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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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1291755 No.1291755 [Reply] [Original]

>coverfags literally bending over taking it up the ass just to defend cover fucking up their talents
Wow. Chinks didn't even need to do anything this time.

>> No.1291775
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>> No.1291779

Don't kill threads just to satisfy your needs of faggotposting anon, if you want to get fucked in the ass pay someone

>> No.1291858

Chinks did nothing wrong. Eat shit, antichinks. China will own you soon enough.

>> No.1292076
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>> No.1292539

Bah God! You are right!

We must storm Cover and beat them up and tell them how to run they're company!

>> No.1292635

not like we can do anything about it anon

>> No.1292657

I'm still struggling to see what did they do wrong. Stop building a mountain out of molehills

>> No.1292667

that's because corporatefags are even more autistic than chinks

>> No.1292678
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That'd help. I'll bring the gasoline.

>> No.1292742
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>> No.1292750

>China will own you soon enough
Just like how they claim to own Taiwan, right?

>> No.1292764

Terima kasih, Moona

>> No.1292791

2 out of 23 millions Taiwanese already are already working in China. Why do you think the Taiwanese government is so busy spreading anti chinese doomposting?

>> No.1292801
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I wonder who could be behind this post.

>> No.1292807

Moona asikkk

>> No.1292831

Grazie, Moona

>> No.1295833

2 people working in china? OH GOD!!!

>> No.1295900

Are you frustrated?

>> No.1295922

Why is the company that is best at sniffing out talents also the worst when it comes to supporting those talents?

>> No.1296044
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>> No.1296333
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>> No.1296392

If 9% of your countrymen worked in another country you'd be afraid too, especially if they're your supposed enemy.

>> No.1296422

I like Coco but I fucking hate Cover

>> No.1296485

>Pretending as if she had nothing to do with it
This girl is so shameless. American upbringing at work

>> No.1296487

so what happened this time?

>> No.1296622

I'm the reverse. I like Cover but I fucking hate Coco

>> No.1296654 [DELETED] 
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We should've listened to this madman

>> No.1296834 [DELETED] 

How does it feel knowing it's impossible to nuke china is now? That no matter how much you hate them you can't nuke them without being nuked back? Angry? Rage?Helpless?
God, just imagining the sheer impotent rage felt by those "westerners", of seething pajeets and SEAfags almost make me cum.

>> No.1297599 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1300145

Cover is responsible for haachama deleting months worth of content she worked hard on leading to her leaving, potentially forever, in despair. Confirmed by Coco recently.
Anyone criticising cover is labelled a chink by schizos on here
>don't ask questions
>just buy product and get excited for new product
The blind loyalty towards one firm with a history of shitty practices towards its talents is absurd. Ironically as bad as the chinks themselves in their indoctrination to defend the party, consooomer redit fags must defend the company at all costs and any dissenter is a chink out to hurt Coco.

>> No.1307253

2 isn't 9% of 23,000,000 you fucking idiot.

>> No.1307353

Reminder hololive is owned and operated by the girls while cover is corporate
Stop being le ebin troll

>> No.1307375

This translation is not right. You know it, right?

>> No.1307408

Coco wasn't the one making videos involving decapitation and removed hearts.

>> No.1307466

Imagine being one of these people
You're being laughed at by Chinese while everyone here hates you, and for what, getting attention online? Pathetic

>> No.1307572

>Confirmed by Coco recently.
She just said Cover don't want to have sensitive content like fucking suicide, schizophrenia and decapitation in the streams anymore because it could cause conflicts with some people.

I do remind you that the whole china thing happened for just one word in a youtube analytics chart.

>> No.1307665

Suicide is cool though. You should try it.

>> No.1307782
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>Cover is responsible for haachama deleting months worth of content she worked hard on leading to her leaving, potentially forever, in despair. Confirmed by Coco recently.
>Anyone criticising cover is labelled a chink by schizos on here
>>don't ask questions
>>just buy product and get excited for new product
>The blind loyalty towards one firm with a history of shitty practices towards its talents is absurd. Ironically as bad as the chinks themselves in their indoctrination to defend the party, consooomer redit fags must defend the company at all costs and any dissenter is a chink out to hurt Coco.

>> No.1308077

Just admit it, your the anti here. Remember that when you help organize harassment campaigns to "send a message" in the future.

>> No.1308131

Being liked by spergs on here isn't exactly much of a compliment.

>> No.1308141

Haachama's "content" was awful, she clearly has some sort of mental problem and enabling it's not good for anyone in the long term

>> No.1308278

Real talk here

I think Youtube want more family and kid friendly content lately so they strenghten some rules (Gore Rape Self harm Violence)

As Haton level 2 membership , Self harm can bring perma ban so ot reasonable to stop it

>> No.1310268
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>nooo youtube doesn't like disturbing imagery
meanwhile, at nijisanji

>> No.1310355

That it's why.

>> No.1310737

What retard would take it literally?

>> No.1315743

Wait you actually believed it was real? Either you've got the mental problem or you're underageb& that can't tell fact from fiction.

>> No.1315832

Youtube had nothing to do with it. Youtube hasn't changed shit with thier gayass rules. This is hololive deciding to sanitize "in case some snowflake gets triggered in the future" or more like, they can't mass market themselves to normalfags like EoP shark with a scitzo girl rambling in shitty english. Gotta have those mass normie views you know.

>> No.1321633

They literally have no update on any new rule. Fucking schizo

>> No.1321804

She's obviously had some kind of issue mentally for a while now. With the schizo arc and also having domestic violence related searches in her history. The corona fucked her hard in the head.

>> No.1321810

Let's be real. Cover knows their audience so their decision makes sense.
Whoever is not underage, is a twitter tard with rainbow flag on their name, or a south east asian, if not all of these. Content will get cut even more in the future, they have to appeal to everyone at reddit and twitter after all. I wouldn't be surprised if they were told to tune down shit like Marine's horny talk or Coco's cringe fuck you all personality.

>> No.1323756

Haachama’s schizo arc got privated right before the finale due to rules changes and she’s on hiatus now. As a result, shitposters have gone into overdrive. Basically, if you say anything bad about Cover, you’re a chink, if you aren’t 100% anti-Cover, you’re a corporate cocksucker, if you criticize Haachama’s content, you’re an anti, a chink, or a retard who wants nothing but Minecraft, Apex, and Flavor of the month games, and if you support Haachama’s content, you’re an EOP newfag who’s driving away the “true” Haatons.

>> No.1325645

so fuck cover? https://soundcloud.com/fuck-cover-ch

>> No.1326585
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Holofags can't be reasoned with, evidence means nothing to them.
Someone involved in Cover stalked and sexually harassed Mel.
She complained to Cover and they didn't take her seriously.
Went to the police, they advised her to stay away from the Cover studio for her birthday event and her 3D debut.
Took a break for a few months, got a lawyer paid by her own pocket.
Only after Narukami exposed all this Cover accepted they fucked up, paid a settlement+legal fees.
Unclear if they removed the offender from the company.
Narukami claimed he's still on staff.

The other day in /jp/ some of them were claiming Mel didn't told Cover about the harassment and they didn't do anything wrong, Cover is basically proven to be black as shit.

>> No.1327837


>> No.1327895

Cover HATE
YouTube HATE
Chink HATE
Hololive talents LOVE

>> No.1327968

im sure af if it was all in japanese it wouldnt have been an issue. eop pandering causes these problems. when a content affects "western values" it has to be regulated by globohomo faggot standards.
