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12428407 No.12428407 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't they learn English?

>> No.12428443

Why would they?
And also why cant anglos learn any language? I'm swear you're the only one in the world that seem unable to speak a 2nd language

>> No.12428541


>> No.12428561

That's because the majority of second language education in public schools (in America at least) is Spanish and nobody fucking likes Spanish

>> No.12428576

Subaru has pretty much mastered English.

>> No.12428595

Posting that image should be a bannable offense.

>> No.12428747

Most Japanese people will never need to speak english in their whole life. They study, work, marry, live and die in Japan, which is pretty based.
It's pretty much the same reason why americunts never learn any second language, because they know they don't need to.

>> No.12429106

That's retarded however, because you can expand that to every country on the fucking planet besides the obvious shitholes.

English is also mandatory in Japan during their schooling, they just don't give a shit about it. There's a good video about this made by a Japanese dude that used to work as an English teacher, but I can't recall his name.

tl;dr, "You can't teach English to Japanese people when they don't want to learn."

As for the "don't need" is pretty questionable, I've come across a fair few Japanese people showing up at my work, and I have to explain how shit functions through a retarded translator because they can't understand English yet work in an international industry.

>> No.12429165

i hate this image. whoever drew this must be drawing futas for a living, fuckin bastard

>> No.12429453

OP is something an American conservative would draw, they're total sociopaths.
Korone doesn't deserve it.

>> No.12429456
File: 18 KB, 280x198, 1634675506788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is only one.

>> No.12429520

I learned Japanese. I don't want them to learn English for me, I want them to learn it to speak with the other branches, play games that don't have JP localization, or throw out the occasional engagement with their English speaking fans.

>> No.12429613

>That's retarded however, because you can expand that to every country on the fucking planet besides the obvious shitholes.
That's objectively untrue though. Most European countries have economies that are so globalized and so intertwined with one another that they need to speak english. I am french, and as soon as you want to apply for a job in a company, even of modest size, you will need to learn english. Because most of our business is done with european countries. As a matter of fact, I am taking the Paris bar exam in 2 weeks, and there will be an english exam too.
Japan is different. Their economy is less globalized, and unless you work in a massive international company the reality is that you don't need to learn english. Most japanese people do just fine without english because their local economy is self sufficient.

>As for the "don't need" is pretty questionable, I've come across a fair few Japanese people showing up at my work, and I have to explain how shit functions through a retarded translator because they can't understand English yet work in an international industry.
Why wouldn't you be the one to learn to speak Japanese then?

>> No.12429620

Euros beat themselves off to how many languages they learn but that's because they have a ton of neighboring countries that don't speak their native language. So there's a clear use.
Japan and the UK are literal islands, America is basically a language island. You could travel a lot of the surrounding area and not travel somewhere with a different native language.

>> No.12429757

>Why wouldn't you be the one to learn to speak Japanese then?

While this could be true in general, in the given example the implication seems to be that he going out of his way to help someone and providing a service to them due to their inability to speak English, not the other way around.

>> No.12429768

Being an island at the end of the world makes them not being that connected to another places, rest of Asia is obviously impossible due to their hate to each other, and westerners are too far away from them, they just imitated our lifestyle but they were never interested in anything more than themselves, you can see this in their history

>> No.12429792

>Why would they?
If they want to expand beyond Japanese speaking audiences, then it is a good idea

>> No.12429826

>That's objectively untrue though. Most European countries have economies that are so globalized and so intertwined with one another that they need to speak english.
Nigger I live in Europe aswell and I could work and live my entire life without learning English.

>their economy is less globalized
THEY'RE A LITERAL ISLAND, the vast majority of their larger business work internationally, specifically anything involving production and metalworking, since they historically have very poor access to said substances without import.

>Why wouldn't you be the one to learn to speak Japanese then?
Because the Japs traveled literally to Europe, the fact that they don't feel bothered to learn English when traveling abroad is fucking mindboggling.

>Japan and the UK are literal islands
.. Do you not see the irony of trying to infer that if you're a country reliant on import and export in order to function, that learning language is somehow completely useless?
Nigger what.

>> No.12429860

>Nigger I live in Europe aswell and I could work and live my entire life without learning English
Good luck finding a job anon

>> No.12429921

>Because the Japs traveled literally to Europe, the fact that they don't feel bothered to learn English when traveling abroad is fucking mindboggling.
Mutts do this a lot too, is not just a japanese issue but EOPs too

>> No.12429940

tl;dr, they traveled 5000 miles to my workplace as we deal with export/import, and they wanted to learn more about the systems we use and how they function.
They brought a translator that barely spoke English himself, and I had to struggle my way through explaining these things to them and help them in any way I can with the moderate Japanese I know.

You'd think that if your position within work requires you to travel to a different country in order to learn, that they would learn English to facilitate that.

>> No.12429945

but spanish is ridiculously easy to learn.. how can you expect languages like Japanese or russian to become compulsory if you’ve proven you cant learn spanish ..

>> No.12429959

> Nigger I live in Europe aswell and I could work and live my entire life without learning English.
This. I live in fucking Quebec in the middle of a whole continent that speaks solely English and I could still live and work speaking French until I die without any issues.

Coping american.

>> No.12429996

Doesn't matter if it's easy to learn if it sounds like ass and is used by beaners

>> No.12429998

America is a big place. The only countries nearby speak English and Spanish with a little bit of French. So there isn't much need unless you go to Mexico

>> No.12430038

I already have a job.
In fact the last 3 jobs I had in different markets entirely, I never had to speak English at all.

Shit I literally work with export/import now and I've only had to actually speak English a handful of times over the last 6 years.

Oh I agree, but the difference is that the vast majority of the planet do not have Japanese as a mandatory language.
Japan, however, does have English as a mandatory language in school yet they don't bother to learn it most of the time and it's only for a few terms.

It's just so backwards.

>> No.12430040

Shuba is nowhere near mastery but I'm fairly sure I could hold a conversation with her in English, if a slow and simple conversation is what you want

>> No.12430133

Omegatranny should make it mandatory for EN chuubas to learn japanese. They're the ones working for a japanese company, and EOP holos are the extreme minority. You shouldn't bother everyone else because of a tiny amount of people.

>> No.12430148

I'm a eurofag too and I've never used English in anything but... well, the Internet. Americans overestimate the influence and value of English. I would argue it's actually becoming LESS valuable and influential as time passes and that this trend will continue.

>> No.12430254

>Nigger I live in Europe aswell and I could work and live my entire life without learning English.
Never said it's absolutely impossible. I said it's almost impossible as soon as you want to apply for a salary man kind of job in a company. If you really live in Europe you know that the most languages you speak the more a company suck your dick. Hell, even just knowing english isn't enough for a lot of companies here in France, they ask for 3 or more languages sometimes.

>Because the Japs traveled literally to Europe, the fact that they don't feel bothered to learn English when traveling abroad is fucking mindboggling
Because you think americunts learn to speak Japanese when they travel to Japan? Or French when they travel to France? Or any other language than english for that matter? They believe they can speak english anywhere and they will be understood without having to make the slightest effort.

Quebec is kind of a special case. You guys are basically french people who hated the english faggots for trying to steal your land after France had to abandon the French Canada to England, and have been fighting for ages to keep your language and your culture.

>> No.12430332

I'm Spanish, not American, and here english is needed even for working in a McDonnals or Janitor

>> No.12430363

>I said it's almost impossible as soon as you want to apply for a salary man kind of job in a company
That's also entirely incorrect.
Stop trying to shovel your bullshit when it's so fucking far from the truth.

By your own logic, every French motherfucker should know English, but I have yet to find anyone willing to speak English at all and I spent over 2 months living in France about 3 years ago.

>> No.12430422

>He doesn't know about Okinawa
All languages have their own brown people, don't delude yourself thinking there is a superior or inferior language
t.white spanish

>> No.12430457

why don't you learn japanese
you can't learn japanese

>> No.12430517

Only a Spanish speaker could try and pull the unity card and act like Spanish isn't a shitty language

>> No.12430549

Is not the matted of speaking, is having the grade for applying to the job, also yeah, Japanese is just keeping to themselves, mutts wants everyone to speak their own language, they are racists as Brits

>> No.12430574

Not true I spoke with a lot of americans and in a lot of schools there you can choose between french, portuguese and spanish

>> No.12430601

> Larps as my history teacher
Nigger I’d rather be fucking dead than being compared to a Frenchman. We have been fighting to preserve our language and culture, but the fact that we still managed to pull if off while being such a small minority in the whole continent should tell you something about the importance of the English language as a whole.

>> No.12430647

Then Spain is the odd one out here.

>> No.12430673

most nips spend their holidays in japan. Traveling outside the country isnt something very common there

>> No.12430736

I speak both and I really can say objectively that english is by far a lot stiffer than spanish, English is a pretty incomplete language in comparison but easy to learn tho, so basically if you can't learn spanish is because is just too difficult to you

>> No.12430758

Obviously many public schools offer alternative languages depending on the school but Spanish is the majority choice and it's not even close.

>> No.12430774

>most nips spend their holidays in japan. Traveling outside the country isnt something very common there
I'm well aware, but when you're working in a company within Nippon land and your literal job is to travel to associated companies that you work with, you should probably know English and not have to drag along a translator that also barely knew English.

It just caught me so off guard, as the Japanese traditionally have a REALLY fucked up work ethic and expected quality, yet they somehow just dropped the ball entirely on having people educated enough to converse in English.

>> No.12430814

Is one of the reasons why there are too way unemployed people here, is just too difficult to fulfill the requirements

>> No.12430864

Worse English = cuter
Simple as that.

>> No.12430894

But do they want to? The talents already have a western audience without doing english content. Even Haachama the one that knows English doesnt like to do a lot of english content. And if the company want to expand then just hire english speakers like HoloEN

>> No.12430905


>> No.12430923

Reject globalization. Everyone should build walls and firewalls around their borders. Soon enough we will be monke

>> No.12430954

Depends where you're from in France. In most big cities everyone will speak French.
Also, again, never said it's completely impossible to never learn english. Most people never work as a salaryman in a company, so it's not a surprise you had trouble meeting people who speak a good english. The difference remain that in Japan, EVEN as a salaryman kind of job you don't need to learn english. Most Japanese people will NEVER speak English, watch a movie in English, or play a videogame in English. Hell, even their internet is completely different from the western internet, they don't use the same websites as we do for the most part, and they never mix up with us. They are a country that is mostly closed to the outside world compared to European countries.
There is also the fact that, the same way learning japanese is hard for us, learning english is incredibly hard for them. We don't even share the same alphabet or the same semantics, the logic behind our languages are different and there is no common root between english and japanese languages. It's far easier for a french man to learn english than for a japanese person to learn english.

Seethe, French canadians were French people. You guys only became Canadian because France lost against England and had to abandon part of its territory, which was a tragedy for France btw. And you only managed to survive and keep your culture because your ancestors were french people who spite the english and would rather die than to speak english. I'm not LARPing as your history teacher, I'm french and I know the history of my own country, which include the history of yours nigger.

>> No.12430980

The problem is that if you pander to english too much like chama, japanese won't have much interest in you, take for example the ID girls

>> No.12431058

They learn English anon. Watch them in SC reading time

>> No.12431108

want er to sound like a basic bitch?

>> No.12431148

There are very few holos that can read english SCs and they still don't know english, they know how to read SCs, that doesn't mean they'll be able to read anything outside of the SCs they get

>> No.12431199

> Chama still has many JP viewvers
> EN Haatons can type and read Nihon-go

Do not worry anon , Haatons learn Nihon-go for Haachama.

T. America Haaton N3

>> No.12431261

If you know the history of your own country then you know exactly why people here don’t want to be associated with you. You and me are different breeds. France reeks of failure and yet we managed to do just fine.

>> No.12431285

>There is also the fact that, the same way learning japanese is hard for us, learning english is incredibly hard for them.

I'm well aware, I was a big fan of linguistics and I know of indo-european roots, but as pointed out previously;
Almost no country outside of Japan has that language as a mandatory class during their education.
Japan DOES have English as a mandatory class during education however, and even so most of them don't go out of their way to learn it on a basic level.

Also, it's not that hard to learn a language that doesn't share a common linguistic root, as with anything you just need time and the bare minimum of effort.

>> No.12431331

Why are so many incels and trannies here?

>> No.12431340

I can garuntee you they know English. They even know western culture and meme. If you send SC in the right time they will answer and have fun time together.

I suggest Fubuki, Aki Rosenthal and Luna

>> No.12431426

SEAniggers have to learn 4 languages in school and no joking

>> No.12431531

Four can be a bit rough in case they don't share a common root. Where I live we only had 3 mandatory and 1 optional.

>> No.12431835

Explain this. Considering that almost every chuuba in holo ID has at least some degree of fluency in at least 3 languages that's not far from reality

>> No.12431843

Sure, cope with whatever help you sleep at night.

To be fair, most country fail at teaching foreign languages in school. Most french people learn english outside of school, through TV, videogames, music, etc. The same way Spanish is taught in the US and most americans don't know how to speak a word of spanish, despite the fact that spanish is closer to english than english is closer to japanese.
As I said, the fact that most of their culture is self sufficient and closed to the outside world is playing a major game. Their country is still pretty much closed to the western world. Hell, they don't even speak with english people on the internet. Unironically, this website taught me a lot about English when I was younger. But their japanese internet is self sufficient and most japanese people don't talk to English people online.

>> No.12431952

1 local language, English , Chinese Mandarin and you must choose another 1 like French, Japanese, ESL , Bahasa or Korean. No joking

>> No.12431996

The reason most Americans don't retain any of the Spanish they learn is similar to why Japanese don't retain their English. They just don't have a use for it. Regardless of whether its easy to learn or not, they don't care because it doesn't change their lives to know it.

>> No.12431999

It's cuter that they don't, and they know it. Korone for example is absolutely smart enough to put her mind to it and put a few months into becoming entirely fluent, but the clumsy wow america hamburger is part of her charm alongside her forced JP accent.

>> No.12432094

Korone please do another English only stream, the Mario playthrough was so good.

>> No.12432197

Aki chan can speak English very well compare with last year. Rosentai love to watch her speak English and ask us when she is not understand some words or paragraphs.

>> No.12432554

i don't want them associated with the EN branch in any way

>> No.12432621

But they do in school from elementary to high school. The question is why they haven't retain much from it when it's built into their curriculum? We had language classes in school but they were always optional instead of mandatory.

>> No.12432716

Barely 10% of japanese can pass the what is supposed to be a elementary school Kanji test and you expect me to learn their hieroglyphs
I dont fucking think so

>> No.12432980

>The question is why they haven't retain much from it when it's built into their curriculum?

Because they never practice it outside classes, they don't bother to hold actual full-english conversations to improve their fluency and by the time they finish high school, they'll have forgotten everything but the most basic of things. Japs simply don't have any need for a secondary language.

>> No.12433084

My country has mandatory english and 5% of the country understands english.
It doesn't work. Learning a language requires immersion, you can't do it once a week for a few minutes and memorize things before tests, you need to be actively using the language as much as possible, even if simply to call other people retarded faggots on the internet.

>> No.12433101

Because they're not smart enough.

English is the most spoken language in the word, spoken not just by the United States and Canada, but dozens of nations too including all of Europe. It's the best language, simply put. Learning Japanese is useless for English speakers because it opens up pathway of communication to one fucking country lmao.

>> No.12433188

You kind of answered your question without realizing it. The translator didn’t really speak English and likely neither did anyone teaching English in their schools. Moreover, since their grades are based on tests, designed by non-English speakers, you can see how this feedback loop leads to a bad end.

>> No.12433926

my high school offered spanish, french, and japanese

>> No.12436256

>English is a pretty incomplete language
English along with German are the two most technically sound languages on the planet
There's a reason most of the important works of western literature and philosophy were written in them

>> No.12437235

If they speak English then you will become more aware that they are women.

>> No.12437673
File: 2.50 MB, 1600x900, sob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guarantee you that most of the holos speak better english than they let on. Too cute for everyone
Korone, Suisei, Luna, Subaru, Haato and Miko especially.

>> No.12437937

We live on islands or places that might as well be. How many Japanese know a second language?

>> No.12437989

Subaru's improvement is so impressive.

>> No.12438297

> Majority of their viewers are Japanese
> Overseas fans still watch their streams even if they understand jack shit
Why would they even try? Marine was supposed to be taking English classes but she dropped them as soon as she realized how useless it was.

>> No.12438325

Learning a language in school is nearly worthless if it isn't reinforced by either living in a culture where you're exposed to it constantly, or disciplined self-study to maintain fluency and steady improvement
I took French in High School and remember barely any useful words or phrases because I basically never heard it spoken or needed to speak French with someone

>> No.12438394

They all dropped their eigo when they realized how useless it was, even Coco, for how much people talk about her, barely spoke english during time in Holo outside of meme review or a lot of the pre graduation streams.
Most of her money also comes from JOPs.

So why bother? Just appeal to your market demographic.

>> No.12438539

>numberfags ruin another thread
math sucks
you suck

>> No.12439390

>they all dropped it
Subaru didn't. Diligent girl.

>> No.12440108

Imagine you learning Japanese but at the end you weren't rewarded with being able to understand anime and cute girls. Your reward is the retarded shit we have on basic cable, modern pop music, and cape shit.
The US is a pretty large country and what occurs in one area may be wildly different than what occurs in another area. You might be shocked to know that we have a whole state where virtually no one is fat. A lot of poor areas only teach Spanish. It's great when an area offers more but there are a vast number of schools that only teach Spanish and like the first anon said Spanish is gay.

>> No.12440679

nitpick here, although they are often together, culturally imperialist does not *necessarily* mean racist
someone can be an asshole without also being a delusional schizo

>> No.12440780

>Imagine you learning Japanese but at the end you weren't rewarded with being able to understand anime and cute girls. Your reward is the retarded shit we have on basic cable, modern pop music, and cape shit.
but they fucking love cape shit
why do you think they specifically got into a capeshit collab
hell they literally started learning english SPECIFICALLY FOR capeshit

>> No.12440920

sometimes they do
some more than others
learning english is probably not worth it, HoloEN exists
if someone is weeb enough to watch someone who primarily speaks Japanese, they will probably just learn Japanese
t. EOP
I absolutely hate this image

>> No.12441536

>And also why cant anglos learn any language? I'm swear you're the only one in the world that seem unable to speak a 2nd language
Because Japanese is only spoken in one small island nation, while English is the current lingua franca, tard. Only people unfortunate enough to be born into a country with an irrelevant native language have to learn a 2nd language, that almost always being English.

>> No.12441966

You sure love to speak like an obnoxious faggot.

>> No.12442017

You have to be kidding me. Do you really believe that? ntayrt but English has no real basis. It is a mix of different language rules that make no sense combined and yet are. Spanish is its own thing mostly, so is german and french. Among european languages those stand out as the most stable.
I am not even european but i know french because of how easy it is to learn.
European languages are a million times easier than asian languages because asian languages are a fucking mess (except for persian, arabic and the like) for example even the Japanese dont have mastery over their language until later years of their study like highschool.
Also the reason english is used for a lot of works is because english is the lingua franca since the british empire ruled the world

>> No.12443014

the fact that we aren't speaking esperanto, is testament to humanity's inability to work together
(or a different conlang if there are issues with esperanto)

>> No.12443126

Esperanto duolingo streams would be pretty kino.

>> No.12443255

Not an argument

>> No.12443839

Based human breeder also tweeted about officially taking his first online English class today.

>> No.12444099

>everybody moves to soulless conlang
>thousands of years of recorded culture fade into obscurity

>> No.12445767

>That's retarded however, because you can expand that to every country on the fucking planet
Why yes, the majority of people in the world only speak their native language and don't need to learn another language. Like what do they need English for?

>> No.12445806

>thousands of years of recorded culture fade into obscurity
has always been happening
and most of culture is already either inaccessible, or only somewhat accessible, to most people
and creation of content is incredibly fast, most people will never be able to access it

>> No.12446658

Because no other language is currently relevant, no matter how much speakers of other languages might want you to believe so.
Not even an anglo, but this whole thing about anglos not learning other languages is such a cope.
Shit is like asking why medieval monks didn't just write shit down in languages other than Latin.

>> No.12448012

>you can't
It's not they can't. There's no carrot, no entertainment worth consuming and no people worth talking to.

>> No.12449844

I know this is just an image, but this hurts me a lot more than I expected it to. That spelling of sorry is just too accurate. On the other hand, Korone irl would probably beat the shit out of whoever this is

>> No.12449879

Is English considered easy to learn? I thought it'd be considered hard for foreign speakers

>> No.12449899

As messy as english is, at least it doesn't have gendered words. That's why english will continue to be the lingua franca of the world even when anglos lose political clout.

>> No.12449911

Easiest language in the world

>> No.12449973

nta, but I remember having Spanish class in Highschool and not getting it for 2 reasons. 1) My school (and a lot of other ones for that matter) teach a very small amount of languages, which was French and Spanish for me, and I have no interest in either. 2) The education is shit. It's just god awful. There's no immersion, or even any attempt at it, just fucking long sheets of paper talking about words to memorize. It might also have been me being a tired fuck for 4 years in a row idk

>> No.12449998

i want ma oshi doggo to speak more engrish

>> No.12450083

The biggest factor is that the anglosphere exports a lot of media whereas Spain and latin america are creatively bankrupt and can only produce tv game shows about big asses.

>> No.12450271

Holos WILL learn English.
