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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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12911094 No.12911094 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?

A thread where we discuss our vtuber aspirations! Whether it's agency-based or independent, let's help each other grow and make it as entertainers. Indies are welcome to join, but shill responsibly. Share what knowledge, insights, what works/doesn't work for you. Remember to do your research before providing personally identifying information to companies online!

Do I need an expensive, fully rigged Live2D model to be a vtuber?
No! You can always start out as a pngtuber!

Where can I learn how to Live2D rig avatars?
Check out Brian Tsui's (of Iron Vertex) YouTube channel!

Where can I find artists/riggers?
Skeb.jp, ArtStation, DeviantArt, Twitter, Reddit, etc.

Where can I learn how to digital market myself?

Where can I find some good games to stream?

Twitch or Youtube?
Multistream to both.

General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
OpSec Guide: https://pastebin.com/2mkc8x9P
"avoid doing this shit": https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
List of Assets and other resources: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQHyRDZ3nxlIINfZz_wWCbgQ9gR4OgbTFhyGwq45DseUixkJJKbUmhPjnkWcmh7dOCDdxObAZXv_zti/pubhtml

Stay grounded, stay hopeful. Don't kill yourself yet.

Previous Thread: >>12781023

>> No.12912583

I know there are no auditions going on anymore, but why are the threads slower than usual? There hasn't been auditions for some time so it can't be it

>> No.12912692

We've had some pretty active threads recently in comparison to a few weeks back
The nature of this thread is that we always see spikes in activity when new people stop by saying that they want to be a chuuba and eventually most of them leave the thread once they've started streaming for a bit; some disappear from here while others end up migrating to /wvt/

>> No.12916545

I know it has highs and lows, but it still surprises me to see such an inactive one

>> No.12916845

I only keep a side eye on this thread periodically, it gets too filled with time loops of doomer posting and not really anything too valuable.
This thread is just a timeloop of
>males crying about debuffs
>Make content first! also before making content you have to be super special and unique and make up ideas that nobody has ever done before and somehow make that entertaining while having no experience actually just streaming normal content
>lmao mask
>is my donut steel good! (5th version addition)
>[post about some vtweeter who did a thing]

>> No.12917026

Just last thread we had
>Someone asking about using an androgynous avatar as a male
>Someone asking for 0views links to support them
>Question about microphones
>Technical question about vtubing from a phone
>Someone asking if language learning would make good content
And i just skimmed through the fisrt quarter or so of the thread

>> No.12917300

Yeah but for most of those it really just comes to
>who gives a fuck just fucking stream something

tech questions are usually nice, but there's not really much to say there and it doesn't drive a conversation. same with supporting people, in concept asking for links to support is good, but if you look at the last thread nobody really responded or talked about the people who posted and that's the normal case. they open them up, say 'cute' or some similar useless response and move on. while its not expected someone just starting out to have much critique worthy beyond them just needing to gain experience, nobody is really talking about them or offering encouragement either, so it doesn't generate any conversation or posting either beyond the 3-4 posts who are willing to link themselves whenever this happens.
I think there could be more going for the later option, but it would require people to actually watch the 0views (which is admittedly not the easiest thing to do) and give tangible advice or suggestions, which also isn't easy because similar to art critiques when talking to beginners, the critique is just work harder and keep grinding.

>> No.12918562

what's with people putting stuff like !discord !twitter !giveaway in their twitch stream titles? does it actually help with discoverability?

>> No.12918632

I don't think they're doing that for discoverability, moreso to let viewers know that those commands exist and to advertise those specific things ("by the way I have a twitter/discord/giveaway going on").

>> No.12918706

I do agree about your last point in that it would be good for the thread to try and give the newchuubas some kind of tangible advice in regards to their streams; I wasn't able to catch the croc babi's stream last night but that's the only one I remember being linked; I do recognize that some /asp/ies here have also started self shilling in /wvt/ and I think I'll try to be a bit more proactive in giving critique on basic stuff if people share their links

>> No.12918998

doesn't help with discoverability because viewers aren't going around searching for the phrase "!discord" when looking for vtubers to watch.

it's just put there in the title because viewers notoriously do not scroll down. so you might have certain commands on your channel that viewers can use to find social links, some promotion the streamer is putting on and crap. even if you have that info on twitch panels, most viewers won't be looking at them, which is why it can help to have them in the title.

>> No.12919121

At what point is it appropriate to run something like a subathon? I generally feel bad asking for subs, because there are chuubas who need financial support way more than I do, but it seems like subathons are generally well received.

I've been streaming for 4 months and have a bit over 300 followers, and average ~15-20 concurrent viewers per stream. May be too small to run a subathon, but it's something I've been wondering about.

>> No.12919393

the most generic and catchall time is when Twitch is running their subscription discount months. for example, this past September, twitch ran their annual "Subtember" promo with grubhub. https://blog.twitch.tv/en/2021/08/26/this-subtember-is-going-to-be-magic/
it's basically a chunk of time, usually 3-4 weeks, where all subs including self and gifted are discounted. it's a great time to line up with any subathons you might have because it's cheaper for the viewers to buy. you still get the full price of a sub though.

>> No.12919647

Do you think something like a new model reveal is a good occasion for something like that? Or just leave it be until the next discounted sub month?

>> No.12919810

>Think of streams I'd like to see my favorite vtubers do
>Want to do it myself
>No audience to do it with
This is the worst part

>> No.12919812

sure. i'd say that a new model, whether it's just an update, new outfit, or a completely new model altogether is a big enough event to celebrate with a subathon. just personally speaking, that sounds like it'd be something fun to tease near the end of a subathon. as a viewer, i would be put off if a chuuba was stretching out and teasing a new model for more than week.

honestly, there's no real right time to have a subathon. hold them whenever you want. discounted sub month is just a good "catch all" excuse for hosting a subathon even when you don't have anything planned, just because it's cheaper.

>> No.12920067

Makes sense. I don't plan to tease the new model much, so much as just say, "Hey, come check out this special event stream where I'll reveal a new model!" I think I'll probably hold off on a subathon, I feel awkward asking for money like that, even indirectly.

>> No.12921761

I bought a snowball yeti mic a while back to talk with some mates.
Is that a good mic for streaming?

>> No.12921805

it'll be fine for streaming.

>> No.12921839

So /asp/, I want your opinions on something. I want to play a strategy game on my channels, but the issue is that the game's lobby displays your country automatically. And I'm guessing with some easy searches, any viewer can figure out my timezone too. Do you guys think it's a big issue if it's that easy to find out my general location?

I know I can of course just block out the lobby on stream, but that doesn't stop some streamsniper from going in the lobby and checking. Along with that, it also leaves out any community games, since any fan I play with will see it as well. What do you think?

Game is: Supreme Commander Forged Alliance if you were wondering.

>> No.12921877

nobody gives a fuck.

>> No.12921908

no one will care about some no name 2view.

>> No.12921999

>Do you guys think it's a big issue if it's that easy to find out my general location?
Do you?

>> No.12922161

It bothers me, but I mean now that you guys say it, who cares about a no name 2view?

>> No.12922415

Even if they did, a general country? What the fuck is anyone going to do with that, and more importantly do you really think you're hiding your country of origin when you take into considering everything else?

Like yesterday i put on youtube songs and an ad played for a local chain. Shit just happens, something that general is going to come out.

>> No.12922557

If anyone ever connect the dots, just ignore.
Still, If it still worries you just make a new steam account with your vtubers name and buy the game again on the new account. This way there will be no story associated with it.

>> No.12922688

Eh, good point. It's probably not worth worrying about.
Game uses an external community client to play most games (Old game with active community), so steam isn't a factor there. I'll ignore it though, like you said.

>> No.12922828

you will more likely be doxxed by a handful of things you say on your stream more than a general timezone and country. saying you're from New York barely narrows down anything because there are so many people there. if someone is knowledge about accents, they might narrow you down more, but it wouldn't help that much.

but if you talk about how you had a nice pasta meal and walked to a local museum after lunch, that gives away a ton more information for anyone autistic enough to piece together the dots. they'll just look around local museums and track down italian restaurants nearby within walking distance and figure out where you were.

>> No.12923233

Huh, that's actually pretty useful. At that point do I really need to watch what I say? Assuming I've gotten to the point where I have some dude in actively attempting to find me IRL.

>> No.12923398

Just depends on your comfort level, you're already streaming so you're somewhat in the public eye.

But its not like being doxxed is going to be that big of an issue unless you cultivate a weird fucked up cult or are purposefully offensive.
Face streamers are basically all doxed 100%, and most of them have nothing bad even somewhat happen to them.

>> No.12923505

I'll take that advice anon, thanks.

>> No.12929687

>procrastinated on creating my model
>procrastinated on cleaning my desk
>procrastinated on organizing my files so i can be have everything ready to start streaming
>procrastinated on testing streaming with my PC
>procrastinated on cleaning my tabs in case i decide to use kalidoface
>procrastinated on buying an actual mic
>procrastinated on picking a game for my first stream and practicing talking while playing it
>"oh, it's friday already? i guess i'll play dota today wcyd wycd"
me dumb

>> No.12931016

The opsec guide doesn’t give any info on secure donations. If I’ve set up a paypal business account and linked it to streamlabs, is there any way someone could find personal info (name, address, phone #) through a donation receipt or by attempting a dispute? Is it worth it to falsify the info you use at risk of not being able to withdraw or transfer the money?

>> No.12931678

they will get your business name and address, but no other personal information. do not falsify it or Paypal will freeze your account on suspected fraud and do an investigation. this can take up to 6 months. don't fuck around with it. if you don't want to deal with it, donations through twitch bits and subs are the most opsec and also protect you against chargebacks.

you sound like you don't actually want to be a chuuba.

>> No.12931919

Maybe. I wonder.
There are weeks where I feel like I don't actually want anything.

>> No.12931967

sounds like depression. fix that before you try becoming a chuuba. don't know what resources you've got, but it's kinda dumb to constantly keep the idea of trying to be a chuuba on your mind when you're clearly not in the right mindset for it right now. good luck anon.

>> No.12932711

nta, but i've heard a lot of youtubers say that having their channel helped them with their depression

>> No.12932938

Thing is that at times I feel happy and energized, and even then I do nothing.
I don't have just this chubba project on my backlog but some other projects and I haven't advanced much on them, or at all. Is chronic laziness a thing?

Do you have some examples?
I was partly thinking of doing it because of that, since streaming is weird in that it's hard but at the same time >"easy" so I might be able to do it despite my issues.

>> No.12933131

>chronic laziness
might be ADHD, look into it. I was only recently diagnosed at age 20-something and it really explained a lot of things.

>> No.12933207

I think somecallmejohnny but it's been a while since i watched him

>> No.12933249

>Is chronic laziness a thing?
only from the perspective of a capitalistic worker exploitative framework. most others would call it just vibing. but procrastinating on hobbies is definitely a thing. not laziness, rather just more untapped potential.

>> No.12933604

I think I'm seriously unlucky with shrinks because I've been diagnosed with nearly everything that's not a debilitating/serious mental illness and never have I've been diagnosed with ADHD, or fear of failure.
Just depression and depression and depression even a fucking bipolar diagnosis out of nowhere.

Never heard of him but thanks.

>capitalistic worker exploitative framework
shut up tranny retard lmao

>> No.12933667

>shut up tranny retard lmao
there's an idea. you can debut as the horsepaste swallowingfag chuuba.

>> No.12933792

>ivermectin is.... LE HORSEPASTE
do you have no other insult? have you even debuted? fuck sake

>> No.12933821


>> No.12933833

You two, make up, this is a comfy supportive thread

>> No.12933895

>make up
No. I'm not making up with that fuck.
Though that's the last time I knowingly reply to him.

>> No.12934881

Any good mic recommendations? Preferably USB

>> No.12934906

Wave 3

>> No.12934973

HyperX Quadcast

>> No.12937637

You can pretty easily get a name off of an address, is there any way I could switch that to something generic, or should I see about getting a friend to volunteer their address?

>> No.12939631

What hashtags do you guys use to shill your streams?

>> No.12939697

#vtuber and #envtuber both have bots that will randomly retweet your stuff. and those can potentially help. but really those two tags are so overused by hundreds of vtubers.

>> No.12942446

before bed bump

>> No.12945898
File: 34 KB, 640x480, 9baf37a0043d93efc935bb6ffbb00d0b33ca2f60_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone willing to watch a VOD and give me feedback on my new overlays? I'm worried they might be too big and would make it harder to enjoy the gameplay. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1203265807
Thank you to anyone that takes the time!

>> No.12945964

overlay is fine but literally just empty dead space with zero followers, subs, or chat.

>> No.12948068

Like >>12945964 mentioned, the labels are pretty meaningless if you don't have subs or donations available. I think the box for chat is fine enough even if chat isn't active. Did you make the overlay or was it just a free resource? I'm gonna assume it was the latter. For now, I might recommend having socials (twitter/twitch) take up space for two of the three boxes while you keep the followers box there.

>> No.12949974
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Join auntie abby for some vidya you don't care about and have never heard of


>> No.12950167

go shill in /wvt/, this place it for advice

>> No.12950219

eat my scaly ass

>> No.12950334

you're not gonna go far with that attitude faggot.

>> No.12950382

Watch me, fuccboi

>> No.12951484

>Even the most innocuous shit imaginable can be used to fuck you up or lead people in the wrong direction
I keep thinking about this, specially the "most innocuous" part. Twitter gets their panties twisted over nothing and gets worse with each day, so I worry about the type of thing that will be used against me, like not liking something or someone. I have tweeted stuff like not liking anitubers and I feel just by saying that I'm already fucking it up for future corpo auditions since a few are friends with them. Brings to mind Vei shooting herself in the foot by shittalking Holo.

>> No.12953021

do whatever you fucking want on social media. there are no rules about content creation.

>> No.12953435

Nothing bad has ever happened to anyone over not liking something, stop believing in the Twitter boogeyman. No one can do anything to you. Vei makes more money and has as many (or more) viewers than most of HoloEN, you really think she shot herself in the foot? Gura is the only one she beats her out in terms of viewrship.

>> No.12954071

How the fuck do I develop a Shota voice? I want to be a little shota who gets molested by uncles and aunties.

t. Male who doesn't have a deep voice.

>> No.12954149
File: 74 KB, 354x430, around here, but not nasally.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

childlike voice are breathier and sound from the front of your face, rather than the back of the tongue or inside your throat or chest. hummm and you'll feel it. pic rel.

>> No.12954199

how do you selfpromote on tiktok. like i get the part of just taking funny short clips and uploading them on there, that seems straightforward enough obviously and i could just use the same clips i would be uploading to youtube or twitter, but is there anything else. like should i be interacting in a certain way or tagging things or anything like that. or is it just enough to dump clips in the tiktok machine and hope they do numbers

>> No.12954247

you should be responding to good meaningful comments. pin some of the best ones as a little shoutout of sorts. you're not self promoting. you're integrating yourself within the culture. keep it light, keep it memey. don't think to hard about it.

>> No.12954277

This was actually helpful, I've been able to on occasion do a shota voice but it's been really irregular. I also just took a look at the OP and noticed the pastebin about voice + singing.

>> No.12955869

In case you haven’t gotten your answer out of google yet, you can rent a virtual address for like $5 a month where they’ll receive your mail at a set address and scan it to you via email, dunno if there are any other info vulnerabilities with paypal business accounts though, especially with chargebacks if they press paypal for a way to contact you specifically

>> No.12957173

I've tested this before and no address was added, but your business name should just be your chuuba one anyway.

>> No.12958235

What's up with the blue yeti? I used to watch a load of ASMR vids, and quite a lot of creators used one, but checking reviews online now around 50% are just saying it's dogshit.

Anyone got recent experience?

>> No.12958298

i have my new model coming in, hopefully next 72 hours based on what artist said. just coming up to six months streaming in three weeks, so thinking maybe start model reveal with silly low requests? like "1 retweet and reveal feet, 3 and waist, 5 and face", then do first stream with it as subathon on six month celebration? give three weeks to build hype?
but i have ~10 ccv, so not sure if worth it?

>> No.12960502

A lot of the fujo artists I found don't take requests or use a payment method only accepted in japan. why why why

>> No.12960790
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Phase has finished with interviews and Gen 2 is coming soon. Congrats to those who did pass the audition and interview phase.

I did audition for them back in September and didn't get a response after auditions closed. Sucks i wasn't chosen but i guess i wasn't who they're looking for.

>> No.12960851

No m*les were chosen I bet

>> No.12961364


>> No.12963322

Guys, I want something like this but with a different theme.. I want it to be like a retro text box. (BTW.. this is a chat box for the streamer to type in to appear on stream)


>> No.12963349

Also.. if you know that CAN do it, I'm willing to pay them.

>> No.12964119

Hi /asp/, my goal was at first to just have something to show when I do drawstreams, but the more I think about it now I kind of want to get a 3d model and pull off a Space Ghost Coast to Coast for indie cartoonists instead of celebrities. Is the second goal worth pursuing at all or should I just give up on that for now? Also what would be the easiest way to utilize a programmable keypad for emote hotkeys?

>> No.12966039

How do I make sure some big corpo doesn't steal my model and concept?

>> No.12966412

Accept that they have more money than you, so if you try to fight them legally, they will drown you in paperwork, until the costs get too much.

However, you can just tweet our your model and concept, and then it's timestamped, because you can't edit your tweets (yet)

>> No.12966496

Would those NFT things help at all?

>> No.12966635

I... What?

Anon, were you dropped on your head? An NFT is only good for saying who owns a particular version, hosted on a single site. If you're an NFTBro, you probably are familiar with "right-clickers".

OTOH, maybe an NFT would indicate when the picture was uploaded. Might not help, if you can edit the picture (you frequently can).

>> No.12966963

I don't know much about them all I heard was that they help protect shit. I'll just do what you said before.

>> No.12967111

I know this is a recurring question, but is it too late to become a chuuba and get noticed without quality art/rigging?

>> No.12967494

theres no telling honestly. theres this dude with a png snake and hes doing okay numbers. Theres an element of luck at play sometimes.

>> No.12967707

>but is it too late to become a chuuba
yes, but only if you have no talent whatsoever

>> No.12967788

spends lot of money and good rigging + design then maybe you might get some viewers, if you have no talent and a shit voice backing it up tho prepare to join the rank of a 1view

>> No.12968746

If I did my own model, is that enough talent?

>> No.12968790

Welcome to the 1view grind

>> No.12970934


>> No.12971216

Man, this was way too late for me.

>> No.12971333

At what point can I tease and shittalk my chat and goad it to return the favor?
It sounds like a fun concept in my head but there's so much advice on making your stream comfortable and safe and welcoming that it sounds a bit too risky, like it could kill a 5 viewer that's just beginning foreverially.

>> No.12971384

foster the chat you want from day one. yes you're going to filter viewers if you shittalk them but those viewers would have left your channel anyway when you start shittalking them.

it's retarded to start off with a comfortable stream, attracting viewers who expect comfortable and then dropping shittalk on them out of the blue just because you hit some arbitrary point in growth.

>> No.12971524

Don’t listen to >>12968790 and >>12970934. if you can draw and rig, you’re already in the top 3rd of chuubas. If your design stands out enough in the sea of anime girls and boys, people will get curious. Talent is optional. As an example, Bloom is a professional singer and good commentator, yet he still is on the lower end of viewership. The key is getting yourself out there and engaging with the community. Despite all the advice floating around, viewer standards are still pretty low and are based mostly on appearance/relatability.

>> No.12971557

post your numbers and back up what you're saying.

>> No.12971625

nta anon but that is one thing that I fear. I made a paypal account for payments from a clip channel and used a fake name just to be safe about it, because I hate having anyone online known my name if I don't know them in real life. I should research more into how paypal functions so it doesn't fuck me

>> No.12971694

>if you can draw and rig, you’re already in the top 3rd of chuubas
If you can draw and rig WELL. There is a difference.
>If your design stands out enough in the sea of anime girls and boys, people will get curious
Eh maybe. Valefor tier? Yes. Non human models are a debuff.
> yet he still is on the lower end of viewership.
Male debuff and inclining. If he ever gets the IronMouse deep dive he's going to get raided for sure. He just needs a bit of luck. Cream rises to the top.

>> No.12971768

he also doesn't advertise outside of /here/ and only networks with /here/chuubas

>> No.12972080

Thanks anon. I feel like I'm doing alright, and viewership has been steadily rising. I'm up to around 15-20 average for my non-singing streams, and my last singing stream averaged about 30 concurrent viewers. I'm hoping to see a bump when my 3d is done and I'm more than a bouncing PNG. An ironmouse raid or notice would be awesome, hopefully the chuuba choir stuff I organize can get some eyeballs. I'm really proud of how the last one turned out, and the holiday one will be even better, and a much more ambitious project besides.

I've managed to pull in quite a few viewers from outside of here with my Doom streams and have been raided into by other Doom streamers (chuuba and non-chuuba) so I'm trying to make sure I'm not just here.

>> No.12972179

Oh, im not a chuuba. I do think that people take the talent thing too seriously though. I mean, take a look at paperbag for example and tell me what that dudes special talent is. Or here is this guy: https://twitter.com/enricozenitani
You could say their „talent“ is charisma or whatever, but I think it’s more on the appearance/relatability side.

Male debuff is a myth, see above link and Randon, for example.
Out of the couple hundred or so chuubas I found on tiktok, only about 10 did their own model. And if this: https://twitch.tv/reinanoi can get a 1000 follows, so can you.
I would agree that nonhuman models are a debuff, but to be an ikemen you need a very specific voice and attitude.
I think Bloom‘s problem is lack of social media presence and memes. I doubt a deep dive would save him if all he got are holo barbershop covers.
Sorry, but acapella just isn’t that interesting.

>> No.12972324

>Oh, im not a chuuba.
start with this next time so we know to ignore your retarded opinions. pisses me off when viewers who know nothing about content creation or chuuba growth come here with retarded ideas. like that lorefag viewer from last week shitting up the thread trying to convince chuubas to have intricate and detailed lore despite the fact that no one cares.

>> No.12972435

>Sorry, but acapella just isn’t that interesting.
isn't that interesting TO YOU, specifically. unless you count for 20-30 viewers on your own, no one cares. it's obvious that you're not even part of his intended audience, so why would he give a shit about what you think of acapella?

>> No.12972518

this thread has a weird amount of trolling for how slow it is.
What's the appeal anon? Is it because you expect newfags to drop here first?

>> No.12972556

And I get pissed off when lacklustre creatives put standards on everyone to justify their own sunk costs. If any chuubas had talent, they’d be using their skills to get paid instead of dicking around on the internet. I know for sure I don’t watch vtubers because of their art skills.
Content creation is for viewers, and if you ignore viewer opinions, you’re the dumb one.

>> No.12972653

your opinions mean nothing unless you can actually provide support for them.

>> No.12972690

>I think Bloom‘s problem is lack of social media presence and memes. I doubt a deep dive would save him if all he got are holo barbershop covers.
Sorry, but acapella just isn’t that interesting.

I'm not great at social media. I don't use Twitter at all outside of vtubing and never have, so it's pretty unfamiliar to me. I don't know how people can tweet dozens of hundreds of times a day. I don't have that many thoughts a day, let alone ones worth sharing.

As far as content though, I think there's a place for what I do with classical music. The streams where I record music part by part, until I've got a full recording, are a lot of fun for me, and do decently well in viewership, too. Even my reading streams do pretty well, with this last one (autumn poetry themed) averaging about 20 concurrent viewers.

I do also have my gaming niche (Doom megawads) and have been branching out into more retro from real hardware. I think I've got a fair amount of content if I ever got a deep dive.

>If any chuubas had talent, they’d be using their skills to get paid instead of dicking around on the internet.

I do get paid, that's why I haven't had much time to stream this week. Three paying music gigs tomorrow. Streaming is a hobby. Professionals have hobbies too, anon.

>> No.12972786

And why would I give a shit about what you think of acapella, mysterychuuba? Unless you yourself are big, I don’t think you got weight to swing around either.
Im simply seeing that choral singing is not as popular as say, rap or city pop or metal and the crossover of anime fans who like choral singing is an even smaller audience. Unless I missed something and choral/acapella/whatever bloom does has some kind of huge worldwide audience that’s all been hiding till now

I can see that Bloom is your oshi apparently, but outside of singing he doesn’t have much.

>> No.12973152

I never said you weren’t a professional/talented. I was making a case that it’s not about the talent, it’s about social media presence and viewer engagement. I think it’s wrong to discourage people by telling them they ngmi unless they have arts talents or training.
You do you man, put yourself out there more with highlights and stuff. Make people like me care about acapella if you believe there is a place for it.

>> No.12973270

It's not that choral/classical music doesn't have a huge global audience (it does) but that vtuber viewers largely haven't been exposed to that kind of content before, and I want to expose people to that content and that kind of music. Likewise with barbershop music, that's a unique musical idiom that a lot of people haven't been exposed to, and once they hear it, they like it. I want to expand people's horizons, and I don't mind if I'm not an overnight success with it.

As far as social media engagement, I'll be giving TikTok a shot. Ideas I have for content there would be where I have three of me singing accompaniment, and someone can duet to sing the melody. Or I could do daily poem readings or something like that. Bite size music theory lessons?

>> No.12973418

because faggots like you are the reason why pretty much every single /asp/ie is stagnating. because you fags walk in, proclaim to be a viewer the beginning indies want so much of and then feed them retarded ideas that always result in stagnation. you don't even watch indies, just shitpost dumb ideas, trying to get vtubers to appeal specifically to you despite the fact that you don't even watch them.

>> No.12973569

You know you don't see to go after anime fans if you are a vtuber; sure that is the main audience right now but it will expand with time and as more people start coming for things other than anime there will be more room for different things.
Choral and acapella are fairly popular; they aren't the big genres but there is a large amount of people who like it who are generally underserved. What manages to get attention changes with time and there is all sorts of niche stuff that has large followings on various social media.

I think the biggest thing hold you back at this point is just getting the people who would be interested in your content to see it; I think that's where trying tiktok or such may help.
Also it doesn't seem like your viewers has plateaued or anything just slower steady growth; and that all one can really hope for with out getting a lucky connection or bump with an algorithm.

>> No.12973749

People who found me through my Doom streams have stuck around for my other streams, so I'm encouraged by that. I'm pretty happy with my growth so far, especially since I've got a very basic PNG, no overlays, none of the fancy visuals that people expect of vtubers. I'm working on getting that all into place, but I'm very glad I started streaming without waiting on any of that. It's helped me get a feel for creating content and I'm very happy to have a growing audience for it. I'll take steady growth over a big spike and plateau any day.

>> No.12973994

What retarded idea did I feed exactly? That they don’t need to be talented and instead should be engaging and relatable? That having a unique design is a good thing?
Also a good half of /asp/ies arent stagnating, you’re talking out of your ass, there was Nelson, Callie, Bodega, Elliott, Retsuvol, Tiredsquidd, even Chimera. People who don’t grow are like that not because they are talentless, but because they aren’t making themselves visible enough. I think I just touched a nerve with you personally.

>> No.12974075

>What retarded idea did I feed exactly? That they don’t need to be talented and instead should be engaging and relatable? That having a unique design is a good thing?

>starts out with the claim that self drawn and rigged model places you in the "top 3rd of chuubas"
>moves goalposts this fucking far
this is why viewer opinions don't matter. especially from faggots on 4chan who don't know the first thing about content creation.

>Also a good half of /asp/ies arent stagnating, you’re talking out of your ass, there was Nelson, Callie, Bodega, Elliott, Retsuvol, Tiredsquidd, even Chimera.
>sub 30 views months after debut
>stagnation trend for months
>constantly collabing within their own circlejerk
the best one of the group is Retsu and she's getting by off the power of a fat wallet and high quality assets.

>> No.12974251

Yeah it's one of the reasons I don't really take the male debuff stuff and the fixation with "buff" games and content not to seriously; because if you wanna grow an audience that likes the stuff you do is will be slow and take time, more so if you are trying to create a new niche.
Right now there is not much variety in vtuber content with few notable exceptions most of us are aware of but even then there is some conformation to standard vtube tropes.
If the medium wants to get more eyes on it it will need people pushing the boundaries and pulling in people who would never watch vtubers for what they are now.

GFE, idolfag and coomerbait are probably three of the most popular styles of vtubing and none of them work as well for males.
The audience that would be more likely to watch male vtubers doing what there passionate about is small and limited right now so I think the best a male can do is slowly pull new people into the scene.

Like I really wanna put my money where my mouth is and support male chuubas because honestly I think they can do as well as holo or any other big streamers.
The biggest streamers in the world are all male for a reason.

>> No.12974302

Yes, I will stand by that being able to draw and rig well enough to make a model qualifies you to be counted as having more talent than a third of chuubas out there. It is still uncommon to see someone do everything themselves.
It’s not a retarded thing to suggest going diy.
As for aspies, if getting new followers every stream does not count as inclining, then I think you’re the one moving goalposts.

>> No.12974427

I really want to support more male chuubas myself, but so many of them don’t hit the right spot for me. I watch a lot of big and small male streamers with and without cam, but I’ve noticed that a lot of male chuubas are too soft or they try too hard to be funny. Feels pretty bad.

>> No.12974445

>a model qualifies you to be counted as having more talent than a third of chuubas out there. It is still uncommon to see someone do everything themselves.
someone doing everything themselves does not translate to the type of talent that viewers want to see and will let you grow. to imply otherwise is disingenuous.
>It’s not a retarded thing to suggest going diy.
it is. you're telling chuubas to postpone being a chuuba for literal months while they draw and learn to rig their own model. that delays their already slow growth for 2-3 months only to debut with a shitty model.

/asp/ies who want to become a chuuba need to practice being a chuuba, a streamer. not a scuffed live2d model rigger. you're disguising this as having "soul" or "talent" but in practical terms it's wasted time and effort that contributes nothing to learning how to be a chuuba grow as an entertainer.

>if getting new followers every stream does not count as inclining
follows mean nothing. active concurrent viewer counts are key. 10k followers but 2 active viewers for all of your streams doesn't mean you're inclining. it means you're just getting a ton of pity follows for content no one actually wants to watch.

>> No.12974543

nta, a lot of people on Tiktok are there for entertainment, and I don't know how well poems could do, but I could definitely see small songs/the small music theory things doing well

>> No.12974594

>a lot of people on Tiktok are there for entertainment, and I don't know how well poems could do
t. someone who doesn't know how tiktok works

there's plenty audiences that think poems are good entertainment. there's an entire section of tiktok dedicated to just looking at videos of mushrooms being touched.

>> No.12974729

>someone doing everything themselves does not translate to the type of talent that viewers want to see and will let you grow. to imply otherwise is disingenuous.
Agreeing with this anon here. As a small chuuba who did their own model art and rig, it really doesn't translate to big views or being in the top 3rd of chuubas. It does translate to getting more commission requests, but I don't think I've gained any viewers just on the basis that I did my own art/rig.

>> No.12974803

>it is. you're telling chuubas to postpone being a chuuba for literal months while they draw and learn to rig their own model. that delays their already slow growth for 2-3 months only to debut with a shitty model.
There's also a thing I think about, what if they're just straight up not good at drawing? I don't have much money, so I made a little chibi, liked how it looked especially since I'm not an artist, and am planning to just start streaming with this little chibi girl as my avatar.

>> No.12974905

Im not saying that you HAVE to go diy, dumbass. I’m saying that if you do, that’s enough talent to bring something new. If you can rig yourself, you can also make your model do new interesting things firsthand.
And if you have those skills, they are already content, because now you can make tutorials and talk about live2d updates and stuff, you can post recordings of model creation as content.

Is that time better spent streaming to no one with a generic anime avatar? Maybe. You will gain the skills of commenting and killing dead air. But anybody can do the latter, fewer people can make models.

>> No.12975004

>am planning to just start streaming with this little chibi girl as my avatar.
the sooner you get started, the sooner you'll figure out what actually helps you grow as a chuuba and what doesn't.

>If you can rig yourself, you can also make your model do new interesting things firsthand.
the fact that you're a viewer taints this with because all i'm hearing is
>i don't know how much work and effort this takes
>but i think it might be cool to see as a 15 second youtube clip

>And if you have those skills, they are already content, because now you can make tutorials and talk about live2d updates and stuff, you can post recordings of model creation as content.
you are already outcompeted by talented live2d riggers and artists out there. your 2 months of fucking around with Live2D cubism isn't content worth watching and definitely isn't something that will pull in new viewers.

>Is that time better spent streaming to no one with a generic anime avatar? Maybe.
no, it's not better time spent.
if you want to grow as a chuuba, you need to practice streaming. not self rigging. if you want to be a live2d rigger, by all means go for it. but that's not what most /asp/ies want to do.

>You will gain the skills of commenting and killing dead air. But anybody can do the latter, fewer people can make models.
again, most /asp/ies don't want to become a live2d rigger. they want to become a streamer.

this faggot is why viewer opinions do not matter at all.

>> No.12975264

Everyone in the goddamn 4chan is outcompeted by people out there, and yet they push through.
You can’t read anyway, because you keep misinterpreting what I’m saying somehow. I’m not telling chuubas to be riggers. I’m saying even being a shitty artist/rigger is something a chuuba can work with to make interesting streams and videos.
All this rigging and drawing bullshit is easy anyway in 2021, there’s tutorials everywhere.

>> No.12975297

>even being a shitty artist/rigger is something a chuuba can work with to make interesting streams and videos.
and i'm saying this is worthless advice.

>> No.12975374


>> No.12975411
File: 12 KB, 241x92, Capture_(33).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has to go out of his way to find a meme video made by someone with 6 digit followers
link me a twitch stream that's growing, not a youtube joke video made by a memer for his already established community.

>> No.12975646


>> No.12975674

This isn't Twitch nor is this person even a Youtube streamer.

>> No.12975700

anon i appreciate the vote of confidence but i've been in the 8-10 view range consistently since like may
i've done my own share of trying to mix stuff up and putting myself out there though and I have seen new faces that have been popping in for multiple streams

>> No.12975781

>he's still linking short meme youtube videos and not live streams
so what you're saying is that chuubas should spend 3 months rigging their own model to make a sub 2 minute meme video. again, for their pre-established community. a large one of 2k youtube subs by the time that video was posted.

the fact that you can't provide a single example of a LIVESTREAM and need to keep posting meme videos that a content creator made for their established communities is already telling.

>> No.12975845

>Male debuff and inclining. If he ever gets the IronMouse deep dive he's going to get raided for sure. He just needs a bit of luck. Cream rises to the top.

yeah just like what happened with Spacer...O-Oh yeah. Well at least there's Krimbo. Wait....No one she's raided has retained any of that viewership a week later.

>> No.12975895

Aside from the basic "be entertaining" which comes in a variety of flavors, the biggest thing you need to incline (male or female) are actually having your clips spread about. It's too often that /asp/ies just have zero clips and zero discoverability outside of this website and for no reason other than their own laziness. It's part of why Randon grew so fast, he's a Youtuber at heart and knows the best way for him to grow is to consistently upload and create non-stream content.

>> No.12975902

spacer is a faggot who cares more about his lore and kayfabe gimmick than actually being an entertainer. that was expected.

Bloom at least has the chops to be on stage and perform. he's not going to retain all of Ironmouse's raid numbers because most are there for reaction video meme content, but he can hold a significant percentage of them.

>> No.12976010

>but he can hold a significant percentage of them.
He won't. Zero people have, even females tend to lose it and not incline. You don't know what you're talking about at all and I actually do like Bloom. If he gets a raid he'll hold them for a bit (mostly the AFK ones and ones that are just trying to support someone mousey does), then the next day he'll have more viewers and you'll be really excited and problem spam some "HE'S INCLINING MALES TAKE NOTE!", then it'll just plummet back to his normal numbers like almost everyone else she raids.

>> No.12976140

actually I'm wrong, Aethelstan has held them for quite some time but that's more because he's made it into her circle of friends not just from some one-off raid. That's what it takes to incline like that off of someone unless you're really just exceptionally similar to the raider's content. Constant raids, constant shoutouts, support, etc. The other person has to want you to grow and want to help, not just some one-off raid.

>> No.12976157

Ok, last try: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1135613740
Axecutioner rigs like a new model every month, and if you tell me he is a good artist/rigger, i will find where you live and spit in your face. He still gets views becasue a) he posts fanart on Twitter a lot and b)he found viewers that do like the lore.

If that doesn’t prove to you that even subpar rigging and live2d is content, you are a troglodyte and i am not replying to you anymore.
Just admit you have nobodies what viewers want.

>> No.12976304

Anon his 30 and 90 day averages are 6 viewers, and it's probably because most of his content is just uninspired art/rigging. Judging by his chat on a few of these VODs, his viewers ARE /asp/ies.

>> No.12976309

>4 view vod
>this is growth
if this doesn't prove that viewer opinions are worthless trash, i don't know what will.

>If that doesn’t prove to you that even subpar rigging and live2d is content
just because you shit on a plate doesn't mean people want to eat it. everything is content. but that doesn't mean people want to watch the content.

>> No.12976356

in fact I found one VOD where 2 of his viewers are in it and chat is basically dead. Come on you need something better than this.

I know deep down you want to link 2wintails but the fact her skills in art, Live2D, and just streaming i n general completely eradicate your "even low skill art can get views!" argument you won't do it.

>> No.12977623

I appreciate the vote of confidence, but I wouldn't be able to maintain a large percentage of a Mouse raid. That's simply too many people and they're probably not going to be interested in my content. However, it's my hopes that the ones who ARE interested would stay and come back in the future, and that's still probably a hundred+ people, which for me, would be a huge net gain.

>> No.12978375
File: 1.37 MB, 1131x909, ching chong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The current ceiling for western male vtubers is like 300, gaining 15 extra viewers from your current 10-15 already gets you in the male bingo chart.
Just try don't to get cancelled and you are set.

>> No.12978440

Haven't checked the thread in a while, what did Kitty and Frost do?

>> No.12978616

Kitty ERPed with fans for fan art while having a significant other.
Frost send dick pics or something

>> No.12979664

and all these "cancelled" people are doing fine

>> No.12979759

wouldn't advise getting canceled anyway
too many psycho femchuubas out there mad as fuck, better keep opsec

>> No.12980168

>10-15 already gets you in the male bingo chart
No, it doesn't. When I made this it wasn't just "lul high view", it's an observation of their influence, their community, their off-stream content creation etc.

I try to honestly avoid most /here/ chuubas mainly because they'd have no audience if 4chan wasn't watching them, I only included Krimbo and Little S because they're clearly broken out of that. I like Bloom too but I don't see even 1% of an iron mouse raid staying. They don't care about chuubas who don't fit their interests and Bloom's content is extremely niche.

>> No.12980300
File: 5 KB, 129x126, 1612033246723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's an observation of their influence, their community, their off-stream content creation etc.


>> No.12980331
File: 307 KB, 1920x1080, 20211113_170037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This heckpup vtuber is celebrating her one year anniversary. Can't stay up to watch it but thought I might share it here.


>> No.12980468

Most of the people with higher viewcount have all of those things so it's as simple as just a few clicks to check, you probably won't have viewers without them.

>> No.12981707

Damn, at least i know i'm not at risk

>> No.12984382

I think you're looking for /wvt/ shill friend

>> No.12986150

Is drawing easy? I have a lot of trouble but I'm still trying to get better. Any tuts you'd advise, anon?

>> No.12986607

I’m considering opening up consultancy for a secondary form of income but I want to know I can get results first… would anyone be okay with being a test subject?

>> No.12986658

post socials

>> No.12988328

Where can I ask about Vroid Studio?
I wanted to make a male model that doesn't look all that much like a manlet twink but I have no idea how to look for tutorials for that or if they even exist. Most of what I see are for hair and clothing, nothing on using the body sliders.

>> No.12988461

No. It takes around 5 years on average to get good at drawing, assuming no previous experience. Though it depends a lot on how much effort you put in and how talented you are.
For tutorials, most of the resources in the /ic/ sticky are pretty good >>>/ic/1579290

>> No.12988796

gonna go put together a list of male chuubas that are making it so males have no more excuses when it come to bitching about this made up >male debuff

>> No.12989028

Sure, after you change the definition of making it like bingo card anon did

>Dude 30 viewers is making it trust me it is all about community impact.

Girls who have 30 viewers think of themselves as failures. Statistically most males have 0.

>> No.12989382

what are you talking about the same picture/expansions of it get posted like every thread as a reminder
aren't all the chuubas in >>12978375 partnered at the very least? you could probably add some more partnered ones; i know han byeol recently hit partner
i feel like having partner numbers is a fairly straightforward definition of making it

>> No.12989928

>the same picture/expansions of it get posted like every thread as a reminder
and there's always constant bitching about how arbitrary reasons mean so and so doesn't really count

>> No.12990112

I still remember that girl that drew and rigged her model herself and it was a beautifully rigged model with plenty of expressiveness.
Then I check her VODs and her guests with shitty fucking blingee-tier characters in PNGs have a million times more emotion than her.
I also remember that anon ITT that said that anons have all kinds of weird, unique talents they never put to use or consider for vtubing because they are so second-nature to them that they are barely aware of them.

I agree that being able to make a quality model on your own is a huge advantage over most chubbas but if you are actually a boring streamer, it's really worth very little if not outright nothing.

>> No.12990155

I think partner is a good metric. That's widely understood.

>> No.12990187

it's also useless for /asp/ies

>> No.12990239

Why? I don't think partner is unattainable, and looking at the variety between males who have made partner can give insight into what they've done to grow their audience.

>> No.12990328

i know you're just shitposting in badfaith so i'm going to stop responding to you

>> No.12990459

NTA and not particularly interested in Twitch or getting partnered but why is getting partnered not good for /asp/ies?

>> No.12990877

what metric would you go off be for "making it" then? you've thrown out the 30 viewer number multiple times but that seems even less like making it
usually the most common arbitrary reason that i agree with is "it can't be someone who had an established fanbase before being a content creator" but that image also ignores that by not having people like takahata or bahroo on it

>> No.12990912
File: 1.28 MB, 2030x891, the male %22debuff%22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go m*les, bitch about the >male debuff all you want, these non partners are doing plenty fine in terms of viewers. only hanbyeol is a partner and he just got it a week ago. make better content and stop bitching about the nonexistent debuff.

>> No.12991026

Nice, I'm very close to RekiYumiya for 30 and 90 day CCV.

I don't think many of the /here/ males seriously complain about a male debuff, though.

>> No.12991039

your definition of "making it" is fascinating based on these numbers
could you elaborate because multiple male /asp/ies also have around these numbers

>> No.12991108

name them. and don't give me Axecutioner like that retarded faggot tried to pull earlier this thread.

>> No.12992387

Kaji Oniyama, Nanase Cain, Golden Kenji, and Bloom are all around the HaydenVT and RekiYumiya level of CCV. All beat ShyVT.

>> No.12992492

30 day average: 18
90 day average: 13
30 day average: 21
90 day average: 14
30 day average: 15
90 day average: 14
30 day average: 14
90 day average: 16
30 day average: 21
90 day average: 21
30 day average: 33
90 day average: 47
30 day average: 38
90 day average: 45
30 day average: 15
90 day average: 14
so anyway what do you define as making it?

>> No.12992557

ah fuck, just realized i reversed Lex's average; should be 47 for 30 days and 33 for 90 days; he's had a pretty huge incline

>> No.12992583

been loving your retro game streams not gonna lie. it really seems like youre passionate about and and you have a lot of trivia to share. it's very fun to watch, or even just have in the background. my only gripe is that the game audio tends to get a bit loud and sharp sometimes, is there a way for you to add a volume cap to the game audio so that it doesnt go above a certain volume?

Thing is if you don't care about the type of content he streams, there's no forcing it. He's not really a variety streamer, he's quite focused on his niche. Sure, if he were to ever branch out and try new things, he has the potential to definitely reach a higher viewership. But from his replies and his content, he seems happy where he's at.

>> No.12992660

>most in 10s
not bad, better than 2views.

as long as they're inclining they're gonna make it. none of them seem to selfpost in /asp/ but now there's an actually useful list of chuubas m*les can look at to see what growth looks like when starting out. instead of just pointing to a list chuubas who have already made partner after a year of being a chuuba and have CCVs in the hundreds.

>> No.12992847

yeah a good amount of them selfpost in /wvt/ nowadays i think bloom and myself are the only ones that seem to still stick around the thread
but, i think i see what your interpretation of making it is now

>> No.12992877

Add two more so I can play cancelled bingo with this one too.

>> No.12993052

so i've been using vseeface with my vroid model for the past couple of months with a webcam for the face tracking. but lately, the past couple times i've streamed, the face tracking has been much worse than before. it loses track of my face really easily even if i'm still in frame, and i'm getting extra frame drops on obs while streaming (it tells me i'm dropping anywhere from 10%-30% of my frames). i tried adjusting the quality of the facetracking and reduced my model to 15fps, but it didn't really change anything. does anyone know what could be causing this, or what i could do to fix? or should i just reach out on the vseeface discord? thanks in advance

>> No.12993053

>an actually useful list of chuubas m*les can look at to see what growth looks like when starting out.
you know you could have just said this from the beginning instead of being a bitch about it.

>> No.12994351

I've heard people shit talk /ic/ but I don't know what for

>> No.12994386

>>most in 10s
I think that until you're breaking 50+ all you have in your chat is other aspies and 4chan viewers which are all essentially worthless. remove the chuubas from these equations and most of these people have probably 6 viewers.

>> No.12994611

Out of curiosity, does anyone do this just for fun or is everyone wanting to hit it big and become a YouTube multimillionaire? It's the latter, right?

>> No.12994671

at the lower numbers, being able to be in the double digits at all is great for discoverability so i think its fair to still count them
a lot of peoples initial numbers start from having a community to build up from; i don't think someone's starting community being /here/ should take away from someone

>> No.12994674

Most people are doing it for fun but obviously want to succeed. Failing isn't fun.

>> No.12994928

i have a job and can't commit to this full time. when i was younger i always wanted to do something like this (though in the past it was lets plays); so being able to consistently stream is enough to make me happy; making small inclines is satisfying enough to me. i started in february and last month was the first time i managed to have a double digit average viewership! i've also met a lot of awesome people doing this and in general streaming the things i would have done alone is nice
obviously it would be nice to make it big but i'm not gonna go menhera if i don't; i'm appreciative of all the people who come to visit me

>> No.12994934

> being able to be in the double digits at all is great for discoverability
That's true, I just think with /here/ chuubas the lower end should be taken with a grain of salt since the chat is almost all chuubas and people who will only even watch because you're "/here/" or /here/-adjacent. meanwhile a lot of viewers from other chuubas (male or female) are viewers they've picked up via networking and advertising. I think it's just a difference in the overall "worth" of a viewer if that makes any sense.

Typing it out though it is a bit nonsensical but I'd easily trade 20 /wvt/ or /asp/ies for 20 randoms that just like my content because they like it, not because "I'm just like them" or something. That could just be a personal preference though.

>> No.12994972

i'm putting actual effort into this because i want to succeed. if i ever hit a point where i think i'm doing good enough or stop growing, i'm going to get bored and quit entirely rather than stagnate.

>> No.12995261

maybe its just because i don't have a lot of viewers from here but i feel like the people from /wvt/ who chat in my stream are there because they like the content i do; i don't think the people are clicking on my links just because i'm here
i do understand your point though but i don't think i really have that feeling of people clicking on my links only because i'm here

>> No.12995371

Because /ic/ is basically all the bad parts of /asp/ turned up to 11. People looking for hacks to get popular without actually improving their art, crabs in a bucket mentality, people blaming their failure on not having being born asian, blaming meme diseases like aphantasia, endless debates on the importance of appeal vs technical skill. Only the resource threads and a few generals with more insular communities are worthwhile.

>> No.12995495

For fun, and to get my own community

>> No.12996076

Mostly doing it for fun, and to share my niche interests with audiences that may not be familiar with them. I probably wouldn't do it full-time, since I have a career I enjoy and wouldn't want to leave for what would almost assuredly be a significant step down in income.

>> No.12997111

remember /asp/ies don't take """"advice"""" from viewers who don't know anything about being a chuuba. especially /here/. the meme about viewers becoming extinct has made more than a handful of viewers feel as entitled as Verified Yelp Reviewers back in 2015. just remember they're full of shit and don't know what they're talking about.

if you want to grow, do not appeal to /here/viewers. they are 30+ year old millennials mentally stuck in 2010 who are rapidly becoming the out of touch boomerfags who don't understand the world around them.

>> No.12997339

>they are 30+ year old millennials mentally stuck in 2010 who are rapidly becoming the out of touch boomerfags who don't understand the world around them.
How did you know that about me?

>> No.12999688

Anyone know good places to find bgm, or musicians that take commissions for individual tracks?

>> No.13000183

What do chubbas usually do while their starting soon screens are running?

>> No.13000340

>Crunching down a cough suppressant lozenge.
>Drinking some coffee to help get my energy up.
>Stretching, using the restroom.
>Reviewing my agenda for the stream.
>If I'm eating, wolfing down the last few bites of whatever I have.

>> No.13000818

>post my going live message on relevant socials
>Stretches i guess??
>usually everything else is ready before i get to my start screen

>> No.13001092

>they are 30+ year old millennials mentally stuck in 2010
Viewer here
Pander to me
Also came to ask if any of you is going to be a lamp vtuber yet. I like lava lamps.

>> No.13001331

>lamp vtuber
aren't there a few of those out there already?

>> No.13001632

link me

>> No.13001853

the one that i remember seeing was like a cat lamp vtuber but i forget their name and searching "lamp vtuber" doesn't get me anything
there's also these two i found with the aforemented search

>> No.13001936

I will unironically subscribe to the girl ty
t. 40 years young

>> No.13002382

>that pic of the lava girl seemingly throwing the tranny lamp into the trash except that it's a hoop
schrodinger's based

>> No.13005980

another day, another time the aspiring vtuber thread nearly gets archived

>> No.13006465

whenever i'm running a game+vseeface+spotify or chrome to play music, my stream/internet constantly dcs and i get massive fps drops. it improves when i turn off music. is there any way to play music that isn't high on cpu usage?

>> No.13007157

jesus christ youre still on about that and completely misinterpreting what i was saying even harder than last time
i dont wanna go with the standard "rent free" but theres really only one conclusion to draw here!

>> No.13007263

Why not use something like MPC-HC?

>> No.13008137

didn't know about this program, thanks anon

>> No.13009413

Got it, thanks anon, I'll look at the resources. Also, just wondering, but how would the crabs in a bucket mentality work on /ic/? Would it be people saying how others can't be better than them or that they'll forever not be good or something?

>> No.13009718

You could use dova syndrome or whatever it's called , but other than that I don't really know

>> No.13009809

Dumb question, can I delete and remake my YouTube and Twitter accounts to make the creation dates are more recent? I've yet to debut but don't want a discrepancy between the date and my first videos/posts

>> No.13011209

>Would it be people saying how others can't be better than them or that they'll forever not be good or something?
Yeah basically. Some people on /ic/ are really insecure, and if someone better than them posts their art they will try to demoralise the artist.

>> No.13011490

I think you can, but honestly probably no one cares. I’ve never looked at the difference between creation date and first post date, but if I did, it would be a very fleeting thought.

>> No.13013791

Do whatever you want man

>> No.13013952

If you’re still around; I’d recommend the first two lessons of drawabox, then if you want to get some quick results, pick up a book on how to draw comics. Otherwise checkout the loomis books and the /ic/ wiki

>> No.13015646

Practice consistently and don't be impatient, there's no hack to get good fast, it's literally just doing your reps. It's like going to the gym. You build up strength over time through deliberate, consistent work.

>> No.13016002

I would recommend deleting the Twitter account if only for opsec reasons.

>> No.13017472

Mysteria opened auditions, is this black company bait?

>> No.13018119

Looks more like LARP, don't bother

>> No.13018791

That sounds horrid, I'll remember to just use resources, thanks!

>> No.13018826

Thanks to all of you guys, I'll note this down and start working, wish me luck!

>> No.13022676

they seem to already have a Gen 1 though their numbers don't seem incredible; 1 memeber above 1k subs, 1 almost there, and 2 barely reaching 500
has anyone actually followed any of the members? the only one that I feel like i've seen in passing is velty

>> No.13023019

Could I get some feedback on my streams? I’d like to get better, but I’m not sure what I could be doing differently. Thank you!

>> No.13023564

From a first impression, I personally like the presentation of the channel. Overlay isn't obstructing and not filled with tons of stuff. You also have a pretty nice Live2D model too, along with the other art assets on your account (about section etc). The one thing that I notice right away after a quick 10 min view is that your commentary is lacking a bit. You're definitely filling up dead air, but I don't really find the commentary too interesting. That'll come with practice desu. That's one part I'd focus on personally. Otherwise, you're doing well imo. Note, not a chuuba yet, just talking from a viewer's perspective.

>> No.13023745

Hmm so just to get nitpicky, if you're having friends in vc on stream consider adding a reactive png for them. Can make for following conversations a bit easier w/ multiple voices.

One other thing and not for stream per se, but I will sometimes check Twitters for a schedule so maybe send that out as well since I saw one in your Twitch panels.

>> No.13024039

Thank you for the feedback, you two!

> The one thing that I notice right away after a quick 10 min view is that your commentary is lacking a bit
Yeah, I find it really hard to fill up dead air, but I’ll try to be more aware about it and improve on that!

> if you're having friends in vc on stream consider adding a reactive png for them
Oh, shoot, you’re right on the reactive thing. I always forget to set that up before I stream, but I’ll put it on my list of things to check.

> I will sometimes check Twitters for a schedule so maybe send that out as well
I always get nervous that I’ll spam my followers, but I’ll try that out.

>> No.13024603

Easy way to go about it without spamming is making a schedule for a week, then pinning it. Just 1 tweet per week, it's not spammy. I'm sure your followers care less than you think, lol.

>> No.13024790

Yeah, you’re right, if they did care it would probably be a small amount of them. I’m sure at this point they’re used to seeing artists posting stream schedules and notifs.

>> No.13025850

Hey I've been thinking of becoming a vtuber.
Do males even have a chance or I shouldn't bother.
Every male vtuber I've seen has like 1 viewer tops, even the talented ones...

>> No.13025968

please /asp/ies, you're better than this. don't take it.

>> No.13026333

Nope. Not a chance.
Become a manager instead.

>> No.13026721

People have super differing opinions on that topic. If you want mine, ignore what people think and still give it a try. If you're really good at being a streamer/chuuba, you'll notice if there is a male debuff at all.

>> No.13027108
File: 85 KB, 664x540, 1390099391412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

passerby here with a perfect example of what NOT to do:
i just clicked on a channel in my recommended called alfehildeodin. obviously a scandi tuber. i turn her on and shes been complaining about not making partner, twitter, /vt/, and all the haters to her audience of 200 for like 10 minutes now. fair enough the grind is difficult and maybe shes just venting but nothing compels me to follow and definitely not sub. tab closed

meanwhile in another tab Lumi is happily doing her loud and autistic thing same as she always does to her modest audience and makes no apologies for it. point is if you click the stream button you should be PERFORMING. even if its just react-shit, do something, but don't expect the viewer to fill in the blanks for why they should like you. maybe ill throw that other girl a follow and check her out on a better day

>> No.13027895

>tfw wanted to make joke pity streams as a joke on people who cry about numbers
>someone might walk in and think i'm actually serious

>> No.13028204

>audience of 200
>what not to do

>> No.13028599

Alfei is making a performance for her specific type of audience which seems to be beta orbiters for stacies.
She's inclined while everyone stagnated. She.knows.exactly.what.she.is.doing

>> No.13028658

of all the places, i didn't think 4chan would be the one that thought of themselves as having standards or morals refusing to "sell out" to grow.

>> No.13028659

any vtuber that gets its laughs pretending to be retarded will have its chat flooded with actual retards who will believe themselves to be in good company

>> No.13028907
File: 1.28 MB, 1920x1080, 1635897934614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although it's easier to become a regular male streamer, it does seem somewhat more difficult to become a male vtuber, but there are successful ones out there. Plus, the more difficult something is, the better you grow when it comes to it, like working out. Also pic rel

>> No.13028959

>Although it's easier to become a regular male streamer, it does seem somewhat more difficult to become a male vtuber,
can you list out at least 2 reasons why that's the case?

>> No.13029233

its incredible to me because if they just scrolled through the thread they'd see the whole discussion from last night about it

>> No.13029380

Honestly I don't think it's harder if you're doing the same stuff those "regular" male streamers do. It looks hard because the people who complain about the "male debuff" put out low-effort or niche content. If you read the previous thread, we talked about it in detail.

>> No.13029511

you must be a newfag since this place runs on contrarianism, snobism and elitism
When a game becomes popular /v/ immediately hates it

>> No.13029942

I'd say male debuff exists only when you're starting out, as people unironically fall for the grooming 2views meme, do enough networking and streaming reps and it basically disappears though

>> No.13032614


>> No.13032846

Wanna talk about something anon?
Let's take a guess on which of these posters will become the next nijis:
I say this one >>13028907 has the right attitude.
This one maybe >>13027108
This one >>13025968 sounds like it's already a Niji.
This one >>13017472 is NGMI. If you start questioning if companies are black companies you will never get into Blackcompany sanji.

>> No.13034593

I like the black company meme, though. It's funny.

>> No.13034878

seeing the numbers from Ethyria, Nijisanji is pretty much a dead end. you can do better as a good indie. most of the big name /here/chuubas that are talked about on /wvt/ and even those who aren't like SunKenji or Hiiragi Yuu have competitive numbers to Nijis.

unless you're some lightning in a bottle type like Selen, Lazulight set the hardcap and no other Niji has come even close to those numbers. each future generation will keep suffering with lower and lower numbers. Ethyeria was the last that'll be viable. the males are doomed for being so late.

this makes every indie agency also worthless. with Hololive EN3 being the only worthwhile target to shoot for, which won't even happen since Cover knows the talent pool is dry and the vtuber boom is done. put your efforts where they'll have the most returns and focus on being an indie.

>> No.13035530

Here's a question to the aspiring Vtubers. Is your avatar agnostic of who you really are in meatspace or not? That is, self-identification aside, is your avatar reflective of your biology? If not, is this a disclaimer that should be made from the onset?

>> No.13036173

I mean I'm keeping most of my big features, like hair colour, height, build etc. But of course they'll look more appealing than I actually am, lmao.

No, this is likely not a disclaimer you should make obvious unless you run into territory that twitter will shit on you for. For example, playing a character of another race. Even then, making it obvious will cause the issue anyway, since people will have an issue, disclaimer or not.

>> No.13036302

/asp/ I want your opinion. I know that a lot of /here/ chuubas try to gain the 4chan audience, but do you guys actually think that's a good idea? Is there actually a benefit for people knowing you're /here/?

>> No.13036399

4chan audience is limited to maybe 100 anons tops and most won't watch you. you'll just get a reputation of being a /here/chuuba and potentially burn bridges before you even get started.

>> No.13036485

So no offhand remarks about lurking /asp/ even, I guess. Sucks, but that just makes it impossible to post anything here for criticism at all.

>> No.13036786

if people like maroony, leaflit and krimbo can lurk and post around /wvt/ then you should be fine to post here, anon
i have no idea what >>13036399 means by burning bridges because as far as i know the only bridges burnt from here are from like, TVwasTaken who burnt a shitton of other bridges himself and isn't particularly important

>> No.13036807

most feedback you're going to get will be from manager larpers and viewers who don't know anything other than 4chan culture. you don't want feedback from here anyway.

>> No.13038009

You will get at best 1 or 2 viewers from /here/
But they are the best viewers in the world, at least in chats, because they fear what the thread will say of them.
Overall only worth it if you already did your 3 year lurking reps else the shitposting might eat your brains out.
Only the oldfags seem to thrive, the rest are eaten by the rrat machine.

>> No.13039427

The best way I saw someone doing it is to have the retweet goals but also have dates for the reveal if the retweets don't pan out. The retweets should just be an extra incentive.

For example:

Feet reveal
November 15th

Leg Reveal
November 18th. etc, etc.

So if you don't get 10 retweets then you have a date to reveal it, saves the possible embarrassment.

>> No.13039627

working on a scuffed rig of my live2d! I'm really really bad, but right now it doesn't make sense to pay for a rig. first because the lower body is gonna get redrawn but my artist is fully booked for months, and investing into something that will get replaced soon doesn't make much sense.
using it for streams is fine as the lower body isn't seen anyway.
second I'd like to stream to save up for the rig.
the goal is around $400 so hopefully I'll get there!

>> No.13040565

Any good resources for learning foreign languages? Are the common sites like duolingo any good at all? I'd really like to learn Italian so that I can expand my singing repertoire

>> No.13041025


Anon, I see it like this. If you want to be a 4chan Vtuber (not a Vtuber who knows/visits 4chan), by all means do so but do so with no expectation of a normal career. Normal being mainstream YouTube/Twitch/etc. I thought about being a 4chan Vtuber and having fun responding to threads like the RWSS did in HWNDU Season 1, for example, or watching a movie with /tv/ together, or joining a TTRPG session with /tg/, or installing Gentoo with /g/.

>> No.13043421

duolingo is kind of a meme but it does also have grammar lessons if you look a bit closer in the app but they're still not great
as someone who has sung in a bunch of different languages though I will say that you don't really need to learn the language to sing in it

>> No.13043541

If you just want to sing, you can use IPA for pronunciation. Duolingo isn't a very good resource for long-term language learning, but it can make for good stream content. I think the most interesting language learning content would be practical exercises with a native speaker. So for Italian, have a native speaker on, and do your best to have a conversation, ask them to teach you a song, etc.

>> No.13043601

Theres a market for male vtubers its just most males arent marketing themselves in that direction most of the time

>> No.13043833

>arent marketing themselves in that direction
what direction would that be?

>> No.13044023

Typically there's a handful of archetypes when it comes to males
a) loud or vibrant cartoonish personality
b) cool talented bishie / fujobait
c) chill bro male bestie comfort streamer

While in the jp scene it's full of the b) type, over in the west it's a half-tapped market that's being dominated by a few handful at the moment if you look at the top males

Most male /here/ chuubas fall into c), which is also fine but the initial foot in the door has always been the appearance/image

>> No.13044306

>a) loud or vibrant cartoonish personality
this one is easily the most popular. Energetic, funny, easy quips. The "bro" experience only gets you so far and there's very few big success stories compared to the other two.

>> No.13045761

Right, I can just memorize songs using IPA for pronunciation like the anon below suggested, but that sorta feels silly when learning languages is valuable unto itself
Oh, I've actually got an Italian friend too, that's a pretty neat idea. That'd probably take a month or two of study before I could start, but I'll keep that in the back of my mind

Still, to both of you: if not duolingo or some such thing, then where should I start?

>> No.13045904

just posted my first schedule for the upcoming week.. streaming reps begin fellas.

>> No.13046040

Drop your links, and good luck, anon! Have fun!

>> No.13046422

gonna start off with risk of rain 2 this week, then noita and smtv. should be fun all around.

>> No.13047294
File: 259 KB, 1022x315, 2Ud1022Tight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pulled from wvt, is this that male debuff people are always talking about?

>> No.13049587

Does anybody know how to get traction on Youtube views? I plan on uploading edited gameplay footage. And was wondering as a newtuber, should I shamelessly plug my new uploads on reddit (virtualyoutuber), /wvt/ and twitter ?

>> No.13049826

It's less of me wanting to be that one 4chan Vtuber, and me being scared of being crucified for saying that I post on /asp/.

>> No.13049867

I'm curious, /asp/. Setting aside all factors of how feasible it would be, what would you WANT to see in a vtuber? Anything goes, the more niche or specific, the better.

>> No.13049896

>crucified for saying that I post on /asp/.
why do you care so much?

if you're a girl, cute noises for 4 hours
if you're a guy, practical life advice for 4 hours
if you're the lorefag, kill yourself, no one cares about kayfabe.

>> No.13050002

Eh, it's more that I don't want to burn any bridges like the anon above talked about. I've heard stuff about people getting shit for just mentioning they're /here/, and it's making me think I shouldn't even mention this place at all.

>> No.13050156


I get that.

>> No.13050160

I know it's pretty vague, but here's what I can say. If they can generally keep up a chill atmosphere, but can also make you feel super hyped when shit happens on stream. Also somewhat motivational too, does a lot of cool shit outside of stream that makes you like them as a person. They also put together a tight community that makes you feel like one of the boys. Especially if they recognize you often, though if you're a high-view, that's nearly impossible for most. I'm mostly listing off the stuff I noticed from my favourite youtuber though, I'd assume you could do the same with a Vtuber.

>> No.13050716

Understandable but EVERY vtuber is on /vt/. They all hide it very very well. As long as you dont regularly selfpost and have generals to yourself, nobody would ever know.

>> No.13050802

Randon's one of the better performing indie male tubers and he says that youtube algorithm is all about bingeable content, watch time and clickability. Youtube will promote videos that people click through, they'll see the watchtime for each viewer the longer the better and how likely are they to click on the next video in your channel.

If you take a look at all the top youtube channels they all follow this formula and make videos that are bingeable. You gotta find out the one thing you're really good at, make it into a formula and to keep repeating it.

>> No.13052923


>> No.13053512

What would you consider "making it" for a girl chuuba? I assume anything under 50 average is failing.

>> No.13053757

what other anons consider "making it" doesn't matter as long as you're "making it" for yourself. if an anon says making Twitch partner and paying rent with sub money is "making it" that's gonna be very different from a hobbyist chuuba who just wants 10 friends to stream to now and then.

>> No.13054205

There are different definitions of "making it". If you want my personal opinion (gender-neutral) is if you get to the point where I have a decent viewer base (20+ average and growing) and a sizeable community with a decent culture I like. Along with that, I get good with content creation and get a Live 2D model mostly using funds earned from stream.

>> No.13055537
File: 2.13 MB, 209x207, 1634843452683.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep going neckanon, you sure sound less and less autistic with every unprompted post you make about me 2 weeks and counting after your spergout!

>> No.13055567

>and people wonder why being associated with /asp/ is bad when viewerfags and lorefag hang around giving shit """""advice"""""

>> No.13055670

As long as they’re having fun, they’re making it to me.

>> No.13055709
File: 77 KB, 669x696, 1550863659786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah!!! there it is!!! thats what we love to see!!!!

>> No.13059698

tik tok carry.

>> No.13060222

what does this even mean

>> No.13060243

he got popular off his tiktoks

>> No.13060281

So...he created, edited, and uploaded content? How else do people get popular?

>> No.13060299

not many are willing to use tiktok

>> No.13060313

seems a bit silly to call it a carry, his Youtube is doing great as well and im sure plenty come from there

>> No.13060724

>h-he was carried by tiktok
what's next, "carried by youtube"? "carried by twitch"?

>> No.13061271

That aside, I’m surprised he’s not doing anything special. It’s just regular funny haha highlights.

>> No.13061335

You don't need to do anything special. Who that's popular do you know that's doing anything unique or special? It's all in the personality. Edit and upload your content and, if it's good, viewers will come.

>> No.13061846
File: 669 KB, 833x1000, 1611870001410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if it's good, viewers will come.

>> No.13062399

Sure do, works pretty well for quite a few people

>> No.13062786
File: 101 KB, 300x300, 1627369511583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For everyone who does work well, there are 10 who are doing just as well and they are just doing low-effort reaction content.
For every person with talent that makes it, there are 1000 who are even more talented who don't make it.

>> No.13063239

That’s because it’s not a meritocracy and talent alone doesn’t earn you popularity. Kevin Durant is miles ahead of LeBron James in skill, but the normies recognise the latter. Popularity is never fair.

>> No.13063463

I've streamed a few times now and one thing I can't decide on is whether I should do the cute anime girl voice or just stick to my normal voice. My normal voice is pretty deep but it doesn't sound as smooth as Kronii's or Calli's and idk if people would enjoy listening to it. And I really can't tell how good I sound when I do a high pitched voice but it feels kinda cringy when I'm doing it

>> No.13063511

I genuinely don't see many chuubas out there who have more talent than any other chuuba outside of the ones just exceptionally good at singing, art etc. 99% of therm are all producing the same content, playing the same games, etc. The key difference between the guy with 10 viewers and the guy with a thousands viewers will always be personality. It's not something you can just train in pre-debut, you've either got it or you don't.

>> No.13063513

Use whatever is less jarring for your model.

>> No.13063531

Anon, I'm sure everyone wants your regular voice. If you've got a deep voice go for "older sister" vibe.

>> No.13063534

There is nothing stopping you from doing both, like Risu.
This actually. If you have a loli model, do high pitched, if you do have a sexy model go lower and more mature.

>> No.13063556


>> No.13063560

>Anon, I'm sure everyone wants your regular voice
Not true if your regular voice sucks. People have a problem with fake voices because they sound like shit. Meanwhile, if you did your voice acting reps people will go to your streams for your voice, like what happens with Kana.

>> No.13063584

what does your model look like?

does the anime voice strain your vocal cords? & can you keep it up for hours?

>> No.13063645

is there such a thing as a voice buff?

>> No.13063716

are you asking if there are chuubas who receive more viewers due to their voice? yes.

>> No.13063723

Ask every single JP holo. There's a reason why people watch those streams even if they don't understand shit.
Voice acting reps are the most neglected reps in the west, but over there it is expected and assumed you will put in an anime voice.

>> No.13063856

I think the standards and expectations are significantly different in the west though. Here, most vtubing is closer to "streamer with an anime avatar and weeb interests". Unless you're really, really good at it, as in you've been doing it for years and it was already a skill you had before becoming a vtuber, doing a voice will probably just filter people for a very long time since you're most likely not very good at it.

>> No.13063956

>Unless you're really, really good at it, as in you've been doing it for years and it was already a skill you had before becoming a vtuber.
I agree to a degree. Don't do it all the time unless you know what you are doing, but that doesn't mean you can't use your streams to practice.
Voice acting redeems are a good way to have your cake and eat it too.

>> No.13064248

It can also be used to liven up streams with either lots of reading, or no voice acting.
Stupid voices in Stardew Valley helped keep chat a bit busier than if it was just the gameplay.

And I've done no lessons, just fucking about trying to talk through different mouthshapes.

>> No.13065916

one of my friends is doing a subathon. Checking the notes, it's just for the sake of it, not a specific celebration, or donation goal, it's just because he wants more subs.

But he's also split it out over three days. And I know I've seen other people stretch out subathons (fuwa did a stupid uncapped one, but took time off from stream, so don't think it counts), but thoughts on doing it for longer than a single extended stream?
