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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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12996891 No.12996891 [Reply] [Original]


Ok so let me get this straight,
> mori collabs with trash taste comedians
> entite board of retards start seething like their dicks got chopped off.
>pissed off shes collabing with men,
> calls her a whore
>calls her a traitor for collabing with boomers or irl tubers who arent versed with vtubing.
>collabs with hundreds of comedians, irl
>comedians are boomers who shit on vtubing and throws constant jokes about hololive,
>suisei has her own RADIOSHOW. Where 80% of guests are MALE directors of music, shows voice actors etc.
>no one gives a shit

Some how mori is the whore?

>> No.12996955

seethe more deadbeat

>> No.12996965

Its ok when the japs do it.

>> No.12996995

Nobody speaks japanese you nigger

There i deciphered your simple equation

>> No.12997029

Im not a deadbeat lol,
I already quit holoshit to watch nijisanji, better fanbase as well, not some incel chuds seething all the time

>> No.12997085

Whats the difference? They angry mori collabs with males and real people, suisei does it 24/7.

>> No.12997091

really? I guess they are technically funny as surface level braindead ironic weebs see them as an authority on anime related discussion.

>> No.12997138

Im actually more pissed off, mori is ruining the trash taste episode with her shitty jokes,

Like seriously the boys should have gotten someone indie to do it

>> No.12997175

Mori has a reputation of not really giving a shit about Hololive/anything behind her which is what made people criticize her decision to appear on TT. Suisei has been working hard from the very beginning to be a good idol and streamer. She's never hinted once at GFE and tells off fans that start to get that idea. Mori only gives a shit about her own personal music and the ecelebs she enjoys watching, Hololive is Suisei's everything.

>> No.12997200

>actual established national entertainers
>actual directors
>actual VAs
It's the difference between "internet celebrities" who do video with S O Y reaction faces vs people actively work and create something worthwhile.

>> No.12997214

Dont dodge the question, we all know why people are angry

>> No.12997331

Are you retarded?

They are literally the biggest podcast in japan.
They literally got invited to a world famous show for foreigners to talk about issues. (Donald trump, and bill gates was also there before)

>> No.12997342

You tell me. No one would be mad if Mori collab with someone on the same level as Mafia Kajita, Sugita or ZUN
Instead, she collabed with the bottom barrels of "Internet entertainers", literally just a step above the like of mukbang fatfucks.

>> No.12997343


>> No.12997346

People shitting up the board are EOPs who got into vtubers through Myth, there's you answer. I don't care about Mori doing that podcast either, but I'm not gonna enter threads about it just to say I don't care about it.

>> No.12997390


Half of you ieddit tourists dont even know anything about trash taste, they are more famous than the entirety of hololive and kizunai

>> No.12997441

You don't understand how Japan's comedy works right? It's pretty different when a comedian makes a gag or shits on something in a funny way to a faggot e-celeb throwing his opinions to be looked as "cool" by normalfags but is still leeching chuubas nowadays. Learn the difference.

>> No.12997449

Why are deadbeats like this

>> No.12997457

You're being a disingenuous faggot. People are upset that mori is collabing with anitubers that are huge faggots. Not that's she's collabing with men. Shitposting wasn't this bad when she collabed with Rikka.

>> No.12997480

Are you trying to shit on Kotoge with that post?

>> No.12997493

I dont even watch holoshit anymore at this point just look at the news. Im just as pissed as you are desu, mori ruined this episode of trash taste.
But i hate the hypocrisy

>> No.12997505

Mori is a whore who talks about Asian penis and how horny she gets for them. Suisei is a proper idol who would never even entertain the idea. Don’t ever compare the two cuckbeat

>> No.12997567

>They literally got invited to a world famous show for foreigners to talk about issues. (Donald trump, and bill gates was also there before)
Don't tell me you think TED talks is anything worth talking about these days.
They are podcasters. They do reaction videos.
Compare that to fucking Sugita or ZUN, people actually creating something that isn't Internet videos.

>> No.12997602

They are literally on the japan news.
Are you literally 12?
They managed to get the japan governed general and minster health commissioner to supervise their vaccines early due to their connections

This is just a clip. https://youtu.be/2QISwwJ6DiI

Im not fucking spoon feeding you faggots anymore

>> No.12997615

>he has no idea how to spot coordinated viral campaigns from rival companies
Come the fuck on anon. Do you genuinely think "fans" of mori would make 20 threads shitting on her and how she doesnt care about hololive? You are just as retarded as the paid nijisanji shills making those threads

>> No.12997654

>suisei has her own RADIOSHOW. Where 80% of guests are MALE directors of music, shows voice actors etc.
What? How do i listen to it, how xome she has a radio show. Could EN have a radio show? I watch Gura interview people.

>> No.12997672

Suisei talks about shota dick all the time

>> No.12997674

>mori collabs with people who shittalk cover and its talents
>suisei collabs with people who don't do that

>> No.12997695

>better fanbase
>"holoshit" / "incel chuds seething"
You are not helping them

>> No.12997710

This is just a TV show.

>> No.12997773

Im literally a nijisanji fan retard lol, nijisanji fans dont care about shitting on mori.
I just thought the hypocrisy is annoying. Same when holos do slutty things and holobronies dont care, but then shit on people like angie or gundou for the same shot

>> No.12997808

when will you learn that I just fucking hate anitubers
I’ve said it for almost 1/4th if a year now.
>le men bad???
>duhhhhh hypocrite lol

>> No.12997814

I mean, people who were seething at TT are stupid. I don't like TT so I ignored it, no yabs came from it

But if I'm going to be honest, I'd rather watch Susei talk with Japanese boomer comedians than Mori shooting the shit with boring Reddit fags and nu anime fans who only started watching Jojo because it blew up.

And this is coming from someone who likes Mori and is a day 1 member.

>> No.12997869

She has it in a mobile app if i remember, im not sure if nico nico has it, but her host partner archives some of it https://youtu.be/nlkJdUZU5Ws

>> No.12997923

It's this easy anon
>english millenials cringe
>japanese old men based

>> No.12997926

Easy. Deadbeats are reddit tier retards. Suisei’s fans are based sons of Yamato.

>> No.12997956

Tell me when they actually "create" something worth talking about. Unless you're a zoomer growing up watching these chuds parrotting Reddit tier humor reviews back in the days.
No one cares when Fubuki or Marine having live orgasms when Beerman ZUN appeared and spilled their fucking spaghetti like middle schoolers because it's motherfucking ZUN. The man who create one of the pillars of the whole anime/manga/video game subculture. Same with Sugita on radio with them or Botan doing interview with Suda51.

>> No.12998002

All of you deadbeats are niggers.

>> No.12998042

> when will you learn that I just fucking hate anitubers I’ve said it for almost 1/4th if a year now.
Connor literally doesnt watch anime, he doesnt even make anime content, trash taste has not talked about anime in a year.... they talked about rent and taxes the last few episodes........
Even anime man hasn't watched anime in 6 years.
Cdawgva is a voice actor comedian, who does vlog videos, same with anime man now

This proves you retards dont know what you hate on

>> No.12998116

>thinks i like holoshit

>> No.12998167

So she has a podcast? I thought it aored on actual radio.

>> No.12998189
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Anon its just drama whores, nothing more.
Haven't you noticed how boring and stale the bait threads have gotten? Its just the same shit over and over and over.

Nobody's really mad or upset, its just yab addicted retards looking for their next fix.

>> No.12998254

>voice actor
>biggest role is African Soldier on AoE2

>> No.12998285

Podcasts and radios are in and inbetween, also i dont even think they have a proper term for podcast in japanese, so i should just say radio

>> No.12998298

Get the fuck out of this board TTfag, you are entering on off topic. This is not even a thread about Mori or Suisei anymore

>> No.12998378

He isnt an anime youtuber my point still stands.

ALSO you retards realize most actors and va who dont make it big do comercials and special events right? Connor voice acted in thousands of commericals

>> No.12998480

adding "lol" to the end doesn't hide your obvious butthurt

>> No.12998521

>white boi seething when amwf turns out to be real.
>inb4 bringing up shitty statistics of asian men being least desirable in shitty burgerland dating apps no one without aids use
Sorry no one wants your tiny white pecker

>> No.12998576

Yeah i am butthurt, at the HYPOCRISY, i dont give a shit about you shitting on mori since she doesnt give a shit why should i

>> No.12998838

I see I'm not the only one noticing it. Just hovering dramafags looking for the next big thing to complain about. If I had to guess where it started, I would think after Coco's graduation since I can't think of anything big that happened in the vtuber world since.

>> No.12998942

Podcasters are human garbage with a mic.

>> No.12998987

May as well considered "white monkey" retards who appeared in student films and chink commercial to be actual "actors" like?
It's like a bunch of drop out art degree zoomers barely making ends meet pretending to be "artist".
This is how actual voice actors performed
Hell, if you want to have actual Western voice actors doing funny videos on the Internet. ProZD is a far better example since he actually voiced stuffs. Ever wonder why the actual VA community never acknowledges or cares about Connor?

>> No.12999058

How new

>> No.12999107

Trash taste are trash youtubers with no "actual" talent

>> No.12999119

>entite board

>> No.12999217

>mori collabs with trash taste comedians
Any member of Hololive is closer to being an idol than anitubers are to being comedians
Yes, even Yagoo

>> No.12999295

Lol Protranny is a posed shithead who went full metwo shit on vic, shit on the whole community, then went full progressive train for that $$$ for company ratings

>> No.12999360


Lol i know its a samefag since none of these replys read the thread deliberately

>> No.12999418

Dang i really LOVE ProZD, yet i still don't understand /vt/ or some chuubas obsession to Connor

>> No.12999424

All hololive first and second gen and zero are podcasters

>> No.12999443

>trash taste
more like disgusting hanger-ons that want to suck any and all fuel for their careers as they can from vtubers. It's no fucking coincidence that once ame told them to fuck off they started hanging around ollie

>> No.12999534

> Dang i really LOVE ProZD, yet i still don't understand /vt/ or some chuubas obsession to Connor

No wonder the collab only has 50 dislikes and 50 thousand likes, am i supposed to believe you faggots are the only ones dislikeing?
Guess its all a raid all along

>> No.12999679

Don't disrespect Kotoge like that. He is faithful to his wife

>> No.12999806

I love this based connor guy, he constantly makes /vt/ seethe and non of you fags could do anything against him

>> No.12999834

You just talked to your uncle on a little show.

>> No.13000474

Suisei is perfect t so she can't be wrong. End of discussion. Also thanks for the free advertising

>> No.13000657

Glad to know someone in this board actually knows ZUN

>> No.13000668

At first I thought OP was mad that people were making a nothing burger over the dull podcast but now it just seems like you're upset that people don't like TT.

Dude who cares. If you're not into Mori, Susei or hololive why are you here and not on /jp/?

>> No.13000799

>Gura radio show
>"Uhhh...ummm..autistic gibberish"
Suisei's connections are everywhere which is why she can have a Radio show. The only other Holos who have a Radio show is Fubuki/Marine and Roberu

>> No.13000890

Anon are you seriously comparing Suisei to Mori. Different people, different standards.
Also a comedian should make as many jokes as he likes. Trash Taste aren't comedians. Connor is a dumbass, that's about it.

>> No.13000892

Nice bait thread you disingenuous faggot.
Trashtaste retards shit talked hololive talents so any hate coming their way is justified.
Show me a single instance of Kotoge badmouthing holomembers you shit eating monkey.

>> No.13000988

All me btw

>> No.13001100

Oh boy we got some fresh baits here lads.

>> No.13001686

I don't really care if she pursues stuff like TT. The primary complaint I have is Connor is a retard and ran his mouth about Hololive, its members and it's fans. If Suisei starts making appearances with people doing that then we'll talk.

>> No.13002618

Leave Kotouge out of this. He's too based.

>> No.13002743

do deadbraps really?

>> No.13002905


>> No.13003094
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>cope and seethe deadcuck
>n-no im actually a nijichad

>> No.13003136

Connor is a fellow Christorian so he's okay in my book.

>> No.13003138

Fucking OP is trying to bait and people keep giving him attention. Don't reply to bait.

>> No.13003149

too bad the whole trash taste trio are either incels, manchildren or both.

The Aus community knows very well how much of a cunt Joey is in person.

>> No.13003215

You sound like a retard, anon.

>> No.13003783

>Show me a single instance of Kotoge badmouthing holomembers you shit eating monkey
He never did, but he did shit on Niji males saying they're irrelevant compared to the female vtubers though.

>> No.13003862


>> No.13004551

It's amazing how so many retards have no idea about the radios or t.v. interviews, even the likes of Noel and Rushia have spoken with guys.
People just don't like those who shit on their interests, add a bunch of agitators faux sucking his cock and you get the response you see.
Do you see the proffessionals they collab with saying stupid shit and angering people, no, they're well respected.

>> No.13004715

anitubers are cancer and those that grift off anitubers like the welsh manletcuck are doublecancer
seethe more faggot podcast watcher lmao

>> No.13005099
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seems like you forgot to mention they e-celebs faggots specifically anitubers who are in the way out for too long yet this trend hoppers niggers clench and do anything to stay relevant like parasites, also kys don't use Suichan to defend your cumdumpster of a oshi, cuckbeat.

>> No.13005425

You're not important if your claim to importance is being on the same show other important people have been on.

>> No.13005624


>> No.13005679

>The Aus community knows very well how much of a cunt Joey is in person.
i've only ever seen him on this podcast
very flaky guy
no backbone, constantly dicksucking one of his friends or the other with no firm stance of his own on anything

>> No.13009869

bump for you

>> No.13010154

This is why 4chan needs a eceleb containment board so all you reddit faggots can fuck off

>> No.13010671

>Chronexia and the Eight Seals
How do you not end your career out of embarrassment for forever having that garbage on your list of roles

>> No.13010717

The answer is /vt/ is filled with two types of people the EOPs and YWNBJ.

>> No.13010804

yes, somehow she is still a whore

>> No.13010928
File: 23 KB, 740x123, ohnonono.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf is this thread? Are you guys actual shills? TT literally gets paid by chinks and kikes to shit on anything made in japan. It's literally anti-japanese propaganda with a western face.

>> No.13011344

There's a scale of harlotry. Comet is further down on the "nobody even expects any better" end of the spectrum.

>> No.13011464

Japanese celebs aren't as cringe as western ironic anitubers

>> No.13011484

This is a good thing. Fuck japan two nukes not enough.

>> No.13011658


>> No.13011773

Put someone from Myth in American TV talkshow and we see the difference to trash Mori.

>> No.13011780

i will now forever support TT
nobody cares
fuck you dramanigger
go back

>> No.13011824

Why are deadbeats like this?

>> No.13012024


go back

>> No.13012052

are you retarded bookwaker is owned by kadokawa.........
a japanese company.....

>> No.13012074

t. basedboy feminist cuck

>> No.13012102

>Trashtaste retards shit talked hololive talents so any hate coming their way is justified.

give me one fucking example of them shit talking hololive. connor literally gave more than $1000 to amelia.
and garnt literally made 3 videos promoting hololive......

>> No.13012111

Holy shit the clip is from 9 months ago and Suisei sounds like an different person now

>> No.13012129


people were seething when pekora collabed with sugita.........
are you actually a newfag? check the archives......

>> No.13012154

seethe more.
connor will collab with every holo and you will do nothing about it.

>> No.13012174

you're right mori can actually sing.

>> No.13012202

>manchildren incels.
two of them are literally married, and they shit on incels all the time, especially connor, (who everyone knows is gay at this point)

>> No.13012201

>>comedians are boomers who shit on vtubing and throws constant jokes about hololive,
Things that never happened. Things that did happen:
>TT talked about their dicks and balls with Mori

>> No.13012236

trash taste is known by the prime minister of japan and they got free pass to early vaccination due to their connections,
joey and garnt alone is already more popular than the entirety of hololive lol.

>> No.13012253

holy shit newfag, check the archives, people were seething when sugita mentioned pekora and talked to her as well, and when she went to the comedy show thing.

>> No.13012287

>ame told them to fuck off
i also checked the archives, amelia interacts with him just fine

>> No.13012331

trash taste literally done nothing but praise and promote hololive,in fact half of all the holo en subs are from trash taste tourists

>> No.13012361

go back to ieddit faggot

>> No.13012392

implying this isn't r/holoshit

>> No.13012417

its a false flagger retard, deadbeats are mostly weebs

>> No.13012486

Suisei likes idols, Hololive and streaming. Mori doesn't like anything.

>> No.13013100

wrong. mori is a professional artist, and decently famous in japanese circles, the reason why she never does draw streams like ina is her art style is instantly recognizable like sayman dowman, so she would dox herself.

her passion is in art and music, and she shows unlike suisei who talks about loving music so much but she relies on natral talent and barely practices playing games and talking to people 24/7

>> No.13013432

Do you actually believe any of this drivel or are you just one more delusional deadbeat? Mori is a fucking hack and a one trick pony who would be absolutely no one without Hololive.

>> No.13013510

Gigguk is probably the only good part of TT because he is not white.

>> No.13013547
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So, when will Joe invite Mori?

>> No.13013552

fuck off nigger do your reps

>> No.13013561

It's publicly traded........Now it's owned by Tencant and cuddle puddle silicon valley companies.

>> No.13013690

he also mogs both of these manlets showing asians are actually the tallest race

>> No.13013746

tencent also owns like ubisoft and basicly every other american company, your point?

also biden got a 50 mil donation from 3 chinese businessmen.
youre point?

>> No.13014059

Ah yes, the classic cuckbeat cope. Wigger bitch was a huge deal in Japan but decided to put her extremely succesful music and illustration careers on hold to slum in Hololive.

>> No.13014095

Suisei is actually based and isn't anywhere near as fake. She makes it very clear she knows what she wants and goes after it aggressively. Mori is a western failure exploting another country's culture because it's the only place where she's taken seriously. Surrounds herself with wiggers because she doesn't want to learn the language. Suisei is also actually good at the thing she's known for, isn't cringy or autistic, genuinely funny and pure sex.

Suisei actually rapes her male guests, she doesn't get raped like Mori in the TT studio.

>> No.13014565

mori pegs all of trash taste.

>> No.13014569

Deadbeats know schizos will jump on it so they poison the well so that the entire board hates the schizos far more then they would ever hate Mori. At the same time we'll intentioned Deadbeats are defending Mori.

>> No.13014713


>> No.13015586

>natural talent
Her only talent is that she can learn almost anything if she tryhards, and coincidentally she is the embodiment of tryhard

>> No.13015617

>words words words
>pure sex

>> No.13015926
File: 36 KB, 294x350, 49243D7E-D5D5-4DFB-A569-8E4D227F44FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>X totally fucks Y, but it's ok if A fucks B because A RAPES B AGGRESSIVELY.
>No you see, actually Y fucks all of X because she PITCHES which makes it BETTER
You were bragging about fabricated bullshit that has nothing to do with you, nor with the people you talk about because it's fucking fabricated bullshit. Who were you trying to impress? Five-year olds who think "my father/brother/friend could beat up yours" is a cool thing to say?

>> No.13016023

Op is hyperbased for calling out the ”western whore” mindset

>> No.13016310

Not a deadbeat but that's just retarded logic, you're acting like you're either a nobody or a huge big shot celebrity and there's no in between. Obviously she was nowhere near as popular as she is now because of Hololive but she definitely had her niche, and her being a one trick pony is objectively false (unless you're talking about music, and even so it's debarable) because she has other artistic skills.

>> No.13016316

Japanese women good.
Western women bad.

>> No.13016372

>Not a deadbeat
t. deadbeat

>> No.13016488

How about you fuck yourself and don't bring niji into your shitpost asshole

>> No.13016508

Stopped reading after the second line
Based and fpbp

>> No.13016517

Japanese women are better at pretending to be good. In practice, they're obviously just as bad.

>> No.13016570
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>> No.13016643
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absolute fucking state of deadbraps

>> No.13016674

>hypocrisy in 4chan


>> No.13016676
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(Doxxbeats just make sure every fucking one learns about her past life and not just them)

>> No.13018127

Welcome to the English board mate. /jp/ is three blocks up. Vamos.

>> No.13022283

Shitposters on this site don't watch streams or understand Japanese. Nobody fucking knew about Suisei's Music Space period.

>> No.13022706

