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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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1273714 No.1273714 [Reply] [Original]

how is it nearly all the holoEN girls were associated with 4chan in some way
were they all destined to be based?

>> No.1273748

Enma here. I made sure they were all 4channarians.

>> No.1273797

On what?

>> No.1273846
File: 36 KB, 600x520, gg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gura's soles anon

>> No.1273859

If you like anime and use the internet there's a very high chance you've visited 4chan before.

>> No.1274086
File: 7 KB, 277x271, if_you_cant_support_the_claims_dont_play_the_games.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how is it nearly all the holoEN girls were associated with 4chan in some way

>> No.1274246

>if you can't support claims, don't play games
can't that be said same for denying stuff?

>> No.1274511

No, because you can't prove a negative.

>> No.1274622
File: 30 KB, 640x640, burgerqueen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nono you can if you believe

>> No.1274637

Stop being the meds and take them

>> No.1274724
File: 48 KB, 700x393, dutch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, I'm almost out and when I run out I have a panic attack and get suicidal... I have to wait until midnight so it lasts the whole day

>> No.1274766

You can, though. If I say "John isn't home" you can prove or disprove it by thoroughly searching John's home. If I say that there are no 4-sided triangles, you can prove it tautologically true based on the definition of "triangle".

>> No.1274814

Yes, for very specific situations with well-defined and reasonable parameters you can prove a negative.

"nearly all the holoEN girls were associated with 4chan in some way" does not qualify as a provable negative.

>> No.1274936

That's fair, just don't let me catch you saying retarded pseudointellectual shit like that again.
>can't that be said same for denying stuff?
Yes, but requesting evidence for a claim before believing in it isn't the same as denying it.

>> No.1274976

Rules say no doxxing though, and I don't wanna talk about it in detail, unless past life as streamer is outside that rule

>> No.1274988

>tfw when you'll never cum on Gura's feet
why live?

>> No.1275061

This is the true pain, and she teases the footfags pretty frequently in her streams

>> No.1276021

You are on a board based on japanese culture. 4chan was made as an imageboard about popular culture similar to 2chan, except in english. There aren't so many places for that niche.
Why do you think a bunch of girls ended up here?
Definitely must be the redpills on living in a society and inceldom, eh? Wrong, it's always been the oekaki .

>> No.1276811

>they all use memes from here, especially Ame
>Calli's "roommate" used to frequent /mu/
>Kiara's "roommate" was a lolcow on /cgl/
My proof dries up past that point.

>> No.1276879

Why was Kiara's "roommate" a lolcow?

>> No.1276912

Reminder that the foot fetish is a result of cross-wiring in the brain, ergo foot fetishists are literally brain damaged.

>> No.1276915

/cgl/ just kinda hated her, I keep away from all the Kiara shit anyway cause the SEAnigger antis and the KFPschizo's genuinely sicken me.

>> No.1277202

At first I thought feet were disgusting but they grew on me after expending almost a decade on this shithole.

I wonder how science explains that.

>> No.1277294

never forget Ame almost typed the gamer word in one of her early Apex streams.
Implying everyone here isn't braindead
Anon just told you how science explains it, you got brain damage from being here so long.

>> No.1277344
File: 68 KB, 572x303, 1538884919785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same but for pits

>> No.1277409

I Don't want to scare you Anon, but a lot of people use memes from here, even on the most basic websites like Facebook you have a shit ton of people using stuff like "Based" on a regular basis

>> No.1277430

>foot fetishes could possibly result from cross-wiring in the brain between the foot and the genital parts.
So when haachama requests feet videos, she's basically requesting dick pics?

>> No.1277506

This. There's really nothing else to add.

>> No.1277540
File: 37 KB, 508x677, 20200601_192407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this but with soles, soft soft soles
do you hear how she screeches in lust whenever feet appeared on the stream? So yes, basically.

>> No.1278548

>never forget Ame almost typed the gamer word in one of her early Apex streams.
source on this claim?

>> No.1278574


>> No.1278603

/lolcow/ is as schizo as you can get before being admitted into a ward 99.9% of the time

>> No.1278633

Why are you faggots so obsessed with whether or not they browse 4chan? Why is it important?

>> No.1278646

I love Amelia Watson!

>> No.1278713

because if they do they'll allow me to type out the nigger word in chat
this is very importatn
