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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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1204509 No.1204509 [Reply] [Original]

who was in the wrong here?

>> No.1204519

you for being a massive faggot for posting this

>> No.1204522

White people for freaking out about racism so much.

>> No.1204524 [DELETED] 

niggers for existing

>> No.1204548

I am for anything that gets people to attack the chinks. I hope the twitter outrage mob catches wind of this.

>> No.1204573


>> No.1204610

>White people
i doubt they were anywhere near white

>> No.1204613


>> No.1204639


>> No.1204681

dont worry leftists would rather ruin other americans lives for posting some trivial microaggression on twitter than offend chinks by pointing out blatant examples of racism like this

>> No.1204730

don't care but now i want to see that bitch getting fucked by BBC

>> No.1204737

/r/ doujin of her getting blacked.

>> No.1204773

She's a bit touchy feely with that "worker".

>> No.1204798

On one hand this is based. On the other I fucking hate the zhangs. I guess this is a case of a broken clock being right twice a day.

>> No.1204809

She's based.
On the real though I can't wait for virtual YouTubers to get canceled now. God I love the worktard mob.

>> No.1204828

I think the whole thing is that it was both an NTR joke and a racial joke. It's stupid, but the Chinese didn't have black slaves, so they get a pass for it not being relevant to their culture.

>> No.1204835


the V-tuber was obviously.

>> No.1204917

Twitter autism vs. chink autism would be a glorious battle

>> No.1204949

wtf i love chyna now

>> No.1204950


>> No.1204968

This happened literally months ago. Possibly earlier last year, even. I remember watching a video from some black guy (who's a fan of vtubers) made a video talking about it and he basically said he found it pretty shocking but he didn't support harassing her and no cancelling of any vtuber happened.

>> No.1205154

They're not white so it's not racist lol.

>> No.1205195

Yo that's world war 3 right there!

>> No.1205630


>> No.1205732

Based China

>> No.1205792

WTF I love China now

>> No.1205859

>Americans defending someone mocking Americans
Colour me surprised a nation of cucks act like cucks.

>> No.1206164

>Pretending that the founding stock of a nation is equal to the imported labor supply.
Ask the Japanese if their flip nannies are as Japanese as they are sometime anon.

>> No.1206272

They reported on blacks being attacked in china when they blamed them for Covid or something because even African diplomats got involved and the story was a bit too big to ignored but it seems to be largely forgotten now as it doesn't serve the agenda.

Remember that chinese incels harras women for months and it's not a news but try writing something to a pink-haired feminazi...

>> No.1206384

I want to hate changs, buy how can I when they do stuff like this?

>> No.1206438


>> No.1206585

Maybe...the Chinese are kind of based...?

>> No.1206687

Based Chinese

>> No.1206701

because just because they hate blacks doesnt mean they will act in white peoples interests, they are han ethnonationalists

>> No.1206927

I think this is Chinas greatest attempt at gaining support here, very appealing not gonna lie

>> No.1207042

Yeah, they look out for their own interests but are actually upfront about that unlike other group you could name. The important thing is they don't actively hate white people. Unfortunately many whites have bought into propaganda that national self-interest is evil and its made by people who do actually hate us as observed by their actions.

>> No.1207084


>> No.1207184

Based, liked, and subscribed.

>> No.1207928

chinese unironically, they expect the world to respect their own social taboos while showing no respect for others.

>> No.1208505

Not all changs are alike. It's a big country 4 u

>> No.1208933

Unbelievably based, are there youtube clips? What's her name?

>> No.1209014

>implying she's not roleplaying and that she's ok with black guys fucking her
I mean, if I had a black girl and she's ok with me doing racial play during sex... then it means she's doing it for the lol.

>> No.1209051

wheres the fucking clip

>> No.1209113

Here's the clip. Enjoy.

>> No.1209124

>defending chinks to own the chocoballs
Who let the /pol/tards in?

>> No.1209149

you just know she fucks black men on the side

>> No.1209207

What is more poltard than people here constantly whining about Chinese national policy, all from retards who don't know shit in the first place?

>> No.1209236

They're chinks. This board is filled with them. They need to feed their famiries.
see >>1209207
One filthy chink just popped up defending west taiwan.

>> No.1209285

3 yuan was added to your account. Thank you for your continued loyalty to the Chinese Communist Party

>> No.1209320

whatever you say zhang

>> No.1209344

The niggers obviously

>> No.1209350

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门桐生ココ

>> No.1209388

>eehhhhh waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah why do other cultures make jokes at our expense that's not supposed to happen
I hate China for a lot of reasons but hurting the feelings of Baizuo is not one of those reasons.

>> No.1209413

Baizuo opinions don't matter so it won't do anything anyway.

>> No.1209441

>Siding with twitter to "stick it to the /pol/tards"
Who let the redditors in?

>> No.1209449


Knowing/using chink slang. Yea Zhang, we sure believe you. Keep drinking that gutter oil

>> No.1209470

who cares you fucking kalemale.
You can call them shit for what they did to Coco and also recognize that twitter SJWs are garbage and that they are completely right to call them 'Baizuo'.

>> No.1209471

Nobody mentioned Twitter, Zhang

>> No.1209486

No one, it's just cultural ignorance. I'm sure edgy 4channers have said based in this thread. Let's check


>> No.1209505

No one fucking cares about Twitter you fucking zoomer.

>> No.1209507


>> No.1209550
File: 34 KB, 557x305, 1606360108011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The OP post is literally on twitter calling for twitter to do something about a problem exclusive to twitter.
This whole thread is a 4chan thread talking about twitter's outrage.

You are posting in a thread that's discussing the twitter outrage over an event that happened on a Chinese stream that twitter couldn't understand without someone translating it for them because they don't speak the language.
Then you come and say

>No one cares about twitter, except me because I clicked on the thread and replied to it.

IMO Anything that pisses off twitter and pisses off Zhang is a good thing. Let them eat each other.

>> No.1209575

>implying she had to say that because of her Chinese audience

>> No.1209697

>cultural ignorance
Pretty sure everybody knows it's racist to send niggers to pick cotton

>> No.1209730

>edgy 4channers
And basically every country except a few countries in the west.

>> No.1209743

>OP says who was in the wrong
>twitter screenshot just recaping the situation
Your english reps Zhang

>> No.1209770

The only people who care about this shit are white people. Do you think there are actual black people telling themselves "I wonder what some fucking vtuber in China that I can't understand thinks about me?"
This thread and that thread was literally made just to piss off an exclusive subset of White People who care about this shit one way or another.

>> No.1209782
File: 32 KB, 600x655, 4923922828294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one, it's just cultural ignorance. I'm sure edgy 4channers have said based in this thread. Let's check


>> No.1209802

When you act like a schizo, you get treated like one. Shocking right?

>> No.1209804

It's literally a screenshot of twitter that you had to click to enter this thread and you asked
>Nobody mentioned Twitter
>No one fucking cares about Twitter
I think you just need glasses.

>> No.1209828

>The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989
Is that supposed to make me not like China? Every major city in my country was burned and looted over the summer, America could have used some tanks in the streets.

>> No.1209840

No one gives a shit about racism here, but chinks are a scourge and any opportunity to shit on them should be taken.

>> No.1209858

Yes yes, we get it, non whites can do no wrong

>> No.1209861

There's a difference between it happening and trying to pretend it didn't happen.
That's a discussion for another thread on another board, tho.

>> No.1209879

No anon, you own the yellow commies by bending the knee to people who actually hate you.

>> No.1209915

I agree.
So are the people who genuinely care about this shit. IMO if OP's image bothers you, 4chan ain't for you.

>> No.1209926

You already love China Zhang, no need to pretend. Keep trying to paint all protests as chimp riots.

>> No.1209930

Sure thing Zhang

>> No.1209938

Fuck off racist.

>> No.1209969

It's not that they can do no wrong, it's that OP's image and the series of events required to get it into english and onto english twitter on an english twitter account required multiple white people to accomplish because it's doubtful any black person would care or even know about it to begin with.

>> No.1209978

>Keep trying to paint all protests as chimp riots.
Well the Tiananmen Square protests and the BLM protests were both funded by the Open Society Foundation

>> No.1209988


>> No.1210009

I'm no racist. I'm a xenophobe. Big difference, sweetie.

>> No.1210023
File: 31 KB, 280x305, 1594326534555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck off racist.

>> No.1210028


>> No.1210047

The tian an men thing was nothing like the
BLM riots. It was closer to OWS.

>> No.1210076

Seething wojaknigger.

>> No.1210078

No, you're not supposed to care about what happens in your own country, keep talking about China or Russia or Iran. Own the libs or own the cons online or do anything but look at the real problems you face everyday.

>> No.1210093

If Reddit keeps making the /pol/Zhangs seethe then I love Reddit now simple as

>> No.1210116


>> No.1210127

You love reddit because you're a retard anon.

>> No.1210150

>these replies
>unironically calling bugmen "based"
To think I'll see the day where there'll be a board far worse than /pol/ and /v/.

>> No.1210178

Who are you quoting?

>> No.1210199

The voices in his head.

>> No.1210207

The meidos had one fucking job to not fucking kneel to the 2hufaggots. Instead we're stuck with /qa/ and /tv/ schizos

>> No.1210217
File: 1.03 MB, 3701x2482, china_military005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China is unironically the single based country in the world. Change my mind.

>> No.1210250
File: 39 KB, 570x750, 1218443.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>China is unironically the single based country in the world. Change my mind.

>> No.1210252

On this one thing? Sure.
on other things? Fuck them.

>> No.1210263

What are you even crying about? You can still make Vtuber threads on /jp/ and several other boards if you want.

>> No.1210270
File: 6 KB, 454x520, f7282f1b4c0cd82c648f4c163f2655b46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>China is unironically the single based country in the world. Change my mind.

>> No.1210290

reactionary faggot.

>> No.1210297

they would gladly run over your bootlicking cuck ass if they could
how does pol of all places produce these retards that claim to be nationalist but then turn around and kiss chinas ass DONT YOU GET IT THEY HATE YOU THEY HAVE BEEN TRYING TO UNSEAT AMERICAN HEGEMONY FOR DECADES

>> No.1210317

i didn't say we should kneel to them you cocksucking nigger

>> No.1210330

Good going fags you managed to invite the /pol/tarded schizos and NGA to join forces

>> No.1210338

No, you're not suppose to call out chinks. They're "based" and "redpilled", we should invite more chinks with open arms.

>> No.1210356

>claim to be nationalist but then turn around and kiss chinas ass
Do you think the US is a white or even civic nationalist country? Its Zionist puppet state
All true nationalists are anti American, that was what the entirety of WW2 was over

>> No.1210379

They still act territorial as fuck though. Thankfully they're getting banned but it'll take one or two more coordinated Discord raids to keep trying to drive the Chuuba aspect of /jp/ off

>> No.1210413

How was the bat soup for breakfast, Zhang?

>> No.1210423

What gave you that impression?

>> No.1210427

>he can't detect obvious sarcasm

>> No.1210435

a country whose core objectives stand diametrically opposed to yours cannot be based
>Do you think the US is a white or even civic nationalist country
yes before ww2
>All true nationalists are anti American
>true nationalist
>anti american
are you retarded ? american nationalists are tautologically pro american

>> No.1210518

fuck you nigger, you can't comprehend for shit
what makes china so great? their nationalism. they're more based than us and that's a problem, and if we don't get retards and faggots to stop shitting up everything then they will roll over everyone in the west.

>> No.1210526

the outcome of chinas grand strategy in the last decades has been to pry away the us's allies through economic and diplomatic competition
they are currently building up a navy for peer warfare
just because the chinese people are nice to western tourists doesnt mean shit other than they want our money, and if they ever surpass us economically they will start treating us like second class citizens

>> No.1210557

youre such a cuck youd gobble up chink dick and let them walk all over us because they are nationalist even if it comes at the direct expense of our people
i hope you burn in hell traitor

>> No.1210559
File: 104 KB, 1076x850, ben bomb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the outcome of chinas grand strategy in the last decades has been to pry away the us's allies through economic and diplomatic competition
China can you please take our greatest ally feel free to keep them as long as you want, thanks

>> No.1210580

3 yuan was deposited into your account. Thank you for your continued efforts to defend the Chinese Communist Party.

>> No.1210586

based zhang I'll squash her last

>> No.1210594

>treating us like second class citizens
God I wish I was a second class citizen. Being a straight white male in America is like being an untouchable in India

>> No.1210607

fuck you nigger. go guzzle jizz and celebrate faggot cock while waving rainbow flags while china takes over everything because LGBTQPAH64 is more important than building a strong nation.

>> No.1210655

im a fucking nationalist you retard im telling you, you cant be a nationalist and think china's based
we dont want them to be nationalists, we want them to be pozzed globalists because it will make it easier to impose our will upon them

>> No.1210656

redditors really have no reading comprehension at all. i'm not defending china dumbfuck,

>> No.1210676

That's the funny thing, it seems like some people are under the illusion they live in a civilized country which gives a damn about them because admitting the truth would be too soul shattering a prospect. That's why they have to keep looking for an outside enemy to fight against, why they have given up completely on fighting their domestic enemies.

>> No.1210677

No one believes you Zhang

>> No.1210683

you mean yours, shekelgoldsteinwitz?

>> No.1210715

>i'm not defending china dumbfuck
>umm this is why they're le based and le redpilled
No one's falling for your shit, Zhang

>> No.1210724

Fighting either of them is mutually exclusive. Nice logic chink.

>> No.1210738

JIDF faggot go to hell. if your nose didn't block your eyes then you would have seen the part where i said that was a problem.

>> No.1210763


>> No.1210785

Get a new line bro

>> No.1210793

chinks here only know how to spout buzzwords.
>Don't shit on chinks when there's reddit/jews/sjw/twitter.
I'll shit on all you filthy bugs.

>> No.1210796

so youre gonna roll over to the kikes now too?
just dont try to resist at all?
yes they're telling us its not our country anymore so lets just believe them and stop fighting back, that sounds good
whats up with your defeatism fetish

>> No.1210800

>if you hate China and their cancerous shithole of a country and their foreign policy you are le JIDF
I want /pol/ to leave. China is a bigger threat to my country than Muttshartica anyways.

>> No.1210814

>they're telling us its not our country anymore so lets just believe them
Who with power in America is advocating for white interests?

>> No.1210816

you're not even human, silverberg.

>> No.1210844

What country do you live in? Chances are that's not true

>> No.1210854

This is why I thought this board was a terrible idea. Why take all of the Chuuba fans with the mentally ill dregs from other boards who don't even watch Chuubas to begin with

>> No.1210882

Niggers can, potentially, be civilized. Chinks have no souls and are off the table, entirely.

>> No.1210894

and even if there was literally nobody would you just roll over and take it
imagine if the blacks had thought like that how easy it wouldve been

>> No.1210910

zionest kike-puppet is not and never will represent america's interest

>> No.1210923

How are they Han anything when they're mongolian/japanese rape babies??

>> No.1210942

After seeing how he was cheated out of the election you should know the only hope for this country is a wrecking ball

>> No.1210976

No they won't retard. In Aus they hate all white people here.

>> No.1211020

You already roll over for them burger, notice how this board lets all the racist China comments slide but often not for other groups, why do you think that is? Get your shit together, be a grown up country again, and then maybe you can sit at the adult table with the other world powers again instead of the playpen Shlomo put you in.

>> No.1211039

even when the mongols were in power their numbers were dwarfed by the han
right glowie, we should abandon all political solutions and go out on the streets like the dumbasses at charlottesville or jan 4th right? because that worked so well

>> No.1211073

Why didn't you defend your country, pussylips?

>> No.1211087

>we should abandon all political
>and go out on the streets
Not sure where you are getting that idea
>or jan 4th
I assume you meant the 6th

>> No.1211127

I don't have a country. White Americans are a stateless people

>> No.1211193


Epic. The second Rape of Nanking is coming. Are you ready for a generation of shrimpdicks to be half white and irradiated?

>> No.1211254

>The second Rape of Nanking is coming
>half white
Oh I forgot you guys think the Japanese are white I guess that explains this thread a bit more

>> No.1211411

Seething Zhang

>> No.1211745

Its funny these idiots are being prepped by china to become domestic terrorists but they're the good guys, trump was gonna save the hwhite race! Totally not a foreign plant!

>> No.1212259

Americans for trying to force their cuck beliefs on Eastern culture.

>> No.1212461

Progressives talk about cultural appropriation being bad but then force their own beliefs on other countries. Usually white women past their prime. Still not going to make me like China, though. They can choke on their own manufactured pollution for all I care.

>> No.1213582

America is a mistake
Germans should've won WW1
fuck brits, serbs and french

>> No.1215340

America wasn't even in WW1

>> No.1215568

Strange how americans hate shithole countries yet love shithole country tactics. Americans and CCP are made for each other it seems, now kiss

>> No.1215608

yes they do
hell, the Brits and French only survived after 1916 due to American loans

>> No.1215660

>n-no YOU ARE !

>> No.1215689

Based, this makes me like the chinks more.

>> No.1215698

They made money off war, if that's the metric then china is currently in a bunch of wars in Africa
WW1 was almost entirely European powers until the very end

>> No.1215734
File: 128 KB, 850x901, akai_haato_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vt/ was a mistake

>> No.1215763


>> No.1215773

This place contains the worst and youngest collection of 4chan possible

>> No.1215837

both countries do not have the hard cash to pay for the military by 1915, they're literally running off American fumes by that point, America joined the war because if Germany won, those loans will never get payed
this is not a problem for Germany, because before the war they have the lowest military spending, second only to Austria-Hungary
>Between 1914 and 1918, the total amount of foreign credit taken out by the Entente totaled $16 billion. This was an enormous amount of borrowing, as much as the entire British foreign capital stock before the war. The United States was the largest wartime creditor, lending a total of $7 billion, of which $3.7 billion went to Britain, $1.9 billion to France, and $1 billion to Italy.

>> No.1215970

Yeah they were major financial backers but they joined offically when the hardest fighting was complete. By the time they joined many of Germany's allies had retreated or ceased to exist
The US was never involved in the initial fighting either. Only when the reality of trench warfare starting hitting the economies of European powers did America start to really gain financially

>> No.1215975

/jpol/ wins again!

>> No.1216009

if america didnt give loans to them white peace will happen in 1916

>> No.1216155

The chink. Always the chink.

>> No.1216156

We should create another vtuber board for western chuuba (including HoloEN).

>> No.1216195

True, but America was smart and took advantage of money. They lost lots of merchant navy too. Without America a truce might have been reached instead of bullying imperial Germany into being the bearers of the burden of war, Europes politics at this point was undergoing drastic changes and peace wasn't going to happen, empires had fallen. At best without American intervention there is truce in western Europe with anarchy in the east

>> No.1216220

and that's why fuck Serbs and fuck French France funds the Black Hand

>> No.1216527


stay there

>> No.1216825

I keked real hard at that clip

>> No.1216831
File: 2 KB, 115x124, 1525223624904s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>stay there

>> No.1217129

On one hand, I fucking hate the yellow dog eaters. On the other hand, fuckin based. Truly a conflict here.

>> No.1217195

i think retards who post twitter screenshots should be gunned down in the street

>> No.1217209

The people that felt like this was news and tried to strike up some drama.

>> No.1217313


>> No.1217352

>chinks are incredibly racist
And the sky is blue, what’s new?

>> No.1217443

No one. Different places only need to uphold their cultural norms

>> No.1217546
File: 46 KB, 639x472, 82b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>"i hate chinese government"
>>"let's harass random chinese girl who has no affiliation with chinese government"
Some galaxybrain shit right here.

>> No.1217665

any ethnostate that isn't a white one is a threat you tard

>> No.1217803

American doesn't understand history. The sky is blue

>> No.1217813
File: 147 KB, 1224x1080, kiryu coco knife tasty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread doesn't surprise me at all

Thankfully I hate everyone equally and myself more so because I'm nice

>> No.1219125

the "love the people, hate the government" crowd has always had a huge overlap with the "chink rekt liveleak" fans

>> No.1219173

The only correct answer here

>> No.1219203

White people for not knowing Chinks have always been massive racists to anyone that isn't CCP

>> No.1219721

Of course it's western white getting mad over this while chinese don't give a damn. Chinese are gonna be 1st world superpower soon.

>> No.1219911

Xi Jinping can choke on my fat shlong

>> No.1220074

We should learn from China and North Korea. To hate everyone and everything.

>> No.1220114

Hate China but this is based.
Hate China tho.

>> No.1221531
File: 73 KB, 385x363, 1604484472862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't bring this shit here

>> No.1221598


>> No.1222422


>> No.1223213

Based globalfags getting shit done.

>> No.1223506


>> No.1223900

The slavers were wrong for distributing their merchandise. Look where it's gotten us.

>> No.1224073

chinese are based for once

>> No.1224458

lol funny that this shit board is suddenly praising chinks. garbage board.

>> No.1226933
File: 559 KB, 1152x2048, The Final Boss of Reddit..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ge use to it

>> No.1226993
File: 377 KB, 696x310, BF75EF7C-A837-4F61-8EE7-93B9CA26B33D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1227106
File: 686 KB, 500x281, bug spray.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>English virtual streamer mocked slavery and the suffering of Uyghurs in live stream, stating "this is a worker of my factory, Zh**g. Hey bug**n, go grab your soldering iron and make some iPhones!". The everyone-who-isn't-Chinese audience, however, showed great support for such speech: (1/n)

>> No.1227134

>The everyone-who-isn't-Chinese audience, however, showed great support for such speech
God I wish. I can't look at any news app with out hearing about the poor wiggers

>> No.1227193
File: 240 KB, 733x740, bug stomper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hatred of China is what truly unites the world.

>> No.1227207

Nii-san did nothing wrong. He deserves more than being paraded around on stream like this.

>> No.1227241

It's a thing to post so that any chinese people viewing the thread get a visit from the thought police.

>> No.1227257

I see people spam it here and on /pol/ all the time I just get a good laugh out of it after this summer. Most people are begging for an authoritarian police state

>> No.1227718

all me

>> No.1227940
File: 354 KB, 750x1000, 1614250009161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>1210910 (You)
>>>1210816 (You)
>>>1210738 (You)
>>>1210683 (You)
>>>1210656 (You)
>Epic. The second Rape of Nanking is coming. Are you ready for a generation of shrimpdicks to be half white and irradiated?
