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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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1225594 No.1225594[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just what's wrong with her being trash like this

>> No.1225621

Oh no no no no

>> No.1225657

i feel like hachama's series were suspended just for this lame shit

>> No.1225674

fucking enma again
what a bitch

>> No.1225697


>> No.1225699
File: 624 KB, 900x1051, MurasakiShion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you. She's the only HoloEN to do something with her lore. I hope she's the first of many to copy Haato.

>> No.1225713
File: 426 KB, 1000x722, korone punch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow i can't believe Kiara is an onigiriya! truly supportive of her JPmates and a shining example of an idol

>> No.1225715

This is now a Haachama thread.


>> No.1225731

Why is Korone so violent?

>> No.1225744

Built up rage from her fanbase spamming "go to bed".

>> No.1225756

i want her out of hololive die sau

>> No.1225759 [DELETED] 


Le hoo-biddity!!!

Le he-biddity!!!!!

Le ha-biddity!!!!

Le ho-biddity!!

Le EPIC!!!!!111

Le ABSOLUTELY LE EPIC!!!!!111oneon

Le we le did le it le reddit!

Le we le have le taken le over le 4 le chan!!!!!!1111oneoneon

Le truly le the le narwhal le bacons le on le 4 le chan le now!!!!

Le thank le you le based le redditers le on le the mod le and le janitor le team!!!

Le you le have le made le 4 le chan le great!!!

Le lol


>> No.1225769 [DELETED] 

I’m not even gonna bother watching it because that’s what she wants.
Is it literally just a rehash of what haachama did?

>> No.1225773

sexual frustration from not being able to fill cat cunt with red rocket due to quarantine

>> No.1225777

she takes her boxing training very seriously

>> No.1225792

So how's that autism working out for ya?

>> No.1225799

it was a mistake even taking a peek coz it was in my recommendation

>> No.1225810

Similar style but depression instead of horror.

>> No.1225819

Eat shit r*dditors Kiara is epic and if you disagee you can fudge off. Take another week off haters

>> No.1225831

Keep at it simp

>> No.1225854 [DELETED] 
File: 168 KB, 1090x267, wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only did she steal the horror concept. She also stole haachama's joke about "hololive EN gen 2 debut"

>> No.1225855

Put in some effort in your bait if you want to farm (You)s

>> No.1225857

wondering how much money u spent on her

>> No.1225858

Le I le don't le know le what le you le are le talking le about

Le I le am le just le a le typical le userino le of le reddit

Le lol

Le you le are le funee


>> No.1225868

I'm a billionaire bitch so make like your oshi and fuck off for a week cuck.

>> No.1225876

she's been a thirsty attention-seeking whore since her debut

>> No.1225903

yeah you do that shit

>> No.1225907

>She's the only HoloEN to do something with her lore.
This, and it's delicious.

>> No.1225929

Not really, she joked about how she should do a German debut if it ever happens again shortly after the first time her account got nuked. It's clearly a similar idea they both had independently.

>> No.1225943

yeah and she's cringe af

>> No.1225962

Oh Kiara...

>> No.1225967

That's one way to copy your seatmate's answer during exam, paraphrase so it'd look like it's original

>> No.1225983

Gura does stuff with her lore all the time, it's just never noticed. See, in lore she's a shark, right? And sharks are really stupid. Since Gura acts stupid often that's her using her lore. I mean, she has to be acting, right? Nobody can be as stupid as she acts, yeah?

>> No.1225991

>implying SEAnigs care about that

>> No.1226002

I think you guys are too hard on Kiara. As always. She put out a video where the concept is she's in jail, obviously referencing the fact she's been in youtube jail for the past week. Yeah, you can make a comparison to what Haachama did if you want, or you can stop jerking your hate boners and realize it's probably just her expressing her feelings about being shadowbanned in a literal sense.

>> No.1226019

>Gura's hands typed this post.
I'll give you a headpat for the effort.

>> No.1226024

Haato does it, faggots:
Muh creativity, muh talent
Kiara does it, faggots:

Not surpised, tho.

>> No.1226034

Kiara did the redebut thing first though. This is just her reusing her old joke.

>> No.1226051

fyi this isn't the first time that she did something like this. i wouldn't mention her irl stuff because even on stream she shows how obnoxious she is, even the other members feels awkward with her

>> No.1226052

Seems fair, since YouTube keeps repeating the same old song and dance, too.

>> No.1226064

>Nu-haatons crying again

>> No.1226068

You know the other ENs personally, do you?

>> No.1226074

>Haatos rewriting story when she made it first.

>> No.1226080 [DELETED] 

>It's clearly a similar idea they both had independently
Yeah ok kfpnigger. And do you expect me to believe that she came up with the idea to make a horror video by herself as well???

>Haato comes up with a story and original concept not done before.
>Kiara just does a retarded rehash of it.
"y-you just don't like it because you are a faggot tranny anti!!!"

Prove it

>> No.1226087

you're a faggot. white knighting her always, lmao at least don't just overlook her lowkey doxxing w/ d other members

>> No.1226102

>Le meme "Le"

>> No.1226132 [DELETED] 

Please show me where kiara had the idea first. I looked through her videos and couldn't find anything.

>> No.1226141

I suddenly don't feel bad for YouTube deleting her videos. Fucking whore.

>> No.1226143

Guy Who Fits In And Isn't A Newfag

>> No.1226145

Meant to >>1225759

>> No.1226148

fr also i'm not even a fan of hachama, just trying to point out that this whore is being too much #oustkiara

>> No.1226159

Not him but kiara had her channel wiped last year in December, before the hololive EN gen 2 announcement, ya know.

>> No.1226166 [SPOILER] 
File: 12 KB, 4000x3000, 1614960741154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1226190

>antis are still trying to stir up 4chan like we can still act like a personal army
that was years ago we don't do that shit now no one cares go home

>> No.1226216

didnt know she used to have split personality as well,

>> No.1226221

What country are you from where the schools are so poor you have to share a seat with another kid?

>> No.1226229 [DELETED] 

>horror video
Take your meds SEAcockroach.

>> No.1226240

yeah stay dumb as you are rn, keep it up

>> No.1226254
File: 7 KB, 205x250, b81f3e36a8113141744abd4ba14c65ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How she dares imitating Haachama.

>> No.1226262

yknow they're losing this argument if they started calling you shits instead of sticking to the topic. pathetic

>> No.1226268

you don't remember her coming back "without her memory", redebuting as a new character and everything?

>> No.1226283

Imagine being mad at a fucking vtuber, lmao

>> No.1226284

You asked about the hololive EN 2 gen debut, don't move the fucking goalpost now, lmfao.

>> No.1226303
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>> No.1226307

oh yea? study psychology and come back again once you proved that split personality and amnesia are the same thing

>> No.1226313

>Someone asks Haachama.
>Haachama: Cool. And?
The end.

>> No.1226338

who's mad? You? No one's mad here unless they're pissed off with this thread

>> No.1226339
File: 325 KB, 419x720, not a shoop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1226364

oh cool, u personally talked to haachama?

>> No.1226387

You really believe the people seething in this thread actually WATCH the streams?

>> No.1226391

I dunno, sounds kinda like seethe to me

>> No.1226423

fucking leech

>> No.1226427

Haven't you?

>> No.1226448

Not a chance. I bet most have "Debut TBA" in their twitter profiles.

>> No.1226453

no, no, no, have (you) talked to haachama

>> No.1226455
File: 221 KB, 586x402, 1612011940001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's the one who snitched haachama to enma that resulted in kicking her from the minecraft server
>haachama is banned from using #HololiveEN
>cancels her off-collab with haachama
>made haachama private her lore videos, then uploads this vid while haachama's on a "soul search"
>mocks haachama during their collabs
>actually copies some of haachama's content

That's it. She hates haachama

>> No.1226463

I am now angry.

>> No.1226471

Isn't that what I just implied? You haven't? Tsk. Don't know what you're missing.

>> No.1226484

AHHHH fuck! Kys!

>> No.1226492

There's a more interesting rrat here.
>Haaton and Haachama are ARE Kiara.
