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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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12552955 No.12552955 [Reply] [Original]

Streaming seven days a week edition.

This thread is a place to discuss Kiki, /vt/s very own not-so-recently debuted Super Cute Aussie bunny chuuba!

Kiki? Who?
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/KikiCh-
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bunnyonvt

Official Discord: (you)
Official Skype Group: (you)
Official Steam Group: kiki said to close it LOL

Last Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTauWTtOVbI

>> No.12553164
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>> No.12553305

Guys, I think I love kiki

>> No.12553322
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I love you, Kiki...

>> No.12553424

I can hear the cow noises...

>> No.12553425

I'm quite confident in making the assertion that I have developed strong romantic feelings towards Kiki!

>> No.12553594

I want Kiki to change my diapers!

>> No.12553612

now THIS is going too far

>> No.12553619


>> No.12553645
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yes 8)

>> No.12553769

shes getting better about it

>> No.12553854

I am deeply and wildly in love with Kiki.

>> No.12553860

I agree, she’s hiding her power level well now.
I am proud of her

>> No.12554078
File: 248 KB, 445x364, FUCK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do i sleep and ruin my sleep schedual for kiki or just sleep and miss kiki's stream

>> No.12554225
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does this mean kiki will be competing with sportsfes?

yes anon

i already ruined mine its worth it though if you have little to no obligations during the day

>> No.12554259

No Kiki No Life

>> No.12554371

The sadness is coming back, what do i do bros?

>> No.12554412

Take a nap, dream of kiki.

>> No.12555239

sad day. i miss you, kiki. recorded some cringe to try and help me get over the loneliness. bit longer than the ones i usually do... love you.

>> No.12555318

hallelujah, cutie anon is back champyons

>> No.12555365

Kiki I know you're here and I have just one thing to ask you:
Do you have any advice for a cat in heat? I've been forced to look over my onee's cat and she's been in heat for over two weeks now, as well as developing a patch of just skin under her chin.

>> No.12555405

I don't know if it's because you keep practicing or because this song suits you more, but I feel like this is an improvement over your past ones. I hope Kiki hears it, anon.

>> No.12555440


If you haven’t done your vod reps recently and you’re missing Kiki, here are some good recent ones:

Kikioke stream, has lots of singing and cute noises. The end shows sleepy and clingy kiki

Husband ASMR, shows more of an encouraging message. This for me anyway is one of kikis best streams yet!

People may have overlooked or missed it, but to keep up with the png story it’s necessary! (Or if you want to watch kiki play around like an autist for 45 minutes)

There is hours of kiki content already! Remember dream of kiki or watch vods

Love you champyons

>> No.12555523

get that cat a dildo.

>> No.12555941

It's like 3am for her, she's probably sleeping.

>> No.12556116

I'm not Kiki but I know the answer but I'm not sure if you want to hear it

>> No.12556520

is it neutered already? that is the crux of the issue

>> No.12556666

Kiki a shit lmao

>> No.12556747
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No thanks


She adamantly refuses to get it spayed, even when presented with facts

>> No.12556763

fuck you super satan

>> No.12556818

>faggots didn't learn from ny*nners
>they'll gladly serve as a stepping stone for someone who'll turn her back on them the second she gets any sort of fame

>> No.12556849

>She adamantly refuses to get it spayed, even when presented with facts
Yeah thought so. You are kind of fucked them. Take her to a vet and see if they can do anything otherwise deal with it.
It's a lot more cruel to keep the animals "Natural" than not if you are having them as pets.

>> No.12556870

The lord is my shield, he guides me trough the valley of death you have no power here satan's spawns

>> No.12556895

Joke's on you I saved some videos where she says bad things about trooners. Her future audience of Redditards will love those I'm sure :^)

>> No.12556897


>> No.12556931

>i-i was young and manipulated by the evil anomalous of 4chen
>oh i see makes sense you're forgiven

>> No.12556969

Have you seen how bad those clips made her look?

>> No.12556985

Its around the same time as last thread, I didn't wanna believe fellow europoors were doing it but it seems plausible. Cya next thread champs.

>> No.12557031

yeah the schizo anti is in the same timezone as as me. I'm trying to hunt him down but all I get are false leads.

>> No.12557032

yep it's a very very specific time in which this starts.

>> No.12557098

4chan looks worse, she'll just say she was groomed and make up some discord screenshots

>> No.12557100

So what we've learned. Threads should be shut down around 2-3 est. See yall later on champyons and as always, kiki LOVE

>> No.12557138
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Catch you later boys. KIKI LOVE.

>> No.12557238

>so laughably ineffective currently that he has to make up a delusional future in his own head where he succeeds in trolling Kiki
holy smokes how pathetic

>> No.12557278

It is me, I am the anti
(also one or two other guys probably)

>> No.12558053

what are you gonna do about it? Rape him?

>> No.12558232
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>what are you gonna do about it? Rape him?

>> No.12558243

every schizo has a piece of truth

>> No.12558333

I just want to hold Kiki's hand

>> No.12558458

I want to take a shit on her chest.

>> No.12558745

real euro hours

>> No.12558828

it’s night time faggot if anything it’s burger hours

>> No.12558862

>euros fall asleep at 8 because they have no electricity

>> No.12558919

>burgers hide their alabama fetishes and blame it on euros

>> No.12558939

>euros ashamed of their own kinks again

>> No.12559126

...or so the euros would have us believe.

>> No.12559216

The thread has figured out who the real schizo is. Yup, you guessed it. Frank Stalone.

>> No.12559636

>you will never beat up Kiki
How do I cope bros?

>> No.12559709 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.12560342

Meds will not help me achieve my dream of beating up Kiki though.

>> No.12560401

you asked how to cope and you need them anyway...

>> No.12560467

Meds aren't the solution to everything. What are you, a Bill Gates fan?

>> No.12560494

yes, i quite like windows

>> No.12561086

steam anon are you here? i think im developing a crush on you because im that mentally ill so i cant add you

>> No.12561256

I miss Kiki so fucking much

>> No.12561401

women under 25 are cringe

>> No.12561455

Hello everyone I miss kiki

>> No.12562277

kiki would you like to go to the sunshine coast for a date?
- a handsome anon

>> No.12562461

kiki would you like to go to the botanical gardens next to the opera house for a date?
- a don't make me leave the house anon

>> No.12562516

>kiki would you like to go to eastern europe for a date?
- a very drunk and lonely anon

>> No.12562557

I didn't mean to greentext, why did I greentext

>> No.12562634

>a very drunk
<why did i
probably this, don't worry about it

>> No.12562710

Greentext is intended for quoting, and the "new line - person's name or description that said above" is what you put after a quote, so the others should've been greentexting too.

>> No.12562715

I want to rub my dick on Kiki's butt while she sleeps!

>> No.12563010

oi kiki d'yo wanna get some maccas this avo? my shout
-your most hated champyon

>> No.12563160

I love it when Kiki goes full menhera when talking about us, idk why but it makes me feel so fucking good when she spergs out about us the same way I sperg out when talking about her to myself. Telling how she misses us the moment she is going to disconnect, how sad she is that she wont see us for just a couple hours. Fucking hell I know it isn't healthy but it feels good to see someone caring that much for you. Also who started lifting recently? I feel motivated to do so.

>> No.12563164

The fuck champyon.
I'm already married to Kiki and I'm totally 100% not gay.

>> No.12563212

yeah i know, im married to her too but im 98% not gay so we cant be friends

>> No.12563326

>but it feels good to see someone caring that much for you.
Do you really believe that?

>> No.12563334

2% is the futa hentai you got a semichub from that one time right anon?

>> No.12563374

I feel it anon, I don't have the luxury to believe anymore...

>> No.12563390

no its from that one time when i thought of sitting on steamanon's lap while he plays videogames

>> No.12563421

Gone that schizo huh?

>> No.12563758

Half of this thread is a couple of trolls talking to themselves endlessly to keep the thread bumped, save it for the next thread.

>> No.12563781


>> No.12563795

I mean, when you realize we live in a simulation, believing in something becomes redundant, so going by feeling becomes just as effective in your day to day life. I feel like like shit today, therefore it must be a shit day, I feel like Kiki loves me therefore she does. I feel like I'm shitposting too much, maybe I am...

>> No.12564035

kiki LOVE

>> No.12564210

You're right. You're completely insane.

>> No.12564218

I wouldn't go so far as to claim we live in a simulation, its more likely than not based on scientist rrats but there's no empirical evidence. My rrat is "fictional realism", that fiction is unfairly and purely subjectively viewed as inferior to reality. It is a thing that exists, vtubers are "real" just a different thing, parasocial relationships are "real" just a different thing. Basically people are racist against fiction.

>> No.12564259

What happens if kiki gets 500 viewers and stops responding to your comments

>> No.12564362

She doesn't respond anyway.

>> No.12564384

She can just ban everyone who isn't her husband from chat. She knows who we are.

>> No.12564643

I miss malice

>> No.12565003


imagine pretending to be a shitposter, cringe

>> No.12565088

She only replies to me once in a while so I guess it's about the same. I have a feeling that 500 is asking a lot for purely the /vt/ audience.

>> No.12565189

I feel less anxious about what I'm posting in chat, or not posting. I start posting comments on vods instead? Dunno man, it's not the worst thing in the world.

>> No.12565224

I only want one thing from kiki and that is
For her to be happy

>> No.12565299


>> No.12565467

I always wonder if kiki finds my comments cringe.

>> No.12565620

>Men only want one thing and it's fucking adorable

>> No.12565707

you heard me

>> No.12565936

please be kiki and please dont cringe at me please kiki i love you kiki please i do really wanna grab some maccas with you please kiki

>> No.12565967

I wonder if Kiki would approve of a blood sacrifice. My arm is looking a bit too meaty tonight.

>> No.12566010


>> No.12566069

I love you Kiki

>> No.12566241

..... i'm not kiki you socially awkward fuck. i just called what you said cringe cause she's somewhat rubbing off on me

she's getting maccas with me
i'm taking her to the stanmore maccas drive thru, if you know what i mean

and the spoilers are cause this stupid thread is rubbing off on me

how cringe

>> No.12566279

shit yourself

>> No.12566286

Why kiki still love you if she could see your post history in these threads?

>> No.12566414

you first, kiki

>> No.12566467

she would love me more after seeing how much better i am at chaotic aussie style shitposting than her

>> No.12566558

I'd hope so. If I made her sad I'd hurt too, so I don't post anything like that. I'm not joking when I say I love her.

>> No.12566600

no because i am her anti

>> No.12566750

kiki read the only shitpost i made on stream which felt pretty bad

>> No.12566809

Part of the fun is not getting caught. Makes my cock hard.

>> No.12567371
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>> No.12567587

All I do is horny post and miss her, so maybe

>> No.12567611

What did he mean by that?
I too want to rub off on kiki

>> No.12568225

I don't leave my house because I see no reason to, but going on a cute date with kiki were we talk about how fucking retarded the everybody else is, and she tells me about animals and I tell her about space while we hold hands, I would even use the instant camera I bought so long ago just to take a picture of her right when she didn't notice just to try and capture a glimpse of that perfect smile and after she sees me and gets angry at me and starts to give me little punches telling me I am an asshole for doing that I could only hug her tight and give her a kiss to shut her up, and just for a moment after that kiss her I smile when I see her getting a small brush and take another picture, just the 2 of us, so I can remember that I love her just as the first day I found her

>> No.12568468

kiki will appear when i fall asleep

>> No.12568611

>small brush

for her small head and her small hair

>> No.12568689

I think I've pissed off a few champyons with my concernfagging, but I've never said anything to make Kiki sad. At worst I'd be cringe and autistc, which doesn't seem like a dealbreaker.

>> No.12568690

read this as small bush at first and it made sense considering how little she bathes

>> No.12568867

that's because we are not bathing together anon

>> No.12568921

you need to bathe her for us anon

>> No.12569668

I shower every day and I would drag her in there just to rub my hands all over her. The thought of being able to scrub Kiki's tiny, soft, body clean every day is mindblowingly erotic. If Kiki needs incentive to bathe she can imagine a champyon (Me) doing it.

>> No.12569717

im okay with this if you let us watch

>> No.12571325

Kiki's tight anus wrapped around my cock. Bliss!

>> No.12571432
File: 43 KB, 1200x675, All I know is pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took a nap, dreamed I was petting Kiki's head while we watched a movie. Woke up it was all a dream, champyons it hurts.

>> No.12571518

For that moment it was real. Embrace it and look forward to the next dream.

>> No.12571607

Thanks champyon, I'll take those words to heart.

>> No.12571614

VODs are nice, but I need the freshest source of kikium. Hope she streams soon

>> No.12571754

I don't give a SHIT what Kiki thinks. If she wants me, she'll do what I say and enjoy the things I post.

>> No.12571878

Gartic phone with the champyons while we wait?

>> No.12572126

No. I'm here for my wife Kiki. If she's not involved I'm not interested.

>> No.12572327

Sure! i'll create a post.

>> No.12572338

fubuki anon can ERP as kiki

>> No.12572404

I'd rather both of you antis rope yourself instead.

>> No.12572446
File: 354 KB, 2048x1638, 1611916861954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that what you really want anon?

no antis here sir

>> No.12572452

Idk, just on /vt/ or my entire 4chan post history?

>> No.12572506

B-but I love kiki

>> No.12572538

>no antis here sir
You post things that make her sad. She basically called you a faggots on stream. You are an anti, you're just too retarded or in denial to realize it.

>> No.12572552

I thought so too because she was reading everyone's comments but mine but then one time she read one of mines and I felt very happy. Happy feeling good. OK that's enough /vt/ for today, I'm gonna take my meds, extra this time.

>> No.12572613

i thought antis hated kiki but i love her anon so lets not argue kiki wouldnt want that

>> No.12572688

then stop tempting us, witch

>> No.12572730


>> No.12572732

If you think you love Kiki and you still do things to make her sad you're abusive and that still makes you an anti. She doesn't even want you here, that should be enough if a hint for you

>> No.12572779

next time kiki tells me what to do ill listen, i promise!

>> No.12572865

you wanna start champyon in the gartic area or just wait some more?

>> No.12572904

I want to fuck fubuki anon until his ass gets used to the shape of my cock.

>> No.12572905

It sucks being bisexual because you love Kiki but she's only got half of what excites you, then this Fubuki faggot comes along and you just wanna hate choke on his cock until he tells you he's about to cum, then bite down hard and make him scream in pain while begging forgiveness for all the shitposting he does.

>> No.12572942

So who want to tell her https://twitter.com/VTubeStudio/status/1456784756532781058

>> No.12572958

Gay post at this hour.
Kiki please guide me to your arms!

>> No.12572963

Up to you, Im not a drawanon by any stretch. just have fun doodling random shit.

>> No.12573003
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i think im in love with champyons...

>> No.12573006

Hideyaki Anno is having an anueruism as we speak... Good

>> No.12573135

I want kiki to flip me off

>> No.12573203


>> No.12573235
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>> No.12573254

Hi Kiki! When's stream?

>> No.12573276

My thoughts exactly. Its cool and all, but that just shot rigging prices to the moon again.

>> No.12573287

soon TM

>> No.12573318

I never cheat on Kiki, she's my wife.

>> No.12573400

what are you talking about? do you have any evidence? i will not sign the divorce peppers.

>> No.12573412

>divorce peppers

>> No.12573467

so is drawing kiki with a fellow champyon cheating?

>> No.12573486

Part of the separation agreement. At least 10 ghost chilies.

>> No.12573529

I will never cheat on her. Ever. I only want Kiki.

>> No.12573537

is it cheating if we are thinking about kiki?

>> No.12573655
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When Kiki masturbates, is she cheating on us with herself?

>> No.12573681


>> No.12573784
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What are the implications of this?

>> No.12573874

She said basically she thinks about us when she does it. And the horny posts about her bumbum make her feel “weird and warm”

You can hear her get horny on stream. She masturbates to us

>> No.12573991

d-do we need to start doing ero stories?

>> No.12574049

What do you mean start?

>> No.12574091

Tourist chama....

>> No.12574099

>He doesn't know

>> No.12574177

In my interpretation, yes. Imagine this relationship as a web or a wheel with spokes, with Kiki at the center and each of us at the end of the spokes. From her perspective, each of us is not cheating, but from our perspective only our spoke is not cheating. Therefore (you) are being cheated on, but Kiki isn't cheating. Thus you must self-insert as the champyon or you're getting cucked. Drawing it yourself is just outright being a cuck and Kiki hates that.

Not if she's thinking of us.

Realistically cheating is whatever she says it is, though... Understanding women is futile.

>> No.12574315

Anon, are you okay? Be honest.

>> No.12574347

I'm actually kinda hyped! Why?

>> No.12574373

She doesn’t seem to mind as long as you aren’t fauning over another chuuba OR another champyon. Seems fair

>> No.12574374

What games would you like Kiki to play if you got the chance to choose?

Id go with League of Legends, I wanna see Kiki rage out

>> No.12574448

Kiki love

>> No.12574496

castlevania, dohna dohna, pac man, bayonetta- oh wait these are games i'm playing.

>> No.12574598

Champyons, life is fucking amazing.

>> No.12574622

If Moba, then Dota 2 with me carrying her, but we can get great rage out of platformers apparently. Crash Bandicoot series, etc.

>> No.12574646

So I've been trying to find an outlet for my feelings about kiki, what does everyone usually do? I'm tempted to try writing again

>> No.12574678

True Kao was hilarious to watch.

>> No.12574782

So to get this correct and be a good husband, I must not interact with any female whatsoever or consume content such as anime or video games with female characters. Right?

>> No.12574836

I don't want to see her mad, just happy. She mentioned Hollow Knight and I really enjoy that one. Other than that, she seems to like 3D platformers so Jak and Daxter, Banjo Kazooie, Super Mario Sunshine, and Conker's Bad Fur Day are some of my favorites.

>> No.12574894

I'm not really sure Champyon, I wish I had the answer.

Those are some good picks

>> No.12574928

Danganronpa 2,
Tribes: Ascend,
Banner Saga,
Slay the Spire,
Saiko no Sutoka
Death Mark/Spirit Hunter: NG

>> No.12574969

yeah league of legends oce server only so the champyons can get segregated into us based ausbros and cringe subhumans

>> No.12575107

Art, you won't believe the feeling of elation I get whenever she or other anons repost it, or when she puts it in one of her thumbnails. And I'm not even good at it. I've been trying to put in an hour a day in practice to get better.

>> No.12575351


I need a kiki model cover of this

>> No.12575851

Oh and Ratchet and Clank 1, 2, and 3 are fantastic. I only ever played them on the PS2 though. I think there was an HD collection of them for the PS3 and no idea if the remake for the PS4 was any good, I've heard varying things.

>> No.12576278

Good job man, that does sound amazing

>> No.12576399
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I heard somebody talking about emulators recently, I think it was in chat. I recently found out my toaster can run older PS1/N64 games somewhat decently. Any classics that are worth replaying? I was thinking about replaying Spyro to see if it was as fun as I remember.

>> No.12576508

I played OOT on n64 recently out of nostalgia and it still holds up pretty well. Any particular genres you like?

>> No.12576824

OOT is great, but I think I've played it to death. I unironically like 3D platformer games like what she was playing yesterday. I feel like I could go for an old JRPG. I remember really liking legend of dragoon.

>> No.12577067

Snowboard kids is a good N64 game,
FF9, THPS 2, CRASH, SPYRO are great games.
if you're looking for an obscure platformer, play glover n64. or bomberman 64

>> No.12577482

God I want her to play Danganronpa 2 so bad. She'd get a kick out of cunny and chuuni.

>> No.12577503

For old platformers, banjo and dk are pretty hard to beat. As for old jrpgs, ff tactics was my favourite rpg on ps1, the persona 2 duology and vagrant story are pretty great too. I've been meaning to check out legend of dragoon tho

>> No.12577638

Silent Hill
Dino Crisis
Gran Turismo 2
Final Fantasy Tactics
LSD Dream Emulator
Mortal Kombat Trilogy
Resident Evil 1-3
BattleTanx Global Assault
Syphon Filter

Starfox 64
Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire
Chameleon Twist
Bomberman 64
San Francisco Rush
Doom 64
Goldeneye 007
Perfect Dark
Everything Zelda and Mario

>> No.12577754

If you want to give it a try, I can recommend the Wacom tablets. They're pretty cheap and they work great. I've been lurking /ic/ as well after some artfren's recommendation, people are surprisingly helpful for beginners there. Found a few good torrents for resources/courses too there as well.

>> No.12577784

Oh I also forgot paper mario was fucking awesome on n64

>> No.12577813

i'm gonna go to bed soon.. i want to kiss kiki so much...

>> No.12577963

I only ever played the demo for FF9, I think i will check it out, thanks for the recommendation.

>> No.12578014

My roommate has a tablet so i was gonna give that a shot. I'll have a look at /ic/, thanks!

>> No.12578344

Sorry for the late reply but. Air Combat, Ace Combat 2, Ace Combat 3 Electrosphere (The Jap Version is the absolute best, visit /ACEG/ on /vg/ for the isntructions on how and where to download it).

>> No.12578375

>Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire

i'd love to see some streamer play the fucking junkyard level

god that was a terrible fucking level, one of the worst in video game history in my opinion. Like a fucking 10 minute autoscroller with like 3 checkpoints, and a boss at the end.


fuck that level so much

rest of the game is great tho

>> No.12578496

I replayed this a couple years ago and that level is one of the few things I remember about the game, especially the boss fight.

>> No.12578587

I miss my wife

>> No.12578722

I miss malice too

>> No.12578866

I googled it to see what you meant, and you just made me remember a repressed childhood memory of this that I apparently locked away. Fuck that boss.

>> No.12579085

i remember getting scared as a kid in the sewer level with the random thing underwater. i remember getting womped too. the pod racer level. some great shit in that game. jetpack. the destory fucking everything gun. fighting the at-st on foot. i think i might've played that game too much lol

haven't played it in like 20 years and i still remember it's called ord mantrell junkyard. the spelling might be off tho

>> No.12579089

>especially the boss fight.
If I remember correctly, it's the assassin droid right? I4-88 or whatever?

>> No.12579203

ig-88. dash render vs ig-88

>> No.12579206

Faggot, Only Kiki.

>> No.12579211

No Metal Gear Solid mention?

>> No.12579229

You did that on purpose...

>> No.12579275

I miss malice as a friend

>> No.12579368

I probably forgot about it because my copy of the game had a broken disc 2 and I never actually finished the game until over half a decade later.

>> No.12579413

I see what you did there, cheeky cheeky

>> No.12579435
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, podracing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You did that on purpose...

>> No.12579560

OK, I know what I'm naming my droid once they hit the markets.

>> No.12579815
File: 252 KB, 1077x543, this where it begins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prequel memes helped go through some rough times around the time they started to pick up.

>> No.12579908

I've never played MGS besides one PSP game and it was kind of shit. I feel like it would be a pretty hard series to pickup with all the games there are. I don't think I have the patience to sit through a 40+ hour game anymore, but maybe it's worth it for some games.

>> No.12579937
File: 533 KB, 989x597, Anon meets girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic last time
I am retconning kiki's hairpin deal with it

But I'm already eating something?
>The bunny girl in that stunning crimson dress extended her arm to show her hot cocoa
I can see that, b-but I was thinking about something else
>Anon started to panic, his last relationship ended so bad that he swore off girls for 6 months so he could reset, that was 4 years ago
What do you mean then?
>Said the bunny girl tilting her head a bit to the right as if that will make it easier to understand him
>Anon felt how he was messing his chance with Kiki, he knew he was a bit odd, sometimes antagonistic to people but he just wanted to not be judged but right now he needed to be clear
I want to be with you.. I mean I want to take you out, no I mean I would like to have lunch with you since I think you are beautiful and hot I mean is not that I'm only looking at your body, yes you are really hot but I just...
>anon could see his spaghetti spilling everywhere, he knew he was autistic but never to this extend, Kiki look a bit perplexed but still never stop smiling and drinking her cocoa
>Anon's heart was beating so fast it was like he never stopped running, he put his hands in his knees and said in a soft voice "I can't sneed" to calm himself down, after a deep breath he was ready to speak again
>Before Anon spoke he saw that the hairpin was cracked, the little heart now appeared as it was splitted down the middle
I really broke your hairpin, I am sorry for that
>Anon without thinking when and stroke Kiki's hair, it was soft and a little messy but it feel nice against his finger tips
>Said Kiki while she closed her eyes at the sudden caress
>both of them stopped, blushing profusely at what just happened they look at each other's eyes not saying anything
>the silence felt like an eternity, not Anon nor Kiki wanted to say the first word, that would meant acknowledgment of what just happened, him being autistic and not understanding boundaries and her saying something so embarrassing to a stranger
>Anon felt like it was all or nothing so he went and tried to act like that didn't happen
I really broke your hairpin, I am sorry for that
>Anon was hoping for kiki to take the bait and go along, they could forget that happen and start anew
>said kiki a little confused that Anon just ignored her, for a moment she was mad, how can anon not say anything about her doing noises? but then she understood what anon was trying to do
Ah yes, my hairpin, you broke it and it was one of my favorites
>Anon could feel the tension going away since he avoided this particular incident
well I guess I have to buy you a new one then, it's only fair right?
>Anon started to think he was now like a MC of one of his japanese animes, a lucky guy getting the girl
Not really I have my own money
>his ego reverted to his normal state, reality can be terrible and more so if you get too cocky
No, that's not what I meant
>Kiki took a long SIP of her cocoa and looked at her phone, Anon knew it was only a matter of time before it was all over, he was going to be clear and honest and just hope for the best
Kiki, I, Anon want you to go out on a date with me, because ever since I bumped into you 5 minutes ago I can't stop thinking about you, I know that sounds creepy, I know I sometimes I can be a bit stupid but I know that I want to take your hand, eat something and get you a new hairpin, and after that I would like to keep dating you
>Kiki's eyes got a bit bigger while hearing this
>Anon took a deep breath
Because I like [Spoiler] Love [/Spoiler] your voice, because I like [Spoiler] Love [/Spoiler] your smile, because even though I acted like an idiot you didn't call me a creep, slapped me and ran away, I like [Spoiler] love [/Spoiler] all those things about you, and I still don't know you so what do you say? would you like to go on a date with me?
>Anon gave a small smile waiting for her answer
You still don't know everything about me? you need to do your reps kid, but yes I would love to go out with you

>> No.12580160 [DELETED] 

I made the spoilers wring fucking kill me

>> No.12580344

I did the spoilers wrong, fucking end me

>> No.12580662

I did the spoilers wrong, fucking an heroing

>> No.12580699
File: 382 KB, 960x540, ac3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would highly recomend 3 because of the story alone but it also has some very good gameplay.

>> No.12580829
File: 23 KB, 640x464, treason.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still senatepost sometimes.

>> No.12580941
File: 190 KB, 615x710, cringe_kino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciate you bro, you're trying your hardest. Cool story.

>> No.12580978

Now this is autism.

>> No.12580990
File: 180 KB, 487x513, 1636045403729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant gosling to an incorrectly formatred post...

>> No.12581131

god youre pathetic but ganbare

>> No.12581185

On which boards were these Star Wars memes used?

>> No.12581315

/tv/ primarily

>> No.12581519
File: 134 KB, 611x669, flag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon... did you do that just to make him feel better?

>> No.12582700
File: 157 KB, 611x669, flag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just noticed >>12581519 had an artifact in the transparency. Fucking amateurs. Here's the fixed version.

>> No.12583098
File: 39 KB, 880x495, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have failed Kiki and my fellow champyons the only way out is killing myself but if I do that no more Kiki, so wtf do I do?

>> No.12583359

Yeah...I did love the work. It's super cute.

>> No.12583478

Well, what did you do?

>> No.12583637

I fucked it up

>> No.12583692
File: 202 KB, 1066x529, gosling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're suffering from Kiki withdrawal symptoms anon, many such cases. Your only hope is if we combine our gosling energy to summon Kiki into this plane of existence once again.

>> No.12583789

Uh, it's not that bad. Pls don't kys. Save that for when you do something really bad like becoming an anti

>> No.12584111

I just hope Kiki doesn't see it and think "this fucking retard" I want her to think "My fucking retard husband"

>> No.12584358

Be more positive. Think more like she thinks "I want to fuck this retard husband!"

>> No.12584541

She's probably printing it our right now to pin to her wall with all the other goofy thing she finds from here.

>> No.12584819


>> No.12584883

The greatest time of the day has finally come!

>> No.12585078

I'm not gonna be able to catch much if any at all. Oh well. Please be kind to her champyons.

>> No.12585108

Hmm, it'll be 1AM for me when the stream starts. i think I'll pop in to say hello, sleep a bit, and then come back for the tail end of the stream.

>> No.12585183

miss when she used to make vocaroos

>> No.12585415

wife is up

>> No.12585575

This is my last Ace Combat post I swear, but I would bring shame to myself if I didnt mention the soundrack. All Ace Combat games have amazing soundtrack (Personally 4 is my favorite but it all depends on the person playing).
And they all have motifs depending on the game (Although later games from the PS2 onwards really embraces the final epic song with Latin lyrics)
Ace Combat 2 for example has 80s type beats
While AC3 has more 90s electronic music because its in the future
And while its not a PS1 game, maybe some day when Kiki can emulate PS2 games
AC4 with possibly the best song in the series

>> No.12585638

She made one a couple of days ago. But not going to lie, it always puts a smile on my face seeing them. I don't blame her, the past couple of days of threads were pretty troll infested.

>> No.12585768

stfu she needs to make one every hour

>> No.12585952


>> No.12586036


>> No.12586046

I'm now randomly going to post ones of me farting to piss you off in particular.

>> No.12586113

That third OST I think I heard in a hyperbora meme and now I can't hear that without thinking of Goyte and moon Aryans.

>> No.12586299
File: 228 KB, 1438x1415, 1596556879882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12586308

what if that's what he wants?
just like fubuki anon wants to get pin down and fucked

>> No.12586366

Then fucking well played.

>> No.12586428

yes i also want the farting vocaroos and to get pinned down and fuck but i also want kiki vocaroos

>> No.12586495

Yes, I love that they used it for those memes because more people find out about this amazing song (the goyte remix hits pretty hard aswell, I have listened to it a couple times while gaming/doing chores, might download to my phone later)

>> No.12586643

Me in the middle panel

>> No.12586841

Me on the couch because she always streams in the middle of the night for me.

>> No.12586922

goodnight, i'm gonna hug my body pillow and pretend it's kiki..

>> No.12586994

me in the backwards hat because my first two choices are already taken

>> No.12587215

I guess I'll be the loli, I couldn't cope with being a ginger or non-white.

>> No.12587311

This thread reeks of mental illness also Kiki is a slut.

>> No.12587359

For you specifically anon

>> No.12587544

must be nice getting your own personal vocaroo...

>> No.12587614

Me, the deeply closeted gay one.

>> No.12587665

kiki is playing favorites again...

>> No.12587759

ayyyyyyyy cheers babes love u

>> No.12587959
File: 15 KB, 480x480, cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiki didn't send me a vocaroo...

>> No.12588006
File: 124 KB, 360x450, 1592331294772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She might as well have DMed him.

>> No.12588036

I love you all equally, it hurts when you say I’m playing favourites. Wait that’s a lie, I love you all equally unless you’re a newfag, then you SUCK

>> No.12588093

stop being sad cunts, Kiki is a kind wife you'll get your turns

>> No.12588164

what the FUCK im not a baboon im a pigeon

>> No.12588173
File: 33 KB, 399x388, Remorseful Toad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except me you called me cringe

>> No.12588195


>> No.12588240

you ok kiki?

>> No.12588250

I was going to end you anon but kiki just called me a baboon too so it's ok

>> No.12588322

I didn’t mean to say fag... it was a misspelling of friend! Please understand

Also you guys need to stop being geese. I love you all so fucking much, no matter how much you try to convince yourself I’m not for your silly masochistic fantasies, I’m gonna come back stronger, latch on and never let go. I’m never gonna stop you dummy

>> No.12588333
File: 19 KB, 600x341, x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'll get your turns

>> No.12588344

Kiki, ignore the shit poster, the anti came back when you tweeted. We all love you and know you love us equally.

>> No.12588418

im sorry kiki i was just desperate for attention I wont do it again

>> No.12588439

Kiki, I love it thank you

>> No.12588444

hope you guys know that i basically got 2 vocaroos today and you all only got 1

>> No.12588477

I dont believe either of those are real. No cow noise?? Too convenient...you deep fakers wont fool me!

>> No.12588568

I’ll confirm on stream anon!
From now on though I’m gonna get ready

>> No.12588606
File: 1.30 MB, 1279x714, pyon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I will get my revenge

>> No.12588673

Alright, looking forward to it

>> No.12588746

What makes one a newfriend Kiki? I haven't been watching that long but I'm not from twitter

>> No.12588860

Were you here when we got married?

>> No.12588884

If you have to ask...

>> No.12588910
File: 8 KB, 193x70, heh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today, i am as smug as kiki

>> No.12589138

I can't believe Kiki does monke sounds
>me and my college buddy do monkey sounds
Kiki stop making me fall in love more and more.

>> No.12589261
File: 8 KB, 297x167, 1627816215417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros what the hell, Kiki sounds extra bratty today. The urge to spank is greater more than ever before!

>> No.12589512

>kiki does baboon sounds
>I start making baboon sounds aswell as ape arm gestures
It's like some genetic impulse, some evolutionary leftover that compells me to engage in ooga booga behavior when another human engages in such a way.

>> No.12589519
File: 117 KB, 1000x1000, FDPSlzAVUAsg6qo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wise men say
Only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you
Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin
If I can't help falling in love with you?

Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be
Take my hand,
Take my whole life, too
For I can't help falling in love with you

Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be
Take my hand,
Take my whole life, too
For I can't help falling in love with you
For I can't help falling in love with you

>> No.12589565
File: 190 KB, 97x203, 1630576638882.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot your picture

>> No.12589648

How often do you think Kiki speaks with other vtubers every day?

>> No.12589740

not enough id like to see more collabs maybe she should try talking to literal whos from twitch

>> No.12589801

Probably not, I'm mostly supportive but some days I just feel stressed and schizopost for a whole day

>> No.12589817
File: 257 KB, 1809x612, here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am also here but im shy

>> No.12589889

Time to become a 2view lads my time has come

>> No.12590095

Feels bad, man. Guess ill die

>> No.12590146
File: 316 KB, 400x400, bestgirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd unironically start watch her gameplay streams if she did Danganronpa

>> No.12590176

I miss when kiki was lewd bros

>> No.12590214


>> No.12590280

The urge to kick her down a ravine*

>> No.12590320

>not watching all streams
Why are danganronpa fags like this

>> No.12590337

I unironically love her like just as is. Not a huge fan of her being too lewd. Just a little bit is fine.

>> No.12590437

I doubt it she spends already a lot of time streaming and tweeting and sleeping and working, and said she'd focus on us anyway, so there is no way that on top of that she chats with other vtubers often

>> No.12590587

RPGs and rythm games are just my least favorite genres... unfortunate

>> No.12590615

>Why are danganronpa fags like this
I've watched every VOD and most of the unlisted ones and I love those games.

>> No.12590726

Agreed, if I want lewd + pee pee poo poo humor I'd watch vshitshow.

>> No.12590833

Stardew valley is just a chores simulator to me but I still watch, no excuses

>> No.12590986

instantly to the other extreme, c'mon

>> No.12591136

I am massively jealous

>> No.12591360

thinking about it, we're basically her only social interaction of the day, since she has DM only for business and no other way to talk to vtubers, makes me feel happy in a way eveven if it's egoist

>> No.12591379
File: 218 KB, 412x444, 1606685256902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kiki acting especially cute today!

>> No.12591604

This is true, you are being very accurate with your social commentary fubuki anon

>> No.12591701

Yes but you could be cuter than her if you posted your vocaroos instead

>> No.12591822

must be pretty lonely all day having literally 0 person to talk to about your life, but it makes the streams that much better since she looks forward to them more thanks to that

>> No.12592671

Kiki is so cute

>> No.12592789

Cute AND lonely

>> No.12592818

i wish kiki would take care of me

>> No.12592819
File: 38 KB, 679x688, 514xHDTRdeL._AC_SX679_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found the perfect swing for Kiki to use at home.

>> No.12592919

Where's your vocaroo fubuki anon? So I can jerk off to them like with Kiki's vocaroos

>> No.12593025

im not going to do that to kiki guys...

>> No.12593403

Speak to your wife!

>> No.12593453

>she didn't care about me fucking the format of the story
I am going to make it bros

>> No.12593496

No, unless you start lifting

>> No.12593548

Im gross!

>> No.12593551

Tell her what you want to do to her at night!

>> No.12593600

I lift so I can princess carry kiki while running from the zombie apocalypse

>> No.12593697

This is correct. wagmi

>> No.12593781

Yeah I got a feeling that this will end badly. That's fine, I like to watch trainwrecks

>> No.12593804

cuddle with her in her child bed surrounded by plushies

>> No.12593948


>> No.12593963

Obviously. She intends to have kids one day and none of us are going to be the father. This is still nice for now.

>> No.12594045

Cuddle with her and our child while she sings a lullaby

>> No.12594080

Do you look at analytics to see where all your husbands are from?

>> No.12594088

i wish kiki would milk me

>> No.12594106

I want to milk Kiki

>> No.12594411

I have the exact same feeling

>> No.12594460

Kiki a shit
Also she will never be your real wife, I swear all you GFEfags are pathetic and delusional.

>> No.12594474

I watch kiki, and I am at peace

>> No.12594618

I WILL own a farm with Kiki!

>> No.12594659

even if its a delusion its better than reality

>> No.12594707 [DELETED] 
File: 830 KB, 480x270, 1-day-old-male-chicks-high-speed-industrial-grinder.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12594717

agreed reality is overrated

>> No.12594730

Ask your onee, damn it.

>> No.12594766

She is real to me

>> No.12594815

>pet play with kiki
My inner drawfag is awakening

>> No.12594995
File: 192 KB, 636x518, kiki_love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine living the comfy farm life with Kiki.

You decided to escape the hussle and bustle of the city slicker life to settle down on nice quiet ranch with your beloved and raise a family. It's not the most exciting life, but it's a honest living. Like a dream, all the world's problems just seem to melt away. Nowadays your biggest worry is how to keep the chickens from escaping the coop again.

After a hard day's work, you sit on the porch and watch the sunset with your oshi, her hand in yours. Slowly, she begins falling asleep in your arms while humming the tune to that one Elvis Presley song.

In the distance, you see the shapes of your fallen Champyon brethen standing on a hill. Their ghostly forms slowly fading with the falling sun. You meet their gaze, and a brief moment later they nod their heads to you in acknowledgement, no.. respect. The fighting is finally over, and you finally made it.

>> No.12595003

Remember to put the collar and leash on her.

>> No.12595033

itd be funny if someone drew her with a leash on on all fours lifting a leg up and peeing haha

>> No.12595200

I was told she was racist, why isn't she being racist?

>> No.12595477

she really toned it down her personality has changed a lot since the debut, in a good way. the debut stream wasnt a good indicator of what shes actually like at all

>> No.12595619

>kiki has brain cancer


>> No.12595632

>Kiki overhears a female voice from my phone!
>Kiki assumes the worst!
>Kiki is too nervous to say anything!
>Going to sleep with Kiki!
>Waking up chained to bed!
>Getting raped by Kiki!
>Kiki feeding me mouth to mouth so I stay alive!
>Kiki calming down after several weeks of rape!
>Kiki checking my phone!
>Kiki realizing it was my mother!
Kiki love!

>> No.12595758

and then after that she walks on all fours to her champyon and starts sucking him off. It would be really funny. Haha.

>> No.12595821

i cant stop laughing at this one hahahaha

>> No.12596025

onahole anon please, I know you're compiling all these choking and sucking noises she makes with her mic and I need them. PLEASE.

>> No.12596336

and then what if we could see her tight little bumbum from behind.

>> No.12596498


>> No.12596741


>> No.12597055

I will go to sleep kiki, I like hearing you while I fall asleep have a good night you

>> No.12597172
File: 822 KB, 700x819, 1605422868924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with how many times shes mentioned my posts on stream it almost makes me think id actually have a chance with her

>> No.12597449

Imagine the smell

>> No.12597557

Imagine the taste

>> No.12597564

masturbating at the same time as kiki!

>> No.12597598

Kiki I am masturbating to you right now

>> No.12597758
File: 6 KB, 261x193, 2bbb93a95edef53d0c6c72a7893b9cab0f7111d89cba588be42e93792c17cdcc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12598116


>> No.12598430

Yeah, well I've already got a farm in rural NSW, and its got a creek. Beat that!

>> No.12598517

cow costume kiki...

>> No.12598571

okay maybe both kiki and i can move in and be your husband and wife while kiki and i are also a husband and wife and you and kiki are husband and wife?

>> No.12598783

>the start of the kiki commune

>> No.12598927

Sorry I won't share my wife, her collar will be mine alone.

>> No.12599395

I want to cuddle kiki, and tease her until she cum so shakes her cute little bumbum. Every time she does I spank her more so she moans cutely and her voice gets muffled on my chest. After that I give her a kiss in the forehead for doing her best, then fall asleep together.

>> No.12599533

whats wrong with you morons kiki is looking for a vanilla experience first. save that shit for when we've been married for 2 years

>> No.12599678

We're getting stepping-stoned pretty hard, of course it's not gonna end badly. Look at what happened to Nyanners lmao

>> No.12599718

how disappointing

>> No.12599756


>> No.12600204

>whats wrong with you morons kiki is looking for a vanilla experience first.
what kiki is looking for is my tongue inside her bumbum.

>> No.12600277


>> No.12601000
File: 850 KB, 2261x1395, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiki when you plant things with trellises too try to plant them so that you can walk around still.

Once you get 10-20 quality sprinklers you can have them auto water your entire farm, so that should be your priority just to save time on stream.

>> No.12601468
File: 164 KB, 925x642, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the topic of the lowest level sprinklers, if you still want to user these effectively, try to lay them out like a knight's move in chess.

This way they cover every space around themselves.

>> No.12601931


>> No.12602080

It IS boring, Kiki.
But I'm stuck in an abusive relationship with you so I force myself.

>> No.12602101

Did they put the neighbor out in the field lmao

>> No.12602188

Yes, and watching Kiki's attempts at farming trigger my autism something fierce.

>> No.12602246

Shit taste. I love watching her play stardew. It's like a really chill zatsu and I get to listen to Kiki for hours. It's incredibly pleasant.

>> No.12602478

Yeah I don't give a shit about the game, but its nice that she likes it and if she's having fun then so am I.

>> No.12603448

She's really cute when she gets pasionate about animals.

>> No.12603529

Yeah, it's really cute. I can listen to her talk about animals all day.

>> No.12603545
File: 70 KB, 653x432, 1327035986313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The disorganised chests are killing me.

>> No.12603561

Seriously. I unironically love it. She's so passionate and it's such a wholesome subject. i learn stuff from it too.

>> No.12603681

The disorganized chests are SOUL, I really like it. And she's cute when she gets angy about finding an item that she already passed through kek

>> No.12603951
File: 9 KB, 216x156, 1310944223992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want soul I want optimisation god damnit.

>> No.12604023


>> No.12604103

your autism soulless
kiki's autism soul

>> No.12604139


>> No.12604229

Champyon LOVE

>> No.12604356


>> No.12604406


>> No.12604451

The duality of champyons

>> No.12604482

i don't care if you hate me, i only love kiki and kiki alone

>> No.12604521

Someone make a new thread.

>> No.12605275



>> No.12606899

how very disappointing
