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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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13029517 No.13029517 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13029594


>> No.13029643

More importantly. Who's going to enter?

>> No.13029653

Kiara. They should just do one-shots with different systems to keep it fresh. It was suppose to end at 5 but bumped to likely 10 if at leas one session is on each other's channels and because of that filler arc.

>> No.13029667

Nobody. Game's dead

>> No.13029760

Man I don't want Kiara to leave, I hope it's ina

>> No.13029795

wdym who's leaving? It's not just going to end?

>> No.13029812

It's gonna be Ame, the Wyrm will cash in it's debt.

>> No.13029815

If someone is leaving, it's going to be Ame. She's the only one who doesn't enjoy it.

>> No.13029949

Ame or Ina

>> No.13029964

To add on to this, Calli even said it's gonna be a story thing. No way it isn't Ame.

>> No.13030003

I'm a timezonelet here, which Myth fucks their schedule to play HunterMyth? Because when it comes to timezone friendiness, Indonesia is only two hours behind Japan, and a few HoloID seem to want to try out ttrpgs.

>> No.13030012

The viewers.

>> No.13030061

I think they should all take a season off and let Mori run it for whoever out of Council/IRyS wants to give it a try. But realistically it will be Ame and Kiara.

>> No.13030186
File: 390 KB, 220x220, 1611443116115.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori: "The TTRPG isn't coming to end and we still several sessions planned but someone is dropping out, which I planned for but now I have to make the preparations"
>Clipnigger: (Very serious)HoloMyth's TTRPG Campaign Is Coming To An End | HololiveEN Clips! [MUST WATCH] *GONE SEXUAL*
Why are clipsniggers like this this? this fag is especially bad with his misleading clickbaity titles

>> No.13030188

I'm not really convinced it's Kiara. Gura and Kiara are the two players who got really attached to the game.

>> No.13030234

For Kiara the start is usually at 23:00 or 00:00, never later that . It's late but I would say bearable, the fucking among us Collab ended close to 05:00

>> No.13030262

whoever it is, she's also graduating

>> No.13030268

The time is really bad for Kiara and she constantly bitches about having to do stuff outside of her preferred time and "messing up her sleep schedule". I don't think she wants to leave but pragmatically it would probably be best for her.

>> No.13030361

Ame, 100%. Watoto will be given some epic exit scene, where he activates the Wurm and dies for the sake of others.

>> No.13030380

Maybe it's not here, this Collabs ends usually around 02:00 for her, so maybe she is referring to another ones like the among us Collab (which started at 03:00 for her)

>> No.13030477

It's a disease and I love how in the description he's like "please don't speculate who's leaving teehee" fucking seaniggers I swear.

>> No.13030531
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Betting man's analysis:
DM and organizer. 0% chance.
Very low. Her closest relationship is with Calli, and anyone with half a brain can tell she's having a blast. Scout allows her to shed her Gura persona a bit and be her IRL self more than most think. Less than 5% chance.
Second lowest chance, and only for a reason beyond her control. She's the second best RP'er of the group and the defacto leader / straight man of the party, but the conflict with her schedule may force her to drop out. If she does, it will be in the interest of her own health. If Tiara ducks out, cameos are possible since she clearly enjoys playing. 10-15% chance.
Wildcard. Ina wanted to try a TTRPG, and she's done a good job for the most part. Too many schizos have taken her silence for disinterest, but in a 5-man collab not everyone is going to get equal screen time. Ina being a soft-spoken, introverted little ching chong allows for the extroverts to assert themselves more. Which sucks because Ina / Yuul has come up with some very good observations, which means she's paying attention and getting to know the game's mechanics. 25% chance.
Biggest possibility. Watoto started off as a joke character, wound up being pretty useful, but Amelia is such a damn zoomer who has no patience for these kinds of things. >50% she ducks out or gets munched by the Wyrm.

On that note, the biggest foe of the project is scheduling and the nature of TTRPG itself. Their sessions need to be around 5-6 hours long for any serious progress to be made. Their longest session was their best one, so that proves that. Overall I've enjoyed the project, but mostly IRL issues have done the most to dampen it.

I've still been working on the info sheets for when they pick it back up, so Huntermyth General will be around when it's needed.

>> No.13030594

Wait, isn't HunterMyth usually just a few hours after Kiara's usual time? If the game can be moved a maybe 2-3 hours earlier, It will be hell for Mori (don't worry, bitch can take it) and will be all gucci for chimken. If you throw in HoloID, it would be a bit late for them but still doable. Ollie and Anya stream at weird hours anyway.
Again, I'm a timezone brainlet. What time does HunterMyth stream for HoloAmericans?

>> No.13030625
File: 14 KB, 292x227, 1636182787555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame is the new 5%'er so it's going to be her, it's that simple.

>> No.13030699

Wow, way to throw a genmate under the bus, Mori. Not only it only leads to rrats on who's leaving, you're also spoiling an impactful event beforehand.
I feel like Mori would have a much better reputation on this board if she'd sometimes think about what she's going to say and reconsider it, or at least phrase it differently, which is very ironic for a rapper.

>> No.13030773

best response and analysis. Based gambling anon.

>> No.13030829

This streams for Kiara usually starts at 23:00, sometimes at 00:00. I think it's not Kiara who is leaving

>> No.13030854

Gura sure as shit doesn't want to start streaming (or being awake) at 2 PM.

>> No.13030928

This sounds like Kiara pasta.

>> No.13030994
File: 335 KB, 2048x1829, Huntermyth6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calli- 6-7am
Kiara- 11pm
Gura / Ina / Ame- 2-5pm

>> No.13031034

This reads like a shitty copypasta
> Mori would have a much better reputation on this board if she'd sometimes think about what she's going to say and reconsider it, or at least phrase it differently, which is very ironic for a rapper.
If you actually bothered to watch the stream instead of being a clipfag you'd know she actual explained in detail

>> No.13031057

story wise ame has a high probability to die.

>> No.13031205

IMO it's almost certainly Kiara, she's mentioned numerous times how her timezone makes these TTRPG collabs incredibly difficult for her, and that even when Mori's changed the time to be more suitable for her, it makes her feel bad to be inconveniencing everyone else, so it's a lose-lose situation.
I'd loved to be wrong though, I think Kiara's been really engaged in the sessions.

>> No.13031246

>Gura vs Kiara scheduling conflicts when the two are most invested in the game.
Man, this makes me sad.

>> No.13031305

>Tiara would be a hard lock for Huntermyth if Japan's immigration policies were shitty and borderline nonfunctional like the U.S.
Never thought I'd see the day where I saw a negative consequence of a strict immigration policy.

>> No.13031343

It's specifically this faggot who advertises himself here and makes drama clips. He already called out by a big clipper

>> No.13031817
File: 639 KB, 864x851, Yuul THICC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the plus side, if complete newbs join the fray, we might see some more tutorial sessions. Let's be honest, the first four tutorial sessions were kino comfy, and both Scout and Yuul's were works of art.

Current roster of possible candidates:
Has expressed interest in TTRPG, and from what I've seen from her, is a pleasant person overall. Maybe with her money as a royal, she can fly everyone down to ID and produce a Huntermyth anime with them. One can dream, right?
Mentioned Huntermyth once and said it looks like fun. Good energy, but her English is too peppeloni (the nooo one) for the complexities of WoD. Even Kiara, whose English is pretty damn good, had some trouble understanding some of the merit descriptions. Hell, I know TTRPG myself and the grammar in that shit confuses even me.
Has expressed interest in TTRPG. She might be another low-impact character like Ina, but she'd be a welcome addition.
Has expressed interest in TTRPG. I don't know much about her to draw any judgment.
Has experience in 4th Edition D&D, which is a weird area to have it, but a background in TTRPG would allow for her to slip into WoD more comfortably than a newbie. I also have a boner for nature mama.
I'd have so much fun playing WoD with Calli. Unfortunately one needs to be a pretty anime girl to apply. I am just an ugly anime girl.

Also forgot to mention a small bonus of having Ina in the party, it draws her fanbase of artists into the project, which is why we've gotten so much more Yuul art than all the others. Big benefit, honestly. Ina would be a hard loss if she ducked out.

>> No.13031978

I did watch the stream, faggot, and I can still say that there's no point in announcing it beforehand. Have a talk afterwards about it, sure, everyone will accept their reasoning and how you included it in the plot. But doing it so beforehand will surely ruin some people's anticipation for the next stream, knowing that this is the final appearance for someone, not to mention you'll most likely know what will happen at the end of a certain encounter (unless she pulls a "screw you guys, I'm going home" ending for the character).
This is just another simple case of Mori not knowing when to stay quiet, just like her bubble comment or her 5% comment.

>> No.13032206

Ame is too old to be a zoomer

>> No.13032340

I want to add something to those;
Reine has done her creative writing reps by the sheer volume of smut she consumes. Although not a writer herself, she does have what it takes to think on the fly. Has been encouraged by chat to express her creativity, and has expressed wanting to do skits.
Anya is weird. Extremely aberrant as a holo. She's observant and thinks of strange solutions which unfortunately do not work in a limited framework of a videogame. I believe her tendencies make her a good addition to any party. I know I'd have her as a player for a dungeon crawl.
>I am just an ugly anime girl.
Ogey Di. When's your next stream?

>> No.13032604

She is the 2nd youngest in Myth anon....

>> No.13032641

Half of myth is old enough to remember ww2 so that doesn't mean much

>> No.13032738

Why does anyone have to leave? I want them to stay together

>> No.13033063

Ina and kiara with their "aww we would never leave its so fun" bull shit will stay. It was not necessarily not fun but the point is they are trapped in their replies because they dont want to make calli sad or some shit. Gura and ame leave cause they are not simple minded.

>> No.13033126

Yeah, I'm not thrilled by this. Not surprised, having tried to do D&D with IRL friends before and knowing how groups go, but it still sucks.
The biggest thing is that now that Mori said that, we get threads like this and the next N TTRPG streams will be full of people looking for hints on who / how many people are leaving.
I hate to say it, but I think if my oshi leaves I'll stop following. I like tabletop, but I can't be arsed to keep up with Critical Role either.

>> No.13033242

Ina, screenshot this.

>> No.13033247

>I did watch the stream, faggot
Ogey sure you did mr clipfag
>Have a talk afterwards about it, sure, everyone will accept their reasoning and how you included it in the plot. But doing it so beforehand will surely ruin some people's anticipation for the next stream, knowing that this is the final appearance for someone, not to mention you'll most likely know what will happen at the end of a certain encounter (unless she pulls a "screw you guys, I'm going home" ending for the character).
So much baseless conjecture here it's baffling
>This is just another simple case of Mori not knowing when to stay quiet, just like her bubble comment or her 5% comment.
>"Le 5% XDDD"
Peak /vt/ranny post. She's repeatedly told everyone it's ok to drop, this isn't even the first time she's mentioned that someone is leaving (you would know this if you weren't such a gigantic clipfaggot) you're trying WAY too fucking hard to spin her keeping viewers informed on why the next episode is delayed this week as negative because it's...some how spoiler...despite that fact that she never mentioned anything about the plot or who's actually leaving so the best you could do is just make random guesses

>> No.13033337

Kiara watcher here, it's 100% going to be Kiara. She talked many times before how meeting for the TTRPG messes up with her sleep schedule (more than it is already) and that she wants to start working on sleeping at good time for her own health. TTRPG is also a big commitment for her because she has to pay attention and stay alert when it's way past midnight during her time and she usually uses that timeslot to relax and prepare to sleep

>> No.13033469

Everyone's saying Ame, but I don't think Ame would quit something that one of her friends is spearheading because of disinterest. She's pretty loyal and commits to her friends even if she's not super into it.

It's most likely Kiara because of scheduling.

>> No.13033598

They should just nuke whole campaign and do DnD instead. WoD sucks ass in long sessions, especially with kind of people that are at Mori's table.
First few episodes were fun, but barely fit into classic WoD setting. Last few were closer and predictably garbage.

>> No.13033670

If it is Kiara for scheduling, then she can never do a collab at that time or later again. If she does, she will get shat on for months for saying she dropped out of the TTRPG, but will collab with X. Also it will just worsen the rrats of Mori and Kiara actually hating each other now. Ame isn't avery close with Mori (by both of their own admission, they only respect each other's work ethic) and doesn't even do anything during most of the TTRPG collabs. I guess we'll find out whenever the next session is.

>> No.13033855

By same line of reasoning Ame does not have a spine to tell her genmates that she does not enjoy being part of TTRPG

>> No.13033903

kek, she doesn't cares about retarded rrats coming from here (or 2ch) as much as she did time ago.

>> No.13033997
File: 860 KB, 2048x1521, Tiara&Watoto3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's Kiara and her alone then that would be the best result. She's leaving for a reason NOT RELATED to interest / passion, which means the probability of a cameo or full return is very high, especially if she can get back to Japan somehow. Having her gone will deprive the party of their defacto leader, and she's the biggest and most competently built damage dealer. Thankfully they haven't run into too many raw combat situations (since WoD doesn't focus on it as hard), but having a dedicated, reliable marksman, one who is basically operating two characters to boot, seriously improved their odds at success.

If it's Kiara AND Ame, that's a big blow. It could potentially kill the project, low chance as that is. Replacing a single player who is still on the sidelines wouldn't hurt at all, but having two duck out simultaneously would put the project on hold. If the remaining two were really passionate about it, I could see Calli rolling her own PC to fill in temporarily. DM having a PC is risky, but from I've seen, Calli's a fair DM and wouldn't act like a narcissistic cunt.

>> No.13034063

>do DnD instead
Fuck no. Part of the charm was that they weren't playing the same D&D nonsense that every other streamer is. The market is so oversaturated with D&D streams that are all trying to be the next Critical Role. Viewership would tank hard. Not to mention they'd be no better than the Vshojo sluts and their game on Fridays.

TLDR: D&D would kill any interest/momentum they've built up. They have to run a different system to stay unique or they'd die off even harder.

>> No.13034115

Watch the clip, Calli didn't hint at 2 people leaving, just 1.

>> No.13034136

It's just one person, still sucks but yes Kiara leaving because staying up is fucking with her health is a fair reason to leave.

>> No.13034450

I watched it live during her EB stream. She said one, and there's a slight possibility of two. Her discussion over it was over a 14 minute stretch on and off, and I doubt the shit-stirring clickbait clipperfag got it all.

>> No.13034510

Clickbait is views and views is money

>> No.13034721


>> No.13035090

After watching the clip, I'm pretty sure it's not going to continue past this arc, assuming they even finish it. I've both known of and been a GM that's said almost exactly the same things in the same tone. This is the denial stage where the GM is trying to keep people optimistic that the game will go on. Another missed/delayed session will move onto the next stage where the GM assures people there will be an ending. Then a further no-run torpedoes the game completely. This process happens so much that anyone who isn't a no-games would easily spot the signs.

It's also going to be hard to find a replacement should the game continue. There are plenty of options in Hololive for replacements, but the chemistry the original group had will never be recaptured. This too can lead to the game ending prematurely.

There's also the highly probability that Calli is burned out. Every other week sessions are killer for retaining interest and momentum.

>> No.13035104

Fuck off.

>> No.13035106

kiara. i hope she leaves, ttrpg is ass and i'd rather just have another solo stream with her than another "mori has the crew do nothing for 2 hours" stream

>> No.13035760

It’s Ina, Kiara and Ame.

>> No.13035787

She has already stated previously there would be a break between the midseason finale and having it picked back up. Which is for the best; she says she hasn't crafted the story beyond it. That one clip by itself is so badly out of context, it's such clickbait.

>> No.13036300

Again, that's something GMs say when they have no long term plans for the campaign. Breaks like that are game killers, especially for every other week runtimes. Going a month/month and a half/two months without playing doesn't work out. Especially when she has to reteach the system every session since it's been long enough for the girls to forget everything.

>> No.13036325

Kronii also mentioned she played DnD before and has said she watches Myth's TTRPG sessions.

>> No.13036355

Any guess other than Kiara is quite unrealistic. I know that she isn't leaving due to lack of interest, as she has always given it her all in playing, preparing, and reviewing her actions after the streams. She knows that she can't start improving her health if she has to ruin her sleep schedule every two weeks and, despite this, she agreed to the initial planned number of sessions. Unfortuantely, this season has been taking way too long and initial predictions were way too optimistic. Given this, and the concerns she has expressed over having Mori have little sleep as the GM, has lead to her calling it quits.
I agree with her that Mori will be a much better GM when she's well rested, and I expect an improvement on her behalf in the sessions after Kiara leaves

>> No.13036709

Why is she not saying who it is?
Yes, it’s going to effect the story but she’s not going to be able to get in front of that before people’s schedules come out or as soon as the frame goes up.
Nobody’s going to be watching the stream looking at 4/5 myth members and still be wondering who it could possibly be who dropped out.

>> No.13036757

they're getting 3 new players
hint: they're not vtubers

>> No.13036905
File: 252 KB, 454x358, callihuge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Gotta look into some things"
Does Mori have a "dead dog" she needs to address too?

>> No.13037079


>> No.13037135

The game where Mori wings a story with her 4 genmates, to whom which 2 of them genuinely wish they were anywhere else why Mori /rolls a 10 die for them isn't holding much water anymore?

Color me shocked

>> No.13037422

Anon made another presumptuous post where he autistically attempts psychoanalyze and project emotions onto other people and sounds like a retard because of it?

Color me shocked!

>> No.13037430

Everything about her phrasing and tone sounded like she doubted her very own words as she said them.

Busy, Bored, whatever the reason, putting a pause on this type of game is basically like stopping oxygen from entering the brain, the longer the delay the more damage it causes

>> No.13037656

>Retarded Deadbeat denies the very thing its Oshi just said on the video
Yes anon, someone leaving the TTRPG collab that was supposed to be bimonthly as an entire Gen project, which has been losing numbers quite quickly with each episode, along with an as of yet undefined hiatus is CLEARLY a sign of growth and no trouble

>> No.13037717

who’s the youngest? Gura?

>> No.13037762

Ame or Kiara probably

Ame / Kiara

>> No.13037876

Gura is a hag

>> No.13037973

makes me sad I didn't expect it so soon, even if Ame leaves her short time as Watoto was very fun

>> No.13038094

Most likely to least likely
>Ame: Very disinterested, low tier artwork (Green ame stasche that's a man), only responds when spoken to
>Ina: Somewhat disinterested, tried a bit for her characters art and backstory, tapered off fairly quickly after her introduction episode. Likes to joke around with her character and lets Mori hand hold her
>Gura: Invested but could be getting busy: Mixes comedy with some level of interest and seemingly cares a lot for making Mori's contribution to Myth stand out
>Kiara: Nearly impossible to consider leaving unless the time schedule is genuinely messing with her. Loves her DM/GM, loves her character, loves to RP, and reads up on what her character can do in terms of the game off stream at least twice

>> No.13038189

Come out so I can groom you

>> No.13038195

>weeeh weeeh i can't stay up late once every two weeks while having the easiest "job" imaginable
kiara is such a fucking whore bitch, she can't take anything, she should just die

>> No.13038262


>> No.13038281

The clip is wildly out of context, dumb clipfag as >>13030186 said
It's always been bi-weekly retard
>which has been losing numbers quite quickly with each episode
>"UOOOOOOOH erotic numericals UWAAAAA sexy big numbers I'm gonna COOOOOUNT"
Why are numberfags like this? everything muh numbers" with you niggers it does well both live and VoD wise especially with being such a niche and long-form project
Dozens of logistical reason why someone is dropping out but your immediate first thought is "durrr must be numbers XD" if niggers like you had their way they'd do nothing but play minecraft, kill yourself

>> No.13038365

Doesn't Calli stay up all night until the stream starts? Maybe it would actually be better for her if it was earlier.

>> No.13038423

>It's always been bi-weekly retard

"Biweekly and bimonthly can mean the same thing because of the prefix bi-, which here can mean “occurring every two” or “occurring twice in.” Therefore, biweekly can be “twice in a week” or “every other week.” Bimonthly can also mean "every other week" if it's twice in a month, or it can mean “every other month.”

Within the occurrence of 4 weeks (28 consecutive days), this event happens twice

>> No.13038457

>ESL Deadbeat tries to cope

Even outside of VTubers there's a huge demand for 40k TTRPG streams. The problem is that the new lore and WANG essentially divided an already small player base. You either play the old lore (Dark Heresy 1/2, Rogue Trader, Deathwatch, Black Crusade, Only War) or you play new lore with a shitty system (WANG)

>> No.13038521

the fact the clipper is a nigger doesn't take away the fact that you are giant faggot kowkarot.

>> No.13038550

lmao imagine seriously thinking Hololive, a company that already has issues with permissions is going to get the thumbs up from 'new' (Old) GW

>> No.13038561

>More importantly. Who's going to enter?
Nobody, not before season's end anyway.
Can you stop advertising your channel already?
For Kiara the game regularly ends at 4 - 5 in the morning. Sometimes later when there's delays. She's among the few Holos that has long hours but also wants to get sleep in so she suffers the most.
The rest either have similar timezones or don't care or both.

>> No.13038564

It's Ame 100% but I hope it inspires others, like Kiara and Gura, to quit as well).
The icing on the cake would be if Mori starts working overtime (>5%) on the campaign to try and stop the ship from sinking but she loses confidence and has trouble sleeping at night knowing her main contribution to hololive ended as a pathetic failure that not even her own genmates wanted to pretend was enjoyable.

>> No.13038626

Gonna say Kiara cause of timezone issues.

>> No.13038959

coin toss between Ame and Ina for me

>> No.13038998

I'm just here for the gossip, but is that how they really play? Why not use a game system like roll20, tabletop simulator or tale spire?

>> No.13039075

They originally used Foundry but Mori couldn't figure that out despite people giving her tutorials to read. Then she moved to Roll20, where she again refused to learn the tool despite people trying to get her to use the built-in character sheets, macros, and other rollers. She puts in minimal effort that even the shitty, flakey GMs on roll20 beat on a regular basis.

>> No.13039096

this reads like a woman/troon post

>> No.13039148 [DELETED] 

I'm more of a man than you will ever be, incel.

>> No.13039206

He goes pee pee standing up!

>> No.13039290


>> No.13039335

>Numbernigger doesn't have an argument and tires to deflect

>> No.13039386

>Implying everyone who doesn't agree with you is a numbers boogeyman
Take your meds.

>> No.13039419

I'm sure your testicles hang majestically, ma'am

>> No.13039560

>is a numbers boogeyman
You literally brought up numbers in the first place, unless you aren't that guy and if that's the case why the fuck are you arguing in his place?

>> No.13039569

I think Irys is a serious candidate as well

>> No.13039733

I wouldn’t be surprised if IRyS has already sat in on some TTRPG sessions with Mori offcollab. Might’ve even had some some short 1 on 1 campaigns to get familiar, if she was seriously considering joining.

>> No.13039754

Vtubing is a niche hobby slowly reaching mainstream, and the ttrpg has been here for decades but they're not exactly mainstream especially if you're talking about niche ones like World of Darkness, so it's easy to conclude ttrpg vtubers are double the filter because the overlap between the two fanbases aren't exactly large. But because they don't overlap, there is plenty of room for growth in two ways; One, bringing ttrpgs to vtubing, and two introducing vtuber fans to ttrpgs. What Mori does, as an English vtuber of a large company, is a great service exactly because of those two reasons. There is no one else with both reach and autism to do what she does.

>> No.13039964

>most /HMG/ have been pretty positive
>current thread devolves into a shitshow
>Calli guested on TT again
Oh, I see. All makes sense now. That podcast really stirs up this board.

Fuck, I completely forgot about Irys. Easy insert with her being in Calli's timezone. Odd model choice aside, she's been a pretty amazing addition to the roster.

>> No.13040149

>That podcast really stirs up this board.
Only between the hours of 6pm and 10am eastern for some reason...very curious!

>> No.13040442


It usually ends at 3:30am her time and usually she's at least an hour asleep by then. At least.
She streams a shitton so even a night of sleep lost impacts her for up to 3 days.
I fucking hate rratpeddlers so fucking much.
It might of course be that Kiara decides to stick it out and Ina or Ame leave but ranking Kiara as among he least likely is beyond braindead.

>> No.13040465
File: 3.33 MB, 2764x1794, Gura the Dark Lady.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To stoke a little discussion, some helpful anon took Gura's original concept and made a character sheet for it. A shame a system like Deviant or Geist is more complex than Hunter, if they could get versed enough in the mechanics, they would have a lot more fun making more fantastical PCs. Hunter's ease of access dampens the experience a little.

>> No.13040504
File: 563 KB, 572x1634, Gura the Dark Lady Extra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13040776

Why no Council?

>> No.13040791
File: 425 KB, 1600x3100, Tiara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shame. For all the hate birb gets, she probably puts in the most raw energy and sweat-n-blood work into her holo gig.

>> No.13040846


>> No.13040895

That list is a copy/paste in my Huntermyth files. I only listed the ones who have expressed overt interest in TTRPG, but any of the EN members would be a welcome addition.

Time to stir up the autists, but I'd be open to a Nijinigger or Vshoujo hopping in if they were passionate about the project. We all know what would come of that, though.

>> No.13041349
File: 119 KB, 392x495, 1475862220232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did she have to say this on a Saturday stream? I don't if it was Sunday for her now due to time zone fuckery so I don't know if we have to wait for a total of 4 weeks or 5 weeks for the next session happen.

>> No.13041609

I don't think anyone would be mad if Milky joined.

>> No.13041653

>playing anything other than Dindy
>not gettign blocked
roru roru

>> No.13041759
File: 859 KB, 1763x2310, Huntermyth Party18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw something in the chat and just decided to strike up a convo on it. In the end it's a slow burn or massive gutpunch all at once. I would have preferred departures / scripted deaths be kept a secret for the sake of good storytelling (even though we all know Watoto is marked for death).

I'm pretty split on it, honestly. Huntermyth is much more ambitious than people give it credit for, and seeing how much of a labor of love it is for the GM really draws me to it and makes me want to believe it will thrive. The project's biggest scuff bounced back and we got the best episode of the season. It's not a matter of acting talent or competence (although a little more preprep wouldn't hurt, JFC Calli there's a whole community out here willing to do the work and ask nothing in return), technology and logistics have been their biggest hurdles.

>> No.13043499
File: 2.87 MB, 2816x996, Beginning All.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kino fanart coming through.

>> No.13044799

Unless she was still playing with dolls as a 15+ year old, I doubt that.

>> No.13045445

>DM and organizer. 0% chance.
Kek, this would suck, but it would be objectively hilarious.

>Hey guys. Mythbreakers is taking a break, because someone is dropping out. It's me, faggots, see you later. Fauna will be your new GM.

>> No.13046703

>Fauna turns it into a shounen anime

>> No.13047388

Ame for sure. She always seem like the most disinterested but remains as an obligation.

>> No.13049852
File: 728 KB, 3840x2160, Huntermyth Party11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ducking out for the night, got a trial to watch tomorrow. Thread was productive discussion, thanks to OP for making. Will see you guys when the next session approaches. Stay vigilant, Hunters.

>> No.13051687

They should do Battletech. Some of the mechs are based on Shoji Kawamori's designs so there's a Japanese connection.

>> No.13052900

Battletech is too crunchy for these girls, and for a streamed environment. Even Lancer, the shitty mecha game that the colored hair types push, isn't stream material unless you just don't do any mecha fighting.

>> No.13054073 [SPOILER] 
File: 92 KB, 233x208, 1610034306146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah. The best mech rpg is refluffed DnD 4.

>> No.13054335

It's Ina, and it's not because she doesn't enjoy it, she has to saviorfag her friend sana and collab with her more, TTRPG is just an obstacle for that

>> No.13054591

I didn't realize a once a month (if that) collab was that straining for her schedule.

>> No.13056960

Notice how often Cali tells her that her role playing is so good and she's really starting to get into it.
Ame clearly does not actually enjoy it.
I'd be VERY surprised if Ina chose to, and Kiara seems pretty invested too with how into min-maxing she's gotten.
Gura could leave but she seems to be having some fun with it.
