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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 3.03 MB, 1800x2400, 1635159176763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12007000 No.12007000 [Reply] [Original]

>Next Stream - Soon

>Who is Beatani?



>Data Archive:

>Streamlabs, because superchats are for low IQ dads who like giving Youtube 30% of the cut:

>Lore Summarized:

>Last thread

>> No.12007029

Reminder that any comments are due Oct 26, 2359 JST

>> No.12007258

If you're going to do
>Next Stream - Soon
at least use

>> No.12007511

What are your thoughts on magazine anon exposing the names of those who left comments for it

>> No.12007621

They intended that name to be in the magazine so NFG. That's why some are names and some are pseudonyms.

>> No.12007700

He betrayed the trust of all those people acing like it was nothing. No way anyone sends any other name now. We should stop it there, and try to find a new organizer. Unfortunate named dads can chose to retire from the final product.

>> No.12007737

acting like*

>> No.12007772

your name is supposed to be written next to your comment I don't see the problem

>> No.12007814

Ruins the surprise a little

>> No.12007838

Look at the names and tell me you're surprised.

>> No.12007867

can't you guys at least try... anon was trying to get something going

>> No.12007977

Happy S*** submitted something his art is really cool. Mine is obvious so I don't care having my name shown.

>> No.12008016
File: 386 KB, 2082x3212, fractured knee sneep by Beatani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love this sheep!

>> No.12008027

I tried...dads are too yab resistant

>> No.12008033

Weak bait deserves to die and not be kept alive out of pity.

>> No.12008092

She's so cute bro why does she hang out with a bad influence like bea?

>> No.12008096

Too bad she doesn't love you, she hates males

>> No.12008104
File: 123 KB, 690x1024, 1623502545165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love this fucking bear

>> No.12008119

The bait isn't weak anon... you just got too resistant. Remember names sometimes being shown in Yakuza cause quite the anger.

>> No.12008127

yeah that was really weird of her

>> No.12008161
File: 562 KB, 1500x999, 1626985665053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too

>> No.12008179

That's what girls who want to avoid creep say, they like males but they'll be the one to pick

>> No.12008205

She really loves femboys though

>> No.12008231

Well now that I know, I'm not surprised, but before, it could've been any number of dads, could've been dads from long ago, new dads, the mystery has been lifted a bit, and my experience of reading the magazine the first time around has been dampened a bit.

>> No.12008277

I think /yah/ art is shadowbanned now.

>> No.12008311

Let me try. What are your thoughts on the fact that, even though the magazine is called Who Is You and was supposed to be a product of /yah/, attention whore dads are using their usual names in a lame attempt to leech off the hard work of anonymous dads and score love points?

>> No.12008380

I thought about that and would have been fine not using a name, but after organizer said most others were I went with the flow.

>> No.12008438

I want to point out that I did not use my usual name and I'll assume the organizer used it for their own convenience.

>> No.12008439

I was going to remain anon but it seemed others would sign with their names, so I went with that if it was fine.
By the way, you have to participate in it first before talking shit about participants.

>> No.12008491

in the context of them using my usual name for that screenshot last thread, which hopefully shouldn't appear in the final magazine.

>> No.12008497


>> No.12008528

I checked in incognito and another account and the aggie isn't showing up on the tag.

>> No.12008581

I see a point for both side
In a way it's also a nice thing to open 10 years later and remember people
But I totally see why an anon magazine sounds nice too

>> No.12008640

12th age doesn't show outside of my main, correct.

>> No.12008641

/yah/'s too small and chummy for an anon magazine. Most active people here know each other by now.

>> No.12008703

Yeah i know all of you

>> No.12009006

That's right, *****

>> No.12009017

Okay, who am I?

>> No.12009096

I can't get full dm completion since some dads have their dm's turned off but if you want to have a chat make sure they're enabled. I should be doing about 10-15 a day.

>> No.12009137

Fuck I'm gonna close mine now, I'm too awkward for this shit

>> No.12009216
File: 300 KB, 1200x1368, 1634697577885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm waiting dadchama.

>> No.12009257
File: 2.84 MB, 1872x1861, 1610242319986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love fucking this bear!

>> No.12009281

If you use a burner account, I'm not going to open up to you

>> No.12009435

Bea please don't stream for the next couple days at least, my router shit itself and I have to get a new one

>> No.12009508

ok just for you

>> No.12009515
File: 293 KB, 397x415, 1626152964480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking!

>> No.12009568

thanks me too

>> No.12009954

Seems kinda pointless I'd end up telling you who I am after a while anyways.

>> No.12010000

Seems pointless using a burner? I agree

>> No.12010385

No dad has ever dmed me after these kinds of postings and it makes me more depressed

>> No.12010518

Same bro...

>> No.12010582

just like be more interesting lol

>> No.12010689


>> No.12010754
File: 101 KB, 970x1010, autistic bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never been DMed by a dad. Perks of being a boring dad, I guess

>> No.12010891

waiting patiently for your message.

>> No.12010897

I dont know if you want to dm with me I'm only interested in talking about Beatani and gossiping about other dads

>> No.12010980

>Willingly giving blackmail material to another dad

>> No.12011107

I'm holding out hope that my day will come and I'll be the happiest dad in the world.

>> No.12011268

Same but that's because I dont have a twitter

>> No.12011489

Since it appears we are heading in this direction, I have a few inflexible criteria for a dick pic.

In the pic your dick must be, in no particular order:
-Shaved or neatly trimmed (this applies to the entire pubic area, no funny business with the fat pad or the scrotum)
-Uncut (preferably a cute anteater with none of the glans visible)
-Flaccid (no, a semi or a half chub is not acceptable)
-Equal to or smaller than mine (no, I will not tell you my measurements)

I'm not too picky about testicular size or scrotal length.

If you send me a dick pic you implicitly consent to and acknowledge the possibility of me immediately forwarding an acceptable specimen to the bear for her review.

>> No.12011594

magazine organizer did you received my comment?

>> No.12011688

I don't see it in my inbox or spam. Could you try again?

>> No.12011694

l2d autism cap when

>> No.12011695

I've gotten a good few dad DMs. Most were normal, a few weren't, but one always stuck with me and made me really resent the one that sent it. Not naming names though.

>> No.12011806

Dads how much do you weigh?

>> No.12011867

How many times a day does Bea scratch her butt?

>> No.12011945

Yes I will reply now
Please do not larp as me

>> No.12011962
File: 284 KB, 852x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cam on

>> No.12012007

Ok faggots, which one of you is responsible for making our daughter so painfully CUTE?

>> No.12012033

ok, sorry I sent it again

>> No.12012035

Sorry it was me...

>> No.12012061

No worries, it's all good

>> No.12012125

It was the primordial sludge that all dads mixed together that formed this cute bear. We're all responsible.

>> No.12012234

No problem
I guess you think it's funny but you will just confuse people so please stop.

>> No.12012382

This guy is larping I'm the real Magazine Organizer and I haven't gotten your submission yet. Try sending it again.

>> No.12012478

I think I found Beatani's previous art and comics. But I'm looking out for yabs.

>> No.12012498

Magazine organizer here, sorry, ya boys not feeling too well, going to have to postpone the magazine for a while.

>> No.12012577

Ok mori sama

>> No.12012662

big ups homeboy

>> No.12012671

wait I thought you were mixer anon

>> No.12012783

ya boi has many talents you see, but being on time isn't one of them

>> No.12012828


>> No.12012882
File: 9 KB, 577x59, hate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12012908

hehe tsundere hehe

>> No.12012955
File: 39 KB, 562x220, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her biological clock. Who's going to step up and help her?

>> No.12013004

It's funny to see the tweets shared here seconds after they're made.
I want to think it's the bear.

>> No.12013005

This proves that she loves my schizoposting, I'm going to keep doing it!

>> No.12013055


>> No.12013261

Answer the poll honestly, don't let your bias skew your answer.

>> No.12013325

beatani lover

>> No.12013398
File: 424 KB, 2160x2160, E4S4SydXoAQ1IwF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beatani hates dads, but loves their money. Thanks for the stream deck and 3D gear, losers

>> No.12013484

What does this mean for greys?

>> No.12013569

like a real daughter

>> No.12013638

Either pure hate or no acknowledgement their existence

>> No.12013659

I hope we made him proud.

>> No.12013671

ayy lmao

>> No.12014001

for this kind of thing I believe /yah/ sings clover club was just a cruel joke

>> No.12014167

Only LBS did

>> No.12014289

I won't dm you like I'm ticking off some box on a dad scorecard, but if you really want to dm with me I'm happy to.

>> No.12014347

I'm putting dad DM notches on my bedpost.

>> No.12014430

I'm DMing Mori, just so you know

>> No.12014819

I will dm you like I'm ticking off some dad scorecard because I am. So open your dms fuckers I am a completionist.

>> No.12014969


>> No.12015044

Drumgroomer approaches?

>> No.12015218


>> No.12015280

Would Bea be good at rhythm games? I think there's a good chance.

>> No.12015359

Bea should play Taiko!

>> No.12015412


>> No.12015526

Why do Japanese women have such simian faces?

>> No.12015581


>> No.12015624

I will dick mongle you like I'm ticking off some dick scorecard because I am. So open your flies fuckers I am a cumpletionist.

>> No.12015698


>> No.12015738

I was listening to the guitar cover of this today. Damn that instrumental is good man.

>> No.12016549


>> No.12016682


>> No.12016736
File: 3.94 MB, 1378x2039, 1631880277879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are annoying me

>> No.12017150
File: 46 KB, 600x450, AngryDrummer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bea dum tss welcome to the drumming thread home of the drummers talking about drums and drummers and drum related things. If you don't like drums take a hike, if you do like drums: based. I love drums and talking about drums and when I feel sad drums make me happy I think you're the same as me. Tell me who is your favorite drummer and what is your favorite drum set?

>> No.12017608
File: 1.24 MB, 1200x675, 1627604223565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite drummer is Beatani and my favorite drum set is whatever one Beatani uses.

>> No.12017665


>> No.12017705

im a burger get fucked

>> No.12017771

I love this bitch from Bandori

>> No.12017785

Take your U and shove it up your ugly ass.

>> No.12019773
File: 1.21 MB, 1476x2068, 1630922259899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friends with beatani, fuck buddies with chihiro, marry risuna. there is no better choice

>> No.12019938

u right

>> No.12020125

>not marrying stinky baby Bea

>> No.12020181

Bea would be the worst wife ever. She might make a decent husband.

>> No.12020324

swap bea and risuna and then viola you have the objectively correct choice

>> No.12020653

She followed Tenma.

>> No.12020749
File: 97 KB, 760x442, Screenshot_20211025-203124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, but unironically

>> No.12020786


>> No.12020829

she already did this with the “late in japan” bs

>> No.12020874

she hates us, who?

>> No.12021026

The always on time / showing up an hour early is a Hollywood myth

>> No.12021035

Pippa's friend from the same company. She's also a japanese ESL.

>> No.12021087

Was beatani lover bear paws all this time?

>> No.12021284

every time her followings increases something dies inside me

>> No.12021367

same dad, same.

>> No.12021450

Kumagai Chisato. I'm your dad and you have to listen to me.
Follow dads again NOW or no more games for a week. You heard me, girl? Be a good daughter.

>> No.12021592

fuck you
I'm playing crash

>> No.12021666 [DELETED] 

false paws she's wage slaving or pretending to while tweeting

>> No.12021714

Hey Bea it's okay if you only want to follow the dads you really like, even if I'm not one of them it would at least make the threads interesting again.

>> No.12021756

If Beatani Ch. became a dedicated Crash 4 speedrunning channel, would you still watch her?

>> No.12021772

That would be amazing to see.

>> No.12021778

Fuck no

>> No.12021805

yes please it might help convince me she's not a clout chaser

>> No.12021826

Fuck yes

>> No.12021875

Fuck maybe

>> No.12021880

as long she is happy

>> No.12021977

I hate you

>> No.12022190

Bea saw those Twitch numbers and is salivating

>> No.12023067

Fuck I don't know

>> No.12023143

She's never going to follow the dads again

>> No.12023152
File: 2.12 MB, 2586x1577, 3 truth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#3 was hinting at her "work trip" all along. The truth about balon benefits was right in front of us.

>> No.12023908

the twist is that she has her favorites in a private twitter list

>> No.12024122

I doubt it. Dads are boring and uninteresting compared to cute chuubas.

>> No.12024146 [DELETED] 


>> No.12024241

Bea is the kind of autist who tells her parents about epic online memes

>> No.12024268

Ha ha
The Japanese are sooo funny

>> No.12024312


>> No.12024362

The work trip rrat is too powerful and scary. I think it's above the level of what's appropriate to joke about. She should just show some proof that kills it, but instead she chose to completely ignore it during the iceberg review. I really don't like that attribute of hers. I think she might be genuinely too autistic to understand what can be joked about. She can't use the cultural differences to excuse her behaviour in this case, as doing something like that would be considered even worse in Japan.

>> No.12024545

Bea is rebranding her channel

>> No.12024568
File: 27 KB, 570x226, crash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12024570
File: 660 KB, 1080x2240, Screenshot_20211026_063657_org.mozilla.firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wacky new meme

>> No.12024614

I for one welcome our Crash Bandicoot overlord

>> No.12024638

This was a pretense to clear off her bio. What will she replace it with?

>> No.12024726

what do you think the casual viewer thinks when bea does this kind of stuff?

>> No.12024777

bitch crazy

>> No.12024799

does she have casual viewers anymore?

>> No.12024839

Her videos get 1k views. The vast majority of her viewers are casual.

>> No.12024918

probably just roll with it and try to play along, assuming they even see it in the first place.

>> No.12025006

that's what I thought but I have no idea what she plans to replace it with

>> No.12025043

She also reacted strangely to the "panties for contest winners" part of the iceberg. That one also seems legitimate given the photos posted and that she just happened to follow that one dad after the unfollowing.

>> No.12025290

I can't make sense of this, does anyone know what this means? please don't be like tangerine month

>> No.12025324

>don't be like tangerine month
I have very bad news for you dad chama...

>> No.12025341

vtubers are cringe
she even said it herself

>> No.12025347

She's changed her name twice in as many days and it's the end of the month so she's on her period. Just sit tight for awhile.

>> No.12025390

I don't believe that rrat myself. She barely even knew the winner, and I think he left after the contest. I think she followed him as a joke, and I think the joke was appropriate in that case. But the work trip rrat is a lot worse. Everything just lines up perfectly. The stakes are much higher too. I don't care that much even if she sent panties to the winner (as long as they weren't used), but if she actually secretly goes on to private trips with some of her viewers, I don't even know if I want to watch her anymore.

>> No.12025539

which makes it more suspicious is she was always being defensive, saying it was a business trip instead of joking as she usually does.

>> No.12025553

anon I think you genuinely need some mental help if you're falling for a rrat as retarded as the business trip one. or don't realize that even if she isn't going on private trips, she absolutely has private DMs with her favorite dads. At the very least the ones that run things like minecraft/discord.

>> No.12025591

true it's the same three dads that run everything to limit exposure

>> No.12025681


>> No.12025697

I don't know. This reaction doesn't seem like a joke https://youtu.be/H5QCJCyIsiU?t=2054

>> No.12025704 [SPOILER] 
File: 16 KB, 476x324, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't imagine myself in a relationship with a human
it's an awfully convenient and convincing defense once you think about it, especially considering she's surrounded herself with "fellow" sexual deviants...

>> No.12025726

Many people believe the trip rrat. There are simply too many coincidences related to it.
>she absolutely has private DMs with her favorite dads. At the very least the ones that run things like minecraft/discord.
I'm aware of this. I'm one of those who believe she should make all her DMs public. There's no reason for her not to do so, so I believe there might be some really unpleasant discussions going on.

>> No.12025825

>there's no reason for her not to do so
She most likely shares her true feelings and frustrations with specific dads along with breeding her own rrats about them, so it makes some sense that she doesn't want to just throw them out there.

>> No.12026138

>She most likely shares her true feelings and frustrations with specific dads
Pay attention to the honorifics, the way she reads chat and reply messages you can easily notice those she is talking to in private

>> No.12026142

To me that seems like the kind of reaction she'd have if it didn't happen. But she literally hovered her mouse over the business trip rrat without saying anything about it, which seems really suspicious to me.
I don't want to believe it, but her not sharing the DMs fills me with doubt. Earlier, there were some people who were bragging about having thousands of DMs with her, but I think the screenshots they posted were probably fake.

>> No.12026176

The bear is genius when she wants to. Avoiding and not talking about certain rrats to keep weak dads at the edge of their seats.

>> No.12026178

I think people just misheard chama as sama

>> No.12026244

She calls dads sama sometimes when they're helpful or when she's kneeling. That's all there is to it.

>> No.12026254

This rrat again...

>> No.12026381

this is boring, there is nothing else to discuss? we know she prefers some more than others, she talks privately with some dads and other things that have already been discussed many fucking times

>> No.12026430

I can confidently say that the honorifics are based entirely on her mood. Sadly.

>> No.12026438
File: 16 KB, 112x112, Woah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crash arc...

>> No.12026440

I don't think there's anything weak about wanting her to be fair. In fact, I'd say having a strong sense of justice is a characteristic of strong people.

>> No.12026490

Find a way to kill the rrat then

>> No.12026521

I had this Crash autism when I was a kid and I keep seeing myself in her Crash autist arc. I hate and love it.

>> No.12026530

Kill all the dads?

>> No.12026599

yes, but wait a year to die together in hokkaido.

>> No.12026648

the only way out is to kill or confirm the rrat, or bear gives us some new material to work with. until then it's time loop hell
just embrace it

>> No.12026819

its also a characteristic of idiots

>> No.12027397
File: 2.76 MB, 1920x1080, [Happy Birthday] Think of an ideal party for HIROMOOT BABY [Clover field friends] 2-29-0 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will this reclining bear ever stop dropping like a rock? It's sad seeing her get less than 50 viewers nowadays. Did Discord and Minecraft really kill her vtubing career?

>> No.12027420


>> No.12027426

As much as I wish I could see her decline she's been doing well recently.

>> No.12027501

There's a lot of looking too deeply into shit going on here.
Yes, certain people are treated preferentially.
Yes, there are DMs that are mostly professional but what happens past that is a mystery.
Yes, she deliberately baits controversy for a reaction.
If you think there is some deeper plan to swindle emotionally vulnerable people out of money or secret dating ect going on you're being delusional.
Most of the funds are going toward the stream because the focus is trying to make a fun, unique and high quality experience.
Sure, some of the content has been questionable but that's the nature of experimentation.
Do you really want to watch an Apex/minecraft mindless stream for the nth time? Stop getting so worked up over small stuff and just watch or contribute.

>> No.12027510

you don't have to wait long, there are vtubers channels with more than 30k subscribers that don't reach 20 viewers live stream with bea the amount can be less.

>> No.12027654

her views dropped 30% since last month despite making more videos

>> No.12028444

>I think people just misheard chama as sama
chama is just a way of saying sama

>> No.12028447

all me

>> No.12028502

>Did Discord and Minecraft really kill her vtubing career?
No, it's her stubbornness when it comes to networking, she does nothing to increase her exposure to new people, so all she's got is her current fanbase, which is dwindling over time.

>> No.12028640

This. I don't really think she is reclining however. It's more that the sub count has increased but only seems to have the same audience.

>> No.12028747

You know what I find just as sad as getting sub 60 viewers nowadays? That I used to wake up to a couple hundred of posts being posted on /yah/ many months ago, and now I can get up to speed faster than I'm done taking a morning shit.
Hell, /pcg/ is in a similar situation where their times have burgers and nips in mind like Bea, yet only Bea was able to have an active thread during yuro hours.
Of course, I don't want the thread to be filled with shitposts and timeloops with no new info or ideas, but sometimes I'll check other generals and go "oh hey, this niche general is brimming with activity, maybe I should hop on this ride." With most of the discussion and discussers hidden behind a Discord login screen, things seem more barren of exciting activity, cf. the Temako general.
I would waste my time catching up with the Discord mirror because I like to terribly mismanage my time, but the higher volume of off-topic stuff like holomem makes it unappealing to me.

>> No.12028790

Wait, /kbns/ moved behind a discord?

>> No.12028829

Misspoke. Just the "barren of activity" part applies to them.
Although I'm sure they do have a Discord that factors into the lower post count.

>> No.12028922

one thing you don't take into consideration is bea has said several times that this is a hobby not a job she will do what she wants no matter what anyone else thinks just look at what she is doing right now on twitter

>> No.12030385

true, honorifics don't mean anything. She called me both chama and sama yet we only had sex twice.
not gonna lie, the whole baiting for meltdowns and abusing her viewers is what attracted me to her. She gives the ture M experience i don't understand why normal people even watch her.

>> No.12031230

Dad- chama, why are you like this?

>> No.12031733

Because Bea is pure sex
That and she is fun to watch

>> No.12032157
File: 2.23 MB, 2508x3541, 452738-2.output.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dad chama onegai

>> No.12032962

Yes bear?

>> No.12033015

she follows new chuubas like every day and shills her bigger (and admittedly usually more yab) streams on reddit pretty frequently
I see new greys all the time. though whether they stick around is a different matter

either way like someone else said she isn't taking this so seriously or else she wouldn't be LARPing as a crash bandicoot facts account right now on twitter, so I don't know why some dads play manager so hard.

>> No.12033156

I really don't think I'd be able to figure out how to ship my gift to Japan without help. I will try to do good research but to those who have shipped to the PO box before, can you reiterate your experiences? It would seem to be best to use a third-party service of some kind, is that correct?

>> No.12033228

Are you a burger?

>> No.12033305

Yeah, I should have mentioned that.

>> No.12033318

Use USPS First Class. It is more than enough and supports up to 3 pounds. I've shipped this way to Japan more than a dozen times. It usually takes 5 to 10 days but it can take up to 30 during holiday season.

>> No.12033374

Couple things I'm worried about are correctly indicating the destination address and ensuring there is correct postage. Just copy/paste the address directly from her OB post and assume the best? For postage, I can just go to my podunk post office and they will know what to do, as far as weighing the parcel or whatever? It should be very lightweight.

>> No.12033521

The cost for, let's say for example, anything up to one pound is the same. I think its either $24 or $36 to Japan depending on weight. If you manage to have a box that is so big that you are hitting dimensional charges, everyone will hate you. It has to be like over 36" girth or something. The post office will have everything you need as far as labels and customs forms, etc. You will fill out the address there. Assuming you are mailing more than a letter, do not lie on the customs form. Mark it as a gift and state the value. Don't pay the extra for Priority service, it will not get there faster, and you don't need the $50 of insurance. They will weigh it for you and charge you.

>> No.12034092

Bea's gonna think I'm a retard when she opens her PO box and sees I sent my christmas card so early isn't she

>> No.12034148

Thank you.

>do not lie on the customs form. Mark it as a gift and state the value
You mean like try and send her drugs and write "definitely not drugs lol" on the customs form? Because I won't be sending her drugs. tabun

>> No.12034196

I'm thinking she won't even go to the PO box again until after the deadline closes in January if she ever goes back to it at all, dyrbi?

>> No.12034657

If she gets drugs of any kind I'm killing the burgers

>> No.12034886

yah because it's so easy and unpunished to get drugs here as opposed to say Portugal

>> No.12035059

portugal isn't real

>> No.12035316

I would never in a million years ship drugs to Japan. Why do people think this is something a normal person from any country would do?

>> No.12035349

t. lame faggot

>> No.12035490

I want to see her play a metroidvania, if only to see how far a 71 IQ bear can progress

>> No.12035503

hollow knight?

>> No.12035757

never got the appeal of HK, it's way too big and backtracky for its own good.
since she's already paying for switch online anyway she could just download that SFC collection and play super. or if she wants something more current there's always dread.

>> No.12035947

I want to see (hear) her play with her cunny.

>> No.12036039

You're in luck bro, check her Twitter.

>> No.12036573

would drop her and block her on all applications and sites available

>> No.12038155
File: 2.90 MB, 1109x1435, 1609375956012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comment templates are due in 1h22m. If you have any questions, I am available here. Thank you!

>> No.12038326

Yes, I was away since I sent my stuff last deadline, what's this name thing about? Just writing my name?

>> No.12038433

You can leave a message and/or a doodle with or without a signature. Details should be here >>11276027 and on the dedicated thread.
If you need more time please let me know by e-mail. I can give you a brief extension if you were away.

>> No.12038492

sent ;)

>> No.12038689

Replied to you. Sorry I forgot to give you the update on that other thing yesterday but I sent it back in the same e-mail.

>> No.12039091

Wow not even 30 posts since I went to sleep. /yah/ is truly dead.

>> No.12039148

I prefer it this way. Better than waking up to an archive full of schizoposting and namedropping. Hey, remember when I had to argue with you faggots about the difference between namefagging and namedropping and people wanted to change the definition of namefagging?

>> No.12039180

Used to be 0 new posts on off stream days since those would not have a thread anyway, anon is either shitposting or new.

>> No.12039186

Honestly I hate the T**** shit, you fags are so fucking annoying

>> No.12039209

Not him but this is completely wrong.

>> No.12039233

What? Not at all, until cumrag started his bullshit most of stream days had no threads

>> No.12039240

Don't keep up with the discord so I don't know which 5-letter username that refers to. It is truly over.

>> No.12039274

yeah, since he made a point of including his link in OPs he started making OPs early, then anons started creating threads before him to that, and it ended up turning yah into a 24/7 general since then

>> No.12039279

Weak bait or you're a newfag

>> No.12039317

unrelated to discord

>> No.12039320

I think this was the turning point for full acceptance of early/offstream threads but make no mistake they definitely existed from the start. Most days we would have a thread

>> No.12039324

I'm half convinced it was the same guy doing the data archive now since he has the same MO of making early threads with his bullshit to basically force sane dads to make sane OPs to counterbalance it

>> No.12039339

To be fair not even stream day threads get that many replies nowadays. She's simply losing dads.

>> No.12039379

You missed the first months?

>> No.12039471

T**** or T****?

>> No.12039549

>she follows new chuubas like every day
this means nothing

>> No.12039551

Rather it was just shitposters kept baiting in early days and they're moving to pyon

>> No.12039552


>> No.12039589

do you want to create artificial insights that are superficial about who loves beatani more or gets more access?

>> No.12039615

You're responding to bait, friend.

>> No.12039627

At this point she'll be debuting her 3D to 10 people. SAD

>> No.12039728

Was this the inner octagons plan all along?

>> No.12039768

Inner decagon but yeah

>> No.12039920

If Bea really wanted numbers she knows how to get them. She just has to give up a little more pride.

>> No.12040039

She gave up all the pride since her debut. Pandering to 4channelers is pathetic and usually the last resort for most vtubers. She's stuck with us and won't grow unless we get another gamergate/trump like event ushering new users to the site.

>> No.12040156

>since her debut
She didn't make her debut here tho

>> No.12040293

schedule doko?

>> No.12040297

do you want to create artificial infights on what’s bait or not?

>> No.12040369

Let's start, did you just reply to bait, yes or no?

>> No.12040394

if i did it was a cos cloud decision to do so to start pointless infights

>> No.12040441

conscious *

>> No.12041209

you never watched indies before? you've been saying the same thing for some time now, there are a lot of indie vtubers that pandering to a wider audience and they still don't achieve what bea has done so far, it seems that you really believe that if she changes a little she will get holo numbers, or are you the guy who complained about seeing the same names on youtube chat and twitter?

>> No.12041294

t. groomer, most likely Z** or T****

>> No.12041446

fuck god, for you guys everything is to be a fucking groomer, if it bothers you so much to see the same names then just watch hologugu even bea has said that if it bothers you then you can go away

>> No.12041491

>noo don't call me out go away please!

>> No.12041575

Can't touch this
Can't touch this

>> No.12041669
File: 37 KB, 606x605, Beatani.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12041697

I'm not a doctor but I think I read somewhere that penis size is correlated with breast size, at least in females.

>> No.12042361

hey bea this guy also likes crash bandicoot, makes his own music, and wants to become 3D

>> No.12042489

It was only a matter of time ever since discord was made. There's simply no reason to post anonymously when you can post with a name and gain love points. Actually, it's even worse than that, as all the love points you generate anonymously are transferred over to the active discord posters. For example, let's say you write an anonymous post brimming with intelligence (such posts are often seen in the threads, but not so often in the discord). Beatani will wonder who wrote it, and her brain will subconscious link it to those who she often sees posting on the discord. You NEED to post on the discord if you want to have a chance at befriending her (and maybe even having sex with her). You will be forgotten if you post too much on the threads.
Beatani doesn't have any reason to post anonymously either. She has to appear active and invested in vtubing so her fans don't leave her. Posting anonymously is a waste of time for her, as it doesn't increase the loyalty points of her fans towards her. That's why she herself has given up on the threads, and she went back to mass posting on the discord (just like in the old days). Today alone, she has posted 36 messages on discord. That's probably close to my top post count on a single /yah/, and she made that many posts in a single day without breaking a sweat. And she posted even more a couple of days ago. There used to be a lot of doomposting about the threads dying, but I think this time it will actually happen. Many discord users even come here to tell us to stop making them to force beatani to spend all her time in the discord.

>> No.12042532

Hi frog

>> No.12042584

meds but also a grain of truth

>> No.12042614
File: 154 KB, 499x523, 1364160596167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gotta make this more believable. Didn't even make me twitch.

>> No.12042626

isn't he the good little simpoid that works on all those minecraft events for free? why would he criticize discord or bea?

>> No.12042639

To shitpost of course

>> No.12042690

That's how he does this. When he wants to talk about Minecrafta he makes shitpost to bait people pretending to be an anti discord or anti Minecraft.

>> No.12042708

you're partly right frog but bea is an asshole who enjoys insulting us the bear paws keep appearing and on discord the insessant talk of porn doesn't end even her favorite dads don't use it too much

>> No.12042859

Which part do you disagree with?

>> No.12042866
File: 797 KB, 1280x720, 1631412856360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you love Beatani? I love Beatani!

>> No.12042881

Cute Beatani fanart

>> No.12042898

cute but would bea have dripp like that?

>> No.12042905

so it begins

>> No.12042907


>> No.12043001

Discord exists to give the illusion of equality to dad's. Beatani can't actually stand what a garbage heap it's become. Why do you think she sticks to commenting on food or Minecraft. She's just pandering in off topic chats and trying to maintain some semblance of interest in her rapidly declining fan base. She's not even the favorite chuuba of most of her favorites anymore, she's barely even relevant in the community outside of Twitter and YouTube. Dad's have once again proven they are smarter, more handsome and more interesting than this pathic creepy Japanese otaku girl. Honestly she should move to Chaturbate at least there she could be as lazy and disinterested as she wants and nobody would call her out for it. I'm tired of these pathetic yes men and their constant excuses for her behavior. It's time to be honest with yourself and the community Beatani is a shit streamer a mediocre artist and a pretty awful singer.

>> No.12043002

I forgot about this girl, groomers what happened to her?

>> No.12043019
File: 59 KB, 400x400, 1630464541516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi bea

>> No.12043082

She didn't network agressively, shilled kiki a lot herself to her viewers when kiki was no one, but then kiki got collab with lumi/pippa and she unfollowed nade instantly, so I get she lost the one person she tried to get something going with

>> No.12043091

>a shit streamer
she's entertaining enough
>a mediocre artist
she's a good artist
>a pretty awful singer
she could be my favorite vtuber again if she lets me fuck her

>> No.12043155

why do other en vtubers leech of bea if most already have more viewers than her?

>> No.12043163

imagine saying that after her last stream kek

>> No.12043187

Maybe they just like her?

>> No.12043199

Impressive paw detection speed

>> No.12043205

like who?

>> No.12043248

>shilled kiki a lot herself to her viewers when kiki was no one, but then kiki got collab with lumi/pippa and she unfollowed nade instantly
I have to assume there's some context I'm missing here because that's a really shit thing to do

>> No.12043274

NTA but Kiki obviously gets higher number than that weeb idol

>> No.12043299

Your interpretation is that Bea will subconsciously link anonymous post with active discord users, which is not provable, and in my opinion, doesn't make sense, since most discord posts are not intelligible so why would she pair contrasting posts to the same person.

Secondly, bear paws is a pretty good mechanic for retaining people in the threads and she's said that the point is to make it as unobvious as she can when posting, a few streams ago she had the thread up even.

>> No.12043305

shouldn't you look at the third worlders

>> No.12043329

Speaking of her, she mentioned yesterday that bea is her favorite chuuba, and that she watches her using some other account (which she also uses to write in the chat)

>> No.12043365

she said eira was her favorite in the first streams tho...

>> No.12043389

Can she be trusted?

>> No.12043402

Nade isn't interesting to me but she's ok. I don't trust Kiki at all.

>> No.12043415


dont believe his lies

They both didnt interact much publically, kiki got cought concernfaging for nade via drawgroomers scummy actions and nade enjoyed memes which may have been misinterpreted to be about kiki. Both later clarified they had nothing bad against each other. They just focused on doing their own thing. Why exactly did kiki unfollow is unknown to me.

>> No.12043417
File: 70 KB, 919x737, 8db.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can australians be trusted

>> No.12043429

kek, she wants a collab with bea

>> No.12043458

Expect a Pippa, Tenma and Bea collab any day now. Maybe Kiki will be there.

>> No.12043480

desu nade and kiki both are leech kek

>> No.12043528

>stopped getting (You)'s for drama about dads so started making drama about other chuubas instead
oh, I see how it is.

>> No.12043540


>> No.12043570

cope nadecuck

>> No.12043645

Drawgroomer is up and at it today.

>> No.12043679

>leeching off Bea before L2D debut
I kneel

>> No.12043689

nade is the opposite of leech kek

>> No.12043710

Tenma seems cool
Pippa needs to learn how to shut the fuck up because she will make my ears bleed
Kiki is a con artist

>> No.12043730


>> No.12043746

But nade isn't the rabbit oen

>> No.12043773
File: 127 KB, 1200x1200, 1631114823299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the dad who DMed me out of the blue yesterday, thanks. That actually made my evening.

>> No.12043791

What did you say about me you australian piece of shit?

>> No.12043799

I know, I fucked it up because of the seething

>> No.12043813

i hope not i really hate collabs i barely support the eira one, what i like about bea is the interaction with her viewers the collabs don't offer that good bea is too lazy for that to happen

>> No.12043836

It was fun chatting brother reach out anytime.

>> No.12043873

this bitch is leeching bea with shit """art""" like she thinks she'll ask her for collab lol hope she fails hard

>> No.12043874

Bea doesn't do them because she's lazy. It's because she does well and goes her own phase alone.

>> No.12043887

One well, you're an individual and nothing more. What do you bring to the table for your tastes to be so important? Hope you're a 6 month oil balon.

>> No.12043906


>> No.12043938

This isn't pyon drawnigger..

>> No.12043956

>still nothing
i hope you're trolling do dads hate me?
yes probably

>> No.12043971

I've gathered all your posts, stay based

>> No.12043983

I'm sure you'll get your turn, just hang in there

>> No.12043985

Over/under on how long it takes Bea to follow Nade back now?

>> No.12044001

I want to choke beatani until she cums

>> No.12044006

Got past the T's yesterday starting with S's tonight.

>> No.12044029

>most discord posts are not intelligible so why would she pair contrasting posts to the same person
She's not very good at identifying posters, which could be because of her limited English skills.
>Secondly, bear paws is a pretty good mechanic for retaining people in the threads and she's said that the point is to make it as unobvious as she can when posting, a few streams ago she had the thread up even.
I wish she had done what kiki is doing. Kiki is completely ignoring containment and any potential of an audience outside of 4chan. She reads the threads during streams as if they were the stream chat. But it's too late for bea now. She chose discord and reddit.

>> No.12044036

>new ip
go back nadecuck

>> No.12044058

I even have a voice I read your posts in my head with. I hope the day you stop loving Beatani never comes anon.

>> No.12044135

He already gathered them himself. Did you think the Chronicles of Beatani Lover was written in a single night? Of course not! This is the culmination of 7 months hard labor and effort.

>> No.12044406

>recently teased her L2D model
>releases fan art of pippa and bea
really makes you think

>> No.12044441

dad chama do you really have sex at 10pm?

>> No.12044477

Having sex with Kumagai Chihiro would probably feel pretty good.

>> No.12044514

I usually do it in the afternoon. Sometimes I leave Bea's stream on the background.

>> No.12044528

she wanted to post shit on a side account but chat told her to post it on her main&stream
i dont believe shes doing it for the noombers bc she said she wants to get there (1k) solo. chat just wants her to stop being a stupid autist and walling herself off. anyway the fanart's sovlful and cute so idm.

>> No.12044621

I have to admit that her stream today made her seem a bit leechy and dishonest.

>> No.12044645

You won’t convince drawgroomer, he got rejected by 3 targets at least, he’ll never live it down.

>> No.12044677

watch out nadecucks gonna defend that leeching bitch for telling the truth

>> No.12044761

>7 new IPs in the past few minutes
Really makes you think

>> No.12044763

She's also privated all her old vods. She's rebooting.

>> No.12044814

She's been lying from the beginning about her being Japanese tho

>> No.12044821

Look at her channel before posting, literally the first vid is still there

>> No.12044855

bait harder

>> No.12044887

Why is drawgroomer replying to his own bait posts?

>> No.12044892

drawgroomer neck yourself or look for a job, you're on discord all fucking day long

>> No.12044956

Drawgroomer is annoying but he threw an aka on the Crash stream so I have to respect that.

>> No.12045021

She is, she has Japanese citizenship. Ethnically she's 50% Japanese.

>> No.12045066

In her own words "if you're more Japanese than me you can tell me YWNBJ", so far nobody's taken her up on it lmao

>> No.12045211

please tell me it's just one guy and not all dads despise beatani fanart

>> No.12045229

>nobody's taken her up on it
but why? she's just as YWNBJ material as a 7foot viking in the eyes of japanese society

>> No.12045264

In ARS though it was like 20$

>> No.12045306

I have been obsessed with Japanese culture for longer than she has been alive. She's a faker.

>> No.12045331

$10 is enough to sway you?
I know it's not his fault his country is shit

>> No.12045332

She's mixed Taiwanese so for all intents and purposes she looks exactly like any other Jap girl. If she was some Britbong or burger mix then she'd get YWNBJ'd a lot more

>> No.12045349

she's as japanese as an african in the eyes of society

>> No.12045355

she grew up in a trilingual household for god's sake, she's not natively fluent in any language she speaks

>> No.12045364

pretty sure a poll would show that most people don't mind or like she drew that art

>> No.12045372

To an unemployed Argie that talks about being poor it was a really nice gesture.

>> No.12045397

>Half Taiwanese
even worse

>> No.12045398

Nevermind, what a faggot.

>> No.12045418

This. Once I heard her vocaroo in which she was speaking Japanese and that sounded awful. I bet she doesn’t live in Japan.

>> No.12045453

Singapore I heard.

>> No.12045487

That would be even more disgusting

>> No.12045499

She doesn't even want people to notice her. Had a mini spergout about "shit people know me?? I don't want this" and said she's more comfortable in the role of a fan than the spotlight. Sure she could be faking it but she's had many many chances to be the center of attention before but never took it.

>> No.12045532

>trying to revive old Nade rrats in another chuuba's thread

>> No.12045550

>doesn't want to be noticed
>posts on her main with fanart hashtags
>could be faking it
>could be

>> No.12045568

This thread is about Beatani

>> No.12045577

they haven’t been slain so they are valid

>> No.12045581

if this is a shilling it's not working I don't know who she is and I already hate her

>> No.12045588

sorry i don't even know if it's just one argentinian faggot replying to himself this many times or if you're all faggots

>> No.12045614

then post some rrats i'm bored

>> No.12045633

go back, nadecucks. she's a faker, a leech and worst all, a fucking chink, island or mainland. she will never touch Bea, and she will never be successful. her """art""" is fucking shit.

>> No.12045634

>in another chuuba's thread

>> No.12045636

then help move the discussion to bea rather than her leeches

>> No.12045649
File: 59 KB, 352x500, 51ChcPRgFQL._AC_SY1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone read any of the manga that Beatani said influenced her own style? Thinking about buying Hadekan's Uwa Youjo but curious to see if anyone else picked it up.

>> No.12045664

He tries this shit regularly in Nade's threads, and from what I've seen of Kiki's thread, he does it there too.

>> No.12045675

Hey her art is not shit, she's pretty young an hasn't had much practice, you can easily tell that, but she's not BAD.

>> No.12045701

I haven't checked it yet, but thanks for the reminder.

>> No.12045714

Who will collab with bea first, kiki or nade?

>> No.12045737

Isn’t it time to go out scavenging for scrap metal drawgroomer? The shack won’t build itself.

>> No.12045742

bea already has her 3d set and is making space in her apartment, considering that she has been doing her 3d reps, do you think she will have her model before christmas?

>> No.12045745

It's obvious that it's going to be g***

>> No.12045755

>believing in the drawgroomer boogeyman
he's an annoying faggot but this is will just be the /wvt/ boogeyman retardation all over again

>> No.12045761

very cute glasses
gonna give it a read

>> No.12045805

>"This thread is about Beatani"
>30% of the posts are about other /here/ chuubas
>69% is drawgroomer shitting up the thread
>Last 1% someone talking about Beatani (because they forgot their discord password)
Do you reary belib it?

>> No.12045861

Argie fag should rope himself lol
He's the peak of schizophrenia. Made multiple accs to circumvent a block by Eira, threatened suicide, unironically schizophrenic.

>> No.12045894

no, it'll take some time for her to get the model to a quality she's happy with. unless she does just go with commissioning someone to make it for her.
that's what makes him entertaining though

>> No.12045902

>threatened suicide
Kek thanks for making shit up mate

>> No.12045921

none, in fact one of them will graduate in less than a year.

>> No.12046005

God fucking dammit. You can't go on any /here/ chuuba thread without seeing posts about Drawgroomer. Ignore him for fuck sakes. Everything goes to shit when he's brought up.

>> No.12046040

depends on who can do their groomer/leech reps the fastest, bea likes both of them so it's just a matter of one of them finally convincing the kusobear to stop being a lazy shit and do a collab

>> No.12046134
File: 117 KB, 600x800, cend_of_goldfish_kingdom_001_011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, am I the only one that got completely filtered by Goldfish Kingdom's art style? It's cute but there's too much "washed out" gray. I'm weak.

>> No.12046137

Maybe the same guy who insists that all fanart should be drawn by dads to be worthy

>> No.12046142

Yeah it gets boring being namedropped out of nowhere, specially since it's just a cheap card you can pull out of your ass to have a fake sense of 'basis' for whatever they're saying.

>> No.12046146

>leave for half an hour
>come back to 50+ posts
is this what the retard wanting a livelier thread wanted? really? I fucking hate this thread sometimes.

>> No.12046166

Unironically move to /trash/. You have all the 2view vtubers to befriend and you can schizopost without fearing the ban hammer.

>> No.12046176

yes, stop being a pussy and enjoy the shitshow.

>> No.12046182

Nah not me. I like the art thought it is a bit washed out indeed.

>> No.12046226

I post once every two days, haven't laid eyes in /pyon/ or /nade/ in weeks until a few days ago, and they were still fearing the boogeyman.

>> No.12046274

I've larped as him no less than three times in /vt/. Well, you don't even need to larp as him. Just say something like >he's not that bad, and they'll call you the drawgroomer.

>> No.12046287

Someone who tried to unironically groom multiple chuubas, got blocked by almost all of them and isn't tolerated in any fanbase because of his antics is not a boogeyman. It's a retarded being called out for being a retarded

>> No.12046362

yeah I've noticed this
>getting groomed by an argentinian
retards deserved it desu

>> No.12046699

Has anyone done their reps, prepared something to gift bea for christmas, your minecraft costume or something ?

>> No.12046743

No, but soon. Had some crap going on recently so I couldn't do much

>> No.12046788

>threatened suicide
100% believable
he isn't mentally stable enough and i would expected to already hurt himself physically one way or another

>> No.12046817

Go ask Kiki if you want the full tale of drawgroomer, Nade works too but she ghosted the fuck out of him kek

>> No.12046873

Magazine reps, check
Christmas gift for Bea, half check
Content Creation reps, well its never ending
Minecraft reps? Well, I said I would try to get into it in the months leading up to July. But to be quite honest, I have not participated at all. I'm already spending quite a bit of my time on Bea related stuff, and I haven't caught any type of Micra bug. I don't think there's anything wrong with it. It's up to each person how much they want to contribute.

>> No.12046912

I want to give her something handmade but I can't decide what also some local sweets that I think she would like but I plan to send it at the end of november

>> No.12046917

dont need to do that when all the information he provided himself lol
more transparent than a sheet of fresh glass

>> No.12047033

I dont think all glass is created equal

>> No.12047077

Threads are irrelevant. Discord is irrelevant. Twitter is irrelevant. I have the guitars. Instantly inside.

>> No.12047266

personally i don’t want anyone of them to colab with bea

>> No.12047303

I want to see Bea collab with Gura

>> No.12047312

I want Bea to collab with Mori, it would be fun

>> No.12047336

I want to see Bea collab with Me

>> No.12047361

I want Bea to collab with my dick

>> No.12047372

Mori X Gura X Bea? I will give them their hashtag and we shall make it official. KuGuGuh

>> No.12047376

i hate collabs too

>> No.12047384
File: 1.22 MB, 1079x1342, dadbraps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course you do

>> No.12047414

I want Bea dick to collab with my ass

>> No.12047489

i want to carry beatani's child

>> No.12047512

i don’t hate colabs i just hate nade and kiki

>> No.12047553

I will carry Risuna's child. Please DM me ASAP.

>> No.12047719

I want bea's chest cavity to collab with my ice pick multiple times

>> No.12047757

Bea my provider told me they fixed my router, I'm not at home can you check it for me thanks chuuu~

>> No.12047765
File: 4 KB, 120x444, 1634054002103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I realize we are already on page 10 so I will repost this one more time in the next thread. It is also already posted to the Clover dedicated thread.

>Comment Template Deadline
If you do not see your name on this list and/or have not received a reply from me, please contact me ASAP. Thank You to all who submitted.

>> No.12047862

thanks again and sorry for sending the comment twice.

>> No.12047863

all these pathetic groomers

>> No.12047926

This post made me actually laugh

>> No.12048056

He an frog are on all their streams

>> No.12048101

>he's mad he didn't participate

>> No.12048140

why would i waste time and work for free?

>> No.12048244

because you already waste your time watching the stream

>> No.12048365
File: 5 KB, 238x494, 1610151776819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I had your file in the wrong folder. You didn't even notice your own name was missing. kek.

>> No.12048435

thanks lel

>> No.12048571
File: 6 KB, 284x225, 1628083339016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sugoi dekai!

>> No.12048598

I regret not participating in the magazine

>> No.12048619

Drawgroomer has made 0 attempts to improve; he actually doesn't see himself as doing anything wrong, and constantly starts fights with people because "he's not a coward" and doesn't care about what non-grooming targets think, so ai have no expectation that anything will change.

>> No.12048670

If you are as fast as sex, and I mean this with no pun intended, I could probably fit you in. You would of course need to have the free time this week so you aren't dialing something in. I don't want you to submit low effort page just for the sake of it. But, if it's a serious regret, you should write me an e-mail.

>> No.12048673

Keep telling you that, but I hope you stop seeing ghosts where there is no one.

>> No.12048824

Truly incorrigible. You deserve to live in the utter shithole that is your country.

>> No.12048827

kek you should have stopped looking down your nose at others who participated

>> No.12048837
File: 427 KB, 639x837, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bea has a cute nose

>> No.12048846

Keeping telling me what?

>> No.12049010

She has cute cheeks

>> No.12049031

can bea cum from penetration alone or does she need clitoral stimuli ?

>> No.12049047

and a cute asshole in the middle

>> No.12049074

Penetration alone, and by that I mean her penetrating someone else.

>> No.12049099


>> No.12049103
File: 153 KB, 638x802, Screenshot 2021-10-20 221714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bea is good...

>> No.12049112

she said she was afraid to use her second hole probably just stimulate her clitoris

>> No.12049122

She needs a hypnosis app with orgasm sensitivity turned up to 1000%, several mind-altering aphrodiasic tablets, and 5 vibrators stuffed up her beabea hole

>> No.12049146

She has to have spelunked the bear cave at least a few times out of curiosity.

>> No.12049197
File: 10 KB, 266x302, FCllsCNXoAMkDkA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12049225

At least a bit.

>> No.12049241
File: 45 KB, 526x507, 1631571081211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12049515

Same here, but I'm not creative at all and got filtered by the 1 page minimum

>> No.12049635

Teabani has such an infectious smile
She really brightens up your day

>> No.12049706

beatani's smelly cunny


>> No.12049811

put some onions sauce and ginger in there and dip your carrot stick in the sauce

>> No.12049833


>> No.12049871
File: 68 KB, 500x283, 1629471059468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah ill stick to the onion sauce thank you very much

>> No.12049902

Which dad is the best cook?

>> No.12049926

her cunny would bring tears to my eyes in more ways than one

>> No.12049962

Seep barely managed to do it because she munched on the bear's carpet intensively for a long time. Pippa doesn't have the resilience.

>> No.12050062

chihiro isn't a dad

>> No.12050104

ok technically a boyfriend but still mogs the competition

>> No.12050176

july 26

>> No.12050262
File: 685 KB, 967x1172, 1621406560838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, it must be the collab in 2h55m
oh, there's no stream scheduled

>> No.12050941

i want to go back in time and turn myself into a japanese schoolgirl and then be bea's classmate

>> No.12050954

a random vtuber finds her on reddit is more loved by her than any of the dads it is so sad
