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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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12157086 No.12157086 [Reply] [Original]

Polka said management is the greatest perk of Cover
Do you agree with her? Keep in mind she's a veterant vtuber.

>> No.12157230

Because she compared it to the worst of the worst that killed her previous vtubing career

>> No.12157252

Polka has historically gone through some of the worst shit a vtuber can face. Cover management isn't good, but it can still be better than what she had to deal with before.

>> No.12157257


>> No.12157271

I'm sure her manager is decent.
She isn't talking about you though omegle.

>> No.12157385

of course polka likes management, she gets to collab with nijis

>> No.12157453

To elaborate, Polka is comparing it to her previous company Upd8. Now THAT was a black company!

>> No.12157461

Compared to a company that would force her to wear an ear piece while streaming and would login to her Twitter to break up her friendships, anything is better.

>> No.12157517

This, HER manager and possibly some JP management are great, EN managers like omegay not so much.

>> No.12157548

Yes. Keep in mind I haven’t worked for every corporation and I’ve never been a vtuber.

>> No.12157552
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Cover is GOD

>> No.12157671
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>Girl you can trust with experience praises Cover management
>Everyone starts doing mental gymnastics so that what she says and what the dragon said can be true at the same time
Have you ever noticed how only western-born girls have outright shit talked management? Just something to think about.

>> No.12157713

Her content was much more interesting under such black management
Really makes you think

>> No.12157742

Mel wasn't western born.

>> No.12157774

Counterpoint: she's blonde

>> No.12157899

I won't trust polka with anything lol

>> No.12157952

Only the western-born girls deal with EN's management, Coco included. Seems fairly obvious who those complaints are directed at.

>> No.12157968


>> No.12158021

Perhaps Polka knows how to have management work with her instead of against her.

>> No.12158029

Polka could tell me anything and I'd believe it. I don't even watch her but she seems trustworthy.

>> No.12158039

Proof is in the rigging

>> No.12158041

>Japs don't speak out openly against those in authority
In other news water is wet, etc.

>> No.12158120

And you're working for a Japanese company in a predominantly Japanese culture. Fuck off faggot.

>> No.12158220

i love polu but she's been through one of the worst management crisis to ever happen to vtubing
also im pretty sure she was handpicked and brought in by yagoo himelf

>> No.12158263

I mean she legimately got the worst thing that could happen and she still decided to stay in hololive, you can assume that only one person was the problem

>> No.12158294

Western girls aren't raised by their family and society to behave the way the nips do, obviously there will always be a signicant difference, dumbass.

>> No.12158328

No shit. Her manager has been letting her to shine and were even able to contact with popular underground non-otaku indie artists to make songs for her. They're probably the best in Cover right now. Meanwhile, ENmanager keeps stifling their talents for some fucking reason

>> No.12158395


>> No.12158422

>They're only unprofessional and difficult because of their upbringing!
This stops being an excuse when you hit 18.

>> No.12158468
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I hope Polka invites more Nijisanji and indies on Legend of Polka
Maybe she can get Tenjin Kotone on next

>> No.12158502

Rent free, chud.

>> No.12158567

5th gen has an excellent manager now and Polka is close friends with the CEO. Management works for her.

>> No.12158692
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>Tatsunokos seething that Polka actually uses her creative freedom to make interesting content and their oshi become a panty-flasher

>> No.12158747

They will never cope with this

>> No.12158758

Compared with the truly awful experience she had in her previous company, yeah.
Hololive manage is kinda bad and lazy, but her standard is pretty low.

>> No.12158774

>inb4 chink

>> No.12158775

>Speaking frankly about management is unprofessional and """difficult"""
The nip work mentality is doormat bitch tier in western society, cope.
>B-but they need to follow the cult-
No, they don't, Hololive have to adhere to US laws to operate in America, as is the case for anywhere else.

>> No.12158890

>No one mentions Coco
>Bring her up anyway
Rent free.

>> No.12158902

anon you didn't have to kill them like that

>> No.12158907

She probably had no idea what she was doing and needed to be babysat.
And in general jap managers understand their boundaries and duties and power so they're more chill and respectful.
No harm no foul imo

>> No.12158966

No one is as much of a doormat for authority as americans, stop coping.

>> No.12159014

Give us five examples, anon

>> No.12159068

Except that the ones bringing up Americans speaking out and not putting up with shit was you. Either keep your story straight or stop wasting people's time.

>> No.12159105

We're a country founded on freedom from authority cuck.

>> No.12159201

Can someone explain to me what exactly happened with Upd8 ?

>> No.12159200

Founded on racism (against germans)
The only country founded on freedom is France.

>> No.12159208

Hololive has been dominating the vtubing scene for sometime now, no shit they're better than Nijisanji's.

>> No.12159258

gen 5 had their management fired and replaced with ones they approved, of course they would like theirs now
dumb newfag

>> No.12159261

Seethe mutt

>> No.12159301

Do Americans...?

>> No.12159370

>everyone in the thread will ignore this post despite it being factual
Nice try anon but no one is gonna fucking read this, it’s fucking /vt/

>> No.12159375

well, there was those blowjob videos...

>> No.12159405

Bro nobody said anything about US labour laws, are you okay? The dragon was based in Japan my man.

>> No.12159427

Place and time faggot. In entertainment, I seek this shit out because it is culturally different from what I am used to and I enjoy that culture. There are positives and negatives that come with it, but I am willing to accept it as a whole and don't wish to change it because I enjoy it. Like I said originally, fuck off faggot.

>> No.12159452

but I read it...

>> No.12159526

Anon.... cover is really a US company...

>> No.12159532

Anon when Polka says management she doesn't mean just her direct manager, she means most people in the cover office because she spends half her fucking time there

>> No.12159583

France was founded by batshit insane people who tried to behead and murder anyone who stepped in front of them.

>> No.12159603
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Well if Polka is so fucking smart than can she tell us who the fuck omegatranny is?

>> No.12159626

>Have you ever noticed how only western-born girls have outright shit talked management?
>Citing Coco (an American) specifically
Keep up with the discussion or stop posting.

>I want to experience a different culture
>Watches western women larping as anime girls
>They behave like western women
>How could this happen!?
You're a moron, fuck off.

>> No.12159743

>Assuming my Oshi
Again, fuck off faggot. You're just here to stir the pot and be a contrairian rather than actually discuss something.

>> No.12159825

Yes and the dragon operated out of Japan. You sure you wanna keep digging this hole? We're just going in circles at this point.

>> No.12159953

I didn't assume any oshi, I assumed that you're a moron who thinks nip work culture isn't what prevents the JPs from speaking out against management and instead somehow thinks western mentality is inappropriate for westerners. I'm fucking done with you.

So in conclusion you're pissed that the one girl in HoloJP who had the balls to speak out against management (apart from Mel, obviously) was the American? What exactly is your point? The reason is obvious, JP work culture is doormat tier so the JPs don't speak out exceptt in the most extreme of cases like Mel, end of story.

>> No.12159992

>ywn witness a LoP collab with Gibara or Lulu.
Fucking hell.

>> No.12160053

didn't managment literally force her to make those or was that a rrat?

>> No.12160069

>doormat to authority
heres a (you), tell us about your shithole

>> No.12160097

Managers differ between branches and different generations and for some members certain managers have gotten swapped out after a bit. There are also differing levels of management and managers that cover multiple members.
It's not hard to imagine some have rather positive experiences and others negative. Even individual members have had managers they love and managers they hate in the same year. It could be they hate their own manager, or the person responsible for projects, or hologra, or etc. There's variation. It's retarded to pretend management is static and uniform in quality throughout Cover.

>> No.12160104

>it’s every manager now instead of individual groups managers

>> No.12160197

My shithole had much greater resistance to any similar tax cuts USA implemented and to covid vaccine as well.

>> No.12160332
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>> No.12160426

Subaru has also praised her manager and management.
Mio has done the same in the past
Marine has done the same in the past. She even praised Flare and Noel's manager
Pekora is very fond of her manager
Shion and Towa uses their managers like lackey based from the stories given by other members
Okayu got full support based from her accounts when planning her 3D Solo Live
Suisei manhandled staff
Nene is getting a lot of perks.
This isn't a 1 time thing. You must either not watch streams to not know or still believes that everything that happened 2 years ago is still a thing that is happening today.

>> No.12160467

Cover are just incompetent, her last company had malicious management.

>> No.12160497

I think Coco was hated by board of content which created after Taiwan yab.
She can not even collab with EN before graduated was announced.

And Creative freedom is just meme anon.
" difference vision" is more right than that word.

>> No.12160531

>Shion and Towa uses their managers like lackey based from the stories given by other members
Based purple women

>> No.12160622

I don't think very many niggers work in cover, anon.

>> No.12160624

They made N$bu$$$$ act like sex slave unironically.

>> No.12160632

>Polka said management is the greatest perk of Cover
That's not what she said you nigger. But of course no one here is gonna actually watch the fucking video and see that she was talking about what she liked working there.

>> No.12160673


>> No.12160729

A personal opinion is not the truth, neither is the opinion of anons here, it's proven that some managers were a complete garbage like Lamy's manager, Mel's manager or EN management, in counterpart we have Polka's manager, Fubuki manager or Subaru manager, so I'm pretty sure her opinion is just through her experience

>> No.12160740

And then you have Korone and Ayame's managers that are struggling to even get a response from these social autist. Korone's manager literally had to watch her stream and respond real time. It was so hilarious. The only thing I can think of at that moment how hard it must be to find a common ground with such a retard. Kronii's manager is just there to suffer while she wonder in dread if Kronii is still alive the next day.

>> No.12161121

The only based thing they did desu

>> No.12161187

France was founded on imperialism, the freedom is just a cope

>> No.12161302
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And finally, you have this one's management
If he/she's still alive at this point

>> No.12161460

At this point I can believe that she is managing herself kek

>> No.12161577

I mean, I would have believed you desu
Because no sane one on Cover would approve hentai review

>> No.12162579

The fuck are you on about? I know that Nip culture is the reason but I enjoy everything else that comes with it in terms of entertainment. Apperently you have a hard time reading, because you happened to skip over my 'I'll take the good with the bad' comment. Still a faggot, though.

>> No.12163054

being in australia had its perks

>> No.12164271

any qrd on what they did?

>> No.12164378

I physically cringed when Hima asked "What do you like about COVER?"
I doubt I'd have been able to come up with a good answer, if she asked "What do you like about Hololive" that's easy but there's not much positive to say about Cover corp.

>> No.12164426

it was better that way honestly

>> No.12164457

Blame EN mngmt on that sentence.

>> No.12165238

Saying Cover is better managed than Anycolor would be a good start.

>> No.12165373

I try to find info on how fucked Upd8 was but the only info i could find was mistreatment. Any oldfag willing to tell me more details?

>> No.12165430

OmegaTranny needs to go. ENgen0 is real. His p*ssy isn't though

>> No.12165439

Read the archives, newfag.

>> No.12165540

Since I'm a newfag where are the archives?

>> No.12165814

Erased. They pulled their triad/mafia connections to make it happen. In typical black company fashion

>> No.12167255

The only medicated arguments in this entire shithole of a thread.

>> No.12168097
File: 25 KB, 480x640, 16373938844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tatsunokos seething that Polka actually uses her creative freedom to make interesting content and their oshi become a panty-flasher

>> No.12168142

>Have you ever noticed how only western-born girls have outright shit talked management?
By this point it's all of myth except Ina.
Draw your own conclusions, just be careful what you say here, there's a jannie here cleaning up anything that puts the tako bitch in a negative light, not unlike in her early streams.

>> No.12168186

I like Polka.

>> No.12168368

Yeah, it's true. I'm the janitor and I can confirm that I not only Omegatranny but I am also her husband.

>> No.12168560

People have hated cover management since long before the Taiwan yab, newfag.

>> No.12168690

Incredibly funny how this is the first post actually seething right after this thread was linked from a kson thread

>> No.12168839

Polka secretly wants to do lewd things to her manichan.

>> No.12168875

Don't know how they fucked over Polka's past life but I know of their idea of making Kizuna have different VAs including Chinese AI

>> No.12168925

>the one girl in HoloJP who had the balls to speak out against management (apart from Mel, obviously).
you don't know shit
Pekora took 1 week break and shitted on management because she thought she was treated unfairly. Towa also requested her manager to be replaced IIRC.

>> No.12168950


How is it coping, they're saying Cover is better than her previous company

>> No.12169036

On the board that was used for vtubers before /vt/.

>> No.12169150


>> No.12169360

Mistreatment, mismanagement, micromanagement and bankruptcy. This is the company that had Kizuna Ai, Nobubime, and Shibuya Hal in at at the height of its heyday. To piss that all away and be forced to close down at the end of last year, well, you need to really fuck things up. From the "Multiple AI" fiasco to managers with way too much power going so far as to try and dictate what would happen live using earpieces and interfering heavily with social media of talents...
Good riddance to bad trash.

>> No.12169447

There too much to write if you ask about how Upd8 mistreated their talents anon but just know that the most stupid thing they ever did was the clone yab which virtually kill Kizuner with no sight of recovery even until know

>> No.12169518

Uniornically this. The corporate bootlickers are only as good to you as your position within a company.

>> No.12169596

So what the fuck is your actual point? That you don't like western girls standing up for themselves but you'll put up with it? No one cares, fuck off.

I don't keep track of every JP, but then your point kind of undermines the whole "western girls are out of line" argument anyway.

>> No.12169666

The point is that cover should hire me as a rape target so the girls can rape me repeatedly to take out their frustration on management, regardless of whether or not they're western.

>> No.12169723

Upd8 management in a nutshell. You fags don't even know what a true black company is like.
>Collab canceled, because management wanted more money.
>Management logs into your twitter pretending to be you and announces collab cancelation at last minuet. Making you look like a fag.
>Withholds your youtube earnings so they can embezzles them to cover up their poor fanatical decisions.
>Threatens to replace talents with nobodies if they speak up.
>Regular pay is so low that you are forced to do freelance work as your main income instead of the other way around.

>> No.12169739

Ogey satan.

>> No.12170309

Fucking christ. Yeah, compared to them Holo and Niji are godsends. Jesus

>> No.12170328

Pekora was a kid who probably thought of an incredibly unfeasible idea and threw a tanthrum that it wasn't approved, I sincerely do not think her idea could be good if marine's was approved. Also Towa changes managers like crazy, she shouldn't be used as an example

>> No.12170491

please be patient he a holobronie

>> No.12171089

Why does this sound like how Nijisanji operates but with extra steps?
>Millie's collab with an indog was canceled, rumors say it has something to do with collab fees
>cringe twitter interactions that paints them as one big family but it's most likely forced or faked
>don't give their talents base salary, cut costs for the company
>make skits about their bully culture in a funny way presumably to counter the image of them being actually having one
>talents' benefits are so low they're basically forced to spam voice packs and do side jobs just to make ends meet

>> No.12171174

>he doesn't know where the archives are

>> No.12171377

Please take your meds

>> No.12171521

There's a long and proven year-long history of upd8 shills on /jp/ furious that Nijisanji L2Ds "killed" the first vtuber. It shouldn't be that big of a surprise that the lies they spun were all projection.

>> No.12171710
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>Tatsunokos seething that Polka actually uses her creative freedom to make interesting content and their oshi become a panty-flasher

>> No.12172008

Take this (You) and exchange it for your meds based retard.

>> No.12172103
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>no argument

>> No.12172228

>suisei manhandled staff
Whats the backstory in this

>> No.12172367
File: 48 KB, 720x720, 7dc540084d5754d58802e48efe764425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with her
The only vtubers who bitch about cover's kind of management are fatherless, unrepentant whores who DO need to be reeled in like the cattle women they are
ex. Coco, Vshojo, etc

>> No.12172453

Truth hurts doesn't it

>> No.12172721

>Believes thst Westerners are worse than Japanese people
>Still believes that the English management is as good as the Japanese management
LMAO, you are an idiot

>> No.12173894

upd8 was the name of a virtual talent support platform run by Activ8. Its purpose was to promote any virtual talents that signed up for the program and to connect them to industry-level contacts, resources, and services, in exchange for a portion of the earnings that the talents got. They didn't really manage any of the talents that signed up for the program except for the ones that were already under Activ8 (Kizuna Ai, YuNi, Omega Sisters, AyaMina, and some others) or that joined later through the few auditions they had. Everyone else that was part of the upd8 network were either indie or part of some other company.

Of course, they did a shitty job at holding up their end of the deal; there was that one poorly-done joke of a concert they did if you want to go dig it up. And then there was the poorly executed Multiple Ai arc. It's not really surprising that a number of them bailed the project or that Activ8 decided to shut the whole thing down at the end of last year.

>> No.12174115

Holy shit

>> No.12174275

>Threatens to replace talents with nobodies if they speak up.

The only good thing to come out of the Multiple Kizuna's arc is that it proved definitively that the voice behind the avatar DOES matter and that said voices cannot simply be replaced.

>> No.12174504

She got aroused by an androgynous staff's appearance and decided to take off his/her pants to ascertain their gender. Other staff tried to stop her and got minor injuries in the process.

>> No.12174645

I'm guessing said staff member was rather.... young looking?

>> No.12174754

You realize your post looks less retarded without the image, right?

>> No.12174980

I hope she invites Tamaki

>> No.12175011

lies, cause she can't collab with her good friend Roberu

>> No.12175303

incredibly based

>> No.12175383

Hey retard, she's talking about HER manager that its indeed a great one. But she isnt talking about management in general

>> No.12175384

Aqua has said she sees her manager as another mom
Korone loved her old manager, but is shy with the new one
Rushia is close enough to her manager she doesn't mind sending her a message at 3am
Fubuki plays games with her manager and even got her on stream iirc, and asked for fan art of her
Polka has praised her manager and other staff
Mikocchi screamed at her manager while taking a shit because she wanted to be a super Saiyan
Watame's manager cries with her
This is what happens with you only watch clips... You miss out and turn into a faggot

She tweeted 10 minutes ago that she's alive

>> No.12175461

>Rushia is close enough to her manager she doesn't mind sending her a message at 3am
What the fuck

>> No.12175517

This was in a membership post

>> No.12175524
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>Mikocchi screamed at her manager while taking a shit because she wanted to be a super Saiyan
Sasuga Elite Miko.

>> No.12175616

That was Gamebu. The lesson from the Multiple Ai arc was kill rrats early.

>> No.12175675

Yeah, Cover and Anycolor look mega competent compared to those hacks.

>> No.12175791

There is only one thing on your list that cannot be seen on a clip but has been posted here.

>> No.12175895

Desu Rushia seems like the type to send you a message on 3am even if she isn't close to you.

>> No.12176384

Usually yes, but depends on the management itself.
Polka for example, got bonked by her own management, just because IRyS fucked up.

>> No.12176506

Yab magnet chuubas appreciate management from saving their asses
Chuubas with a brain hate management for their restrictiveness
This applies to all corpos not just clover btw

>> No.12176545

while I hate western women I also hate Japanese salary man culture
perhaps both can fuck off?

>> No.12176610

Nobody cares about jap slave mentality, there's a reason they all kill themselves or hide the corpses of their parents in a fridge to scam the gov't as an escape from Japanese life.

>> No.12176678

qrd on Lamy's manager?

>> No.12176729

Lamy's manager told her not to collab with other holos saying she'd hurt their careers by association

>> No.12176871
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wtf now I'm mad, how does that make any sense. Did they get shitcanned

>> No.12176988

The dragon did shit that constantly antagonized management, of course she's gonna fucking hate them.
Your Marine claim isn't 100% true, her personal manager was shit, she was given another when they went on vacation and she said she was shocked at how effective they where.

>> No.12177053

Seethe tatsunotard, she said it

>> No.12177547

What qualifies as a shit/incompetent manager?

>> No.12177749


>> No.12178332

It depends on the time of day /here/, either they allow too many yabs from a particular chuuba or they tie her down and literally pulls her strings according to whose headcanon you listen too.

>> No.12178453

Considering the fact that her management at the last company she was with controlled everything she did and whored her out it's no surprise she's praising the shitty management at cover. They might suck but they're not bad people.


>> No.12178519

For mindless drones management is a good thing. Don't think just do what you are told.

>> No.12178664

For Polka management is probably a good thing, she is one of few Holos who don't know what kind of content creator they wanna become, also she is not stable mentally enough to make any decisions, so being a lapdog is convenient for her.

>> No.12178663

She has no idea how bad HoloEN's management is.

>> No.12178766


>> No.12178794

>t. american npc
nice cope, retard

>> No.12178881

How does the boot taste like?

>> No.12178897

>Holos who don't know what kind of content creator they wanna become
You must be a retard. The Legend of Polka series is her showing what kind of she wants to have. She's the only one consistent in releasing covers. Her motivations sways regarding streaming but you know what kind creator she is. That is if you really fucking watch streams.

>> No.12178949

>Year after the debut she found what she likes, became consistent, and is praising management.
Weird, isn't it?

>> No.12179062

Of course native JPs are forced to praise management, it's a very important part of Japanese culture to never talk shit about your higher ups/against your in-group. Coco and HoloEN on the other hand can say whatever they want because they never grew up/acclimatised their childhood in Japan to begin with.

>> No.12179101

She debuted last year. What are you fucking on about. It took her 9 months to release her 1 episode after her debut which is not that fucking long considering she got her 3D debut just the beginning of this fucking year.

>> No.12179134

Lamy, Coco, Marine, Pekora, Haachama, Fubuki and many other have said a lot of negative things towards management either on stream or on Twitter.

>> No.12179403

Yes, but any criticism must be expressed with subtlety and caution. Coco and HoloEN on the other hand? Open headbutting. You cannot deny that Culture is a very important part of this.

>> No.12179477


>> No.12179498

Lol. They weren't subtle about it. They were outright providing criticisms. You probably just don't know how criticism sounds when it's not addressed with cursing or crying

>> No.12180043
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The cope in this thread is ridiculous and bordering retarded orientalism.

>> No.12180371

JP management still hired Omega and keep him employed, which if he really is the one who caused Coco to quit must mean he had dirt on Cover if they're going to choose him over their top earner.

>> No.12180392

Nta but if you remember the platform that goes upwards from Suisei's 4th 3D live and Miko's 3D live where she sang the new song too, that one was made specifically for Suisei by the staff. She's always requesting new things and always has high expectations for the staff and if they wrongly do something they get scolded.

>> No.12180914

>and keep him employed
They kinda have to, otherwise two ENs will immediately announce their graduation

>> No.12181341

>This is what happens with you only watch clips... You miss out and turn into a faggot
Yeah, but you, on the other hand, watch h*los. I rather take the former.

>> No.12181368

>Fags are just mad that something nice was said about management.
/vt/ is this easy to get riled up

>> No.12181518

Lamy also praises her new manager. Like someone in the thread mentioned already, her first manager was a cunt. When Lamy asked something like "I'm anxious about approaching people for collabs, who do you think I should try collabing with, who I'll have a better chemistry with?", the manager answered something like "I think there's no senpai who fits the bill". That made Lamy even more low-spirited about collabs for a while. Her first collab was with Haachama. Haachama sent her an invitation while Lamy was streaming and she was extremely emotional at the moment, as far as I remember to the point of crying from happiness. I think such attitude from her initial manager really made her feel she doesn't synergize well with anyone and shouldn't even try, but based Haachama took the initiative. And look at Lamy now, the manager was changed pretty early on, Lamy overcame her shyness and is now loved by a lot of Holomems and collabs/interacts with them often, which is literally a dream fullfilled because she's a long time Holo fan. She described her new manager as incredibly hardworking, and it seems they are on good terms, it's not a problem for Lamy to contact her for any advice.

>> No.12181727

Haachama is, indeed, based as fuck.

>> No.12181997

Where do they even find these dog shit managers? I really don't understand why this shit happens to frequently.

>> No.12182117

>so frequently
>3 dudes out of like 200 workers

>> No.12184055

Even if Cover didn't have dirty laundry, and it has plenty, you still should never trust suits in a corporation. You do not make multi millions by making ethnically right choices.

>> No.12184541

Got any examples?

>> No.12184557

Just look at the wall of rrats about it said daily.

>> No.12184761

>Mel incident
>Forcing talent to pay for their own projects
>Aloe incident
>Their handling of the Tawain yab
That's just off the top of my head.
>Durr it's all rrats, Cover is good, don't insult best girl yagoo

>> No.12184777

>only Mel does X in holoJP
>other JP girls also do X as well
>it's doesn't count

>> No.12185106

Ugh, okay. Got any real ones?

>> No.12185173

France was founded on being the new home of the Frankish people, unless you want to get autistic about and claim it's the "5th republic, the rest aren't the same France" in which case its founded on De Gaulle's ego.

>> No.12185211

holodrone mentality, everyone.

>> No.12185354

>Denying the actual and potentially fatal stalker event.
Mel could have been killed by a psycho Cover hired you fucking bootlicker.

>> No.12185452

You don't even care about Mel retard. Fuck off.

>> No.12185474

This post perfectly represents this garbage board kek

>> No.12185486

faggots ran out of rrats they started getting hallucinations

>> No.12186012

>"You don't have basic human empathy!"
Stop fucking moving goalposts and denying facts.
Cover hired someone, that someone stalked one of their on screen talents and would have done god knows what to her. Then they just sweep it under the rug.
Do I watch Mel? No. Do I want Mel spooning baby food into a rape kid's mouth or in seven different pieces in some guy's closet or in a garbage bag? No!
And what if the schizos who went after Aloe got serious and actually tracked her down? You think Cover would have given a shit?
You get your head straight out of your ass and wake the fuck up. Corporations are NOT your friend, their management are NOT you or their employees friend. They are greedy bitter assholes who do whatever it takes to make money and keep their image "clean".
You're as deluded as the people, if any still exist, who thinks Jimmy Snuka didn't kill his girlfriend and Vince didn't pay off the cops to keep it quiet.

>> No.12186288
File: 353 KB, 600x315, 1631523944112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brotip: you can unironically do more good for the world by donating to your local pet shelter than acting enraged on behalf on a full grown adult who doesn't even know you exist just for the sake of feeling morally superior on a basketweaving forum full of unmedicated schizos.

>> No.12188677

With this much denial of the truth this isn't even a basketweaving forum, it's a journalist forum.

>> No.12189464
File: 598 KB, 187x220, 1611824743539.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even denying it happen retard, I'm just seeing through your act that you actually give a shit about Mel's wellbeing, just like the very journalists you claim to hate. Hell you probably would've love for something bad to happen to her because you'd have even more of a reason to feel good about shitting on cover so you can "fight the good fight." I've seen the same shit play out over a fucking decade don't try to tell me it's raining when you're just pissing your STD infested urine on my back, nigger.

>> No.12195174

>otherwise two ENs will immediately announce their graduation
what? i dont think managers even have that kind of power

>> No.12195281

He's implying Ina and by extension Kronii only got in because the former is dating him and the latter is friends with the former. It's mostly a rrat.
Which even if true would Ina and someone who hadn't even debuted yet be worth losing their top earner And possibly two other EN members?

>> No.12196238

Polka probably gets a management boost because of her relationship with Yagoo

>> No.12196564

Yagoo likes them chunky?

>> No.12196614

Omega HAS to have dirt if the rrats are true though. Like it would have to be something that ruins the company if it saw the light of day.
