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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 2.94 MB, 2894x4093, 1613678914532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1276779 No.1276779 [Reply] [Original]

Hololive Global

>> No.1276783
File: 193 KB, 484x482, 1613004839221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you Gura!

>> No.1276784
File: 164 KB, 1080x1080, 1612499879377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Reine!!!

>> No.1276785
File: 104 KB, 1000x1000, 1584999283484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Ina!

>> No.1276786

I love Enma!

>> No.1276788
File: 48 KB, 622x622, EsfvqklXYAAkf12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1276791
File: 99 KB, 680x680, EvaTplrUYAAnLNU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame loves Ina!

>> No.1276793

Now I think about it Reine does have character somewhat similar to that of Friends

>> No.1276795
File: 178 KB, 454x474, 1neko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love Ame!

>Do you love Ame?

>> No.1276797

[Good News] Noel is going to get her ass handed to her in Nioh.


>> No.1276801

the game

>> No.1276803

[Good news] There is no meme review

>> No.1276804
File: 847 KB, 900x1350, 1600745746758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1276806

you're late

>> No.1276807
File: 3.77 MB, 1776x2417, 88122619_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noel! Nioh!

>> No.1276809
File: 641 KB, 1447x2047, 1598910635676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking adore Ame.

>> No.1276813
File: 71 KB, 850x478, __nakiri_ayame_and_mizuz_hololive_and_2_more_drawn_by_steeb__sample-e51728381f314bd9fabbf3f0a5c62842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to impregnate this!

>> No.1276814
File: 182 KB, 1825x1201, EvyjBE4UcAg078Y-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the fanart!?

>> No.1276815
File: 352 KB, 775x950, 1614909870081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had a gf I'm so lonely bros

>> No.1276819

Next week she should just replace the meme review with a holofightz watchalong.

>> No.1276822
File: 173 KB, 1000x1000, canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1276825

Newscaster mind

>> No.1276826
File: 922 KB, 280x256, 1612395360174.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes me sad that Risu's 4 second shitposts get 100k+ views, but those viewers don't even bother watching her streams...

>> No.1276828

>Noel is eating
she's doing her もぐもぐ reps

>> No.1276829

Is Noel always this much of a dork?

>> No.1276830
File: 436 KB, 516x452, 1600817559109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that my shark wife is working on 5 (five) amazing songs and I can't wait

>> No.1276831
File: 125 KB, 540x743, bogdanis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Bogda'nis

>> No.1276833
File: 447 KB, 638x838, dump truck joke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew this do you like it

>> No.1276834
File: 375 KB, 1200x1200, 7543654735534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I talk about shit and piss and bestiality and incest all the time and I've literally talked about squatting down and taking a big smelly diarrhea bird shit all over your face Gura but I'm not sure if I should make you say this German swear word...

>> No.1276838

Ame loves everyone, the filthy whore.

>> No.1276839

Anyone have any good wallpapers of Ame?

>> No.1276840
File: 2.65 MB, 1920x1080, 1606730212188.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching Noel get her munch on as she's powering up her brain and body so she can be at peak performance for some yokai slaying in her Nioh playthrough.
So friends, where we at?

>> No.1276844
File: 209 KB, 364x426, 1613373702833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame is so wonderful!

Can't wait for the Members stream. Ame seemed to be in good spirits during the Ina collab. Plus guitar practice is a possibility.

>> No.1276843

Did she get bunch of wrestling gifs and couldn't understand that?

>> No.1276845

>anon Ina collab

>> No.1276852
File: 1.04 MB, 1920x1080, I came here to laugh at you nanora [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fkq0fni.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came here to laugh at you nanora

>> No.1276853

New BGM tomorrow I hope

>> No.1276854

She has a big heart!

>> No.1276855

Kiara is a cute retard

>> No.1276857
File: 348 KB, 324x434, nully.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty much, yeah.

>> No.1276860
File: 782 KB, 2894x4093, noel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1276858

This is true

>> No.1276861

Yeah she's alright, not my favorite but I like her. I like all the girls at least a little.

>> No.1276864

>iname based
You said it, not me

>> No.1276865

Iname based sure ship.
Suck it, Guramefags.

>> No.1276866
File: 110 KB, 1000x1000, EstSmWPU0AQhtJY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also love Ame, so fucking much. She really makes me smile.

>> No.1276869
File: 163 KB, 619x756, 1612036259707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right here Ayamefriend!

>> No.1276871
File: 3.34 MB, 262x312, 1602703483191.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right here, ayamefriend!

>> No.1276873
File: 460 KB, 842x595, 1613360368542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope they have a threesome!

>> No.1276875

I was wondering this during the collab earlier, but does Ame just feel really comfortable with Ina? Not going to say Ina is better or worse than Gura, but I'm reminded of Ame on-stream talking about how she's terrified of dead air which is why she hasn't done a duo-zatsudan with Gura during a supa sunday (not directed at Gura, but in general as to why she hasn't done one since the InAme snackbox).
I loved the collab but it had a notable amount of quiet moments. They didn't feel even slightly awkward at all throughout, so I was wondering if Ame is just more comfortable because it's Ina or if she's just becoming more accustomed to doing collabs in general, realizing you don't need to fill every moment with conversation.

>> No.1276880

>membership realized Miko loves cringe

>> No.1276881

It's tomorrow?

>> No.1276883
File: 126 KB, 1080x1080, thank you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1276884
File: 670 KB, 3500x3000, EvpeEMoUcAIif8J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a Reine OP is a rare event worth celebrating, I feel obligated to proclaim the fact that Pavolia Reine of Hololive Indonesia's second generation, is indeed the best!

>> No.1276887 [DELETED] 

What did she mean by this?

>> No.1276888
File: 10 KB, 376x115, ThinkCarefully.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she, Anon? If there is more to her then tell us. Show us how MOTIVATED your little treerrat gets you.

>> No.1276890

with me!

>> No.1276892

JWU and apparently there was some sort of apocalypse, but everything seems normal now, Ayamefriend.
Time to catch up on my InAme VOD reps

>> No.1276893

Waiting to see if you get banned or it was just a slip.

>> No.1276895

Every Onee-san in hololive is a giant dork and I wouldn't have it any other way

>> No.1276896

Polygamy fags are unironically more disgusting than Taiwanese psychos.

>> No.1276898

Kiara can't decide if she wants to flirt with Gura or be her mother figure.

>> No.1276900

How much more game does Mori have left in omori?

>> No.1276907


>> No.1276906

The two of them are pretty similar

>> No.1276908

>I fantasize about fucking you in the shower but saying poo poo pee pee in German is too much because you're like a kid
What did she mean by this?

>> No.1276910
File: 177 KB, 944x1208, b56df836601ba8defdc34544261f715e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hardcore teamates understand Mori better than deadbeats

>> No.1276911

Actually said she got plenty of material but most of it would be too hard to explain to a JOP.

>> No.1276913

>Iname based
Guramekeks still on suicide watch till they collab again next month

>> No.1276914

Ina probably just has a relaxing presence, and people that watch Ina are already used to relaxed streams, so Ame probably doesn't feel as pressured to fill the silence.

>> No.1276917
File: 1.12 MB, 2000x1162, watame bog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delay it.

>> No.1276919

>Cancelled because she couldn't understand them


>> No.1276921

why not both?

>> No.1276924
File: 91 KB, 660x789, Friend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey friend!

>> No.1276926
File: 439 KB, 1487x2048, 1609823916030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poruka oruka?

>> No.1276927
File: 585 KB, 3508x2480, korone land.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it wrong that one of my favorite things about korone is how she abuses her fans?

>> No.1276928

Yes! More than you in fact!

>> No.1276930

>Uncle Biff working hard to get those likes from every EN Holo.

>> No.1276934

If anyone missed Haachamas vocaloid screamo(ish) karaoke from 2 months ago, I recommend it for being unique among her other karaoke streams. This was maybe a week or two before her void stream. As a warning she does sing the same song a few times then really gets into it towards the middle and end with different vocaloid songs. She also uses her red-kun voice for one song, but the emotion shows in her singing during this karaoke is why I'm still seeding two(2) months later. Enjoy!


>> No.1276935

So what rhythm games would you guys like to see holos play?
Personally I hope for Lanota, it's gameplay is pretty dynamic for a rhythm game

>> No.1276937

Gura hates being treated like a kid.

>> No.1276938
File: 673 KB, 1260x1745, 1612337777790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex friend...

>> No.1276941

That's because all the most vocal deadbeats are attention whores, they don't know how to empathize with Mori without making it about themselves.

>> No.1276942

I can relate somehow because swearing in english is the easiest fucking thing but in my native language it makes me cringe.
Same with flirting.

>> No.1276944
File: 1.10 MB, 1800x1263, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miko is so fucking adorable and cute with this costume. I can't stop thinking about it

>> No.1276946

Fake. The only one of these she talks about all the time is shit. Bestiality and pissing were a one time incidents. Not even sure when she’s ever said anything about incest though.

>> No.1276947

12 hours

>> No.1276948
File: 131 KB, 980x606, 54763546343466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1276949

JWU how was Sametori collab? Any yab?

>> No.1276950

I will cherish the dolphin porn, thank you anon

>> No.1276951
File: 1.88 MB, 2000x1483, 1614217979324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1276952
File: 113 KB, 1018x1164, ErcAbpaVkAMU5Xw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're fucking right. What's the cause of this marvelous phenomenon?

>> No.1276954

It was so bad

>> No.1276956

Rhythm Doctor

>> No.1276957

I still can't tell if he's based or if I want to call him a faggot, but I'm definitely leaning more towards the latter

>> No.1276959

Yeah, about that... >>1276948

>> No.1276966
File: 248 KB, 1800x2000, 1611727990728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H-hey.. m-me too!!!

>> No.1276967
File: 2.45 MB, 1200x1143, 88224676_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1276969

Gitaroo Man

>> No.1276972

No, fatto catto.

>> No.1276973

What a faggot holy shit

>> No.1276975
File: 138 KB, 1000x1000, 1591811794904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're probably right to a degree, but also consider that a zatsudan is carried entirely by conversation. With game streams, there are at least other events on-screen to hold your attention should the participants go quiet. This is why her justification for having done one with Ina was because they had the ramune tasting to go along with it (also the Q&A). GurAme kitkat/snack tasting zatsudan WHEN.
Related, but I think Ame's good at -- I don't know what to call it really -- nonverbal humor, with her actions, when there's nothing for her to say. So that helps her.

>> No.1276978

She says what she wants without regard for consequence but she’s hesitant to make her retarded sister say things that might get her in trouble. CUTE!

>> No.1276979
File: 2.45 MB, 852x480, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F5fhnnt.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a feline of sizeable proportions

>> No.1276980

Ina is the embodiment of comfy, silent moments with her are not awkward at all, any introvert would have fun playing with Ina.

>> No.1276981

Someone post a clip of the 1 to 5 moment and Kiara fucking losing her shit

>> No.1276983

Yeah, Gura said seig heil and the vod had to be edited

>> No.1276985
File: 406 KB, 754x459, 1592152922475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Ina too!

>> No.1276986
File: 394 KB, 620x684, KoroneYubiIntro.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1276987 [DELETED] 

fat mogu

>> No.1276991

Jesus christ... What level of psychopath do you need to be on to craft a "heartfelt" message to someone who's having a hard time right now just so you can harvest a like from them. These people are scum.

>> No.1276992

Okay nevermind never been blown out on an opinion that quick what a fucking collosal faggot

>> No.1276995
File: 137 KB, 561x720, 1614921756737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop auto promotion spam

>> No.1276996
File: 180 KB, 1280x1536, 1601820600735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1276997


>> No.1276998

That fucking killed me too. My sides were in orbit

>> No.1277001

Biff is alright. Yeah he can be a bit cringe, but he means well.

>> No.1277002
File: 15 KB, 364x144, 1586678086391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reddit can't even make memes right

>> No.1277003

fingah shotto

>> No.1277004
File: 800 KB, 1916x1288, EooGnXhVEAIHUqS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1277005

She was doing that type of thing a lot today too. It's very cute.

>> No.1277009

Based monogamistchad

>> No.1277011
File: 2.05 MB, 2480x3496, 1591312935424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for cute happy married couple

>> No.1277012

This is the first time I've ever seen the last post be MORI LOVE. "Based."

>> No.1277015
File: 207 KB, 425x346, 1607488762678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep telling you fucks to bite the bullet and save this bitch from their shitty memes

>> No.1277018

>"tee hee I'm so wholesome :3"
Class clown creeps like this glow from fucking outer space.

>> No.1277019

So now that Gura has collab plans with Anya and Mori, and is already having ideas for future lessons streams with Kiara.... When's the next Ina collab, Gura?

>> No.1277021

Really nice anon. I really like it.
I hope the girls play RoR1 or 2 at some point.

>> No.1277022

>is actually a complete faggot who doesn't mean a word of what he says and just wants attention from VTubers
Love to see it.

>> No.1277024

They make the same shit every week. Coco is probably just bored of it.

>> No.1277025
File: 52 KB, 378x328, 1609667286620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retsu go

>> No.1277027

is not even my channel, just post the video and some okayu guy tell me to shut up and i just keep posting it for him

>> No.1277029
File: 1.37 MB, 1920x1080, 1592897839186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://files.catbox.moe/62hk0r.mp4 https://files.catbox.moe/1tshqd.mp4 https://streamable.com/mbg8qy https://streamable.com/271khi https://streamable.com/hv76eh
Here's a bunch of random Gura clips I saved a while back while we wait for her stream tomorrow, Chumbuds

>> No.1277031

That's good shit anon.

>> No.1277032

At least Joseph is still based, right?

>> No.1277033
File: 96 KB, 1858x345, attentionplease.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They really are updating all models to include glasses, aren't they.

>> No.1277034

why was mori sad, did cr1tikal turn her down for a dicking?

>> No.1277036


>> No.1277038
File: 531 KB, 2000x2000, D263D960-3F95-45E4-A5B5-CF314958B1EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only one ID collab at a time, Gura.

>> No.1277039

He's a fraud and an attention-whore.

>> No.1277041

Wait are you telling me he doesn't actually mean it when he drops a 10 dollar donation to Ame where he spews empty praise at her?

>> No.1277047

Noel always sounds like she's having fun when streaming.

>> No.1277048

That concept is cringy, but Gura plays along with it

>> No.1277050

To be fair the interval between the Kiara lessons was massive. It shouldn't fill up Gura's schedule anytime soon

>> No.1277049

When you filter out all the memes using copyrighted material they must be really fucking slim pickings. But it's probably pretty time consuming to sift through all that shit and check every asset to see what's copyrighted, and we know Coco's had a lot on her plate lately so it's no wonder this would happen.

>> No.1277051
File: 194 KB, 620x573, oyayubi dead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1277053
File: 720 KB, 1080x883, do it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1277055
File: 2.86 MB, 4500x3000, 88262626_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right here!

>> No.1277059

Saved it. Thanks for this

>> No.1277060

If she didn't like it she probably wouldn't make it her job two times over.

>> No.1277062

She actually said she had enough memes but most of them didn't make her laugh. Can't make this shit up.

>> No.1277063

Harvest the memes yourself you lazy bitch, no one will give a fuck if you say you came up with them yourself

>> No.1277068

Here's one from me

>> No.1277069

4chan meme review when?

>> No.1277070

Watching an anon get BTFO in real time is really fucking funny. Also I hope Uncle Biff unironically kills himself.

>> No.1277071

>Noel's William
Does Noel have zero aesthetic sense or is she a statsfag?

>> No.1277073

They should be adding all kinds of toggle-able props to their models, not just glasses.

>> No.1277074


>> No.1277075

Isn't it great?

>> No.1277077
File: 1.82 MB, 225x350, 1589820054204.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

battle mode 200%

>> No.1277078
File: 83 KB, 300x337, 2b0350af32123033767683c4a21b5198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaaaaaaaaaaa fuck you anon.

>> No.1277080

Selamat pagi faggot!!!

>> No.1277079

Oh I know, but we at least know that there's plans for more.

>> No.1277086

They're emotional vampires. To them, the suffering of others is just another opportunity to show off what a great person they are with a pat on the back and some empty words.

>> No.1277087

Go back, newfag

>> No.1277090

Friendly reminder that Noel's by far longest BotW stream was when she reached the Gerudo desert.

I wonder why that is.


>> No.1277091
File: 24 KB, 750x512, 1611581144141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When they glow, they glow orange.

>> No.1277093
File: 1.19 MB, 1920x1080, Ev1mOB9UcAQHqju.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>No meme review because Coco can't understand Reddit memes anymore

bros.. is meme review over? second week now she cancelled

>> No.1277096
File: 289 KB, 1378x1378, 1583276235739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank u

>> No.1277097
File: 339 KB, 366x558, 1611717123251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Casts a spell to cause another civil war*

>> No.1277099

Sugoi! It's a Friend who is good at being a cute dork.

>> No.1277102
File: 330 KB, 2024x1458, __shirogane_noel_hololive_drawn_by_piro_prwtrs__72ca70737b6f6259bcb4898cfc864aba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does Noel do with her boobs when she's not streaming?

>> No.1277105

Probably because she's gay as all hell.

>> No.1277106

I mean it's kinda Coco's fault for encouraging garbage memes in the first place. When redditors see tier lists and PANIK shit on each meme review, they're going to post that same garbage to try to get on the next one.

>> No.1277107

why are iname shizos like this?

>> No.1277108

she lets me hold them for safekeeping

>> No.1277109

Well she doesn't give a shit about guys.

>> No.1277111

So how many holos have sung Bohemian Rhapsody?
I know that Astel did for sure

>> No.1277112

I would die for Ame

>> No.1277113

I think she just unplugs them.

>> No.1277115

>Singing is improving
>Gets live2D update that makes her cuter than ever
>Genuinely more entertaining in her game streams now than she was last year
>No longer finds reddit memes funny
I love this bitch so much now.

>> No.1277120


>> No.1277121

She continues to grow so massive that an entire kingdom is lost in her bra

>> No.1277122
File: 120 KB, 505x225, rrat spell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1277124

ah shit i forgot to finish this sketch.
good thing i see this thread.

>> No.1277128

cunny complete

>> No.1277129

I've been wondering what the fuck happend to pekora actually. She didn't even mention about miko birthday, not calling, no even retweet or say something on Twitter wtf. She spend the whole 3 days to prepare gift to her moon, but miko? None. Wtffff

>> No.1277131

>can't understand Reddit memes anymore
More like Reddit's humor fails to keep up

>> No.1277134
File: 313 KB, 1800x2000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

¡¡¡ooʇ ǝɯ-ɯ ˙˙ʎǝɥ-H

>> No.1277136

Stupid orange bitch can't spell mario kart right

>> No.1277138

Anon, your soundpost reps...

>> No.1277139

>I'm collabing next week
>but not with an EN
mori would have just said it was a jp senpai if it was, so which indog got to her? zombie?

>> No.1277141
File: 8 KB, 227x222, 1603677285116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fucking eyes with all the white

>> No.1277147
File: 736 KB, 1101x846, aka_alert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been waiting for this!

>> No.1277149
File: 404 KB, 2400x2700, 1594184959426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1277150
File: 87 KB, 768x524, 8786786768468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1277153

It's going to be with Ririsya

>> No.1277155

>it's real

>> No.1277157

Anon... Joseph is dead...
He was killed when one of Pekora's experiments went horribly wrong

>> No.1277156

it's Coco for meme review

>> No.1277158

cunny puzzle complete
Here's the full image

>> No.1277160

Hey, psst...

>> No.1277163
File: 346 KB, 1158x1637, 1589904652814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only IDs are Ollie and Reine so probably one of them

>> No.1277161

Damn I almost forgot this fox is pure sex

>> No.1277164
File: 176 KB, 366x558, wtm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*casts a spell to make you masturbate one week from now*

>> No.1277165

Mori, Ame (2x), Gura, Risu

>> No.1277167

JWU, how's Iname collab?

>> No.1277168
File: 2.82 MB, 1280x720, Watame brings vengeance via Tochka[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fc58u4o.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1277171
File: 207 KB, 300x300, ania.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely not, but I can draw her going into labor if you want.

>> No.1277174

They only really upvote template shit and fan art over there anything that embraces absursity or try something original barely gets upvotes so I quit bothering trying to improve the quality over there.

>> No.1277175
File: 32 KB, 576x576, 1601354878953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another week of no Reine collab

>> No.1277177

Has noel fought the Yuki onna yet?

>> No.1277180

the quality of their memes must be at an all time low if Coco can't make a review with them

>> No.1277181
File: 300 KB, 742x735, 20210306_185514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1277182

Very cute.

>> No.1277185


>> No.1277184

They will do Kemono Friends watchalong

>> No.1277187
File: 3.38 MB, 310x310, 1607580785221.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What now?

>> No.1277188

Kino. Ame flirting a lot and Ina being adorable.

>> No.1277189

Get's mad when she cooks and hot oil keeps splashing on them.

>> No.1277191

Extremely cute and comfy, and way better than their first.

>> No.1277193

Joseph is always based

>> No.1277195

Like what? Distorted peko? Anya face? Watamelon?

>> No.1277196

Last I saw she beat Umi bozu

>> No.1277199
File: 148 KB, 1280x1246, glasstako_by_qw2304_de76cxl-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very fun and adorable
It really picked up at the train mystery level where they both answered a bunch of questions with silly answers, had to draw something, and it was just very nice

>> No.1277203
File: 505 KB, 1980x4096, 1604476569243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1277204
File: 13 KB, 371x103, sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where are the jokes?

>> No.1277205

feeds me with them

>> No.1277208
File: 543 KB, 1433x1672, EuI6LGgVEAAoWPi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*lives rent free in your head*
*lives rent free in your oshi's head*
*lives rent free in the antis' heads*

>> No.1277210

If they ever did this I'd permanently member to both Mori and Reine.

>> No.1277214
File: 254 KB, 510x508, 1614315606277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1277215

those god damn white pieces drove me up a wall

>> No.1277217

I'm paying my rent.

>> No.1277218

ah, should be next then.

>> No.1277219
File: 109 KB, 1378x1378, 1584308925787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1277224
File: 8 KB, 312x63, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1277226

>Reddit memes are getting so bad that even Coco can't discern what the fucking joke is supposed to be

>> No.1277228
File: 315 KB, 624x658, 1593813653133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already accepted this fact.

>> No.1277230
File: 603 KB, 700x464, Watamelon_at_the_Museum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think Coco would like Watamelon?

>> No.1277231


>> No.1277236

I knew there was a good reason why this guy pissed me off.

>> No.1277237

I may not remember. But did mori ever collab with JP after the korone one?

>> No.1277238
File: 118 KB, 1109x686, 1609231652623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1277241

>Noel getting rocked by fucking spiders
This'll be a fun stream.

>> No.1277242
File: 909 KB, 1414x2048, 1612331387481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Russia boing boing
>Gigantic list that takes 10 minutes to explain
>Yagoo's dream

Thats literally it, I'll give plebbit the benefit of the doubt tho, cause apparently some memes are copyrighted so that severely limits them.


>> No.1277244

She's comfy in my head and I'm comf letting her live there

>> No.1277245
File: 338 KB, 472x682, 1586653939454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Didn't understand them
The memes:

>> No.1277246

coco should just do a fan works in general review and look at pretty pictures for an hour

>> No.1277249

not officially but she worked to produce things with JPs since

>> No.1277253


>> No.1277254
File: 438 KB, 514x1000, 1615067911505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's too abstract.

>> No.1277255

I can't recall why I stopped playing Nioh.

>> No.1277256

she feeds me every night

>> No.1277257

we have another 1h30m of dead hours for another hard NSFW jigsaw.
someone onegai...

>> No.1277260

She would have better luck checking art tags of holos on twitter
There are some quality videos on there, check this one for example

>> No.1277262

I can't even imagine the amount of autismo we can get from this

>> No.1277263

I guess her not understanding them at least means they weren't le flat joke or Yagoo shit, so Ill give them credit for that at least.

>> No.1277264

The new years stream with Kiara where she barely said a word?

>> No.1277265

What's the most unpopular (not necessarily disliked, just not the most seen for art or collabs) ship for Holo EN?

>> No.1277267
File: 1.03 MB, 1473x831, 1615037833723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They got a win!

>> No.1277271
File: 1.00 MB, 1280x720, 1614959745757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joseph... went away for a while...

>> No.1277272


>> No.1277273

odachi is too slow

>> No.1277274

Fucking spiders.

>> No.1277280

or rather, the submissions are almost entirely about HololiveEN inside jokes/stream references hence why she couldn't understand them

>> No.1277281

Now I want karaoke collabs even more, damn it.

>> No.1277284

I want to ______ with ___

>> No.1277283

Rap and puns.

>> No.1277285

Why does the mo have a dakuten? Wtf does that mean?

>> No.1277287

hey there pal no roughhousing my oshi

>> No.1277289

Mori and Gura. I've seen significant amounts of every other pairing (including Mori and Ina, Kiara and Ame, and Gura and Kiara) but Mori and Gura seems to only appear for like a day after every collab.

>> No.1277292 [DELETED] 

I can't stop thinking about Kiara's roommate's teeth. I'm weirdly attracted to them.

>> No.1277296


>> No.1277297

no fucking way

>> No.1277299

Moona Kiara collab when?

>> No.1277301

I have never seen a single piece of MorIna fanart.

>> No.1277303

This is gut-wrenching and abhorrent. Literal skinwalkers masquerading as real humans. You can even tell that "Ally" tag is fake and only there to farm even more (You)s from people.

>> No.1277305

Mori Ame. They hate each other.

>> No.1277311

not directly. like the feature in cloudy sheep and the new years collab

>> No.1277312

Soon with pekora as the trophy

>> No.1277315

I've been playing it on and off for the last few months. Its good but between all the side missions and lack of enemy variety it feels pretty padded out.

>> No.1277316

Me too!

>> No.1277317

>the submissions are almost entirely about HololiveEN inside jokes/stream references hence why she couldn't understand them
Probably this. If true then that means the redditors have actually been watching streams for once so that's good.

>> No.1277321


>> No.1277323

>commit murder
>the lead pipe in the ballroom

>> No.1277324

>Even in edits, Ina sucks at Apex

>> No.1277325

You should do an action pose next time. Challenge yourself!

>> No.1277326

I mean Ina got a win in her solo stream so she is very skilled at this game for a beginner!

>> No.1277327

She's here

>> No.1277329
File: 1.32 MB, 2068x3116, 1613865986989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here have my favorite morina one

>> No.1277330

Hopefully never.
My oshi has suffered enough from Moona's retarded fans.

>> No.1277332

when kiara learns how to play minecraft

>> No.1277333

pekora already belongs to moona

>> No.1277334

>Sing for Ina.
>No one even pretends.


>> No.1277336

From what I remember, the speed's fine as long as you understand how long it's range is and don't try to facehug enemies. I don't think Noel gets it though.

>> No.1277343


>> No.1277345

* * * how were the Sametori and Iname collabs?

>> No.1277347

>looks at his bio
Yup, not surprised. So called 'good' people don't feel the need to advertise that shit.

>> No.1277348


>> No.1277350

Play video games

>> No.1277352

Why is Colonel Mustard like this

>> No.1277354

Noel ffs its just a spider, shit ain't that hard.

>> No.1277355

I don't even think he watched the stream.

>> No.1277360

On a scale of 1-10, how painful will Gura's Terraria stream be for a Terraria autist like me?

>> No.1277361
File: 1.18 MB, 1920x1200, 1611544133794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dies instantly

>> No.1277363

I think the spider is the next boss, Juro Gumo

>> No.1277362

So we merged again?

>> No.1277364

Guramefags are retarded.

>> No.1277365

Do other fanbases have a Chad Prime like Joseph for the teamates?

>> No.1277366

>Ame twice as blurry as Ina
Nice attention to detail.

>> No.1277373

scuffed /// don't watch less than 10k

>> No.1277376

amazing. gura cute and ame/ina were fantastic

>> No.1277378

Yes. It's Joseph.

>> No.1277379


>> No.1277382

kino, both of them

>> No.1277383

A year ago if you told me that one of the Holos who was most serious about doing her eigo reps to the point of taking courses would be Marine, I would never believe it.

>> No.1277384
File: 1.29 MB, 1000x1500, 1605534985250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1277387

>Pekora as the trophy
Does that mean both Kiara and Moona will work together to capture Pekora?

>> No.1277390


>> No.1277393
File: 339 KB, 800x666, 1589177428161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are true gamers.

>> No.1277397
File: 320 KB, 544x558, 1609821250719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Casts a spell to make you breathe manually

>> No.1277399

>cant climb
nice boss there

>> No.1277400

Oh yeah she's in the spider area now. Honestly I remember the spider bitch to be a pushover.

>> No.1277401

Gurameniggers need to neck themselves

>> No.1277402
File: 547 KB, 850x1200, treerrat1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watch Gura collab

>> No.1277405

Important poll

>> No.1277408

She really wants to marry an overseas sexy guy. And it could very well be (You), if you also do your reps!

>> No.1277410

niceu! looks really cool.

>> No.1277411

have fun

>> No.1277413

Oh shit, it's out!

>> No.1277415
File: 289 KB, 1448x2048, 20210307_083523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant believe she's my oshi now. 2-3 month ago I can't even watch her because of how cringe she is.

>> No.1277416

She is

>> No.1277417

Here's a hard NSFW for the deadbeats

>> No.1277418


>> No.1277419
File: 166 KB, 708x1000, hy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will you be watching the Gen 5 collab?


>> No.1277421

Danchou is going to finish Nioh without learning a single skill.

>> No.1277426

didn't chicken say it was Mel already?

>> No.1277427

No one.


>> No.1277429

Isn't it already all but confirmed to be Mel after Kiara called into Mel's celebration stream?

>> No.1277433

This Noel Nioh playthrough makes me sad I didn't catch her dark souls playthroughs before the HoloCaust. It's been really fun.

>> No.1277435

Anyone but Pekora.

>> No.1277438

She was invited, its possible there was already somebody in the pipeline.

>> No.1277440

she only confirmed Mel would be on at some point, not that she'd be next

>> No.1277443

Don't want to come off as too jaded but this shouldn't be too surprising. There comes a point where it's just really fucking obvious, most of the time at least, that you're just fishing for that high off of interaction with a famous person.
It could be worse, at least the only thing Ame sees on her end (probably) is a bunch of overly nice messages, possibly bordering on weird but that comes with the territory. Just think about this the next time you see some literal who acting "based" on social media or whatever. Even I'd like to think Joseph is an exception, but you shouldn't prop him up on a pedestal either, even if he's a genuinely good guy.

>> No.1277444

I'd really like a Botan holotalks since she's the smartest holo by far. People parrot that but she's really way ahead of the others in logical thinking and emotional stability.

>> No.1277448

Anon, did you see how much trouble Noel was having with ONE (1) spider? Gotta toss your less-than-great players a bone.

>> No.1277449

Here it is. The Noel sounds I've been waiting for.

>> No.1277451

I'm always glad to see someone with an ID as an oshi. Glad you enjoy her anon

>> No.1277452

fucking kek danchou

>> No.1277455

Holy shit bros how is Noel so cute....

>> No.1277456

Danchou is making weird noises again...

>> No.1277458

Takos, explain this shit

>> No.1277460

The no one?

>> No.1277463

Not enough settlement needs our help from Fallout 4?

>> No.1277466


>> No.1277471

noted, i'll watch the vods. thanks anons

>> No.1277479
File: 2.24 MB, 1066x934, wataception.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it finally time to deploy our greatest soldier?

>> No.1277478

Keep this in mind next time someone tells you "Gurame isn't a thing outside of here." It's pretty clearly the de facto thing for most people after Takamori.

>> No.1277482

>ika drawfags

>> No.1277486

The era of /vt/ meme review is coming

>> No.1277487

Shitty fanart, what's there to explain?

>> No.1277488

Waiting for when Noel fights the yuki onna.

>> No.1277494
File: 358 KB, 1200x1200, 1592425361463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Luna near the top
Why? Don't give me hope like this

>> No.1277496

But more people like Iname, Gurame is mostly a taiwan thing when it comes down to /u/schizo stuff

>> No.1277497

Now I realize why she has a baby bottle emote.

>> No.1277502
File: 59 KB, 281x346, 1614832291938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw people like this guy actively discourage me from commenting or sending SCs because I don't want to be lumped together with them

I know it shouldn't matter, but it gets in my head and I can't shake it.

>> No.1277503

I can't wait for Coco's weekly Holofightz watchalong.

>> No.1277507
File: 909 KB, 1800x1263, casul migo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a 35peemate I'm very happy with today.

>> No.1277514

>Coco doesn't have enough good reddit memes
she should of just taken some from here

>> No.1277515

anon gurame and iname have always been "things" outside of these threads. dont let this place cloud your views

>> No.1277519
File: 378 KB, 2250x1500, GITOSHINN-1358755974203338752-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, here's my favorite MorIna art.

>> No.1277520

Its a pretty easy fight once you figure out why there's ammo all over the boss arena.

>> No.1277522

She looks cute

>> No.1277528

t. Professor Plum

>> No.1277527

I REALLY like the boss to this level.

>> No.1277529
File: 211 KB, 400x400, treerat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I heard you need memes Coco....

>> No.1277532

>dragon review le epic redddit meme
>reddit memes too wholesome for seison't dragon

>> No.1277533

I hope this is bait

>> No.1277534

So is Mori just chatting alcoholism stream from last night worth watching or nah?

>> No.1277535

Yeah we probably should stop Josephposting. Not only does it set up expectations, but it also makes him a target for schizos here.

>> No.1277542

I've left positive SC's and comments when I've felt like they actually mattered and they're tailored for the situation.

>> No.1277548

All chances of this ever happening were ruined by retards who projected their insecuries at Moona and weaponized it against Kiara. I hope a full gen ID x EN collab can solve this though.

>> No.1277552


Mori teaches them how to rap, but she does so while being sexually aggressive

>> No.1277555
File: 365 KB, 842x859, 1609528602516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an admittedly uncommon pairing but they're far from being the least paired ones

>> No.1277556
File: 217 KB, 1791x777, Noel Baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is baby

>> No.1277558

Yes risu, help her find some meme from here

>> No.1277560

Oh I'm not talking about difficulty. I want her to react to her beauty.

>> No.1277561

"we don't ship them"

>> No.1277562

Is Clue(do) popular in Japan? It would honestly make for a great collab stream?

>> No.1277563

>dont let this place cloud your views
Yes, that's the point I was trying to get across. Perhaps I worded it poorly.

>> No.1277564

i send an SC to my oshi for every stream she does and i frequently leave supportive comments, and no one has ever once brought me up in this thread.

>> No.1277567
File: 80 KB, 550x655, 1606695669769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to listen to a hurt, vulnerable Mori get cheered up by her deadbeats, sure.

>> No.1277568

This meem fell pretty flat, anon! Just like Rushia, who is pettan and has no breasts!

>> No.1277569

It's alright. Mostly just typical Mori. She was feeling down so the stream was pretty low energy, a bit of vague emotional venting and then a cathartic moment where her mood improved and she felt cute.

>> No.1277570

sell me on Reine

>> No.1277571

I would fuck your oshi

>> No.1277573

Sorry Joseph.

>> No.1277578

why did you make me read this.

>> No.1277581

That's what you gete for not fighting honorably Danchou.

>> No.1277582
File: 153 KB, 1680x945, 1595633086655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sora a cute

>> No.1277584
File: 882 KB, 1242x911, Morina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When in doubt, check the rarepair guy.

>> No.1277585

That whole circle of artists has been making shipping art of all the girls since kiara asked for some more.

>> No.1277586


Will Reines wall finally be broken down?

>> No.1277587

large massive tits, erotic voice, and a cute laugh

>> No.1277588

Cute dork who laughs at infanticide.

>> No.1277589

That'd probably be Ina and Kiara

>> No.1277590

She is an oujou, dork and... Bird

>> No.1277600

Same desu, I send nice SC's when the situation warrants it and other times my SC messages are just reactions to things on stream or general questions.

>> No.1277603


>> No.1277613

The artist that anon posted has been doing those kinda drawings way before Kiara requested them.

>> No.1277619

>Noel has encountered tongueboi
Oh this'll be fun.

>> No.1277621

[Funny News] Danchou can't stop falling off cliffs.

>> No.1277623


>> No.1277622

kek Noel just runs off a cliff.

>> No.1277626

Her pussy wall?

>> No.1277629
File: 636 KB, 2234x3320, 1614449725107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1277630
File: 64 KB, 222x272, 1612664387859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just do it in moderation anon. I used to send a lot of SC to Ame, and realized they were kinda cringe/not very meaningful. Self awareness is the key to maintaining sanity, or at least some semblance of it.

>> No.1277631

>no nipples
I feel cheated.

>> No.1277634

It also means Coco has zero idea about EN. Polka already proved that but still.

>> No.1277636

Based Guramechads

>> No.1277638
File: 189 KB, 900x1200, DD725CC4-D324-4A40-B2A8-4B4040A189B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is, and always shall be, a UNITY thread, bros!

>> No.1277639

Should’ve not included Gen 5. Kiara specifically said she wants to guest the older and more experienced gens first and Gen 5 is only about a month older than EN.

>> No.1277642
File: 98 KB, 954x836, 1612481327927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina and Kiara get a good amount too, though admittedly I don't really save as much of it.

>> No.1277645

They seem extremely uncomfortable

>> No.1277647

You don't want to break those, they're important.

>> No.1277657


>> No.1277658

that's some oldschool cunny

>> No.1277660
File: 990 KB, 1233x872, 1610517886751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1277661

if your words come from a sincere place, then just do it, think about why you want to send a nice message, is it because you actually want to show support towards the vtuber?, or is your goal to get a lots of likes and attention? if it's the first, then just pull the trigger and comment, I've commented on dozens of things and I haven't been called out by anyone yet, nobody minds as long as you don't act like a creepy fucker.

>> No.1277666


>> No.1277668

Someone in chat asked what a vtuber is? kek

>> No.1277670

The zatsudan's that Mori does fucking destroy me inside.

>> No.1277671

Yeah I SC almost every Ame stream and I thankfully have never been called out here.

>> No.1277673
File: 396 KB, 455x743, akihome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe she was at the studio, and the at home version will be the proper one like always.

>> No.1277677

Watching Noel has been making me feel guilty for abandoning Nioh in my backlog for so long. I've owned that game since the day it came out. She's about to catch up to my progress too.

>> No.1277678
File: 1.28 MB, 764x874, 1586049221792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job guys

>> No.1277679
File: 182 KB, 1920x1200, 1602839984737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will always love the way the artist drew Ina in this

>> No.1277680

It still amazes me that this what first pops into her head when she thinks "music"

>> No.1277685
File: 314 KB, 952x755, 1613894271595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be like this guy

>> No.1277688

How am I supposed to take Noel x Flare seriously when Noel makes thousands upon thousands of guys cum every week with tongue noises? I'm supposed to believe Flare is ok with that?

>> No.1277693

I'm still at work, what happened?

>> No.1277695

she's a one woman orchestra

>> No.1277696

I demand a proper lewd jigex.

>> No.1277699

what to do

>> No.1277700
File: 672 KB, 859x709, 1610031419516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Gura reads all the comments she gets and reads letters you send her. The best way to remind her that we love her is too make positive comments.

>> No.1277702
File: 606 KB, 2000x1356, smug dagger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I like her even less, Satan. That singing was cringe.
Anya is the only good ID2

>> No.1277703
File: 76 KB, 308x235, 1606770303070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's been 11 years since I put this Squid Girl anime on my backlog
>I've probably watched like 6 shows since then
Time goes by way too quickly

>> No.1277705
File: 28 KB, 376x419, 867555b17736524b8e6635fdcc8906a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fug

>> No.1277708

We live in a pantsuless age, bro... they're never coming back...

>> No.1277710

By being mature about it unlike you.

>> No.1277713

>She's about to catch up to my progress too.
To be fair, she's only doing the main missions, which is only like half the game's content.

>> No.1277714

I'm glad you think that, anon. I'm glad anyone likes Anya at all.

>> No.1277716

My wife, Nigochi

>> No.1277717

what happened to this guy

>> No.1277718
File: 321 KB, 420x420, 1614605081959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1277719
File: 138 KB, 463x453, 1614122926414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as shit as my life at least im not like this fucking guy

>> No.1277721

I feel a lot better about my comments not coming off as creepy now if this is the standard they're compared to.

>> No.1277725
File: 12 KB, 400x400, nut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, puzzles are only rewarding when i can COOM to them

>> No.1277730

Fuck unity.
I care only about my oshi.
Ina sucks.
Calliope sucks.
Amelia sucks.
Kiara sucks.
You are my enemy.

>> No.1277729

Then don't.
She won't read it anyway. There's no point.
Just support her by watching her stuff and being a member. That should be enough. Don't throw away your money.

>> No.1277731


>> No.1277735

I still need to see Madoka although I've been completely spoiled about the whole thing

>> No.1277736

Recently I basically only watch streams from my oshi and I kinda feel bad about it

>> No.1277737

do you like autistic girls


>> No.1277741

why are haatons like this

>> No.1277743

you're all cowards for thinking it, bless this man for saying it

>> No.1277744
File: 848 KB, 650x900, Watamelon Qom [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F87krmu.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1277748

Coco love!

>> No.1277749

I think that dude draws every EN sheep

>> No.1277750

please understand, haato is going through a rough time

>> No.1277752

This one is gonna go on for a bit

>> No.1277755

uh what?

>> No.1277758
File: 2.79 MB, 720x1036, Okayu[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fnvzotd.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1277759

All me.

>> No.1277760

>if your words come from a sincere place
Anyone who posts here is not sincere in any way

>> No.1277762

Going through the SameTori VOD, are the threads worth reading along or was it bad

>> No.1277765

Recently I've basically only looked forward to streams not by my oshi. We balance each other out.

>> No.1277767

Nah. They get a bunch of art of them making out and some referencing their kino Minecraft collab. I was also very excited to see 2 of those Taiwanese schizo comics that have Kiara as Ina’s victim instead of Ame.

>> No.1277768
File: 12 KB, 241x171, 1604092384937453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is the only comment she has ever hearted

>> No.1277769

Why are fandead like this?

>> No.1277770

I have a full time job and I can't even watch JP streams at work like I used to, my oshi streams at the perfect time to watch her.

>> No.1277772

Still though... it's been a few years. At this rate I may just end up starting over when I return to it.

>> No.1277775


>> No.1277778
File: 333 KB, 402x613, THE WITCH DOCTOR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1277777 *casts a spell*

>> No.1277779


>> No.1277780
File: 148 KB, 1120x767, EvrrvucVIAUvrA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1277781

If it's the dark nipples one, I swear...

>> No.1277782

No the fuck she doesn't, none of them have the time to go through thousands and thousands of comments
Don't fucking delude yourself

>> No.1277785

I like all 3 for their own reasons and was even thinking of adopting Anya

>> No.1277786

>Gura or Kiara says something.
There you go.

>> No.1277788

They were good at the start but became incredibly retarded because of an unrelated situation.

>> No.1277791

t. Ger Loke

>> No.1277792


>> No.1277798
File: 131 KB, 647x1044, koronesuki punch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not at all.

>> No.1277800

I don't mean all literally retard

>> No.1277801

Nah it's a Mori one

>> No.1277804

this fucking brat

>> No.1277805

Is that a good thing or bad thing?

>> No.1277806

Watamates, what did you do?

>> No.1277808

>Polka already proved that but still.
IIRC Polka was dunking on the JP audience and their inability to make memes about Gura beyond making her say 'a', rather than Coco herself.

>> No.1277809
File: 13 KB, 480x360, 1609473428938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up

>> No.1277812

Put his ass on the holowatchlist

>> No.1277813
File: 97 KB, 818x561, 1604001545476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice projecting, anon

>> No.1277817

Probably for the best. Nioh's got more mechanics and systems than other Souls-likes, so it could be a bit overwhelming to drop back into the middle of a playthrough after that long.

>> No.1277818

That guy actually made himself useful instead of posting some bullshit motivational garbage.

>> No.1277820

>watched 400 anime from 2012-2020
>0 since April

>> No.1277821

If you pay attention to chat and pretend they're saying UUUOOOOOOHHHH instead of lewd it's basically the same thing.

>> No.1277825
File: 52 KB, 912x511, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not true

>> No.1277829

Maybe good because we don't want people going schizo over whether they get hearts or not

>> No.1277834

You should stop by El Lamy when she just recently puts up posts
She gives majority of them hearts
She's a good wife

>> No.1277841

I want Korone and Mori to do a collab stream about rapping.

>> No.1277844

To be fair Coco doesn't have a clue what Ame is really like (nor does reddit).

>> No.1277845


Huke approves of his daughter's choices

>> No.1277847

I didn't see her comment at the bottom and thought she only liked it without clarifying, which in my defense is a thing she would do.

>> No.1277848
File: 210 KB, 600x669, 7B764765-850B-4DD3-A791-234ABD31C86E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there’s going to be another Subaru/Kiara collab soon

>> No.1277851

On second thought it's probably AmeTori and it was just recency bias from my part because I've been seeing some art of them thanks to Kiara's recent yuribaiting.

>> No.1277852

I want Korone and Mori to beat me up so badly they leave some lasting damage.

>> No.1277863

Well she did say she has a collab next week and it's not en.

>> No.1277864


>> No.1277870

>cute and funny

>> No.1277871

Do you think Gura regrets making herself so small and flat with baggy clothing to the point that all the normalfags thinks she's a literal child or the EN's little sister instead of a horny sexy brat?

>> No.1277873

I want Korone to edge me while Mori laughs at my dick

>> No.1277874


>> No.1277876

get married

>> No.1277878

>funny and cute

>> No.1277879

Aight, I'll just have the VOD playing while doing other things then.
Nioh 2 is fun

>> No.1277880
File: 194 KB, 326x282, hey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

show me....

>> No.1277884

Another RRAT killed

>> No.1277886

Should I be excited

>> No.1277889

why isn't Nene's song on her channel or on Hololive's channel? who thought that would be a good idea?

>> No.1277892

This latest holofightz stream is fantastic. Im glad the anon didn't stop due to china.

>> No.1277894
File: 51 KB, 680x381, EhuOWk7UYAAiTDO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are welcome.

>> No.1277897

Huke being based as usual

>> No.1277899

Must not hurt too bad because you can watch one episode a day.

>> No.1277903

Is huke the most based papa in hololive?

>> No.1277904
File: 356 KB, 688x500, 1611376961336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1277907
File: 439 KB, 380x645, reinehat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a massive dork who:
Plays with her emotes like a child with a new toy!
Thinks it's okay to put jelly beans in cereal!
Thinks milk tea is a valid substitute for real milk!
Builds a literal flaming hellscape in Planet Coaster and wonders why all her employees quit!
Laughs at the death of children!
Has a very generous definition of music!
Really likes stripes!
Loves to fish!
Meows back at cats!
Has a really great singing voice!
Eats brunch with (you) every Saturday!
Loves her home and its culture!
Really likes keyboards!
Loves her genmates!
Loves and supports her senpais!
Slaps things as a first reaction!
Is actually kind of okay at video games!
Made a three part series out of 1000 character fanfictions!
Loves her fans!
Feeds her chat!
Loves watermelon!
Is the best!

>> No.1277910
File: 2.20 MB, 600x480, kiara excited.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice! Based on what? Chances of Torinity finally?

>> No.1277918

Into Free syncing with the cutscene was kino

>> No.1277919
File: 191 KB, 463x453, ogey3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the rrats..
they're not ogey..
they're starving, kiara......

>> No.1277920

unironically yes.
I'm still mad that idol fags forced him off the minecraft server that no one even plays on anymore

>> No.1277930


>> No.1277934
File: 210 KB, 282x428, chips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed, i agree.

>> No.1277936

>"it's okay if you don't beat it just have fun :D"
If this is being "more understanding than deadbeats," then what did the deadbeats say?

>> No.1277937

I remember that nusagi

>> No.1277938

that rrat has been basically bones for along time

>> No.1277940

Also get along well with her wonderful mama Pochi.

>> No.1277944

I don't get why people say Ollie is like Kiara, Ollie is a cute and funny girl, meanwhile Kiara is an annoying whore and should graduate already

>> No.1277943
File: 500 KB, 660x858, 5766455423453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Flare thinks Subaru is super sexy because of the gap appeal.

>> No.1277945

I only SC when I think of something funny/amusing, but maybe that's kind of selfish in its own way. I don't know, I just see all these SCs in Ame's chat that are just the same thing over and over again from the same people and think that she must get bored of reading them. If it was me, I'd prefer jokes or amusing remarks or whatever, but maybe she likes the empty praise. Who knows really.

>> No.1277949

Me too. It was asinine behavior.

>> No.1277950

You know the rules:
Debut or TBA

>> No.1277951

Talk for yourself faggot

>> No.1277954

I don't watch Hololive ID but does she speak English?

>> No.1277956

She is apparently waiting for the MV to be finished, but wanted the song out by her birthday.

>> No.1277959

It was fucking good. I fuckin lost it with Mori's intro and the ladder bit.

>> No.1277963

I get so anxious when chuubas play stuff like souls/nioh
I couldnt handle livestreaming myself dying a dozen times on the same spot

>> No.1277965

holy shit anon...

>> No.1277966

is it really empty phrase when the sentiment is shared by thousands of people

>> No.1277968
File: 171 KB, 1000x1000, Es4Qt6yUwAI-7-p-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my dumb oshi

>> No.1277969
File: 221 KB, 1884x1903, Ev1QP7LWQAAU6FP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I can't get Moskau out of my head since Gura brought it up today

>> No.1277970
File: 48 KB, 373x431, 1610984983401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crafted for sex.

>> No.1277971
File: 1.43 MB, 990x720, We [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fggjft6.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1277973
File: 203 KB, 664x265, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1277972

she's correct

>> No.1277974

Vast majority of deadbeats were understanding of Mori's situation and gave her a bunch of encouragement during the stream. The retard that you're responding to is just trying to push a rrat to bash deadbeats for some reason.

>> No.1277976

Damascus.. you sounds different than when I last heard you

>> No.1277977

Reine probably has the best english in HoloID and 90% of her streams are in English.

>> No.1277980

More English than Kiara.

>> No.1277981

>Puke paint at you
truly, loafy is the best fighter.

>> No.1277986

>1 to 6
>But what happened to 2, 3, 4, and 5?
>God Dammit Gura

>> No.1277987

Nigga lurk 5000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 years

>> No.1277989

Speak for yourself I am 100% sincere in how much I love and cherish Gura

>> No.1277990

That's why I suggested for Tony to lay low for a bit after Mori and Gura were talking about him. I sure as fuck wouldn't want schizos to be on my ass because their oshi said my name.

>> No.1277991

if you get enough of it, it will seem empty no matter how sincere it is.

>> No.1277997

Iofi vs Moona was so fucking good. Like actual fun to watch wrestling. I really should get back into it sometime.

>> No.1278001
File: 1000 KB, 1100x1500, 88249395_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1278004

FINALLY. I still think the Subaru x Kiara Goose Game collab is Kiara’s best JP collab even though the others have been pretty good too.

>> No.1278007


>> No.1278009

The only reason I stick around this shithole is because I know at least some anons here sincerely care about their oshis.

>> No.1278010
File: 69 KB, 1554x170, 1606694966911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1278011

I meant more the intent behind the praise, I should have phrased that better. I meant the people who SC these longwinded overblown positive messages multiple times a week just to get their name read out by their oshi on stream. That's empty praise because it has an ulterior motive.

>> No.1278014

Mel's mom is drawing Gura if you are interested

>> No.1278013

well one of the reasons it got big outside of here is that some taiwanese paper actually wrote about it for some reason.
So a bunch of taiwanese (true) people are watching it

>> No.1278015
File: 72 KB, 1079x284, IMG_20210307_100934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anytime now

>> No.1278016

My fucking sides it's as good as the first time

>> No.1278019
File: 225 KB, 850x1278, 5473468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is miko good for sex?

>> No.1278021

>first week after Reine's debut caused countless seething in hlgg when retards were pushing rrats that Reine was a stuck up bitch who would barely speak eigo
Those were fun times

>> No.1278022

Ayamefriend lives, and marches on!

>> No.1278027
File: 2.67 MB, 1920x1080, 【JUST CHATTING!】Secret Drinking Game, and Tipsy Supers! #Holomyth #HololiveEnglish.mp4_snapshot_01.08_[2021.03.06_04.43.17].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1278028

90% is putting it lightly, there are streams where she does not utter a single word of indog outside of intro and outro

>> No.1278029

>damascus was the welsh catgirl all along

>> No.1278030

The battle between the KFP and the Tako's will be eternal

>> No.1278034

Kiara can't into tsukkomi

>> No.1278039

Damascus kinda sounds different from what I remember

>> No.1278040

Not really, lately they've been doing some dumb shit regarding some Pekora bot they added. The only EN stuff that got attention there recently was the Kiara shadowban shit and the Calligula collab.

>> No.1278042

one of the things i miss about gura's SC gacha is that if i sent a supportive message with a modest amount of money, it would be ridiculous to suggest that i only did it to get it read out, because the probability of that happening was so low.

>> No.1278043

What is it that makes Taiwanese capable of creativity, empathy, and other higher human abilities when mainlanders aren't?

>> No.1278044
File: 238 KB, 898x709, 4079EB2F-5DDE-4338-94DC-2E98A81CB290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can’t wait for them to celebrate more milestones together!

>> No.1278046

nigga the whole point of beign anonymous is that you can say whatever shit you want are you fucking retarded

>> No.1278047

Josephposting, or any fucking chatfaggot/twitterfaggot posting shouldn't be here in the first place. Thread celebrity bullshit is cancer and I've been telling you niggers to fuck off since we were in /jp/, and before you retards broke containment. It actually fucking boggles my mind that you fags complaing about new people and complain about twitch faggotry and complain about a lot of fucking things but somehow making thread celebrities form fucking twitter or youtube chat is somehow ok. Literally worse than /v/ constantly making threads with twitter screencaps.

Fuck you all.

>> No.1278048

t. chumbud

>> No.1278050

She's Mori but better and less THERE

>> No.1278052

Holy shit, when did Noel learn how to ki pulse

>> No.1278054

Noem sure is cute.

>> No.1278058

10% is basically for collabs with JP senpais and IN collabs where they tend to speak Indonesian for some reason.

>> No.1278060

it was that bad?
not the other anon, but i took a break from internet back in december

>> No.1278062
File: 123 KB, 366x378, 1587986390948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You caught me red handed

>> No.1278063

I can't believe Damascus was a cute girl all along

>> No.1278064

I'm insincere when I speak to you pieces of shit because I don't like you. I like my oshi, therefore, I'm sincere with her.

>> No.1278065

There were a few other instances where Polka showed that she knows the EN girls much better than Coco does. I don't remember the details though.

>> No.1278066


>> No.1278067

Not true by the way, bleeding higher up in the GI tract is not a telltale sign of cancer. A lot of things can cause that, like Crohn's or overuse of NSAIDs.

>> No.1278070

You forgot to mention her massive fat fucking tits

>> No.1278071

>reddit spacing

>> No.1278073

Those are great points. I love her

>> No.1278075

Gonna use my biden bux to commission some art of Noel getting sexually assaulted by Nioh enemies.

>> No.1278078

Oh, those. She's probably going to start skipping your messages after one or two so what's even the point.

>> No.1278080

I've forgot that i have this thread open
Could this be a sign of my freedom from /vt/

>> No.1278081
File: 814 KB, 979x550, afe4c13cb5014d7ea3e22e7b804e7f76[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He sure is!

>> No.1278082

I can't tell what's funnier

>Kiara's brain soft-resetting
>"I gave you the benefit of the doubt"

>> No.1278084

Mori is cute? What the fuck?

>> No.1278083

Have a thing from Ayame's mama's channel

>> No.1278085
File: 388 KB, 1700x1752, 1597596263923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will Nacho make official Gura lewds?

>> No.1278087


>> No.1278089

Coco was the one saying Ame isn't a seiso detective

>> No.1278090
File: 222 KB, 1025x1208, 1614813282851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just bought a membership to watch Ame's stream, I can't believe how hard I've fallen in love with her

>> No.1278091
File: 123 KB, 1440x1715, 1615083262013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it LITERALLY says Hololive INDONESIA. How the fuck would I know they speak English, you stupid fucking nigger?????

>> No.1278093
File: 63 KB, 832x960, 1607144302942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They actually have a soul

>> No.1278094

This obviously a bait

>> No.1278097
File: 711 KB, 1362x764, 1616514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1278098

true kino

>> No.1278099
File: 199 KB, 2048x1178, 1609669711128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully soon

>> No.1278101

Better late than never anon, Ame's so wonderful

>> No.1278102

It's not like the rrats were entirely baseless. Reine debuted with a full indog song, then she said in her debut that she would speak more indog in future streams. Then she did multiple collabs in full indog.
And then she started doing solo streams and they were all in English.

>> No.1278103

>vag directly below the bellybutton
Nice anatomy there

>> No.1278105

Who isn't Ame married to at this point.

>> No.1278104

not dictated by the mainland gov?

>> No.1278115
File: 163 KB, 1200x1388, 87976435341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be fun. Subaru can show off her eigo skills as well.

>> No.1278116

>goes to check this out myself
>most of the front page isn't about EN at all
Ah so this was just another rrat. Why did I believe you retards in the first place?

>> No.1278119
File: 2.74 MB, 1920x1080, 【JUST CHATTING!】Secret Drinking Game, and Tipsy Supers! #Holomyth #HololiveEnglish.mp4_snapshot_01.09_[2021.03.06_04.45.42].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always has been, always will be.

>> No.1278120

You came back to post that, so no.

>> No.1278121
File: 16 KB, 139x168, 1611605453261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1278122


>> No.1278124
File: 144 KB, 902x593, 1606981528912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck are there people in this thread this new?

>> No.1278126

(Y o u )

>> No.1278127

The cultural revolution, the famine, and decades of brainwashing permanently crippled mainland china.

>> No.1278132

Whate'va ye say ya fakin cunt

>> No.1278134

Gura is wife #1 who gets to boss the other wives around

>> No.1278135


>> No.1278136

The waiting list will only continue to grow.

>> No.1278137

Please stop reminding me anon...

>> No.1278141

t. deadbeat
Kill yourself retard.

>> No.1278142

Most of the reddits meme simply aren't funny and shit tier at the very least

>> No.1278143

Jesus Christ go back

>> No.1278145

do you really think SEAnig only speak junglebook?

>> No.1278147

Ame is so wonderful!

>> No.1278150


>> No.1278151

This is uncalled for.

>> No.1278152

Yes it was bad. Not the same level as the Mori bashing during the podcast/chileanon arc but like 1-2 steps below that. Luckily it didn't last too long.

>> No.1278153

/vt/ debuff plz andarstand

>> No.1278161
File: 704 KB, 933x1008, 1610580358247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>More than half of Indonesia speaks English
>All the English collabs with the ID girls
>Literally an ID EN collab fucking yesterday at this time with the biggest Holo
>I'm a nigger because you're an utter dumbass newfag clipfag
Go back to >>>/r/eddit or /qa/ or wherever the fuck your dumbass came from right now

>> No.1278162

Maybe going back is a good option holy fuck

>> No.1278163

Chinks were subjected to dehumanization thanks to Communism. They only live to consoom as long as mommy CCP allows them

>> No.1278164


>> No.1278167

Polka literally played AI Dungeon because she saw Ame play it

>> No.1278168

>a few days ago a fuck lot of anons didn't even know you could send fanmail to the talents
you're all newfags to my eyes

>> No.1278170

Now THAT makes more sense.

>> No.1278171

>Grab does 99% of Noel's hp.
Damn is she underleveled or something?

>> No.1278172

I believe that one anon that loves Ina is sincere

>> No.1278173

I thought it would have died down by now but newfags still keep trickling in

>> No.1278177


Can I ask you a question?
Where the fuck did you come from? No, seriously, where the FUCK did you come from?
If you weren't on /hlgg/ before EN debuts, you're a fucking newfag and you need to get off this board right now.
Fucking retarded newfags. I fucking ahte you stupid faggots so fucking much. I fucking hate newfags begging for spoonfeeds I fucking hate you I fucking hate you I hoep you fucking fall off a cliff and di you stupif faggot fuck you.

There needs to be a mandatory quiz on /hlgg/ lore to post here. You either pass it because you're an oldfag or because you're committed to joining the community. Stupid f ucking newfaggots holy fucking shit FCUK YOU I am fucking sick of you people

>first collab
Im so sick of you stupid faggot newfags. The first fucking full collab was on Ame's channel right after her debut you stupid fucking newfag fuck you
FUcking newfaggots holy shit fuck off

>> No.1278178

If I like really dumb girls, which Holos should I watch?

>> No.1278180
File: 159 KB, 265x241, 1598905354829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1278187

Yeah people like to pretend she didn't say that her streams would be primarily Indonesian and that her english streams would be rarer. They like to pretend she wasn't pushing indo hard in the early collabs. It was literally until she saw the donations being 90% in english that she realized most of her viewers were fucking english speakers.

>> No.1278188

I could actually see Kiara asking that

>> No.1278192


>> No.1278194

Hololive should develop its own game of Mao. That would be dope. Have one gen slowly build up the rules with a couple of their own collabs, then when a new gen comes out... the hazing begins.

>> No.1278193

pekora and aqua

>> No.1278198

Wait what?

>> No.1278199


>> No.1278200


>> No.1278201

I miss the mori thanking akas meme

>> No.1278202

Are you okay anon?

>> No.1278203

HoloGB when?

>> No.1278205

when i post "i love you gura" at the end of the thread as i've been doing since the morning of october 27th, i am always sincere.

>> No.1278212
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, Melfissa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loli with 10/10 design
>never turns loli voice off
>Arguably the most attractive design in Hololive
>speaks English so she's accessible to EOPs
>sassy and full of personality
>never shadowbanned even once
>can collab with anyone in Hololive, no manager problems
>always has the ogey face




>> No.1278213

All of them, women are stupid

>> No.1278214


>> No.1278217

Ramming Ramy!

>> No.1278220

You should watch today's Gura and Kiara collab

>> No.1278218


>> No.1278222


>> No.1278227

same desu

>> No.1278229

I dont think she done any side missions and shes lost alot of xp from deaths.
So chances are good. Although gear is more important than levels in Nioh.

>> No.1278230


>> No.1278232


>> No.1278234


>> No.1278236

I want to watch Anya more but she's painfully boring even if she's cute

>> No.1278235

Aqua for autism
Nene for airheadedness
Peko for confident stupidity

>> No.1278237

Aqua or Ame

>> No.1278238

>loli with 10/10 design
rearry nigga

>> No.1278240

Good meme

>> No.1278243

I think this is what gura was aiming for

>> No.1278247

Based as fuck but also meds

>> No.1278248

Her voice is wasted on them.

>> No.1278249
File: 2.01 MB, 850x1512, 1612576267953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you remember life before you found your oshi?
And i mean your oshi, not just your favorite chuuba. If you know, you know.

>> No.1278251
File: 25 KB, 428x424, 1592266121038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1278263

Lurk more you fucking niggers i fucking hate you faggots posting useless questions that could've been answered if you would've just shut your damn whore mouth
>duuhhh why supacha called?
>gguuuuuhhh makes new thread early
>uhhh why anti called?
>durrrr who coco is?
>uh uh sora who???
>uhhhhhhh why permission?
>what 5ch????
>uhrrrrr where 5ch link?
>post frogman and soijak
>WHERE DOXX??????????
>what kino means????
>what reps means????
>just woke up what happen????????
>hurr when is stream?
>duuuur what gosling means???
>what naizuri?????????
>what roommate means????
>bluuuh what rule 1 2????????????
>SIMP heh gotem
>uhhh just anime girl???
>durrrrrhhhh is my schizo narrative true??
>jp/indie collab when???????????????
>huh how play 2 streams???
>asanagi who????
>why thread deleted after 2000?
>why live stream only?
>what does membership give???
>durr how youtube-dl work?????????????
>im ray0 what do i akasupa???????
>what freechat????
>what oishi gachokoi??
>what gremlin is???
>just twitch????????
>supacha stream zzzzz????
>why all girls gay??????
>what ogey means????
>what rrat means????
>uhhrrr why mikocchi boat????
>durr what towa aloe do?????
>nurrr where superchat/membership money go??
>hurrrrrr gatekeep bad!

>> No.1278262


>> No.1278264

I read it as Groose house and I get disappointed every time.


>> No.1278272
File: 3.24 MB, 2048x2048, 1590914396739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I can go back to life before Gura

>> No.1278273

I hope she gets pregnant one day

>> No.1278274
File: 413 KB, 1920x800, GODDAMMIT [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fcqtlj0.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1278276

Who the FUCK is Ramy
It's Ramy with El GET IT RIGHT

>> No.1278279

I miss the Mori doesn't care about Hololive meme

>> No.1278280
File: 357 KB, 640x640, ya be.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Noel's suffering good for me?

>> No.1278281

You know how Mori is just a series of the highest highs and the lowest lows? Reine is basically Mori, but she's more safe and evened out. You won't get any TT moments (she's ID, so nobody cares about homo collabs), but your knees won't sink to the earth's core like you would get from Mori.

>> No.1278282
File: 56 KB, 680x542, cef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1278284

>watching iname vod now
Why is Ina so bad at baby-tier platformers?

>> No.1278286

Working on it

>> No.1278290

We need this posted every single thread until newfags stop being so retarded

>> No.1278291
File: 542 KB, 1536x2048, Anya 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1278293
File: 108 KB, 250x231, 1608622008743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1278294

Grass is greener. Felt like I was just going through the motions but content being alone. Now I feel like I have something to look forward to, but also a constant reminder of how painfully alone I am

>> No.1278299

All she used to play was Gacha and XIV.

>> No.1278300

Her calling in to Ame's birthday did make my knees sink to be hoenst.

>> No.1278302

She hasn't done her reps. Ame was really encouraging her to play some Mario though, hopefully she does

>> No.1278304



>> No.1278306

I still remember getting utterly disappointed at the anime adaptation of Ikebukuro West Gate Park and Horriblesubs shutting down. Now that I think about it, I guess those two things pushed me to just drop my seasonalfaggotry and commit to Hololive

>> No.1278309

I can never commit to anyone but I do like them all

>> No.1278311

This 100%

>> No.1278312
File: 207 KB, 850x1275, 1595249667229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still find it funny that Ayame's first cover of a song was not on her channel but on her mama's channel. Well she at least said Bloom gave her a big confidence boost with her singing so maybe she'll work on that cover song she said she had in the works in October last year but didn't release it because she said she thought she sounded too raw and horrible.

>> No.1278313
File: 227 KB, 336x611, Fem Oga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Been a lot of old pasta the past few days.

>> No.1278316

I'm not a deadbeat

>> No.1278318


>> No.1278319

If it wasn't for my oshi I'd still be sleeping late but waking up early because of some loud bullshit
I'd just play the same games I've played before just to pass the time, think about watching shows or whatever but don't get to it
All while I continue to be tormented by my intrusive thoughts

>> No.1278321
File: 427 KB, 1536x2048, Ev0q10lXEAQwyP4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1278323

Then check her out, she's way better!

>> No.1278325
File: 11 KB, 300x300, 15936838957372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish Gura's body mouth was an actual mouth and not just part of her hoodie. Would have been a great design.

>> No.1278327

I admire your endless optimism and dedication.

>> No.1278331

3D World would make a great collab game, it's pretty forgiving for newbies too.

>> No.1278333

That rrat usually ebbs and flows depending on the week. 2-3 weeks ago retards were pushing it again for a few days. Just be patient and you'll be able to join in on the fun again.

>> No.1278336

To be fair if not for covid I'd probably not be here. I was an eventer for im@s and then it happened and I just couldn't anymore. Fell into a little hole of nothingness and gacha until I found hololive

>> No.1278337
File: 11 KB, 240x210, Ilias 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.1278339

Why are artiafags so fucking weird

>> No.1278342

Yes and I'm in the process of getting it back.

>> No.1278346

Mori is Suisei's only hope at getting original songs. I hope Mori can introduce her (and Gura) to K's for music, because he seems to be the best at vocal mixing from what we've seen.

>> No.1278348
File: 725 KB, 1500x1957, 1612092365757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will actually kill myself if I lose Gura

>> No.1278349

Ojou love.

>> No.1278353
File: 316 KB, 1600x1600, 1586406714616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and same

>> No.1278357
File: 2.72 MB, 3000x2288, 1613184124276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kissing Gura's monster belly...

>> No.1278356

You have to be a certain kinda person to like someone that has a default stupid face

>> No.1278359

Based Artiaposter
Sadly they aim more for normal girl with animal ears, not monstergirls

>> No.1278360

>3D World has four player co-op
Who would have to sit out?

>> No.1278361

i can remember it and it sucked. i'm extremely grateful i was lucky enough to see her debut live. before her, i didn't understand what "oshi" meant, but as soon as i'd experienced it, i knew without a doubt that she was my oshi.

>> No.1278364
File: 39 KB, 720x720, 1611116514265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better dead than red

>> No.1278366
File: 66 KB, 246x145, 1614953059292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy her membership

>> No.1278367

Imagine Mori/Suisei offcollab karaoke (at the holohouse)

>> No.1278371



>> No.1278372

Peko's pekos...

>> No.1278373

>10/10 design
Anon... accept it her design is shit

>> No.1278375

Alright nevermind, this is the kinda edgy stuff I can get behind.

>> No.1278376
File: 201 KB, 402x444, 1613290704306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty based.

>> No.1278377

Who is your oshi woman.

>> No.1278381

ain't it great?

>> No.1278384

Ame in 30 minutes (plus delay)!!

>> No.1278386

yeah, I was bored out of my mind, watching stupid videos on youtube and browsing 4chan all day. Her introduction into my life helped me remember love. I forgot what it was like to have feelings for a woman, even if she doesn't know I exist, hearing her voice and talking about her day is enough to keep me going.

>> No.1278388
File: 561 KB, 1080x1331, Lovecraft CHAD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's the stuff

>> No.1278389


>> No.1278390
File: 4 KB, 400x74, The State of Hoshiyomi, November 2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1278391

elves are only fit for breeding

>> No.1278393

If you care about her you should probably try to change that mindset. There being people who are so dependent on her probably stresses her out

>> No.1278396

Imagine Mori meeting Anemachi.

>> No.1278397
File: 51 KB, 269x327, 1567092823444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1278404

I'm watching The Thing with Gura again

>> No.1278408


>> No.1278413

>And i mean your oshi, not just your favorite chuuba.
what? I thought that's what oshi meant, am I stupid?

>> No.1278414
File: 260 KB, 1356x2048, 1609826857886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last year is such a blur of me doing the same shit every day and maybe playing a cool video game, but I can remember these last few months so vividly because of Reine. I'd also like to think I'm happier now than I was then but that might just be my imagination.

>> No.1278416

>>loli with 10/10 design
I've only seen daggerfags and lolicons say this.
Personally I think she was the worst design in her gen. The soulless eyes definitely don't help either.

>> No.1278417
File: 344 KB, 775x2574, morimachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.1278419

i don't want to go back

>> No.1278421

This can't be it. The same thing happened to the Soviets and they were hugely creative. Hell, most of what China has is just bad copies of Soviet ideas.

>> No.1278422
File: 40 KB, 500x500, 1611870914588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would never let her know

>> No.1278424


>> No.1278425

what thing?

>> No.1278426
File: 8 KB, 184x184, MEAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now that undertale is over
please... just a crumb of meat...

>> No.1278428

Now send her a SC telling this

>> No.1278429


>> No.1278427

Share their love of young boys.

>> No.1278432

Yes. Before, I was just casually watching ****** since I was a fan of GYARI. Then she began collabing with STARS which got me to look into Hololive in general.

>> No.1278435

>Coco and Kanata have to hold her back to prevent her from raping Mori
>Suisei gets a month suspension after yelling "Kanata you bitch, I wish your arms were as weak as your ears!" while the mic was on

>> No.1278438

When time come pls don't do that
But anyway based

>> No.1278440


>> No.1278441

I had recently lost my job to the coof and was in a daze for weeks. Staying up until 5 or 6 in the morning, waking up at 3 or 4 and then just sitting in complete darkness rewatching anime and tokusatsu. Someone RTed that one clip from Ame's first Supa Sunday and decided to check her out on a whim. The more I learned about where she came from and where she is now, encouraged me to do my own life reps.

Still jobless, but I actually have a routine and started working out and self-studying to fill the gap in time.

>> No.1278443

Imagine Coco “accidentally” joining in.

>> No.1278444
File: 26 KB, 1060x737, 1608863188092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok she'll never know

>> No.1278446
File: 906 KB, 4096x4096, Eq1uj3PXYAINBnv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is just the latest iteration in a series of distractions from the garbage fire that is my life. I'm old enough by now to admit that.

>> No.1278447

John Carpenter's

>> No.1278448

Who's your oishi woman.

>> No.1278449

Please, no...

>> No.1278455
File: 184 KB, 665x598, 1612514877001[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F1kche1.mp4].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course.

>> No.1278456

She just lugs them around? I dunno.

>> No.1278461

is John Carpenter's thing...big?

>> No.1278462

The Thing

>> No.1278463

Himecut holo when?

>> No.1278468

Fuck you, I was in a good mood.

>> No.1278471

I'm watching it, she says that streaming is a job.

>> No.1278472
File: 322 KB, 463x596, 1611563886701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Suisei wants to do an off collab with Mori
>Mori thinks it'll be at the Holohouse
>Susei says that she's already at Mori's house so they can just do it there

>> No.1278474

gura managed to out-retard kiara somehow kek

>> No.1278477
File: 186 KB, 351x347, 1614736616252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watamelon looks pretty tasty

>> No.1278478

I cried today just thinking about the audio clips I have of Ame saying "I love you" and the sweet segment of the voicepack when she asks (you) to carry her to the couch.
It reminded me of how utterly, completely alone I am and will forever be.
But somehow it's better than the complete numbness I felt before September. At least a feel is a feel.

>> No.1278482
File: 217 KB, 1614x2048, 1614516645466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you posted that and she might be HERE, and also mindsets like that can be contagious to some degree if other schizos read your post. At least be quiet about it - or better yet, do self-improvement reps for her!

>> No.1278483

about 108 minutes

>> No.1278486

you have no idea how terrifying things can get

>> No.1278487
File: 309 KB, 850x1650, __momosuzu_nene_hololive_drawn_by_creid__5453817a544e368d5ed7e10e74b2628f..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1278490
File: 131 KB, 1002x1605, EvwKeQHWgAEakse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i too, wanna fuck female oga.

>> No.1278495

Mano Aloe

>> No.1278499
File: 5 KB, 252x241, EqIyZUoVQAAqSgl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to have a child with my oshi.

>> No.1278501
File: 233 KB, 1668x1668, 1609891345856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Gura is HERE I'm sure she'd be used to seeing pretty bad things. I doubt she'll be gone anytime soon anyways.

>> No.1278502

Your oshi is a chuuba that's your favorite and that you feel passionate about. Your oshi is supposed to give you a strong urge to watch all of her streams/VODs. In many cases she gives you motivation to do your reps and improve yourself in some way.
If a chuuba is just your favorite, that means you simply like them the most out of other chuubas but she doesn't give you the drive that an oshi would.

>> No.1278506


>> No.1278507

Why do so many people think it’s Daisenpai? Kiara said she was saving her for a special episode so I assumed that she’d be the guest for episode #10 or for the Holotalk anniversary or something similar.

>> No.1278508

More video games and anime watching. My boy wasn't living in my head rent free. Was a lot less motivated to self improve I really wish I didn't waste so much time watching reaction videos years ago, and spent it on reps.

>> No.1278512
File: 618 KB, 1182x887, fpr0gf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did Anya's artist give her fumo eyes?

>> No.1278514
File: 1.88 MB, 1660x1393, 1613863513314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like her fluffy hair and her outfit. The rigger got a few things wrong besides just her tiddies being massive. Her mama makes girls who look like porcelain dolls but, her papa gave her more of a derpy face instead of capitalizing on her cuteness.

>> No.1278517
File: 57 KB, 1554x170, Bleedingfemascus [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F2j4ve2.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1278520

We might get a Skyward Sword arc with the remaster coming out. Groose may still have a chance.

>> No.1278521

Do you think she wants that?

>> No.1278524

nene, aqua, kiara, gura.
pick your poison.

>> No.1278525

That accent plus you struggling to read the lines makes you sound like a stroke victim.

>> No.1278527
File: 105 KB, 400x400, 1599921528096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1278528

So Mori confirmed that Gura smells like kitkats.


>> No.1278529
File: 316 KB, 1311x2048, 1614951541798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i too, wanna fuck female oga.
Any man that says he doesn't is lying.

>> No.1278535
File: 3.06 MB, 5955x3084, HoloForceBeta0.85 [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fdwioei.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I looked into it for you- unsubscribed from every mod except those listed in that paste + the dependencies for the Cold War pack.
https://pastebin.com/FSjMnGuM Here's what it looked like:

Although they're missing a few parts, the armors and the colors are correct.

The only other differences I could think of are that I'm using Beta Community Highlander instead of the main one, but that they both do the same thing and don't really effect cosmetics.
Unrestricted Customization, a dependency for the Cold War Pack, has two of it's own dependencies. I forgot to sub to them for the test in the above pic and it still worked, but maybe not for your instance?
Other difference I could possibly think of is that I have all the DLC. Again, that shouldn't effect how custom workshop parts are put on, but maybe?

Again, just to clarify, you are running this for WotC, right? It won't really work right in vanilla xcom 2 since it doesn't have nearly as many part slots for your grunts.

A few more cosmetic mods that I use items from on multiple operators (Again, if you're subbed to the cold war pack, you can see in the pic linked above that gets you 80% of the way there for most of them. I didn't want to list a massive amount of cosmetic mods for people to jump hoops through when one armor set gets most of the way there and some tinkering on the user's end could finish what was missing.)
Warden Gear for the neckscarf:
TPP Soviet Unifroms for the gatorneck:
MW2R Cosmetics for the altyn helm I use on Big Red Heart and Risu's Nut-4:
Capnbubs Acessories for the ballcap + Headset, plus some of the berrets:

>> No.1278533

Mori creates a shrine for Ame.

>> No.1278536
File: 35 KB, 1024x576, EvX3a2kUYAIjv2B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her face is amazing, though.

>> No.1278540
File: 476 KB, 4096x2886, 809f56e5b327c2fb4238314c4813db09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why wouldn't I? It's exactly the same as when her stream goes offline; nothing. I kill my time engaging in hobbies I have no real passion for anymore, the only difference is that now when I'm counting down the minutes, I actually have something to look forward to.

>> No.1278547

kiara made my life more interesting.
i never had the urge get get a girlfriend before, but after watching kiara, it hurts.

>> No.1278552
File: 1.71 MB, 850x1233, 1614559220846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just want to be fondled by an older woman.

>> No.1278557
File: 119 KB, 1076x1151, 1609047704076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't have the full image

>> No.1278559

I hope she was around to see anons posting their cum tributes

>> No.1278564
File: 1.26 MB, 1181x1143, 1593287976026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on Anon, stop playing that disgusting game. You know you should be playing Apex Legends instead. You don't even need any other game, Apex Legends has everything you could ever hope for in a video game.

>> No.1278566
File: 1.20 MB, 4000x4000, 1611886045383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do it for her everyday, but if something bad happens to Gura then everything will be pointless

>> No.1278567

I will never forget Aloe Love. The guy who made into the Among Us lobby during that legendary collab. What a guy.

>> No.1278572
File: 82 KB, 236x236, Smug Iofi 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1278573
File: 185 KB, 1400x1500, 1609047975506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the other half

>> No.1278578

Yes. Before EN I just watched clips and highlights when I felt like it instead of endlessly worrying about schizos and stalkers hurting the girls and planning my day around their insane stream times and watching all her streams even though most of the games she plays are fucking shit.
Give those times back.

>> No.1278580

Looks like she has ribbons under her eyes

>> No.1278581

Next cum tribute should try their best to aim for their foot.

>> No.1278588
File: 90 KB, 1003x579, NumberFaggotry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haachama really is cursed right now

>> No.1278589

Does a lore of survived decapitation make Haachama qualify as a dullahan character?

>> No.1278591

>mori opens her closet
>suisei is there

>> No.1278596


>> No.1278597

I love it but I love it because she herself is so cute. SHE carries the design

>> No.1278598

What's the issue? I didn't watch the stream.

>> No.1278600
File: 243 KB, 680x709, aaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calli, you must

>> No.1278602
File: 2.19 MB, 1800x2500, 1595476188036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People like Mel, Mio, Flare, Aqua, and Choco are all very likely possibilities.

>> No.1278604
File: 109 KB, 616x476, dead ame dance but she's really dead this time from ina [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fmcijfa.mp3] .gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a fanatical believer, so no.
They're entertaining enough to watch- I enjoy the time spent watching streams when I can catch them. And I appreciate the hard work they put in. But vtubers are just another form of entertainment to pass personal dead hours. I don't want that to make it seem like they're fake or something disingenuous or wrong. But I also don't want to lie and say I'd devote myself to one of them like I see a lot of other passionate fans doing.

Now give me (You)s and call me a faggot or something.

>> No.1278606

>Mori has more subs than Marine now

>> No.1278614

i had a dream that one of the EN gen 2 girls was a monkey with both her arms amputated be right back, taking my meds now.

>> No.1278615


>> No.1278617
File: 1.51 MB, 935x830, 1614739641462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Don't worry Calli-chan. We can just have the collab at your house!"
>I mean sure? I'll send you my address then
>"Don't worry, I already know it"
>... You wha-

>> No.1278619
File: 40 KB, 647x505, 1614745763967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish there was some outlet for me to discuss Amelia's hypothetical previous vtuber identity. It has nothing to do with uncovering dirt or ruining shit for other people, and it's really not about Amelia Watson herself. I hate doxposting as much as anyone else, it's just that there's a lot of old archived content that I find very entertaining and there's few places to discuss it since it's ban on sight for obvious reasons. S******* was a fantastically entertaining vtuber and I'm happy for where she's at now, but I really hope that we'll one day see her less restricted. The fact that she's constantly second guessing every word before it leaves her mouth is sad to watch, and whether it's because of management restricting her, or her being overly concerned about saying something that will bother her viewers, I hope things will eventually come around and we can see Amelia being just as fun and free as that other completely unrelated vtuber who shall not be named once was.

>> No.1278620

>+10,000 subs
>hasn't even streamed


>> No.1278623

I think coco feels kind of bad about not being able to understand the memes this week. Makes me sad.

>> No.1278624


>> No.1278625

Wasn't there a picture of her actually in that outfit?

>> No.1278627
File: 30 KB, 428x538, 1575938298799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who will be the first holo to play s.t.a.l.k.e.r?

>> No.1278630

>The worst rigger
>The weakest debut
>The worst views
>The worst internet
Yet she's still the most precious

>> No.1278635
File: 166 KB, 405x311, 1608403201319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori in Ina's outfit

>> No.1278641

JWU, how was the collab?

>> No.1278643
File: 3.72 MB, 2578x2355, adderall pekora update 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be right back, taking my meds now.
Alright, but make sure you also don't take TOO many.

>> No.1278644


>> No.1278645
File: 781 KB, 720x720, Fortnite Gamers [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F3pzujm.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1278647

Botan if she wants to lean even further into the Russian fanbase she has cultivated.

>> No.1278648

All the new item notifications Noel has drive me insane.

>> No.1278650
File: 2.16 MB, 2000x2000, 1614226849597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, guys, I need your help.
A month or two back my family adopted a dog and I asked you fags for help with a name. You recommened Korone or one of the IDs as an Indog, and the family didn't want a weeaboo name so I ended up convincing them to name her Ollie.
I got asked why I named her that today and I only realized halfway through that I can't tell people that I named my dog after a Southeast Asian woman because I was used to calling them "Indogs" without looking like a huge faggot. What the fuck do I do about this?

>> No.1278651

gomen jigsaw anons about half the times the whole jigsaw has been picked up is down to me

>> No.1278652

Don't be shy, Moririn...

>> No.1278654

i already said this once in another thread and i will say it again, looking at haachama's numbers is the equivalent of looking a market's stocks crash

>> No.1278655

When did this happen?

>> No.1278657 [SPOILER] 
File: 262 KB, 2480x2480, 1615085229558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1278658


>> No.1278660

>>... You wha-
>>The closet opens up and Sui-Chan is there.
>>"Let's start the off collab right now"

>> No.1278661
File: 113 KB, 352x480, 1614486050225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1278662

I really, really hate "they're censoring themselves!" fags. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.1278663

adorable and really fun, also gura might be dumber than kiara
also pretty fun. weird ame discussion if you like that.

>> No.1278664
File: 138 KB, 1081x1257, BE8EEAE9-C085-4BED-A00A-F3605AB4E41B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>”Um, Senpai? I thought you said this was going to be an off collab, why is there a camera here? And why does your door lock from the outside?”

>> No.1278665

>Mori has to check her house every night before she goes to bed

>> No.1278668

Fuck off

>> No.1278670
File: 205 KB, 1980x1080, EmaCrriVgAATmuy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1278674
File: 242 KB, 365x291, 1609825878382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when did we happen anon

>> No.1278676

Here's the character concept

>> No.1278678

I don't know. I think she was still pretty down by the end.

>> No.1278682
File: 115 KB, 986x940, 1583607314241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's be real, it's actually a miracle Haachama managed to make so many videos involving kidnapping, torturing and actual beheading consider Youtube doesn't even allow Mortal Kombat footage to be shown without an Age Restriction.

>> No.1278683

She sang it for Ina during the Hat in Time collab, someone on Twitter added the music

>> No.1278684

Are you coming onto me?

>> No.1278686
File: 118 KB, 367x211, Screenshot 2020-11-23 130231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1278689

Tell them that its related to a videogame you played

>> No.1278690

Simply say that you saw the name ollie and thought it was nice.

>> No.1278691

Ollie is literally like top 10 dog name im pretty sure along the lines of shit like Buddy or Riley

>> No.1278695
File: 2.16 MB, 1445x1118, 1608236479453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They get some not as a romantic pairing but as close friends. Mainly due to Ina always being the one Mori mentions for random life questions.

>> No.1278696

Her mouth tracking is something else

>> No.1278701

fuck off nigger

>> No.1278703


>> No.1278702

Just tell them it's the cute first name that you came up with

>> No.1278704
File: 323 KB, 537x568, 1610652504249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill take you to my xbox anon

>> No.1278705

neck yourself you stupid nigger and go back

>> No.1278707

That guy just keeps exposing his fetishes.

>> No.1278708

She was, but at the very least she was able to put that out of her mind for a bit.

>> No.1278709

Oh that's easy. I got you.

>AirBud was a dog
>AirBud played basketball
>basketball is a sport
>skateboarding is a sport
>an ollie is a jump you can do

Just say you wanted to teach your dog tricks. Easy.

>> No.1278710

>S******* was a fantastically entertaining vtuber
was she? she sounded miserable

>> No.1278712

>i saw the name ollie and i thought it would be cute
>i looked up a list of dog names and i saw ollie
>it's from this show/game i watched/played

>> No.1278714
File: 346 KB, 1800x1770, 1615084845321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1278717

Thoughts on this chumbuds?

>> No.1278722

Very cute and funny

>> No.1278724

Jesas anon, keep your autism in check. Just say it’s a cute name you like.

>> No.1278727

Don't worry anon, I understand your sentiment, but you're a fucking retard for posting this anywhere near the main thread and expecting anything other than negativity.

>> No.1278728

Cover doesn't even see EN as "idols" and more as just "entertainment", so if anyone is restricting Ame it's herself out of her own will. I think you just need to neck yourself faggot

>> No.1278729

Well it's better on than in.

>> No.1278732

Draw her erect nipples and throbbing c-word if you're so cool.

>> No.1278736

SEAniggers like this should unironically neck themselves

>> No.1278738


>> No.1278740

Happy little cunny

>> No.1278743
File: 14 KB, 534x281, highspecs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I play apex in this piece of shit?

>> No.1278744

EN gen 2 needs a roguelite specialist.

>> No.1278746

fuck off you're the same as HER fags
if you truly are happy for them now you enjoy what they are doing now

>> No.1278748

Based, what a king.

>> No.1278750
File: 1.78 MB, 2480x3508, 88256892_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori collabing with a Holo outside of EN next week
I've drawn up a list of 'likely' possibilities, who do you guys think?


>> No.1278751

I was watching the latest SMOK collabs and, man, you guys think EN will ever have this level of group chemistry?

>> No.1278755

Yeah sure, go for it!

>> No.1278756

She should have been banned.

>> No.1278757

>no dedicated GPU

>> No.1278760

>risk of rain 1/2
>binding of issac

>> No.1278762

I know jack about copyright, can this get busted by Cover?

>> No.1278763


>> No.1278766

Highly doubt it.

>> No.1278767
File: 148 KB, 1720x1316, 1604635142270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1278769

Highly unlikely, hermanochama

>> No.1278772

autists like you are so adorable.

>> No.1278774
File: 252 KB, 720x720, CATS CAN DANCE.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1278775

why are you so poor

>> No.1278777

No Ollie?

>> No.1278778

I'm not sure my 12 year old pc with Vista on it will be good

>> No.1278780

career suicide

>> No.1278782

I like what Mel's mama's take on swimsuit Ame, so I'm looking forward to this

>> No.1278783

as far as I know Cover allows these

>> No.1278784

how impossibly stupid are you
What gave you that impression? She didn't seem miserable to me, more just relaxed and neutral for the most part
Kill yourself, but I hope you're right about that.
Do you think I don't enjoy what Ame's doing? It's not about what I want, it's about what they as people want, cunt

>> No.1278786
File: 260 KB, 733x805, 1597610957023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weird question but tell me, are you the same anon that was shilling stalker a lot during the first months?

>> No.1278788

more kiara with wings art pls

>> No.1278790

Jesas Christ why are SEAniggers like this? This is the same exact reason why SEAniggers dig up deleted shit and propose them as revealing the ""truth"" about vtubers. Fucking neck yourself you retarded SEAmonkey

>> No.1278791 [DELETED] 

also need a GPU if you even have one and your CPU is well below the minimum recommended. Hell i think 4gb ram isnt even good enough anymore.

>> No.1278793

I wasn't one of her old fans but I do understand what you mean. I also agree that it's likely a recommendation by management because of how YouTube works. Boundaries can actually be pushed further but I think she just wants to play if safe and I understand that.

>> No.1278794

I'm going to give this post the benefit of the doubt and not be antagonistic.
>was a fantastically entertaining vtuber and I'm happy for where she's at now
Everything up to this part I actually agree with. It would be nice to discuss her previous persona casually since she had a lot of great content that went under the radar. She's always been a great entertainer. However I don't want to encourage SEA schizos or join dox discord servers after everything that's happened. It's a shame really.
>second half
I can't say I agree with you here. I think you're overanalyzing but you're free to have your own opinion.

>> No.1278795

I have a pocket netbook with better specs

>> No.1278796

Man, Ayamy-mama is cute as hell

>> No.1278797


>> No.1278798

I wonder. Mio/Korone/Okayu knew each other long before Hololive, and they’re far from being as socially inept as the EN girls. Maybe in a few years, after some off collabs.

>> No.1278799
File: 438 KB, 749x733, 1611104007443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1278800

Yeah, probably in a year or so

>> No.1278803

It's normal if I enjoy both Towa and Netorare?

>> No.1278804

I agree but anything related to roommates is going to get deleted on /vt/.

>> No.1278805

That's allowed. Basically doujin goods using their own art is fine. Should they steal art from someone used officially and try to sell it as official merch they'd absolutely get the shoe.

>> No.1278808

I like to imagine this art as Kiara comforting Ame instead of ship art

>> No.1278807

I'm sure it could be, whether they care enough is another matter

>> No.1278811

man, her model rigging sucks. I've seen similar things with indie vtuber models where they looking like they are stroking out. Good artist though.

>> No.1278813

aye caramba!
maybe if you minimize literally everything, but i doubt it.

>> No.1278814

Still don't understand this sentiment. You can prefer the old content while also enjoying the new stuff.

>> No.1278815

I'm assuming this is going to be a first time collab

>> No.1278818

Objectively incorrect. Roguelikes make great content.

>> No.1278822


>> No.1278825

Gura collabed with Anya only after playing with her offstream. Mori was in that collab with Reine and Mel, so it's probably one of them.
I'm assuming that if it was Ollie she would've said since they've collabed before, but you'll never know

>> No.1278826
File: 339 KB, 1973x1890, Evm3fRvUcAAFwMD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1278828

Wait, is that cat real?

>> No.1278832

Theoretically, yes. 640x480 resolution fullscreen with literally everything turned down to the lowest will get you maybe 20-30 frames. Playable, but about as playable as a nearsighted old man can drive.

>> No.1278833

Anon... I...

>> No.1278834

I just want an EN holo who consistently plays really old shit they're nostalgic for like Luna, Korone and Marine

>> No.1278838
File: 14 KB, 602x234, apex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1278839

they wouldn't be where they are if you weren't doing what they wanted
you think they were not somewhat aware of how they are expected to behave

>> No.1278840
File: 70 KB, 326x258, 1604804495116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please kill yourself, if you actually gave a damn you'd know being in Hololive is the happiest she's ever been. Herfags are actually subhuman

>> No.1278847


>> No.1278846

HaHa, You'd be surprised!

>> No.1278848

Cute voice, m'lady!

>> No.1278851

The fact they're all so far away from each other is what makes me wonder... Okayu and Korone often talk about the things they do together, and it really makes me wish Ame Gura and Ina could do stuff like that too.
At least Kiara and Mori got to do things together before Kiara left Japan.

>> No.1278852

boomer shooter holo onegai...

>> No.1278854

look at the time anon, SEAniggers just woke up

>> No.1278856

Speaking of roguelite, I've been playing Spelunky 2 with Ame's mod.

>> No.1278860

Oh shit, how did I forget the phasmo collab? There must've been other streams on so my attention was divided.

>> No.1278862
File: 594 KB, 3337x2297, EvzjsKGUUAAHoyt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in here thighmates

>> No.1278863
File: 12 KB, 339x151, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great start to ame's stream

>> No.1278865

>they'd absolutely get the shoe.
Whose shoe are we talking? Brb, i'm gonna sell cockrings with Mori's art on it.

>> No.1278867
File: 180 KB, 861x1135, 1456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we will never have an EN Korone shes an anomaly anon... better to just do your reps

>> No.1278868
File: 116 KB, 463x453, 1613587331571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good enough for me, here I go

>> No.1278871

My sense of humor is fucking shattered. An ogey face distorted in a slightly different way than usual is what makes me laugh the hardest today.

>> No.1278869

And also Mori saying that, rather than fight Ina like she would with the rest of her genmates, she'd prefer to tuck her in and give her a pat on the head.

>> No.1278872

alright, just wanted to see if he was still around

>> No.1278873
File: 6 KB, 348x155, stronger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lo siento hermano... but I'm stronger

>> No.1278874

>it's about what they want
and she's doing what she wants faggot, you think she wouldn't be doing all this shit for Hololive if she didn't put her 100 into it? Moving and trying to improve her gear? Kill yourself she's better as Amelia even with the censors she has, she worked around it to make the type of personality she wants to be

>> No.1278880

god speed amigo

>> No.1278881

At least they got it right but goddamnit

>> No.1278887

Mori nsfw puzzle complete in time for Ame's member stream
Here's the full image for anyone who wants it

>> No.1278891

Well... it's not terrible at least...

>> No.1278890

Investigators let's fucking go!!!

>> No.1278893

What if she is just as free and unrestricted right now, but simply acted that way in the past because she took a different approach to entertainment for who knows how many reasons? You don't know that. Neither do I.
The mentality of a HERfag is to assume that their current persona is somehow "holding them back." At worst, there are some words they can't say, oh no how terrible. Anything else is baseless speculation.
They know what they signed up for and they're happy with it, I'll take their word for it.

>> No.1278897

I'm shocked at how low overall growth has fallen. Even Gura can't get above 20k per week. Not trying to numberfag.

>> No.1278898
File: 38 KB, 1028x432, ElWXtSiXgAA7i7v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the welsh catgirl was here all along
I'm not sure how to feel about this.

>> No.1278899

Maybe if our girl is delivered to the promised land for us...

>> No.1278900


>> No.1278901
File: 13 KB, 348x134, Screenshot_54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1278902
File: 709 KB, 600x505, tasty.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Ape Sex Lag End actually fun? I've been a shooter mood for a while but I normally just play single player stuff.

>> No.1278903

I can hear this SC

>> No.1278904

Now that I think about it, since Ina wasn’t allowed to play games as a kid, there must be so many old school classics she never played. This could make for some kino streams. Kinda like Coco playing Super Mario Bros for the first time.

>> No.1278905

yes you are allowed to like their old stuff but constantly bringing it up now and acting like they dislike how they have to "censor" themselves doesn't make it seem you are doing it just out of liking their content

>> No.1278909
File: 1.71 MB, 3000x2333, 1610339385886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1278910


>> No.1278912
File: 1.15 MB, 850x1449, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GG, everyone.
I love Calliope Mori!

>> No.1278913
File: 26 KB, 128x128, EsohSlpVoAAQzuy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time, teamates

>> No.1278914


>> No.1278915
File: 12 KB, 320x320, tastypeko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Looked into the future
>Saw that HoloRU comes with a mommy, a street rat, and a witch
You guys are missing out, you should throw away your meds.

>> No.1278916

Joseph just confessed to Ame!

>> No.1278918
File: 59 KB, 666x627, big sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 weeks with no meme review
Coco...please, I need an excuse to drink....

>> No.1278920

I know you're here Joseph, so happy birthday, friend

>> No.1278921

Joseph... What are you doing...

>> No.1278926

if she's not saying nigger and faggot every three words she's being completely fake for some

>> No.1278927

If Ame gets this she'll have to say she pirates anime.

>> No.1278931
File: 22 KB, 500x500, hint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this hint is blessed by Joseph's birthday

>> No.1278933

It's only fun if you play with friends, or you find a group that's willing to be on voice.

>> No.1278934

my man sent a whole ass essay

>> No.1278935
File: 363 KB, 562x562, 1590544090574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1278938
File: 262 KB, 859x1153, 1613175174335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy birthday Joseph!

I promise >we'll stop talking about you so much.

>> No.1278939

EN gen 2
>one that only plays roguelikes (tile based, no roguelites)
>one that only plays grand strategy
>one that only plays shmups (Cave/Raizing only, no 2hu)
>one that only plays Dwarf Fortress
>one that only plays Doom wads (Boom compatible only, no Brutal Doom type shit)

>> No.1278942

Gura really lives rent free in iname schizo, huh?

>> No.1278943
File: 15 KB, 281x328, 1613977328154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Acaso compraste la exo del gobierno?

>> No.1278944

kono bubblegum wa grand sponsor no tokyo christmas

>> No.1278945

Gura keeps wanting to play PS2 games but still hasn't carried through with it
Mori and Ame talk about wanting to play older games too IIRC but nothing has come about that either. Maybe when they get Capcom or Konami perms idk

>> No.1278947

>off collab date: March 22

>> No.1278950

Joseph you're being fucking cringe with that last SC but hbd

>> No.1278951

With her wording I'm assuming it isn't a JP. That leaves ID and indies.
Considering the IDs, I don't think it's Iofi or Moona due to almost no overlap in interests between them (Iofi and Mori can draw, but that's about it). I also think it's a "first-time" collab, so that removes Ollie as well.
This leaves
My bet is on Reine.

>> No.1278952

Eh, you're bound to hit saturation at some point. Whether or not Youtube's fuckery handicapped their growth is another story.

>> No.1278953


>> No.1278957
File: 275 KB, 1092x1092, smol3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy birthday Joseph
and stay based

>> No.1278958


>> No.1278961

Having the confidence (or autism) none of us could even dream of having. Mad man is going down with the ship.

>> No.1278963
File: 1.38 MB, 1200x886, 1611634359488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two ames?

>> No.1278965
File: 1.05 MB, 930x1092, 1599965698710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dead hours
Unless you are watching Noel, go take a shower if you haven't today!

>> No.1278966

>dwarf fortress chuuba
don't make me believe

>> No.1278968

She already accidentally admitted to pirating manga just a few streams ago.

>> No.1278969

happy birthday josefu, hope you don't spill your baby food in the future

>> No.1278970
File: 271 KB, 1417x2000, 1613022734987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, Mikopi

>> No.1278971

Ame cute!

>> No.1278972

Gura hasn't really done much this past week, though. She's had a grand total of 1 public solo stream. Not to say they aren't slowing down, but I'm pretty sure this week has been more of an exception in Gura's case.

>> No.1278975

HBD Joe!!

>> No.1278976

hag love...

>> No.1278978

Now let's see what this "hangout" is supposed to be.

>> No.1278980

>Be into this body type
>Have Mori as an oshi
>Feel literally nothing sexual about this
My boy is like a brother to me. I literally cannot get hard to her. Based.

>> No.1278981

Happy birthday, Joseph.

>> No.1278982

do you mean Pavolia or Rain

>> No.1278983

Ame's on

>> No.1278984

that's pretty cringe joseph but i'll make an allowance today, happy bd man

>> No.1278985

does this bitch only ever sleep

>> No.1278986

Just be like Rex and follow in the Monolithsoft tradition of fucking over the best girls in pursuit of the robogirl

>> No.1278988
File: 832 KB, 659x900, Mori 13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really love mori so fucking much

>> No.1278989

>some faggot impersonating Joseph

>> No.1278990

Amelia has her Wii U now, so she's one step forward. Busy with finding a new house and all that, though.

>> No.1278991

She JWU!

>> No.1278992

>he's not an Ame member

>> No.1278993


>> No.1278997
File: 524 KB, 1600x699, Unitychads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Birthday Unity Chad

>> No.1278998

God Ame's voice does things to my heart...

>> No.1279000

if anything it lasted more than I expected, those numbers are still pretty big. 10k everyday for such long time it's insane

>> No.1279002

>one that only plays Doom wads (Boom compatible only, no Brutal Doom type shit)
this is exactly what I want
it'll never happen because no one would fucking watch that and also Cover would be autistic about getting full permissions for every WAD and source port but I would watch it

>> No.1279003

Happy birthday Joseph! Keep it up, Unitychad

>> No.1279004
File: 368 KB, 360x360, Gutdmoning [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fm0tmg4.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1279006
File: 90 KB, 902x962, 1601934377342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ame cute ame cute ame cute~

>> No.1279007

They'll play Minecraft and they'll like it
I wish this wasn't too niche to hope for.

>> No.1279008


>> No.1279009
File: 991 KB, 1440x2150, 88270233_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina needs to move her giant... ass...

>> No.1279012
File: 171 KB, 850x1074, 1614666828121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesas, Joseph's such a retard I really like that. How can I be more like him?

>> No.1279013

I thought it was in 1 hour, heh

>> No.1279015

I looked at the Moona thread once and they were angry about Moona being called a leech since she gained so many subs off of PekoMoona. I guess they're assuming the ones calling Moona a leech are KFP? Then I glances at the Kiara thread and I don't see any mention of Moona or Pekora at all.

>> No.1279017

I love Ame!

>> No.1279022


>> No.1279025

Was the mommy a bear? This is important. Also, does the street rat have a gasmask?

>> No.1279026
File: 965 KB, 128x128, 1614556546254.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would firmly support this gen as one of the seven people who would stick around after the first week

>> No.1279028

EN gen2 will be all minecraft mobs
Skeleton Holo
Slime Holo
Ghast Holo
Spider Holo
Creeper Holo

>> No.1279029

I wish ame could watch YouTube videos with us...

>> No.1279031

How can you JWU 2 times in a matter of 3 hours

>> No.1279032
File: 189 KB, 286x261, Hey Baby[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F1fmlu2.webm].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1279033

i jwu

>> No.1279035

be a unitychad

>> No.1279036

I pretty sure I saw this on the board yesterday.

>> No.1279037

fucking swedish map game chuuba im in

>> No.1279039
File: 292 KB, 412x463, 1597081916224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame's voice is healing all my pain and sorrow

>> No.1279040

Let's all love Noel!

>> No.1279041
File: 733 KB, 827x1169, EvpR8cZWQAIJXm7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame is already really cute.

>> No.1279043

>what is a nap

>> No.1279044

Understandable, she usually does these at 11 pm EST. Today's was an hour earlier than usual

>> No.1279045
File: 140 KB, 1280x720, holoen 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asian Niggas like Ina
White Niggas like Ame
Black Niggas like Mori
Hispanic Niggas like Kiara
Fish People Niggas like Gura

>> No.1279046

Jesas. They would get Holostar numbers. The ultimate debuff girls.

>> No.1279049

Shit sleep.
>Wake up ten minutes before collab and play
>Eat and fall back asleep
>Wake up a few minutes before stream
>Will probably eat and fall back asleep again after

>> No.1279050

is amelia using her old mic? she sounds different..

>> No.1279054

>youtube has some weird stuff

>> No.1279056

He's the only person I saw that made a VDay shrine for her besides me. And she even liked his.
He's living the dream.

>> No.1279059
File: 69 KB, 371x694, supa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought you promised to take your meds, Anon...

>> No.1279060

But I'm a Black nigga chumbud

>> No.1279062

I try to, but Mori's cringe aura's too much.
Also Kiara

>> No.1279063

Oh shit Ame's talking about Elsagate

>> No.1279064

God I love it when ame isnt putting a bunch of energy into her voice, it sounds so much hotter when she isnt talking so high

>> No.1279068

EN2 will literally just have Lifeline's VA

>> No.1279069

something people who don't get enough sleep at night have to do

>> No.1279070

Install alternative mod launcher, that fixed the issue for me.

>> No.1279071

but I like Ame?
t. asian nigga

>> No.1279073
File: 2.50 MB, 1191x1684, __momosuzu_nene_hololive_drawn_by_bbyau_yoyosobadgril__217aec2b84f05b5e2bb26c69bc25604f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nenebros... we lost...

>> No.1279074
File: 2.79 MB, 836x350, ready.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not ready yet

>> No.1279075

I love Noel!
She always have fun and does her best!

>> No.1279076


>> No.1279078

Cover, onegai... My Shrek 2 and old Crash kino...

>> No.1279080

>Slant eyed retarded dumb fuck gooks
>Understanding how WADs work

Not in any universe sadly.

>> No.1279082

based negro

>> No.1279083
File: 44 KB, 1024x600, 1612475452253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and bropilled

>> No.1279084

>ame knows about pedotube

>> No.1279085

Sounds like the Spider Man Elsa stuff?

>> No.1279086

Take your meds joseph please, jesas you're being like a Gosling faggot

>> No.1279087
File: 293 KB, 1267x2007, summer ina wip 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good news anon, now this weekend I'm free from work, I'm making both because I feel like it.

>> No.1279088
File: 111 KB, 772x1200, Ev1WjwkVIAEeHpr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1279089

I don't hear a difference from her 'normal' voice.

>> No.1279090


>> No.1279091

What the fuck does this even mean
t. White teamate

>> No.1279092

tfw too married to make a proper shrine

I'm ngmi...

>> No.1279095

she's preparing for strip lets goooooooo

>> No.1279096

Hey that sounds pretty based to me, it least it's actually a heartfelt message instead of "OMG AME MY LIFE IS IN SHAMBLES I'M DOING ALL I CAN NOT TO KILL MYSELF"

>> No.1279097

You literally described me, Ame......

>> No.1279099

I mean, happy birthday to the dude, but ngl that was pretty fucking cringe

>> No.1279100

>only plays Dwarf Fortress
This would probably be Choco if she did her reps

>> No.1279101
File: 660 KB, 625x969, 258278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

claiming a final image slot for friends body!

>> No.1279102
File: 217 KB, 1662x2293, 1613883323034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She sounds CUTE!

>> No.1279106

>2 hours in
>still hasn't hit the boss
Noel onegai...

>> No.1279107
File: 25 KB, 194x194, Pekora_32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't Pekora bother calling in for Mikos birthday or 3D? That's pretty fucked up.

>> No.1279108
File: 2.38 MB, 1452x1070, blur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you a chumbud you automatically are a trans-racial fish nigga. Sorry you had to find out this way

>> No.1279111

Fellas we've gotta pull Joseph from the brink this is too much

>> No.1279112

this kind of hits close to home

>> No.1279114

HBD bro but take your fucking meds faggot

>> No.1279113

>one that only plays shmups (Cave/Raizing only, no 2hu)
extremely based

>> No.1279115

At least he's trying to get better

>> No.1279116
File: 229 KB, 1402x1058, 1611622193307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1279117

you don't need to like them all, just don't shit on them and just spend the time focusing on supporting your favorites instead

>> No.1279118

If he was any other guy no one would've even noticed.
Don't make such a big deal, he's an alright kid and not too cringe.

>> No.1279121

I love roguelikes. People say you can't have two oshi but depending on personality I might have to.

>> No.1279122

I mean it's less energetic, but that's a good thing
I dont mean she fakes her voice because she clearly doesnt

>> No.1279123
File: 139 KB, 500x500, 1577639560991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1279126

Lost what? Our last BRAINCELL? That no problem as I a

>> No.1279127

I don't see what's wrong with this. Plus it's a heartfelt message about self-improvement, and not some "AME MY PARENTS HAVE BEEN SUFFERING FROM CANCER FOR THE PAST 6 YEARS AND HAVE RECENTLY PASSED AWAY" kind of post.

>> No.1279128
File: 114 KB, 1024x1024, GREAT MAGIC BARRIER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1279129

>Was the mommy a bear?
No. Missed opportunity though.
>Also, does the street rat have a gasmask?
No. I think your only hope now is to swap timelines.

>> No.1279130

Miko wont get Pekora's number any higher she's done with that bitch.

>> No.1279132
File: 30 KB, 128x128, PekoGun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i eventually realized i wanted to get better and improve for my own sake too
Based... but also it remind me that i stopped doing my improvement reps for 1 month

>> No.1279133

You'll get the roguelike, but only partially since she'll play MC a ton.
I'm really only seeing Homostars dipping into the autism simulators, but knowing Cover they'll go the safe route and hire some reddit tier fags to play shooters for 8 hours straight and say the N word on stream instead of them saying it while looking at a map.

>> No.1279134
File: 323 KB, 800x867, risu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1279137

Ame is going to read part of the first message go silent, then go TEN Q

>> No.1279140


>> No.1279142

>Brother Watson
you mean closet-kun

>> No.1279143

they went on a hot date off stream and had an intimate night. Its more personal that way.

>> No.1279144


>> No.1279145

The fish nigga's in One Piece are just racial allegories for regular niggas anyways.

>> No.1279146

But I'm Asian Niggas Teamate

>> No.1279147

this is the average gosling fag, you guys only posted him here because he's become a e-celeb or something. Leave him alone. but he does need to take his meds

>> No.1279148

Cute squrl

>> No.1279151

Joseph take your fucking meds

>> No.1279152

Ame knows too much...

>> No.1279153

I think I found the video that Ame's talking about, search "kid dancing fortnite makes a flip" on google and you'll get this link

>> No.1279157

Entire gen would voluntarily graduate after 6 months when the gsg girl joins the rest of them at below 300 peak viewers.

>> No.1279158

I love Ame tho
t. Asian nigga

>> No.1279159

based desu i was thinking of sending something that basically said the same as that a few months ago when it was my birthday but didnt have the confidence/autism to do it

>> No.1279160

After what Peko did to Roboco at Bloom, you would cut contact with her, too.

>> No.1279162

same desu

>> No.1279163

Truly dark times

>> No.1279165


>> No.1279166

>one that only plays shitty VNs on itch.io but fully voice acts them
>one that only plays idle games
>one that only plays simulators
>one that only plays abandonware
>one that only plays multiplayer unity browser games

>> No.1279170

Kinda cringe, but I’ll take that before the fucking “my dad died” SCs.

>> No.1279173

Fuck you, Ame's current content is 100% better than what she ever did. If you think authenticity= more profanity you're super shallow.

>> No.1279176


>> No.1279177

>linking to reddit
fuck off and go back

>> No.1279178

I mean its better for both of them (Joseph and Ame) if she just reads everything silently.

>> No.1279179

Maybe shit like this will help people realize what a pinch of moderate idolpilling can do.

>> No.1279180

I don't think this it's too bad. It's a actual thank you instead of a therapy session.

>> No.1279181

White and Southeast Asia niggas like Ame
Get the fuck out of the member post comments seanigs

>> No.1279182

To be honest. As much as I love hololive and my oshi, I will never understand how idol works.

>> No.1279183

>ame reading ancap fiction

>> No.1279185


>> No.1279186

You're free to dislike and not watch some of them anon. Just don't be a dick about it, even if most of the thread is bashing them.

>> No.1279187


>> No.1279190

>augmented vision

>> No.1279191

This is true!

>> No.1279193

Must be a paradise for her considering she's a lolbert

>> No.1279194

ame is for latinx niggxs only

>> No.1279195

It's funny, I'm divorced, but the first time I bought flowers was for the Ame shrine.
Might be a reason I'm single now.

>> No.1279196


>> No.1279198


>> No.1279199

So does that make today UNITY DAY?

>> No.1279200

>The dome was separated into two sections: Whites and colored
Wtf Ame

>> No.1279201

but aside from that holy shit

>> No.1279202

Fisher Tiger is my oshi

>> No.1279203

The chat is fucking saying 'POGGERS' when the kid hurts himself

>> No.1279205


>> No.1279206

I love when Ame references cringe shit.

>> No.1279208

>All these Asian Teammates
You're all Japanese aren't ya?

>> No.1279210

>Hispanic Niggas like Kiara
but I only like Ina

>> No.1279214

Ame is cuter than usual

>> No.1279216

she confessed her love for Teamates that were there and said she loves them but only the ones there

>> No.1279217

You're just gay, dude.

>> No.1279218


>> No.1279221

Ame reading conspiracy books again...

>> No.1279223

Wouldn't be surprised if Gura next outfit had a crown at this point...

>> No.1279224

My fucking sides holy shit.

>> No.1279225

I'm actually an SEAnigga

>> No.1279226

SEAniggers that doesn't want to be associated with SEA

>> No.1279228

This the one Ame's talking about? https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/42049537-green-valley

>> No.1279232


>> No.1279233

>black niggas like mori
but im a spicbeat

>> No.1279234

Asian = SEA around these parts anon

>> No.1279235

Correction: Jewish niggas like me like Mori

>> No.1279237


>> No.1279238

Not sure how accurate this is
t. akodachi who doubles as a nightlight

>> No.1279240

>they don't have permissions for jpgs


>> No.1279241

>Will we next create false gods to rule over us? How proud we have become, and how blind.
>Sister Miriam Godwinson, "We Must Dissent"

>> No.1279242


>> No.1279244

Wheres the role playing stream ame?

>> No.1279245

Chink descendant burger.

>> No.1279246

It fucking better.

>> No.1279247

my fucking sides

>> No.1279248

why doesn't she just do the voice acting stream without the pictures then...

>> No.1279249


>> No.1279250

>Ame can't cover her face with a fictional character's face to voice act them



>> No.1279252

W-what IS Ame hearing?

>> No.1279255

...was that a scream in the background of Ame's stream?

>> No.1279256

>Backflips and hurts himself
>Which one was that

Holy shit

>> No.1279257

Mori is really able to keep herself under control in Guilty Gear. When I play fighting games I curse constantly. I faced a Jamican player and after losing I prayed for a famine to strike that shithole and for him to be eaten by a cannibal.

>> No.1279259

looks like some cory doctrow tier shit

>> No.1279260


>> No.1279261

Cover gets a lot of shit wrong. Their talent scouting is not one of them.

>> No.1279263


>> No.1279264

Ame needs to take her meds

>> No.1279265


>> No.1279266

I feel like this is the 2nd time this video has come up related to Ame.

>> No.1279267

Stop lyin' Jorge. You know whenever Kiara gives you those eyes you want to put 9 babies in her and call her "mi amor"

>> No.1279270

>Ame doesn't take her meds

>> No.1279271


>> No.1279273

tell me if you guys have heard this story before
> dystopian, possibly post-apocalyptic future
> society divided into several clearly delineated factions
> main character is a teenage girl

>> No.1279274

>I wasn't able to watch the livestream.
Oh good, at least she was sleeping at a sensible time today.

>> No.1279280

That might be more of a (You) problem, pal.

>> No.1279283

>Black Niggas like Mori
I love Mori but it's hard to imagine other black people liking her.

>> No.1279286

Copyright is a bitch. She could just ya know, write the name?

>> No.1279284

>I haven't been feeling well recently

>> No.1279285

I never understood getting angry over playing in fighting games. Then again the only fighting game I've played is UNICLR -- have ~5k hours and haven't really raged at it.

>> No.1279287

Fisher Tiger is the only real black superhero.

>> No.1279288

>I haven't been feeling well recently

>> No.1279290

>Maybe one day
6 month anniversary optimist bros, it's not looking good...

>> No.1279291

I don't think Marine flat out puts Pikachu on screen though

>> No.1279292


>iphone 7


>> No.1279293

Seanigger is also Asian anon

>> No.1279294

>hard 'R'
THAT'S OUR WORD! I'll let Aquaman know how much of a bigot you are!

>> No.1279295

She has covered her face with Hisoka and a few other anime characters

>> No.1279299

>mori and ame not feeling well
Do women really?

>> No.1279301

I love Hunger Games!

>> No.1279304

Unless someone can explain how these superchats cause harm I see no reason to be upset by them

>> No.1279305

Gatsby party very very fun! drinking party! very amazing

>> No.1279306

Every Ame stream is a RP stream anon. GF RP.

>> No.1279307


>> No.1279308

Fallout with lewd mods

>> No.1279310

That sounds like the YA trend following the end of the Harry Potter era.

>> No.1279311

i only want to pump Ina with my baby batter though

>> No.1279312

Based pajeet?
Also this but unironically.

>> No.1279316


>> No.1279317

Cute outdated angel!

>> No.1279318


>> No.1279319

Yo amo a Gura, basura inglesa.

>> No.1279320

Hell now I want a holo that plays fighting games, that would be fun to watch

>> No.1279322

Oh, nevermind, Enma hate!

>> No.1279323

Wait thats rare as fuck. She can hold the magnified glass without the coat on?

>> No.1279325


>> No.1279326

my point exactly

>> No.1279327

The only time I've seen black people talking about Mori were those rap reaction videos, they seemed pretty into it.

>> No.1279329

That one Fallout fanfic except it was all ponies.

>> No.1279330

Keeping a phone that works for a long time is very in character for her.

>> No.1279333

so how far into Nioh is Noel?

>> No.1279331

I'm black and I like Mori.

>> No.1279335

I love Divergent!

>> No.1279334

It's SFV's shitty netcode that drives me insane. I'm searching for 4-5 bar only, takes 10mins to find anyone, and then when I finally match with someone it's laggy shit.

>> No.1279340

i think this guy is on the wrong type of meds.

>> No.1279341

Ame cute

>> No.1279342


>> No.1279343

I bet you break containment too, don't you faggot?

>> No.1279344

Low Tier Reaper when?

>> No.1279345

This is true

>> No.1279350

Why yes, my favorite YA series is "Uglies" where the main character becomes a raiden tier cyborg by the third book.

>> No.1279349

Not a teamate, am I correct in thinking that Ame's talking about such stuff right now?

>> No.1279352

The only person I know irl that watches the ENs is a black KFP wagie
t. White deadbeat

>> No.1279353


>> No.1279354

YAB what is Ame doing!?

>> No.1279355

im p*n*y

>> No.1279360

I assume whichever EN manager Ame asked, they didn't want to go through the trouble of asking permission for each character individually.

>> No.1279361

Mori can spit. She at least garners respect for that.

>> No.1279363


>> No.1279367

Miriam did nothing wrong, all the other factions were either monsters or the Peacekeepers who were useless bureaucrats.

>> No.1279366

Kind of hard to get angry when you know you have no clue how to play. People tend to not start getting annoyed until they actually begin learning the game and start to understand what's happening to them.

>> No.1279368

Jamaicans are cool though.

>> No.1279372

If I see it in here you're getting fired

>> No.1279373


>> No.1279374

I've never read or watched anything where the story is told solely from a female's perspective. Literally a waste of time.

>> No.1279375


>> No.1279376


>> No.1279378

Ame I love it

>> No.1279379

Preposterously Parsimonious Tenshi

>> No.1279380

>No Gura

>> No.1279381


>> No.1279382

That looks really clean

>> No.1279384


>> No.1279385

>cuts off gura's face

>> No.1279387


>> No.1279388

Okay that looks good

>> No.1279386

buy an ethernet cord nigga

>> No.1279390

Damn that actually looks great

>> No.1279392

I'm still using an iphone 6s...

>> No.1279394

>No Gura
bros did she put her as an "X"????

>> No.1279395

Wow that actually looks pretty cool. I'm hype for new office

>> No.1279397

Don't lie on the internet, Anon.

>> No.1279398

>Bubba what is your problem?
You know what his problem is Ame.

>> No.1279399

It actually looks pretty good

>> No.1279400

It looks really cool

>> No.1279401


>> No.1279403


>> No.1279404

>Gura is too special to be lumped with the other 3

>> No.1279405

he was Jamaican you mad...

>> No.1279406

Ame's kissing me btw

>> No.1279407

She was just outside the frame.
Who was that behind the red x?

>> No.1279408

Joan of Arc's soldiers felt the same as you do.

>> No.1279409

you just know

>> No.1279410

Ame bought a freaking house with her Holobucks. How much do you think she's making?

>> No.1279411

see you later virgins

>> No.1279412

>ame showing her new house
uhhhhhh enma??? where the fuck is she when you actually need her

>> No.1279413

gura's photo is probably further on the left, closest to her seat

>> No.1279416

she talked about a book she was reading (Green Valley) that fits into this cliche

>> No.1279415

Honestly, POG sounds like one of those weird “slang” terms that come up in science fiction near-future novels where they replace curse words with something else, like “Oh no I glorped up.” That’s amazing.

>> No.1279417


>> No.1279419

fuck I wasn't looking at the screen I hate you ame

>> No.1279420

damn that looks great

>> No.1279423

Isn't that the spiral anime or something

>> No.1279424

The pictures signify who she's had sex with.

>> No.1279427

I get what you mean but Teamates are forever gonna gatekeep after Amegeddon ruined it for everyone.

>> No.1279428


>> No.1279429

GurAme > inAme

>> No.1279430


>> No.1279431

>black KFP
He's probably Dominican and therefore Hispanic

>> No.1279432

You're fired, but a little bit.

>> No.1279433


>> No.1279434

>One girl who only plays nostalgia games like Okayu
>One girl who plays meme kusoge
>One girl who streams the weirdest most obscure games at 4 AM completely unannounced and her only excuse is "Because I've lost control of my life"
>One girl who insists on playing lightgun games with girl 1 and when by herself plays ARMA or something
>One girl who plays zombie games
Would you watch?

>> No.1279435

you're fired!!!

>> No.1279436


>> No.1279437

I got you

>> No.1279438

Turn in your fucking badge, fuck face!

>> No.1279439

Me and my team of ants are sending this post to Cover right fucking now.
You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.1279443


>> No.1279445

At least 30K USD/month if you consider SC, membership, ad revenue and base salary.

>> No.1279446

She's gonna play the outer wilds theme again

>> No.1279447


>> No.1279449


>> No.1279450

its a disgusting word with a filthy beginning and ending

>> No.1279452

I'm glad Ame is getting an office for her ants

>> No.1279453

6 figures at least. Not really much in California/big cities but seems like she might be moving to a cheaper place if she's moving far.

>> No.1279455

You're fired

>> No.1279458

cockblocking coco's collab please andastan

>> No.1279459

Ame works in an office for ants?

>> No.1279461


>> No.1279463

/v/ you really gotta stop asking for vtubers

>> No.1279464

I watch someone like that now anyway so sure

>> No.1279467

Thanks dude

>> No.1279468

holy shit ame tune your guitar

>> No.1279469


>> No.1279471


>> No.1279474

if they collab with Ina

>> No.1279475


>> No.1279477


>> No.1279478

My penis is larger than that anon, enlarge.

>> No.1279479

Honestly blows my mind just how hard teamates dominate everyone else other than chumbuds considering a member ame stream gets more thread traction than Ina/Kiara/Mori do for normal streams

>> No.1279481

it makes me anxious as fuck hearing ame tune her guitar when she has no clue what the fuck shes doing or what it should even sound like
She is GOING to break a fucking string and its only a matter of time

>> No.1279483

>>One girl who only plays nostalgia games like Okayu
Just watch Okayu...

>> No.1279482

amelia i have perfect pitch and i still use a fucking tuner

>> No.1279484

Do ants really?

>> No.1279487


>> No.1279488

ame you really need to get a tuning app or something

>> No.1279489

You are fired kid maybe you should try getting a job at KFP instead

>> No.1279490

OOOOOOOO I'm liking it already

>> No.1279492

Just got back, Ame is having a member's stream?

>> No.1279493


>> No.1279494

I'm still mad Ame won't remove the earbleed emote

We just lost the guitar because of it

>> No.1279496

Saved and uploaded to nyaa

>> No.1279497

/v/ girls won't get past the holo hiring process since they aren't weird enough

>> No.1279495

Consider this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LfcjOomgBw

>> No.1279499

>chat turned her off from ever playing guitar on stream


>> No.1279500

Ame.... you're so stubborn...

>> No.1279501

>ame letting her own ear bleed emote deter her again

>> No.1279503

why is ame so sensitive?

>> No.1279502

Ame is a stubborn bitch and I hate how much I love her

>> No.1279505

Can't believe I also get an Ame butt fireball

>> No.1279506

>grand strategy
she would be the first holo I ever member to.

>> No.1279507

The "u" sound saves it

>> No.1279509


>> No.1279510

I don't know if you're serious with this or not but it's just because nobody's on besides Ame.

>> No.1279511

I can't believe Ame killed Todd... Todd Love!

>> No.1279513

I love Amelia.

>> No.1279515


>> No.1279516

>Iphigenia among the Taurians
>A Fire Upon the Deep
>The Crying of Lot 49
thats all I can think of at the moment

>> No.1279517

>is it tuned?
>no ame it's not tuned
Ok ame.

>> No.1279518

the X is a guy, who can it be????? also I see Gura's hair right beside the X picture

>> No.1279519


>> No.1279520

remove the ear bleed emoji ffs

>> No.1279524

>i had a guitar before and was able to tune it by ear
Who the fuck told you that?

>> No.1279523

I'll watch the girl playing State of Decay 2

>> No.1279526


>> No.1279528

Abayo Investigator

>> No.1279529

I love how their one complaint is that the beat doesn’t go hard enough. I agree.

>> No.1279530

cancel your membership

>> No.1279532

God imagine if Ame did a live concert with a guitar

>> No.1279534

Fired but at least you'll get to collect unemployment so it's not all bad for you

>> No.1279535

picture of ryan gosling

>> No.1279536


>> No.1279539

Gura's last membership stream dominated the thread too.

>> No.1279538

I was rewatching the ukulele members stream, and the reason that one's tuned better is because she actually used an online tuner that time kek.

>> No.1279541

You're fired.

>> No.1279540

Christ, You don't care about you job at all. You're off the force.

>> No.1279543


>> No.1279544


>> No.1279548

You faggots have no respect for anything do you

>> No.1279549

lighto yay lighto

>> No.1279551

Just repaying Ame for all the manga and anime she has pirated.


>> No.1279552


>> No.1279554


>> No.1279555


>> No.1279556


>> No.1279557


>> No.1279558

Fucking. Read.

>> No.1279559

>your oshi
>what character archetype you'd want her to be in a holo fighting game

>> No.1279562


>> No.1279563

too late anon someone already uploaded it uncensored

>> No.1279564

respect my cock retard

>> No.1279565

Look at this cute picture of Ayame I just posted.

>> No.1279566

early 20s white women and guitars are a one way street for untuned horrible sounding music with fucked up chords and tempo, but if you say anything about them doing it wrong theyll blow up on you

>> No.1279567

I'm gonna gosling bro...

>> No.1279568


>> No.1279569


>> No.1279572

>lumping in Gurren Lagann with YA shit

>> No.1279573

Honestly, Ame's voice is pretty much perfect for 2000s, sad boy indie-pop.

>> No.1279576


>> No.1279577

>chumkeks cant read

>> No.1279579

It doesn't fit at all but a mix-up character

>> No.1279580


>> No.1279581


>> No.1279582

I want to chug jug with Ame...

>> No.1279583

>all those FBI jokes
EOP chat can't possibly be more cancer

>> No.1279584

Noel is streaming right now you little bitch.

>> No.1279585

What's a retarded meme-song Ame should learn?

>> No.1279587 [DELETED] 


>> No.1279588

we gotta
number one victory royale

>> No.1279591

>playing guitar through mic that probably distorts sound
>tuning by ear when you have tinnitus

What did she mean by this?

>> No.1279592


>> No.1279594

Rushdown utilizing frametraps

>> No.1279595

Does Ame really not know American Boy

>> No.1279597


>> No.1279599


>> No.1279604

Why are Teamates like this

>> No.1279606

What does the chug jug taste like?

>> No.1279607 [DELETED] 


>> No.1279608


>> No.1279609


>> No.1279610

Ame sucks nuts

>> No.1279612

basically something like peacock from skullgirls

>> No.1279611

CAN >we be pro Fortnite gamers, anons?

>> No.1279614

Yes I'm also watching her but the context is obviously for only within EN considering who was specified.

>> No.1279615

Half spic as a matter of fact, apparently his extended family on his mom's side were involved in some influential mafia family, so you bet your ass he never got shit from the spics in school, despite being the type of guy to play K-On music on car rides with friends

>> No.1279617


>> No.1279623

did Ame say if she showered today?

>> No.1279624


>> No.1279625

>Amongus Mention

>> No.1279627

For some reason I'd see her as rushdown in a fighting game.

>> No.1279628


>> No.1279630

America Watson...

>> No.1279631

Rekka/rushdown utilizing frametraps. Uses timeskips like rewind/replay/FF for mixups.

>> No.1279632

if your friends don't jam to K-On, get new friends

>> No.1279634

>America Watson
whats the joke?

>> No.1279636


>> No.1279638

>America Watson

>> No.1279639

America WATSon!

>> No.1279640


>> No.1279641

Gura's cunny

>> No.1279642

i love refrigerators

>> No.1279643

Footsie zoner

>> No.1279646

>Nabi is too innocent so she sucks at being impostor

>> No.1279647

You fucking tease!

>> No.1279648

i love you, gura.

>> No.1279650

>America Watson

>> No.1279651


>> No.1279652

AmeNabi Bro!!!!!!!!

>> No.1279654


>> No.1279656

>nabi-mama is a really bad imposter
FUUUUCK that's cute.

>> No.1279657

Nabi mama..
