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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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1286499 No.1286499 [Reply] [Original]

Don't blame Cover for the "no dark humor" rule. They're just implementing what YouTube forced on them.

>> No.1286531

Based youtube kneeling to ads instead of making ads kneel to them.

>> No.1286535

Too rational for retards. You need a conspiracy that absolves YouTube of responsibility. The fags on this board love to use YouTube so it can't be the villain here.

>> No.1286540

Never have I seen an entertainment platform trying so hard not to be entertaining.

Bruh what cucks.

>> No.1286579

Were the videos even monetized? If they were, her or Youtube could've just turned off the motorization for them instead.

>> No.1286585

It's not that it's just only the verified Jewish media are allowed to be edgy not the individual or independent companies. It's why Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert, and Sarah Silverman can still make jokes that would get anyone else banned if they did the same on YouTube.

>> No.1286594

auto correct was not helping me out there

>> No.1286733

Wait, then how Ame is fine with all of her dark childhood stories?

>> No.1286777

Have you seen twitch?

>> No.1286815

The price of pandering to EOPs. Youtube is stricter if you a huge eop following. Nijis, .live or other nip vtubers are unaffected

>> No.1286834

Youtube made the dark humor ban rule because of etika

>> No.1286835

Twitch will allow anything as long as you're a woman and suck off the mod team.

>> No.1286859

Where is it stated on Cover's side this "no dark humor rule?"

>> No.1286898

From what Haachama said, it seems Youtube threw a fit about her lore videos, so Cover (and Haachama) went with the save option and just got rid of the video since, I guess, they didn't want another Mio situation.

>> No.1286939


>> No.1286986
File: 265 KB, 1448x2048, 1607028740092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any chance of this affecting the games they play? Imagine if they all had to drop APEX because shooting people was too violent.

>> No.1287002

that makes sense. Just read the Wikipedia article on Etika

>Amofah's erratic behavior in the months prior to his disappearance led some of his followers to take the events preceding his suicide as a humorous performance by Amofah, rather than signs of him struggling with his mental health. Following his death, mental health researchers found several videos Amofah had posted that showed evidence of his troubled state but were taken as jokes by some of his viewers, rather than as signs of mental illness. As a result, some took Amofah's final video as another joke and disregarded any concern over his well-being.

>The aforementioned mental health researchers stressed the need to make more people on social media informed about the signs of mental illness, depression, and suicidal thoughts, so that they are able to recognize when people in a mindset similar to Amofah's are in danger and need support.

>> No.1287037

>Niji unaffected
>Lulu stopped streaming for sometime

>> No.1287074

>use a Western-made platform
>surprised that you have to submit to Western garbage sensibilities
Are the Japanese any better? If there were an international Japanese-made streaming platform, will it be better? Judging from how anal they are about copyright, eh.

>> No.1288166

Look at NND, the Japanese can't even run their one video platform competently

>> No.1288202

No, you can't stop me. I'll blame Cover however I want.

>> No.1288298

I wish Youtube actually fixed their PPV system. With Nico it's insane that you pay money for access to streams that get permanently deleted after three weeks.

>> No.1288404
File: 112 KB, 208x217, 1606522698526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read the guidelines, how is any of this stopping Haachama?
At worse she has to turn off monetization of 3-4 videos.

>> No.1288422

Youtube doesnt throw fits. Its bot script is as fickle an entity as you could envisage. It doesn't warn, it doesn't reason. It just deletes and bans with a one liner explanation. Cover management threw a fit, about 2 months too fucking late.

>> No.1288443

That's not even pol stuff it's common knowledge

>> No.1288452

You have to blame yt. Precious cover can't possibly be at fault!
>pekora breakdown
etc., etc.
Only youtube is allowed to be blamed!
Don't you know Yagoo is best girl?
*clap clap next meme!

>> No.1288486

She was playing with fire. The hanging, decapitation and suicide/ self harm violated Youtube's new policy. All it takes is a couple of antis, which Hololive has no shortage of, to report her videos and get her channel flagged by the AI. You retards would bitch at Cover if her channel got demonitized or taken down for violating TOS, they've implemented a company wide no dark humor rule because of it.

>> No.1288493

No. Youtube rules have been there before this shit happens. Not to mention that most of her that shit can be avoided if she doesn't monetize her stuff. Lets also not forget that there are lots of videos on youtube about that stuff. Also, Cover as a company can directly contact youtube to discuss for stuff like this. Fucking hell.

It's obvious why they made the rule. It's definitely because of the stupid holoAlt lore. They can't add haachama shizo shit in that. They want it clean and don't want her lore to interfere with holoAlt lore.

>> No.1288511

That's some nice hindsight, for years Etika would go off his meds for views, spaz out, and then come back a week later like nothing happened.

>> No.1288514

>Youtube's new policy.
How new is new retard. Show the fucking policy on youtube own page.

>> No.1288573

Everyone knew that or at least had that feeling that it couldn't last, that she'd eventually likely have to hide that shit. But to end it right before the denouement, after months of build up and work on her part, and on the part of her fans (all the art, the games cept that shitty self insert one, the music etc) is pretty rough. What difference was one more day going to make? No, a matter of fucking hours. Let her finish that shit, everyone could see the end, then delete as you please after the final stream airs. I doubt that if they'd sat her down and explained that this had to happen, that she couldn't keep the story up after it ended, but that at least it was aired, she wouldn't have gone one this self imposed break to recover.
If it is infact self imposed. They could very well have suspended her for insubordination for all we know.

>> No.1288600

Which policy?

>> No.1288642

I've had enough with you fucks and decided to look at this myself.
Look at the guide to self-certification section for violence, adult content, shocking content and harmful or dangerous acts. Which part of that did she break if any?

>> No.1288644

Guidelines for posting mental health-related content

>> No.1288666


>> No.1288671

>The Advertiser-friendly content guidelines article now includes additional examples within the “You can turn on ads for this content” sections for the Inappropriate language, Violence, and Recreational drugs and drug-related content guidelines.
Wow, so she couldn't play ads on those videos with these new rules! Seems like Cover did the right thing by deleting all those videos and forcing her to stop making any content alltogether! But wait, let's actually read those new rules just to make sure...
>Content where the focal point is on blood, violence, or injury, when presented without other context, is not suitable for advertising. If you're showing violent content in a news, educational, artistic, or documentary context, that additional context is important.
>You can turn on ads for this content:
>Dramatized content containing unrealistic non-graphic violence or fleeting vivid violence.
>You can turn on ads but only brands who opt in will run ads:
>Real-life or dramatized violence that results in serious injury where the aftermath or impact is visible and present such as blood or gore scenes, bones visibly broken.
>A dramatized long-form video content with a short, ultra-graphic violent scene (e.g. a mass killing) or a video compilation of such graphic scenes.
Wow, so it turns out that even Happy Tree Friends episodes can still have ads with these new rules and the only videos you can't advertise on are literal recordings of animals being murdered or somebody getting beaten up in real life! Seems like it was Cover's own volition then! But please remember that Cover never ever makes mistakes, and if you're angry at them then you're a filthy EOP or chink-chong-eat-a-dog!

>> No.1288692

>It's obvious why they made the rule. It's definitely because of the stupid holoAlt lore. They can't add haachama shizo shit in that. They want it clean and don't want her lore to interfere with holoAlt lore.
Whether there's any truth in this will be revealed if there's anything substantial about alt revealed in the next 2 months or so. If there's fucking nothing, and that sperging hentai artist was the only thing they actually had lined up (because remember the trailer itself was just that, a fan made trailer that spawned from one joke tweet) then I wouldn't put much stock into it.
I have a feeling it was more that she kept pushing the EN thing. Recall that during one of the streams, can't even rmemeber which one now maybe the Red Heart EN debut, she went silent for a few minutes, came back and ended the stream obviously disappointed after probably getting blasted by management via discord.
Every time she got the management stick treatment it was when she pushed the EN thing.

>> No.1288756


>> No.1288798

You can objectively blame them for 2/5

>> No.1288806

>You can turn on ads but only brands who opt in will run ads:
>Real-life or dramatized violence that results in serious injury where the aftermath or impact is visible and present such as blood or gore scenes, bones visibly broken.
>A dramatized long-form video content with a short, ultra-graphic violent scene (e.g. a mass killing) or a video compilation of such graphic scenes.
Pretty much covers her lore content. To be extra safe they could have even just demonitized her lore stuff and let her finish the arc. FFS.

>> No.1288818

Yeah, after finally reading the rules myself, Cover was the one that made this stupid rule. Still, why does the corporatefags defend cover so much.

>> No.1288840

Ah yes let's blame cover for a rampant AI system they didn't create nor have full knowledge on how it works
Ah yes let's blame cover for a rival company getting their panties so sandy they decided to buy out exclusivity (Capcom)(SONY) to fuck over previous videos that were fine for months and within guidlines of monetization
Ah yes let's blame cover for ZHANG viewbotting and VPNing on mass on a site they have no fucking business on outside of the GREAT fire WALL of China

fuck off

>> No.1288853

It's no different with permission arc, Cover just want to be safe rather than their talents channel being flagged and nuked by Youtube

>> No.1288860

>Content where the focal point is on blood, violence, or injury, when presented without other context, is not suitable for advertising. If you're showing violent content in a news, educational, artistic, or documentary context, that additional context is important.
>presented without other context,
Her lore stuff was fine even under these new rules.

>> No.1288910

Dude, YouTube will enforce their rules arbitrarily and not by the actual literal words on the page. If you want an example of this in action, look up a Youtuber called Mumkie Jones.

Except, you can't, because his channel got nuked despite breaking no rules on paper because Youtube viewed his content as violating them in spirit and completely deleted his channel.

If you think that YouTube won't fuck over Haato, you are living in a fantasy world.

>> No.1288991

A fictional animated character going through a Jekyll and Hyde type arc, falls pretty hard under the artistic and dramatized violence the rules allow for.

>> No.1289000

It funny. It really is damn funny. The timeline
>haachama wanted to take a break herself
>it isn't cover's fault
>it's youtube
>coco says it's cover new rule
>well it's because of youtube that cover made the rule
>haachama didn't break any rule
>at all
>it's a precaution when she breaks the rule later
>they don't want to stifle her creativity
>youtube don't even follow their own rule so cover need to be extra careful about all the rules
Like damn. Is this a tragedy or comedy?

>> No.1289075

That it does, but YouTube ignores its own rules all the time to do whatever the fuck they want just because they don't like you.

>> No.1289092

Then why bother with the actual written rules? Just do whatever you want and hope for the best.

>> No.1289120

It genuinely feels like Google fucking regrets it bought Youtube and is trying to make the platform as shitty as possible so they can kill it.

>> No.1289145

A couple of pngs of a cartoon girl getting bloodlessly decapitated won't fall afoul of those rules. If they did, her channel would already be nuked.
Corporate bootlickers typically think that's what being an adult entails.
He was making videos about school shootings and the supreme gentleman and wound up getting targeted as part of the whole incels=terrorists thing, as his twitter account got nuked at the same time too.
Anyway both YT and Cover are shit, and there's no reason to defend either of them.

>> No.1289144

A lot of people are doing exactly that. But corporations can't just make endless burner accounts like what MisterMetokur does on Twitter. And if you follow the rules they set down (while bringing in a lot of money) they'll let it slip.

>> No.1289195

Good thing haachama is following the rules. Cover making it stricter is useless because youtube can still ban them.

>> No.1289216
File: 66 KB, 750x724, Vegeta soy wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you cry and demand quarantined on /pol/ is just considered common knowledge in Japan or really any non-western country

>> No.1289249

it's not a visual thing, nothing for the algorithm to grab. You think they're actually watching videos for content?

>> No.1289321

Cover Internet Defense Force out in full strength

>> No.1289376
File: 88 KB, 213x284, 1615074381461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As expected of the rule lawyer.

>> No.1289400

There is a literary genre called tragicomedy.

>> No.1289468

What other platform are you going to use goy?

>> No.1289552

What the fuck is the point of Cover if they can't leverage their status as a corporation to do what they want. Every other company does. Kneel to youtube and they'll fuck you over anyway (see most recently: Kiara), they may as well have some backbone. Excusing them of responsibility because "m-muh youtube rules" is absurd.

>> No.1289592

huh? every mutt platform is like that. since they are totally taken over by mutt puritans.

>> No.1289604

boring conversation anyway

>> No.1289638

>Ah yes let's blame cover for a rampant AI system they didn't create nor have full knowledge on how it works
shit for brains nigger you are lmao
who the fuck thinks about that when referring to Mel?
you have no clue
go back to redit where you belong and where any such talk is censored and forcefully forgotten as it's too damaging to the company

>> No.1289746

all your mutt shit companies already kneel to them and collude with them.

>> No.1289777

why are Amerimutts here defending mutt SJWs and attacking Cover

>> No.1289878

Youtube lets American companies have free reign to post whatever the fuck they want. Their is no reason why Cover shouldn't demand the same treatment instead of bending over backwards.

>> No.1290273

So if the problem was Youtube, why doesn't she upload the finale somewhere else?

>> No.1290367

>mel's stalker sexual harasser manager is an AI system
Nigger, you are retarded.

>> No.1290845

Mel thing aside how the fuck is Niji responsible for Cover fucking up with copyright? The thing started with Nintendo (not Capcom or Sony) updating their streaming guidelines and listing the companies they had a monetization agreement with, before that most people just assumed Cover had the rights to monetize Nintendo content since they did it and other companies didn't.

>> No.1291178

>Cover was the one that made this stupid rule.
Yes. Coco mentioned the rules were created to protect Hololive talent in the event of lawsuits. We'll never know if that was in response to a legal threat they already received or if it was purely proactive.

>> No.1291253

Because they're not 10 year olds duh. Anyone who'd ever faced a lawsuit could probably tell you the same.

>> No.1291361

>risk to get Haato's channel to get nuked
>sacrifice recent videos so she could continue
Oh wow really hard decision here.

>> No.1291699

Nigga the updated policy was about what videos get ads, Haachama wasn't at risk of getting her channel nuked. At least TRY to pretend you're not a paid shill.

>> No.1291706

Literally no risk. She did nothing wrong. Broke no rules. And is upsetting no one.

>> No.1291730


To be "fair" she did upset some of her old fans by her own admission.

>> No.1291761

Anon, what kind of lawsuit do you think Cover could have received out of this situation? I want to laugh at you trying to explain it

>> No.1291998
File: 38 KB, 500x700, basedchama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely based

>> No.1292705

Why has the white race allowed jews to control TV, Radio, and web hosts. Are whites incapable of creating competitors to jewgle, jewtube, and jewbook?

>> No.1292751

>talking about cover can do no wrong its youtube fault
>talk about mels manager incident
why bring mel up if its not about youtube then you retards?

>> No.1292763

>dark humor
Haachama is safe then since she's not funny

>> No.1293712

That's abysmal. Is this a troll

>> No.1296414

Retarded newfags, when Suisei was demonitized their YouTube manager couldn’t do shit for them. Suisei had to wait 30 days before appealing her demonitization because reaching higher level YouTube management is impossible.

>> No.1296731

How can haatons be this based?

>> No.1296769


Based and FUCK COVER. I hope she leaves and goes independent just to shine even more light on how fucking shit this company is.

>> No.1296872

this simple thing, why they dont get it? it's not youtube bot but Cover's shitty management

>> No.1297008

I still have no idea what people saw on that guy, his videos were nothing but screaming out of his lungs at Smash reveals. I read somewhere that in one of them he almost caused himself a heart attack from getting too excited.

>> No.1297026
File: 10 KB, 126x259, kukai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it going hanbatso? Is your social credit went up after posting this post or your wife took right away for buggy bug buggery with her whore friends? CHING CHONG HONK KONG NUMBA 1 ALSO FUCK JANNIES FOR BAN,NO ONE LOVES YOU EVEN YOUR MOMMY, DO YOU HEAR ME FAGGOT,WAGIE FOR ZERO BTC 24/7?

>> No.1298112

I hate IRL streaming with passion, but screaming like a monkey on camera is probably the easiest way to success in it closely followed by surrounding youself with e-drama people like K******r and then jumping into conflicts with lolcows online and law enforcement IRL. Basically low-effort Internet analog of tabloid talk shows. I guess props to the guy for being a genuine nutcase instead of faking it for views, I still couldn't sit through his content for longer than 5 seconds without dying from cringe.

>> No.1298272

Fuck off you dont care about chuubas

>> No.1298299
File: 2.49 MB, 463x453, oggg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just about ads, yet Cover wants to apply it anyway?

Do they not understand that it applies to fucking violent video games? Horror games? God.
You think they're going to be playing a game and reading a suicide note in the game, go ''ohh yabee' and close the stream instantly?

Fucking Cover.

>> No.1298305

Their to blame for only 2 of those things anon.

>> No.1298350

Monetization extends to superchats I believe also.

>> No.1298431

if that's true then I'm never superchatting ever
holy gay

>> No.1298635

Man, if only Vimeo wasn't so shit...

He took a shit on Nintendo's bullshit censorship and monetization policies back in the Wii U Switch first years era, and he was seemingly an overall cool guy to hang up with in Vidya cons.

It also made the E3 streams and Nintendo directs more easier and less cringy to digest for some reason.

>> No.1298878

This doesn't line up because think of all the games everyone else plays. Bodies, gore, violence, nudity.
If the games are fine, why wouldn't something animated be fine? The games are far worse in the algorithms eyes than a skit.

>> No.1299170

Looks like Cover's incapacity to handle their own girls is the one to blame again.
>panic deleting a fantastical storyline made by one of their talents because big daddy youtube is inconsistent with it's own rules and now they'll have to play it completely safe if they want ad revenue.
I hope whoever is in charge of talent scouting gets paid more than the rest of the company, because if it wasn't for the girls they wouldn't be 1/10 of what they are today and gone back to making broken VR apps.

>> No.1299614


It's because cover sold her out for ad revenue, see >>1288671

>> No.1299733

No u

>> No.1299749

You can't even read, that post is saying Haato's stuff doesn't go against Youtube's rules.

>> No.1299985

Haachama's content could be reasonably interpreted as suicide threats. A reasonable person can't interpret video games that way; they exist in a different context

>> No.1300022
File: 33 KB, 711x189, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black and white, right here.

>> No.1301409

You're correct and I'm glad you posted what I was too lazy to do. Can't believe people wouldn't read the guidelines for themselves.
>but youtube bans you anyway
Yeah but they shouldn't Cover is a corporation, they should dispute the claims based on YouTube's own guidelines to protect their talents, not bend the knee.

>> No.1302953

youtube hate
twitch hate
vimeo love
dailymotion love
bitchute love

>> No.1303057

Bitchute's the only one that's be any good if it got popular, vimeo and DM would kotow to advertisers just as quickly if they were on top

>> No.1303112

If you don't like it, why don't you go back?

>> No.1303134

the retards know it already, they just choose to ignore it for the sake of their rrats.

>> No.1303246

>based on YouTube's own guidelines
Anon, Youtube doesn't care about its guidelines most of the time. If you're fucked, then unless you're a big name, you'll stay fucked.

>> No.1303249

Read >>1288671

>> No.1303299

That makes too much sense for a Japanese company to ever consider. Please understand

>> No.1303391

Dumbest shit I've read. Anyone can say the signs were obvious in hindsight

>> No.1303464

Social media (and by extension, 4chan) needs to be banned. It's too harmful to human beings to be allowed to exist. People literally cannot stop themselves from using it and ruining their lives. It's like an unbreakable drug addiction.

>> No.1303490

Those are fine because they are obviously fake.

>> No.1303508

And in case you think Cover is a BEEG company, the entire vtuber market is small. Case in point, >>1296414.
For those retards saying "muh company should act as a company and nag youtube to death", remember that Cover is a literal startup. One who got lucky, sure, but still a startup. Youtube just laughs out anyone not belonging to a REAL company.

>> No.1303585

because it's not about yt retard
It's about cover being staffed by actual morons
Holy shit I know nogs are slow on the uptake by damn.

>> No.1303631

Didnt know Happy Tree Friends is also under japanese laws, oh wait, its not

>> No.1303657

>Implying Colbert makes jokes any more
>Implying Colbert does anything except seethe about TWO SCOOPS

>> No.1303907

Admitting her big brother is a thief is problematic even if it's fake.

>> No.1304050

>if one manager was a retard then every manager is a retard
>if one anon is a retard then every anon is a retard

>> No.1304155

Even in death, that faggot keeps shitting everything up.

>> No.1304327

Cover kept a molesting manager in roll until Mel had to file a lawsuit. Cover is not staffed by smart people.

>> No.1304391 [DELETED] 

Etika was based tho he was one of us. Man got called nigger on some MC server and laughed about it while telling offended people to fuck off

>> No.1304587

But if there's nobody to hate what else is left in my life?

>> No.1304688

>implying underaged Haatons can even read
Don't bother.

>> No.1305196

>his videos were nothing but screaming out of his lungs at smash reveals
sounds like you never seen anything from etika apart from reactions other people posted kys nigger faggot

>> No.1314476

Based Haaton destroying OP and Cover with facts and logic

>> No.1314905

I wish he could have gotten help. Seeing dudes like him and zyzz go down in their prime is sad as hell

>> No.1315259

Fucking Zhangs, back to NGA with you.

>> No.1315656

Same goes for fags like you. The yt guidelines haven't changed. Cover made this decision entirely on their own in order to widen their appeal to a greater market.

>> No.1316040

>comparing haato psychological video with Happy Tree Friend
no one retarded/insane enough to go killing spree against animal after watching HTF, but people with suicidal thoughts could end themselves after watching her vids, considering Japan which is Cover biggest market have high suicide rates, this is the right step. If they didnt do it, how long until some retarded nip ended himself and left a written message mentioning Haato?

>> No.1316414

If Haachamas videos are enough to make you kill yourself then you should probably fucking kill yourself.

>> No.1316800

The only retards are people like you who haven't even read the new guidelines. The FACT is none of Haachamas lore videos goes against the updated guidelines, hell, she could even have them monetized because YT explicitly allows for artistic and dramatized violence. And I don't know about you, but a fictional animated character going through a Jekyll and Hyde type arc sure as hell fits under artistic and dramatized.

This one is all on Cover.

>> No.1317073
File: 2 KB, 269x187, 1583831088401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder if making something like a Twitch but only hololivers would work, with a simulcast on YT, then they just dont archive the vids of YT?

>> No.1317256

You know that lawsuit part was a mistranslation from translated clip right?

It is easily to misinterpret it if you are not doing your reps

>> No.1317315

Ironically this. People who are is this kind weak minded are just a threat for human race.

>> No.1317338

>i wonder if making something like a Twitch but only hololivers would work, with a simulcast on YT, then they just dont archive the vids of YT?
Pointless if it's their own company bowdlerizing this shit and not the platform itself's fag rules.

>> No.1317428

[citation needed]

>> No.1319085
File: 12 KB, 612x257, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats this about then?

>> No.1319194

>got fired when he got found out
>lawsuit is because he kept harrasing her after het got fired
i had hoped we got past this arc already but it seems not
