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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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12960219 No.12960219 [Reply] [Original]

This is the writing thread, for all of your fanfiction needs and desires. Check the archives below for everything the thread has put out so far, ranging from SFW to NSFW, fluff to tragedy, small literary works and shitposts alike!

Collective works so far are available in the archive:

>Isn't this just you fuckers writing fanfiction, eh?
Previous thread:>>12858689

>> No.12960238
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>> No.12960273
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Do you have a story like you'd like to see written? Reply to this post with it! Try to be as clear and concise as possible; the better you describe your idea, the more likely it is to be picked up!

Consider forwarding your prompt to the prompt archive to keep your idea safe and alive forever! No information is gathered - it's all completely anonymous. Use the form below:

Curious to see the prompt archive? Check it out here if you need a little more inspiration!

>> No.12960646

No More Heroes but with chuubas fighting to be number 1.

>> No.12960831
File: 111 KB, 571x769, 1636384948937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit choice. Should have used catbro, stacy, or Namiji.

>> No.12960859

Just dropping by to say Nene love

>> No.12962861

Nene fat tits

>> No.12964484

Is this the nene that got blacked?

>> No.12964889


>> No.12964930

what the fuck?

>> No.12965267

Fuck man, I just had a nightmare in which I was inside my own series universe and it was terrifying. I wish I could convey the raw emotions of fear and suspense I felt into my stories. It feels demoralising knowing you'll never be able to truly get down your emotions and thoughts onto the paper.

>> No.12966513

Just because you can't doesn't mean you shouldn't try anon. It's better to fail and get better than to never try.

>> No.12966576

No, that's not true. If you don't try, you can never fail, and negatives are often much, much more severe than successes in life.

>> No.12966923

Post proof or link thread

>> No.12967011

ain't nobody here to spoonfeed you, gretorp

>> No.12967091

Arurururu please stream more...

>> No.12967184

Ah, the old "is it worse to love and lose it or to never love at all?" argument. I think it's very important to experience loss as it matures you as a person. I changed a lot from my awful experiences of the past. That being said, I still ended up in here with you all the same so who the fuck knows if it even matters.

>> No.12967253

>Just did my reps in the past few thread
>Found nothing
Yeah okay fag

>> No.12967386

Then shut the fuck up. Admitting that you couldn't find shit is not something to be proud of faggot. The thread had roughly 160 replies and was up for 2 days and you still missed it. He had 8 "victims" and there was discussion of virtual rape and if it is a thing.

>> No.12967686

No that was a different Nene

>> No.12967716


>> No.12969096

(You) go on a quest to impregnate all the younger holos.

>> No.12969106

Imagine the shitstorm if Hololive's Nene was actually the one getting blacked by that guy.

>> No.12969182

Well, now that you mention it...

>> No.12969204

Can we get a fic about Holos coalburning in Roppongi?

>> No.12969266

I still can't believe that guy managed to black 8 Vtubers. One of them was even popular. Makes you wonder how much you really know about the chuuba you're watching...

>> No.12969332

Yep. 8 chuubas, lost forever to black phallus. You know they won't be able to go back. They're good as done for.

>> No.12969373

Why would I ever want to do this?

>> No.12969434

Oh, sorry, forgot your kind exists - but you know the Holostars can't actually get pregnant, right?

>> No.12969508

Haha get it he's calling you gay

>> No.12969702

Which guy is that?

>> No.12970072

I wonder how the Holofantasy and Holocalypse anons are doing...

>> No.12970391
File: 1.56 MB, 1160x1572, 1636826634283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lamy warmly inviting you to embrace her.

Hope that's not enough to win a free vacation to tropical island from meidos, tity and vergana are not visible

>> No.12970414

still awaiting the results of those foreboding dice rolls...

>> No.12970420
File: 303 KB, 1430x1950, hololive botan 184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, it's just me. lionfag. Hag love, etc.

>> No.12970448

We've had waaaaaay worse and gotten away with it - bugchama comes to mind here. Or just look at basically the entire cunny thread.

>> No.12970477

Meant to tag (You) as well, whoops. I'm really tired.

>> No.12970510

Her rancid clam probably has wrinkled, sagging flaps with the texture of leather handbags and her womb cobwebs inside it.

Why would you want to hit that? She might have a heart attack on top of you, or at least slip a disc in her back.

>> No.12970606

Stop trying to turn me on, because it's working.

>> No.12970836

Womb cobwebs? So it hasn't been used in a while? Why she's most likely reverted back to being like a virgin then!

>> No.12970995

Should we tell him?

>> No.12971020

somebody's gotta clean her out

>> No.12971138

>He doesn't know that pure hags who haven't had sex in years regrow their hymens
You're acting retarded on purpose, aren't you?

>> No.12973232

Fubuki thighs worship

>> No.12973382

Fubuki tail worship

>> No.12973778

Fubuki spade worship.

>> No.12974050

Mofu mofu

>> No.12974180
File: 110 KB, 850x1552, FubukiTail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The unspeakable things I would to that tail...

>> No.12974450

I want to help Fubuki out with cleaning her tail in the bath, then groom it after we're both out of the bathroom, bury my face in her and use it as a soft pillow whenever Fubuki lets me lay on her lap

>> No.12975353

I wanna splash paint on her tail with a bucket right after she comes out of a hair salon.

>> No.12975441

I wanna put a post it note over the little star so it's just out of her reach and watch as she continuously flicks her tail to try and get it off

>> No.12975539

I want to change her fur shampoo with muratic acid and watch as she gets extremely confused from her fur rapidly falling off everytime she takes a bath.

>> No.12975643
File: 286 KB, 90x90, FumiShock.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want you to never post again

>> No.12975794

I want to punch her in the stomach until she throws up and then rub her face in it.

>> No.12975826

I want to cum in her food for years and watch her reaction as I tell her

>> No.12977881

It'll be a bit. Without blogposting in detail, there's very little free time lately. Sorry.

>> No.12978158

hey that's cool, glad you're still interested in it

>> No.12978888

Definitely, don't worry about that. Writing a little at a time when I can. I want to say it's maybe 35 to 40% done but there are some other things relating to it I'm drafting out when I can.

>> No.12978903

How's all the writeanons doing? Anything planned to come out soon? Looking forward to the next chapter of Cover High and Girl-boss Watson myself, what about the rest of you guys?

>> No.12979175
File: 279 KB, 850x1211, RushiaGift.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too many fics, too little time. That "meeting Gen 3 and getting a flood of memories from a past life" prompt will probably be what I release next.

>> No.12979277

Not great, to be perfectly honest. I’m really regretting foreshadowing and hyping up such a big backstory for the main character in Holocalypse, I kinda wish I’d made him a blank slate.
Not properly planning the whole story out before writing hasn’t helped either, because this whole thing is turning into a slow motion train wreck.

>> No.12980131

How is this situation even fair? If you refuse you know you will immediately get one crying girl and 4 potential killers after you within seconds.

>> No.12980897

It's best to explain the backstory of the main character early on so you can know his motivations and shit. Usually this advice isn't amazing but when it comes to a self insertish MC, it's probably the best way to go about it IMO.

>> No.12983323

Didn't have much time to write this week, so I'm kinda behind what I had planned.

>> No.12985865

Yeah the chapter I’m writing now is about his backstory, which is why I’m agonising over it

>> No.12988060

Fine, keep your formula, mystery man. I will figure out the math eventually

>> No.12988209

Just add a theoretical "dark number" to make yourself right. Now you're thinking like a physicist!

>> No.12991271

Taking the time to wrap up a lot of things I pushed aside over the last few months but now are coming back to bite me in the ass (as usual), so no real progress on anything this last week.

I hate taxes I hate taxes

>> No.12991370

just don't pay them

>> No.12992936

I mean in fairness to you that is a problem endemic to most fanfictions in general since planning shit doesn't really matter for lots of things made spur of the moment, and only bites fanfic writers in the ass when it turns out the thing they're making actually did need some planning later.

>> No.12993916

That's why when it comes to unplanned foreshadowing you should be very vague about it. A name or title drop, maybe a character backstory you'll meet later when they have completely changed into someone else. Things that you can't get fucked by later.

>> No.12994213

What do you imagine when you hear the name "Big Bertha"? Cause I have a very clear image of it due to some things I saw but I have no idea if my vision is the same as yours.

>> No.12994402

That big ass manned turret from Borderlands 2

>> No.12994426

I dunno about you but I see Big Bird from Sesame Street

>> No.12994462

A very ugly fat woman. Why?

>> No.12994498

A World War 1 era railway gun

>> No.12994624

Yeah, it's certainly come back to bite me, and not just backstory foreshadowing. There's a lot of things I wish I had introduced/hadn't introduced in the first few chapters which would have made things a lot better. At this point I've accepted that Holocalypse is probably going to end up a shit show, so I'll just make the most of it and use it as a way to improve my writing and get feedback.

>> No.12994755

I'm not paying shit (capital losses wooooo) but they're two years behind and since I owe physical property the IRS can come to my door and molest my butthole over, it's not in my best interests to let it go any longer.

>> No.12994808

Just buy a gun, then.

>> No.12994860

Either a big bomb, big cannon, or a fat lady.

>> No.12995093
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I see. Well, it's not terrifically different. The ones who know about its origin or an adaptation of it imagine as this big threat whilst the ones who haven't heard of it imagine regular fat things. There's a boss called Bertha in a game called Iron Brigade I used to play, some weird big and mean spider creature. That's the thing that I always imagine when I think of the name. Don't think I'll use it tho, I'll think of something else.

>> No.12995239
File: 717 KB, 2000x1704, Hololive Reality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well consider my interest piqued, got any hints on what this fic's gonna be about (specific girl, romance, setting, etc.) or is it gonna be a surprise? Either way, I'm looking forward to this fic.

I'm of the opinion that you never really know what your story's gonna be about until you've written it, doubly so for fanfiction or ongoing works since, like the other anon said, most of the things we write are spur of the moment events so don't beat yourself up too much for this.

>> No.12995515
File: 285 KB, 343x394, 35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon I could probably single-handedly arm a rebel force in a small African nation

>> No.12995566

In that case, I don't see the issue?

>> No.12995673
File: 8 KB, 320x180, Head empty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, but I'm definitely not beating myself up too much. I'm just going to have as much fun as I can with this absolute mess of a story.

>> No.12995758

I hope you convince anon to pull a Waco.

>> No.12995820

I mean you could plan everything out and make it 'top down'... but like that kind of style is for novels and shit, not for fanfiction.

>> No.12996648

He should dedicate it to his oshi

>> No.12997101
File: 135 KB, 850x1200, RushiaKnife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the girls will be important to (You), but the original prompt was just Rushia so she'll be the one you're closest with.

It's mainly gonna be about how it would be to suddenly have five very dear friends and an entire life's worth of memory and how you feel like you might have let them down in your past life

As for setting it'll be in a modern time but your previous life will be a pretty clear fantasy world.

>> No.13000750
File: 200 KB, 1468x2048, FD-zlk9aQAM86oK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you guys aren't feeling motivated, just remember. Migo is built for rough babymaking sex.

>> No.13000916

You say that as if it's something you should be proud of.

>> No.13001047

I absolutely MUST impregnate Miko!

>> No.13001066

>making retarded hapa babies with migo

>> No.13001164

Explaining the intricate and confusing lore of one of your favorite series to your stupid chuuba gf

>> No.13001288

didn't this already get written?

>> No.13002001

yeah with the elder scrolls iirc

>> No.13002025

a prompt getting written once doesn't mean it can't get written again

>> No.13002223

Yeah but that one was a bit too heavy on actual lore explanations (half baked lore explanations even given that the author of that fic didn't seem to actually know it) and not enough increasingly confused chuuba.

>> No.13002245

Now we at least know Moona would find you a disgusting degenerate for the stuff you write here about her.

>> No.13002343

I know I was just confused at seeing it again.

>> No.13002352

The solution is to make a story about Moona getting gangbanged by all the antis she's created with this statement on stream.

>> No.13002637

I don't know about that, she called chat degenerate but she didn't sound upset.

>> No.13002750
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breed the fox

>> No.13002852


>> No.13002881
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beat the fox

>> No.13003467

I want to pet Fubuki

>> No.13003725


>> No.13004543

Say a number between 1-3. Then say a number between 1k and 2k.

>> No.13004583


>> No.13004595


>> No.13004618

2, 1002

>> No.13004632


>> No.13004644

What is this force discussion shit?

>> No.13004726

Story number 2 it is. Average of words decided at 1.5k, thank you for your time.

>> No.13004738

This is usually AA doing stuff for HoloFantasy

>> No.13004747

Of course Marine can tie a cherry stem in her mouth, what was I expecting

>> No.13004804

not good. IRL bullshit's kicking my ass and my inspiration is shot

>> No.13004956

>How's all the writeanons doing?
I'm fine.

>Anything planned to come out soon?

>Looking forward to the next chapter of Cover High and Girl-boss Watson myself, what about the rest of you guys?
No, i'm not looking forward to anything.

>> No.13005021


>> No.13005206

I'm doing pretty well. I finally have gotten myself back into routine with a programmer course so I don't feel like I'm just wasting away anymore and wondering if I have depression. Have gotten myself into a good schedule too, I'm writing almost every single day and every Saturday I participate in the draw thread for reps.

As far as anything coming out goes, I am probably going to release a fic this week and maybe another next week. I do have a third story planned but I haven't started it yet so I have no clue when it will drop. Probably this month tho.

I would say I'm looking forward to some stuff but there's no way anyone is writing those things. As far as confirmed stories in the work goes, nothing of interest to me. Not like there's many choices to pick anyway. After being disappointed by Nursing Catto sequel I don't think I can bring myself to ask for Luna's Assistant part 2 anyway.

>> No.13005268

Disappointed? It was a masterpiece.

>> No.13005343

Not me.

>> No.13005484

Maybe I'm just not cut out for fluff, it was my first time reading a fluff story but DAMN was it boring. I don't think I ever dropped any stories up until that one. I don't even know if the sex is good because I was sleeping by the point I got halfway through the fic from them discussing icecream or some shit on TV. I think it takes someone with a special kind of damage to enjoy fluff for the fluff, I guess I just don't relate at all to the need of this wholesome warm cuddly gf stuff.

>> No.13005513

I get what you mean. Fluff is insanely boring on its own and I skip anything like that.

>> No.13006621

One, you're a buffoon. An Idiot. An absolute moron.

Two, it'd be Luna's Assistant part 8

>> No.13006690

How come?

>> No.13006735

Ohhh nyooo!!1! Opinions?!!! In my hugbox thread??

>> No.13006874

You don't get it, and you not getting it is what makes you an ape, a chimp even, amongst men.

Or Luna's Assistant is split into seven parts because I don't know which you're questioning.

*Cums on you*

>> No.13007304
File: 59 KB, 719x707, 1630251830147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bananas tomatos whatever. Separating your story into chapters does not mean you have 7 books inside of it. You still have only 1. The sequel only comes when you post another link aka another book, that book may have as many chapters as you want, it's still only one book.

>> No.13007413

But they weren't separated into chapters they were separated into parts

>> No.13007430

Jesus Christ, just ignore the dumbfuck and ignore his poor baits.

>> No.13007550

Back in my day each book of a story depended on how much a scroll could hold. Read: Commentary on the Gallic War

>> No.13007668


>> No.13008721

Wtf I said I'd write 1.5k words and after sitting here in front of the doc I wrote 100 words only apparently...

>> No.13008794
File: 202 KB, 1066x1165, GurVOMS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's only been two hours, cut yourself some slack.

It's been ten for me and I've barely broken a thousand.

>> No.13009174

I think if it's that bad you either have goddamn clue what you want to write, or you're getting too hung up on quality and getting it right the first time.

>> No.13009500

I'm rewriting an old fic, the further I advance the more I erase. But I also have been having trouble making the plot not cringy and the chuuba's personality actually right which I still believe I haven't managed to.

>> No.13010342

Shes teasing about the fanfic with reineer on reineers stream the other day actually, they loved it

>> No.13010533

>But I also have been having trouble making the plot not cringy
Embrace cringe.

>> No.13010723

Not fun to read though. Look at Miss Sakura. Cringe all the way through.

>> No.13010837

Are you the guy from a couple threads back? You seem really intent on shitting on that story

>> No.13010882

No, I haven't mentioned Miss Sakura since its release.

>> No.13011107

Honestly without knowing what you're actually working on the piece of advice I have that might help is to take a shot of your favorite spirit and see if lowered inhibitions help.

>> No.13011140

>get to be cool AND fuck Migo
Literally zero faults

>> No.13011527

The (You) from Miss Sakura just seemed like a chill guy who didn’t get fazed by Miko’s tantrums and enjoyed teasing her. Considering a lot of fluff fics here have (You) always getting flustered and embarrassed or some beta shit it was a nice change of pace

>> No.13011656

The only thing cringy about Miss Sakura was in how it tried to translate honorific use.

>> No.13012966

Why yes, don't mind if I do

>> No.13013413

I actually forgot to ask this last time but do you have any suggestions on what I could have written instead? Like I said before I didn’t want to use “-san” because mixing Japanese and English feels weird to me, but do you think there’s a better way than “Miss” other than “-san”? Because I’m probably going to be writing more stories set in Japan from here on out.

>> No.13013448

That's why I stay away from honorifics (except that one time that I used them and probably messed up). It confuses my English brain.

>> No.13013668
File: 822 KB, 1080x1088, based-miko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but it's a kinda difficult issue if the idea of using honorifics is weird to you. Cause while I enjoyed the fic as a whole consistently calling her Miss Sakura made it seem way more formal rather than polite. Almost like you were a butler or something. I'd say just not translating it and instead making the dialogue as a whole more polite while keeping the names normal if you can't get over using them

>> No.13013870

IMHO, just don't use them.

>> No.13013947

I also agree with >>13013668. English honorifics are way too formal and distant, unlike Japanese honorifics which have a lot more options and connotations. Simply put, if you're not gonna use Japanese honorifics, don't use any honorifics at all.

>> No.13014044

Since you'd rather not use them as the mix fucks with you, then just don't use them and write dialogue as normal.
It's not like your translating the story, where not using honorifics strips the story of some cultural context. Just write as normal and indicate the closeness that the dropping of honorifics would indicate by some other means.

>> No.13014131

Yeah, alright... I think I’m starting to get why it’s cringe. I guess I wanted that name change where Miko tells you to call her by her first name with no honorifics at the end to have more effect, but maybe no honorifics should be the way to go for me.

>> No.13014307

You said you speak Japanese last time you were discussing this, right? I think this could be part of the problem as you’re trying to make the story seem too, for a lack of a better word, ‘translated’ from Japanese to English. It doesn’t have to be a direct translation as I think making it flow better is more important.

>> No.13014390

Yeah, for sure. Will ease off on the “translation” stuff, I get what you guys mean.

>> No.13014665
File: 625 KB, 3840x2160, 1636890262026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Motivation administered.

>> No.13014702

Pekora sucking you off in order to help you stay motivated. She never says what exactly the motivation is for, but she insists you keep it. She does this every single day without fail.

>> No.13016117

Eyyy that's my prompt. Really looking forward to it.

>> No.13016902

Anon has to care for a very mentally and physically sick Mumei, who can't do anything by herself- bathe, eat, use the bathroom etc. She can barely talk and is always drooling and babbling like a baby. She dies at the end.

>> No.13017185

Is her death, by chance, caused by a truck?

>> No.13017267

That's just regular EN.

>> No.13017603

It could be. I don't care I just want cute disabled Mumei.

>> No.13018179

I don't drink alcohol

>> No.13018449

Who do you guys get inspired? I've got energy enough to write, I just don't have the inspiration for it.

Still working out some kinks for In Hushed Whispers. Unfortunately, I had to scrap the idea of multiple POVs. I tried damn near all day yesterday and a bit today and just could not get it to work in a way that was to my liking. Now I'm just waiting to get a bit inspired for whatever it is I'll write come chapter two. I know what I want for the next character I'll introduce at least, I've got a nice character arc in mind.

As for the rest of my works it's a dry well unfortunately. I really just don't want to write ryona atm.

>> No.13018666

Don't force it, basically. If you don't have anything you want to write about, just focus on something else.

>> No.13019030

Put on some mood music and start daydreaming.

>> No.13019051

Inspiration occurs randomly for me for example I've been trying to write that las vegas story but it hasn't clicked for me yet while on the other hand that hs ntr clicked for me almost instantly. To continue writing I've noticed drinking helps in the short term while taking a break and unironically touching grass helps (maybe visit a real world location to help with details). Anyways, hope that helps and thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.13019074

That's a tough one, anon. You really shouldn't force it or you'll find yourself hitting burnout quick.

However, let me ask my magic eight ball for advice...hmmm....
Yes, I see...

It says you should write Suisex.

>> No.13019216

Wow what a coincidence, my magic eight said the same thing.

>> No.13019437

High stakes street racing vs a Gen of your choice.

>> No.13020240

0, 5, Gamers, Myth, both IDs, and HOPE are the only ones I have no antis in.

>> No.13022047

Super Nenechi smashing my toes one-by-one with a sledgehammer!

>> No.13022577

Alcohol has been consumed by mankind since the dawn of recorded history, and likely far longer than that. Alcohol is man's best friend. Are you really turning your back on a friend?

>> No.13022790

Yes. Reject Alcohol, embrace Water.

>> No.13022832

This please for the love of god. I just tried to rub one out to Apple of her Eye but had to stop because it felt too much like genuine child abuse, and now my balls look like big blue comets. Someone help

>> No.13022902

Fact: 100% of people who have come into contact with water WILL DIE. Water is a killer. Alcohol doesn't kill - it just enables stupid (but fun) decisions which may lead to death.

See a doctor.

>> No.13022903

You're the same huh? I started reading that because I thought it was some ss but came out with second-hand trauma.

>> No.13022979

Yeah, I thought I could look past the obvious pretext of child abuse in /ss/ because fantasy but I guess I was wrong as I felt sick reading it. It felt too real.

>> No.13023030
File: 566 KB, 463x839, 1611974067787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reject water, embrace Mio pussy juice.

>> No.13023065

That's not exactly an abundant commodity.

>> No.13023089

I want to write, or to be more accurate, I want to continue writing well. I'm not sure, but lately I've not been happy with my works although I genuinely enjoy the idea which birth these works. I can write a good number of words, but what is the point if I'm still unsatisfied with the end product? It has been plaguing me for a while now, and it genuinely frustrates me. Is this a part of burnout, and I should just stay away from writing for the time being? It just sucks because I have half finished works that I feel I can't complete thanks to how I feel that it's not good enough. Truly, it sucks because I genuinely enjoy writing as an outlet/expression of my ideas.

>> No.13023284

I don't think that's a part of burnout, because burnout is a lack of interest in a previously enjoyable hobby. Dissatisfaction with your works is something you've got to work out in yourself. You say you can write a substantial amount, but are just unsatisfied with the overall product? Ask yourself what it is you're getting out of writing - or perhaps, writing HERE.
For most, it's stress relief. You get to expand on and explore your daydreams in-depth, improve your vocabulary and get complements from other people. I don't think there's much to /achieve/ here.

>> No.13023305

Insect themed?

>> No.13023324

You think you're being too hard on yourself anon? Like your no matter what you write, it will never be good enough? I felt the exact way as you did recently and I realized it was because I was too focused on writing something good by my own standards and my standards were impossibly high, meaning I was never satisfied.

Do you think you're being too critical over your own work or is it something else?

>> No.13023409

Don't place big expectations on yourself. If you're feeling unsatisfied, just release the work and ask for feedback. Maybe someone will be able to point at what might be wrong, or maybe you'll get a reality check as people like it and realize your work is actually good

By the way, if you're just worried about people disliking your next work and holding yourself to standards - don't. You're not a writing superman. Nobody is. It's inevitable you'll release poor stuff, and you'll probably do it frequently. It's also inevitable you'll release great stuff, perhaps without realizing it yourself.

>> No.13023458

Huh? Have we got another bug-lover in here? Come here and let me give you a hug.

>> No.13023496

Nah, it was just a joke referencing that fic

>> No.13023553


>> No.13023598

What exactly are you dissatisfied with?

If you can't answer this, and you can't get a few bullet points on what you'd like to improve - some sort of quantifiable metric to go by, then you're likely being irrationally critical of yourself.

I know the feeling though because as an artfag I've never been particularly happy with any of my work - though I could tell you exactly why, the bulk of it is just a long history of very slow improvement combined with nonexistent self-confidence.

It won't be once I finally get my hands on her.

>> No.13023600

Bringing back up an old one from the archive

>(You) go drinking with Lamy and challenge her to a drinking contest. Deep in your cups yet still standing, you notice your vision fucking up to the point where you're seeing double. Then triple. Then quadruple. The concerning part? Though it seems like just blurred vision, it wouldn't explain why they're starting to flank you. Before you can react, several pairs of hands grasp you, a cacophony of low laughs filling your ears...

>> No.13023748

>anon attaches himself like a headcrab to mio's pussy
>mio must drag anon around everywhere she goes, battling constant orgasms all the while

>> No.13024099


>> No.13024181

Haha. I think that might be a little barebones for a prompt - it was just a little shitpost.

>> No.13024373

I know that feeling all too well. Just lower the expectations for yourself and you should be fine.

>> No.13025037

I want to be murdered. Please, murder me. Make me feel completely helpless as my life is snatched away.

>> No.13025259

No Suisex, unfortunately. Another chapter of In Hushed Whispers.


>> No.13028116

A little briskly paced, I'd say, but still alright.

Continue to be interested in the setting for sure.

>> No.13030602

This place is really dead

>> No.13030654

just quiet hours, nothing to worry about

>> No.13030659

Do retards still make the new threads early?

>> No.13031370

I was actually thinking of the same thing, except you go up against 3 generations and each generation has different car types (Japs, euros and muscles) and decide who’s the boss via different race types. So Japanese cars will have drifting as a competition, European cars will have regular street races and muscle cars will have drag races. You need to beat all three gens (crews) to become the king of the city, and the race theme song is this: https://youtu.be/g9jWw1WwLl4
I’ve daydreamed about this too much.

>> No.13031680

Races aren't great in writing. I found that out when I tried out a D&D-like RP race. There's just too much happening at all times.

>> No.13031938

The dialogue like last time felt a little too short and bland, it kinda felt like I was reading an abridged version of the story at times. I can also see this story detracting from an “apocalypse” setting and heading more towards a fantasy setting, although I’m not sure if that’s what you’re planning. Either way looking forward to the next chapter

>> No.13032059

Hello there fellow NFSC enjoyer. I don’t think I can make a full story on this but I might make a short racing story with this music, or a street race side chapter in my series because while I know shit all about cars, this sounds fun.

>> No.13032162


>> No.13032668

That would be awesome

>> No.13032803

/become/ is long dead and should be removed from the archives just like PF. Erase any trace of them ever existing.

>> No.13032895

>/become/ is long dead
Lamys were prudes. If they'd just fucked a few more anons I bet it'd have caught on.

>> No.13033178

I imagine they would have been treated like Pekofag had they followed your advice. Don't people here hate ERP? And aren't they "not a chuuba" because they were anons who turned into Lamy?

>> No.13033488

Felt the same towards the dialogue as the other anon, but the idea of a journey across the apocalypse to whatever will fix it sounds interesting.

>> No.13033838

No because they were literally just Lamy and not someone cosplaying
Shut the fuck up PF I know this is you being mad about PF being removed from the archive following you being a back to back fuck head for like 3 days straight and constantly engaging in fights with people, derailing shit and burning any good faith you had left, you still never put your money where your mouth is

>> No.13034299

I am not Pekofag, though I don't believe there is any evidence I can provide to prove such a statement. I can't imagine that if I had, at any point, engaged the horny posting as Lamy, that I would have been received with anything but disdain. Responses such as >>13034133 are abundant throughout our history, and I assure you that anons would find reasons to hate us, irrespective of what we did.

>> No.13034446

Depending on how it was formatted and when it was posted, maybe? 99% sure people only got mad at PF stuff because it was gay-oriented

>> No.13034763

y'all strayin towards the topics that bring the shizos out

>> No.13035043

It's a valid topic. I don't see why there could be so much discussion about whether PF should stay in the archives or not, but when it comes to /become/ it's off topic. It's healthy enough.

>> No.13035061

Do retards still make early threads?

>> No.13035251

Because PF actively pissed people off and was homoerotic while /become/ generally broadly features Lamy (the actual Lamy) in all of its works even if most of them are transformation-fetish based.

>> No.13035374

I don't remember /become/ stories featuring the actual Lamy at all. The plot usually was you being tricked into thinking it was the real Lamy when it was just an anon who had become.

>> No.13035615

What's wrong with there being gay stories in the archive?

>> No.13035684

Even then, the only reason PF was so viciously bitched about was because of the shit they pull. I really don't think that anyone besides maybe two people would have given a shit about it being in the archive if it wasn't for the fact they're physically incapable of not stirring shit for funsies

>> No.13035744

Sodomy is moral corrosion.

>> No.13035797

Nothing. The issue was the only gay story featured was someone cosplaying as a vtuber rather than being an actual vtuber themselves and not featuring an actual vtuber.

>> No.13036706

It's gay

>> No.13038131

Brigadeiro anon, have you made brigadeiro yet? I am about to make some to eat while watching Netflix and it reminded me of you. Hope you're doing well. Write on.

>> No.13039865

What's that

>> No.13040333

What do you think her pussy juice tastes like?

>> No.13040396

Acidic, sour and rancid from all the STD's of her younger days

>> No.13040451

Sweet and tangy with a slight hint of my cum

>> No.13040605

This feels like it could have used another go through before posting since there were a couple of sentences that felt awkward.
Other than that you're doing good in making what the setting of the story is clearer.
I agree with >>13031938 that the dialogue is still a bit too short and not really interesting. As well as in general having events that should be bigger scenes just be 'abridged' as the other anon said.

>> No.13041845

You're all right and I know exactly why: I tried to force myself to write it because I felt like I needed to put out another chapter.

Read through it again and the dialogue is shit quite frankly. And what I mean by that is that when I actually write while inspired, it's way better.

People keep telling me over and over but now I think I'll listen; don't write because you feel like you have to. Write because you're inspired. Thanks for the feedback, sorry for it being so lackluster.

>> No.13042378

I mean you can write without inspiration, the content there in that second chapter is still half decent and interesting. I think with a bit of cleaning up and rewriting you can make your half baked stuff into something pretty good.
Though I guess no style fits everyone, if you feel more comfortable writing when you have the passion to write, then more power to you.

>> No.13042861

Talking from experience. Don't force yourself to put something out. It's better to make it on your own terms without feeling pressured to do so.

>> No.13044133

Ah yes, Post corruption Nene.

>> No.13046999

weird lookin nene

>> No.13047012

Only makes sense after everything we put her through.

>> No.13047039

How is she weird looking. She's the best Nene.

>> No.13048322

She's nobody and will never be anybody.

>> No.13048685

She's better than the other Nene.

>> No.13048712
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>> No.13049113

Komori Nene? I guess so...

>> No.13049184

No, Momosuzu Nene

>> No.13049197

Momosuzu Nene what?

>> No.13049275

Momosuzu Nene THESE NUTS

>> No.13049599

Deez-sama...I kneel...

>> No.13049611
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>> No.13050114
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Poll for knowing how many people are lurking readers here.


Generally every story only gets 2-3 (You)'s with the exception of big name drops, so this could be interesting.

>> No.13050207

Stop being such a numberfag.

>> No.13050266

Where's the "Less than one" option you fucking cuck

>> No.13050341

This is something more people should realize, putting in a null vote is just a really stupid way to get useless votes. If the person doesn't apply to the voting criteria, there's no reason for them to participate.

>> No.13050352

Should have been a 0.

>> No.13050484

>not poal.me

>> No.13050492

Gee, I wonder who this could be.

>> No.13051049

Are you mad that no one voted the way you wanted?

>> No.13051200

Extremely poor-quality bait, even for you.

>> No.13051394

Lol same fag

>> No.13051417

I'm interested in the results, post it next thread too

>> No.13051708

Stop samefagging

>> No.13052027

A story where Matsuri, in one of her menhera episodes, rapes her little brother by threatening suicide.

>> No.13052060

A story about baiting Risu into asking what ligma is.

>> No.13052179

Ligma balls.

>> No.13052227

Oh no! How did anon figure out that I am, in fact, Risu posting on /vt/?

>> No.13052451

You post too much, Risu. We could pick any random post and have like a one in five of catching you.

>> No.13052547

>Risu, statistically, could be AA

>> No.13052559

>20% of each individual person is Risu

>> No.13052654

Given how possessive and clingy she is with him, I can believe Matsuri could rape.

>> No.13053029

big if true

>> No.13053243

You know its not true.

>> No.13053266

> t. Risu

>> No.13053297

Christ, stop being a schizo.

>> No.13053304

It would be the biggest plot twist this thread would ever have if it was though.

>> No.13053346

AA is actually Reine

>> No.13053386

You first

>> No.13053555
File: 819 KB, 1404x1967, ReineSchool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been putting all the thing's I've written here also on Ao3, and my biggest fear is if I put the Reine fic I'm working on there she'll read it

>> No.13053735

>Reine fic I'm working on there she'll read it
Who cares. other vtubers read their stories.

>> No.13053755

If it's yuri she'd liked it

>> No.13053853

I guess, but the thought of someone seeing my autism when it pertains to them is a touch off putting.

It's not really, but I guess it depends on what (You) are.

>> No.13053858

What the point of writing then?

>> No.13053942

>I guess, but the thought of someone seeing my autism when it pertains to them is a touch off putting.
We're seeing your autism and you don't seem that turned off.

>> No.13054031

Yeah but I'm not writing about you

>> No.13054043

I will also request a story about Matsuri raping her little brother during a menhera episode.

>> No.13054062

Neither are you writing about them. Just a character.

>> No.13054112

NTA but if you seriously think you're writing about a "character" you're actually delusional.

>> No.13054164

Not him, but you kinda are. Not to mentioned and out of character to begin with.

>> No.13054199

Take it from someone who wrote myself being fucked by you, it's still hot. You're just weak minded. I put you in the same category as people who complain about rule34 of real people.

>> No.13054236

Fuck off Pekofag

>> No.13054259

Please die Favela Mudrat

>> No.13054313

I thought you fucked off?

>> No.13054321

still shitting up the place

>> No.13054398

What made you think that, exactly?

>> No.13054401

Good lord, what did /wg/ do to deserve such a schizo faggot.

>> No.13054427

Says the earlyfaggot.

>> No.13054438

If you want to samefag you should at least use 2 IPs to post faster

>> No.13054453

Cuz you had a massive tantrum over your stories getting removed and then AA told you to essentially go fuck yourself.

Ahh, cherished memories...

>> No.13054476
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>> No.13054483

inb4 inspect tool

>> No.13054513

I think you need to get your memory checked.

>> No.13054518

Pro-tip, he's the earlythread faggot.

>> No.13054565

So retards are still making early threads?

>> No.13054616

Been that way for a while now.

>> No.13054687

So he never did make that story? Christ, what an attention seeking whore.

>> No.13054755

Nta, but he threw a tantrum on how he lost “motivation” or some shit. So he was never going to do it in the first place.

>> No.13054760

Honestly them getting checkmated into having to make an Oga chapter to get the story rearchived has to be the funniest thing to have come out of here.

>> No.13054834

>writes gay/faggot ERP
>Can't write an Oga chapter
That's how he was defeated?

>> No.13054863

I also liked the excuses he made as to not continue writing. Biggest cope I’ve ever seen.

>> No.13054910

Yeah pretty much.
They could probably have just shit one out and have easily gotten their shit re-archived, but they haven't.
Which is complete cope considering that fucker usually posted stuff post bump limit.

>> No.13054918

You got a thread where AA checkmated him? I can hardly believe it considering he always defended the stories in the archives.

>> No.13054944

>Which is complete cope considering that fucker usually posted stuff post bump limit.
He only did it for the attention that was it. Anything else was just bullshit.

>> No.13055020

The cope is unreal.

>See, the thing is, I don't trust AA's judgment anymore to actually bother with writing it. There was some sense of urgency before, but now that he removed it, there's no current problem to be solved anymore. If I did write it now, what's to stop someone from slightly changing their complaints and AA from taking it down all over again? I don't really care if it's a fallacy, ultimately I've lost faith in him. He says it's about a promise, what about going back on your words then? Purely spineless. I could very easily just add a single line into that story to change it into a chuuba story you know? But I didn't because I believed it deserved some effort. Not anymore. Not because of the story but because of he who holds it.

>> No.13055052

Thanks, I'll be reading the thread now.

>> No.13055079

Literally coping

>> No.13055102

Where does he even get the ego from? Every time he opens his mouth he just sounds more and more clueless and retarded

>> No.13055125

New thread

>> No.13055163
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> surely removing pekoanon from the archive will stop discussion of the matter

>> No.13055179

>Where does he even get the ego from?
From idiots approving his gay ass ERP.

>> No.13055232

God I remember someone getting so mad that people were shitting on the schizo that he made an ms paint comic trying to strawman people, that was funny.

>> No.13055254

Those were the days.

>> No.13055713

That entire thread where like three people were arguing was fucking hilarious. All that time spent in the thread past bump limit and the conclusion they came to was that he had to be fucked in the ass by Oga. Golden.

>> No.13055730

Post it, she’ll like it

>> No.13058333

That's just pekofag samefagging you know.

>> No.13058403

your mother was pekofag samefagging in bed last night

whatcha gonna do about that
