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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 92 KB, 453x739, 1636473497748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12765147 No.12765147 [Reply] [Original]

It's right to be a concernfag and don't let retards here told you otherwise or else it would be too late once something irreversible happens to your oshi

>> No.12765225

This would have happened to her regardless if she was a vtuber or not. It's fucking sad but it is what it is.

>> No.12765242

Not really. That is something she did to herself. You are not her mom

>> No.12765268

And less we talk about it /here/ the better. Nothing good will come of it.

>> No.12765276


>> No.12765279
File: 175 KB, 1307x736, 1620082553298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we all have our own lives and circumstances, and bad things happen to everyone. that doesn't mean you should live wallowing on the saddest parts of life and ignoring the happy ones.

>> No.12765287

who is this? why do you retards do this constantly, just having an image with no context, no vtuber name, no link, and expect others to know what that’s supposed to be about?

>> No.12765318


>> No.12765321

We expect people to know why 1/4 of the board is on suicide watch and one of the two reasons /hlg/ is not useable right now.

>> No.12765329

Let their actual friends concernfag. You are nothing to them but an annoyance.

>> No.12765343

It's about Korone

>> No.12765344

funny 'cause every time i look it's just 10 pages of EN shit

>> No.12765388

this happened despite people concernfagging though. being a concernfag won't change anything because it's up to the chuuba to make decisions for their own life, you're just being annoying in the chat.

>> No.12765427

You're acting like posting GO TO BED would have helped her. It literally says she got this due to stress and trauma from her irl life. I imagine when she streamed, she could escape for a bit.
You can't do anything about her irl life.

>> No.12765463

in real life life is pretty hard

>> No.12765466
File: 1.75 MB, 1240x1748, 89274211_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damn it our doggo is going to die

>> No.12765474

Who cares?

>> No.12765492

No this would have happened no matter what, Sega was too much of a dream sponsorship for her to pass up. The 12 hour streams were the only stress relief, would you rather she be sat at home worrying about studio work?

>> No.12765494

No, her mom is

>> No.12765500
File: 85 KB, 667x425, Dysautonomia nih.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some types are temporary, but many worsen over time.
>Often, however, there is no cure.
Take care of yourselves bros.

>> No.12765533

As long as she doesn't deteriorate further. I hope she walks away and forgets about us before that happens.

>> No.12765539

Well it's over for Korone no matter what. She's not coming back from her break and Okayu will be put on suicide watch. Hololive Gamers is going to die too.

>> No.12765584

Why are heimin like this?

>> No.12765617

Concernfagging is irrelevant, WE cannot do shit for them.
Wish them well and leave it at that.

>> No.12765629

If Korone graduates I'm done with this retarded hobby for good

>> No.12765632

Concernfags should fucking rope themselves because all they are is a nuisance to their oshi as well as other viewers. Imagine being a fully grown adult and a streamer and constantly being told by your chat to go sleep. Korone has snapped and gotten pissed before because of this. And yes, anger causes stress because it causes your body to react much the same way as when you're experiencing any other stress reaction. Concernfags are literally part of the problem. You're not their fucking guardian so stop acting like you are. Also kys.

>> No.12765658

>Jap shit
/vt/ sisters are EOP

>> No.12765916

Then what should we do then? Enabling her behavior of pulling endurance stream regularly? Praise her for being able stay awake for so long?

>> No.12765974

Yes. Vtubers are like gladiators and should die for our pleasure.

>> No.12766013

What an evil retard. Literally wants Korone to die.

>> No.12766039

You should do absolutely nothing.

>> No.12766091

Boo fucking hoo, old lady sick.
I’m sure playing a Super Nintendo game for 15 hours will cheer her right up.

>> No.12766110

I blame all her over zealous fans who told her yeah its OK to stream for 15 hours non stop. yeah stream everyday with no breaks. play this, play that.

you guys literally broke her.

>> No.12766167


>> No.12766191
File: 45 KB, 640x643, ipclzpy09y661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait what the shit, the doog seriously has a neurodegenerative disease and is dying? Not a rrat?

>> No.12766368

Watch her latest stream anon

>> No.12766420

>Causes: HIV/AIDS
Alright, confess, who screwed the pooch?

>> No.12766705

concerfags were right yes, but they wouldn't be able to do anything eitherway

>> No.12767023

It’s not your responsibility, it’s theirs. That’s the point. You literally do nothing. At most you just stop watching a stream when she keeps going for too long.

>> No.12767232

You should stop adding stress to them.
You can start with quit your sleep police duty.
It's stressing.

>> No.12768211

the stress from being told to go to bed finally got to her baka

>> No.12768248
File: 787 KB, 1227x1312, 1636487864284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any Vtuber's that aren't mentally and physically damaged. Shit is getting depressing.

>> No.12768372

>the people that told her to stop streaming after doing marathons (and got banned for saying so) were right

>> No.12768487

Hoshikawa Sara, maybe? Granted I'm just a clip watcher. I think AZKi is also releatively healthy, mentally and physically

>> No.12768511

Tick tock holotoddlers, your mutt's days are numbered

>> No.12768538

I could tell by her thumbnail it would be serious. Hope she rests well, I'll enjoy her Metroid Dread playthrough and the ones I missed. Anonymous concernfags can't do shit anyway since they actual don't know anything.

>> No.12769095

Based. Keep up the good fight concernchad. We must do everything we can to prevent our oshis from dying.

>> No.12769124

Shut the fuck up Redditor. We know more than a damn woman let alone a Nip.

>> No.12769174

>neurodegenerative disease
No. It's not at that point yet, and hopefully won't ever be.

>> No.12769206



>> No.12769220


>> No.12769234

Considering you brought up the Reddit boogeyman out of nowhere, I have my doubts.

>> No.12769271

Shut the fuck up, we were right the whole time. Now my oshi is due for imminent graduation. Not if, but when.

>> No.12769521

Your reddit general is never usable

>> No.12769620

So, when is Pekora's turn? Or is she too young to suffer from overwork?

>> No.12769773

Who named you a fucking curator of topics you absolute fucking faggot? Do you know where you are?

>> No.12769818

It's better than Reddit itself or Discord, tourist

>> No.12769858

Because muh sekret klub in 2021
Not even joking
This board is like one step up from youtube comment section

>> No.12769886

And that's a good thing, tourist.

What, do you want a hugbox? Go back and be deluded retard.

>> No.12770031

Guarantee you these girls that stream as little as possible are the healthier ones
I just watched sora collab with bandori and you could see she was the most stable person in the room even through the avatar

>> No.12770032

This implies /hlg/ has ever been usable. That place hasn't been usable in almost a year now ever since the residents started making it shitty on purpose to "drive out the undesirables" the same way a retard fills their house with sewage to keep out door to door salesmen

>> No.12770085

She's too busy fucking one of her real-life boyfriends though, cuck

>> No.12770182

>newfag unironically using reddit spacing calling others tourists
You have to go back dude

>> No.12770247

I dont care I'm not an incel simp playing waifu simulator. Fucking loser enjoy your dead dog.

>> No.12770260

He's right though. If you want to be lied to and be force-fed delusions then you unironically do not belong here. This website is always right. We elected a fucking President in 2016 for fuck's sake.

>> No.12770304

I don't even like any of the Holos bro. I'm just saying other VTubers do a better job listening to us as listeners and this includes not fucking other men and taking care of yourself.

>> No.12770593

Delusions? Wtf are you talking about? Takenyour meds.

>> No.12770784

That everything is just OK

You chose to put yourself in the dark twisted cruel world your precious pretend anime girls have endured. When they're nearing death like in the epic gamer dog's case, you'll be left with nothing but cope.

Cold, deep cope.

>> No.12770805

>I don't even like any of the Holos bro.
>let me make assumptions about people I don't watch
If you want to shitpost, use a thread of your company or join the Discord of your 2view

>> No.12770825

The irony. Of course you would know that.

>> No.12770856

For starters this board is usually right.

>> No.12771078

hang yourself concernfag, you are actually proud to see Mr Koro suffer

>> No.12771258

Based. People on this board don't care, they just want drama.

>> No.12771378

>erectile dysfunction
i want my pupper's red rocket to be okay ;_;

>> No.12771933

How come they're always right either way though? They predicted Roa's hiatus would be permanent.

>> No.12771965

>I just want drama
Fuck you. I'll do everything I can to save Korone and /doog/ is well on board with my plan to tell her to take a long break and STOP FUCKING STREAMING MORE THAN 3 HOURS

>> No.12772173

If a split like this happens, I assume it's the /vt/ sisters searching for drama.

>> No.12772224

But I'm going to do it and you can't fucking stop me. At least I care about Korone you bluepilled Redditfag

>> No.12772373

Anon what the fuck

>> No.12772459

anon got grounded so now he's having an angsty evening

>> No.12772520

Explain how he's wrong about anything he said when cultural studies about karoshi and dysautonomia are well-documented

>> No.12772606

>calling names for no reason

>> No.12772717

Nerve problems ... sleep paralysis ... that's fucked up
Yet selfish, entitled assholes here get mad when a holo doesn't stream 24 hours a day

>> No.12772797

They're suppressing posts about Dysautonomia and Karoshi though so, yes, choosing to be deluded by facts is Reddit.

>> No.12772839

Nigger, we only ask for them to stream once a day for at least 3 hours if anything. You don't fall under that then expect the criticism. Cry about it, bitch. We the fans have a voice too.

>> No.12772967

You're supposed to use discord and twitter and only come here to shitpost.

>> No.12772981

>we only ask for them to stream once a day for at least 3 hours if anything
I can't tell if that's a typo or you're that entitled

>> No.12773207

Your concern wouldn't have done anything in the moment but annoy her. You have to leave it to her actual friends because unlike you, she'll actually listen to them. Plus, it's not like it was just "She streamed too much and broke her brain", a lot of stuff piled up here.

>> No.12773303

Do people want more proof that OP is just searching for drama?

>> No.12773363

You'll have to put your dog to sleep soon, koronesuki.

>> No.12774234

Seems to me she was just very stressed out.

>> No.12774503

Don't want to be that guy but is this even legit? Where's the proof?
All I see is the same screencap being posted in different threads with basically just one guy saying "just trust me bro it's real".

>> No.12774660

It's real
It's not a /vt/ rrat this time
It's being posted elsewhere as well

>> No.12774680

If you really cared, you would've watched her last stream.

>> No.12774781

Literally her latest stream…

>> No.12774800

Kinda legit? several clipfags all independently reported the same stuff as the live TL and Korone has announced she's gonna take a break, all the details are probably taken with liberties.

>> No.12775671

Korone's mom is literally dying and she has to be wrangled into taking a two week break.
Meanwhile EN has miss "my dog died I need a month off."

>> No.12775731

shut up

>> No.12775858

her third husband

>> No.12775951

I'm that anon. You do nothing. It's not your responsibility to do anything about it. You either watch the streams and have fun with Korone, or you don't. You have no control over Korone or what she does and you never will, but what you do have control over is whether you're going to be an insufferable concernfag or not. Now, Korone obviously has issues involving her personal life other than just her own health, so the last thing she needs is for people to tell her what to fucking do in what might be one of her only escapes from those things. She wants to stream, talk to chat and have fun. But instead she gets people essentially telling her to stop streaming and fuck off because they think she should sleep. How do you think that makes her feel? Besides pissing her off, that is?
What you people need to do is fucking learn about boundaries. Whenever you concernfag, repeatedly and incessantly, you're overstepping one of those boundaries. And I want to make this clear; I'm not saying there's anything wrong with being concerned about her, nor do I want her to die or anything like that. What I'm saying is that telling her what to do is wrong. At the end of the day she's an adult and can make her own decisions. If that is to stream 15 hours then all you can, and should, do is shut the fuck up, accept it and make a decision on whether you can watch the stream without being a concernfag or not. She has friends who she'll actually listen to and won't needlessly piss her off, let them handle it.

>> No.12776078 [DELETED] 

You don't tell anon what to do you little faggot

>> No.12776117

How are you unable to tell that it's an image of collected live TLs from her stream? Are you retarded? Why do you idiots always ask for proof only when something is obviously true?

>> No.12776202

I agree with what you said but please separate it in paragraphs.

>> No.12776424

But wouldn't he be reddit spacing, then?

>> No.12776632

Separating paragraphs like this isn't reddit spacing.
It just makes it more readable.
Completely normal.

Separation like this IS reddit spacing.

It's because you need to hit enter twice to make a line break on there.

So the assumption is people came from reddit and haven't dropped the habit.

>> No.12776644

How can they know who are Koro-san live TLers if they never watch her stream, anon? That question just show how clipfags should hag themselves

>> No.12776743

Hang themselves*

>> No.12776833

How about just be a normal chat user and engage with the streamer in a non-autistic way?

>> No.12777072

I don't know if this has been cleared here, but Korone does NOT have Autonomic Nervous System Disorder. This guy (who is a long time TL) explained it:
To make it simple - Korone said that she was told "自律神経やられた" in her stream (lit. "My nerves were shot"), which doesn't exactly translate into "Autonomic Nervous System Disorder" per se. Chances are her TLs, without any medical background, tried to find the closest thing to it with those symptoms and accidentally translated it into something else

>> No.12777074

I just rarely do long posts, so when I do I just unintentionally don't separate paragraphs that often. I'll keep it in mind if I ever make a post that long again though, sorry for making hard to read.

>> No.12777100

Tell me about foreshadowing and how everything that I care and love will one day crumble.

>> No.12777200

> Parkinson's
Korone could start smoking weed to treat it.

>> No.12777242

Sorry if I don't have time to waste sitting on streams. Unlike you, I'm actually busy with my life.

>> No.12777293

Are you sure it doesn't translate into autonomic nervous system disorder?

>> No.12778055

Please let's this be the case....
Is it legally to use it in Japan for medical purpose?
Kek then what are you doing here then?

>> No.12778115

Damn my autocorrect....

>> No.12778144

Well, desu, I'm an EOP so I'm not totally sure. However, after looking it up, the term for ANSD in JP is "自律神経の乱れ", so at the very least Korone didn't say that. The other guy was a long time Holo TL so I'm willing to give him benefit of the doubt.

>> No.12779686

It's not about being a 'concernfag' or not. It's about having a word about it.

If I pay for her content, she HAS to hear what I'm saying. I'm the consumer, if I tell her her content is shit because she's been streaming for over 30 hours, I have the right to tell her whatever I want. /vt/ tells me I shouldn't even say anything .

>> No.12779853

>posts on /vt/
Rumao rumao

>> No.12779923

Korone just needs rest. She doesn't have heart problems or nerve disorder or any of that shit. This is what not doing your reps and relying on fags like Iroha and Otakmori gets you.

>> No.12779960

Let me guess. She's "vaccinated".

>> No.12780003

No, Japan's heavily anti-drug regardless of whether weed is health-popular anywhere else

>> No.12780057

Oh fuck off, she just said it's stress and overwork due to self-imposed pressure.

>> No.12780610 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 365x365, watasmug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont get your womens underwear in a twist, troon.

>> No.12780886

It's even better if you never come here. Now fuck off

>> No.12780933

Korone isn't Japan.

>> No.12780985

There is someone denying what those TL says in Twitter, is damage control or is legit?

>> No.12781069

Yeah but she's not a free spirited girl willing to break the law either. Plus where'd she even find weed? The local family mart junkie?

>> No.12781134

She's graduating in December. This is not curable.

>> No.12781174

Weed is not a panacea, schizo.

>> No.12781209

>the final yab is Korone dying or graduating due to stress
I did not see that coming!

>> No.12781445

I haven't seen the stream, but if >>12777072 is accurate then yeah, "自律神経やられた" is saying her nerves are messed up but nothing about a specific disorder. Probably more serious than just "She needs a few days off", but not "She's got permanent nerve damage from stress" serious.
She needs to take better care of herself (hence the month off), but she's not going to die, basically.

>> No.12783282

who's that?

>> No.12783410

There is obviously criminal types that look the part.
I feel like these girls have partied properly during their time at holo, like ecstasy/coke and stuff.
I get that vibe at least.

>> No.12783418

it's not a big deal come on
this is like Rushia larping as a menhera.

>> No.12783806 [DELETED] 

What do you base that on

>> No.12783973

Not much.
Their wealth, the holohouse being a good place to party, Coco's influence, nasal/vocal issues, the bartender rrat, etc.

>> No.12784249 [DELETED] 
File: 118 KB, 500x605, what-the-fug-19372501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, you're probably right.
I-I need a moment.

>> No.12784436

this unironically, people are being so secretive around here, they expect you to just know what's going on.

>> No.12785088

I want to double drop with Aki and do crazy things with, on and to her.

>> No.12785427


>> No.12785673 [DELETED] 


>> No.12785898

Wow! She has sleep paralysis, sleep trouble and anxiety. Just like millions of other people and the millions more who have it worse. This is nothing to even concernfag over. Nip woman are so weak when it comes to health. They go to the doctor for the tiniest shit

>> No.12786191

take your meds

>> No.12786421 [DELETED] 
File: 98 KB, 1300x957, men-loading-gun-14180076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women in general are weak pieces of shit.
Female vote was a mistake.
Kys faggot

>> No.12786806

I am only not your mom if you can take care of yourself
The moment you fuck up you've proven that you need caretaker to make decisions for you

>> No.12786923

Anon, you're probably a burger so let me explain something:
People in countries with real healthcare go to the doctor when things seem wrong, because they don't have to assume it'll put them in crippling debt even if it's nothing. No need to let it fester if you don't have to.

>> No.12786999

Shut up faggot don't lie. You call up the NHS, you get told to fuck off. You go to the NHS, you sit and wait around for hours.
All public healthcare does is make the real healthcare more cozy for the elite.

>> No.12787078

Go-to-sleep fags were the good guys all along...

>> No.12787171

Britbong here, he's right. You get prescribed useless garbage and fucked off every time.

>> No.12787275

Oh faq ma oshi i hope she will get better soon. If she graduates its over now for Hololive they will not find this kind of gem ever again.

>> No.12788434

Zoom zoom

>> No.12791478

I know you're shitposting but I hope it's just asn you're describing and it's actually nothingburger

>> No.12793210

What stable person would be here anyway? I do think EN are pretty stable just autistic.

>> No.12793236
File: 92 KB, 450x253, fabulous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>newfag unironically using reddit spacing calling others tourists

I find it hilarious when ever you idiots post this sort of thing. Speaking as someone who was around here 15 years ago, I can assure you, this type of spacing was standard, long before reddit was even a thing.

don't believe me, grab something from the archives about code geass; say 2007.

so seeing you newfags preen about your supersecretclub by shitting on spacing that was normal before you even knew 4chan was a thing is sorta hilarious from my point of view.

>> No.12793448
File: 91 KB, 500x500, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f5435364a6e795f474c637a6b4e513d3d2d3733343838393538312e313561303865616632313533326333383637393531303335333339362e6a7067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up faggot. That was then, this is now. Cope and die nigger

>> No.12794536

> 4chan today is just a shell of its former glorious self
More news at 11

>> No.12794708

She is fine, you concernfags should just take your meds

>> No.12794811

Nope as normal people would be standard streamers instead of vtubers

>> No.12795058

Finally, some good fucking news!

>> No.12795086

So it's really Xeno who just fuck up with live TL and not that she got ANSD? Thank you so much anon I can sleep now
