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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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12834850 No.12834850 [Reply] [Original]

Picturd: A completely accurate depiction of the current state of Nijisanji

>> No.12834877

Nobody on this board knows Lize exists even though she was so close with Lulu. Why?

>> No.12834904

But when are they playing CivV?

>> No.12834915

no one in this entire board understands japanese

>> No.12834917

Trying too hard.

>> No.12834972

The people who shitpost as Kuzuhafags and against Kuzuha outnumber his actual fans on /vt/ which is annoying. Can't you fuck off and circlejerk over vtubers you actually understand, like English speaking ones? Then you can post about things you understand, instead of looking in the corner of the screen for the funny numbers.

>> No.12835036

No one on this board watches Nijisanji in case you haven't noticed. People here know Bora better than Lize just because she interacts with Towa so much

>> No.12835037

you project too much
僕はあなたではない !

>> No.12835082

Well, now we know for a fact you don't.

>> No.12835092

Who's lulu?

>> No.12835112

You are posting a numberfag image. You are the people I'm talking about, crawling out of your containment thread. And great DeepL usage there.

>> No.12835182
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>僕はあなたではない !

>> No.12835295

NTA but are you the infamous kuzufag from the numbers thread? the one malding when kuzu slipped?

>> No.12835409

No, I'm just annoyed you faggots keep shitting up any thread mentioning him or any non Hololive member outside your containment thread. I watch streams instead of reading numbers. There are no Kuzuhafags in /#/.

>> No.12835482

How retarded are you numberfags??? There's no fucking kuzuhafags in the numbers thread, there's barely any kuzuhafags at all on here. There are unironically more starsfags

>> No.12835498
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Whoops, wrong image

>> No.12835499

Funny, you know an awful lot about /#/ for a Kuzufag that supposedly doesn't exist in /#/

>> No.12835525

Change the logo to nijisanjiEN and itd be perfect

>> No.12835526

Funny, you seem to live in that general and isolate yourself without knowing your gay charts get spammed all over this fucking board.

>> No.12835528

Would you stop trolling please

>> No.12835789

I forgot the part where that was my problem

>> No.12835843

Heh it's funny because it's true

>> No.12835911

People that also claim to like Ange here don't even know about Lize lol

>> No.12835913

NTA but it's when you bring that shit out of your containment thread and start bait threads like this.

>> No.12835982

Who the fuck is Ange?

>> No.12836020

You are in this thread so I'm making it your problem.

>> No.12836028

Just because you think it should be a containment thread doesn't mean it actually is.

>> No.12836077

Well then go ahead and post that shit in global, see how that goes

>> No.12836139

Why would I make off topic posts?

>> No.12836167

Talking about hololive numbers in comparison to others isn't off topic

>> No.12836267

Talking about nijisanji apropos of nothing in the hololive thread is

>> No.12836311

Do you want me to instruct you on how to make bait and trollposts or something? You seem to be good enough yourself.

>> No.12836357

Holy shit you niggers are literally seething over dramas you made yourselves.
Nobody gives a fuck about your numberfag shit. I'll celebrate milestones for my oshi but why the fuck would I care about "comparing numbers" with Hololive funny rabbit girl or funny shark girl or whoever? I'm still watching my oshi over the funny rabbit even if the former is a 2view and the latter has 100k peak live viewers or whatever shit you're haggling about in your containment thread.

>> No.12836475

There are kuzufags, about 40 of them. Haven't you seen his birthday thread ?

>> No.12836481

They don't watch streams, I doubt they can even do multiplication or division. If Pekora's the one they circlejerk then why is her thread abysmally slow?

>> No.12836537

Doesn't help that Kuzuha fans are the most toxic people on this board. They are always shitting up the numbers thread even when there is a calm discussion going on. I hate them so much.

>> No.12836549

There are 35 people in the nijisanji male thread and less than 60 in the nijisanji thread. There are not 40 kuzuhafags on this board. I know because I was in the BD thread and I never watch him outside of some collabs

>> No.12836562

sounds like a cope

>> No.12836582

holoniggers get baited by tourists in the numberfag thread and then go on to shit up the board with their autism. This has been an issue with these retards since 2018.

>> No.12836600

Just admit that you faggots are passively shitting up the board with your thread, for fucks sake

>> No.12836623

Really weird that outside that thread, that doesn't happen. Barely anyone took numberfag bait in the concert thread. I have to wonder why.

>> No.12836659

There are people who regularly watch Niji live events despite not being fans of specific livers featured in the events. I'm not a Kuzuhafag specifically but I go and liveposted from the restream in his birthday thread. Just go and check how many Kuzuhaposters are in Niji and Nijimale threads and compare them with the IP count

>> No.12836858

There were over 40 IPs in the first wave's concert and there is no way on earth there are over 40 anons who even know the names of all the members in that concert. The IP count for the birthday concert also jumped up by 5 at the end with interesting posts. Why comment on his singing 10 minutes after it ended and not in the middle when he was actually singing.

>> No.12836863

Seems to me you're the one seething. I wasn't even mad to begin with

>> No.12836942

>no u
go back to whatever shithole you came from you retarded tourist.

>> No.12837049

This is obviously a bait thread of no value to anyone else but the OP getting their (You)s.
I'd advise anyone else to just ignore it except if you're a falseflagger, in which case, keep pretending to seethe so that OP is satisfied.

>> No.12837073

Nijibronies are the thinnest skin mother fuckers on this entire website, has been an issue ever since vyt was created

>> No.12837131

>nijiniggers can do no wrong, it's all falseflaggers and tourists.
Do nijiniggers really?

>> No.12837242

If you're one of those who whined about hating nijiniggers because the elusive /vt/ Kuzuhanigger is "ruining" the "comfy" numberfag thread I don't think you get to call people thin skinned.

>> No.12837389

Says the guy in here crying about how his tribal general is getting meanie posters

>> No.12837570

Says the guy whining about anons being mean to your precious niji dude outside the designated nijitrashing containment thread

>> No.12837577

also i dunno about that, holobronies still have ptsd to this day by being told to "fuck off" by a handful of /jp/sies despite outnumbering them lol

>> No.12837680

They are just being insecure, as always.

>> No.12838269

>h-how dare you complain about us shitting up threads because we took tribalfag baits who ruined our tribalfag bait containment thread seriously
you're a numberfag who obviously never goes to any niji threads and got angry about supposedly existing hordes of kuzuhafags who shit up your shitty thread. if you're a thin skinned retard I'm calling (You) a thin skinned retard, simple. probably also delusional and in need of meds. a lot of holobronies being retarded in this board don't make me hate or care in the slightest about hololive because I'm not a thin skinned retard.

>> No.12838643

next time say 一緒にしないでもらってもいいですか? so people think you're very online and not N5

>> No.12839249

You don't use keigo in an online conversation anon, not unless you're larping

>> No.12840788


>> No.12841021

Bruh, did you see the catalog? Holobronies literally ruin the board with their shitty thread, and somehow kuzufag is the worst one?

>> No.12841209

No nijifan knows the details of hololives problem in an instant, unless they are holobronies acting to be nijifan,

Like, if its not because the bait thread, i not gonna know that korone overwork herself and shit

>> No.12841282

Shut the fuck up, not everyone subscribe to tribalfag ideologies. You can watch both and participate in both threads.

>> No.12841430

>It's not nijifans I swear, it's all falseflaggers and shitposters
Like clockwork

>> No.12841509
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>> No.12841581

ITT: The reason this board of is full of bait
Like c'mon. You fucking know this is bait, you KNOW it's bait, and you know it's bait! Samefagging to bump asidez you really should know better than to bump this shit when you're replying.
This is why the catalogue is always so full do bait, because it works.
Also fuck you OP, the /#/ is bad enough as is, don't drag our trash out to the rest of the board more than necessary, the usual baitposters already do that plenty.

>> No.12841685

Interesting attempt at persuasion but no

>> No.12841755

Which one is worse, clipfags plebbit cancer or numberfaggot falseflagger like OP

>> No.12841817

I don't use reddit, so numberfaggots.

>> No.12842192

>I'm not thin skinned let me prove it by youing you!
Add dumb to that list of things nijibronies are.

>> No.12842375

>invade board
>get berated and kicked off by the minority
>granted own board
>get mogged and shitposted by an even smaller minority
really putting the L's in HoLoLive if that's the narrative you wanna go with lmao

>> No.12843383


>> No.12843564

>not unless you're larping
It's close to ひろゆき構文, so it's kind of larping.
And you do use keigo online. Just that it would be weird to use it on an online forum.

>> No.12844316

Literally never

>> No.12844481

because kenmochi is a retard and only wants to play an incredibly super shut downed console mobile port on the ps3

>> No.12844675

A cunny thread died for this

>> No.12844709
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Fuck nijiniggers.

>> No.12844719

Does you mum know you're gay?

>> No.12844730

I'm going to rape him into submission so he'll change his mind, distribute PC copies, and finally give us the Civ3 collab I have been waiting months for.

>> No.12844799
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>I'm going to rape him

>> No.12844804

No it didn't
Trust me I checked

>> No.12844849

>he has sex with Nijifags
Is the pussy good?
