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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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1254454 No.1254454 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for the cutest reaper rapper of the underworld, Mori Calliope, and the members of her extended universe. Let's wind up after the brawl and look forward for a comfy chatting stream!

>> No.1254463
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I want out of this 'a break is coming' timeloop

>> No.1254469 [DELETED] 

So any richbeats gonna allude to the tour, or anything good going?

>> No.1254476 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.1254477


>> No.1254485

Why are deadbeats like this?

>> No.1254493
File: 3.73 MB, 2100x2100, EvkbDfkVkAAS1Sx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not a break, fellow deadbeat. tour dates are spread out and they're not island-hopping. So most venues can be travelled to by train.

>> No.1254498

Deadbeats and Mori have mutual love for each other and share the same interests and I like to imagine them being an in-universe couple if we take only the good parts of them as a whole.

>> No.1254507

i mean subtly ask her if she's excited about things.

>> No.1254511
File: 102 KB, 922x756, F274C2E7-3F67-4FB1-8E97-63447054C982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m bias cause I like fighting games but that was my favorite stream of hers probably. Loved the gushing over the characters

>> No.1254513
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I've got Mori's ass on my mind, sue me.

>> No.1254522

If you know that it's going on, you know she's excited at the source. There's no point in bringing it up where dots can be connected.

>> No.1254530

>Are you gonna akasupa her about her roommate?!
You are fucking retarded. This is why normalizing any roommate discussion here is a bad idea, because it attracts people like you. Genuinely off yourself, please.

>> No.1254540

no, I mean her going 'sorry, I'm busy with X, but a break is coming soon' but then the break never comes

>> No.1254550

Seeing her call I-no her wife and chat going "What about Kiara!?" is hilarious and shows her obnoxious they are. Thanks Mori for also subtly call your chat stupid

>> No.1254551

kill yourself, you're not only poor but also stupid so the former won't get better

>> No.1254553

>So most venues can be travelled to by train.
I think this is what most Americans don't get because their travel infrastructure is shit. Retards don't know that you get just about anywhere in Japan on a bullet train.

>> No.1254569 [DELETED] 

keep crying, retard. If twitter already knows the connection, I'm pretty sure someone will allude to it that's not from here.

This isn't idolshit so stop being a fucking gatekeeper of forbidden knowledge.

>> No.1254586

I think you fail to appreciate just how big the US is, anon. It's a full day of traveling by air just to go from the middle of the country to the coast.

>> No.1254593

God, poor people really are disgusting creatures.

>> No.1254603

Yes, and Americans should get a fucking sense of scale. This is their issue, not everyone else's.

>> No.1254605

She even says to keep the two separate from each other, dumbass.

>> No.1254653

>Thanks Mori for also subtly call your chat stupid
Best part of the stream honestly.

>> No.1254667

The dual strategy makes the most sense really. If any single persona goes down for whatever reason, she has the other to fall back on while still getting fans that cross paths with each other.

>> No.1254713

It's not some exit strategy or back-up plan, and painting it as such is little better than the stupid "she doesn't care about Hololive!" time loop. She does both because she doesn't want to leave either side's fans hanging. You'd think people would take her trying to juggle both as a sign of dedication to her fans and not wanting to flake on them but I guess not.

>> No.1254754

>exit strategy
>dedication to her fans
Why not both? The former isn't necessarily some dirty word. I see it as praise for being smart if anything.

>> No.1254775

but we know she's not smart so what's the point of bringing it up

>> No.1254778

Chat reflects streamer. She wants a smarter chat, act smarter herself.

>> No.1254782

What was mori gonna say about raven...? Does she know he’s an actual M? She really is horny for all the characters

>> No.1254790
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>some idiot in the general is having a spergout because of /morig/

>> No.1254812

>some idiot in the general
blue sky, bear woods, mori love, these are all obvious things

>> No.1254818

That's the negative spin people put on it true, but the way I see it she gets to make the music she wants through different avenues. I think if people are truly her fans, they also need to accept that she can't always talk directly to you through streams. Support the art first and foremost.

>> No.1254834

If Mori wants to have two personas then I can do nothing but have faith she can do them both and respect the lines she's drawn. If she never mentions the other I can only do the same as well.

>> No.1254843

Watching /hlgg/ complain about shit threads after this entire night is hilarious. Not a single good /hlgg/ since the Gura/Anya collab ended.

>> No.1254864

So when’s the just chatting stream now

>> No.1254866

He's right that this thread needs to fucking cool it with the endless roommate posting, though.

>> No.1254880

He ain't wrong though. The sheer self-importance of some anons here has bothered me for a while now.

>> No.1254882

I wonder who actually started the "can't discuss DD's music" when most of Mori's songs clap back to them.

Roommate discussion should only be reserved for the art and DD's songs are the only thing that should be discussed unironically at bare minimum.

>> No.1254895

Four hours and eight minutes, if the schedule doesn't lie

>> No.1254901

DD can be discussed on /mu/, likewise with Mori really if you want to discuss the music angle
but as far as vtuber discussion goes the thread should be Mori centered

>> No.1254902

It only picked up cause of the obvious news. It’ll go back to being just minimal roommate posting

>> No.1254916

I just fucking hate the obvious creeps here trying to larp some kind of SoL romance life with her image

>> No.1254917

Karrot's personal life should be off-limits, but her Music? This is like discussing Kareem Abdul Jabbar without including his play on Miluwakee as Lou Alcindor.

>> No.1254934

It's also blatantly against the board's rules.

>> No.1254938

>the others don't have music discussion, so I want it to be the same with the others.

This is you, anon.

>> No.1254944

Go somewhere else then.

>> No.1254950

Oh, man, you better stay out of vtuber threads then.

>> No.1254956

Didn't she say it would be closer to midnight JST?

>> No.1254970

You're correct, but let's not conflate talking about music to talking about personal life.

>> No.1254972

try reddit or some discord fan server, they're more your speed

>> No.1254986

>Suisei's music can be discussed
>some sperg makes up rules against Mori's music because it can't help him go against DD music discussion.

>> No.1254991

As Mori? Yeah, no, you have to deal with it. At least I respect them for not involving any roommate shit and just want to write out their fantasies

>> No.1255005

Any Guiltygearbeats wanna make practice lobbies a thing?

>> No.1255016

Whoops, my timezone reps. Yeah, should be five hours and thirty two minutes from now.

>> No.1255020

nah, that's just staying on topic with the board, discussing Mori music in here is fine since it's music made by a vtuber, but DD's music isn't
now both can be debated on /mu/ since it doesn't care if it was made by a vtuber or not
if you want to post that shit at least do what Polka anon did and make clips/soundposts with Mori with the song linked and stop on that

>> No.1255042

are you retarded? he's just saying to limit it to the discussion of Mori's music
no one is discussing Suisei's non-vtuber shit, people don't even know if there is any, but it wouldn't be an on-topic subject on /vt/ anyway

>> No.1255056

So it's still the Lou Alcindor/Kareem Paradox.

Songs that DD made are relevant to discussion because of clapbacks made by Mori's songs.

Don't be coy and play blind regarding the connections.

>> No.1255075

I would but I'm trash at GG and I can only play at weird hours.

>> No.1255077

You can't limit art, anon. Discussion of Art cannot be limited because the art itself connects back to the source.

You can't ignore the different call-backs to older material.

>> No.1255080

I don't think people would mind if people discussed DD's music solely in the context of comparing it to Mori's current output, but that's clearly not the case in these threads, especially lately.

>> No.1255100
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I didn't know mountaintop-posting was barred here.

>> No.1255121

>noooooooooo you cannot focus discussion on part of an artist's content to stay on topic
you people sound like you have zero control of your lives or impulses, there's enough connection in her songs as Mori to her current situation that you can still discuss them fruitfully without encroaching on other shit, you instead let minor references dominate the entirety of what she's trying to say

>> No.1255138
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>this shit again
You guys bored me. Off with your heads.

>> No.1255143

the mountaintop reference changes the perspective of OTWH, though.

>> No.1255154

Mori unironically sounds like Marceline, not PB though.

>> No.1255161

no it really doesn't if you actually listen/watch Mori at all

>> No.1255192

>rebuttal is literally no u.
Kek, as usual.

>> No.1255206

at least admit to not knowing about DD's songs at all so that we'll understand why you deride Protobeats.

>> No.1255207

It's a pretty hardcore reference, fucko

>> No.1255219

I also really don't get how a lot of people end up with the Mori-PB connection, when she's clearly Marceline

>> No.1255235

the rebuttal is that you just need to pay fucking attention and it's enough to enjoy Mori as her own person, without having what she said 'then' completely overshadow the current point she's trying to make like you faggots are doing

you are being almost as bad as the dudes that go 'noooo, she's faking it because she shat on idol culture in the past' - completely obscuring what she's doing and saying currently by focusing on past references

>> No.1255240

it's the pink hair. Though if you put her in a more AT style, she'd look like the perfect bubbline lovechild, with certain Flame princess quirks.

>> No.1255251 [DELETED] 

>admits to knowing nothing about DD.
KEK you can't make this shit up. Jealousfag is Jealous.

>> No.1255261

>yet again trying to make it about DD
>on a Mori thread
>on a board about vtubers
if you really don't see the point where you become a fucking cretin then there's no helping it

>> No.1255263

This isn't a DD thread, and DD isn't even a vtuber. Go somewhere else.

>> No.1255266

I feel pretty bad for Monopoly Mammon. She's probably worried that some schizobeat will ruin the whole tour for her or her rapper senpais by doing something inconceivably autistic

>> No.1255271
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>keeps gatekeeping people
>gets gatekeep'd

>> No.1255287
File: 156 KB, 1199x1200, e3ff43ff7b9dfb844ca251e9c3e4001f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I could murder every single one of you, I would. I wouldn't even do it for Mori, just myself. I wouldn't give it a second thought, just *pop* and you're dead.

>> No.1255290

tickets already sold out, and you're severely underestimating Fake Type's popularity.

>> No.1255315
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I'd be more worried for the Hatter. He proabably knows he's being watched after the sissy move he made.

>> No.1255336


>> No.1255346


>> No.1255361
File: 291 KB, 375x523, Calliope Your Mori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 blank aka flood.
How long before this happens?

>> No.1255404

Let's just change the subject. What are some of your hopes for today's announcement? I'm feeling like a Misao permissions announcement and a JP collab, no matter how unlikely that sounds

>> No.1255410

manlet had his chance. No matter how much he sings about the fact that he has no balls, they will never grow back

>> No.1255415

Payday 2 FULL EN

>> No.1255420

There's an announcement tonight?

>> No.1255427

Are you in NA? GG netcode is hot trash but I'm willing to struggle through it if it's playable.

>> No.1255436

Is there an announcement?

>> No.1255453

She didn't say anything about doing one, anon is just wishful thinking

>> No.1255455

Is that why they delayed it? I thought they were going with rollback a while back, but it can be shittily implemented like with SF5.

>> No.1255513

The in-fight netcode for the upcoming game is really good (seems to be considered the best fighting game netcode) but Xrd still has delay based. It's apparently a massive pain to work it back in (Mortal Kombat 10's devs went back and added it into a formerly delay based game and they said it was really hard) unless the game is old enough that you can essentially just run an emulator and clone instances of the game.
They delayed it because lobbies are atrocious and glitchy, there were some in game bugs, and the servers had issues with the large # of players.

>> No.1255521

I just want out of this time loop...

>> No.1255541

don't worry anon, that tour isn't going to eat out anything. If anything, the actual march vacation might be a bigger concern.

>> No.1255558
File: 969 KB, 1013x1433, EsMdR9CUwAA4CcH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You people are acting like some real dumb fucking retards tonight so here's one clip of Mori being cute from the stream before I go do literally anything else https://streamable.com/o3h9t2

>> No.1255578

basically, netcode is really hard to retrofit because the way rollback works necessitates modifying how the game's 'physics' are calculated in their entirety
with delay based, your actions are rendered pretty much as soon as the calculations are being executed, but with rollback you need to be able revert the calcs, redo them and then go back to rendering what's on screen to account for changes

>> No.1255588
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So Mori is truly planning on beating Omori in one sitting. I just love this stubborn dork

>> No.1255614

she still has how many? 12 hours minimum?

>> No.1255617

I'm not familiar with the game but how much longer does she need to go?

>> No.1255630

She's only like halfway through (if that), right?

>> No.1255742
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Even me?

>> No.1255765

>(Not the first post from this ID)
Yes. Because you could be one of them and I don't know.

>> No.1255774

But thanks for clip mori cute

>> No.1255784

This is why Mori constantly tells people not to kill themselves to see her, she knows her fans have some full on schizos who would do that and worse.

>> No.1255788

4h50m, to be precise.

>> No.1255799

Yes, so it's gonna be a long ride.

>> No.1255845

But I wanna kill the schizos.

>> No.1255858
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Let's see.
How'd I do?

>> No.1255886
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Never mind, you're cool. Unless you just picked the good posts, in that case you're smart too.

>> No.1255893

>hasn't even beaten Sweetheard
Not even that.
Yeah, that was hella cute. Saved.

>> No.1255896
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I'm starting to see more similarities between Mori and Marine/Flare style of streaming/talking and it only makes me miss what we could have more
we got a flash of some longform gaming streams in January and some longer chatting streams in the T3 member ones, but MariFure have them pretty much every week

>> No.1255901

>Mori moves to an entirely different country just to meet her oshi
>but I'm the creepy one because I post harmless messages on /vt/
yeah okay faggot, if Mori had been born a man he would've been a news headline already

>> No.1255908

Fucking hell, I told myself I shouldn't donate today.

>> No.1255912

I fucking miss Mori karaoke

>> No.1255922

First mistake is assuming men and women are the same or should even be judged by the same standards anon. Equality is feminism for faggots.

>> No.1255926
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please don't be a blank aka retard and ask our boy for a karaoke with Suisei

>> No.1255936

>putting pressure on Mori to collab
Can you not? This is why I hate Cometfags.

>> No.1255963

that girl is completely paralyzed by senpai-kohai autism, the one thing that can help her get over it is some actual display of fan support to the idea
the fact that paypigs keep tossing cash in support of her isolation/limit her to Takamori bs is a pretty awful state of things

>> No.1255964

>outing myself as HEREbeat
I'd rather not. That, and you know how she reacts when people pester her to do something.

>> No.1256007

I'm assuming shit was about the tour?

>> No.1256015

I want to have children with Calliope Mori.
I want to give her multiple sons and one daughter

>> No.1256016

i'd be down but i'm southeast us

>> No.1256029

Nah but I do suggest not being specific about what collab they should do and let them both decide. She wants to collab but she's lacking confidence. Just listen to her talking about collabing with suisei during the T2 stream you will notice how shy she gets for even suggesting it. At most, just casually ask how's things progressing with suisei and if there's any plans for a collab with her

>> No.1256046

You have twice the amount of personas you can love and appreciate anon, that's how I view it

>> No.1256056

I know, right? Where is my Rap God karaoke?

>> No.1256081

Has Mori ever outright stated she thinks of herself as a weak singer outside of her talent for rapping?

>> No.1256088

almost all the time

>> No.1256107

She mentioned she wasn't confident in her singing because someone in her past told her to stick with rapping

>> No.1256115

anonymous HATE

>> No.1256187

Here's Mori talking about being Suisei's oshi.
In my rrat I believe that Mori has trouble talking with girls but much easier talking with guys which I have seen girls like this before in high school but that's just me. I sincerely wish she can collab with Suisei or any JP honestly but until then, I hope deadbeats can help give her the drive for her to do so without sounding to forceful on her.

>> No.1256247

If you retards are done timelooping yourselves yet again, or need background music while you do so, Luci is singing in 5 minutes.


>> No.1256255

I kinda wish Mori toned down a bit of gaming streams since it really requires a ton of effort, especially for the amount of work she has on her plate. She'd be really great as a zatsudan-focused streamer and I think that could also be her niche. But I think in her mind she thinks that we watch holos for the games they play and not for their personality. Look at how much clips, views, and translations her QnA stream got.

>> No.1256273

agh, Yuki is streaming too... you bitches make it so hard by all streaming in same window...

>> No.1256307

Well shit.
That BGM sure sounds familiar though https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8nGig78lNs

>> No.1256461

Yeah but then she'd have to talk to chat.

>> No.1256546

To play devil's heh advocate, they were right. She's an acceptable singer, but certainly not good enough to go pro on the merits of it. Meanwhile she is a very good rapper, even just talking about the technical side of the performance and disregarding her lyrical wordplay. She's good enough she can handle an anime OP or other easy songs, but she's not on the level of the best singers in Hololive and only one of them was good enough to have any sort of musical career before streaming.

>> No.1256600

there is untapped power once she gets good with singing and couple it with her rap

>> No.1256607

And this is why she's doing her singing reps, to get better at it, bc there's obviously room for that. Still, she could been better at it sooner if not for that dickhead's discouragement.

>> No.1256674

I wonder how happy she must've felt over the positive comments she received way back when she covered Sakura Days and Dear Rainy Days

>> No.1256733

There is an upper limit to singing ability where hard work and reps won't get you any further and you need to have been blessed. While I'll happily be surprised, I have the feeling that her ceiling is going to be far lower then what would be needed to be the powerhouse she is rapping.

To be fair, most popular songs are also not particularly hard to sing, so it's not as if it would have been impossible for her to see success if she'd focused on singing instead, but even pop artists like PatD!, who's songs aren't that challenging, are still far better then she is or is likely to be for a long time if ever.

>> No.1256760


>> No.1256849

She has already proved at the karaokes and with that one roommate cover that her range is actually pretty wide and is capable of hitting those high notes, the problem is which she herself also admitted is, that at times, she can be all over the place. If those aren't enough for you, then yeah, I guess our expectations and results that we are happy with are different.

>> No.1256885

If she really makes this a rule again, I'm going to scream greedy bitch. The initial assumption was she made it a rule because she didn't think it would cause people to spam it.

>> No.1256984

I don't recall her attempting anything with a high note nor a particularly wide range live except Lion which she couldn't handle that well, and a produced song doesn't mean a whole lot with how much audio engineering magic can be thrown at it. She does better when she starts songs off in a lower octave which suits her ability to go low as well as somewhat high, but whoever told her to focus on her rapping was 100% right even if they could have worded it to not destroy her confidence.

>> No.1257009

I thought about it and it bother me less, the people who have something to say won't waste their money, those who just wanna paypig will just fund the stream early before she just locks the game again, kills the chat spam and transfers into a zatsudan in a good mood and slightly tipsy

>> No.1257207

So what ever happened to the guy that said he wished he could do more than donate?

>> No.1257217

Saw him aka not so long ago.

>> No.1257245

pretty sure they just hang around their creepo discord and have similar convos to here

>> No.1257593 [DELETED] 
File: 145 KB, 749x1080, EvsXaGKVkAIIhi6.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this bitch ever wash her hair?

>> No.1257645

What's his name again? I remember that he donates in Romanian currency, we might see him later.

>> No.1257806

Anyone else optimistic for a new outfit announcement next week (6 month anniversary)?

>> No.1257843

>Clero posting about his desire for many sons independent of here
I'm both disgusted and amused

>> No.1257857

>whoever told her to focus on her rapping was 100% right
Just straight up NO on this (and I don't need any more (You)s from you).

>> No.1257901

No, cause 1)things.txt and 2) I honestly can't see how they can improve on the current one aside from removable cloak and glasses, and maybe white color scheme.

>> No.1257936

Doesnt his circle depict him as Mori's dad and dadbeats as his grandchildren? Has that changed?

>> No.1257997

I have no clue what goes on in there, I just find the idea of her more well-known and shameless fans potentially having degenerate convos on Discord hilarious.

>> No.1258032

I remember she said her schedule is still packed so she'd prolly do karaoke in april

lets just wait Coz our reaper is really busy these days

>> No.1258050

Stream source and timestap please dude? i really wanna know

>> No.1258076

She said her aunt or family member she should stick to rapping coz she bad at singing something along those lines

>> No.1258161

She's trying new things to give out quality content like she said so she'll prolly keep on doing that coz maybe thats what people want is maybe what shes thinking

>> No.1258190

That dickhead is her family member haha which kinda struck to her coz her family member genuinely thought she bad at singing thats why she lost confidence in it, but she been singing lately lets just encourage her more

>> No.1258232

Upon what do you base your “feeling” of a low ceiling?

>> No.1258244

But that's Rushia

>> No.1258259

look up the comments Ollie had about their collab during a minecraft stream of hers

>> No.1258396

She looks like she would love to make friends with any of the girls and try to fit them in her schedules the best she can but I don't know what sort of trauma she has that makes her so difficult to open up to them and even accidentally calling Reine her senpai

>> No.1258399

It's a shame really, she can be extremely charismatic when she speaks, and I love listening to her talk. Sometimes I rewatch a couple of her zatsudans. I wish when EN2 arrives or maybe with her genmates, they can form a small group and create a podcast show or something like that.

>> No.1258523

The biggest thing is that she has shown no inclinations of not being fairly limited in range. The one time she's attempted to go high, as far as I can remember was https://youtu.be/I8M4BvdxOVY?t=1314, and she clearly couldn't. Maybe she'd have done better if this wasn't 50 minutes into a set, but that's hardly an excuse when you have AZKi doing multi-hour performances of her songs without a significant dropoff.

Her voice is very pleasant, and while she has said as much about not knowing singing techniques such as vibrato, she's normally able to hit the notes well enough that she doesn't need to use that tool to 'cheat' by wavering around the perfect pitch, but that's because she mainly sings songs that have a very limited range. She has amazing lung capacity and sense of rhythm from doing all her rapping reps, but we also haven't heard her do anything like sliding from one note to the next, which is part practice but part how smoothly your voice will respond to it. Instead, she has a clear break between each note even if it's within the same word, if you listen back to earlier in the Lion performance. Kiara's chicken voice is a significant limiter, but she's still able to slide from note to note. That might be more of something that Mori is just not practiced at all since she's used to spitting verses where pronunciation is more important, but we'll see. I'd love to hear her try a song with a wider range where she starts lower but until she does, I can only speculate.

Keep in mind that low is relative as well. She's an acceptable to good singer, and far better then the average Japanese idol and a decent chunk of the Holos. However, she's just that much better of a rapper that it would be a waste for her to dedicate all of her music production to something she's merely good at instead of the stellar raps.

>> No.1258669

she's very much affected by the comments of her not belonging into Hololive (and most likely the comments about 'selling out' coming from the indie side), so I'm not particularly surprised about her having a sense of distance

>> No.1258690

Thanks for the detailed answer, wasn’t expecting that. It seems that you want Mori to focus towards maximizing the output of her greatest strength, rapping. I can respect that opinion, because it means more songs in the style you like. But I am greatly enjoying her getting more confident in singing as well. I wonder if she’d ever look into a vocal coach in the future

>> No.1258691

Just got back from uni,when did Mori push the stream by an hour? Last I checked was 5 hours ago

>> No.1258739

It’s just 15min later anon, and she said at the end of the Guilty Gear stream she was thinking of pushing it to midnight her time which she did

>> No.1258744

she talked during the GG stream that she might need to push it, but I think it was only 15 minutes to the round hour mark
youtube would count that as full hour

>> No.1258767

It was always at 10 EST, anonchama

>> No.1258792

Huh? Who the fuck would comment that? Everything she does is basically what most livers do, make music, provide covers, do talk streams, play games, market themselves to greater heights. Are EOPs really that fucking stupid?

>> No.1258856

>it would be a waste for her to dedicate all of her music production to something she's merely good at instead of the stellar raps
You do realize, that she can do both, right? And no, it wouldn't be a waste. You're basically the same as that one relative and if Mori wouldn't have taken the risky choices and followed what she truly wanted to do despite all the hardships, then we wouldn't have her now. She wants to try singing and be better at it, so maybe try cheering on for her? She already has enough self-doubt as is.

>> No.1258891

Also, in addition to this, is the not belonging to Hololive uttered by those T2 faggots? God I fucking hate you faggots so much.

>> No.1258897

It's up

>> No.1258918

>Will it rain; I wonder?

Do you guys think she's going to cry in this one? The 2nd Omori stream was such a rollercoaster of different emotions while the third one was pretty slow.

>> No.1258924

I highly doubt this, so gonna need some proof anon

>> No.1258952

She’s definitely trying for the end then? Strap in for a marathon stream

>> No.1258988

As actual crying, I don't think so, she said she hasn't cried since quite a long time. But definitely expecting some sniffing

>> No.1258997

My bad then, guess I just didn't pay attention to the initial scheduling. Also, I didn't watch the GG stream so I have no idea what she said

>> No.1259000

it was mostly on the basis of her having no former relation/knowledge of Hololive, her being vocally against idol-culture in the past, not really participating or paying much attention to bigger events etc.
reasonable people understood how limited her time was and how split her attention is to deal with current pace, but reasonable people aren't the majority of comments/live reactions
as for that, the only repeated comments on T2 was her letting SCs ruin her flow and asking her not to fight management too hard on the Charlie thing (it just made her look bad in the long run if she chose to push harder/conflicted with management over something fairly inconsequential)

>> No.1259026

I think she'll realize by 5-6th hour in and be like 'Chat... how much of the game is left since I'm not sure we can do this' and then probably wrap up the stream for a part 2

>> No.1259065

You know you can be critical and not hate everything, right? She's a big girl who has said multiple times that she's happy to get real, honest feedback. If you want me to express only unending praise for her despite singing not being her biggest strength, might I suggest Reddit or Discord?

>> No.1259146

I didn't say that you only can praise her, but it seemed you already decided that even just trying for singing parallel her rapping would be a waste of time which isn't true.

>> No.1259164

I still love them

>> No.1259174

I just hope she doesn't make an appointment (relatively) soon after the start of the stream like with Crash. I can see her pushing through to the end, however long the game is

>> No.1259194

>she isn't very good at raping
>be a young japanese student
>our english teacher is a foreigner
>she's 10/10 smoking hot but incredibly cringey trying to be relatable and hip with us
>feel bad for her since shes hard working and just trying to make learning fun, but the students tease her a lot
>read online that in the west it's normal to give your teacher a red apple as a sign of gratitude
>sneak into her classroom before anyone else is in
>put a red apple on her desk
>"Yo little guy is that a red apple?! Yooo shout out to my man over here anon for the FAT aka apple!"
>heart jumps out of my chest, fall over in surprise and fear
>my teacher is suddenly at the door, which i could've sworn i had closed
>"Can't thank you enough, dude, this is totally 'poggers' as they say."
>what is she fucking talking about
>i want to leave but she's blocking the only exit
>"Let 'your boy' give you a thank you toot man!"
>a what
>"Big ups to anon-chan over here!!"
>she walks up to me
>she's incredibly fast, covers the distance in seconds
>i'm cornered
>one of her hands pins down both my wrists, the other starts pulling up my uniform shirt
>i'm scared and confused so i start crying
>"It's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine..."
>i don't know if she's talking to me or herself
>she starts fondling my chest and kissing my neck
>can't help but moan, even if i know it's wrong
>"That moan was 'hountou sekushi' my guy!"
>pray that someone walks in and stops her
>she drops to her knees and starts fiddling with my pants
>pulls them down, i feel so ashamed at how hard i am
>she pulls out a recorder from her skirt and plays a painful note on it
>i'm pretty sure that's school property
>puts the end of the recorder on the tip of my dick
>"Thank you! toot
>cum instantly

>> No.1259217

Mori "symbol of femininity, maternity, and appreciator of life" Calliope needs a child

>> No.1259253

I love her so much.

>> No.1259264

Or I actually enjoy her work and want her to put her best foot forward? I'll happily kneel if she manages to improve past what she's shown is possible, but at the same time, I'm not gonna tell say she's a god at singing when she's not and might never be. I will be disappointed if she decided to drop rapping and focus solely on singing, even if she had the voice of Idna Mendzel because she clearly has a passion for rap and I enjoy her unique sound.

>> No.1259273

Yeh, she must have had bad experiences in childhood

>> No.1259305

How is she supposed to improve at singing to wow you if she never even is allowed to try? It's not like she started off rapping at her current level either, it takes time and practice. If she mentioned dropping rapping I could understand the concern, but the EP is going to have both.

>> No.1259337

Yeh i feel like she can be confident sometimes when she streams but when she talk too much about personal stuff and collabs or her singing/music she gets a little conscious and contemplate her words

>> No.1259338

Didn’t she only start rapping a few years ago? You may be selling her drive and desire to improve short

>> No.1259343

She likes experimenting with music and won't drop either singing or rapping. So that should be the end of that.

>> No.1259352

Again: why are you thinking she has to choose between rapping and singing? She can do both and it's clear that that's what she wants to.

>> No.1259368 [DELETED] 

I mean she was honest bout it and try to not sugar coat her words which is i admire how she can be straight forward, Why they gotta be so sensitive about it people do that all the time though,

>> No.1259372

I think that's why I liked the Korone and Gura streams so much. A breath of fresh air in the collab field

>> No.1259386

Maybe one day I'll live to finally see Calli collab with Comet and Polka...

>> No.1259405

At least she was honest bout it and try not to sugar coat her words, Whats to hate about that i mean we literally do that too everytime, they acting like vtubers aint a normal person

>> No.1259421

Sure, blame the child (assuming you're talking about the relative). There's a difference between being a douchebag and being honest. When a child wants to do something, bc that's what they like, your only job as a parent or relative is to support her as much as you can.

>> No.1259423

If they invited her she would prollys accept so there's definitely hope

>> No.1259447

Are you tripping man, or what's up with your replies?

>> No.1259493
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>> No.1259760

soft voice zatsudan
Oh yeah

>> No.1259763
File: 912 KB, 1920x1080, Dork Mouth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the cute lower pitched sleepy reaper voice

>> No.1259764

oh god it's her hot voice

>> No.1259789

>despite what many people in chat may say, I'm not your parental figure


>> No.1259847
File: 474 KB, 424x320, damage report.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Continue until no one says "dad"

>> No.1259861

>supa from SomeShiftyJew
Bets on whether she's gonna read this one?

>> No.1259863

nice. 'dad' isn't in the rule either. Did she read that comment about being an idol and not a parental figure?

>> No.1259882

Anyone else worried mori might be an alcoholic. Like have an actual addiction to it. I’m worried she’s going to get pancreatitis.

>> No.1259902

Eh, overwork'll kill her faster anyway

>> No.1259912

she's not gonna live long enough for this to be an issue

>> No.1259915

>post dumb meme in chat
>it scrolls by on the stream
>"that's a good one"
better be mine

>> No.1259916

no. lamy is much more serious

>> No.1259919

Timeloop time again: she mostly only drinks alcohol during these streams

>> No.1259920

She'd die, were all gonna die if that was the rule

>> No.1259927

>this isn't gonna become Deadbeats Anonymous
Well there's your answer

>> No.1259932

Literally do your reps. She talked about this months ago shortly after her debut because her irl friends were worried she had too many drinking streams. people also assumed that every time she was taking a drink in them she was doing a full shot or glass, when she was just taking sips.

>> No.1259936

Nah just have bad vision, and maybe my browser lagging

>> No.1259963

I love hearing this girl laugh. Her happiness heals my soul.....

>> No.1259969

I like how Calli actually reads chat during a stream instead of waiting for superchats. Makes me feel like it's worth showing up live

>> No.1259971

Nah she aint alcoholic she just drinks to make fatigue go away for a while so she can work the next day

>> No.1259991

Anon, she's the "live fast, die young" type of people. She doesnt care about the negatives of alcohol. Plus she doesn't drink that much to be considered an alcoholic.

>> No.1259992

Cat maid calli is making me diamonds for some reason.

>> No.1259995

>drinks everytime someone mentions Kiara

>> No.1260011

>still calling the symbol of femininity and maternity dad
tsk tsk.

>> No.1260012
File: 78 KB, 987x515, darth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is his weirdest one yet

>> No.1260013
File: 23 KB, 840x159, Screenshot_20210306-101851_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are deadbeats like this?

>> No.1260054
File: 10 KB, 199x55, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you call the suicide hotline for someone else?

>> No.1260060

is whatever.

>> No.1260066


>> No.1260090

Wtf is the old spice thing I haven't done my archive reps

>> No.1260099

So you can't use JP in chat? That doesn't make sense.

>> No.1260103

she mentioned she used it before during the gura collab

>> No.1260113

She used to wear old spice a long time ago when gura brought up about deodorants

>> No.1260117

it means she was drinking whenever she saw JP in chat
which was not a good choice for a rule

>> No.1260144

>doesn't help the 'father' narrative
She's getting tired, huh.

>> No.1260149

Is that literally it

Maybe I'm a schizo but it seems like it's come up a few times

>> No.1260153

Can't stand that shit it gives me an headache.

>> No.1260162

Chat really wants her to talk about kiara or something?

>> No.1260183

She is in the chat

>> No.1260193

God I wanna hug her so fucking bad man. Hearing her sad is fucking rough.

>> No.1260200

kiara showed up to say "talk to you when you need me" when calli said she was a bit sad

>> No.1260202
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>> No.1260206

Damn she be having a hard time, she was tryna hard not to cry when kiara said "talk to me everytime"

>> No.1260227

>has to go on youtube to tell her that

also guess chat is going a quick spiral to be shit immediately.

>> No.1260256

I think she just tuned into the stream to watch Mori but then reacted on impulse when she seen her getting sad

>> No.1260284

>Doesn't want to play games others are
Aha I called it, Hollow Knight and Hades

>> No.1260295

I didn't screencap that wink, fug

>> No.1260305

>im not gonna bandwagon on a game that everyone is playing

>> No.1260314

>journey of self-discovery
is this the tour?

>> No.1260321

Please collab with Reine....or JP.....

>> No.1260325

>Not an EN collab
>Reine in chat
Could she be the collab hmm

>> No.1260330


>> No.1260333

That's next month, she's talking about next week

>> No.1260336

Thats what popped into my head too. Anyone know if the dates line up?

>> No.1260351

nah, it's the solo trip she was talking about

>> No.1260355

the bgm is really nice, what's it called?

>> No.1260363

No, that's in April. She said she wants to go on a solo break. Says she wants to find inspiration or just relax since her imagination drive doesn't run infinitely

>> No.1260364


>> No.1260365

I doubt it, Reine usually spills the beans on collabs VERY early, for example the Marine stream she has tomorrow she talked about well in advance.

>> No.1260370

I assume it's the solo trip she talked about before

>> No.1260373

Calligula collabing again nice

>> No.1260377

far from it. Tour has dates from April.

I knew that it'd be either mid March or before it starts. as I've said here:>>1255541

>> No.1260381


>> No.1260391

I just wanna protect her smile boys. We definitely need to get some shit sorted for white day, it won't fix everything but if we can lift her spirits even a little it'll be worth it

>> No.1260393


>> No.1260424

>Imagine Corpse makes a collab with Calli
Wow chat, you really deserve being called retarded by Mori

>> No.1260436

She will have a collab next week

>> No.1260451

I thought she was just tired at the start but after that and Kiara popping in this stream is kinda hard to listen to. She really doesn't fucking talk to anybody, does she?

>> No.1260465

of courseeee, she been having a hard time

>> No.1260487

Oh God, she's going full menhera.

Seems like she's talking about roommate things.

>> No.1260496


>> No.1260522

Confirmed super introvert, whatever it is she's been bottling it up, guess she doesn't wanna be a burden

>> No.1260539

How many thousands of dollars has Takashi donated at this point?

>> No.1260543

>mori: I'm tired

>> No.1260546

She seems kinda down in contrast to her ibasho stream. Is the mood swing normal for her or could something have happened? Or maybe it's just the booze?

>> No.1260563

She was upbeat in her Guilty Gear stream as well

>> No.1260566

mori is bipolar

>> No.1260574

Sorry, it's just chat and rrats making it seem that way. This is her normal late night brain probably. I am 100% certain it's things outside of hololive

>> No.1260583

She said she had an emotional day

>> No.1260586


>> No.1260591

>Mori still trying to chase someone or hung up on someone
Mori it better not be that fucker after he releases all these songs that mess with you

>> No.1260592

>don't go chasing people who don't give you the time of day

>> No.1260598

>one last freelance thing


>> No.1260601

...I guess not quite. Hambeat, I kneel(?)

>> No.1260608

She did said that she doesnt wanna dump her problem on people because the EN girls are busy too and the fact the she is an introvert kinda sucks, she wants to talk to someone but cant

>> No.1260613

>Bye bye to freelance forever

>> No.1260616

It was literally just one shitpost diss track.

>> No.1260621


>> No.1260623


>> No.1260624

>You shouldn't chase people that won't give you the time of day
Bros, who is she referring to? I don't feel so good...

>> No.1260640

1k dollar

>> No.1260642


>> No.1260644
File: 2.56 MB, 1181x1500, rrat_food.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the AO rrat is real
FUCK. I hated that rrat.

>> No.1260647

>ending her freelancing
I'm gonna fucking cry holy shit

>> No.1260651

>she talked to her old nakama that it's going to be her last tour with them
>realizes it's going to be an emotional parting

No wonder she needs to take a solo journey and all that shit. It's good for her she knows since it was her decision but it will still take a while for reality to set in.

>> No.1260673


>> No.1260679
File: 976 KB, 1166x815, 1613405091373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's going to be her last tour

>> No.1260680

What's the rrat? Is someone spinning a story about her and AO? I'm not aware of this.

>> No.1260696

It'd better not be that blue faggot bothering her

>> No.1260699

Likeliest possibility. Encourage her to look forward. She'll grow up, FT need not teach her anything anymore.

>> No.1260732

>Mori is cuter than usual today

>> No.1260735


>> No.1260738

>mori is cuter than usual today
yes she is

>> No.1260746

>Menhera Mori

>> No.1260761

Wait, is this a rrat or did she hint that it's going to ber her last tour with them?

>> No.1260767

Big ups to whoever did that

>> No.1260768

If there's any friend she should talk to it should be her old nakama who was on equal terms with her before hololive and worked with her. Since it seems like its mainly a problem on 'that' side and maybe only someone who was present at that time can understand her best.

>> No.1260774

>chat: Marry me please
>Mori: Not right now
So we have a chance guys

>> No.1260778

>Not right now

>> No.1260780

>marry me please
>"not right now."
I'll let her finish the EP but I'm putting the ring on her before 1 year debut anniversary.

>> No.1260796

She Low on energy and just chill, without filter and i love seeing her just relax like her other sleepy streams

>> No.1260804

She changed her entire life and moved to Nippon just to be able to meet AOmanlet, so there's a lot of room for rrat breeding. Also, he recently made an entire song about his regret that he friendzoned her before and he clearly wants another chance. If something happens it'll happen during the tour next month...

>> No.1260811

>Something emotional happened
>Going to take on a solo self discovery journey next week to sort herself out

She's coming to terms with something. Yes, the last tour thing is my rrat but it's definitely something on the other side that we shouldn't know.

>> No.1260813


>> No.1260841

come home mori
back to burgerland

>> No.1260845

What stream is the T3 one? i wanna see but idk what it is

>> No.1260851

I will NOT feed this rrat. This rrat will STARVE.

>> No.1260854

>I was able to pull it together in standby
Mori took so long to start the stream because she was having a meltdown....Moririn....

>> No.1260864

>that hiss

>> No.1260866

So will Mori strip again today?

>> No.1260884


>> No.1260882

I hope we don't go on the route that's going to be:
>Mori's journey of self discovery makes her realize that maybe AO is worth a second chance

>> No.1260887

AO start to get involve again now that Mori is successful and famous

>> No.1260890
File: 1.06 MB, 1920x1080, calli elite space trucking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is everyone doing while they watch?

>> No.1260891

>no more freelancing
Wow so she's genuinely gonna stick to Hololive and DD only. I have to apologize for assuming she's in hololive as a joke and money milking. Deadbeats, I'm sorry.

>> No.1260895

>opposite of a love mood
Let the speculation begin

>> No.1260901 [DELETED] 
File: 113 KB, 675x1200, 1614101064908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori "Snowbunny" Calliope

>> No.1260908

Not now, BBCnigger. Mori is about to have an emotional revelation.

>> No.1260928

I should have been sleeping for the last 7 hours. Gonna be a 27 hour day today. Have work in an hour.

>> No.1260932

I was just practicing some Athena combos in KOFXIII cause me and my friend were playing last night. But I stopped because I have to pay full attention to Mori

>> No.1260937

It's just that she's going to be away from FT for real, and be her own artist now. It's a goodbye to friends.

The Ao thing, while it has legs, It doesn't really make sense because any stupidity would've happened with OWTH and the EP were being done.

Dyes should step in and make it professional.

>> No.1260941

>Also, he recently made an entire song about his regret that he friendzoned her before and he clearly wants another chance
Which song is that? I don't want to listen to more than one of his songs

>> No.1260942

ey yall know what stream is the T3 one? idk which one and idk the game fck haha

>> No.1260948

Anon, stop copying Mori.

>> No.1260958

>Is disgusted if Sissy was about her
>She's having front row seats of seeing a person she looks up to fall into being someone even more disappointing to see.

How would you rate this, rrat?

>> No.1260959

I'm gonna fucking beat AO's ass if Mori ever cries about this on membership stream after her self discovery journey.

>> No.1260962

Wonder what's keeping her from coming into terms with her current success / situation. I don't think the other girls ever went this menhera before.

>> No.1260970

>I don't think the other girls ever went this menhera before.
In EN or Hololive generally? I mean, I'd argue you're wrong either way.

>> No.1260985


>> No.1260989

Surfing the threads. Cool setup, mate.

>> No.1260998

Anon this is nothing compared to Kiara's meltdowns

>> No.1261021

Being part of a small underground scene and then suddenly shooting to the big time with no warning, leaving everyone behind. Probably does a number on you feeling like you're part of the old crew but not being that anymore.

>> No.1261030

C'mon guys. It's just that she'll be away from FT and their final project together.

It's not sadness because of romance, it's sadness because you'll be away from friends and mentors.

>> No.1261033

I don't wanna hear her sad but I wanna hear her just fucking talk about something. I know she won't but I can't bear to leave the rest of this for 10 hours from now. I just wanna see her feel better.

>> No.1261054

success attract jealousy

>> No.1261061

Ah, can't even post much about Mori being cute today. I just feel like Mori should sleep this one out and make any important decisions later tomorrow. She has friends that was on equal grounds with he during her indie days, right? I feel like only friends who view her as their equal during that stage in her life can help her if this emotional thing is because of the people she looked up to.

>> No.1261068


>> No.1261076

it's a shoop, I'm trying to figure out how to do it for real
overlaying a video is easy enough, angling it and applying the filter is the pain point

>> No.1261087

>I'm sure gura smells great

>> No.1261100

I'm starting to believe the rrat that Sissy is actually about her. Fuck, it must be awkward as fuck. She deserves better than him. You don't just ignore a girl and then backtracks when she improved herself and found success

>> No.1261106

Gura smelling is becoming canon

>> No.1261111

Newfag here, who is AO and what is a rrat?

>> No.1261129

Gura broke down last week on her members karaoke. I wish the lot of them would just talk to each other.

>> No.1261131

even with your quads: lurk more

>> No.1261137


>> No.1261143

Annoying Orange
Rotating radio transient

>> No.1261144

>Sad boys hours
I would love it but also.. I don't want to see her sad bros..

>> No.1261146

I feel bad for My Sad Boy, but I will not call her fucking pathetic.

>> No.1261150

Well, we need Kiara to do us a solid and make Mori brave enough for the parting not to affect her.

>> No.1261151

There's no lower level of scum than people who change their tune when the people they ignored or trod on gain success.
Don't be like that, anons. Be better. Treat people good n shit.

>> No.1261171

People are still orangeposting?

>> No.1261172
File: 201 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AO is Annoying Orage, rrats are python food.

>> No.1261179

Seeing the person you look up to being even more of a disappointment makes you do that I think. I hope he's not guilt-tripping her or else it's going to be some real toxic shit they'll have going on.

>> No.1261181

>dedicated Real Sadboy Hours stream
Selfrespect-chan was fucking burned alive and her ashes tossed in a dumpster, huh?

>> No.1261221

This is driving me nuts, seeing her talk about being sad and being powerless to help fucking blows, i just wanna give her a hug and stroke her hair

>> No.1261223

awwwwwwwwwwww I want to give her a hug

>> No.1261225
File: 367 KB, 871x803, 10e19b7f904552081d495668bfc3d557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to join in late and then have two VODs to catch up on. It's cool cuz it's Saturday.

OH NO she died enough to see herself become the villain!

>> No.1261230

>because of you guys probably
We're gonna make it bros

>> No.1261238

Mori's roommate made a cameo on AO so /doxxbeat/ considers it fair game

>> No.1261240

>I feel cute because of you guys

>> No.1261244

>It's cuz of you guys... probably...
I noticed she adds "probably" every time she says we're making her feel nice

>> No.1261246

She was the result of immaturity and cope.

>> No.1261248

Aww she's all doki-doki now, I feel better.
Making funeral shrines for Blackjack Beelzebub when?

>> No.1261255

God fucking damn it why am I getting a boner? I'm not even horny I just want her to lay her bare thoughts on me and vent to her heart's content.

>> No.1261262

T2 And T3 chads better be nice to Mori on the membership streams this month

>> No.1261267

I fucking feel you, man, this is a deep pain

>> No.1261270

Mori's lewd ankles UUOOOOHH

>> No.1261271

back that ass up, Mori

>> No.1261276

Those who secured a ticket, please go on high alert. IDC if security catch us, send a message to Ao to keep his filthy hands off her.

>> No.1261294

>cali's buying a rabbit.
it's about time she relieved some sexual tension

>> No.1261296


>> No.1261301


>> No.1261303
File: 208 KB, 990x1400, 10edca4e7b7b3ac02554eaf4c65205a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WOOO full body view. Her design is so beautiful.

>> No.1261314

It's perfect to hold our child, Mori.

>> No.1261317

I'M IN!!!

>> No.1261319

>perfect for holding cute animals
More like perfect for holding BABIES

>> No.1261324


>> No.1261326

I need Mori holding a bunch of kittens and bunnies NOW

>> No.1261338


>> No.1261340

>makes akasupas a rule

sasuga Mori

>> No.1261342

Just like her official height huh

>> No.1261353


>> No.1261379


>> No.1261380


>> No.1261390


>> No.1261391

the Lucitan aka....

>> No.1261392


>> No.1261393

Lucitan is taiwanese?

>> No.1261402

Luci, you're not a chad. At least put a message.

>> No.1261401

Thought she had realized that was in poor taste last time. At least she said something, but still.

>> No.1261404

I can't begin to express the hatred I feel towards manlets and fags who delude themselves into having confidence. They should be put in a mental institution

>> No.1261409

>Lucitan was Taiwanese
That's pretty interesting. Thought he was a burger.

>> No.1261423




>> No.1261424


>> No.1261426

>being flustered over "holding a baby"
Mori and her necklace symbolizing femininity, maternity, and supporter of life!

>> No.1261429


>> No.1261433
File: 8 KB, 260x194, Callie Briggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1261437

>no babies, no
Chat pushed it too hard and too fast, retards.

>> No.1261443

I was hoping lucitan can go to the tour and beat AO for us but eh she can't go.

>> No.1261451

She was being flustered, and not outright rejected it.

>> No.1261459

Did we just get used as an emotional crutch? I'm fine with that.

>> No.1261469

Shit I wonder what happened

>> No.1261470

She's a cute taiwanese girl, she couldn't even if she tried

>> No.1261471

>beating up someone

those are the two things that doesn't compute. Luci recently got hospitalized.

>> No.1261474

Wouldn't be the first time.....

>> No.1261476

We always have been, anon. Parasocial thing goes two ways.

>> No.1261478

I mean if that helps why not.

>> No.1261484

Wie neu?

>> No.1261486

I can tolerate Kiara if she helps Mori feel better. I'll let the chicken do what I can't.

>> No.1261490

>Involuntarily becoming her boyfriend again

Thanks Mori, this stream started with genuine concern if you're okay, but it got better when you knew we really care about you

>> No.1261493
File: 234 KB, 1920x1080, monke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need a powerful drawfag to do pic related but it's Luci, AO, and Deadbeats.

>> No.1261494

Yes and it feels good, I think...? I don't know, I think I'd rather just see her happy and not needing us at all

>> No.1261512
File: 719 KB, 1141x645, no escape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holding cute animals, you say?
I regret everything.

>> No.1261513

Luci is a frail girl, you're crazy if you think she can do something.

>> No.1261514

Oshi means support, and I'll always support my Mori when she needs it.

>> No.1261524

Feels good. But we all know our help can only go so far so I hope she reaches out to her friends. She does have friends in her indie circles that weren't considered as an idol by her, right? I think she should ask them for advice.

>> No.1261532

Anon, have you seen AOmanlet? An actual child could snap him in half

>> No.1261533

Pft thats prolly 1/200 of the chat all i see in the chat was supportive message

>> No.1261534

This honestly. It's not even uncommon throughout Hololive/vtubing in general.

I enjoy the feeling of closeness regardless

>> No.1261545

Wait, what were the other rules?

>> No.1261575

Have you seen AO? Nigga is built out of bendy straws. Luci clearly has the age in pure ferocity, and zeal for Her Mori.

>> No.1261577

stay tuned to find out

>> No.1261588

It was japanese in chat
making her laugh
and emotes in akasupas

She hasn't revealed the last one yet

>> No.1261589

no niggs

>> No.1261590

>aka contains an emote
>we make her laugh
>JP message in chat

>> No.1261605

Hate Takamori but this is an outstanding image. Did you save the template by chance?

>> No.1261612

Well I guess she's been pushing me to be better, if the most I can do in return is be one of thousands helping to keep her standing that's more than enough. Shed better get the chicken on the horn after this and talk her feelings out.

>> No.1261621

I just wish Mori moved on quickly after her solo journey, or else its gonna be painful for her and probably us.

>> No.1261628

I really fucking hope she's not crying right now...

>> No.1261638


>> No.1261639 [SPOILER] 
File: 530 KB, 1015x1720, 1615048026490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kills the Ao.

>> No.1261640

inb4 last rule is about her EP

>> No.1261641

Did not save it. Just did a very basic crop from a screenshot of Kiara's video.

>> No.1261643

Mori is pretty fucking considerate for streaming at a rough time that would be considered as a major divergent point in her life looking forward. I'm glad deadbeats found a way to make it up to her by making her feel better about herself.

>> No.1261658

She will, anon. With our help, and possibly Kiara. We need all the help we can get, because all our work will be for naught if she reverts back to early DD.

>> No.1261668

>Concert security

>> No.1261671

This is one of the few times where call us tough , or maybe he just looks that weak, but i'd actually say most of us social retards on this board could take him, Luci would do fine

>> No.1261678

>blue kills blue

>> No.1261697

It probably was, wasn't it

>> No.1261718
File: 519 KB, 2625x2448, 1610753813255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can't stop her.

>> No.1261725

Haha fuck it calling out of work, staying up til 9 PM is not something I can or should do. I'm not doing that shit to myself

>> No.1261745

You're FIRED

>> No.1261766

I kinda wanna call out for her Omori stream but I know it will take her awhile to finish it anyway

>> No.1261772

Cool now I can find a better job with no guilt about severing my prior connections, thanks boss!

>> No.1261800

I was implying she would be security, but now that you mention it Mori might need some protection from the Suisopath.

>> No.1261821

He seems to donate at least $500 every stream. I'm not autistic enough to actually go and count the total though.

>> No.1261844

THIS is how you support Your Boy. Get the chickenshit schizo LARP out of here

>> No.1261852

>AIM account
Jezuz that is old

>> No.1261855

Now I'm super hype for the schedule tomorrow. Wonder what's the non-EN collab is going to be. I'm not surprised if it's Reine

>> No.1261873

To be clear, is it confirmed the song is about her?

>> No.1261893 [DELETED] 

so mori and ao are going to have passionate make up sex in april?

>> No.1261901

I think it'll be Mel.

>> No.1261908 [SPOILER] 
File: 220 KB, 992x1542, 1615048707820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a minute..

>> No.1261911

someone go in chat and complain about shipping costs on CDJapan for her new album

>> No.1261913

>making a rap about dad
>it's about her hating being called dad and that's exactly what a dad would say
jesus, that's fucking cringe but it pretty much sums up what happens if she ever says she doesn't want to be called that way. People will turn it into a joke to work against her.

>> No.1261944

She's going to platonically smooch Sui-chan and romantically smooch her ASMR mic.

>> No.1261950

Does Mori listen to fan music? Is there really even any fan music besides the remix contest?
If there is where is it even posted under? #Callilust?

>> No.1261955

>I love you guys... I love you all
Love you too Moririn

>> No.1261957

Have you never ordered overseas merch? Shit's to be expected.

>> No.1261991

Small price to pay to support our Mori

>> No.1261996

man i fucking laughed at the idea of how the shit that's going on so far making someone think that's even a possibility

>> No.1261997

Heard his name just now.
Still don't get why everyone was so freaked out though. There are plenty of ways to show affection other than donating, like buying music/merch and drawing art, and even more creative ones like shrines.

>> No.1262003

Callilust for fanart and CallioP for music but everyone uses the former so prob both

>> No.1262007

I've ordered loads of stuff from Japan, and every single time, it still pisses me off. At this point it wouldn't feel right if shipping wasn't more than half the cost of the item, I'm just bitching for the sake of it.

>> No.1262014

New to Mori yeah

>> No.1262026
File: 608 KB, 1441x977, 1614744257018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Non-EN collab next week
It's time.

>> No.1262037

The way he worded sounded like he was some turbo schizo who'd stalk her IRL

>> No.1262040

I remember when EMS was cheap and available, now I have to deal with DHL bullshit and their prices.

>> No.1262050


>> No.1262066

>why don't you tagteam...armpits?

>> No.1262076

Anybody smart enough to make a good track is also smart enough to save it til her birthday.

>> No.1262078

>Non-EN collab next week
It's just gonna be an ID. I'm thinking Reine.
I would be really happy.

>> No.1262081

Fedex man, a fucking BLESSING. I can finally get shit shipped that was in a warehouse since June

>> No.1262101

I'm thinking Reine and Mel are the most likely, and I'd be happy with either, though I'd prefer a Reine one just because I think they'd mesh well.

>> No.1262116

>big ups to Shifty
le mao

>> No.1262124

Reine announces collabs early on like the collab with Marine so I don't expect it.

>> No.1262130

Huh she didn't react to Griefous

>> No.1262155

Smooth reaper

>> No.1262172

Oh yeah, corona sure fucked that. Cheapest non-fedex option for me this time only saved 50yen, didn't even bother.

>> No.1262196

the randisi supa...

>> No.1262213

Are you busy anon?

>> No.1262225 [DELETED] 

>mori giving up on ao after years of fawning over him.
>ao realizing what he lost, pursues mori.
>mori, a groupie on ft tour is the perfect chance for ao to profess
god i cant wait for the thread meltdown, that'd be a hoot

>> No.1262229

She hasn't in a long time now.

>> No.1262250

>obligated because of her job

>> No.1262271

I don't read all the super chats but wasn't the last time he said anything was during her Skyrim stream?

>> No.1262277

I'm telling you, that RRAT really stinks.

>> No.1262309

I missed it, what was the context?

>> No.1262337

Yeah, busy gushing over my boy. What's up?

>> No.1262351
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>> No.1262353


>> No.1262355

He still drops at least one on most streams, it's just easy to miss because they're small sc's and she doesn't say anything about them.

>> No.1262359

>>take care of yourself
>>take breaks if you need it
>"haha no"

>> No.1262360

>does nothing, because the first day of the tour; literal men in skelleton t-shirts seem to be eyeing him, followed by KFP employees

>> No.1262379

Did someone add that lipstick? My dick.

>> No.1262389

>I'm glad you guys will always be there for me...
Wow, she really got shy from saying that.

>> No.1262395
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>> No.1262410
File: 158 KB, 400x400, 1601865950110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Deadbraps were the split niggers all along
I´m surprised, I knew you were doxxniggers but I never expected you to go full circlejerk in your own little thread

>> No.1262416

>a group of 6 foot tall American men walk in wearing red headbands
>he gets no closer than 6 feet from the edge of the stage

>> No.1262417
File: 577 KB, 794x529, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need something like this, but less edgy.

>> No.1262420

>I hope I'll feel better, I wanna keep smiling for you

>> No.1262422

I would have to travel to Japan and fuck him up myself.

>> No.1262433

every girl has their own thread now you moron

>> No.1262440

o o p s

>> No.1262452

>Ghost Rider cracks that fuckboy's head with a pipe while riding by

>> No.1262457
File: 138 KB, 1280x720, deadbeat security detail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1262486

no need to go to KFP level larping if you see her on concert. Just keep an eye out for her, doubt anything will happen.

>> No.1262495
File: 35 KB, 908x479, 9bc5641a4bfafd4516b249da62c9b589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, It's just Mori being melancholy about leaving FT's circle and becoming her own artist, 100%.

I believe she'll be better after this week.

>> No.1262496

[Ibasho intensifies]

>> No.1262529 [DELETED] 

>Expecting women to have self respect and not fall for his charm.
There will be sweaty passionate sex

>> No.1262548

yep. It's going to take some time for her to adjust to her new phase in life but that's what the solo trip is for. She's gotten this far, why doubt her now?

>> No.1262565

With me and AO yeah.

>> No.1262571
File: 91 KB, 348x298, Anya - The Stand [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F6vo9f0.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I AM FREE FROM MY /prison/

Sup faggots. It's been a month.

>> No.1262576

>Lucitan got a special message

>> No.1262586

Definitely. It's going to be difficult to accept that you looked up to someone for so long, but now you've surpassed them in some ways. It's not a bad thing but it's clearly a weight she feels. It will all work out as it's meant to. No worries.

>> No.1262601

I hope you took your meds this time.

>> No.1262612
File: 3.22 MB, 1922x1080, Hololive.full.3072499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because people will latch on to negativity anytime. It's a bittersweet thing for her right now. She's about to reap the rewards of her work, but her mentors are not going to be there always to help her out.

>> No.1262650

>she's fine with Omori even being a 10 hour stream
holy shit

>> No.1262658
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>> No.1262661

I miss you too fuckers. I missed my Mori too.

>> No.1262666

Live Again will never stop filling me with the warmest and happiest types of feelings.

>> No.1262679
File: 465 KB, 1500x1500, 1604208674849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this reaper so much. The stream just ended and I miss her already...

>> No.1262693

I just want her to be okay.

>> No.1262719

She just lost her body. She is far from okay.
She's telling us she will be fine. It's just a lot to take in, but I'm sure it was that way when all of this started too.

>> No.1262720

Don't worry deadbraps, I'll fisherman slam AO if he tries anything

>> No.1262735
File: 395 KB, 3977x2803, [sound={httpsfiles.catbox.moeao25ic.ogg}.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Mori dreams about all the deadbeats that have her back tonight!

>> No.1262738

With everything said about wanting her to be okay and all. I guess shit's too heavy on her end and she probably won't do a date stream for White Day. I won't be self centered about it and that's okay. Something is going on on her side

>> No.1262753

Sometimes I think that there's just no way she can possibly like us and then I see streams like this which really says otherwise. I always thought it was just natural that famous people weren't too fond of their fans, but Mori really does seem to like and care about her Deadbeats <3

>> No.1262760
File: 2.81 MB, 1822x2048, 090293446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be Suisei
>sending messages back and forth on Discord with your badass oshi
>collab scheduled for July
>you learn a bunch of gaijin creeps who beat the shit out of some guy she toured with for ruining their GFE
>suddenly too busy for your boy
>but not the shark

Don't do your boy dirty like this, deadbeats.

>> No.1262785

Can an informed non-schitzo tell me if the AO rrat holds any weight at all? I'm assuming its 99% BS like most rrats but a lot of people are saying it this time. (yes I have heard the AO song, didn't have any idea it may have been about mori though).

>> No.1262789
File: 179 KB, 600x338, 6cb7a8e6ac109b7430103b334ce38b85.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have to do something for white day. It's imperative so that we can cheer her up big time, anons.

>> No.1262813

it's the lyrics implying it. It's no better than Kiara's take on Live Again/Cursed Night.

>> No.1262822

fun fact: it probably isn't

>> No.1262853

>Not fisherman slam into 90+dmg juggle

>> No.1262854

>yfw it's actually about Ao's pet and we were getting mad at the wrong person

>> No.1262863

Fuck, what do we do, guys. Where's t he website making anon? If not I'll just have to do a shitty artwork for her

>> No.1262867

Mori has a few songs about AO as well and how he looked down on her/friendzoned her. She basically came to Japan for him so her comments about how going to the Underworld wasn't worth it had a lot of weight. Mori has said a few times it's best not to meet your idols and that's from her own personal experience.

>> No.1262870

It’s because the hook mentions “Lady Luck” (don’t even know if that’s true to the original Japanese)

>> No.1262872 [DELETED] 

Thanks anons.

>> No.1262881

Nah, I wanna flex my taunt jet uppers

>> No.1262884
File: 177 KB, 1080x900, 1604002824946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care if Susei and Mori get intimate, My Boy needs all the closeness she could get. Besides, Sui-chan just wants to eat her organs and that's kinda hot so whatever.

>> No.1262903

Thanks anons.

>> No.1262907

Of course not. People are assuming shit like usual.

>> No.1262918

>Young woman moves across the Pacific to a country where she doesn't even speak the language just to be in the vicinity of a guy she's been admiring for years
It's the fattest rrat of all because it's real. If you haven't picked up on all the references she's made to having a crush on AO then you need to do your VOD reps

>> No.1262926

I wish more games did this.

>> No.1262932

>My Boy needs all the closeness she could get.
so quit with the KFP cosplay

>> No.1262940

That's good because it will be. I'm not sure she's even really properly at the halfway point yet.

Also the pre-stream is up and that Omori art with all of EN is sick.

>> No.1262947

Please Mori, whatever you do, DO NOT SING ABOUT THE MOON ON TOUR.

>> No.1262956

>Her solo trip will just be her thinking about what the fuck happened in Omori

I'd be all up for it.

>> No.1262966

>the art inspires OMOCAT to create a mori game.

>> No.1262988

With Mori doing the score

>It's about chasing someone who won't even bat their eyelash on you

>> No.1263009

But everybody loves the moon!

>> No.1263013

I hate KFBeats but I don't have much beef with the chicken herself.

>> No.1263120

Next month her freelance work will graduate

Freelance hate!

>> No.1263164

I don't believe for a second she'll quit it

>> No.1263224

She's probably cutting it off, so that she can do things for herself.

Also, the singing may be a clue, she's likely making it a priority, as she said during the stream's ending.

>> No.1263231

After the passionate sex she will receive, she´ll never quit it

>> No.1263320

Same, and that insane work ethic and drive to make what she wants to make is part of the reason she's my oshi. I do hope she's starting to figure out how to space it out better so she's not overworking herself all the time.

>> No.1263340

I'm thinking she's taking the singing reps more, and that she's trying to create a new type of DD/Mori song where she can leverage both singing and rapping.

>> No.1263396
File: 242 KB, 1188x2048, 1612082707118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if it's stressful, it's a good kind of stress. Not like anything bad has happened.
Adapting to new circumstances because you've reached the next step. Mori has a ton of support from her fellow holos, other artists, and her Deadbeats, and best of all she is learning how to ask for that help. To show vulnerability sometimes. I think she might even be realizing how important it is that she does take time to relax, there's nothing with taking time every now and then and doing nothing. Letting the brain and body rest.

>> No.1263424

Wonder if we're gonna see a split where she does more singing mixed with her raps under Mori while the original sticks to more traditional raps.

>> No.1263435

I can only draw with pen and paper. But I want to make a collage of Mori smiling in ways her model can't. Like, completely goofy smiles or wide grins

>> No.1263448

Makes sense. Though I'd like something that's Mute, but with more singing.

>> No.1263456

"I would like to finish OMORI tomorrow, but it’s been a little tough recently so I’m not going to push myself to finish if things are looking impossible.
Let’s have fun anyway! :}"
I'm glad she decided to not push herself when she doesn't feel like it.

>> No.1263483

Thats good, I was worried her stubbornness would cause her to power through it.

>> No.1263531

Probably read the thread and saw that it was impossible in under 4 hours.

>> No.1263541

Did you see the end of her Scarfacts watchalong? She was plastered, and she went on some tangents about how Kiara was such a good friend and then how much Deadbeats meant to her. That is when I truly first believed

>> No.1263568

During the chatting it was clear she's aware that she's halfway and said that if it's gonna take 10 hours, be it. But I'm glad she chose to take it easier.

>> No.1263629

Not to mention OWTH. She doesn't just care about us as pigs or as crutches, but people with lives she wants us to live well and dreams she wants to see come true. Any Holo can say sweet things and be appreciative of their supporters, but what sets Calliope apart for me is how much she cares about supporting *us*, even if it comes with some heat.

>> No.1263719

Haven't yet, maybe I'll watch the movie with her tonight :)

>> No.1264057
File: 102 KB, 827x827, 1585547250796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KFP are cool. Kiara is cool. I fucking hate deadbeats but nothing boils my ancient marrows than KFPbeats. Fuck those niggers.

>> No.1264315

Remember the wise words of the reaper

>> No.1264362
File: 21 KB, 717x263, 1610047356237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reine isn't my oshi but I really like her too...

>> No.1264392

She's happy for you to share the love and success with her friends and coworkers. I'm agreeing with you, anon. If you're going to attentionwhore with your name, at least have the decency to do it for your oshi and not everyone.

>> No.1264920

Go for it anon-kun!

>> No.1265142

Man, today's zatsu was pretty heavy but I'm glad she can open up to us that she's feeling emotional. Understandably she can't go into details but she tries her best to detail what's going on in her mind. Maybe a rrat free list is good right now to avoid confusion. This will contain roommateposting cross-referencing though:
>Mori will be free from freelance week next motnh
>Mori is feeling emotional and is going to spend next week on a solo trip to sort herself out
>She has a tour planned for next month
>Possibly final tour she does with her old circle

That's about it I guess, avoiding any assumptions.

>> No.1265251

That's pretty accurate. Just the end of one chapter and the start of another. One last hurrah, which is more than she originally thought would happen.

>> No.1265291

Her having crushed on him is 90% certain, but him being a pathetic incel that ruined her is just actual incels coping to feed their savior complex

>> No.1265297

https://streamable.com/7ppkk7 Mori holding a baby

>> No.1265626
File: 142 KB, 450x400, 1426526032168.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one kinda hurts.

>> No.1265717

I remember a stream, december's members only i think, where she was asked if she will be staying in Japan and she said something in a tired voice like "idk man things are uncertain and lot's of things are going on in reaper life". Maybe there are tons of personal day to day things like that we don't need to hear about weighing her down as well. Her job is to monologue in front of strangers for hours almost everyday, We where bound to see her rougher days eventually. Doesn't mean she's in any way losing it. She managed to restart her life in Japan while still underage for fucks sake, it would be an insult to her to not have the confidence that she will figure it out.

>> No.1265901

>Look up the song AZKi sang in her member's stream and mentioned it's one of her recent favorites
>Check top comment while listening
>It's an English translation by Rachie
>Fucking fall out of my chair with laughter

>> No.1265995

Is she a roommate expat nakama?

>> No.1266099

Nah, it's just a really popular Japanese song. 10 mill views on Youtube and more on NND, I'm sure.

Pretty good, though I don't like the decision to make the music so much louder during the chorus compared to the verses. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MH5noJJfqDY

>> No.1266338

I think back in December she wasn't sure she was going to be able to maintain her visa without her old job so there was a chance she'd have to relocate

>> No.1266471

She wasn't underage when she first moved to Nippon. Still impressive of her though

>> No.1266611

Underage in the context, that is "not legal" for working with "scythe swinging" when she first started. She didn't give details, but an exception was made for her, apparently due to her passionate insistence.

>> No.1266701
File: 120 KB, 1920x1080, is this a motherfucking harry potter reference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phew, thank fuck. I've been worried she'd finish the game before I do, and I couldn't play it all week 'cause of work.

>> No.1266878

If that was the reason, implying she quit for her own wellbeing even while still unsure if it would get expelled, it just makes me more proud of her.

>> No.1266914

get her expelled*

>> No.1266956

This is a dead rat, let it die and move on to something more relevant. Let's keep helping our cute reaper.

>> No.1267129

What rrat? I'm just refering to the fact she has a lot going on. If anything I was trying to be generally anti-rrat since her situation is complicated and there's a lot we don't know about, so we shouldn't make assumptions.

>> No.1267434
File: 417 KB, 1486x834, 1603813369051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you quit you will suck forever!
>*does less than ideal in game she hasn’t played in years and screams at herself for “sucking”*
>no excuse for sucking
>(excuses herself) I’m just bad at video games!
>palm spaghetti
>I’m not gonna leave you!
>*mogs ur life accomplishments*
>*scuff* NOOO! *stares at u wide eyed* Haaaaah!
>Yoo! Thank you for the FAT aka!
>for all of those of you who are leaving!
>big ups to nicodeminsuffiecientlyanonymousstormtagriversideviewlordrevananniekingkosagenthatfunnyfeelinggeneralgriefous *dootdootdoot*
>I'm you Mori, hope you'll remember me!


>> No.1267501

Is that how the name is spelled? Somehow in all this time I never saw it on my screen despite hearing it many times.

>> No.1267513

Ihave no idea
