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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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1262943 No.1262943 [Reply] [Original]

What's the appeal of babiniku vtubers?

>> No.1262989

the thing you posted is mentally ill
babinikus are just regular entertaining dudes who know people respond to booba

>> No.1263006 [DELETED] 

the dude's getting surgery to later become a statistic.

>> No.1263049
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>> No.1263082

This. Don't slander babinikus by comparing them to Arty

>> No.1263088

Nothing wrong with a dude using a female Live2D, the problem is when they hide the fact that they're dudes.

>> No.1263089 [DELETED] 
File: 108 KB, 737x295, srs suicide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh oh

>> No.1263155 [DELETED] 

I know at least 2 that didn't. And one doesn't even call themselves a vtuber necessarily.
Auti (who got blown the fuck away from twitter)
and Xigneon.
Meanwhile troonemis over here...>>1263006

>> No.1263304 [DELETED] 

>Australian Christian Lobby
hmm yeah, sounds like a totally unbiased source, I’m sure they truly care about the wellbeing of LBGTQ+ community

>> No.1263332 [DELETED] 
File: 195 KB, 360x384, Kano shiggy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tranny shark
Sorry OP, you have it wrong.

>> No.1263351 [DELETED] 

Unbiased sources don't exist.
Pretty much all scientists, but especially ones in "social science" fields, are under all kinds of political pressure. Most studies get funded with the explicit intent to find certain results.

>> No.1263397 [DELETED] 

Suicide attempts =/= actual suicides.

>> No.1263400 [DELETED] 

Much like the LGBTQIAP+ community, where if you actually pass the hons encourage you to kill yourself for reminding them that they're hideous. You become a statistic either way then your parents use your birth name on your gravestone.

>> No.1263420

Why is (s)he hated again? I remember people were kinda hyped when (s)he debuted.

>> No.1263484

Debut was so cataclysmically boring and the content never improved

>> No.1263489 [DELETED] 

>hype is entirely built on his twitter activity
>constant "yeah I'm a hardass" kind of behavior
>another target of Domo the creepy self insert groomer
>debut arrives
>shitty setup
>nothing planned
>speaks meekly
>winds up playing mine sweeper
>all bark and no bite
>viewers drop by the thousands on debut day. Debut day! for boring
>people recognize voice is fake
>people go to his discord he's a part of
>any mention of him being a man is immediately met with "waah stop being transphobic" and immediate bans

>> No.1263564 [DELETED] 

They kill themselves because they get infections all the time after the surgery.

>> No.1263593 [DELETED] 

I fucking love McScience©!

>> No.1263615 [DELETED] 

Idk what you think my post has to do with that.

>> No.1263688
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>> No.1263758

Waste of a good avatar and I'm not talking about the voice. Their content is boring and never improved from the debut stream.

>> No.1263762

They also stole the Hololive concert and tried to cover it up by donating to the girls like it makes up for that. What a piece of fucking shit he is.

>> No.1263978 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1264037
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Oji-sans are lewd.

>> No.1264156 [DELETED] 
File: 529 KB, 1556x1021, no_value_as_a_cumdumpster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's in for a world of pain

>> No.1264192

>man pretend to be cute woman virtually
>man who try to become woman truely

Know the difference

>> No.1264294 [DELETED] 

>the only way to be unbiased is to be obsessed with worshipping the correct identity groups

>> No.1264397

Can you include his character name in the title next time so I can filter out the thread. Thanks!

>> No.1264498 [DELETED] 

Post that reddit one where their stitches broke and they just left the image up to this day.

>> No.1264578 [DELETED] 

i kinda feel sad, why do they need the fake hole anyway?

>> No.1264651 [DELETED] 

Because they are mentally weak and are easily influenced by jews, homosexuals and other trannies who coerce people at a moment of weakness into permanently destroying their bodies. I used to feel hatred for trannies. Now it's just pity.

>> No.1264696 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 230x22, 1615056476601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything you've ever wanted to (not) know about the surgery is here.
Don't say I didn't warn you.

>> No.1264898 [DELETED] 

There's one specific one someone kept posting on /a/ for a few months that I was shocked was just left up by the mentally ill person involved.

>> No.1265625 [DELETED] 

Jesus christ

>> No.1265906

Funny picture.

>> No.1266819

Is it more likely that he is getting breast implants than cutting off his dick? He comes across as the kind of tranny that wants to try and fuck lesbians with his dick.

>> No.1266966 [DELETED] 

>truly care about the wellbeing of LBGTQ+ community
Who cares. Let them kill themselves, lmao.

>> No.1267271

>Tranny learns it's place
Should have taught that lesson to other trannoids before necking itself

>> No.1274387 [DELETED] 

Even the most cursory application of critical thinking would reveal that the high suicide rates are because of social rejection. See f.e. this thread.

I'm amused at how this specific case keeps being trotted out years later, even though it's an obvious case of a low-quality surgeon and flies in the face of a real-world regret rate of less than 1%.

Not that I expect anyone on 4chan to keep up with technological progress what with all the oldfags around, but at some point people just need to move the fuck on.

>> No.1274430 [DELETED] 


"years later"
>mentions the rona

Really, anon?

>> No.1274484

xer is going to graduate IRL after the botched surgery

>> No.1274750

Alright, that's on me. The last year has felt like multiple years.

I remember seeing this when it was first posted.

I'm just wondering if people are still gonna be on the same train when they start 3D-printing vaginas. They will be.

>> No.1275204 [DELETED] 

If they had any interest in actually being the opposite gender instead of acting like spastics for attention maybe they would make actual friends instead of just bitching about being oppressed on the internet.

>> No.1275288 [DELETED] 

fuck, reading and seeing those shit makes me full anxiety

who is in the right mind would want to do that to their bodies?

>> No.1275407
File: 159 KB, 800x1132, Tranny lips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you want them to keep up the illusion or don't? I thought you guys cared about them playing the character instead of being themselves.

>> No.1275439

the vagina is a complex, highly evolved organ. cutting off your dick and gouging a pus seeping hole in your groin that you think might be a mildly pleasurable receptacle for dicks does not make it a vagina.

>> No.1275447

Based. Fuck Artemis' content. Don't rope babiniku into this.

>> No.1275928

Artemis is getting "that" surgery huh?

>> No.1276243

Knee or shoulder surgery is pretty common at that age.

>> No.1276281

God I want Artemis to stomp on me until I'm bleeding, she's so hecking cute and valid

>> No.1276287

Is that what the kids are calling it these days?

>> No.1276321

based ojisans who know what the boys like

>> No.1276367
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Babiniku or not, Itou could drain me dry.

>> No.1276374


>> No.1276405

Anyone who watches the tranny shark must hate themself.

>> No.1276416 [DELETED] 

Sometimes I wish the LGB part would just stop associating with the TQ+ part

>> No.1276429

I think he didn't specify what was the surgery of. Dunno didn't bother to read the whole thing in English

>> No.1276439 [DELETED] 

You would be surprise by how much within the LGB portion loathe all the letters afterwards and the (negative) attention they bring. So many of them just stopped being loud once they finally got marriage rights and moved along.

>> No.1276449 [DELETED] 

Me too, bud

>> No.1276463
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That is the dream, brother!

>> No.1276471

hecking cute and valid, valid the important part anon

>> No.1276618
File: 1.20 MB, 1036x1450, 6e411c100e3c5f682ed6efe034898b9e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's not to get? They are your bros, but have the bodies of hot girls.

>> No.1276774 [DELETED] 

>because of social rejection
And why do you think it started? If they could actually pass as women and function as women in some capacity, do you think normalfags would've raised a fuss?

>> No.1276802
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Literally can't get more perfect.

>> No.1281450
File: 87 KB, 900x900, ol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>babi niku
>en tuber
>picks one that still sounds like a man
at least pick one that can help u cum instead anon-chama..

>> No.1288601

ok tranny

>> No.1289042

I like Itou Life.
I'm sorry to hear that Artemis is undergoing willful genital mutilation. I hope they can learn to live with the consequences.
Please use a more relevant OP image next time.

>> No.1291161 [DELETED] 

They do. Lesbians especially hate trannies for destroying every online forum. They swarm everywhere, try to force real lesbians to accept them, spam "girldick" memes and they can't do anything about it because troons will always infiltrate the administration and the ban real gay women for complaining about the situation and saying they don't like penis.

>> No.1291247

The debut was a massive shit show that signed the death warrant for West Indies

>> No.1291383 [DELETED] 

transbian are the worst tranny

>> No.1291403 [DELETED] 

Isn't transbian just straight with extra steps?

>> No.1291448 [DELETED] 

Yes, some of them think by cutting their dick they'll get their lesbian romance dream

>> No.1292446 [DELETED] 

>"""""critical thinking""""""
>but it's just a bunch of vague innuendo about how everyone's a big meanie for no reason >:(

>> No.1294080

I can't speak japanese, does he have any countdown or particularly lewd ASMR?

>> No.1294782
File: 41 KB, 555x556, 1614955626610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Babiniku vtubers seem to work well if they character is less humanoid or Loli, for example;
clearly all have manly voices and aren't pretending to be girls, but are entertaining to watch despite that.
If it's a big titty waifu model it just hardwalls me off watching them (That SeanVR guy really puts me off).

>> No.1294882

Is babiniku female avatar but male VA?

>> No.1295709

Yes. If they sound or pretend to be female it's not babiniku.

>> No.1296379


>> No.1296394 [DELETED] 
File: 158 KB, 1080x1080, Toonme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>European hour
>Trannyposts on Sharttemis thread started missing one by one
I see you janny

>> No.1296467

Based janny

>> No.1296559 [DELETED] 

Go look at their account now, you can see the healed surgery looks fine, but they hate it and all the other people who speak to this person who got this surgery regret it too.

>> No.1296774 [DELETED] 
File: 348 KB, 529x637, Kenzokujak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>03/07/21(Sun)14:09:49 No.1296467
> >1296394 #
> Based janny

>> No.1297867 [DELETED] 

>2 hour ago
306 post
251 post

>> No.1299762

Mainly because of westerners picking up on this hobby and starting to become vtubers themselves to milk it. Artemis is just one of many examples.

>> No.1300115

This. Honestly, it's just like this one anon on here said before. They crave attention so much that they start "joining" the communities of various hobbies just to alter it to get "representation". I really think that most people wouldn't hold such a dislike for them if they just acted like decent human beings and stopped trying to seek validation and representation in fiction and just enjoyed these hobbies like the rest. It really isn't fun having something you enjoy get twisted to fit an agenda.

>> No.1300130 [DELETED] 

artemis is a dude?

>> No.1300830
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>> No.1310607
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