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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 89 KB, 413x631, sana dead dog superchat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13018126 No.13018126 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13018147

dangerously based if real

>> No.13018154

>why are retards retards?

>> No.13018175

>why are subhumans subhuman?

>> No.13018180

nice shoop nerd

>> No.13018188


>> No.13018196


>> No.13018209
File: 318 KB, 583x818, 1622960029310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>currency symbol
This is why Ayame is like this.

>> No.13018213

It's not fucking based. Joking about someone's dead pet is something you should never do

>> No.13018218

damn man, thats ruff
give Sana my love

>> No.13018230

t. Sana

>> No.13018234

She didn't even read it and it got instantly deleted, get your panties out of a twist.

>> No.13018242

What an utterly based individual we have here

>> No.13018268


>> No.13018273

its a little based, fortunately she never saw it. think her manager was watching the stream and removed it

>> No.13018297

It's based but taking the information outside of 4chan is retarded idea, just look at /v/ do now. One of them has been harrased the gloomy girl from GSG

>> No.13018302

Absolutely based. Astonishingly based even.

>> No.13018338
File: 141 KB, 392x600, de87346d75e995ccfbc71d7b23b7e4fad007ff89.90371-ela-600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not even a shop
Jesus, anyone have a timestamp?

>> No.13018832
File: 22 KB, 360x360, 1631985856196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13018850

one month break over a dead dog is retarded

>> No.13018877

t. psychopath who has never owned a pet
How does it feel knowing you will never build a relationship because of your own lack of feelings?

>> No.13018881
File: 34 KB, 400x400, Q7eiGiJz_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incredibly based

>> No.13018899

>How does it feel knowing you will never build a relationship because of your own lack of feelings?
did this sentence make sentence to you while you were typing it out?

>> No.13018907

The idea that Ayame is some gigastacy slutty bitch who needs to be put in her place turns me on like no other.

>> No.13018915

>did this sentence make sentence
The sentence makes perfect sense, you're just an ESL.

>> No.13018929

>Schizo was just trying to cheer her up


>> No.13018953

Meanwhile I've seen people come back to streaming sooner after their own mother died.
Hell I got back to doing my shit after my GF died sooner than Sana did
There's being sad and then there's a clear mental health issue

>> No.13018972

Genuinely what is wrong with you? Losing a pet is rough, she probably knew that dog for as long as she could remember. Making fun of her is sick, especially while she's still vulnerable. This is 100% one of you faggots who sent this, I seriously hate this fucking place sometimes.

>> No.13018976

Wtf, I Love Ayame now

>> No.13019023

>not the hecking pupperinos!!
lmaoing @ ur ded dog sana

>> No.13019041

It's just a joke bro relax

>> No.13019069


>> No.13019078

I agree anon but I also think you should calm down and have sex. Good day sir.

>> No.13019083 [DELETED] 
File: 173 KB, 680x858, 1c6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>not the hecking pupperinos!!
>lmaoing @ ur ded dog sana

>> No.13019091

>I seriously hate this fucking place sometimes.
then leave pussy and take your dead dog with you

>> No.13019092

"Tell me you should kill yourselves without telling me you should kill yourselves"

>> No.13019113

Anon, it was a fucking month.
Even if that dog was literally the only thing that got her through her life up until this point, which I HIGHLY doubt, a whole month is still too long.

>> No.13019123

The word "based" has lost all meaning

>> No.13019134

It’s pretty Reddit. These nigs would do anything for a dopamine rush…

>> No.13019160 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 427x494, 1616802844125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon, it was a fucking month.
>Even if that dog was literally the only thing that got her through her life up until this point, which I HIGHLY doubt, a whole month is still too long

>> No.13019178

So what? People grieve for different amounts of time. The fact she needed a month off must have meant she really cared about her dog, making this superchat even more sick.

>> No.13019202

I think this post was meant for>>13019113

>> No.13019223

I know this place is full of schizos and retards but you genuinely need help. If you can't then end it

>> No.13019224

What a madlad

And all those normies seething in this thread. Brilliant

>> No.13019245

based. it was inevitable since there are containment breakers here and there was already a change of tides on sympathy for people - especially regarding pets, see Gura's lets gooo clip,

>> No.13019271


>> No.13019277

Tell me you have thin skin and have been pampered without telling me you have thin skin and have been pampered

>> No.13019278

Go jerk off to animal abuse on bestgore.com you retard.

>> No.13019282

sanalites were saying how based she was for telling people to fuck off for taking a months break, but now they're crying in the thread over a single superchat KEK

>> No.13019308

Having basic human decency is not "being a normie". If it is, I don't mind being a normie.

>> No.13019325

Don't believe everything you read son. Considering everytime /vt/ throws shit on the wall there's always sane folk like you going "but why" to literal schizophrenics.

>> No.13019326 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 478x642, images (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sanalites were saying how based she was for telling people to fuck off for taking a months break, but now they're crying in the thread over a single superchat KEK

>> No.13019330

No fucking shit, newfag. End thy existance.

>> No.13019331

I don't even know who this bitch is and I find this appalling even by 4chan standards.

>> No.13019332

the faggots are like this precisely because they are faggots

>> No.13019358


>> No.13019368

>still using newfag

>> No.13019377

I understand. If 4chan standards are not to your taste, may I perhaps recommend a website called Reddit? It may be more welcoming for people such as yourself.

>> No.13019389

this is where id use the wojak if i had any. too bad the one here is a plebbitor who is unironically using redditor wojaks to make fun off 4chan

>> No.13019392

>basic human decency
this is søyjak-worthy

>> No.13019418

He's right though.

>> No.13019429

Woah anon you’re so bazed, now let’s go back to R*ddit fellow r*dditbro

>> No.13019444

>still being a smartass on the internet
GTFO newfag reddit tourist

>> No.13019447

i think general lurkers broke containment and are getting btfo'd by shitposters. go back to general boys, your lot and redditors (the much more vast majority of fans) all find this 'appalling', just don't expect tards here to have 'basic human decency'.

>> No.13019455

Anon… just admit your defeat

>> No.13019469
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>> No.13019481
File: 90 KB, 720x540, 1297913364111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you think a person spending a whole month doing nothing but being so sad she can't do anything is too much you MUST be an animal abuser
Get your black/white morality head out of your ass you fucking man or womanchild. Nobody is saying she shouldn't have been sad, but it's the fact she took a whole month to be sad when people have spent less time greiving over their human loved ones they've known longer.
If you do it's a sign you have a problem, and you enabling this problem is only making her weaker in the long run. What if Sana gets married and has kids, should she kill herself if her husband dies? Leave her kids to fend for themselves because she was too sad? No she needs to toughen up and help those kids live a life that would make the memory of their father worth it.
There is a line between being sad and being an emotional wreck and Sana was clearly in the latter. Fuck you and your entire generation's horrid mentality

>> No.13019496

is this raid ?
I saw basedjak everywhare

>> No.13019525

It could be some random g*ok that’s trying desperately to fit in or it could be maybe some random falseflagger because no way g*oks can speak that much english

>> No.13019528

Yea. A redditor raid.

>> No.13019535


>> No.13019536

>black/white morality
not the guy but stopped reading there, you also belong to plebbit.

>> No.13019542

>not making fun of someone's dead dog
>Reddit tier

>> No.13019547
File: 312 KB, 373x362, FML.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then what the fuck's she gonna do if a family member dies? Leave the internet forever?

>> No.13019564 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 386x386, ENvA-C4WsAEx_vr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's called basic human decency

>> No.13019576
File: 254 KB, 350x426, 16197729429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What gets me the most was that her first stream back was a monetised dedicated reading stream she made a big deal out of.
Understandable she would want to talk to her fans after her long break, but it was intentionally formatted in such a way that she KNEW she would be getting a large amount of super chats. She made like $4k that stream.
Could have done anything, draw, play a game. But nope, she chose to milk the pity superchats..

>> No.13019587

>I find this appalling even by 4chan standards.
Then go to twitter with the other faggots

>> No.13019591

unironically, yes. do you know where you are?

>> No.13019601

If it's anything less than a month, it means she was fucking the dog.

>> No.13019603

The designated vtuber Reddit colony

>> No.13019624

>itt moralfags vs. fedoratards
It's like I'm right inside the circus

>> No.13019629
File: 47 KB, 1280x720, 1608395359866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no need to be an asshole to her like that.

>> No.13019632
File: 161 KB, 374x452, 1525417203651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, me

>> No.13019637
File: 102 KB, 1025x1118, 1636513119022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

animal worshipers aren't human
you pigs don't understand what it's like losing something of actual importance so you force yourselves to be sad over a mere animal
shame on all of you

>> No.13019641

Did she react or at least wince when she saw that?

>> No.13019643


>> No.13019644

Yes it is, and you're utterly hopeless if you don't understand why. Here's a hint, if you think one person in a group being bad means the whole group is bad, then all of humanity is bad because there is no such thing as a group with solely good and solely bad people.

>> No.13019652

Nope, was instantly deleted.

>> No.13019659

Ina is fucking boring

>> No.13019666

Remember when 4channers got a guy arrested from a 10 second clip of him abusing his dog? We like pets here fuck off

>> No.13019667
File: 2.00 MB, 498x280, 1632992044386.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those moralfags thinking that dead dog is equivalent to dead mother and cancer
I bet you cry when someone misgenders you faggots

>> No.13019668

Nice projection.

>> No.13019669

>not streaming for a month=abandoning her kids after her father dies.
Are you alright anon? Something you wanna share with us?

>> No.13019672
File: 1011 KB, 900x675, 1635192938316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13019676

>send money
>message deleted
>money stolen

>> No.13019680

WTF?! I thought all dogs went to heaven, what are you doing in this hellhole?

>> No.13019682

>Yes men seething
Cool, Sana deserves more SC like that.

>> No.13019684

Ina is the only reason Sana is in Hololive. Cope.

>> No.13019688

She told her fans to fuck off. Council Kiara deserves all this and more.

>> No.13019693

I take no responsibility for what a worst korea slime does. Don't drag me into this.

>> No.13019701
File: 65 KB, 417x472, medal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and humansupremacistpilled

>> No.13019705

why not simply post some webms of animals being abused since we are at it you edgelords.

>> No.13019723

Re-read and read slower.

>> No.13019728

Hit the nail on the head. KYS. Nobody watches Ina

>> No.13019731

Wow that's fucking based. More vtubers should do that

>> No.13019740

>joking about a dead dog = abusing a live one
You retards are something else.

>> No.13019753 [DELETED] 
File: 1.42 MB, 563x1224, sana yab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will you retards believe literally everything you see? Are you forgetting that Sana said THIS?

>> No.13019757

ITT: White Knights/Simps/Redditors forgetting the website they're in

>> No.13019770

it did get posted in this site until hiromoot got btfo by new internet laws(or something along those lines).
im willing to hazard a guess, that these seething morons wouldn't budge an eye if china webms were posted (and they were.).

falseflagging or not, lets make things clear. this is NOT the site OR board to virtue signal.

>> No.13019782

Jesus christ, what a cunt.

>> No.13019788

humans are horrible just deal with it
I'd skin alive and push needles into the eyes of every person posting on vt if I could get away with it.
Why not? idgaf

>> No.13019790

The place where it LOVE cats! 4chan(nel)!

>> No.13019799
File: 14 KB, 225x225, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vtuber makes fun of superchatter's dog dying
>superchatter makes fun of vtuber's dog dying

>> No.13019800
File: 204 KB, 494x1214, 1636314426019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13019810

pretty sure it was prob some flat earth rant. (EPIC!!!!!111), i hate how she gets the /nasa/ tag btw when Clear Usui is actually space based.

>> No.13019817

Woah fucking based

>> No.13019821

I don't know how to react to this. I wanna both scold them and yell "LETS GOOOO"

>> No.13019824

Time and place you monkey.

>> No.13019829

I guess he thought that was funny

>> No.13019834


>> No.13019843

Fuck you

>> No.13019850

That's why I'm inclined to believe the rrat it was actually a boyfriend and she had to lie because it'd kill her career on HL dead if she said the truth.
It would make a lot more sense to take the month off if that was the case

>> No.13019851

>not using the lowest amount of superchat
>not using the lowest currency
i can respect that

>> No.13019862

I can't believe Sana said this.. graduation when?

>> No.13019875

You are literally autistic if you think these two situations are remotely comparable

>> No.13019882 [DELETED] 

Chumtourists even stick around /vt/

>> No.13019889

holy shit why is every thread outside of the generals and global such a fucking trashfire

>> No.13019905

Remember all the other animal abuse clips that no one here did shit about?

>> No.13019913

Chumtourists don’t even stick around /vt/

>> No.13019915

Sanacucks got some explaining to do. Ironically this matches up with a lot of critical information pertaining to her roommate. Surprised more people aren't talking about this.

>> No.13019928
File: 42 KB, 661x464, 2818828383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Absolutely based. Astonishingly based even.
> What an utterly based individual we have here

>> No.13019947

Oh nononono... not like this sanabros..

>> No.13019954

You don’t shit where you eat

>> No.13019960

Fuck yourself.

>> No.13019962

Do you just want 4chan to do society's work for it?

>> No.13019966


> holy shit why's all of 4chan dot org such a fucking trashfire

>> No.13019969

Don't click this image

>> No.13019978 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 168x192, 154747382994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Tell me you have thin skin and have been pampered without telling me you have thin skin and have been pampered

>> No.13019983

Tell me you came from reddit without tell me you came from reddit you faggot.

Go fuck yourself

>> No.13019995


>> No.13020008


>> No.13020014

shes gmi bros...

>> No.13020041

>outside of the generals and global

>> No.13020047


>> No.13020074
File: 31 KB, 480x480, 164738105758394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> ITT: White Knights/Simps/Redditors forgetting the website they're in

>> No.13020077


>> No.13020083

No way this is real

>> No.13020088

The best fucking bait ever

>> No.13020101

>i seriously hate this fucking place sometimes
Well theres your problem
Do you even think people in here would give sympathy to others? All we do is just shitposting nigga

>> No.13020111

I fucking hate you.

>> No.13020125

Shit, now I gotta reply

>> No.13020145


Okay, shitty wojakposter

>> No.13020152

I mean sure they're not much better and suffer from retards taking bait and tourist drive-bys whenever there's a le epic yab but they usually tend to have people who are interested in talking about vtubers and not to constant (You) factories. There are obvious some exceptions but still.

>> No.13020172


Hateposting is a sickness

>> No.13020190

holy based kek

>> No.13020207

Alot of you faggots in here need to actually rope. Lowest cesspool of humanity in this fucking thread

>> No.13020209
File: 30 KB, 600x864, 16374818394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> animal worshipers aren't human
you pigs don't understand what it's like losing something of actual importance so you force yourselves to be sad over a mere animal
shame on all of you

>> No.13020218
File: 320 KB, 420x420, 1635396235946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oi, jannies.

>> No.13020222
File: 159 KB, 1080x1235, 128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13020229


>> No.13020230

I wouldn't be friends with someone who thinks it's funny to torment another person who did nothing to deserve it. It's detestable and morally bankrupt.

>> No.13020326
File: 259 KB, 305x349, CCC83886-5643-4516-A4D2-86E6E9091EE2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still remember when Shion's cat died and the thread became a dumpster fire after people started complaining about shitposters. This thread is going in the same direction
Moralfags take everything they read in a Mongolian basket weaving forum at face value without realizing they're adding fuel to the flames. Amazing how a bunch of anonymous retards in a site known for trolling can out redditors losing their heads over the (apparent) notion if people being insensitive towards a dead pet
The SC may be peak faggotry, but after reading this thread now I find it quite funny

>> No.13020363

Dogs are annoying. Birds are superior.

>> No.13020370

Holy Shit, who fucking cares you retard

>> No.13020375
File: 565 KB, 1076x1076, 1635217199923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this might be unironically bad(?) for this board, this containment break is pretty damn visible. we might get brigaded(more than we already are)

is this the legendary self-wojak?

>> No.13020391

why are the KFP like this

>> No.13020399


>> No.13020416

I know you're a newfag because 4chan has always made fun of edgy faggots like you

>> No.13020452

/vt/ is already mainstream. People just don't admit to it.
"Let's go" is not a property of /vt/.

>> No.13020482

Newsflash. /vt/ is not the only shizo central for vtubers.

>> No.13020493

parrots are based

>> No.13020501

xD xD xD
>I know you're a newfag
Wasn't that obvious?
>because 4chan has always made fun of edgy faggots
Tell me something I don't know
>like you
You seem confused

>> No.13020510

/vt/ stole that from chat. Like how they steal many things from other communities.

>> No.13020517

have you retards even read what that anon said? are you SEA?
youre right about the 'lets go'. just thinking about if this board gets scapegoated for that SC.

>> No.13020538

What a legend

>> No.13020565

I genuinely don't understand why someone would do that. What has she ever done to you? I can only imagine someone giggling at home about it hoping for clout and approval from other schizos. People really are messed up.

>> No.13020570

this board has been talking about sending a SC since her dog was first mentioned but no one actually sent one until now

>> No.13020574

>Anonymous seething at his Reddit boogeyman
4chancucks… I thought you guys were based…

>> No.13020585

>Words hurt boohoo
Kill yourself.

>> No.13020606
File: 77 KB, 400x636, sannns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fake.

>> No.13020615

>People really are messed up
bubbleboy or incredibly based falseflagger.

>> No.13020628

i support and approve his message

>> No.13020636
File: 49 KB, 611x680, A18D10F3-296F-4782-BC0F-A7456104605E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying I'm the one seething about Reddit

>> No.13020653

Nigga you cried because someone insulted your haircut at school but you got the nerve to say that shit now? Smdh

>> No.13020662


The cringe tards saying cringe

>> No.13020690

What do you want to say? Based? To their own freaking oshi?

>> No.13020693

Greentexting is slightly Reddit so I think you’re Reddit

>> No.13020739



>> No.13020760

Why the fuck not, are you a retard faggot?

>> No.13020764

Don't worry about it.

>> No.13020786

One of those "please give me (you)s" posts.

>> No.13020805

4chan wins again

>> No.13020811

roommate stuff

>> No.13020841


>> No.13020889
File: 135 KB, 1018x1371, 4EE9F445-B599-4FF8-8CD1-E398FDEA473E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13020944

Lmao, you 4channelers are so gullible!

>> No.13021017

No its not based, its cringe.
Because you are still PAYING HER to send le mean message

>> No.13021061
File: 67 KB, 1024x576, file.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nearly 200 posts in
It's too late..

>> No.13021110

kuyashii.. if only a single one of us watched streams

>> No.13021116

Time for another month off?

>> No.13021137

God damnit...

>> No.13021154

Dogs are shit tier pets and animals.

>> No.13021215
File: 241 KB, 444x383, 1614711583626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that filename

>> No.13021283

you really think it was a dog that died?

>> No.13021383

holy shit she sees her family member as a dog?????

>> No.13021400

t. woman
Dogs are the best, they'll actually protect you if someone breaks into your home.

>> No.13021431

Yeah, and a shrimp fried that rice too

>> No.13021435

my pug would bark at them hiding under the bed

>> No.13021529

That's more than a cat would do. It would just lay it's ass around or maybe even help the criminal.

>> No.13021599


Said no one ever

>> No.13021618

No we definitely beat Shia.

>> No.13021626

Not every dog would do that.

>> No.13021627

Uhhhh, Redditkek??? Reddit IS *flexes muscles* THTA WAY

>> No.13021630

Let's go kill animals

>> No.13021654



>> No.13021656

She literally told retards like him to go fuck themselves. I agree that it's a fucked up thing to do, but it's not like it was unprovoked. Don't tell people to go fuck themselves if you can't take what they have to say in return, at the very least.

>> No.13021713

Yes but there are certainly more than there would be
And whatever other common pet you can think that would do it.

>> No.13021735

i miss my ferrets, they go straight for the ankles

>> No.13021749

>Don't tell people to go fuck themselves if you can't take what they have to say in return
This is the worst to say that in given all these fedora tippers can't any criticism and would rather coddle Sana like they themselves were so she remains an easily broken mess.

>> No.13021804

holy shit the retards seething at this is amazing

>> No.13021906

Learn2english faggot

>> No.13022229

Why would anyone want to watch Sanas streams?

>> No.13022247


>> No.13022265

>yt in korean
fuck off gook

>> No.13022453

Sometimes you guys are cool KR bros
