gremlin into an actual stacy and people might give a fuck, but no one's impressed by this fetal alcohol syndrome discount belle delphine down syndrome face

>> No.1313858

Alright, I checked her out. Doesn't look nearly as good in movement as she does in stills, very uncanny valley. I guess it's quite impressive tech for an indie streamer, but going for a hyper realistic look is missing the point. If I wanted to watch someone who looks like a real person, I'd just watch a real person with a facecam. What she's doing here is more suited for movies and TV shows rather than for streaming, but they already have better stuff anyway.

>> No.1314251

I specifically said weeaboo fantasies, ie: UWU >/////////< uguuuuu screechy voice lolibait moeshit. I don't give a shit if a female talks like a degenerate or shows virtual feet or whatever. that's a problem for pseudo purity obsessed holofags who can't handle interacting with actual adults.

this virgin is on suicide watch because a 3DPD woman is invading his "safe space"

>> No.1314757

Twitch thots aren't welcome here you fucking faggot, strawman all you want. even /vt/ posters are smart enough to tell you to fuck off with your obvious shill bullshit. No one's watching this uncreative dime a dozen creature

>> No.1314843

The technology is impressive but it still sits in the realm of uncanny valley to make it weirder than usual compared to standard anime based Vtubers.

Main problem though is that she's just not as entertaining as the bigger Vtubers out there like Hololive, Nijisanji, or hell Vshojo. Ignoring the semantics of what makes a Vtuber a Vtubers CodeMiko doesn't really have standout personality or character trait that makes her notable. The reason why people put an emphasis on kayfabe is because it adds another layer possible entertainment value as you can get standouts like Pekora who embodies a mischievous prankster like character which is a lot more interesting to watch instead of a normal person just trying to be entertaining by making small talk during a stream.

>> No.1315995 [DELETED] 

>I guess you forgot that you can pay her to fart on stream
Yeah, I’m thinking based. Guess I’ll check her out now.

>> No.1317185
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My only impression of her is her interview with Ash_on_LoL and she just came of as annoying and braindead

>> No.1317223

CodeMiko has the worst personality of any woman I've seen online, vtuber or not
There's nothing inside her brain

>> No.1317237

Western whore

>> No.1317252

She should shoot herself in the head on stream. Now that'll be funny.

>> No.1317284 [DELETED] 

Have you never heard of uncanny valley? The art for her model is atrocious, monkeys would throw their shit at the screen if they saw her, dogs start barking at it

>> No.1317458

You sound like those neckbeards trying to convince people to install gentoo
>uhhh well you're too scared to try a real os

>> No.1317488

PLEASE give her technology to someone who can hold a conversation

>> No.1317756

Uncanny Valley Ugly

>> No.1319224
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Only one Miko for me bruv

>> No.1320185

>Hell, I'm even looking into calling anyone with a username online a "text-based vtuber".
Vtweeters already exist bro.

>> No.1320241
File: 63 KB, 960x720, 20210303_095212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her avatar is weird, so lifelike, yet so stiff and artificial. Actual uncanny valley shit.

>> No.1320386

No. He uses his real face, name and personality willingly 99% of the time. His own face is his brand, his lore is just his life.
Do you even know Coco/Kson's name?
like i know that say, Ame's real name is Rebecca, but i only know it because of gura's slipup and crazy schizo bitches at lolcow

>> No.1320536

Faggot. The fuck is "normal twitch streamer". As if they are model citizens.

Fact is, every female streamer has an internet persona. Only virgin faggots and soibois like you believe "she is an honest woman" "women don't tell a lie". And you chimp out on twatter and try to cancel anyone who disagrees with you, abusing some feminism bullshit.

>> No.1322542

Her job should be to entertain her viewers.
I don't find her entertaining.
"Oh that's a cool technology" ok? I don't care

>> No.1322662

>The standard /vt/ incel wants a simpering 2D waifu fantasy pretending to be a 12 (9000) year old retard with a widdle baby voice. They are afraid of 3D thots.
The doxxbraps that wanna get Mori double pregnant would like a word with you.

>> No.1322671

>her teach is not that impressive, she just reused stuff others made
>but multimillion corporation can't make a moving mouth for their vtubers
hahaha either she's very good or cover is sooo bad with how they use their current resources

>> No.1322937

if she was japanese you people would love her

>> No.1323128

>need good and appealing personality to succeed as a vtuber
wow, surprising how no one likes her because she is just an average e-thot with 0 personality

>> No.1323455

Reminder that Kson and Sachiowo were turbo twitch thot boobie streamers who jumped on the vtuber bandwagon but still kept doing facecams on the side just like Pokimane and CodeMiko but no one hates them.

>> No.1323505

You can't possibly think cover is a multimillion corporation.

>> No.1323532

If you want an honest answer it's because she couldn't stay in character. If she'd remained miko and built up a persona I think it would be novel, but she streams as her real self as well which just completely ruins the illusion and fun of it.

>> No.1323658

their assets worth more than $2 million, and if they go public they'll cost much much more than $2 million

>> No.1323786


>> No.1323991

Content wise CodeMiko is closer to Jerma985 than vtubers.
It's not surprising that /vt/ hates her.

>> No.1324135

imagine having a meltdown because you can't coopt the vtuber definition to fit to only your favorite corporation group

>> No.1324265

That's a lot of reaching.

>> No.1324365

LOL the good ol code monkey good job myth

>> No.1324386

agreed, adding additional rules that never mattered after 2017 like anonymity and aesthetics to vtubers is definitely reaching

>> No.1324427

This whole vTuber vs not vTuber thing. At least it isn't defined as Japanese vs not Japanese.

>> No.1325792

It's weird because she never tried to hide herself, but at the same time even when she's streaming without the avatar she still fakes her voice and personality

>> No.1326136

How is it possible to be so advanced, yet suck soooo much

>> No.1326219

From what I watched I reckon she must be pretty deep into it, so not really surprising. If you're enthusiastic about tech and vtubers it's hard not to let it leak into your real life.

>> No.1326739

She talks so fucking slow, can't stand her

>> No.1326869

She literaly does the same shit as pokimane and every ethot whore. I dont care that she has a big budget if shes fucking boring

>> No.1327202
File: 597 KB, 1270x659, 1584480080774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1327354

Her tech is super impressive, and I can appreciate that since I'm a programmer myself, but I'm not here for the tech.
>and think she's just a generic e-thot
She is

>> No.1327629
File: 135 KB, 582x581, 1604036405098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine your oshi being able to do this on the fly
I can't fucking wait

>> No.1327774

too bad that you will never have both of them.

>> No.1327848

(You) don't belong her stranger

>> No.1327986

damn, am I gonna miss this faggot.

>> No.1328081

I don't dislike her, but I'm not interested in her content and basically this >>1323532

I think the first 30 seconds of this Devin Nash interviewing a Vtuber kind of shows off the power of keeping an a illusion that a Vtuber is a person, rather than a model being controlled by a person
The thing that makes him uncomfortable about it is what makes vtubers special.

It's okay if the vtuber and the real person are both public personas, but the act of acknowledging each other is what ruins the magic.

>> No.1329482

Then do it or shut the fuck up.

>> No.1329508

The uncanny valley is the best valley.

>> No.1329723

My oshi probably lives like a depressed NEET though.

>> No.1331042

If CodeMiko created a different Vtuber model and pretended CodeMiko didn't exist, I'd subscribe.

>> No.1331751

This opinion is retarded

>> No.1331854

The only reason most vtubers hide their identity is because of idolfags who, if they found out their idols were impure, would explode.

>> No.1333168

Can't tell if this is bait or you are actually retarded

>> No.1333225

Angel Ai is better.

>> No.1335980
File: 162 KB, 850x400, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

won't bother quoting every single one
>not being a complete sperg and acting appropriately to situation is "playing a character"
most people don't act and talk the same way to their boss, mom, brother, child etc. I guess they all are fake characters huh? if everyone is a character then nobody is. I enjoy some streamers/youtubers that happen to be vtubers but acting like they are some completely different thing is delusional, splitting them into "normal streamers" and vtubers is so arbitrary and superficial, like if there was some fandom of people who like music albums that have green as dominant color of the cover image and act as if they are completely different from others

>> No.1340705

>Buy a 30k mocap suit from a professional company that provides them to studios, writes the software, and does all the work
she did nothing herself

>> No.1343608

I think she should leech off of people I actually care about.

>> No.1345068

Prove it.

>> No.1345795

autistic fob gimmick could be cute but she's just unbearably awkward and boring

>> No.1347320


>> No.1347341


>> No.1347361

fuck off to reddit

>> No.1347391


>> No.1348872

She's a code monkey. Companies fly in pajeets that work for minimum wage to do what she can do.

>> No.1351051

Imagine if holo or niji has this shit and each room has a portal that they can use to go and warp into a different stream to raid/cameo in the background.

>> No.1351241

Literally just AI Angel, but AI Angel is actually entertaining and doesn't have the personality of stale bread.

>> No.1351305


you're fucking dumb

>> No.1351334

I would consider her a vtuber but I also don't like her. Feel free to make a discussion thread but you're not gonna get a lot of people posting in it.

>> No.1351383

I tried watching her the other day in her interview with Ocelotte (the G2esport guy). And omg it was so fucking bad. Her humor was horrible and i was dying from cringe

>> No.1351999
File: 417 KB, 2400x1528, 1548099077629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking retarded take
Greatest artists took reality, get as close as it was possible and then they added something from themselves.
Look at art nowadays
It's all fucking caricatures and grotesque.
Also Kubrick > Hitchcock

>> No.1353524

I hope you're not posting that in defense of Twitch Poser Girl here because clearly whatever that "something from herself that she added" is is widely looked upon with disapproval.

>> No.1357205

Yes, cover is just a small indie company.

>> No.1357349

It's simply Hitchcock statement that is dumb

>> No.1357421

I just can't stand twitch culture

>> No.1357450

She's a bigger brapper than mori and ollie combined.

>> No.1357567

Annoying orange isn't a VTuber, the reason the threads exist is because the mods don't enforce the rules.

>> No.1357625

No it doesn't, it's a live-action webseries that doesn't use a virtual avatar generated with computer graphics. Codemiko is an individual streamer who does use a virtual avatar generated with computer graphics, complete with rigging. Don't use the word "unironically" when you don't know what it means, you're moulded by the post-ironic internet to the extent it's your default state of mind.

>> No.1357630

her bf's voice alone is more entertaining than her

>> No.1357927

But anon he is talking about what most people want. Last time I checked most people watch marvel movies and listen to trap music.
