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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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12020911 No.12020911 [Reply] [Original]

>"It's nothing serious in that I'll be graduating, obviously. It's only been two months."
>"For those who want me too.. well, you're going to be stuck with me for much longer"
>"But for what I wanted to say, I feel like I haven't been very communicative, so I wanted to explain some things"
>This isn't a management decision, Kronii just wants to be more open
>Thought about this stream for a while and wrote down her thoughts
>Kronii is a reserved person and wants to use this stream to set up boundaries "if I'm going to be criticized, I want to be criticized for something I can actually change"
>Wants to show her "best self" so these types of streams won't happen much
>"My experience in Hololive so far has been amazing and I'm so thankful for all of your support and it's been such a treat with everyone. Everyone is so kind -- they're always looking out for each other, and the collabs have been more than pleasant."
>"I have a lot of fun looking at the joke and the art that the collabs create and I hope these moments can help another person's life a little easier"
>"But this is also a significant change for me and I haven't been adapting as quickly as I hoped, and it's probably obvious that my sleep schedule has been affected"
>Explains this is the reason why she plays things offline, to "keep interest up"
>"There are so many more things to worry about besides just streaming. It hit's different when something goes wrong in front of the entire internet"
>"With all that said I want to say some things"
>"1. Yes I was sick. I still am, and this is more personal so I won't get into it more.
>"2. Minecraft, the blocky game. Yes Minecraft is a game and I like Minecraft. Resource-gathering games like Animal Crossing -- I have 300 hours in it but -- I'm the type who can't let go of something until I do what I need to do and Minecraft being one of those games makes it more difficult to manage. The reason why I play Minecraft is because -- like I said -- is fun, and I like that stuff I make gets freqently used by others. It's a nice feeling, but right now Minecraft I do to relax and I'm gonna take it easy on this game though. I did say that I was going to stream it every week but just for the sake of easing into the streams, I'll have to take it down by a notch. Yeah, dialing back the Minecraft and thinking about hiding the Minecraft game itself so I can use that time to work on other things."
>"3. 'You don't sound too interested in streaming' -- This feedback is about how my voice sounds and.. I can't change how I sound when I'm streaming. And the funny thing is, my normal voice is even more monotone. I do love games, and I may not have done as many zatsudans as I wanted because games have always been an effective way to befriend others and I wanted to befriend you guys and vice versa, and I wanted to know you guys more"
>"4. Inconsistent streaming.. I wanted to avoid overlapping the other EN members and be more available in more timezones but that's kinda unavoidable so.. I'm going to set up a poll right now to set up a consistent streaming schedule."
>Says it's been a really rough year for her outside of Hololive and doesn't want to get too into it, but she hasn't fully recovered from those events "the losses I went through. This will take some time and I will recover from it. So in the end I am asking you some space and time while I figure this out"
>"tl;dr I'm not an open person and I don't like to share my problems in public. This will hopefully be a one-time stream, and I'm happy about this entire experience but also overhwelmed since streaming is stressful due to so much happening in the background. Losing interest in games is also the last thing I want to have happen as they're one of the more exciting aspects of my life and.. yeah I want to enjoy the game with everyone. And if I'm not enjoying it I feel like people can tell. There ARE personal problems happening, which is why I need space and time.. but that is it."
>"I tried asking the twitter post about feed back and.. I was naive. It's hard to keep track of legitimate feedback"
>"I wanted to say that I did say that I can't please everyone but I will try my best to keep putting out my best and just know that I thrive in adversity so.. this reflection has given me the drive and motivation I may have lost a bit in a burnout, so yeah. Now I'm feeling determined. I'm going to prove you wrong."
>"If I'm going to get personal for a real quick second -- There was this one person I really looked up to at the time and I - I, I was just doing some voice acting and I sent it to someone I looked up to. And they told me that I sucked and I should quit -- I was quite heartbroken. But afterwords, I realized, I'm going to prove 'you' wrong."
>"A while later, they told me I became a good voiceactor, so it was a good motivator. So thank you"
>"So I'd like to think of this as a new rekindled -- a development arc you could say"

>> No.12021009

Boohoo kronii off yourself if its so bad

>> No.12021045

why are lesbians mentally ill

>> No.12021086

tl;dr Ketamine addiction

>> No.12021253

>streaming is stressful, if I'm not enjoying it I feel like people can tell
>personal problems
> I need space and time

>> No.12021283

>I tried asking the twitter post about feed back and.. I was naive

>> No.12021304 [DELETED] 

A thesis on the Kronii Drama/Yab, from a Day 1 member.

She fucked up.
Big time.

There's an unspoken rule in hololive, enacted by the holofandom, which is that you must either demarcate your apathy for streaming explicitly, with some sort of verbal declaration (excuse) or consistent pattern (Ayame), or not be apathetic towards streaming at all.
This point is obviously salient when you look at the holo streamers with the most loyal fanbases: Amelia, Ina, Kiara, etc. They have consistent as fuck stream times and streaming weeks, and will let you know if there are any changes to their regular streaming pattern.
Mumei encapsulates this perfectly. She clearly has an excuse (valid or not), mentions it explicitly, but still shows effort and interest in streaming. She gives you a guerilla Karaoke after a long college day, as she is quite literally falling asleep from exhaustion. That's commitment.
Baelz is another recent example - she streams regularly and often, has built up a loyal fanbase (used to average 1-2k viewers 2 weeks after debut, now averages 5-6k minimum), and had a valid excuse (internet dying out) that she mentioned EXPLICITLY to explain her sudden change in streaming hours. Brrats are happy with that.
Fauna is the same: tooth surgery. Irys as well. This is why their viewership is so fixed and there are no massive fluctuations in their CCV (Fauna is, comparatively, Ina-tier when it comes to viewer retention. That's loyalty).

KRONII, on the other hand, has failed to deliver on all of these aspects. These sound pillars of good streaming.
(1) You come to expect a variable streaming schedule
This is by far Kronii's biggest mistake. A variable streaming schedule is a surefire way to destroy any viewership loyalty, as your fanbase finds themselves catching fewer and fewer of your streams until they just decide to stick to clips or to drop you entirely.
(2) This variability is marked by a reduction over time
This is a massive issue. No EN besides Amelia has actually reduced their streaming over time, and Ame did it 1 year later after months of extremely committed streaming hours.
Kronii? 1-2 weeks of frequent streams and stream time, then suddenly, after breaking EN SC and membership records, she just stops. Stream frequency goes down a fucking cliff. That's a big mistake paired with (1).

(3) No explicit excuse
With the exception of this week (a little too late, viewers are skeptical of how genuine your excuse is), Kronii has not given an excuse for her horrid stream times.
She has not told us about a second job, or some familial commitments, or maybe that she flat out just doesn't want to stream as often. She keeps everything under wraps, which is not only damaging to her fanbase loyalty because viewers come to distrust you and your effort into hololive, but moreso it represents your rigid adherence to kayfabe, to not open up to your loyal fans but remain a fixed distance from them.
Case in point: the bond level thing was dropped 2 weeks ago, after being mentioned almost every stream.
Case in point 2: Mori, early on, suffered from highly variable stream times, but kept her fans loyal because of her very valid excuse of holding multiple occupations.

(4) The jury is out: appears for more hours on other people's streams (in VC) than on her own.
This is by far the biggest knock against Kronii because it completely omits many valid excuses one can come up to defend a lack of stream time and stream frequency.
It is the fact that 3 weeks ago, during the big EN MC portal build, Kronii streamed for a relative 7h but appeared on other stream's (and VC) for nearly 10h.
Then, you have chumbats stalking holoEN MC server activity, and just what you see from JP/EN MC streams recently, and you can see that hasn't changed. Kronii is clearly comfortable being on camera (in voice) in her free time, and has a LOT of free time. Why isn't she spending that free time with her viewers?

(5) apathy.
Kronii's general nonchalant and apathetic attitude, intonation, and approach towards streaming has soured the previous four points tremendously. It isn't her fault, per se, as long as the apathetic attitude is just a part of her tonic everyday personality. But it does leave a bad impression. Coupled with everything else you've done? Not a good look.

There are many other things to pick at.
Her failure to live up to her membership promises, for example. Her lack of social media interaction. But those are quite nitpicky, and really applicable to any holo if framed the right way.
Kronii is bleeding fans, support, and general good will from the hololive fanbase. Her own split has turned against her, and I am very sad to see this as she is one of my favorite ENs. Kronii, for your own sake, either man up to your lack of interest in streaming or start streaming more often. I will be canceling my membership by the end of this month if I do not see improvements.

>> No.12021348
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thats a whole lot of words to say "Yeah I'm new to this and still need some time. Also a bunch of ESL retards who don't get doomer humor or sarcasm still don't understand me so whatever"

>> No.12021377

so if she had that many problems, why did she apply to Hololive in the first place

>> No.12021552

Was probably wallowing in it to an unhealthy amount and looked for things that could fill her day instead.

>> No.12021623

Accurate but meds.

>> No.12021634


>> No.12021640
File: 325 KB, 541x570, 1620165687663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>council is already crying and pissing their pants because they can't match the talent and creative output of the literally whos that cover hired in 2020
It's time to graduate. Take the tranny with you.

>> No.12021655

voice acting doesn't pay the bills hombre

>> No.12021683 [DELETED] 

Wait minute…. This isn’t a Rrat this is real?! Goddamn she’s autistic

>> No.12021753

source please

>> No.12021766

considering how little she knows about hololive, she probably mass-spammed bunch of places with her resume and omegacuck took the bait

>> No.12021819

Serious meds. Her schedules still have her streaming 4 times a week, this isn't an Ayame situation. Only schizos that expect her to stream 24 hours a day are upset. There are 10 other EN Holos to watch so I don't know why anyone is upset about Kronii not streaming constantly.

The bigger issue is that Kronii needs to learn how to ignore the shitters instead of taking their schizo shit seriously.

>> No.12021836

>I can't change how I sound when I'm streaming. And the funny thing is, my normal voice is even more monotone.

>Can't change how I sound
>I change my voice from my normal voice


>> No.12021885

instead of sounding like a TTS program she sounds like a TTS that can tell jokes

>> No.12021897

>She fucked up.
>Big time.

The problem is she thought that her model and was buff was a buff from appealing to redditors by being a soundboard for them. When she started being more than a plaything they started writing retarded essays about her apathy and whatever, so she tried to be more energetic for them, but it just came off as cringe. Her normal personality is A+ for backround minecraft streams and I hate redditors even more for ruining it.

>> No.12021902

Member stream that she started 50 minutes ago.

>> No.12021910

She will be the first EN to graduate. This just confirms it for me.

>> No.12021926
File: 18 KB, 443x455, 8d9c00b22e66f076c3ec0bf3a7f865ff34ed8320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this post removed a perfectly good post.

>> No.12021943

This is why you don't hire women.

>> No.12021970


>> No.12021975


>> No.12021988

>barely knows anything about hololive despite being a massive memelord
>hates streaming but loves to flex her voice acting talent to read supaas
she's just using her streaming career to stroke her ego because she wasn't able to make it as a voice actor

>> No.12021990

>member stream
not gonna read the post and I'm just gonna assume OP is a schizo

>> No.12022072

*model and voice buff, was a buff from
rip me

>> No.12022085


It was actually quite inspirational, she’s saying she’s not gonna give up. Even got props from someone who told her she didn’t have a chance. She’s a good girl with great mettle

>> No.12022166

Man you guys are losers, I’m graduating from here

>> No.12022171

>I'm not an open person
Why become a streamer?

>> No.12022188

>"If I'm going to get personal for a real quick second -- There was this one person I really looked up to at the time and I - I, I was just doing some voice acting and I sent it to someone I looked up to. And they told me that I sucked and I should quit -- I was quite heartbroken. But afterwords, I realized, I'm going to prove 'you' wrong."

>> No.12022357

The OP was actually fairly accurate with the post. I'm in the member stream too and it felt like I was reading a transcript of the conversation.

She's going to try her best to be better. We'll see if she sticks to it.

>> No.12022418

There are streamers that treat it professionally rather than like some parasocial orgy and try their best to keep things separate. Personally, I prefer that than open books. It's fucked that I know some streamer's child's birthday.

>> No.12022464

This rrat. It's mine now. *yoink*

>> No.12022470

Ignore her and just watch gura.

>> No.12022489

>burnt out from 3 streams a week and some cover song probably without working a job and sleeping shit hours.

>> No.12022602

My slightly stupid and emotionally stunted casio wife

>> No.12022680

>I wanted to avoid overlapping the other EN members and be more available in more timezones

>> No.12022692

What the hell is wrong with the council? I think the rat is the only one consistent and everyone else is sabotaging themselves.

>> No.12022781 [SPOILER] 
File: 27 KB, 512x341, Get_a_job_tranny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone look at this faggot

>> No.12022812

Cucks zomrades and tells Kronii she sucks to her face. Actually based

>> No.12022936

They said she'd kill Gura but she goes and fucking kills her genmates and things they love.

>> No.12022955

Why do you keep copy pasting this when literally no one cares

>> No.12023015

The rat is my favorite council. Fauna and Mumei are decent.

>> No.12023017

Brags about being Day 1 member
It’s been two months. Congratulations.

>> No.12023024

and what about others?

>> No.12023081 [DELETED] 


>> No.12023094

She is literally a professional voice actor with several roles, take meds

>> No.12023103

IyRS is is what is wrong with the council.

>> No.12023167
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What did Fauna do? She tries to give the best Disneyland experience every stream.

>> No.12023263

>several roles
wow what a ms. big deal

>> No.12023275

She's boring.

>> No.12023366
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ASMR is for actual psychopaths

>> No.12023380

>Saying this using an image of someone who burned out around march and is having constant menhera episodes lately

>> No.12023402
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>with several roles
Name one.

>> No.12023461
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>and is having constant menhera episodes lately
I wonder why...

>> No.12023556

At least Kronii's talking about it to the people who actually watch and support her.

>> No.12023595

Fauna streams as often as the rat and is just as schizo-free.

>> No.12023642
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Its fucking streaming, holy shit, you don't have to disarm a nuke or do a rubix cube in 20 seconds or you die.

>> No.12023675

is this real lol

>> No.12023710

>week break

>> No.12023787

I cannot describe how much I love this fucking dork.

>> No.12023802

I don't watch her or Holo EN but what's with the overreaction because I assume most of the board watches her or at least can understand all the context. She's just worried about performing her best in a huge company. A lot of new debuts have these feelings. Let her grow into her streaming style and she'll be less afraid. She even said she's having a development arc.
Or maybe I'm becoming too retarded for this board, finally

>> No.12023877

how about she develop herself by doing her job?

>> No.12023913 [DELETED] 

it's actually bothering that there are these weirdos who wants "in" in their lives. You're literally watching a persona, focus on the persona incel

>> No.12023976


>> No.12024014

Is she not?

>> No.12024039

Uh oh

>> No.12024056

One reason I like Kronii's streams is that her personality feels less forced than a lot of other hololivers, so I like these kind of talks. Keeps it real.

>> No.12024079
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>> No.12024126 [DELETED] 

>using the word "incel"
fuck off tranny redditor/zoomer retard

>> No.12024143

Right, I also love listening to women complaining for hours. Maybe they'll tell me about their periods next.

>> No.12024204

Jesus man why go through the trouble of applying for Hololive if you're gonna have a mental breakdown only a few months later lol, these people should know exactly what they are getting into. Like I understand the new job jitters or w/e, but god damn dude its like some of these girls have never held a job down in their life.

>> No.12024254

The only ones in EN to force anything are Bae, Kiara and Mori.

>> No.12024342

but words on the internet are mean sometimes :(

>> No.12024553

She should have listened to Kiara, she told council how this was not gonna be a walk in the park and how Hololive is, in fact, a job. I bet Kronii just brushed it off when she looked at her numbers and now is seeing the consequences.

>> No.12024580

>There was this one person I really looked up to at the time and I - I, I was just doing some voice acting and I sent it to someone I looked up to. And they told me that I sucked and I should quit
mori you heartless bitch

>> No.12024593

Says the anon who exits the tab out of fear whenever he says something false in an argument and gets 7 immediate (You)s

>> No.12024694


>> No.12024732

From members stream

>> No.12024771

Too many breaks.

>> No.12024785
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i'm not reading all this shit

>> No.12024789


>> No.12024974 [DELETED] 

>Says the anon who exits the tab out of fear whenever he says something false in an argument and gets 7 immediate (You)s

>> No.12024979

Anon, his is actually good criticism about chuuba and audience behavior. You can call him shitter all you want but this sounds more like an actual concerned Kronnie.

I want the cute autistic clock to triumph but enabling that behavior ain't it.

>> No.12025013

Tsukino Mito doesn't have a fixed stream schedule and she's doing fine. You are mentally ill dude stop forcing your ideal onto others.

>> No.12025041

>Short attention spam

>> No.12025051

How is this considered a mental breakdown? Have you guys ever seen an actual mental breakdown?

>> No.12025067

Kronii if you are browsing 4chan just remember you can do what you want but if you are vtubing to get optimal profit then you have to please those autist and stream more. If you are in streaming just for fun, then do what you want. But I doubt it, everyone is on the bandwagon for the money.

>> No.12025159

So, I'm just curious since I'm not her member, but how much did she make from this stream? Or is it unarchived?

>> No.12025224

This, also your ''monotone'' voice is pretty good.

>> No.12025231

>>"I tried asking the twitter post about feed back and.. I was naive. It's hard to keep track of legitimate feedback"
Basically confirms that she was the one who posted the thread here asking for constructive criticism. I don't know what she's worried about though, prob overthinking everything. Everyone loves her.

>> No.12025235

Maybe, but to me it reads like somebody who is upset she isn't streaming 7 times a week and Kronii taking that criticism too seriously instead of brushing it off.

>> No.12025300

I don't have the post, but from the looks of it, she's putting in a SHIT TON of effort into vtuber things that aren't directly related to streaming. She puts in effort unlike what Kronii seems to do

>> No.12025301

Out of all the new chuubas the first one to actually have a mental breakdown is from hololive

>> No.12025302

Thesis statement: I am going to find and beat the shit out of you and stuff a printed version of this post down your throat. QED.

>> No.12025340

It kinda drives that anon's point home even more, actually.

>> No.12025499

I mean
You can hate Myth for whatever reason, but you can't deny they are legendary. They paved the path for Vtubing in the west. They all got to 1M before all other gens in Hololive.
I'd guess being in Council is a lot of pressure, especially if you're a depressed doomer.

>> No.12025509

Kronii if you're reading this thread, don't. Talk to Kiara, Gura, or both. This place is a hellhole and you know it.

>> No.12025562 [DELETED] 

This rrat has legs kid, set it free on the world

>> No.12025565

Love this neurotic Korean hag

>> No.12025617

money? if i had a chance to be in hololive i would drop my current job in blink of an eye.

>> No.12025674

Hags have to be atleast 30, anon

>> No.12025691

Kronii just play whatever you want and stream it if you want to. Lots of holos play offline. Don't promise anything and just show off whatever it is your want to share after the fact because people will take those against you. 4 streams a week is totally fine.

>> No.12025736

She had so much potential at debut... What the hell happened

>> No.12025745

Its funny how half of vt is like "dude its just streaming, how hard can it be?" and the other half is writing essays on how much of a failure the chuubas are.

>> No.12025774

The latter group are marks and it doesn't matter what they think, their lives are about obsessing over their chosen interest because it gives them purpose and they can never be pleased.

>> No.12025794

>thought OP was shitposting
>it’s actually real
Damn maybe Kronii really is kinda out there if her behavior seems more like a shitpost than something a chuuba would actually do at first glance

>> No.12025803

Just be Korone, it's that simple.

>> No.12025842

>op having a menhera episode makes a shizo post about a chuuba beign menhera

>> No.12025854

Krazy fAnZ

>> No.12025866 [DELETED] 

>What the hell happened >>12025691 's don't understand why they're part of the problem for some people like Kroni

>> No.12025896

inb4 OP = Risu

>> No.12025921

To think all of this wouldn't even be an issue if she just stopped playing on the Holo minecraft server offstream.

>> No.12025941

That's really hot I wish Ame would do streams like that.

>> No.12025952

She's just a private person and is getting used to having shitloads of randoms talking about her all the time and it's probably driving her a little insane because she can't possibly deal with everything everyone is saying

>> No.12025977

she can just request to log in with omega's account and play offstream

>> No.12026011

She's gonna have to learn to ignore chat while pretending to actually read it.

>> No.12026032

Does Minecraft not have an appear offline mode?

>> No.12026059

Maybe she should just not come on /vt/ and barely touch twitter instead. Go to work 5 days a week and leave work at work. No egosa, just retweet decent fan art and maybe friendly post with your work friends on twitter. Being a vtuber is a job, not a way of life.

>> No.12026070

yea its called single player mode

>> No.12026091

they need a MAN

>> No.12026102

>What the hell happened
>>12025691 's don't understand why they're part of the problem for some people like Kroni

>> No.12026113

>become a writer
>people love your writings
>release a cheap novella every five years
>people stop being fans

>become a singer
>people love your singing
>release one song a year
>people forget about you

>become a vtuber
>peoole love you vtubing
>release two content streams a week
>people move on

>> No.12026137

One thing I noticed in her mc streams is she will black out the stream when she wants to interact with something she built that she doesn't want the viewers to see. Pretty sure she has a secret treasure chest behind the painting in her aquarium room tbqh. Also the bunkeronii itself is supposed to be hidden and secretive. Maintaining these private places must be a big part of her personality that is hard to juggle with her job as a public entertainer.

>> No.12026183

Irys is better than all of council and people are quickly realizing it

>> No.12026191

Then don't be an entertainer. If she wants to keep everything a secret she shouldn't have tried out for Hololive at all.

>> No.12026241

ur a retard

>> No.12026267

People are sleeping on Fauna because she looks like asmr bait. If you actually watch her streams, she's rather entertaining.

>> No.12026282

You are here because??

>> No.12026293

And your an autistic faggot, your point?
If Kronii is a secretive person who can't stand people seeing anything than being a streamer is the last job she should have.

>> No.12026303

> try to work as a voice actor
> someone close to her says she sucks at the job
> PTSD from being critized by a person she looked up to
> be in Hololive
> becomes popular because of sexy voice
> gets confident
> sleep schedule gets affected because she's not used to the job
> tired
> fans say she sounds apathetic
> PTSD flashbacks
> depressed menhera

>> No.12026314

Still check Kizuna A.I. channel.
There's your god now?

>> No.12026331

stop posting

>> No.12026340
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Kronii is a fucking disgrace among the blue women

>> No.12026369
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>> No.12026385

You forgot my ma boi kantaso

>> No.12026388

touch grass

>> No.12026390

I can post as much as I want faggot. Kronii should have gotten a job somewhere else if she can't handle showing anything. It's just a fucking fact so get over it.

>> No.12026394

>No Rushia

>> No.12026406

No, he's sane. Becoming a public figure like this is asking for schizos to dig the shit out of your life.
I'm not talking exclusively about vtubers here.

>> No.12026411

kronii stays too much on her confort zone:
>gura hates minecraft because it forces her to be constantly improvising > plays more because she wants to able able to improvise.
>kronii wants to play minecraft but doesn't want the responsibility of keeping the stream fun > plays offline.

>gura is nervous about singing > practice and stream.
>kronii is nervous about singing > members only unnarchived karaoke.

>> No.12026415
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And in this house Ouro Kronii is a hero

>> No.12026433

Well anon, as far as we know, this IS her main job, being at least dedicated to it would give her a nice image, I love the clock don't get me wrong, but when i saw her schedule and the amount of breaks.... damn, Ina and Mori are WAY more busy than her and they can be consistent,

>> No.12026437

Kronii is gonna get the greatest redemption arc in hololive after she go through with this. I’m rooting for you Menhera Clock!

>> No.12026439

Go back.

>> No.12026450


>> No.12026451

>"It's nothing serious in that I'll be graduating, obviously. It's only been two months."
>"For those who want me too.. well, you're going to be stuck with me for much longer"
try reading
stop posting

>> No.12026482

this, kroniiseurs love her monotone voice so she is probably feeling self-conscious about reading twitter (kek, a huge cespool of undiluted hate).

>> No.12026499

I won't stop posting and I did read and I stand by what I am saying so your just gonna have to get over it you little twink.

>> No.12026501

>Ame sings like a duck >sings confidently on stream

>> No.12026509

Kronii, you seeing this? this is the kind of twitter yes men you're tired of, listen to the guy with the full thesis, ironically he makes the more sense.

>> No.12026513

u have been proven incorrect
and yet u insist on posting ur ignorance
u make me sick

>> No.12026524

Is her hair color blue? Is her predominant color blue?

>> No.12026534

Okay selen

>> No.12026549

You have a bad eye for talent. Just because she's the most popular with reddittards and kids with new toy syndrome doesn't ensure she will he a good vtuber in the long run. Also, a big portion of her hype was for her model, and /vt/ can never seem to understand that models are the least important thing about vtubers.

>> No.12026556

if anything hololive would help you deal with a lot of problems wouldn't it? But it might be a Mori kind of situation, she applied but didn't really expect to get in, most people wouldn't in the end of the day but "Yagoo" seem to enjoy broken people few holomem would pass as normies.

>> No.12026578
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touch my dick

>> No.12026587
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Thankk youu!!! Ameway

>> No.12026609

Unironically another Mori
Aware of it but didn't give it much attention and probably expected to not be choosen.
Is ironic the two EN who didn't gave a shit about Hololive before are the ones who get the most akasupas.

>> No.12026614

I'm amazed how much she is embracing her voice now, I remember her getting so flustered before that she had to put a precrecorded song during a karaoke.

>> No.12026622

I never cared for her model and its stupid pointy hair, I just love her dry sardonic playful distant wry vulnerable voice

>> No.12026623

I'm praying every day for that sweet sweet Dota 2 Fauna stream

>> No.12026625

i'm in the legendary thread.
Here's an advice to all vtuber in this site, always treat your fans as ATM machine, never treat them as human, remember this, this is the best advice in history, you will have zero stress and enjoy your job alot.

>> No.12026637

I just wanna see Kronii fucking and shitting

>> No.12026663

You are a part of the problem being unobjectifying yesmen. You are actually going to cause her more grief than anyone.

>> No.12026684

>bond level..

>> No.12026712

what about Mumei?

>> No.12026717

Also, for the love of god stay away from twitter holy shit, no amount yes-men there are going to stop that cesspool of hate from from eating away your mental health.

>> No.12026731

Has to be bigger than Mori's

>> No.12026739

at least she's not a wigger

>> No.12026741

This. Don't be a mark. At the end of the day the marks want to be exploited.
>telling a chuuba she's shit and should retire won't cause grief
>supporting her will cause her grief
This is the next level of mark delusion

>> No.12026747

if you want to be free from mental illness the best solution is to treat everyone as an object and never harbour feelings in them

>> No.12026749

Uhh who are you?

>> No.12026768

I'm not actually saying that she should not stream. 4 streams a week is the average for a Holo but playing games offline is really a good thing for many Holos. Bakatare play offline. SMOK play offline as well. Korone for one loves APEX but rarely plays online. Subaru just got over her pokemon unite addiction. Fubuki tries out a lot of games offline and teases fans about them on Twitter. It keeps them engaged and interested to play stuff offline. It's cool.

>> No.12026769

Man, you so right! How can we be so blind all this time!
And now you can use door right here.

>> No.12026784

after she graduates from college and pay her student debt

>> No.12026789

lol not reading your wall of text. I have no idea what you wrote but the real issue with Kronii is that she became a streamer without even remotely being ready for it. Now she either gets her shit together or she graduates in the near future. This is your time to shine, saviorfags.

>> No.12026808

Not before cops found those bodies in the basement.

>> No.12026809


>> No.12026816

t.Usada Pekora

>> No.12026840


>> No.12026851

Telling her everything she does is fine is worse 100%.

Your Daddy son. Get your ass back to bed before I make it.

>> No.12026917

>Also, a big portion of her hype was for her model,
Nah, before debut there were complaints about "another saber face".
However, the moment she revealed her voice is when shit got real. I saw how her debut went from 70k to 90k viewers live and no other council's debut peaked at 90k before and after her, neither their first collab.
Then the model came in: sexy voice + big tits = Coomer attraction guaranteed.
Her general was literally faster than /hlgg/ on the first weeks, which is the most active thread of this board.
However, her poor schedule was and is killing her hype.
But the buzz for her due the voice was fucking insane, and it looked like she could beat Gura...but as we see, she do not want to because is too menhera for that

>> No.12026927

Pretty sure she had SCs off. Member poll has over 5k votes atm so she's making ~$25k a month's though

>> No.12026951

What exactly do EN managers do? Just get perms for games?

>> No.12027009
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>> No.12027038
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>Be extremely secretive person in real life
>Become a streamer, a job thats about putting yourself out there for an audience
>Try out for Hololive, even before you've debuted you're already a star
But why? Its not like Hololive is some indie darling that came out of nowhere, she had to have known this was gonna happen.

>> No.12027090

>she had to have known this was gonna happen.
Evidence suggests she didn't.

>> No.12027106

I literally could not care less if she only streams 4 times a week. I have other things to spend my time on.

>> No.12027127

I think it boils down to she thought she could handle it and has found out now she can't but also knows she can't just up and leave because she signed a contract.

>> No.12027135

They must arrange collabs, like the amazing all-EN Among Us collab last weekend! That was surely all thanks to management!

>> No.12027144

Didn't she said she was depressed and suicidal in like her first member steam? It's nothing new really, wonde if she's bipolar or something would explain her manic minecrafting followed by burnout this shit goes in cicles.

>> No.12027170

I have seen 2 threads and 1 request in Infinity with that. If it was actually that nigga then lmao
Kronii you retard. Noone here was in your position. Just ask your senpais for feedback or you can always review each other streams with your genmates.

>> No.12027225

Shes utterly disorganised, and has no clue what shes doing. As a vtuber she has to create memes, not just repeat them

>> No.12027239

Reason she doesnt stream is because her perception of time is fucked from being a

>> No.12027323

She likes to voice act.
She likes the play games.
Why doesn't she play games on stream where she can voice act the dialogue?

>> No.12027324

I really think instead of talking to the audience, she should talk to the people she works with and trusts and honestly take their advice to heart if they have any. The audience is filled with dumb asses who don't know shit and children. They are the last people who should be asked about any of this.

>> No.12027349

how do you gosling for a dyke?

>> No.12027372
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>The 2 time themed chuubas have serious mental issues.

>> No.12027380


>> No.12027401

Is she baiting savoirfags?

>> No.12027405

Something something the weight of history something something staring into the abyss etc.
Time is cursed.

>> No.12027406

Ame doesn't have "serious mental issues", she's just dumb and spends too much time on twitter instead of sleeping.
As soon as she fixed her sleep schedule she's been great since last week.

>> No.12027416

wasn't that kiara organizing it?

>> No.12027444

tummy hort

>> No.12027484

If this entire thing is just as keikaku, she would be the most genius vtuber of all
>this is my development arc
Would takenon a whole new meaning

>> No.12027495

Tummy hurt is chronic aerophagia (hiccups and abdominal pain) and gluten intolerance.
Not a whole lot she can do there other than rolling higher in the genetics dice.

>> No.12027513

>haha im just pretending to be pathetic whiny bitch

>> No.12027518

From where is that?
The voices in your brain?

>> No.12027529

If it is and people find out she's gonna have a lot more haters than saviors.

>> No.12027532

Members stream. Any anon here that watched it can vouch for you, word for word

>> No.12027535

Outside of here, are all those things she's freaking out about even remotely being discussed anywhere? Considering 99% of the comments are positive from youtube to leddit, they literally have to be looking for shit about themselves to go menhera over.

>> No.12027582

Egosa. Its a chuuba drug

>> No.12027589

Maybe she's got imposter syndrome

>> No.12027618

I think its less menhera and more her realizing that she's to secretive to be in a job that requires you to put yourself out there.

>> No.12027627
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>If you have a bunch of problems why did you take some steps to improve your situation such as apply to a different job?

>> No.12027632

You forgot adding Gura...
Yes her primary colout is blue

>> No.12027669

She took those graduation jokes too seriously

>> No.12027674

Having everyone around you being yesmen also puts a lot of pressure on yourself when you stop getting real feedback.
She should look for help from people who can give her actual advice and direction if she isn't sure about what to do, not randoms in the internet.

>> No.12027725

The argument is being in Hololive while you have mental illness increases the problems said mental illness due to the stress and demands of said work.

>> No.12027730

Okay dad

>> No.12027734

Enjoying a chuuba isn't being a yesman, yesmen ignore real problems and pretend they don't exist. Kronii legitimately has no problems as far as her fanbase are concerned, there is nothing to deny.

>> No.12027741

>Improve situation
>Be mentally ill and possibly paranoid
>Take a job that requires you to be in the public eye
How is this improving anything

>> No.12027751

Well, she probably doesn’t know how to not fall for bait. This seems to be all-too-common of a problem.

>> No.12027762

>Gets one of the easiest jobs in the world with guarantee success
>Dear god my life sucks! everything is falling apart!

Anyways so her plan is to solve all these "problems" in the next days between streams? lmao good fucking luck, this is not happening. She seemed to be the most relaxed of the bunch but is the first one to go full menhera, not even Kiara was this bad.

>> No.12027775

thank God im a brat
I love the council they are the reason why i got to HoloEN i hope kronii get her shit together looks like shes mentally weak

>> No.12027782

she reminds me of the goth kid sitting in the corner of the classroom cutting herself

>> No.12027849

That's the joke, management does nothing

>> No.12027859

your yesmen made her depressed

>> No.12027874

Says who

>> No.12027969

>implying vtube watchers dont want to participate in kayfabe

>> No.12028055

At least Mori's way of dealing with this is going to an Onsen and streaming with potato laptop, USB mic and shitty WiFi

>> No.12028199
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>menhera arc
unless she pulls her nails live on stream, let's not go and throw the m word around so casually. That is earned

>> No.12028208

I hope Calli was serious when she said she wants to be there for the newbies because Kronii is going to be the first major test of that commitment. This wasn't even a dramapost on their private Discord, this was a public announcement for her viewers.

>> No.12028308

The rat seems to be the most involved with Hololive and the only one who genuinely likes being a vtuber and knows that she's got a chance that is not given to just anyone (even if she got the job because of Calli or whatever). Not saying this because she screams and stuff (not a fan of that, actually). She still has room for improvement, but her enthusiasm will pay off long term, just like it's happened with Subaru and Nenechi.

>> No.12028311

She already fucked up then. First thing I would've mentioned to any newbie on day one would be to never bother with egosa and to stay the fuck off twitter.

>> No.12028412

Watch Ginga Alice instead of ranting like a retard here

>> No.12028488

I like her spooky stream she got me there.

>> No.12028540

We did it. We found someone more insecure than Kiara.

>> No.12028595

>like Kronii
>she leaves
>she's also a lesbian apparently
I feel like a football that just got spiked. EVEN 2D WOMEN AREN'T SAFE TO FALL IN LOVE WITH.

>> No.12028604

What irks me the most is that she rides on the success of her senpais without any significant work of her own and breaks down when her fans expect more than the absolute minimum.

>> No.12028628


>> No.12028629

Have sex

>> No.12028667

>she's also a lesbian apparent
uh? it was never implied

>> No.12028700

anon, do your roommate reps

>> No.12028732

ogey retard

>> No.12028745

SEArat is based

>> No.12028752

That's a really hot image, didn't read any of all that though. Happy for her, or sorry that happened.

>> No.12028760

Come on its not THAT bad

>> No.12028772

>literally NO ONE streaming, in Hololive, Neshit, and the other forgotten group.
Maybe VTubers are just dead?

>> No.12028781

Homosexuality is a mental illness anon...

>> No.12028818

>I don't want to overlap--

>> No.12028892

>But why?
She probably didn't realize how much pressure holos are subjected to. Look at this thread. At least half of the people being cartoonishly critical are not being ironic or joking. It's hard to deal with vitriol on a daily basis, especially when you like being insulated from most people.

She should have hope though: If Gura can adjust to it anybody can. Gura's been baptised in raw corrosive internet hatred and she's among the company's three biggest shut-ins.

>> No.12028928

The fuck? Gura was successful BEFORE Hololive, you know that, right?

>> No.12028982

That was when she adapted to it in the first place, dummy.

>> No.12028986

>It's hard to deal with vitriol on a daily basis,
What the actual fuck are you talking about? Outside of here, there's practically no criticism of any of the hololive talents, let alone Kronii

>> No.12029030

>Outside of here, there's practically no criticism of any of the hololive talents
That's not entirely true, but they're here.

>> No.12029042

Nah, it's nothing like that.
It's ACTUAL (unlike a certain feathered loudmouth) imposter syndrome.

>> No.12029189


>> No.12029249

i love broken middle aged women

>> No.12029343

>that models are the least important thing about vtubers
nah if your model looks like dogshit i'm not watching

>> No.12029370

Because people are fucking weird especially holoEN fans, when you introduce a voting system like reddit which most outside places have it forces an echo chamber.

>> No.12029376

Correct. It's the easiest thing to get right, and you only have to do it once. If they can't, or won't, bother with that much, then they're not worth the time.

>> No.12029421

>"tl;dr I'm not an open person and I don't like to share my problems in public. This will hopefully be a one-time stream, and I'm happy about this entire experience but also overwhelmed since streaming is stressful due to so much happening in the background.
Not surprised about this because of her personality and her past life, but it's just something that she'll probably just have to keep doing until it becomes natural.

>> No.12029440

>It was her model.
Nah, brah, it was her freaking voice. Plus her attitude was smooth and unlike any of the others.

>> No.12029450

Models carry even the shittiest of chuubas if they’re catchy enough. Luckily enough for me, I don’t focus on it anywhere near as much as their personality. If I did, it’d be an endless ocean of moe shit.

>> No.12029490

Why do you all always have the need to mention her in totally unrelated topics?

>> No.12029506

Because it's related? Imposter syndrome. Only this one is real.

>> No.12029514

>She probably didn't realize how much pressure holos are subjected to.

Are you being intentionally stupid?

>> No.12029537

This doesn't sound like imposter syndrome Anon.

>> No.12029546

>reddit spacing
>pointless question
Are you?

>> No.12029573

Thanks for your opinion and talking about THAT I guess instead of getting instantly defensive. Do it the first time, from now on.

>> No.12029677

She probably didn't think she'd make it

>> No.12029695

Not even close

>> No.12029754

yes, she sets the bar too high

>> No.12029757

Okay, she's insecure to people calling out her voice and then she tends to keep secrets that she has done offline streams. Okay. She can still doing that. BUT as a streamer she needs to do a content to keep interest not the actual product that she made offline but the progress that she made online while talking to chat. PRIORITIZE THE CONTENT. If shes not confident with her communication skills then maybe she needs some collab for the meantime. She did well when someone is talking to her that leads to a genuine contents that her viewers wants. Crashing gura stream along side with mumei and bae reached 1M views. That says alot.

>> No.12029765

>"the losses I went through. This will take some time and I will recover from it. So in the end I am asking you some space and time while I figure this out"
Bitch aborted our baby girl

>> No.12029770
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>manhating lesbian
>hides boobs with controller at every opportunity now
>gets pissy over innuendo posters in chat
she resents her coomer fanbase and is insecure about only being cared about for her cowtits

>> No.12029781

>Inconsistent streaming.. I wanted to avoid overlapping the other EN members and be more available in more timezones but that's kinda unavoidable so
That's the worst thing I've ever heard.

>> No.12029785
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>"Yagoo" seem to enjoy broken people
Bruh... wait till he gets a load of me...

>> No.12029834

Wait till she gets a new design that nerfs her tits and make it more family friendly.

>> No.12029875
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rrat listened to OWTH and actually applied the advice rather than get upset over it
she even admitted it herself in her japanese zatsu
and in turn Mori bloomed when applying some advice from another rrat

it's rrats all the way down

>> No.12029879
File: 818 KB, 1404x1403, The+Young+Pope[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remoteness creates intrigue.
Mystery inspires faith.

>> No.12029878

> Anya

>> No.12029888

newfag here and out of the loop. what's going on with kronii again?

>> No.12029902

playing a childrens block game for a couple hours a day is very stressful

>> No.12029910

Based Selen is streaming you doofus.

>> No.12029915

She's says she's not quitting.
But she's quitting.

>> No.12029914

yagoo will see a broken bitch and be like "damn she's hired"

>> No.12029934

which one's the tranny?

>> No.12029942

i guess hiring emotionally broken women and college students didn't work this time

>> No.12029943


>> No.12029946

That's worse than if NO ONE was streaming. Gross.

>> No.12030008

I'm sorry, Anon. That is the terrible truth to be learned at the bottom of this pit we find ourselves in. It's shit and trash and garbage all the way down and there's no one worth loving. Just give up. They're all shit and you and I were just born to be alone.

>> No.12030054


>> No.12030088

don't care, when is /vt/ takes going to be unbanned so i can laught at y'all without having to visit this shithole

>> No.12030092

I need some hope to live, anon. Just a tiny little candle in the ocean of darkness, that's all I ask. Just once. Why does it always end up like this?

>> No.12030108

It is not
Maybe with the wigger you have a point

>> No.12030115

i like kroni, she cute

>> No.12030121

No you are here forever.

>> No.12030124

Kek this is what happens when your managers prioritize numbers before actually having a good time streaming

>> No.12030133

mumei, sana, fauna are all normies

>> No.12030152

How did a blog that just posts screenshots get banned anyways?

>> No.12030168

what if she finally wants to pander to eu viewers, just shift your usual streaming time a bit

>> No.12030193

This only works in a series anime and religions.

>> No.12030212
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watashii wah sugoi
korea rrrama desu

>> No.12030214

How do you fags come up with this shit? It's kinda imoressive.

>> No.12030220

Bet you money she caught feelings for another Holo and freaked out.

>> No.12030233

except she doesn't, she's just being rhetorical

>> No.12030238


>> No.12030239


>> No.12030248

No no, this is literally what she said on her members stream.

>> No.12030258
File: 47 KB, 1280x720, poki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

live the dream
come and stream
till your fooollowing is just humongous
don't be last
to broadcast
when you play heeeere
amooong uuuuUUUUUUUSS

>> No.12030259

why the retard? irys is the most charming

>> No.12030262

It all started when Fauna told her gg

>> No.12030269

by paying $5 a month and actually writing down what the chuuba says in their membership stream

>> No.12030282

Why not just clip it?

>> No.12030289

somebody should clip this and put on streamable cuz i aint home

>> No.12030301

Wait did Kronii actually say this or is it just OP's fanfic

>> No.12030307

Every word is from her mouth.

>> No.12030338

Kronii came to my house and beat up my Mom

>> No.12030402

Did she at least fuck her afterwards? Or you? If not, you got cucked, son.

>> No.12030560

>some of these girls have never held a job down in their life
Pretty sure most of them haven't and just were neets for ages

>> No.12030625

>clip it
>membership stream

>> No.12030669

I know at least Mori and Kiara had jobs before
And no, not just "hurr durr being a whore aint a job"

>> No.12030729

>being a whore aint a job
But being a whore really isn't a job...

>> No.12030799
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>> No.12030806

Good, because neither of them were (only) that

>> No.12030896

Why are you posting some random Asian woman's facebook picture or whatever? Well, in any case, I would like to lick her pusy and watch her face contort with pleasure and hear dull, self-conscious, half-restrained moans escape her lips as I do so. Are you on the wrong board or something?

>> No.12030948

Imagine Gura being Kronii's irl girlfriend and the menhera shit eventually goes away. They complement each other, and can help one another.

>> No.12031019

>isn't sure if she's ready yet unless they move in together

>> No.12031067

Western girls are too broken. They just got insanely lucky with Myth.

>> No.12031074

>paying the full amount
rumao rumao

>> No.12031168

It would actually be amusingly ironic if she was manhating given her male infested coomer fanbase.

>> No.12031232

>if she was manhating
poor sweet naive anon doesn't know

>> No.12031465

It's not even a rrat. Thats how her PL was. Imagine being a manhating SJW and going up having men throwing money at you for your virtual titties. She's living that.

>> No.12031555

She may have fat stacks of cash but I hope she has even fatter stacks of constant mental anguish and cognitive dissonance.

>> No.12031680
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