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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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12375752 No.12375752 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine Rushia having to thank some Pewdiepie wannabe for a raid.
You can't just ignore when a guy raids you, it's impolite.
All of the GFE Holos will now be forced to acknowledge males' existences outside of Yagoo.

>> No.12375778


>> No.12375863

They can ignore raids. It's rude to ignore SCs, ignore people who the entire chat is reacting to, and ghost people on twitter, but they all do it to some extent. Some people like Mori, Ollie, and Kiara would probably not ignore it though.

>> No.12375909

>KFP Knight [3rd of the 12 apostles] has raided with a party of 1

>> No.12375933

Pretty sure that, like on twitch, you're gonna be able to turn off raids.

>> No.12375968

Raids are going o be a major source of drama for Hololive. NijiEN will be fine.

>> No.12375974

>You can't just ignore when a guy raids you, it's impolite.
You literally can though.

>> No.12375992

Don't use my oshi for your bait.

>> No.12375995


>> No.12375996


>> No.12376006

This is a pretty funny post. Thanks OP, needed something stupid to laugh at, I appreciate it.

>> No.12376030

to be fair, nips say thank you really frequently.

>> No.12376153

Youtube is going to catch up to Twitch soon, all thanks to that leak a couple of weeks ago.

>> No.12376284

>You can't just ignore when a guy raids you, it's impolite.
You can. Many do.
Catch up in what way?

>> No.12376317

Arigato, arigato, gomen, gomen.

>> No.12376366

Why are KFP like this?

>> No.12376445

> New Raid feature rolls out
> Cover directly disables it for their streams
Business as usual after that.

>> No.12376494

based as hell

>> No.12376691

Catch up in the sense that more middle of the pack streamers are moving over to Youtube.

>> No.12376757

I think this is more likely than people realize. Company runs on GFE and the viewer feeling special, they're not going to implement something that disturbs that.

>> No.12376824

The real reason is some nazis or Chinese or obnoxious meme channel like Nuxtaku could just dump all their followers into someone's channel.

>> No.12376889


>> No.12376939

Catching up to features maybe but youtube has always dominated twitch based on the leaks, even though twitch should have like an over 60% domination of the streaming. Break the results of the top vtubers into annual and it's pretty small compared to what a top vtuber on youtube earns annual in superchats alone vs what a twitch vtuber does since the leaks account for both membership, ad revenue and bit donation.

Now, the caveat is that it doesn't include sponsorship and straight donations so they might be equal to the superchat but then you add a youtubers membership, ad revenue and sponsorship to that and they are likely far ahead of any twitch vtuber if twitch was their only source of income. They also get ad revenue all year round on their VODs instead of them being deleted after 60 days on twitch and getting small revenue if they re-upload to youtube.

This is all conjecture on my part based on the info we know. Unless there is a similar youtube leak to twitch, we probably won't get exact numbers and can only work on guesses for now but the guesses seem to favor youtube over twitch from what I see so far for vtubers at least.

>> No.12376962

>making something optional

>> No.12376964

Go back.

>> No.12377003

Got any metrics or examples?
Though I could see it. YT lacks some pretty neat features but a lot of archival & comment options are simply way better.

>> No.12377034

>some nazis
But I thought we were the nazis?

>> No.12377039

> 2 Biggest vtubing companies use Youtube exclusively

Anon I wonder why the vtubers on Youtube are making more money than the ones on Twitch.

>> No.12377052

Literally every youtube "feature" since 2013 has been a shitty copy of some other social media site. None of it ever works, because people would rather use the other website than its bootleg version on youtube.

>> No.12377063
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>You can't just ignore when a guy raids you, it's impolite.
You can, raids derail the stream most of the time.
>iphone filename
Neck yourself homobeggar

>> No.12377119

not when you have a company with obsessive numberfags who will drop a game at a seconds notice if they see their audience drop and will obsessively play buff games like Minecraft or Undertale for the 100th time

>> No.12377122


>> No.12377125

Eh, to be honest I don't really have actual numbers for you to look at. Here is a list of some pretty big names that moved over. https://gamerant.com/twitch-big-streamers-left-youtube-drlupo-timthetatman/

As for middle of the packs, that's the issue with middle of the packs, they don't get publicized that much when they move over.

>> No.12377249

Lamy will never look at another male besides me!

>> No.12377262

What was the thing with Ame raiding some JP early on and getting in trouble because thats "not how they do things around these parts"
I do get why someone would not enjoy getting their chat spammed up by outsiders, I just want to know the full scoop if there is any

>> No.12377264


>> No.12377323

She just told her chat to check out Ina's stream and she scolded them after they were obnoxious about it

>> No.12377427

She didn't "raid" anyone as far as I can remember. At the end of one of her streams, she just told her chat that a JP was streaming and they all went to the stream and started spamming "AME RAID" like retards. Guess she either felt embarrassed looking at the other girl's chat or management told her to address it

>> No.12377457

Taiwan will never be Chinese

>> No.12377481

Thanks, appreciate it.

>> No.12377495

Kronii did the same thing during her first few weeks and immediately apologized on twitter and the next stream for it.

>> No.12377519

You're expecting a lot out of Youtube's coders.

>> No.12377553

Upcoming Tako shitters falseflagging as kfp

>> No.12377593

*sigh* It’s oh so tiresome

>> No.12377617

imagine if it actually did kill unicorns and people didn't have to hear from them demanding all girls be virgins

>> No.12377661

>the nazis are coming, the nazis are coming!

>> No.12377680

Yeah imagine how nice that would be homobeggar

>> No.12377692 [DELETED] 

I can finally falseflag as kfp and blame that shit on takos.

>> No.12377735

>implying they can't disable raids

>> No.12377752

Do you remember who it was? I'm curious about the possible reaction

>> No.12377795

>gifted subs
disabled except for moderators

Some would like to keep gifted subs for the revenue but i think it will be quickly frowned upon in the JP community and all will disable it as a curtsey to their long time fans.

>> No.12377813
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>> No.12377819

>gets called out for being a two faced cunt
>b b bb b but im innocent, i didn't do anything
tako shitter

>> No.12377875

> Coders
> A lacking feature is the fault of the monkey who followed the requirements on a Jira ticket.

>> No.12377883
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>phoneposting homobeggar

>> No.12377915

>le smug shion poster who's never watched a stream of her's in his life
You're both obnoxious shitters

>> No.12377920

Haachama chama

>> No.12377927
File: 69 KB, 380x479, 48315631-2E46-425A-85B0-3E758E9A095F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never fuck your oshi, incel-kun

>> No.12377963

seethe, cope, and dilate

>> No.12377972

>>gifted subs
Lol no, they'll just add an extra tier and allow gifted subs for the lowest one only.

>> No.12377982

This is bad, takos will use this as a way to troll the other girls.

Anon your husbando gave like two Holos STDs, i wouldn't talk shit if i was you.

>> No.12377999

wtf are raids? I don't watch Twitch streamers.

>> No.12378050

That's Astel, you're thinking of Kaoru.

>> No.12378077

When your stream ends you can automatically send your entire audience to someone else's stream.

>> No.12378111

As the end of a stream, the streamer can chose to send his viewers to another stream, like a friend, coworker, or someone they think is interesting and deserves better views.

It's usually always celebrated and has poisitive effect, the only exception being if you have a huge fanbase and they're not used to raid's etiquettes, but it's a very tiny minority of cases.

>> No.12378133

>homobeggars have to make up rrats about their failures fucking holos to cope with the fact that they don’t give a shit about them

>> No.12378136

I will forever kneel

>> No.12378140

That sounds like a shitshow waiting to happen.

>> No.12378217

https://twitter.com/Fwiz/status/1454078781006618628?s=20 (About Livestreanming starts at 3:10)

They say they're gonna start working on discoverability, which is great. Was always the worst part of youtube live.
Though I can't think of the last time youtube made a update I liked, so please don't disappoint me papa youtube.

>> No.12378228

Oh no imagine if a guy sent Rushia a superchat and she had to thank him for that. Rushiafags in shambles

>> No.12378236

It usually goes very well, most fanbases know how to acts, at worst it's 1min or so of derail. If the streamer have a huge viewer count it's their job to tell their viewers to behave, and most do.

>> No.12378249

What part of me saying Kaoru was STD-ridden made you think I was a fan?

>> No.12378278

Miko and Pekora stream on twitch occasionaly and already do that.

>> No.12378280
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>tfw Rushia acknowledges the existence of a male gender

>> No.12378312

I fear gift subs being badly implemented and not having a way to keep gifted niggers out from member exclusive streams. That would actually kill gachikois and GFE.

>> No.12378323

How nice of Twitch to make their source open code so Youtube can finally improve its shitty platform.

>> No.12378331

can't you disable receiving raids? if not that's stupid

>> No.12378372

You can already disabled it on twitch, of course youtube will do the same

>> No.12378373

They can always switch videos to T2 streams

>> No.12378393

I hope they are poorly implemented for that exact reason.

>> No.12378421

Hololive streamers will only raid one another and ignore the attention seekers or they’ll disable it, but that isn’t very drama worthy is it.

>> No.12378424

probably not likely, they want money

>> No.12378457

What’s the point of memberships if greys can get in now?

>> No.12378462

Fucking fag cucks talking shit about gachikois when we are the whales willing to spend absurd money for our oshi that you greys poorfags couldn’t even fathom

>> No.12378505

Oh nyo
Everyone makes T1 emotes only and moves everything else to T2 lol

>> No.12378507
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You faggots are less than 5% of total viewers

>> No.12378518

Kek no you aren't you LARPer. You don't even know Japanese and you watch ENs that have all interacted with or mentioned male VTubers on stream.

>> No.12378529

At least it was her

>> No.12378532

And yet they make up the majority of donations.

>> No.12378538

>instead of them being deleted after 60 days on twitch
Wait, that happens?
I sure hope holofightz has been archived someplace else as that's the only thing I've ever used twitch for.

>> No.12378563

Kys homos

>> No.12378566

And yet they provide 50% of the revenue.
Really makes you think.

>> No.12378585

Not an argument. You will never be a gachikoi, poorfag.

>> No.12378595

if greens were the only ones that mattered, your oishi would still be a 2view

>> No.12378616
File: 204 KB, 352x353, BE3BF3C9-B869-4DD0-B83D-961F2D422F63.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And yet they make up the majority of donations.
Baseless rrat, there's no proof. Suisei still owns most of other hologirls

>> No.12378656

Cope. I opened this article about Youtube Gaming and Ayame’s channel is literally front and center. You guys are fucked

>> No.12378714

What does this have to do with suichan? Leave my oshi out of your mouth

>> No.12378717

Not an argument when flare is one of the most succesful people in the company

>> No.12378795

Imagine bragging about this.
Anyway, raids will be able to be disabled. Otherwise, you treat it like an SC. “Random_faggot_22 thanks for the raid.” Or ignore it if you’re a chuuba that ignores SC.

>> No.12378810

This whole threads sounds like some massive cope from poorfags who can't be arsed to pay for tier 1 memberships for content they probably enjoy.

>> No.12378812

>All those zoomer /pol/cels neonazi trannies seething in the replies

>> No.12378834

trying too hard

>> No.12378901
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>"YouTube Gaming recognizes that content creators will be more important than ever to game developers over the next 5 years," Youtube global head of gaming Ryan Wyatt explained in a blog post. "It's no longer about bringing games to creators when they want marketing support on launch. They'll be there as true partners--influencing creative direction, functionality, and formats.”
I think this coupled with Sony’s Verse will crush vtubing for good

>> No.12378924

>Pewdiepie wannabe
So this person would be x10 more popular and relevant than her? What makes you people think that many people give a fuck about a Japanese bitch streaming with some avatar other than you? People don’t even do that on Twitch being a Vtuber isn’t as special as you think it is.

>> No.12378931
File: 259 KB, 339x338, 5808FE5B-6A09-4EDA-9782-0C1E12892662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suisei never pander to unicorns and she gets more superchat than most gfe oriented girl
>Leave my oshi out of your mouth
Stop larping, Sui-chan loves holostars

>> No.12378987

There's literally a thread on this very board right now that proves you wrong. At least do some research before saying dumb shit.

>> No.12378989

Sounds more like the end of gaming. Imagine VTubers who can't play vidya for shit influencing creative direction. "This part is too hard! Get rid of it!".

>> No.12379034

Don’t they already have to thank a billion men every superchat reading?

>> No.12379068
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>> No.12379142

>It's usually always celebrated and has poisitive effect
Literally every big twitch streamer disables raids the moment they make it into the big leagues.

To big streamers, raids only have two purposes: to shit up 2views or to allow 2views to leech.

>> No.12379175

People are so dumb. Falling for the typical case of someone falseflagging as an homo

>> No.12379187

guy's FUCKED

>> No.12379211

It's understandable when the "legitimate" holostars fans are just as obnoxious.

>> No.12379219


>> No.12379270

people unironically defending unicorns is the dumbest shit ever

>> No.12379279


>> No.12379291

But Youtube is actually introducing new features that will change vtubing for good. the unicorn thing is just a cover to get more eyes on the incoming changes

>> No.12379440
File: 20 KB, 199x233, 5CAC3C94-8208-4F81-B187-43D00E01187B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate unicorns for cockblocking my seaweed and other boys

>> No.12379468

Can you imagine if back in the day Carson raided gura instead of sending those pathetic sc kek

>> No.12379524

Can you disable it though?

>> No.12379629

The Episodes are on Youtube with timestamps in the comments, way more convenient to watch there anyway.

>> No.12379670

opchama, i think you might be literally retarded

>> No.12379795

>NijiEN will be fine
Nobody has interest in the small country at the end of the map

>> No.12379817

You mean Tsunderia?

>> No.12379921

>Every social media ''feature'' since 2013 is a copy of some other social media site.
I fixed it for you

>> No.12379944

>Your oshi will have to thank and flirt with men on stream
It's unironically over. Thanks jewtube.

>> No.12379983

Considering it was Chammers, I'm sure she didn't mind the raid from Ame, I find understandable since she is Ame's oshi

>> No.12379989
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>Youtube will make raids and membership gifting optional, right? H-Holos won't be using features that make them and their boss more m-money, right?

Nice cope. They WILL use this feature and the Youtube stream experience WILL continue to become more similar to that on Twitch.

>> No.12380035

I don't like modern YouTube but this is based.

>> No.12380044

>You can't just ignore when a guy raids you, it's impolite.
You can declare that you would like people to refrain from raiding, which would make the people doing the raid seem impolite instead.

>> No.12380125

You mean HoloStars?

>> No.12380129

xxXXEpicSniper421XXxx doesn't care about being impolite, he is just retard

>> No.12380161

You're all forgetting the fact that rushia is the kind of girl who would drop her act the second a very popular male e-celeb would mention her, let alone send a raid her way

>> No.12380180

>You can't just ignore when a guy raids you, it's impolite.
People on Twitch literally do it all the time. No one gives a fuck no idea what makes you mfs so bitch made.

>> No.12380208

Then he doesn't need to be thanked.

Also, gaming media like Kotaku are already working hard to have raiding be considered hatespeech, bullying, etc. - so chances are they'll be able to disable it anyway.

The Japanese are too smart to fall for short-sighted gains - they're not Jews. They play the long game and they know that it would alienate their viewers long-term.

>> No.12380259

>and Kiara
You just brought up the "Holos /vt/ hates" list

>> No.12380324

Considering how protective is Cover I'm sure they will just disable raids if there is an option to keep them in their bubble even when well done raids can benefit them more, but they won't risk to have another yab

>> No.12380862

this statement is so ignorant kys
i bet when she said hikakintv the other day you thought this was a betrayal kek
Only fucking fandeads should talk about Rushia. People larping as unicorns and false flagging for baits please stop.

>> No.12380990 [DELETED] 

plenty of GFEchuubas and e-thots on Twitch use the feature and their just fine

>> No.12381055

plenty of GFEchuubas and e-thots on Twitch use the feature and they're just fine

>> No.12382043

You mean phase connect?

>> No.12382235

>GFEchuubas on Twitch
I know this board is retarded for using the term GFE in the first place but anybody who pretends that there is GFE on Twitch is so new that they actually think people here are interested in the vtubers just pretending to be their girlfriend on-stream has a flimsy grasp on why people watch vtubers like Rushia and Lamy.
I can't imagine how a person must feel about themselves if they're satisfied with knowing that they're paying for somebody to lie to them. The people on this board who argue up and down that it's okay to be happy with a lie are not standard. The majority of lonely dudes out there haven't become cucks yet.

>> No.12382296

She has literally said that she's gotten offers for collabs by dudes in the past and turned them all down because she doesn't want to make us feel bad.

>> No.12382351

This is why I love rushia

>> No.12382565

>Tweets at a foreign apexking
It's over

>> No.12382950

Gifted subs are gonna literally make their entire chats green, there will be no more grey fags. Pekora and Miko on Twitch get bombarded with gift subs whenever they stream, same thing is gonna happen on YouTube.

>> No.12383216

She replied to my tweet and i'm a male
It's over guys

>> No.12384552

She addressed this bait too, by the way. Dumb ass.

>> No.12385249

What even are gifted subs? I've heard the term but still have no idea what it is.

>> No.12385639

In youtube terms, it would be the equivalent of being able to buy a month of membership for either random viewer(s) in chat, or someone specific of your choice.

>> No.12385830

That's kinda weird if it can be forced on someone.
Does the other person at least need to agree to it?

>> No.12386345

no, it's completely random, on twitch if someone gifts 5 subs, and then 5 random people watching the stream who aren't subbed will get a notification saying they were gifted a 1 month subscription.

>> No.12386758

>Super Chats/Gifted Subs/Raid will all be read in another stream.

Kiara will never be able to finish a Super Chat streams now.

>> No.12386952

It's Astella schizo. Just pay him no heed

>> No.12387035

>X ended the stream, while Y was streaming, and she didn't raid her. They hate each other.
>X raided Z, not Y. XZs keep wining, XYs will never recover.

>> No.12387136

It's not completely random, it's weighted. The pool isn't just currently "in chat". With the source code out I guess somebody probably knows how it's weighted, but I've gotten gift subs for streamer I watch a lot but wasn't watching when I got gifted.

>> No.12387363

the "raid" happened within the first 2 weeks of holo en debuting so i doubt chammers and ame had any contact with each other by then

>> No.12387499

I hate this. The whole point of people having different colors is to differentiate between tourists and fans. It's not like there will be no grey fags, they'll just blend in with the greens.

>> No.12387567

Careful, poorfags will call you a larper and salty whale

>> No.12387702

Time to start paying attention to the icon, I guess. Grey will denote a turbo tourist that hasn't even been around enough to get gifted membership. "New member" will be the current grey, and 1-month+ icons will denote non-tourists. Only thing is that actual new members will be lumped in with the gifted ones.

>> No.12387919

management more likely than not. it's against their chat rules to discuss other streamers during someone's stream. JPs consider raiding rude since twitch doesn't dominate japanese streaming at all so they have no twitch streaming culture ingrained in them, it's just disruptive to them.

>> No.12388000

Well, that's the point. Membership costs only like 2 cups of coffee (and scales with local monopoly currencies), anyone can afford to member their oshi and get extra content. If they actually like her, that is.

>> No.12388101

>They say they're gonna start working on discoverability, which is great.
Would be nice if the algorithm changes end up making small company vtubers show up more often in recommended videos when watching hololive.

>> No.12388985

You do know you can turn them off or limit them to certain people

>> No.12389320

Can you tho? It's not even implemented yet.

>> No.12389540

>just a casual viewer, never talk in chat
>get gifted a sub for no reason
>it gets wasted because they don't care enough to chat
would you get mad that it was wasted on this type of person?

>> No.12389634

For Twitch no, because generally speaking Twitch streamers only have emotes as an incentive to subscribe. Some of them have started locking vods to subs but I'd like to think most of them think it's cringe as fuck. For Youtube? Yeah kinda. There's actual content to be found in sub-only streams. It's intended to be for the viewers that give a shit about you.

>> No.12389837

yeah i agree. i guess its mostly for poorfags that can't support their oshi but want the content anyway. im expecting the "please gift me a memebership! OwO" spam to happen which will be annoying

>> No.12392826

If I were to gift 5 subs for some reason, I wouldn't even be able to remember who got them, let alone pay attention to them in chat. I would think of it as a donation with a twist. But some people would get mad for less.

On twitch, streamers increase the worth of the sub with external things. Sub games, discord, all kinds of polls, naming characters, etc.

>> No.12392919

It is extremely rude to ignore raids you have no idea what you're talking about lol

>> No.12393008

hey it's that twink who got groomed by furry troons

>> No.12393275

The idea of some randoms getting on my oshi's members stream disgusts me

>> No.12393362

Unless you don't want the raid.

>> No.12393373

>poorfags that can't support their oshi
There is no fucking way someone can't scrape together five fucking dollars for a membership or less if they're in an actual poorfag country. The only people that don't member their oshi are the ones that don't give a fuck.

>> No.12393560

Just limit the notification to 100+ viewer raids.

>> No.12393704

vods + yt's cut is smaller than twitch

>> No.12393832


>> No.12393863

Is there any statistic on people with gifted subs renewing subscriptions?

>> No.12393884

This is the best solution. When people complain that $800 rent is cheap and they wish they lived where rent was so cheap, that means people can afford to spend $10 per month on membership for their oshi. $5 really isn't much these days.

>> No.12393932

Would be funny as shit if like Kiara decided to raid Pomu instead of her genmates and the shitstorm that would happen here.

>> No.12393951

Ollie's gonna be very busy thanking all the anitubers for gifting memberships and raiding her with 5 viewers.

>> No.12393976

>1. Uruha Rushia - $106,594
>2. Oozora Subaru - $77,600
>3. Amane Kanata - $54,750
>5. Yukihana Lamy - $50,280
>13. Momosuzu Nene - $33,358
>27. Hoshimachi Suisei - $15,888

>> No.12394061

More likely, the designers will take live streaming into account, to design specifically for vtubers. Something chill enough to randomly pause and interact with chat, but interesting enough to keep viewers interested in the game.

>> No.12394223

I'm just so opposed to simping for females that I can't bear to financially support them unless I became an outright gachikoi. Or if I had assloads of cash, I'd member at least a dozen or more chuubas.

>> No.12394233

just ban phrases like "gift me"

>> No.12394247

Designing the game around streaming is good for the streamers, but what is there for developers? Viewers don't pay for the game they're watching.

>> No.12394309

I imagine there will be more subscription based games that cater to vtubers. Think minecraft but with a monthly subscription. They only need 100-200 vtubers to play it all the time to break even.

>> No.12394459

That sounds horrible. Is the future going to suck?

>> No.12394809

That sounds like a very risky idea. You bet everything hoping that your game will become a new Minecraft and chubas will play and pay for it. The more realistic approach, I think, would be for publishers to give permissions to stream their game for a cut. I can see japs pulling this shit off.

>> No.12395195

I don't see this working out. Twitch culture just doesn't translate well to YouTube.

>> No.12395780

Do you people watch Vtubers and the games they play? DDLC, Jump King, shit like Pien, a whole bunch of horror games, etc are all already streamer bait.
Actually games that aim for streamers to get publicity and word of mouth to spread their games, typically aren't that bad in terms of compromising their own artistic vision. Companies that have catered towards game journalists have been much worse for the industry. Streamer bait games typically you can either tell from the stream they suck and never play and just enjoy the stream, or you actually like it from the stream enough to play it yourself and be a fan. There's not really a downside to it.

>> No.12396098

>by Connor

>> No.12396414

>Watch your favorite vtuber
>This game looks so fun
>Buy it
>It is now part of the other 1000 games in the steam library never to be played

>> No.12396618

they can just ignore them

>> No.12397116

Can they really? I could see retards going on and on with "raid, chubaname send us" until they are acknowledged.

>> No.12397994

on twitch, it depends on how big the streamer and the raider is, and the streamers personality. big streamers usually ignore them, mid-level usually reply with "thank you" and move on, the ones who really show gratitude are the sub 3 digit streamers.
the only thing gfe fans should worry about is if their chuuba raids someone

>> No.12400946

What do you mean? They are pretty chill most of time. Only homobeggars are annoying who usually aren't fan of them anyway.

>> No.12400963

>You can't just ignore when a guy raids you, it's impolite.
Are you retarded? A fuckton of raiders gets straight put on ignore list/banned from channel because they do it just to piss the other off or try to literally leech views
No one fucking raids someone on twitch unless it's a friend already, raiding a stranger especially a bigger one than you, is a sure way to look retarded as fuck

>> No.12401009


>> No.12401046

I'm a nazi, please don't compare us to faggots like that. I'm incredibly offended.

>> No.12401068

Cry a river, sub gift are randomized and if you don't want to gift you don't gift, of cours you can't stop someone else to gift 200 memberships in ARS to 200 random people

>> No.12401130

This. Especially on the /jp/ side trying to move your people over to someone else's stream is considered condescending and rude as fuck. They should have an option to disable raids.

>> No.12401139


your oshi will be forced to do THIS

it's over

>> No.12401153

Give them the generic thank you and ignore them.

>> No.12401245

ur a faggot nazi. im jewish and still alive. if u were real how is that possible?

>> No.12403020

This. We already had a small taste of that with the massive shitfest the mob voting thing for minecraft has been thanks to big Youtubers choices influencing results.
Don't know if this will affect Vtubing industry at all but gaming industry is fucking done.
Enjoy the quality of games lowering to the point the average e-girl that can't go beyond world 1-1 in SMB can finish all the new games easily.

>> No.12403066

This makes me nervous because my oshi gets pretty personal in memberships, what if antis got gifted randomly. What is stopping them from spreading dumb rrats.

>> No.12403207

I really hope they give streamers the option to disable these "features"

>> No.12404183

>What is stopping them from spreading dumb rrats.
Even without gift subs nothing really.

>> No.12404226

your oshi's mods or worst poor oshi will have to lift her mouse and like a "BAN user" button, oh the humanity ! !

>> No.12404309

>What is stopping them from spreading dumb rrats
That's the last thing to worry about. Rrats are rrats and they will be posted with or without membership involved.
Worst thing that can happen is that an anti will say some stupid shit in chat, make everyone uncomfortable and maybe get banned. They won't be able to shit or spam too much either since it will be 1 or 2 guys at most, is not like they will gift membership to 100 antis the same day.

>> No.12404367

Idiots. They'll make it an optional thing purely to get the attention from Twitch streamers.
"Look, ours is optional, you can disable it even!"
Twitch has been getting mad shit for hate raids in recent months especially.

>> No.12404449

Holy shit, Omega on suicide watch

>> No.12405245

Just turn off raids lmao.

>> No.12405416

>hate raids
Those are a different thing entirely and not related to anything discussed here at all

>> No.12405641

You're worrying about the wrong thing, some retard acting like a retard in a members stream will just get banned. The real problem is that the chuuba will no longer get pretty personal when member streams are reaching the exact same audience as regular streams.
The ones with tiered memberships will probably just move their member streams to higher ones, and the ones without tiers will maybe feel forced to make them. Not a problem for me and my oshi, I can support her with more, but there's no way I'm upgrading all of my memberships.

>> No.12405824

This is fine. Hololive already has rules against mentioning other Holos in a Holo's stream, or talking off-topic in chat.

>> No.12405872

Turn on sub mode. Tell your biggest gachikoi you need a janny to keep undesirables away. Easy.
Rosemi was raided by some anituber on her Ringfit Adventure stream, the first already fixed it.

>> No.12405891

Lol, who's the asshole?

>> No.12405918

Can't remember. His username was related to One Piece methinks.

>> No.12406198

You can turn raids off on Twitch too or limit them to a whitelist.

>> No.12407370

Now that i think about it raiding is kinda like forced hato shit.

>> No.12407454

Literally read the first fucking post.
True, but they sure took their damn time.
It's still not a solid solution anyway, and no amount of software will stop raiders that don't rely on the service in question and use outside websites to organize. That requires mods and actual human staff to review reports. lol Youtube staff. They honestly probably have less active staff than fucking Twitch has.

>> No.12407532

>gifted subs
Fuck. They can turn them off hopefully

>> No.12407535

Twitch hate raids are about people sending bot accounts to peoples chats based on their channel tags. It has nothing to do with the normal raid feature.

>> No.12407557

they can absolutely ignore them like they ignore a lot of chat

>> No.12407631

Also don't want to give free advertising to that fag.

>> No.12408820

>no amount of software will stop raiders that don't rely on the service in question and use outside websites to organize
Still cuts out plenty of people.

>> No.12409414

streamer bait games have always been like that. they're no fun to actually play on your own, but since they're made to elicit funny played up reactions from youtubers and twitch streamers they entice influencer fans into buying it anyways

>> No.12409453

It's only rude if you actually know the person. Literal whos trying to leech aren't worth any respect.

>> No.12409498

"Hate raids" is what they call it when a Twitch streamer gets harassed with bots. It has nothing to do with the raid feature.

>> No.12409611

I've never used twitch before, can I get a quick rundown? The hell are gifted subs and raids?

>> No.12409628

If it will work like on Twitch you will be able to turn off raids. Possibly maybe they will introduce option to be raided only by chosen channels.
Actually this can be big thing for companies - imagine 24/7 Holomems relaying streamers from one channel to another. Korone will end stream and will send her viewers to Shion who will send them and her viewers to Fubuki who will send them and her viewers to Rushia who will send them and her viewers to Okayu who will send them and her viewers to someone else and then back again to Korone.

Get ready for losing even more life and being glued to your screen for eternity, lol.

>> No.12409711

>some retard gifts 5 memberships to support his oshi
>gives it to a anti
>he now has access to the discord

Great job youtube

>> No.12409746

Raids like that are forbidden by cover
None of the talents are allowed to send viewers to other streamers, with the extremely small exception of when a big event like a concert is going on. You are not allowed to "raid" like that even for outfit reveals

>> No.12409861

Hey, the marketing worked

>> No.12410026

Literally control F your question

>> No.12410203

gifting: paying for memberships that are randomly distributed to that streamer's viewers who don't have a membership

raiding: built in feature where you automatically redirect all your viewers to another streamer of your choosing's stream when your stream ends.

>> No.12410236

Fuck YouTube and fuck Twitch, they should all move to dlive

>> No.12410242

The moment this cancer gets implemented there's no reason not to use Twitch instead. Youtube is better precisely because it lacks this stream derailing garbage.

>> No.12410526

>youtube implements raiding and it's super janky
>hololive can't turn it off
>every five minutes get raided and spammed by some literal who or bots

>> No.12410699
File: 665 KB, 1219x1158, mikospook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a) raids are disabled
>b) raids aren't shown on screen
>c) holos can't talk about the raid unless it's a fellow holo or someone close to Hololive (ie. Tamaki or Ui)
Wow that was hard to think about. Next drama!

>> No.12410851

in option C a raid will be a lot like when a chink fires up spam bots, suddenly hundreds of accounts will start flooding chat for 5 minutes straight to let you know they're raiding you

>> No.12410873

m-maybe if youtube-kun implements raids poorly, hololive will be f-forced to implement ch-ch-ch-chat mods

>> No.12410896

You're putting way too into YouTube to implement the feature properly and into Cover to do something smart. Remember how they were deleting videos during the permission drama a year ago?

>> No.12411003

Unlisting or putting a video on private doesnt make you immune to youtubes bot automatically DMCAing or putting strikes on your video

>> No.12411013
File: 69 KB, 787x864, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>youtube implement the feature correctly
if this is what twitch who they're copying is dealing with, then i highly doubt it

>> No.12411100

>get a bunch of viewers
>the first thing that comes to a parasites mind is to play ads so that you get more money
You do not get to cry victim when you are a greedy kike

>> No.12411120

For some reason retards tend to scream "RAID" in the chat, so implementing a bot that hides those comments wouldn't be too farfetched. It doesn't even have to be done by google

a) was just an option, c) does not rely on cover, more on the girls themselves

>> No.12411196

>expecting Cover to be that competent

>> No.12411338

Nothing implied help by cover, probably on the tech side but some of the JPs know about that stuff

>> No.12411367

Some faggot streamer anti is enough to do a raid with just 60 people into Kiara stream and start writing shit. Her chat is pretty slow.
Maybe on Twitch.

>> No.12411418

What? Of course you do, crying victim is like the 2nd most common trait of kikes.

>> No.12411445

>Some faggot streamer anti is enough to do a raid with just 60 people into Kiara stream and start writing shit. Her chat is pretty slow.
So what exactly is stopping them from organizing that on the egg discord?

>> No.12411691

Having more than 5 schizos cocksucking each other

>> No.12411764

re-read my post, anon.

>> No.12411832

Hey, that's actually kinda cute. Getting flustered and not knowing what to do when your chat grows 3x its normal size is pretty great. Maybe the pink cat is ok.

>> No.12412117

This is the biggest problem from the raid perspective. The reason these girls are so successful is because they tend to cultivate a chat that they both like to stream for, and that simps like because it feels more personal. There's some larger outliers like Gura, Kronii, Korone, and Pekora, but for the most part the rest of them as well as stream groups like Niji get a very dedicated group of fans who show up to a lot of their streams. Having an outside group come in and muck up the chat because they don't really care about the ecosystem they're walking into and are only doing it because 'X' told them to, so they have no real interest in adapting to the setting they move into makes for a terrible experience for both the streamer and their dedicated audience. I really hope they're allowed to turn that shit off.

>> No.12412908

is this the thread posted on the holo discord server?

>> No.12414153

Kiara is certainly reading it.

>> No.12414360

Something needs to exist outside of KFP's mind to effect reality.

>> No.12417175

Again, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. Every Twitch streamer ever who gets a raid that they notice says "Thank you for the raid" at bare minimum. Most sub-100 streamers aren't sending raids to huge ones anyway but even when they do they still get acknowledged because it's just what you do when you get a raid.

>> No.12417244

They'll probably just not turn the feature on and it will be fine. Tsukino Mito still doesn't have memberships and it's not weird, so I don't see how it would be a problem if Rushia deactivated raids and gifted memberships

>> No.12417261

That's the important distinction. A 2view isn't likely to be noticed by someone with 20k viewers. They'll send the raid to someone who will actually appreciate it, and can help them grow by establishing better relationships with their fellow 2views. I've seen Nyanners get probably less than 10 raids from people with less than 100 viewers in the year that I've watched her. It's not a thing that people should be worried about.

>> No.12417410

I kind of expect my oshi to eventually stop giving a shit and start interacting with male streamers (at which point I will kill myself).

>> No.12417887

Why? Who's your oshi? Why does simply interacting with males make you want to kill yourself?

>> No.12417931

which vtubers will start raids the most?
who will get raided the most?

>> No.12418371

A raid itself would be a rude thing by hololive standards. There is literally a rule against it. I'm 100% sure they will disable them if the option is available.

>> No.12418552

>You can't just ignore when a guy raids you, it's impolite
Twitchnigger mentality. The smart ones will ignore it just like they ignore when thirsty checkmarked faggots like CallMeCarson show up in their chat. The dumb ones will be dumb.

>> No.12419075

Half of HoloEN don't even read SC outside of big reds and Ina herself doesn't give half a double chocolate chip and mint dogshit about SC in general. The only ones who would care would probably be someone like Kiara and a few of the ID that's not Moona, Reine, Risu, and sometimes Anya.
