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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 136 KB, 1255x1245, 184739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11996929 No.11996929 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we pretend to be in a clip's comment section on YT
I'll start :
> One day we'll see a glowing owl shining as bright as a Phoenix once she finds a majestic glow berry....we shall wait...for a time will come....

>> No.11999110

I'm so glad she's getting the rest she needs. Don't force yourself too hard, Ayame! We'll wait for you!

>> No.11999237

>what is she doing?
>she's beginning to believe

>> No.11999364

>Thank you, Gura. My dad passed away last month and I was feeling lost until I heard you talking about your muddy feet.

>> No.11999408

come 2 brazil plzzzzzzzzzzzzz

>> No.11999565

Ah.. Yes... The floor is... made of floor

>> No.11999596

She’s confused but she’s got the spirit.

>> No.12000017

Her best live performance of this song is during her singing stream yesterday (post-Coco graduation).

Suisei told us during HoloTalk and I understood GHOST to mean like a struggle to be recognized by people who look down on Vtubers or wouldn't even spare them a glance. In a way, that's how Coco lived too right? Coco struggled early on and eventually earned her spot as the legendary dragon who has inspired so many Vtubers and even amassed her own treasure hoard of SCs. Seeing how people have sent her off, it seems that she has broken the "curse" of being a ghost. Now, despite her leaving, she isn't some fleeting existence that everyone will forget shortly after.

Truthfully, a Vtuber can be likened to such an ephemeral existence because a lot of those who graduate end up having their archives wiped thus making it harder to remember them. Coco's situation is different. If you check the official Hololive site's talent roster, you will now see [OG Alumnus] next to Coco's name. Her channel will stay alive (apart from membership content) for everyone to visit whenever they want.

So now, GHOST is like that song I'd liken to an anthem for Vtubers. It's a song filled with the feelings of struggle a Vtuber would feel, as well as their aspirations to break free from being a forgettable existence. And who better to have written this song than a veteran like Sui!

Edit: Wow, I'm glad to see that a lot of people seem to have liked this comment of mine. I'd just like to add I've noticed a lot of Vtubers started covering this song which makes me feel like I did understand the significance of the song!

>> No.12000033

>came here from /vt/

>> No.12000295

vtuber 1: (exact quote)
vtuber 2: (movie quote, in bold)
7.5K+ likes

>> No.12000446

This is every single normalfag meme in every single platform

>> No.12000745

>Ina's Apostle [1st Apostle of the Twelve]

>> No.12000839


>> No.12000969

Seriously, why the fuck are there so many of these?

>> No.12001290
File: 38 KB, 640x481, Rolling cock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These "[name]'s apostle [Xst Apostle of the twelve]" names piss me off so fucking much its unreal.

>> No.12001566


>> No.12002054

Those types of overdone jokes are so common on some videos I have trouble finding comments that aren't in that format.

>> No.12002245
File: 881 KB, 400x354, 1600652110264.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody, absolutely no person alive:
Gura: Sus lmao

>> No.12002456

it’s hilarious how true that is, any time someone brings up peko miko in a youtube comment section someone will immediately peddle the rape story and then go on about /vt/.

>> No.12002520

...rape story? Do I want to know what this is or is it another schizopost?

>> No.12002795

I think it is beyond schizopost. It is a collective hallucination. There was never a pekomiko r*pe, not even a rrat about it. Anons started saying and kept rolling with it. Very weird.

>> No.12002817

>She's speaking the language of the Gods

>> No.12002916

Why are YouTubefags so try hard sometimes?

>> No.12003023


>> No.12003061


>> No.12003131

It's a joke you idiots. People say they don't talk to eachother because Miko raped Pekora, because Miko is ero, and Peko is super adverse to intimacy.
It's a running joke. Stop taking everything seriously

>> No.12003188

Why do people sometimes post shitty baits just for some (you)s? Same reason, they want attention.

>> No.12003248

Because rape jokes are clearly hilarious to everyone including the vtuber themselves better make comments on their YouTube channel joking about their rape of another co-worker. I'm sure that's what they want to see. Jeez, this is why people say not to break containment.

>> No.12003312

its not a joke. it's exaggerated but it happened

>> No.12003329

How the fuck can you tell apart jokes from schizoposts on this board?

>> No.12003544
File: 859 KB, 1434x1558, SomethingMentallyGoingOn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Truthfully, a Vtuber can be likened to such an ephemeral existence

>> No.12003687

how about the fact even someone with a single brain cell can realize it’s a dumb joke rrat, go back to r/okbuddyhololive.

>> No.12006037

>It's really heartwarming how close a friendship can get despite the language barrier. Gura's Japanese AND Mario kart skills have considerably improved
I'll jut pull one off of youtube

>> No.12006311

Unironically the best comments

>> No.12007393

help me i failed life lole

>> No.12007890 [DELETED] 

I think youtube comments on songs should be disabled. Kinda hurts when you like something and fine some shit joke as the top comment.

>> No.12008174

>LOL Bae and Polka arrived as if they were extras in The Truman Show radio dispatched to stop something bad from happening

>> No.12008961

miko raped pekora

>> No.12009232


>> No.12009284

Thanks for my daily Nakirium!

>> No.12009476


>> No.12009542


>> No.12010508


>> No.12012712

roommate account comments:
>wow this really is CRAZY how funny/talented she is its like (insert very VERY blatant chubba reference here)

>yeah I agree, its great to see how far (name of chubba) has come

>how DARE you doxx her. I don't know what you are talking about

>> No.12013787


>> No.12015159


>> No.12015169

>I think I know a little to much forbidden information

>> No.12017272

gnnnnnh our battle will be legendary said mr oogway to thanos

>> No.12017386

ROFL I see these dudes everywhere.

>> No.12017597

their ancestors, the [NAME] VIRUS were cancer, and little did they know they ruined their oshi's algorithm rating, especially the korone one who made YT's algorithm believe the rona was being discussed in the videos

>> No.12017669

I hate the retards who leave English comments under my oshi's roommate song cover videos that also have obvious profile pictures and usernames.

>> No.12017684

that one was alright. maybe off reference but matsuri was talking a big yab to an EN streamer.

>> No.12017749

context pls

>> No.12017782
File: 46 KB, 747x302, ledditors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will kill every normalfag I'm so sick of reading this shit, every video, every FUCKING video is filled to the brim with exactly the shit in >>12000295 's template

>> No.12017837

I admire their persistence.

>> No.12018023

Aqua: "You took everything from me"
Gura: "I don't even know who you are"
Ame, Shion :"bruh"

edit : thanks for the reddit gold and 10000 upvotes

>> No.12018090

it's actually pretty revealing, it means these people are, unlike older internet users, not able to produce a joke under a form where it's a witty comment from them to their audience and instead only able to partake ad nauseam in shared consumption of references where they are a spectator as much as their audience.
Probably because we shifted from internet being about sharing your own thoughts and content to it being about sharing and consuming content others made.

>> No.12018137

>EDIT : thanks it's my most liked comment ever!!!!

>> No.12018272

Just reading this is genuinely infuriating to me

>> No.12018337


Absolutely Nobody:

Ame: *hic"

>> No.12018610


Absolutely Nobody:

Ame: *hic"

Edit: Lmao. Thanks for the 100 likes guys. I didn't expect this to blew up.

>> No.12018822

Gura: I'm not drunk!
Also Gura: *sings country roads

Edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger

Edit 2: 327 likes for this? Haha wow that's the most I've ever gotten, thanks guys and gals and everything in between!

Edit 3: WTF 600 likes wow thank you all so much this is the best birthday ever

Edit 4: Thanks for all the birthday wishes fellow chumbuds. I tippeth mine hat to thee on this pleasant morrow.

Edit 5: Ok, so this went viral overnight for some reason O_o 2000 motherflipping likes I really have no words thank you all so much it means a lot!

Edit 6: ok I'm noticing some toxic discussion happening in this replies and I feel the need to address it. Sexism and racism are not cool guys, so please cool it and continue the good vibes please and thank you!

Edit 7: ok so I don't know why but I've received a lot of dislikes on this post recently, maybe i got raided by 4chan.com/b?? (commonly referred to as the "asshole of the internet" for those who aren't aware). I don't really ask for much but I was hoping we could show those losers a thing or two, so please give this comment a like if you haven't already, it would mean the world to me and show these bullies you cannot mess with a good person.

Edit 8: turns out my girlfriend cheated on me, so that happened :/

Edit 9: so people have been wanting me to clarify the previous edit. I don't have the energy to go into a lot of detail so the general gist of it is this: Yes we were in an open relationship, no that doesn't mean you can't cheat on someone when you're in an open relationship. If you are having sex regularly with someone and never mention it until they get you pregnant, that is definitely a betrayal of trust even if you've both agreed that she can have as many partners as she feels she needs to be comfortable.

Edit 10: FYI, taking responsibility for the child does not make me any less of a man than you, actually it makes me more, so kindly fuck off please and thank you!

>> No.12019024

by having a functioning brain

>> No.12019098

I partook ad nauseam in shared consumption of your mom last night, if you catch my drift

>> No.12019144

HEY! You stole my comment!

>> No.12019301

Well done.

>> No.12019577

there's a time and place to tell everyone you're into corpses anon

>> No.12019934

hi /vt/

>> No.12020092

the hic timestamps are:

>> No.12022107

thanks now i can clip these without having to watch this

>> No.12022243

By not being a schizo

>> No.12028271

"don't believe everything you read on the internet"
-sun tzu

>> No.12029021

before you kill yourself cumshart

>> No.12031082

Fuck you, I hate these type of comments.

>> No.12031165 [DELETED] 

These comments are the best since every other comment is >>12000295

>> No.12032642

what about 00:25 "exact quote from the video"

>> No.12033069

I hate how this type of comment started after Pewdiepie popularize reddit shit meme format to YouTube comment made by 10 year old

>> No.12033173

no one:
not a single soul:
not god:
literally no one:
technically no one:
not a single atom:
not a single bacteria:
not a single nature:
not a single living thing:
not even jah:
Not even Keanu Reeves being breathtaking:
Not even big chungus:
Not even Minecraft creepers:
Not even Fortnite being lame:
not even aliens at area 51:
Not a single person:
Not even billy eilish:
Not even James Charles:
Not even cute doggos:
Gura: A

>> No.12033357

Korone wholesome cute doggo
She should rest

>> No.12033414

>joke about the clip that is completely unrelated to what actually happened in the clip

>> No.12033457

>itt: retards who couldn't follow suite and just had to share their duh opinion.

you fuckers always ruin any creative threads by making reaction posts, can you stfu or post YT comment?

>> No.12034078

52:48 wow even in human form she still has the physical capabilities of an eldri-

>> No.12034735

i like how you guys going full name for the rp. its funny to see stan names like >>12000745
popping up in yt comments

>> No.12034933

Cheers bro

>> No.12035288

you've encapsulated the majority of every horrible youtube comment

>> No.12041588


>> No.12042359 [DELETED] 

ja ja ja esa korone

>> No.12043980

Que dice no entiendo nada xd

>> No.12044017 [DELETED] 

Yagoo's rolling in his grave >_>

>> No.12044412

gura say viet nam

>> No.12049461

Nah I find the idea of the PekoMiko rape being rrated so hard into existence funnier

>> No.12049551

>the [NAME] VIRUS were cancer
the worst part about those is that none of them were a pun like Korone's one. I fucking hated them.

>> No.12049679

>Chuuba: quote
>Me: meme reference

>> No.12049742

Hi sui-chan! Sorry I'm late! Can you say hi honey please?

>> No.12049981

>susaga war criminal

>> No.12050052

Mumei: *sees bush*
Mumei: it's free real estate

>> No.12050248

This was really funny, thanks for clipping!

>> No.12050263

Say Ara Ara

>> No.12050299


>> No.12050495
File: 65 KB, 640x1000, thanks for the upboats!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

death to redditors and normalfags

>> No.12052821

gura woke up today and chose violence

>> No.12054024
File: 793 KB, 1061x1033, 1633071092685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12054135


>> No.12054190
File: 46 KB, 148x141, 1632837796416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Edit 4: Thanks for all the birthday wishes fellow chumbuds. I tippeth mine hat to thee on this pleasant morrow.

>> No.12054332

>maple leaf, your descriptions are always so unique and funny
>maple leaf, that roleplay there was yabai
>maple leaf, your descriptions are always a joy to read, you could write a fictional book of hololive...I mean it

>> No.12054967

We Chubafriends thank you for this wonderful stream! Seeing two chubas talk was refreshing and thrilling! It was nice to kick back and imagine we too were part of the delightfully deep conversation. A thrilling new week awaits us! It wil surely be filled with many exhilarating experiences! We wish you all the best on your felicitous rest! OtsuChuuba!

>> No.12058482

too true, kek

>> No.12060038

Poor Ayame didn't see it coming, at least we got our dose of Nakirium XD

Wow Korone was so cute this time, Okayu must be feeling so lonely, careful Okayu don't let them steal Korone from you x)

You can't escape the war criminal Subaru, you were a sitting duck out there!

Thank you for your compilation as always :D

>> No.12060370

haha x go brrrr

Edit: thanks for the likes guys this is my most popular comment so far

>> No.12060517

as a side note, it baffles me how these kind of low-effort comments blow up in comment sections.
clipfags are truly retarded.

>> No.12060610


>> No.12060893

You lurk, retard

>> No.12061395

0:26 Flert 100

>> No.12061637

oh nyo, are you frustrated?

>> No.12061700

take meds

>> No.12062887

OMG chat is down bad, send them to h*rny jail xDDD

>> No.12063589

Sasuga gamer lion.

>> No.12068479

i really, really like your profile picture, where is it from?

>> No.12072472


>> No.12072726

Rushia is as flat as a b--
*someone invades my house*

>> No.12075137

hello im fan from malaysia

>> No.12075438
File: 89 KB, 342x283, 1629852779753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12078575


>> No.12080449

do you think the people who spam the pettan jokes actually laugh at them

>> No.12080485

Loved it.

>> No.12083760

horny jail XD

>> No.12084493

well Rushia does.

>> No.12085339

no one:
absolutetly nobody:
still nobody:
not a single soul:
literally no one:
not even big chungus:
Coco: Trans rights? What's that?
[everyone disliked that]
baby yeed: wait that's illegal
brie larson: ok that was lowkey on point
pickle rick: *slaps roof of car* luke did i ever tell you about the time i turned myself into a pickle? it was an epic moment.
luke: *is retarded*
CIA: Bane?
sans undertale: hey don't google HP Lovecraft's cat name
[OP googles hp lovecrafts cat name]
CIA: congratulations you got yourself caught!
stan lee: *flies past in a spaceship* ooooh i dont care what universe your from thats GOTTA HURT
[everyone laughed]
keanu reeves: you're breathtaking!

>> No.12088137

how do you guys imitate them that well

>> No.12088192

That's a copypasta.

>> No.12093982
File: 7 KB, 224x224, 1534179634428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'start: 0:00'

>> No.12094346

>i just realized i had fallen too deep into the rabbit hole
>Hello you there, yes you also have fallen deep into the rabbit hole, now please be respectful to the streamer and keep this forbidden knowledge to yourself
Nigga all you did was putting in three words "vtuber name" real face, don't act like you just figured out the private link to Silk Road and PlayPen after countless hours of searching through the Deepweb.

>> No.12094394



>> No.12095456

Nah I appreciate being reminded that these trash comments piss off other people as much as they do for me

>> No.12095635

>12 dislikes on video
>"12 people are [person who wouldn't like the content of the video]"

>> No.12095892

>posts quote of funny moment on stream
>Edited: "OMG how is this my most liked comment ever????????"
