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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 22 KB, 494x98, sana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12715729 No.12715729 [Reply] [Original]

Face it, she's never going to bounce back. She's going to have the lowest sub count of any active holo in history.

>> No.12715762

Kiara finally has someone laugh at

>> No.12715766

That's what happens when you're a nig nog and not even a cute nig nog like Flare.

Srsly tho at least Melfriends now have someone to laugh at.

>> No.12715770

She'll beat ID from the simple fact that she speak English. Just wait a nother 6 months or so and she'll have more subs than iofi and anya. Unless you don't count ID then yes it's very possible

>> No.12715797

>lower than anya
i kekd

>> No.12715807

Face it, you're a fag.

>> No.12715829

Homos exist

>> No.12715870

I will save her!

>> No.12715897
File: 82 KB, 1219x842, MY DOG DIED TIME TO KILL MY GROWTH LETS GOOOOOOO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, no.
Anya, one month after her debut, had higher sub count than Sana.
Sana will get maybe pity subs from the return stream, but she'll never regain momentum. It's over for her.
The only hope for her and sanafags is HoloID gen 3 and hoping they're worse than Anya.

>> No.12715900
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>She'll beat ID

>> No.12715946

How long until nijiniggers get ahead of her

>> No.12715975

She would've been fired in any other job by now. Change my mind.

>> No.12715991

Miko had trash tier numbers until she said nigga

Sana just needs to summon her inner aussie and say "cunt" in the most australian way possible

>> No.12716037

I don't think you are qualified to talk about jobs since you've never had one.

>> No.12716052


Normally, even Cover would fire her, but she got into hololive because she's a buddy-buddy with Ina, and Ina and her boyfriend Loserbait/Omega are infamous for nepotism hires at HoloEN.

>> No.12716078

Made my living online my entire life, so yeah. Even so, what job allows you to take 2 weeks off as a newcomer?

>> No.12716094

Wait until holoEn Gen 3 to see what a truly low subcount is.

>> No.12716106

>Made my living online my entire life, so yeah

>> No.12716119

>Normally, even Cover would fire her
Have they done that before? Fire someone for low output?

>> No.12716150

There's too many Holives so of course some of them are going to have low sub count.

>> No.12716165

Take it easy man, we're just joking here. If you keep it up you'll overdose copium.

>> No.12716185

>Ayame and Mel exist
No. They wouldn't. Even if she's the new hire, when you depend this much on your viewer's good will for success, firing someone because their dog died is a sure way to lose a good chunk of viewers.

>> No.12716195

They have literally no reason to fire her.

>> No.12716212

She needed better game selections and should have kept the astrology stuff for later, and the break only made matters worse. Good thing she does this for fun, not money, anyone else might have graduated at the earliest opportunity.

>> No.12716226

>She's going to have the lowest sub count of any active holo in history
Newfag-chama, after 2 months Akirose had 8k subs, Sana has 220k

>> No.12716230 [DELETED] 
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Nig-a-fella, Nigg Ryders. Niggzz Beats, It's almost over ya'll, Sanalites Uh, uh, uh, uh, Lights out Sanalites!!!

[Chorus - Sana] (NTR Singing)(Nigger) What's my mother fucking name?
(Nigger) And who I'm rolling with huh?
(My Niggers) uh-huh-huh-uh-huh
Niggers better get it right, Sanalites better kill themselves
(Nigger) What's my mother fucking name?
(Nigger) And who I'm rolling with huh?
(My Niggers) uh-huh-huh-uh-huh Niggers better get it right, Sanalites better kill themselves

>> No.12716254

She's adorable, funny and she speaks in a language I understand. She will be fine

>> No.12716262

Sana is Kiara favorite kouhai

>> No.12716280

Please don't bully me...

>> No.12716282 [DELETED] 

Well, yeah. But that's when Homolive was still relatively small. With their current numbers Sana is objectively a pretty big bomb so far.

>> No.12716292

Maybe, Maybe not.

She might compromise and do some buff games to get back on the usual incline speed. We'll have to wait and see in the coming weeks after her return.

>> No.12716328

Well, yeah. But that's when Homolive was still relatively small. With their current numbers Sana is objectively a pretty big bomb so far.

>> No.12716471
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You are done, spacecucks.
Nigger Joe will never get over losing her boyfriends red knot.

>> No.12716637

Scouting, recruiting, training, commissioning assets, etc. is a huge investment. Why would they throw all that money away over a couple weeks?

>> No.12716654

Honestly doesn’t matter. If she do any interesting thing, I will watch her regardless

>> No.12716857

We are talking about the same company that has not fired Ayame, so yeah low output of streams does not seem to be a reason to fire someone...

>> No.12716946

>even Cover will fire her
People might not quite understand the really high legal bar to fire someone in Japan and how that influences the culture.
To fire someone in Japan, legally you must prove that you absolutely NEED to cut personnel because you will literally have to shut down the company if you don't. No, that you could get room for a better hire is not a convincing reason. No, even going into the red is not a convincing reason. Even if you are convinced that the employee is outright losing you money, that just means your management is lacking. And did you exhaust all your other methods of cutting cost before doing so? You don't necessarily need new office furniture or that bonus, right? You couldn't possibly be doing something as obscene as using firing people as a management tool, right?

Now technically if you are a contractor, this doesn't apply. But do you think Cover really wants to remind all of the other holos - who directly and very personally bring in ALL of their bacon - that they could be put to the sword at any time? That they don't have the super-safe, typical permanent employee status nearly all of them would otherwise be striving towards in any other Japanese company - and that they could very well group together and force Cover to grant it to them or walk?
So there is a tacit agreement. No holo gets fired because of performance, and no one strongarms the company, because face it, they can. It's the same situation that medieval kings faced. Yes, technically you have divine right, absolute power, yadda yadda. Exercise that power to execute the most insignificant noble at the wrong time and you could find yourself on the end of a coup six months later as everyone in your court draws their own conclusions as to where this is heading.

>> No.12717542

The one time nepotism didn't work

>> No.12717637

>Made my living online
like filling in your DOLE application?
don't make us laugh at you, anon

>> No.12717652

Aki had a similar thing happen where she had to go on an extended break right after debut, Cover doesn't seem to care about numbers as much as people like to believe

>> No.12717682

Cover gave her that ugly model. Not like she picked it herself. They knew they were dooming her to low numbers from the start.

>> No.12717740

>Anya, one month after her debut, had higher sub count than Sana.
Are you looking at your own graph and ignoring the fact that Sana got nuked by jewtube twice?

>> No.12717753

Quite funny cause the model was drawn by her oshi pako. She was probably overjoyed to have it

>> No.12717801

Giantess fetishists will save her.

>> No.12717835

I still don't give any fucks about the council. Kronii was fun for a few weeks, but she got boring fast. The others aren't worth watching at all.

>> No.12717897

sounds based and way better than the US

>> No.12717974 [DELETED] 

As long as she makes more than she costs the company, there's no reason to fire her.
Cover isn't going to roll out an entire gen just because of 1 underperforming talent (that still brings them in profit).

>> No.12718064

As long as she makes more than she costs the company, there's no reason to fire her.
Normally when you fire someone, it's because they're harmful to your business, or you can hire someone better to replace them. But you can't just replace one member out of a gen, and Cover's not going to roll out an entire gen just because of 1 underperforming talent (that still brings them in profit).

>> No.12718114

I think Fauna is alright. She's kind of like an english Watame.

>> No.12718204

In what fucking way green en lamy is compared to watame, retardchama?

>> No.12718217

Has she vented about it yet?

>> No.12718270

Plenty. The fact that triggers you so much is cute.

>> No.12718296

The dog dying really is killing her holo carrier kek. As much as I love Sana, leaving over a month when you barely started as a Holo will sink you harder than Anya hiding her tits.

>> No.12718308

>She's going to have the lowest sub count of any active holo in history
That's like being the shortest giant

>> No.12718332

I don't care, she's still better than the rest. Fuck EN2 and their lazy asses

>> No.12718358

You guys said this when nene was doing poorly, look how that turned out

>> No.12718362

It won't be enough; that's a relatively small niche.

>> No.12718393

no shot.

anon, they went through thousands of applicants to get her position. even as a nepotism hire, there's no shot they're going to just fire her for taking time off.

i had a job let me start weeks after my start date because i couldn't leave my old job during peak season, then let me go on break when there was a fire at my parents house and i had to take time off to deal with that, when i'd literally been in the office 2 days.

cover have invested a lot of time and money into her and aren't just going to throw that away over taking some time off in what everyone already knows is a menhera riddled industry,

you're out of your mind.

>> No.12718464

A fucking dog

>> No.12718605

Stfu fag

>> No.12718719 [DELETED] 


Boo hoo nigga boo hoo lol

>> No.12718739

I honestly think I'd like her if it wasn't for the Mommy Nature theme. NATURE HATE.

>> No.12718990

Any nuked sub that did not resub next day might not have existed in a first place.

>> No.12719014

Hate fucking is a thing, anon.

>> No.12719178

That has nothing to do with anything, you turbo retard, she was growing at a way faster pace than Anya, she just ended up at a lower sub amount because her subs got removed.

>> No.12719199
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Wish she'd bounce on my dick

>> No.12719245

No, my rage against nature burns too cold. The fucking chicken though? I'd hatefuck her nonstop.

>> No.12719677

They both have loving long term boyfriends

>> No.12720131

I don't get it. She's been part of other people's streams, so its not like she's too sad to perform or anything. She just decided not to stream on her channel anymore.

>> No.12720155

coincidentally they're both me

>> No.12720209

Best guess is she's not mentally ready to entertain people on her own but can show up in events.

>> No.12720232

She didn't seem like a complete menhara.

>> No.12720271

If she's entertaining enough she 'll go up eventually. Just need a funny clip or two

>> No.12720276


>> No.12720291

My guess is that she is "emotionally fragile" if that even mean anything. Basically she usually very cheerful and positive, never show any kind of negative emotion, but when something bad happened to her she just completely collapsed and don't know what to do

>> No.12720335

go back

>> No.12720359
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I'll still love her no matter what happens.

>> No.12720416

The more plausible reason she took as long as she did on top of the mental drain losing her best friend is because Aussie COVID lockdown procedures are actually super dumb as fuck and having seen some of the shit online that goes on over there, I wouldn’t be surprised if she needed a good mental recharge to ensure she’d be at 100% when she official comes off hiatus.

>> No.12720418
File: 8 KB, 272x262, 53301EF8-39A8-452C-9308-BB002CDCCB52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Taking a month off because your stupid dog died

>> No.12720437

Losing your lover can take a big toll on one's mental health

>> No.12720450

because she is the only one with worse numbers than her, its like stacy always keeping uggos around to inflate her ego

>> No.12720452

Maybe she hides it well? I don't watch her that much. Stick around for a bit then leave since the game she plays aren't my cup of tea.
I wonder if she'll break down on stream whenever something relating to her pet's death happens. Like she plays something like Valliant's Heart: The Great War.

>> No.12720455

Is she going to have a meltdown every time someone superchats her with "SANA MY DOG DIED LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"

>> No.12720462
File: 8 KB, 291x343, 1632200269938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's going to make like 25k bare minimum purely for taking a break to mourn.

>> No.12720499 [DELETED] 

>1000 ARS donated

>> No.12720517

If she was growing at a "way faster pace" than Anya, she'd have passed her by now. Growth rate wouldn't slow just because her subs got nuked, if anything, it'd increase because the unsubbed people would just be re-subbing alongside the new subs. But she never reached Anya's level of growth, and was frankly never even on pace with it.

>> No.12720567

That's not true, anon, the next gen will be even lower on average than Council is. There'll be a few that will jump above her, but the bottom feeder of EN3 will be lower than her. The fad is dying.

>> No.12720597

I've screencapped this, just to later prove to you you're wrong.

>> No.12720659

The best guess I have is that she needed to move because the dog was not with her (i believe it was at her parents place or something). But because of covid or alien ship crash or whatever, she needed to rest in her parents for 3 weeks.
So she only have a pc to play but can't stream properly...maybe ?

>> No.12720685

you fags comparing her to anya makes me want anya sana collab so fucking much

>> No.12720719

I think >>12720416 is probably on the closest to the reason her hiatus was as long as it was; the government is still severely limiting people’s ability to travel in their own country and tying shit like allowing widespread cross-state travel to hitting vaccine thresholds.

>> No.12720802

You're gonna have to spoonfeed me on this. How does this directly affect Sana. Wouldn't she be adjusted with the pandemic by now?

>> No.12720813

deserved, she's fucking trash

>> No.12720835 [DELETED] 


>> No.12720902

She 100% knows that, at least she will never complain about numbers or "Muh hard work" because she got only herself to blame

>> No.12720949

Honestly this, though Kiara herself probably thinks it of her saviorfagging for her

>> No.12720981

Imagine bricking your career and pay for a fucking dog.

>> No.12721046
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Nah, she can make a comeback.

>> No.12721081

>Sana of all people

>> No.12721095

Where did she say this?

>> No.12721109

i made this post

>> No.12721136

In my bed when they were fucking each other

>> No.12721162
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I beleeb

>> No.12721222

Nene actually tries despite her original model debuff

>> No.12721253

the real risk is in listening to dramafags like OP, giving up is the guaranteed way to never take off. So long as Sana gets back into her grove and tries to enjoy this opportunity there will always be chances for people trying her out to stick around. Being part of Hololive means the audience is potentially there so all it takes for a big shot in viewership is to catch some of them on a good day and show your best side.

Just enjoy yourself Sana and you'll cultivate a dedicated following.

>> No.12721259

>travel over to parents place
>government on a whim goes “y’all getting another lockdown for idk 2 months if you’re on your best behavior”

Only so much mental preparation you can do in that scenario, and it’s possible at her parents place she wouldn’t have had the ability to stream if her parents worked from home and something got picked up from audio which could lead to a dox moment.

>> No.12721302

I'm not sure why people care so much since the ones who bitch about her not streaming are also the ones who hate all of council anyway. Isn't it a good thing that she isn't streaming?

>> No.12721482

Is this the part where Americans cant get over their crippling blacked ntr addiction?

>> No.12722093

>hurr my pet died better kill what could possibly be a very lucrative streaming career
She's retarded and dead in the water. Imagine wasting a huge opportunity like this.

>> No.12722256

How many live viewers does she get when she streams?

>> No.12722314

normally around 5k. With collab >10k, pretty good imo. Her SC also very good. So no need to worry about her.

>> No.12722428
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>2nd highest earning in council even with a 1 month break
lmaoing @ ur life

>> No.12722443

Fair enough

>> No.12722482

You can't just bring up facts like that! This is an anti thread and you're hurting the narrative!

>> No.12722581

Just graduate already lmao

>> No.12722641

And Hololive will learn to not pander to American twitter and to make more cute lolis instead of giant dark skinned girls.

I don't have a problem with Sana. It's unfortunate that it turned out like this for her. But Japan needs to learn one way or another that minimizing social media outrage does not make them money.

There's no excuse why Gen 2 shouldn't have had a loli after Gura's success as literally the most subbed to vtuber of all time, especially with both Mumei and Fauna having the perfect voices for it. Sana's inclusion made it obvious that they were trying to appeal to "western cultural values" with this wave, which is not what anime fans who would watch vtubers want.

>> No.12722720

top grade certified retard
I'm glad you are not working for a company or hold any decisions that have any sort of value

>> No.12722769

Where's Kronii?

>> No.12722793
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>> No.12722902
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>wouldnt BOOM BOOM the rrat
certified faggot detected

>> No.12722948

Yes, they both have the voices for it. They're both floating in the ether because there's nothing all that special about them. If one of them was a loli they would stand out much more. Mumei even plays the role especially well when she wants to.


>> No.12724909

>aaAAAaaAaa but numbers!

>> No.12724964

She got 25k subs for doing fuck all, she be fine

>> No.12725020

Looking at those spikes in the beginning it's clear that without the Susaning she'd probably be over 300k, maybe even approaching Anya by now, don't forget that that was a ridiculous debacle and she got hit like 2x harder from it for some godforsaken reason.

>> No.12725033

she's the 1st highest.

>> No.12725088

Anya-Petra-Sana collab let's gooo

>> No.12725091

if she gets a redebut buff good for her, apparantly she is one of the more entertaining ones in the generation.
else it's not like it was undeserved that she stagnates when she missed one of the more important times in her career.

>> No.12725093
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>Anons doomposting about Sana's numbers
>When she's nearly surpassing Roberu who is considered a miracle success story in Holostars.
This thread made me feel sorry for Holostars more than whatever OP was trying to achieve with this doompost / bait thread.

>> No.12725095

Yes, I remember when people unironically called Petra the Gura killer when they thought she would be -her- instead.

And while Gura killer is an unfunny meme, Petra with Mumei's voice would do things to me.

>> No.12725146

Black hole thread.

>> No.12725232

In essence yeah the people bitching about how anime characters look are not your fucking audience and 99% odds NEVER WILL BE even if you gave them exactly what they wanted. See: comic books and vidya eating shit in sales/reviews after reconfiguring to cater to twitter mobs. All they want to really do is step on something/someone to make themselves look and feel righteous about something in public - it's not about the product, it's about their stepping on people saying "this popular thing is secretly bad and evil and I'm the good guy for trying to convince you."

>> No.12725255

>Hololive not making every new chuuba a loli with a foot fetish means they’re listening to my enemy Twitter.com for business advice!
Hololive is not a company for chumbuds, brainlet. They care about their market share more than they care about subscriber counts.
Sana is doing exactly what she was intended to do: appealing to people that like her design and her personality. Hololive’s entire mission is handcrafted waifus for every palette. Including less common palettes.

>> No.12725259

Looking at how Irys got to 500k without breaking a sweat you're just playing dumb ignoring the context here. Nobody thought a new HoloEN would struggle for months to crack 200k in late 2021.

>> No.12725404

Thats more because people thought she was the 2nd gen. She debuted before council was ever announced. If she debuted at the same time as council she would definitely have as low or even lower subs than them

>> No.12725411
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Sana isn't a white woman...

>> No.12725470

Considering how badly she got handicapped by her model and her being a weird-ass single-member entry all alone, she's probably thankful she went in July and not Council because if she had swapped places she would have been the forgotten weird looking little runt on the end that came out after Council instead of catching all of the "holy shit a new HoloEN" hype for herself.

>> No.12725576

>because their dog died
Read dog as indog. Felt a mixture of feeling for a split second

>> No.12730171


>> No.12731710


>> No.12732036

>Sana's inclusion made it obvious that they were trying to appeal to "western cultural values" with this wave
Tanned anime girls is not a new concept... and you obviously don't know pako's love for massive milkers

>> No.12732228

As long as Sana is happy, I'm happy

>> No.12732586

Temma debuted in December 2019 and only reached 100k in August this year.
Sana will be fine.

>> No.12732774

its okay sana my tongue will keep your perineum busy

>> No.12732905

saviorfags will make it irrelevant, money matters more than subs

>> No.12733095

Your personality is why no one will ever love you

>> No.12733175

Making a nigtuber was always going to crash and burn.

>> No.12733214

What does momentum matter when youtube slashes your sub count in half twice?

>> No.12733394

>Pandering to "western" values with brown skin
Bad, terrible, shameful
>Pandering to nip pedophiles with cunny
Good, admirable, based

>> No.12733435

Would you watch Sana if she was a brown loli instead?

>> No.12733467

I'm so tempted to become Nene's husband.

>> No.12733469

Finally, an EN Akirose
She better not crack 500k by the time 3D debuts hit.

>> No.12733491
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I'd watch her regardless what she is

>> No.12733662

i want to fill in sana's black hole

>> No.12734561

Would have been an automatic sub.

>> No.12734738

She really hurt her growth by taking almost a month off

>> No.12734844 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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at the bottom right

>> No.12735852
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>> No.12735943

You don't process the facts correctly:
she gets more money
but that comes from fewer viewers.
i bet AntifaNaughts show up and throw cash just because she's brown.
>like they actually care past their self-aggrandizement.

>> No.12736161

>Ina and Omega being at least close
Give me something because I want to believe this rrat

>> No.12736225

Good thing she's working for an agency, not a standard employer. It costs them nothing to keep her on the roster, and firing her will cost them a hundred times that.

>> No.12736383

her sense of humor from the recent collabs was very cringy.

Halloween: worm voice and that's it
Sports festival: I will hug Risu's tail

>> No.12736428

Anon, this is Hololive. These people are employed by cover and they are actually paid a monthly salary. Now is it a high salary? No. Is it even above minimum wage? We don't know. But they do get paid

>> No.12736452

Retarded clipnigger

>> No.12736491

I highly doubt she's getting paid for days on break.

>> No.12736662

Playboard missed a ton from Fauna's monetisation stream.

>> No.12736920

I watched both EN povs live, you being this delusional makes it even more cringe

>> No.12737096

She should learn from Flare, reject blacked, embrace tanned

>> No.12737133
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>> No.12737381

I'm going to subscribe to Sana after she comes back because of these threads.

>> No.12738385

At least watch some VODs to see if you like her.

>> No.12738478

I fully expect her to come back to non stop collabs entirely pushed by management.

>> No.12738705

I haven't so far given her a chance. Even if she's the most boring vtuber on the planet I got space for some white noise in the background.

>> No.12738829

retardchama...they've been wrong about council's numbers for months. Fauna being the most egregious example

>> No.12743441

I know something else I'd like to see Sana bounce

>> No.12747891


Nene turned things around because she busted her ass and greatly improved her content.

Sana's situation is different. She clearly has a lot of promise as a streamer, but she hurt herself with a cringey debut, and weak initial content. She got a lot of superchats and clearly had the core of a fanbase to start growing and maybe pull a Nene, and I thought it might happen for her.

The problem is she crippled herself by fucking off for a month when her dog died. I get that losing a loved one is hard, but I lost my dad a few years ago and was back at work in less than a week after it happened despite how awful it was.

To be frank, Sana smells like another Ayame to me. Kronii has a similar problem. Neither seems committed to Hololive at all. I hope they wise up and start working hard so they can actually fulfill their potential and have a lucrative streaming career. It irritates the hell out of me to see that kind of potential wasted due to simple laziness.

>> No.12748265

don't care numbers are for fags

>> No.12748317
File: 45 KB, 867x156, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nijisanji is catching up to Sana.

>> No.12749983

Her growth was shit before the incident anyway so i think she just quit and accept she’s never gonna made it like her genmate
Just enjoying herself at the bottom

>> No.12751541

She needs PekoMoon moment to happen to her to bring her back to relevancy. Hope Sana is as skilled in MC as her drawing.

>> No.12751639

She's as skilled in MC as she is in drawing. But you can expect as many building MC streams as there were drawing streams from her.

>> No.12751889

Imagine joining EN but beat up by ID

Even nijinigger ID have higher sub than her
It's such a shame , getting mocked by Nijinigger ID branch

>> No.12752178

Umm she just passed NijiEN most subbed and wave 3 isn't going to be getting alot of subs anytime soon

>> No.12752736
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>> No.12752867

She literally almost got it. Have you seen ANY EN at all get personally called into VC by Pekora?

>> No.12753055
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I stand by my point that EN1 was a mistake and I'm having a blast watching council, they feel less like random cobbled together zoomers with shitty management and more like a part of the whole.
Watch Sana absolutely explode once she gets a few collabs under her belt, obvious partners to go for are Senchou and maybe Haachama, Ina can provide vital Gen5 contact to Lamy, Botan will collab with everybody and if she isn't confident in her japanese bae can and will bridge the gap.
Sanas future is bright, you are but too jaded to see it yet.

>> No.12753097

Cringey humor? In Hololive?! Impossible!

>> No.12753259


>> No.12753261

debut stream
kronii watchalong
i am bread
universe sandbox
sauna mc collab
fightcrab bae
celeste b sides

if you want background noise drawing streams or literally any endurance will do
if you like holoscopes you gonna enjoy every single one of them if not just skip (maybe besides the you are stuck on an island and classical stream ones)

>> No.12753693

I watched it live, Sana barely said anything in either collab, those were pretty much the only two times she even remotely interacted with anyone

>> No.12753920
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Forget Sana at this point, the more important one to worry about is Ina.
Ina made it a point to that this was her big friend for years and tried hard to get her into the job.

Since then, they only had one real 1 on 1 collab together, and now Sana is on an indefinite hiatus.
Even before then, Sana barely ever streamed, she was the least active member of Gen 2.
We have to realistically think about the fact that Sana just doesn't have what it takes to be a professional vtuber, at most she should just do art streams on twitch.

What I'm worried about is what will happen to Ina after a college friend of hers basically abandons her.

>> No.12754397

Japan's extreme autism about job security is justified though, as in their culture, people literally commit suicide over it. Fire someone for bullshit reasons? Good job, now his body is mangled in the middle of Chuo station and now your company has to bear the shame of making him an hero.

>> No.12754746
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Is it actually because the large hiatus she took? I'm not very impressed with Holomyth but she doesn't seem that different from anyone else otherwise.

>> No.12755139

They might even stab people on a train and set it on fire over losing a job.

>> No.12755165

To hell with Ina and Loserbait for all the nepotism hires in the Hololive. Hiring those two was the biggest mistake Cover ever made.

>> No.12755184

she's hardly "active" though

>> No.12755190

No the large hiatus only worsen her problems. She was already the lowest in her gen before it

>> No.12755395

meh it's not like every holo EN member have to be super active, Myth had to keep a brutal schedule because they were carrying the whole branch on their backs basically but it's not really the case with Council, although it does feel like all of them take it a bit too easy and not really working to their full potential Sana is a pro artist but doesn't really do much art on stream or for hololive like Ina, Fauna used to make role-play ASMR with a story in her previous life but all she did untill now was the most basic stuff and not very often either, we all know about Kronii...

>> No.12755677

Kek, i mean not with Pekora obviously and while it was cute and wholesome, that one time didin't make Pekora want to play with her in every MC streams like she did with Moona.

>> No.12755766

I just mean it was a chance and she blew it. Pekora visit EN server pretty regularly after that too and clearly interested in Sana
I want to see them together more…

>> No.12755845

Well just hope there will be another "accidental collab in MC" by the time Pekora Visit EN server again, but maybe she'll meet with Kronii instead lmao

>> No.12755908

Tbh I did made up a rrat about how Pekora purposefully adopt these low number kouhai in Minecraft to boost them. Just look at the list
All can be considered “weaker than their genmate” but slowly incline right after they interact with Pekora

>> No.12755933
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Selen will pass her soon

>> No.12755942

Lol at Anglo subhumans. Those Anglo chimps suddenly stop virtue signalling and acting like woketards the moment they are put on a non Amerimutt situation.

Anglos are such fucking hypocritical and chinky racist dumb monkeys.

>> No.12755979

I couldnt imagine being an unironic seanigger and making this thread.

>> No.12756539

Honestly, only Moona “truly” benefitted from interactions with Pekora, and that’s because viewers got invested in them. Unlike, the other three

>> No.12756575

But selen has like half the recent vod views on your own chart.

>> No.12756597

I thought the idea of Pekora leading a kouhai team is cute. Especially when she bring Baelz and Sana over to JP server, they started fighting and she stepped in to stop them

>> No.12756951

Yeah, I can’t deny that but I can’t really agree that they inclined since not much growth has happened after that stream

>> No.12757094

The absolute state of Holocouncil.

>> No.12757124

based aki enjoyer
believe in the sana

>> No.12757177

As long she ain't a numbers whore like Kiara
she should be fine, she will get 2~5k CCV and a constant barrage of superchats
just getting into holoEN is already a win, it dont matter is was auditions or nepotism
the brand is strong than the talent/model

>> No.12757311
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>What does momentum matter when youtube slashes your bot count in half twice?
FTFY, simp

>> No.12757404

she did. its not often peko wants to talk on VC with people, let alone play MC and VC together. to add, she also knows nihongo and pekorr was comfortable.
what a missed chance by Ina's diversity hire.

>> No.12757413

>only Moona “truly” benefitted
pekomoon literally shone a light into ID branch, retard

>> No.12757444

this metric is useless. does someone have a similar chart with CCV during livestreams?

>> No.12757521

took 2 weeks off + an extra 10 days couple months after i got my job. Gotta love unions

>> No.12757655

Sana's cute. I can't wait for her to return. I unironocally enjoyed her Holoscope streams.

>> No.12757656

My biggest problem with council is that outside of Fauna and Bae none of them actually seem to care about hololive. Cover definitely messed up with their scouting by going outside of their usual broken girl archtype. Every single member of Myth was "saved" by getting accepted while all of council except for Kronii are normal people who would have lived normal semi successful lives so of course they are going to lack the hard work and dedication of Myth

>> No.12757779

A beam the size of a penlight

>> No.12757955

As big as Pekora is, she is not Pew Die Pie

>> No.12758016

They don't call it the dead dog bounce for nothing.

>> No.12758179
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Anya is more than just a measurement stick.
Watch her latest free talk it's very cute.

>> No.12758288

both sana and elira deserve to succeed

>> No.12758511
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Other Holomems took hiatuses over their dead pets, even dead family members but nobody goes away for this long. She didn't really have any intention to make Sana work.

>> No.12758642

Don't care. Lower numbers will mean less attention. Less attention will mean less antis. Ayame has proven that low watchtime can still be financially viable.
I'm gonna enjoy my comfy east coast bogan hippie starsign chick.

>> No.12758663

irl face debuff

>> No.12758785


>> No.12758902

Ive said this before

En2 already under performed compared to En1 because they don't have the insane growth that myth did, diminishing returns are starting to set in, and aside from sana everybody has a niche

Big titty mommy, consistant streamer, just negative and narcissistic enough to be desirable, used Minecraft heavily
Autistic owl, infinitely clippable, every little word she says can be taken out of context and get a clipper 100k views, she isn't the consistent streamer but that doesn't matter because she has meme potential
Retard rat, the kiara of the generation, she stays relevant due to the constant grind she puts in, high energy, and the fact that she is multilingual and able to interact with jp
She leans on Minecraft like Kronii but she also does ASMR which are some of the best performing videos on her Channel, she also has a "rivalry" with Kronii and simps Mumei hard so she is tied in with the top 2 of council

Her Niche is astronomy which are by far the least successful videos on her Channel, she also has a much heavier accent than Bae so it can be difficult to understand her at times, especially if you're not a native English speaker, compound that with the tan model and she has an uphill battle

I like Sana, she is my second favorite in council behind Mumei, and has great positive energy, I honestly think that she would have done much better if she didn't take an entire month off so close to debut

Honestly, cover should have made her the camera view for the sports festival on white side instead of bae to help her return and generate traffic

>> No.12761615

ohhh nyyyo

>> No.12763356

Have you seen Baelz? She is inclining hard, I notice her growth started picking up after her interaction with Pekora and now she could be called one of the more popular one
I truly believe Pekora have some kind of divine aura that affect people who interacted with her positively

>> No.12763877

fauna's old stuff is an acquired taste, being kinda cringy at first. Her horror stuff could resonate with her current bigger audience tho, like the holloween one proved.

>> No.12765308


I think her interactions with Pekora have certainly helped, but what's helping more is that unlike a lot of the rest of Council, Bae is really busting her ass and clearly wants to succeed as a streamer. Her work ethic is similar to the chicken's, who also won me over after a "blah" first initial few months.

If Bae was similar to Sana and Kronii and never streamed, I don't think she'd be starting to pick up the gas.

>> No.12765368

Things that never happened for 500 Alex

>> No.12765415

Hmmm, u retardchama

>> No.12765958

Face it, she's never going to have to work a day in her life.
I fucking hate that these womanchildren are rich by doing nothing

>> No.12766090

In the nearly 5 years since Sora debuted, Cover hasn't retired a single person for having low numbers in any category. What makes numberfags constantly think they'll start now?

>> No.12766122

>what job allows you to take 2 weeks off as a newcomer?
A decent one that sees you as an investment rather than a replaceable cog in the wheel.

>> No.12766709

>Hololive’s entire mission is handcrafted waifus for every palette. Including less common palettes.
Now if only that would apply to the type of content they produce/vidya they play

>> No.12766724

She'll eventually pass Anya but it'll take a while

>> No.12767727

I know that. But it does feel like the encounter with Pekora unlocked something in Baelz and she started to be idk, become better?

>> No.12768203

>Mori rebroadcasting a member stream during Sana's welcome back stream
It's so obvious

>> No.12768271

They won't graduate anyone but it also means that the JP roster is permanently frozen at gen 5.

>> No.12770579

I honestly think that if she really cared about numbers she wouldn't have taken such a big break. She doesn't mind her sub count
