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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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12602939 No.12602939 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on CDAWGVA?

He's fucking mouse isn't he

>> No.12602998

Manwhore leech

>> No.12603106

>He's fucking mouse isn't he
she would literally die if if he did

>> No.12603262

STFU Connor stop ego posting yourself here you fucking dweeb. Go to your reddit page for fucksake.

>> No.12603323

The world would be a better place if he dropped dead.

>> No.12603437

Wishes he physically could. Has inadvertently become an incel since Mousey doesn't like being cheated on and other vtubers don't feel comfortable cucking a cripple.

>> No.12603574

>He's fucking mouse isn't he
and ollie

>> No.12603689

Before I saw her face reveal in a thumbnail while scrolling front page YT, I shipped them. She's out of his league.

>> No.12604183

>He's fucking mouse isn't he
>she would literally die if if he did
>and ollie

>> No.12604231

what do you mean is she that hot?
There's tons of girls going after him, and hitting him up, even sexually harassing him, sure that happens to girls too, but it means more when a guy through that since it doesn't happen often.

>> No.12604314

Maybe e-fucking, at best phonefucking. Otherwise he's incapable of actually doing it unless he wants to be caught in a murder investigation or dunk his dick in germicide.

>> No.12606557

those "girls" are underaged zoomers, the only girls to fangirl over e-celebs are the type that is mentally ill

>> No.12607119

Holy shit anons, you should limit your intake of sodium chloride, it feels like salt mine here.

>> No.12607420

He's a very average streamer. Not sure what the hate or appeal is.
Pure indifference.

>> No.12607458

yep this guy is totally fucking mouse

>> No.12607525

Absolute Chad who makes /vt/ seethe. Completely right on what he said about Hololive.

>> No.12608295

Absolute nobody whose only relevance is SEAniggers seething about their brainghosts as usual.

>> No.12611939

Based white man.

>> No.12612034

not even on same continent. Mouse is pure.

>> No.12612419

I only know this guy from his escapades on Fiverr


>> No.12612549

she's literally a single mother.

>> No.12612671

He is a fag, but so are all anitubers.

>> No.12612734

No nigger

>> No.12612797

>/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

>> No.12612834


>> No.12612923

He absolutely would if he got a chance even if it would end her existance but her sister is protecting her from him

>> No.12613174

I don't give a fuck about him or anything that he does. Even if he is, good for him. Live and let live is my motto. Except with trannies they should all kill themselves.

>> No.12614946

Stiff avatar

>> No.12615017

Sad and insecure fuck lucky enough to have popular friends. A third wheel everywhere he goes.

>> No.12615046

Can mouse even have sex? If she gets a speck of dust on her super bone marrow AIDS will activate and CDawg is a filthy non showering fuck

>> No.12615073

If she can have cum in her eye and not die she have cum in her pussy and not die. The only reason she isn't fucking Connor is the ocean in the way but she's clearly fucking random men in puerto rico.

>> No.12615149


When did she get jizz on her eye? Before getting sick? Also not even close, chance of pathogen transmission is several thousand times more severe in the latter

>> No.12615193

Her condition is genetic.

>> No.12615227

You sound in denial about how horny trannies make you

>> No.12615267

We used to joke around and call Kiara a leech but she's nothing compared to this guy.

>> No.12615271

thats actually a good point, how the hell would someone even travel between continents? that actually does make it impossible then

>> No.12615287


Yeah but it manifested in adulthood, she hasn’t lived her entire life in the hamster bubble. The seclusion thing a recent development

>> No.12615787

Honestly I just don't like British people in general.

>> No.12616137

She literally has a kid

>> No.12616192

Why do you guys act like Mouse is bubble boy you don't really but her act do you? She has a common and easily controllable immune disorder. She's openly said what she has and her story makes no fucking sense because of it. She isn't an UwU soft bean

>> No.12616230

It's a recent development because she's a gritting liar anon there's 0 way her condition is that bad while being able to stream based on what she alone has said she has.

Consider: she's fucking playing you all and laughing at you with Connor for believing her

>> No.12616269


>> No.12616331

Iron Mouse is unironically the only virgin in V-Tubing.

>> No.12616605

There's some misinformation in this thread, time to pull out (and update) )my ironinfo.txt file:

- Ironmouse has an immune disorder called CVID. It's not an autoimmune disorder, that's when the body attacks itself. CVID is a deficiency disorder, where the body doesn't make enough antibodies. While the end effect is similar to AIDS, CVID is a genetic condition and not contagious.

- Ironmouse receives regular plasma transfusions to take advantage of the antibodies produced by donors. This helps her fight off common everyday infections, but it's not a full replacement of normal immune ability. She still must isolate, especially to stay away from stronger infections.

- CVID can be not as pronounced when the person is younger, and Ironmouse had a relatively normal life up to a point. She went to school, went to beaches with friends (but couldn't go into the water), and had sexual relationships. One encounter resulted in jizz in her eye, which caused an infection and her needing to wear an eye patch for two weeks.

- One infection that really fucked her over was a MAC infection, MAC bacteria are everywhere in the environment and healthy immune systems fight them off all the time without any fuss. For Ironmouse, the infection permanently damaged a lot of her lungs and continues to fester there. She regularly has to take some Fuck Off-class antibiotics to keep the infection at bay. This medication has the fun side effect of possible PERMANENT DEAFNESS. It's already given her tinnitus.

- Ironmouse has difficultly digesting most food. Both a single fry and a rice cracker have "not ended well". I'm not sure if she's ever gone into specific detail why this is, but it's a good bet it's her CVID and/or antibiotics that are fucking with her gut biome. She gets her nutrients via meal replacement milkshakes, which she's grown tired of. (UPDATE: Ironmouse has recently be able to regularly eat apple sauce and oatmeal.)

- Long, repeated stays in hospitals and being bedridden at home has caused major muscular atrophy. Even just sitting up in bed has been impossible for a long time. She's (very very) slowly getting some strength back. (UPDATE: With assistance, Ironmouse was recently able to walk to her window and see the sunset.)

- Unrelated to any medical issues, Ironmouse has a phobia of birds, after a childhood incident where one got caught in her hair and scratched the fuck out of her trying to escape. She also has a phobia of outer space.

>> No.12616670
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>phobia of outer space

>> No.12616679

*Even just sitting up in bed HAD been impossible for a long time.

>> No.12616728

That's fucked up man... So fucked.

>> No.12616815

Ironmouse had the classic "holy shit, space is huge and we are small" existential crisis everyone has at some point or another, but hers was when she was HIGH AS ALL FUCK and looking up into the night sky. Weed's ability to soften and help "rewire" the mind's way of thinking is very useful when treating people with PTSD and the like, but for Ironmouse who was using it for funsies, it fucked her up.

>> No.12616869
File: 65 KB, 853x480, Jake-Gyllenhaal-in-Bubble-Boy-jake-gyllenhaal-14313915-853-480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay the hell away from my oishi cdawg.

>> No.12616903

I honestly think that the attraction is one way on her side and he’s knowingly leading her on for clout

>> No.12616943

Because they act like they’re better than everyone else after they raped the world for 600 years and still produce the ugliest human beings ever seen

>> No.12616964
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No, he's not. Ironmouse gets all wet just thinking over him. If you amputated her legs, she'd make snail trails if she crawled while thinking about him.
He doesn't want to fuck Ironmouse, because he doesn't find her attractive, but she keeps sending him nudes, and out of pure politeness, he doesn't tell her to fuck off.

>> No.12616992

Mouse can't have sex.

>> No.12617009

>haha she got mad at the flat earther
>realize why she so so mad at the flat earther
>sad now

>> No.12617041

There are kits where you make a mold out of your erection and use it to make a dildo. Some types of silicone can be boiled to easily sterilize it.

>> No.12617044


I think she’s memeing too in my gut but trying not to jump the gun in case she dies cus I’ll feel bad

>> No.12617051

Considering her condition he might as well call her nudes "premium" by this point.

>> No.12617062

>Because they act like they’re better than everyone else
Have you been to the UK?
Everyone in the UK knows how mediocre it is at best. Literally no one other than conservatives thinks the UK is great.

>> No.12617077

>there's 0 way her condition is that bad while being able to stream
In what way? What's your sincere thought process on this topic? Please elaborate extensively.

>> No.12617094


>> No.12617143

so half of us.
anyway this is a fag topic about a faggot, one that is scared to use his own accent. Probably been faking it since the xbox live era, since the welsh are fucking disgusting to listen to.

>> No.12617151

I'll consider that when you consider your meds

>> No.12617207

your 'reasoning' is so fking cringe. rope yourself
it's a budget dystopia, because they can't even get that right.
>any accent that isn't the Queens'/Kings' is unintelligable and disgusting
hooly based

>> No.12617208

less than half when you discount the legions of rich old people in the countryside that refuse to die

>> No.12617422

balancing out the ethnic minorities, if we're lucky.

>> No.12617463

Her roommate is generic latina #127

>> No.12617810

Holy shit bro it’s like giorno giovannas stand, that’s absolutely poggers!!!!!

>> No.12617883
File: 35 KB, 600x457, 450E3910-DEDB-4DCC-ABB0-9A439D67121B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hes 5’7. That’s why he moved to Japan to make himself seem taller.,

>> No.12617998

5'11 which is not short

>> No.12618064

The seething hatred from this board aside, I genuinely never saw the appeal of him. Is he attractive? I suppose. But if you ask me I'd say the other two members of the Trash Taste podcast are more attractive, and less painful to watch.
Brit here. This guy >>12617062 is definitely right. I know a lot of us lack self awareness, and desperately cling onto past achievements to try to claim we have more significance than we actually have, but many of us are self aware enough.

>> No.12618113

Anything shorter than 6 feet is short.

>> No.12618414

Wales average male height is 177cm
England average male height is 175cm
US white average male height is 178cm

So all these countries have manlets?

>> No.12618458

Manlet is relative
Usually less than 1,70 is kind of universally manlet in the world stage

>> No.12618463

way to out yourself as being exactly 6ft tall you absolute manlet.

>> No.12618513

in conclusion, connor is not short as he is 180cm tall

>> No.12618558
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>180 cm is tall
Do anglos and amerimuts really?

>> No.12618613

me myself is nearly 2m tall as i'm scandinavian (not negro blood) but i really don't think 180 is short

>> No.12618634

180 would be around average fnpxj0or white people

>> No.12618727


>> No.12618734

White people dont exist, also colectivists in this thread should get the rope and KYS.
There is no we or us, only individuals and you are all faggot niggers losers.
On another notice, connor is cool

>> No.12618766


>> No.12618794


Sure why not

>> No.12618964

Manlet leech, just like the rest of his ilk

>> No.12619096


>> No.12619100

A lot of incel rage directed toward this handsome and popular gentleman, as is to be expected on a site like this.

>> No.12619130

Why does he call himself a VA when he’s never voice acted in anything?

>> No.12619182

Touch grass, incel

>> No.12619199


>> No.12619258

She's 100% not a virgin. She is over 30 and hasn't been roombound all her life. It was her early 20s when her health got really bad and she had to go into the bubble so she was doing normal teen/young adult stuff until then. She's said this on stream several times.

>> No.12619345

I gave Trash Taste a try after Calli was on because I thought having an anime podcast might be fun but holy shit was I wrong.
They try and force this Top Gear vibe but it’s like if all the Top Gear guys had the same personality, and that personality was being as boring as fucking possible. And yet somehow Connor is still the worst one.

>> No.12619374

imagine if her stand is like holly's stand where it makes her sick. and if she finds enough resolve maybe she can awaken her stand!!!!!!! THAT WOULD BE ABSOLUTELY POGGERNOGGERNIGGERTRIGGER!!!!!!

>> No.12619512

>having an anime podcast might be fun
that's where you messed up. You went into it expecting it to be an anime podcast and not a japanlife podcast where 2 brits and an aussie argue about bidets, japanese food and nightlife in japan with occasional guests

>> No.12619701

>japanlife podcast where 2 brits and an aussie argue about bidets, japanese food and nightlife in japan with occasional guests
Now I know that’s what it is but that doesn’t mean it isn’t boring as shit. Every conversation is just Connor describing why some mundane activity annoys him while Joey interjects with unnecessary japanese pronunciations of random words and Gigguk describes memes that only work in a visual format.
The few moments where they actually talk about anime are a relief because sometimes you hear an actual opinion instead of clearly formulated, garden variety “banter”.

>> No.12620012

ok. It's fun in my opinion

>> No.12620029

he got extremely lucky that a website which had all of the recpies on him closed itself (owner went menhera or something and couldn't find a new admin), was a good timing for him. if the website still existed he would have been cancelled long time ago. i remember at the beginning of vt people were talking about a discord server that kept all of the archives, but jannies would delete it. other than that he is a huge scumbag and people who believe in connormouse being real are retards

>> No.12620032
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>> No.12620230

What website?

>> No.12620318


He sent dick pics and tried to swing dick around Hololive and got pushed out, turned around and went for easier women instead at shojo

Half the people ITT are more credible voice actors than him, he's just a horny predator after low confidence women

>> No.12620481
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A simple search would tell you what her disorder is and that if it was as bad as she claims there is 0 way she could stream with the frequency she does. Nor could she be on oxygen 24/7 and stream yelling/ speaking loudly/ fucking singing she claims. She's changed her story a million times over the last 2 years.

My little sister has the exact same thing and ended up with a tumor in her stomach and while she still gets infusions for the immunocompromised portion if it, lives an otherwise normal NEET life she is just fatigued all the time and has the same dietary restrictions as a Chrons patient.

I'm not saying Mouse isn't sick I'm saying she's a fucking grifter playing up her sickness for simpbucks. Maybe I'm just s faggot because I watch my sister suffer from this condition and not milk it on the internet talking about how she "saw the sunrise for the first time in ages" or some shit though who could say

>> No.12620628

tell your sister to be a vtuber f*ggot and then hook her up with that e-celeb cdawg and when mouse gets uppity you sling in the rrat you just made up
